• Published 17th May 2019
  • 2,221 Views, 273 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Psera, The Legend of Legends - thedarktome

After the birth of Fresh Dawn, Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera is ready to begin a new life with her husband King Shimmering Madun. But Twilight has a question on her mind.

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Chapter 54 - Meet First Light

Madun raised his eyes at his wife's sudden change in view. One second, she was ready to kick the Zebra out of this castle and possibly scold his own mother about letting her in. And now, she was staring at her with a neutral expression.

Madun shared a glance with Celestia before he stepped in. "Arcadia, are you feeling alright?" He raised a hoof up and felt her forehead for a fever. Maybe she's lost her mind.

Arcadia scoffed and pushed it away with a smile. "I'm fine, Madun," she answered. Then focused back on Tarsafani. "But I believe I may have overboarded on our guest." Tarsafani watched Twilight approach with a smile. With extreme trepidation. She better be careful around Queen Arcadia. "I want to apologize for my reaction to your presence, Queen Tarsafani. While I do not approve of your presence on our land, The Gold Wars was over a hundred years ago. You may have changed and you may not have. But..." Twilight stopped an inch away from Queen Tarsafani with a sharp horn sticking straight up to her face. "I'll never know if we do not experiment with this. If you have changed, that's great. But if you haven't, then... You get the idea. I'm sure Molten has explained by this point."

Queen Tarsafani slowly leaned back so she could actually nod without impaling herself on that sharp horn of hers. "Of course, Your Highness," she replied.

"And, as a goodwill gesture and small form of peace..." Twilight used her magic to grab the Maphito Gardeen had arrived with from behind and levitate it over across the velvet floors to hover in front of Tarsafani. "I offer you one of our greatest delicacies. A Maphito."

"Maphito?" Tarsafani reached up and plucked it out of the air. It was the size of a thick but small disc. She hummed and twirled it around. It looked like a really fancy version of cooked dough. A large cookie.

From beside her observing father and other princesses, Dawn glanced around at the rest of the tense ponies watching from her cowering state. Mom needed some solid backup. Dawn stood tall and answered, "Yeah, it's uhh... It's really good and tastes sweet. You can dip it in milk, circas, sprinkle it with other sweet ingredients, it's really cool. Give it a bite."

Tarsafani hummed and took a small bite out of the Maphito. Besides the fact that it was clearly overcooked, it actually made her hum in approval. "It is delicious," she declared. Her sights turned back to Queen Arcadia with a smile. "Thank you, your highness."

Twilight nodded and started walking back to her family. "Don't read too much into this, Queen Tarsafani. This is an experiment. You haven't earned my trust yet. But you will have your chances. I will allow you temporary residency on Psera. You will leave when IHT leaves."

Queen Tarsafani quickly asked before she could leave, "Out of curiosity, is Psera a member of IHT?"

Queen Arcadia stopped in front of Madun and turned her head to the side to think. "...no," she answered. Then faced them with a stone cold glare. "Psera will never be a part of IHT. We do not align ourselves with other nations. The reason will stay concealed."

Question answered, Queen Arcadia walked over to Gardeen and whispered into her ear, "Tell the Castle Security to double their rounds asap. She may smile, but I feel a manipulation."

Gardeen quickly nodded her reply, "Yes, ma'am." Then trotted away.

Twilight looked back over her shoulder to Tarsafani and asked, "Would you like a tour of the castle? Come with us."

When Tarsafani joined their little group of reminiscing ponies, Dawn stuck really close to her father. She wasn't as strong as her mother or big like her father. She was just... Normal. A normal Alicorn-Pseratep. She didn't have a bright glowing mane that lit up the red wooden walls when she walked by. She didn't have a booming voice filled with determination when she spoke.

She was just a small little filly that ponies mistake for a twelve year old at times and the heir of the Psera Crown, with a very high GPA in school. Star-forward of her hoofball team with a game in two days, oh wow.

But now there was something that did make her special. When her sight turned red, she knew it was a bad sign. When the magic rushing through her veins surged and made her wobble she knew it was a terrible sign. She was special like her mother. But instead of the beautiful pony she is, she was a dark version.

Only a few ponies she could trust with her secret were here right now. Flurry wasn't one of them out of the ponies from Equestria. Nor Sunset or Starlight of Celestia's cabinet. Or the rest of IHT around her. Mom was walking and talking with the judges. So she was no option. Dad was too far away. Thank Narmeelah for her height, no one was really paying attention to her. So no one could see her eyes change to black. Only one pony was nearby that she could reach.

Dawn glanced around and inched closer up to Luna. The pony who could raise and lower the moon. She was the closest one near to her height. Dawn lightly bumped into her and whispered, "Luna." No response. Dawn tried again. "Princess."

When Dawn first bumped into Luna, she assumed it was a mistake. And when she said, "Sorry, Luna" confirmed it. So she continued walking and listening to Twilight speak. But when it happened a second time and she called her "Princess," something was up.

She looked down to Dawn traveling the Carpeted stairs next to her. She seemed fine. Maybe a little too close though. Then she looked up to her. Her eyes were black again with thin veins traveling through her purple fur underneath her red mane. Nopony else could see it if they weren't looking, but it would be seriously noticeable. She needed a defibrillator. It would hurt her since she herself was magic and a defibrillator was meant to push magic down. But if they don't use one, Dawn risked getting caught.

She was going with the best option. Luna sprung into action by using her magic to tug at Princess Celestia's wing. Just to get her to turn her head. "What is it, Luna?"

She pulled Celestia over and whispered, "Dawn needs a defibrillator. Now. Keep it quiet, she's losing control."

Celestia played it cool and laughed under her voice. "Ah, yes of course," she replied.

Thankfully Madun was directly in front of her. So Celestia moved up and poked her head into Madun's clear expression of boredom. Listening to the judges talking with Twilight weren't nearly as bad as desk work. But it ran a close second. He glanced her way and raised an eyebrow. She clearly wanted to say something. "Yes?" He pushed.

Celestia leaned in and whispered, "Dawn's losing control of her magic again." He was about to look back, but Celestia held his head in her magic. "Don't cause any worry. We need to freeze her magic. Are there any horn defibrillators nearby?"

"Security downstairs or any of Twilight's labs," he whispered. "Your best bet are the labs, she has boxes of them."

Madun next turned to Twilight and her conversation. "Dawn is changing, " he whispered. Twilight stopped speaking and listened closely. "We need a horn defibrillator."

A horn defibrillator would paralyze her, Twilight thought. They needed to hide her. And Twilight knew where. "Get her under my wing," she whispered.

When Madun whispered her orders, Luna calmly reached out and stealthily pulled Dawn over to Celestia, who then pushed her up to stand between her mother and Madun. Right off the bat Twilight could tell it was bad. Her teeth and head were changing. It was obvious Dawn was doing what she could since it was slow, but it was getting stronger.

Once Twilight had her under her wing hidden, she looked back to Judge Berry and queried. "Excuse me, Judges. But I have a matter to attend to that involves... The Bathroom." Then she teleported away. The oldest trick in the book. Even the most childish things provide security and privacy.

When she reappeared, it was in the one place she was glad to see again. Her office. The magnificent library made of nature. The grass under her hooves provided a clear path to her desk and the sun above provided warmth to Dawn's cooling body. It seemed only yesterday that this room was hers. It barely looked touched. She'd restore everything once the more pressing matter was out of the way.

"Mom," Dawn groaned.

"I'm doing what I can right now, Dawn," She responded. Dawn was desperately lifted and set her softly on her desk. Then placed a silencing spell on the room. Runes lined all nearby surfaces in neon glows. Once everything was set, Twilight looked down to Dawn's completely changed body, slowly fading from her calm and friendly state to something more sinister. "Our best bet right now is to put you to sleep and freeze your movements before I can make one."

Dawn's only response was a few wing twitches. She was losing her. Twilight ducked behind her desk and started digging through drawers. In all of her labs, she had a box of horn defibrillators in case of really sensitive projects. Papers flew out of the drawers until she grabbed the box and opened it. Lined up in two vertical rows inside were golden rings decorated with runes held firm by foam.

She quickly grabbed one and straightened up to look at the top of her desk. At the empty blank space where Dawn was before. Well that's just perfect.

Twilight sighed and leaned back when a book was thrown her way from her lower right. Dawn had been taken over. Completely black with sharp teeth and sharp wings.

She hissed loudly at Queen Arcadia and grabbed another book from the top of the stack she had made within this time frame. Then flung it straight for her.

Twilight dodged to the side and ordered, "Stop! No throwing, young lady!" An open book with flapping pages caught Twilight right in the face. And slid off to leave an unamused one behind it. Along with another. Followed by another. "Okay, you're asking for it."

Dawn hissed in glee before she was picked up in Twilight's magic and began flailing around. Then was pulled forward and had a ring slid onto her horn. If Twilight's theory was correct, this would freeze her entirely. Her fighting gradually slowed until Dawn went limp in Arcadia's magic. Breathing heavily in suspended animation. Just as she theorized.

Oh how could this have happened? There must be some way to fix this permanently. Dawn was too sweet to be forced to be something she didn't want to be. Arcadia peacefully placed Dawn down on top of her desk with love and care

"Shhh," she cooed. Dawn's eyes slowly turned back purple. Flicking around in fear and confusion. "Everything will be alright."

Dawn wanted to tell her that nothing was alright. That it was terrible to endure this. It wasn't painful, but knowing that at any second you could become a violent pony was the issue. She couldn't control herself. All of her movements weren't her own. As if she were a puppet for this monster inside her.

"I..." She sputtered. "I'm sorry, mom..."

Twilight yanked open a drawer and pulled out a bright yellow blanket for when Dawn was a filly. Although a little small, it would help her daughter.

"Shhh, it's not your fault," she assured. She placed the blanket over Dawn's body but left her wings out. "You're not in control. We just need to find a way to make you comfortable again."


Twilight smoothed out the blanket then focused on her daughter's solemn expression. "Yes, Dawn?"

"...am I normal?"

"That's a tough question. You're unique. You're not like other ponies—"

"I'm made from magic, mother," Dawn deadpanned. "My fur, my face... Is it all an illusion?"

"No, sweetie." Twilight leaned down and tenderly nuzzled her cheek. "You're real. You're as real as the love your father and I give you. I carried you for nine months and I protected you while I was half dead. You are a unique pony and my filly. You were real when I held you for the first time and you're real now.

"But your existence is also the essence of life. Something intangible until it takes over. You can give life, and—Narmeelah forbid—you can take it. You're much stronger than the average pony thanks to your other side. But we'll never truly understand that side unless we study it. We must figure out your complexity first so we'll know what to do in the event of an emergency."

"O-okay," Dawn stammered. She was scared. She couldn't move, could barely make out what was around her, and mom was making her fur tickle again with that scanning. She giggled and said, "Stop it, that tickles."

Twilight smiled down to Dawn while she persisted with her scanning. "Ohhh, you're still ticklish? I'll save that tidbit for later."

"Don't you dare."

Twilight laughed then went back to her task. At least they were bonding. "Once we have a compressor made, we'll be able to knock down this form of yours whenever it decides to spark."

About that. Dawn had her own theory. "Ummm crazy question, but..."

Twilight glanced over to Dawn's still face. "Yes?"

"What if... It wasn't meant to be knocked down?"

Wasn't meant to be knocked down? Twilight stopped her scanning and asked for clarification. "What do you mean?"

"What if like... Like I'm going through puberty? And I'm growing up, like a magical growth spurt. Like my magic, my other half was meant to show itself. Instead of knocking it down, we should let it out and see if I can control it instead—"

"No," Twilight interrupted. She went right back to scanning. "There's no way that's who you are. Yes, you are two ponies. But two cannot inhabit one body and be conscious at the same time."

"So I have a sister." Dawn blinked her eyes down to her mother. "And she wants to come out."

Twilight sighed and stepped over to Dawn's head. "...I guess so, Dawn," she whispered. "You have a... Twin Sister created from Dark Magic that inhabits your body and shares all of your functions. Thanks to me."

"Mother, stop blaming yourself," Dawn ordered. "You did what you could to save my life, I don't blame you for that." Twilight sighed and went back to work with her notes. "Take off the ring."

Take off... The tip of Twilight's pen snapped in surprise."WHAT?! No, Dawn!" Twilight refused.

"Take it off, mom," Dawn persisted. "I have an idea and I need you to trust me."

"Dawn... This is dangerous."

"Mom..." Twilight looked deep into Dawn's pleading eyes. Staring into her own face when she was younger. Into the eyes of herself. Begging for help.

Twilight sighed and decided that if they didn't do something, they would never figure this out. She tightened her lips and quickly nodded. "Okay... But what is your plan?" She asked.

"I'm going to let it all out. She's fighting for release and we keep pushing her back down. Let's see what happens if we let her out."

Twilight nodded and took a deep breath to mentally prepare herself. This were one of those moments she never dreamed of when she imagined her daughter reaching her teen years. At least not in a magical sense.

She used her magic to slowly slide the ring off of Dawn's horn. Not once did she blink through this process. Not once did she let her guard down. And not once did she focus on anything but her daughter.

Just as expected, Dawn slowly changed back into her other self. Her coat slowly lost its purple hue. "I'm just going to let her take over," she whispered. Then her eyes turned to black. Her cutie mark changed back into the bloody crown and her teeth once more the sharpest things on the planet.

"Dawn" calmly stood up and turned to face Twilight. Staring at her with black emotionless eyes. Twilight in turn shared her own look of trepidation until Dawn smiled calmly.

"Hello, mother," she greeted.

Well at least she didn't attack. And based off her still body, she wasn't preparing for one. Twilight calmly placed the ring she was holding down on the desk and approached her daughter with caution on quiet hooves. "...Dawn?" She greeted.

Dawn raised an ink-black hoof to look at. "I'm in her body," she answered. "So I guess you can call me Dawn." Twilight calmly reached out and poked "Dawn's" muzzle. But just like she assumed would happen, it broke down into a dark smoke. Dawn was real and not real. It made Twilight sad and happy at the same time.

Twilight pulled her hoof back and whispered, "I'm sorry that you're stuck like this."

"But this is how it was supposed to be," Dawn corrected. She took a few clearly difficult steps forward until she was on the edge of Twilight's desk and staring up into her curious eyes. It looked like was just learning how to do everything. Including walking on her own. Same mind, possibly different knowledge. Or maybe she was just getting used to using this body.

"I may be created from Dark Magic, but I'm not evil." Ah, she was created from Dark Magic. A Magic with a mind. She was used to being gassy and flowing. Not solid and strong.

Twilight shook her head and stated, "The rest of Psera may not believe that if they found out about you. If they saw you."

"Should I smile more when they do?" Dawn's smile expanded really wide up to her ears to show those really sharp teeth.

Twilight laughed but shook her head. "Ehh, that may make it worse. Looks like your sister was right. You were just fighting to get out. How are you feeling?" Twilight grabbed a few things to take notes with from her desk and asked, "Do you feel cramped inside of Dawn? Any discomfort?"

"I feel nothing inside of Dawn. It's like an endless bed of comfort. But it's always dark and I see through her eyes. At what I could be doing. Going to school, meeting friends, doing tricks on boards made of wood and metal. But I can't because Dawn always flees to her room when she feels my presence."

"You're just a frustrated foal trying to have fun I suppose," Twilight guessed.

Dawn burst into smoke and flew over to reform on Twilight's back in a relaxing form. "Is there any way for us to coexist as one?" She asked. "From what I have seen, you're a magical genius."

Twilight chortled with amusement behind a hoof and answered, "There may be some way. But the answer lies in my underground Lab. I would have to go there to find them. In the meantime, I must get the Princesses of Equestria in here." Dawn teleported in a burst of smoke back to Twilight's desk staring at her. "Stay here and don't answer the door if someone knocks okay? It's very important that no one sees you."

Dawn sat down and nodded her head. "I will not move a muscle." Reassured, Twilight teleported away and left Dawn to her own devices. Hopefully she can hold on to herself during this time.

But she's never been outside of Dawn's body before. She had to experience this to its full capacity. At least a little bit.

Dawn jumped off the desk and landed on the grassy ground to roll and flail around in. Nature, soil, everything was amazing. Once her black coat was dirty enough, she carefully wobbled over to the stream and stared into her own reflection.

She didn't look scary. Just really really dark. Until she opened her mouth of shiny sharp white teeth. This look would certainly scare Dawn's friend Erikia. Speaking of nicknames, she needed an identity. She and Dawn were two different ponies. Even mom would have trouble coming up with a name.

Fresh Dawn... First Light. Twins. "First Light," she whispered to herself. "I like that. What do you think, Dawn?"

One half of First Light's body changed into Fresh Dawn. As in one half was black and the other was purple and red. Along with her cutie mark. One side was a bloody crown, the other wasn't

"I like it," she answered. "Although, it could go against... Well... Everything." Her hoof waved to her coat. Then she ducked back down so First Light was in charge.

Despite that, First Light shrugged and replied, "It's fine. Hey... Thanks for letting me out. It gets really lonely inside when I'm not talking to you." First Light's ears flickered in time with the voice responding in her head. "I know, I'm sorry. it just gets really lonely sometimes... I know I sounded really scary. Still... Thank you. Hey, let's check out some of these books. Mother has way too many."

While the Royalty of Psera were traveling with Queen Arcadia on the third floor, Gardeen was tasked with showing the "Stripe" her room. She didn't like that one bit. Nope, not at all. And based on the ponies moving to the sides when they passed weren't too fond of it either. Gardeen was seriously questioning Queen Arcadia's motives on letting the Zebra stay here. She herself thought Queen Tarsafani was just going to meet with Molten Ice then be on her way. Not stay with IHT. The Queen could have easily thrown her back to Zebrica. Why let her stay? To get to know the Zebras better obviously. That didn't mean the citizens trusted her yet.

Not too long, Gardeen stopped Queen Tarsafani at her room. She faced a standard wooden door with the number 306 on it. "Here we are," she breathlessly stated on the verge of frustration. "Your room. Go ahead and check it out."

Queen Tarsafani stepped forward and pulled down the gold handle. Then pushed open the door. Standard. Brown wooden floors, a window directly across that allowed you to eyeball Psera's beauty. A Queen sized bed on the left, a desk and dresser on the right with a mirror. A bathroom and a closet on the left near the bed. Not too much, not too little...

"It's perfect," Queen Tarsafani whispered.

She strode in on tender hooves and allowed her saddlebags filled with her belongings to hit the floor. It was as if this were a small hotel. She turned around to face Gardeen. "Your Queen... Arcadia Nova, correct?"

Great. A conversation. Gardeen silently groaned and answered, "Yes."

"You all look up to her highly."

Gardeen tightened her lips and answered, "Because of her leadership, power, and dedication we're all able to see another day. She saved us once before, and risked her life this time. We're all lucky and grateful to have her here with us. Without her, we wouldn't be here." Gardeen looked Tarsafani up and down with distrust. "Don't upset Queen Arcadia. The whole country will gladly come after you."

The Great Country of Psera. The Legend of Legends. With ponies who will gladly rip you apart if you disrespect their leaders. Especially the Queen. Their big, strong, and admittedly sexy King would do it himself. He was an obstacle.

Tarsafani replied in a cold tone, "I will take your warning seriously." Gardeen nodded and walked away to get back to her own duties. Queen Arcadia had to be back by now. That was a really intense bathroom break.

When Gardeen left, Tarsafani shut the door and grumbled, "Racist Queen." Then turned around and started unpacking. So she's Dawn's mother. She didn't look strong, but she definitely had some heart and dedication to her country. Even she could see this. An admirable trait.

Focus, Tarsafani, she thought. Psera is the enemy, and Fresh Dawn is the target. Getting to her would be extremely difficult. Psera has a severely upgraded defense. And taking over would be next to impossible. But since she was the pony on the inside, it fell on her shoulders to make sure they did get in.

Once everything was unpacked, she set most of it to the side and prepared a scripted report to send back to her superiors. They would want to hear about all of this.

It's been over an hour now and First Light was getting a little antsy. She was bouncing on her mother's mushrooms and caring none about everything else. She's read one book out of the many in here, and was now just lying on her back on top of her mother's desk waiting for her return while trying not to fall asleep at the same time.

When Queen Arcadia did teleport back into the room, the snap was so sudden, First Light teleported into the air and hovered there. She brought the Princesses of Equestria with her. Not her cousin, but her Step-Aunt and uncle. Along with Luna and Celestia. And her own father The King.

Arcadia walked in and called, "Dawn? Are you here?" She walked over to her desk and began to panic when she didn't see her. "Oh no, please tell me she didn't leave, please tell me she didn't leave!"

While Queen Arcadia started going crazy and peeking under her desk, First Light slowly and silently dropped down behind the Princesses and asked quietly, "Is it normal for mother to freak out like this?"

They followed the voice to the doors where First Light was standing with a cute face of worry. Black as a shadow in the dark with black eyes. Well Twilight just had to teleport back over with a loud crack. "Sweetheart, where—"

First Light yelped and shadow teleported back out of sight for a few silent seconds. They looked this way and that. To the mushrooms, the chair behind the desk. But Dawn was nowhere to be seen.

"Please!! No more of the snapping appearances!!" They followed the shout up to Twilight's Sun, where First Light was gripping and slowly twirling with an obvious shiver.

Twilight used her magic to carefully pluck her off and bring her back down. "Awww, I'm sorry sweetie," she softly apologized. "I won't do it again, okay?"

She set her down on her desk and approached with the Princesses in happiness. Then her eyes spotted the book lying directly in the center. "What were you reading?"

First Light followed her gaze to the cover. Then carefully picked up the book and answered, "Uhh, I do not know, I was just skimming it really. But something about many rocks? And trees, and rivers, and stuff?"

Twilight lifted the book out of Dawn's hold and up to her own face to get a better understanding. A better memory of it. "Yes, it has a lot of good notes about Pseratopian Nature," she corrected. "You were probably skimming the section on Gravel."

"I believe so." She looked up to one of the Princesses staring really close. As in-her-face close What was her name? Dawn called her Aunt Caddy. Maybe her name was Caddy! "Aunt... Caddy?" She asked.

Cadance leaned back and answered, "Er... Y-Yes. I'm your Aunt Cadance." Then looked to Twilight for an explanation. She knows who she is, she's spoken to her plenty of times before. So what's going on now?

Taking that as her cue, Twilight placed a wing on Dawn's back and answered her unspoken question. "Dawn had a theory that her dark side wasn't bad, but that it was the pony—or her artificially created twin sister—coming out. She didn't always like being alone inside Dawn's body. So she was trying to escape. Dawn decided to let her take over and see what would happen with my supervision, and this is what we got."

The princesses nodded then shot their heads down to Dawn when she raised a black hoof. "Hey, big question?... Why are all of your manes moving on their own?"

Now that was a question that no one had ever asked before. Celestia opened her mouth to answer. But could she honestly answer it? She and Luna shared a look with that same question on their minds. Twilight even shrugged. Why do their manes move like they do?

Madun raised a hoof up to lightly bat at Twilight's mane. Like a spider's web blowing in the wind, glowing with magic and twinkling like renegade stars. When they first started dating it was never like that. It was different shades of violent with a knick in it. Actual hair. The same for her tail. Now everything were moving neon lights.

Since no one really had an answer, Cadance replied, "Oh it just happens with us more powerful Alicorns. Possibly all ponies. I wouldn't be surprised if Narmeelah's mane was like this."

"...oh..." Dawn carefully walked along the desk on brand new hooves to the edge where the Princesses were. But walking was still a bit of a challenge when it was entirely by herself. Even when her mother was outside grabbing the Princesses she was tripping over her own wings and the grass on the ground.

But Madun and Twilight were there when she literally fell off the desk this time. Twilight caught her with her magic and set her hooves on the grass softly. It seems that even though they share the same mind, they didn't exactly share the same knowledge. Or maybe they did. Madun's voice echoed around in Twilight's mind. "Dawn's a mystery."

Dawn slipped again and fell on her chest. Then she huffed and growled into the grass, "I really hate walking. Floating is better."

Shining Armor chuckled and used his own muzzle to help her back on her hooves. Unlike normal ponies, this version of Dawn was freezing cold. His muzzle could grow icicles right now. "Floating? Like a balloon?" He asked. That would be interesting to see.

"Kerma. Meeehhh.... Marshoola tell gerskee." Dawn pointed up to the ceiling and made little loops with her hoof. "Gerskee el kool."

Shining glanced up to Twilight for some help with that. "She said it's much easier and faster. As long as no one sees it it's fine."

Since she was given the green light, First Light jumped into the air and broke down into black smoke that soared up to the rotating sun. She quickly made an orbit then zipped down to the small stream.

While Dawn was doing her thing, Madun smiled back to his wife. "The Congress of Psera would like to see you whenever you're back on more stable hooves."

Of course they would. The heads of all cities would want her to know how her disappearance affected Psera, and what to do now that she was back. As well as decide her consequence.

Twilight turned and walked behind her desk with a smile. "I've been expecting that. Maybe next week for me to get back up to speed and reconnect with my ponies, my friends—" Dawn suddenly dropped down on top of Twilight's desk face first with a grunt. The normal Dawn. Purple coat of her mother, and red mane of her father. "And definitely my family. Are you okay, Dawn?"

Dawn sat back up and looked around. Then rubbed her head and stretched out her choker a bit. "Jeez, First Light. You just couldn't land first, huh?"

"Who are you talking to, sweetie?"

Dawn directed her sights to her mother and answered, "First Light." Twilight just blinked at her. Who... Was First Light? Dawn rolled her eyes and clarified, "My... Sister. She goes by First Light and I go by Fresh Dawn."

So her other side chose a name to be distinguished by. Interesting. It seems she was learning. Arcadia made a note to watch exactly what she learns. But for now she smiled and replied, "That's great sweetheart... That's great."

Author's Note:

Yay! Twilight's back home! And... Dawn has a hidden dark side no one knows about.

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