• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,218 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 62 - We're Back

The weapon worked. Another success in the name of Psera. A top secret one. Twilight couldn't be any prouder. Just as she said, by two in the morning, energy and magic were restored to Psera. All databases of information were untouched in data centers located in every city. Serl was back up to speed. And no one was hurt. Except one.

"Mom~!" Twilight shot up directly in her bed atop Madun and looked around when she heard her title called. "Mom, my head hurts. Why does my head hurt?"

Twilight leaped off the bed and sped into the home's hallway to stop in front of her daughter's room. Dawn was sitting in the mirrored sun's rays on the side of her bed rubbing her head with Sky Blue in her lap. She was yipping into her face and dry licking her cheek with love and happiness. Now this was a family.

Wait, no time to admire this.

Twilight urgently trotted into her room and asked quickly, "What's wrong, Veola? Are you hurting? Are you sick? Did something fall off again?"

Dawn shook her head before Twilight wrapped her in a wing to pull her close.

"No," she groaned. "My head... It feels really weird."

Twilight rubbed her large wing up and down along her back while Dawn moved her head to be directly under hers.

"It's just a headache, sweetie," Twilight whispered. "You're experiencing something you've never felt before. We held a test last night that affects magic, and you were temporarily affected. It's causing you to have a headache. But you'll be fine, everything's restored by now. It'll disappear before long."

Madun walked into the room with a mighty yawn and a small smile. "Good morning to you, too," he greeted. "How'd my girls sleep?"

He placed a kiss on Arcadia's cheek, then on Dawn's who answered in the voice of First Light, "We have a headache. Mother said it is temporary."

Great, more magic mojo. How fun; and this early too? It must be his lucky day. Twilight must've known what he was thinking because he earned a playful boop to the muzzle.

"It is never too early for magic," she proudly chided. "Besides, magic is everywhere at all times and places."

Madun nuzzled her roughly behind the ear and replied, "Yes, baby, I know. But that still doesn't mean I can't not like it every now and then. Now, Dawn has to go to school today and get ready for that game tonight!—"

"Oh, dad, not so loud." Dawn moved quickly from underneath her mother's wing and out for the bathroom to get ready. They watched her trot out holding her head grumbling indecipherable terms.

Once she was gone, Arcadia asked, "Was it something I said?"

Madun shook his head and assured, "Highly doubt it." He got off of Dawn's mattress with Arcadia and led her out the door for the kitchen. "Dawn's just experiencing her first. She's tired."

Twilight used her magic to flip on the home lights while Dawn took her shower. She could hear the water running. Her hooves carried her into the kitchen and her eyes trained on the clock. Barely over six. The sun would be rising soon. Time here was much different than Equestria. Princess Celestia was likely already up.

Twilight sighed and stretched out her body. Her wing joints cracked and popped with strain.

"Right, right," she replied. Then focused on the living room.

Looks like the Magical Windows to the world outside the castle were wiped out permanently. She had to make new ones. That along with exercising, reading, and tea time would be a great time killer until she could get back out there. She wasn't allowed in Psera's air until the chemicals in her brain were balanced.

Even the Guards would be watching her and directing her inside for her own health. Great.

Madun froze when he felt Twilight rubbing up against his side in front of the stove. Oh, Narmeelah, it's been so long since he's felt a touch like that, but... "Sweetheart, I have to get ready for work."

"Awww, not even a little?" Twilight whispered. She was absolutely positive these were the chemicals in her brain. But why not roll with it? What could really go wrong?

Madun chided himself for doing this, but... He shook his head and apologized. "Sorry, love. But I can't. I have a country to run. I have to get to the office and work on documents before Court starts so I can send those requests on their way. And I have a meeting today with the environmental committee."

Twilight pouted but nonetheless understood. So she kissed him on the cheek and rubbed his face against hers. This was something he had time to enjoy. "My king," she whispered.

"My Queen. Besides trying to seduce me, what are your plans for the day?" He opened the fridge and pointed to two eggs that Twilight took hold in her magic.

She levitated them silently over the pan sitting on the stove and cracked them open. This must be Dawn's breakfast. Twilight answered, "First, I'm going down to the private training range to get some exercise in. It's still there. Right?"

Madun nodded and shifted the pan for the eggs to cook properly. Dawn doesn't like improper eggs. "That's where Dawn goes for defense training," he answered. "Along with Mary's twins."

"Okay. After that it's an early morning with Executives visiting me. I'm sure Gardeen sent out a message by this point in time. Bright Gold is coming over to deliver me a report of Serl, then a meeting with the judges to discuss what happens now before I retire for the day and watch Dawn at her game." Before Madun could tell her that she had to stay inside, Twilight quickly reasoned, "I'm just going to use one of my spells to be there. I don't want to miss my filly's game."

Well Madun couldn't say no to her magic. Besides, telling her to miss Dawn's final game of the fall season would be a waste of breath. So he sighed and slid Dawn's breakfast on the plate Twilight grabbed for him. Then grabbed the edge of it with his mouth and walked to the table. This was Dawn's favorite breakfast. But knowing her, she was going to get it to-go.

When he turned around, it was to the all familiar sight of Twilight washing off by using that water snake. He couldn't believe he missed seeing that. He chortled and quietly asked, "In a rush again?"

"Me and you, actually. Now hold still." Before he could ask, the water snake zipped over to him. It slid all over his body like a tube, ridding of any dirt, smell, and anything else. Even going to the area below that made him freeze up before flying right back into the sink.

Twilight grinned innocently and cheered, "There you go! Much better! Now time to rinse your teeth and we'll be out of here." Wait ... Rinse?

Another surprising tube of water into his mouth, dressing up, and Dawn arriving later, and they were out the door. Instead of royal regalia, Twilight chose to wear her workout uniform. Well uniform was more like a tight latex suit.

It was a deep violet with a single glowing purple gem on the chest. According to history, she wasn't the first Queen to wear something like that. Queens before wore something tight fitting as well to replace the weight of their actual clothes to represent their place in hierarchy in favor of the more lightweight.

They moved slowly so Dawn could have this moment of peace. But the second they reached the offices Queen Arcadia was scanning once again. Madun sighed and was about to say something. But Twilight beat him to it. She put a hoof to his lips and reminded him, "There's no place like a safe home." Then continued scanning before one of the bedrooms ahead opened up.

Flurry stepped out of the hall yawning and stretching her limbs. Last night was much better than usual. She wondered why. Eh, who cares?

"Good morning, Flurry."

Flurry turned to her left and smiled at her Aunt and Cousin heading her way with their security and male friend. Husband. Father. That handsome guy Twilight married so long ago. "Good morning, Aunt Twilight," she replied. Then focused on Dawn. "Morning, Dawn."

Dawn rubbed the area behind her tiara and groaned, "'Tis no good morning, our head aches with discomfort. We must make moves for the infirmary and teas to accommodate our pain."

Head aches with... Tea? Flurry tipped her head to the side and dumbly asked, "What?"

Madun smiled and silently chortled. Flurry trying to wrap her little mind around Dawn's vocabulary was about as funny as seeing Twilight try to understand the most simplest of things. He placed a wing on his daughter's back and led her around Flurry. "Dawn has a headache," he explained. "And she's never had one before. This is new to her."

Arcadia stopped next to Flurry with her ethereal mane blowing into her face. "Would you like to join me for a morning exercise and breakfast? I could use the company."

Flurry beamed and followed after them. "Sure! I want to look around the castle anyway. It's so big!"

Twilight chuckled and used her magic to shut Flurry's door so she could have her privacy. Then proceeded to walk forward behind Madun and Dawn. "Yes, it's been around for centuries. There are so many rooms and locations even I haven't seen them all. Can you believe that?"

Flurry laughed and shook her head. "It must get lonely in here sometimes," she commented.

"Honestly, it is a little too big for my tastes. However, I am a master of learning. I learned my way around the castle quickly, along with the Old Pseratopian language."

Flurry nodded and watched Dawn and Madun fly over the edge of the walkway down to the large foyer below. It was still hard to believe how big this place was. It was much bigger than her home in The Crystal Empire.

After she and Twilight caught up to them at the doors to the castle's guarded entrance, Twilight pulled Dawn into a hug and placed a soft kiss on her smaller forehead. "Have a good day at school," she said. "Listen to the teachers and listen to your escorts."

"Mommm," Dawn whined. She giggled after Twilight nuzzled her in that one spot she knew made her laugh. "That tickles."

Twilight knew that would get her. She nuzzled her mane and said, "Be good sweetie, and have a great day at school. I'll be here."

Dawn nuzzled under her mother's cheek and replied, "Okay. We love you, mother."

"I love you too."

Dawn nuzzled Madun next. "We love you, father."

Madun chortled deeply and replied, "I love you too, Daughter. We'll see you at your game. Have a great day."

One more kiss and Dawn was shuffling out the door with her four escort guards. Twilight watched her fly off into the air of Cop with the rest of Psera's citizens. That headache wouldn't last long.

Madun leaned over and kissed her cheek with love and tender affection. "I have to get to work, love," he said. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Twilight nodded and shared a kiss with him before he moved along. Leaving only Twilight and Flurry heart together once more. The castle floor was empty save for them, the ponies coming in to work, and the Guards taking up their positions for the day.

Twilight focused back on Flurry and nudged her side with her wing. "Hey. Want to get some breakfast?"

Flurry brightened up and eagerly nodded. "The food here's really good. Is there anymore foreign foods?"

Twilight giggled and started making her way over to the first floor's bottom hall. Underneath all the offices, meeting rooms, courts, and bedrooms that held more fun areas. Like stores, restaurants, and the castle cafeteria. Twilight decided Flurry needed the special treatment. She placed a wing on her back and answered, "Sweetheart, you're in a country with all types of food you have yet to try. There is definitely foreign foods."

Molten Ice's bedroom—just like the entire home she lived in—was as silent as a thief. What she's experienced in the past forced her bedroom walls to be fitted with only pictures of her accomplishments, lost family, and children. And it was decided without saying that Arcadia is definitely one of those children.

Most of the day's noise occurred outside of the suite. When her hoof shoes of royalty would tip and tap along the marble floors of the hall leading to her home's tall doors. When the guards would salute to her when she'd pass on the way to the elevator. The sounds she would never get tired of hearing.

The ride down too was quiet, despite the small engine that occupied it. She relished in the peace and serenity. She basked in the sounds of utter peace. She knew it wouldn't last long. And she was right. For when the doors slid open on the Castle's third floor, she could hear the sound of a mother looking for her child.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light politely but eagerly walked past the elevator doors to nearby guards. "Excuse me, have you seen Twilight anywhere?"

The Guard she was speaking to glanced around awkwardly and focused on her Majesty. "She would have more information than I would at the moment, ma'am," she answered. Then lifted a wing and pointed to Her Majesty approaching them. "Good morning, Your Majesty."

Molten nodded to the Guard and replied with ice blue eyes on Twilight Velvet, "Good morning, everyone. Where are the others?"

Twilight and Night Light bowed very briefly before Night Light answered, "They're setting up in the Royal Dining Hall right now."

Excellent. Everything's going according to plan. Hopefully, Arcadia was good with surprises.

After Flurry and Twilight had their breakfast, Twilight excused herself by going in the opposite direction that Flurry was taking with an excuse that she was going to do some magic training. Which was actually true. So with a curt "see you later," Twilight made her way deeper into the castle. Away from prying eyes and listening ears with a direction for The Hive. The command base for security inside the castle.

The Base's aesthetic interior was a complete contrast to the rest of the castle. Instead of colors and expensive materials they decided on basic necessities such as concrete, wood, and marble. As well as steel for cells, interrogation rooms, and armories inside. There were two wooden doors that made up the entrance bearing the Crest of Psera. A entrance she was more than cleared to walk into. And since it was still early, the room was very much not abandoned.

Across the expansive marble flooring was a gray security desk currently manned by two female Elite Guard soldiers. One blue and another white. It must've been a long night, they seemed really bored. Sitting behind the desk leaning on their hooves with eyes trained on the LiVAMs built into the desk.

There were two entrances to hallways on both ends of the desk. One led to the offices, the other to where Arcadia needed to be.

She trotted up to the desk and looked over to see what had the guards really distracted. Besides the high amount of screens displaying all the different parts of the castle, there was nothing really to be distracted by. Guess that's why they looked up to see who was invading their personal space.

Before Arcadia could make a joke about how fun this is, the blue mare on the right bounced up and quickly saluted with her partner. "Your Highness!" She loudly greeted. Her eyes dilated to the size of a needle's. "We were not informed of your arrival here. Welcome home, ma'am."

Arcadia nodded and moved for the hallway on the right. "Thank you very much, Sergeant. I'm never too keen on telling everyone I'm heading to the training room. So it's a surprise most of the time. As you were."

She took a right into the one place she didn't really have a place to be in. But it held everything she needed for this morning's task: The locker room for mares. Even now she could hear the ridiculousness going on when she stopped at the door.

"Catch it, Sandy Lips. Or maybe you can catch it somewhere else."

"Puh. You wish they were on you. Oww! Stop smacking my flanks!"

"Can't help it, they're just so juicy." Madun was the same way now that Twilight thought about it. She had a feeling she was not going to like what was behind this door. But either way, she opened it with her magic and stepped inside.

Tiled floors, wooden benches supporting a lot of mare Pserateps getting ready for work, and playful action. A towel flew across unamused Arcadia's line of sight and landed on top of one of the day shifts' head. The one who clearly threw it suggested, "Keep this on. Just to get rid of all the heat you're going through."

The one it landed on growled and threw it back. "You can keep your bucking towel, creep. Who keeps those towels in their locker?"

Arcadia sighed and proceeded to get to her own room. Unfortunately, she had to go through this madness to get there. The first one to spot her purple color was the mare that had been hit with the towel. She fortunately had the exact same coat color as Arcadia. But her mane was short and dark blue. She was putting on her helmet when she saw her. "QUEEN ARCADIA NOVA!!" She shouted. Then stood up and saluted.

It wasn't even two seconds before the locker bays inhabitants were in place saluting with her. It was so familiar... And highly appreciated. She smiled gracefully and ordered, "At ease, stop teasing each other, and get ready for work. I too have a long day ahead."

They relaxed partly as she walked down the straight hall outlined by soldiers for the room in the very back. The room with two pairs of doors and the Crest of Psera on them. It had a security code panel on the right side for an input to be unlocked. A seeming office space, but nothing of the sort in reality.

The one who got hit with a towel politely asked, "How are you faring, my Queen?"

Twilight stopped at the doors and placed a tender hoof on the code box. "Pretty well," she answered. "Considering I've missed so much. I've missed my daughter grow, and I fear she's hurt because of that. And I still have to correct my errors. But do not worry." The door unlocked and pushed open when Twilight looked back to them. "They will be corrected."

Twilight dragged herself and her long wings into the room in front of her and closed the doors to eye the expansive area in front of her in privacy. A preparation room. Technically, a locker room inside a locker room. A locker room that held weapons behind large shields of glass, medical supplies, armor, and water. She could make out Dawn's outfit beside her own. A violet suit similar to this one with overlapping slabs of reflective metal on every inch of it. There was no weak point, no hard to reach place. No place an enemy could reach. SERL made sure of that.

The bladed wings that Molten wears all the time were in here too. Twilight may arm herself with those as well. She may even do what she does and keep them on around the castle. There was a Stripe walking these halls.

Twilight placed her hoof against the glass holding her suit and let it open outwards. The smell of freshly preserved latex reminded her of past days. She smiled and lifted it into the air to hover in front of her. Along with the wing blades and helmet.

It felt good to be back.

Author's Note:

Alright, enough pillows and laughter. Time to get serious.

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