• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

Utopia or dystopia?

"Atticus, listen to me, please! You can't do this!" Laura pleaded with her husband.

"Please Laura, listen to me," Atticus said, "If congress catches wind of this, they'll no doubt shut this whole operation down! I'm doing this for our daughter, Laura."

"You think I don't know that?! She's my daughter too!" Laura screamed in anger, "I want to help her too, but we have to do this the right way. Keeping this away from congress, it's… it's not right."

"I'll tell them. I'll schedule a meeting, just not right now. We have this one chance. One chance, to save Eris, and if they find out about the slavery, the magic, there's no way they'll let me initiate contact this early," Atticus explained to his wife.

"What about the repercussions? You yourself saw what these… things are capable of. If they find out about us and they don't like us, it's game over," Laura said in a much more serious tone, "All they have to do is literally teleport into nuclear storage and light one bomb. Humanity will fall, because of your incompetence."

"That's why we've taken precautions. We've added ponies to Alise's blacklist, and we've increased security. There's now five times as many guards, and patrols are now five times as frequent," Atticus said confidently," Our soldiers are the best of the best, the best in the, the literal John Wicks of humanity. There's no way they'll be able to get in and out alive."

"So I'm assuming your… John Wicks can teleport and walk through walls?" she asked sarcastically.

Atticus sighed. "You know what I mean. This entire bunker is currently more heavily guarded than Area 51. I would know, because I've been there," he reasoned.

"Well that's not gonna stop them from teleporting in, killing you, and then teleporting out, all before anyone even knows they were here," she said, "Just think, Atticus. Think of the possible ramifications of what you're doing. Think of the consequences."

"We have nuclear weapons! We have chemical weapons, biological weapons, fighter jets, attack helicopters, and tanks! They don't stand a chance. Even if the only weapons we had were guns they still couldn't compare," Atticus said.

Atticus knew this wasn't true, but he was still trying to find some way to justify his actions. He was trying to find some reason that would make it so that he wasn't risking all of humanity. He was trying to somehow justify what he was doing to save his daughter's life. He knew it was wrong, he knew all the possible reasons he could come up with were just lies, but he believed in those lies so that he could believe he was doing the right thing.

"Humanity does have better weapons. We could wipe them all out, but we would be wiping out our own people as well," said Laura.

"Listen, I just need you to believe in me," - Atticus looked into Laura's eyes while putting both hands on her shoulders - "I need you to believe that what I'm doing is right. What I'm doing is for our daughter."

"If congress finds out, you might be deemed unfit and impeached. You could lose your presidency," Laura said.

"I'd rather lose my presidency than lose my daughter," Atticus said.

"But what if they wipe you? What if they wipe all of us?" Laura said with worry, "You know the rules, you made them. Anyone who is not part of the ruling body must be wiped to keep the peace."

"It won't come to that," Atticus reasoned, "We're already here, together. They won't wipe us if there's no reason to disrupt the peace because we're together."

"How about Kerry and Sampson? They were married and they were both considered essential personnel, but they were both still wiped," Laura said.

"That's different. They weren't part of the ruling body. They didn't have the strength the rest of us did. They could've started an uprising for all we know," Atticus replied.

"You didn't even know them, yet you denied their request yourself!" Laura said.

"They could've threatened everything we've worked for," Atticus responded.

"You thought that two people that you didn't even meet were too risky to leave unwiped," Laura stated, "So what makes you think they'll leave an ex-president, who they fired, unwiped? Don't you see what I'm getting at? Those two people were just regular folk, and they were wiped. They'll consider you even more risky than a regular citizen because you might hold a grudge against them!"

"So what do you expect to do? Let Eris die?" Atticus asked.

"No, I expect you to handle this the right way. If you tell congress the truth, I'm sure they'll hear you out. If you lie, not only will you put our family at risk, you'll be risking the safety of all of humanity," Laura said.

"I'm taking precautionary measures to ensure they don't discover Utopia," Atticus said, "I know the risks. I'm not an idiot!"

"Precautionary measures? Like what?" Laura asked with skepticism.

"I'll have the diplomat and his escorts wiped off of Utopia's location. If they prove hostile, I won't send another diplomat. I'll send an army," Atticus said.

Laura sighed in frustration. "Don't you see it, Atticus? You're becoming a dictator!" Laura exclaimed, which caused Atticus to take on a shocked expression, "Increasing military presence, going being congress's back, putting your own selfish needs before that of your people, wiping people for no reason, and now you're threatening to send an army?!"

"Don't ever call me a dictator! I was elected by the people!" Atticus shouted in anger.

"You were elected for the people!" Laura retorted, "Sixty percent of our population are soldiers! The majority of Utopia's population don't even know what it's like having a family! You classify the people who fight against the law of wiping memories as terrorists! You force them to take the pills!"

"It pains me to have to do this to my own people, but it is required for society to function! Everything I do, I do for the good of not just my people, but for the good of all of humanity, and you know it! If I never wiped them, none of them would have agreed to come to Utopia in the first place!" Atticus said.

"And now you're putting us at risk. Eris has time, she's frozen!" Laura tried to reason.

"She'll only be kept alive by cryo for about at most a week, maybe two. We need help now! What if their magical procedures take a week to complete? What if it takes them a week to figure out how to help her in the first place? She'll be dead by then!" Atticus yelled angrily, "Now dear, if you'll excuse me, I have a diplomat to prepare."

"Atticus! Atticus, wait!" Laura called after him but he just ignored her and left.

Atticus stood in front of a large glass window which looked over the hangar. This hangar was designed for helicopters, and instead of having a runway, had a large blast door above it designed for vertical takeoff and landing. The good news was that this part of Utopia extended beyond the cavern, and the doors opened outside it. This meant they didn't have to blow a hole in the wall of the cavern to get out.

"Is he ready?" Atticus asked Marcel.

"Yes, he and his escort are boarding the choppers now," the general replied.

"Have they been wiped like I ordered?" Atticus asked.

"Of course, sir," General Marcel confirmed.

As Atticus was looking out of the window, the door behind him opened. He didn't turn around, thinking it was just another soldier.

"President Atticus, we can't allow you to do this," the voice of Bjorn Earling, Prime Minister of the European Union came from behind him.

He turned around to find three other world leaders beside him; Jack of Oceania, Mateo of Hispanica, and Osas of Africa. They were flanked by several of their soldiers, sights trained on him.

"You wouldn't dare arrest me. It would be an act of war," Atticus said in a smug tone.

"You wouldn't dare let a war ravage Utopia," King Osas replied in an equally cocky tone.

"But you're right," Prime Minister Jack confirmed, "We're not here for you. Look out the window."

Atticus looked out the window. The diplomat was currently chatting with the escorts. Then, the door opened, and hundreds of soldiers, wearing Hispanican, African, European, and Oceanian outfits burst through the door, guns at the ready.

General Marcel was quick, rushing for the comms almost immediately, while Atticus turned the camera's volume on.

"Step away from the vehicle and put your weapons down or we will open fire!" one of the soldiers called out.

"Get to the chopper!" General Marcel shouted once he reached the comms.

"What is this?!" Atticus asked, outraged.

"This is us saving humanity from an idiot," King Osas said angrily.

"Move! Move! Move!" the voice came from the monitor that showed a camera view of the hangar.

As soon as they started running for the helicopters, the enemy soldiers opened fire. The USU soldiers returned fire, but focused primarily on heading for the helicopter. The good news was that the helicopter was only a few meters away from them, and they boarded it almost immediately.

There were three helicopters present. One of them was a transport helicopter, while the other two were a cross between a transport helicopter and an attack helicopter. Fifteen soldiers entered each of the attack/transport helicopters, while thirty of them entered the transport helicopter.

The USU escort was still under heavy fire, and they closed the doors as quickly as possible. That didn't deter the enemy forces, however, as they kept on firing at the helicopter, while gradually making their way closer and closer.

"Permission to take off, sir?" one of the pilots asked.

"Go now! Take off immediate-" he was cut off as he was apprehended by one of the soldiers that escorted the other world leaders.

It was at this point that everyone in the room began looking towards a large red button. Everyone shared a look, before the people in the control room made a mad dash towards it.

"Don't let them get that door open!" One of the soldiers shouted, and they began apprehending the control room workers.

They were all apprehended before they could reach the button. One of them was talked to the ground, one of them was tased, and one of them was dragged away by two men, just inches away from the button.

But one man had not been accounted for. Atticus rushed for the button, the soldiers not being able to react in time, his sudden dash being completely unexpected and catching them off guard. Before they could do anything, he slammed his palm down on the button. An alarm began to sound, and orange lights began flashing throughout the hangar. Then, the door was opened.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?!" Prime Minister Bjorn asked.

The helicopters gradually lifted up through the door, heading for the town known as 'Ponyville'.

Author's Note:

I know I lromised first contact in this chapter, but I decided to make another chapter for 3 reasons:

1. To give you guys some more insight on Atticus's motivations and to provide more information before proceeding. Now you guys know why they were okay with leaving their families behind.

2. To show what happened just before first contact. I think that the story will go much more smoothly with this additional chapter.

3. To create an internal conflict within the ranks of Utopia.

I decided to release this chapter today because I went on a writing marathon and managed to write 1.7k words in a day. And also to make up for not making this a first contact chapter.

Last but not least, I would love if you guys could comment what you think of this story. Constructive criticism is welcome as well.

And with this newfound information, I would love to hear you guys' opinion. Is Utopia a utopia or dystopia?

Next chapter out in 3 days to get back with my schedule.