• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

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Shouldn't have attacked humanity (part 2)

"Sir! Three unknown targets are approaching from the air! They're heading right this way!" A soldier rushed up to the group of gathered generals from each nation.

"Don't worry sirs, I'll take care of this. Probably a false alarm, the ponies are still an hour away," said General Holden, before getting up from his seat and following the soldier to an observation room.

Upon reaching the room, he looked through the screen of the camera. The camera itself was one of the cameras situated outside Utopia, observing the general area, and the AI had detected the targets, and zoomed in on them. Upon reaching the observation room, he found that there were indeed three targets, and it wasn't a false alarm. The targets themselves were three Alicorns, with the pink one pulling a flying carriage filled with wooden boxes and barrels, who had just teleported ahead of the army.

They had a plan in mind. Upon the recent revelation that they were being watched, it was immediately obvious that the Utopians might've indeed had time to prepare and whip out the big guns, so they needed to improvise. Their current plan was to launch a surprise attack and destroy their heavy weapons and vehicles swiftly so that they couldn't be used, and get out of there before the enemy had time to react. They had already failed at the 'surprise' part of the attack, but the humans still had no idea what they were up to.

"What? What the hell are they up to? Their army's an hour behind them, it makes no sense for them to just come here ahead of them. Attacking solo would be incredibly dangerous and stupid, especially considering they're their leaders. They're literally flinging their most valuable people directly at us," said Holden. "Though, I can think of another reason why they would travel ahead of the pack. They might've come to negotiate," he added.

"Shall we deploy the drones sir?" One of his men asked.

"No, no. How many men are still on the ground?" Holden asked.

"Now? About a hundred. The lift is still on its way to pick them up. It'll reach the surface in about two minutes," the man replied.

"Tell them not to enter the lift. Have them be prepared to deter the targets if they prove to be aggressive, and to escort them in if they come in peace," said Holden.

"Look sister, the remnants of Tartarus," said Luna. A large portion of what used to be Tartarus was now covered with rubble, along with various large vehiclular looking pieces of equipment being left there, most of which were tractors. Just beyond the rubble lay hundreds of tents, arranged in an organised manner. Along with the tents were dozens of cages, containing the creatures that had been imprisoned in what used to be Tartarus, and around most of the creatures were various pieces of complicated looking scientific equipment. Lastly, surrounding the camp was a sturdy looking metal fence that had been laid out along the entire perimeter. What was strange was the fact that there was clearly a large presence here, but all of the tents, equipment, and even the creatures of Tartarus had seemingly just been left there.

"They knew we were coming, and it looks like they just up and left. Do you think they fled?" Cadence asked.

"It would seem that wa - " Celestia was the first to spot it. Twenty six neatly arranged jets, all facing an area where the trees were cleared, forming a makeshift runway. "No, that's not possible. They wouldn't just leave some of their most powerful weapons here," she pointed a hoof at the jets.

"Then where are they?" Luna asked, "This place is empty."

As if on cue, a group of First Humans made their presence known as they stepped out from the cover of the rubble. A row of rubble was cleared out first to allow ease of access towards the lift leading down to the bunker, forming a sort of trench that unintentionally hid the humans' presence. Of course, the princesses didn't know that, and immediately jumped to conclusions.

"Look!" Luna directed their attention towards the emerging group. "They're trying to ambush us!" She stated, and given all the information they had, the other two princesses immediately assumed the same thing.

"Towards the flying vehicles! Quickly!" Celestia said, and they immediately began to form a beeline towards the group of jets, which were situated about a kilometer to the right of the group.

"What the hell are they doing?" Holden asked, confused, "They saw the group and rather than attack or make contact, they're… retreating?"

"No sir, it appears they're heading towards the group of jets we have posted," said one of the soldiers.

"What? How many guards do we have posted there?" Holden asked.

"None sir, the last guard shift is currently with the last group that was being recalled," the man replied.

"God dammit! They're trying to go for our drones!" Holden shouted in frustration, "Have them take off, now!" They were too late however, and couldn't take off fast enough. The alicorns were already upon them.

Celestia levitate a wooden barrel and three crates full of gunpowder, and Luna did the same with her own mixture of crates and barrels. They took aim at the nearest jet, followed by throwing the explosives at them, and upon the wooden containers making contact with the jet, they either bounced off or got destroyed upon impact. The three of them then began charging energy blasts, aiming for the crates that were still intact. Then, they released their shot.

Upon the the powerful energy blasts hitting the crates the gunpowder immediately exploded, causing a chain reaction that lit up the rest of the gunpowder, generating one big explosion. That wasn't the end of it however, as the vehicle itself then lit up, making the explosion even bigger. That still wasn't enough however, as the fifteen high yield missiles within the jet, together with the one hundred small yield missiles then lit up, making the explosion even bigger. Even that wasn't the end for it though, as the explosion was now large enough to engulf the jet next to it, making the explosion even bigger. There was still one final part to the compilation of explosions however, as a chain reaction was made, with each drone creating an explosion big enough to destroy the ones next to it, and so on until eventually all twenty six drones were reduced to a pile of scrap.

General Holden then took a long, deep breath. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCK!!"

The princesses stared in awe at the destruction before them. Never in all their years had any of them witnessed anything on such a level… well, except for Discord and Tirek.

"How did… what did…" Cadence was lost for words, "T- there's no way… no way a few kegs of gunpowder could do that."

"I don't think it was the gunpowder," Celestia replied. "It think it was their vehicles expl - " she was cut off as machine gun fire suddenly came from the distance, causing Celestia and Luna to instinctively begin retreating from the area at a quickened pace. Cadence had never fought in the war, so she didn't have that 'run when you hear gunfire' instincts in her yet, but she immediately picked up on why they were retreating, and quickly followed after the alicorn sisters. Since the soldiers were shooting upwards at them, they were quickly able to get out of the range of their guns, and the soldiers weren’t able to hit any shots while they were in range either due to the distance.

The princesses had no idea guns had a limited range however, and continued to fly away in a quickened and panicked manner. “Quickly! Teleport back!” Luna called out, and the three of them disappeared in a flash of light.

“Ahh, General Holden. You do realise you’ve woken me up an hour early, right?” Felix asked upon seeing him in the Central Control Room.

“Well, sir… The problem is that we aren’t gonna be able to quickly and efficiently decimate the entire army like what was outlined in the report. We aren’t gonna be able to bomb them to death, but worry not, we still have other ways of defending ourselves. I just thought I should inform you, since you’re the president,” said Holden.

“And why is it that we can’t just blow them up?” Felix asked.

“Well…” he then began explaining the events that had occurred, and how three primitive pony princesses were able to destroy twenty six of their jets.

“Heh…” Felix didn’t know how to react.

“Heh? You’re not mad?” Holden asked.

“Normally I would be, but this was entirely out of your control, and you did say you still have other ways of defending ourselves, correct? Well, lay it on me,” Felix replied.

“Remember when I said we have a hundred thousand drones ready to go? We’re planning to use some of those hundred thousand drones. We could use all of them, but that would just be overkill,” said Holden.

“Okay, a hundred thousand sounds enough. So, would you please tell me about the new plan?” Felix asked.

“The plan is simple. We have about a hundred and fifty Apex drones that we’ve managed to transport to the sub-hangars by way of train. They’re larger than the Swarm Drones and pack a bigger punch but much smaller than the jets. The fact that they were larger, however, meant that they were harder to transport, hence why we only have a hundred and fifty of these drones at the ready,” Holden then showed Felix an image of the drones in question on his tablet.

“As you can see, these ones are equipped with both several small yield missiles and one medium yield missile, along with two miniguns and two precision fire machine guns. These drones by themselves should be able to decimate their army,” said Holden, “But we’ve prepared the drones from the swarm just in case. The, although basic, state of the art Swarm drones come equipped with a singular precision fire minigun, and will be making up the bulk of the drones that we are going to send out. We have over ninety thousand of these ready, and around ten thousand already within the sub-hangars that can be deployed within a moment’s notice.”

“Well general, you really have outdone yourself this time. I trust that not a single soldier will need to be deployed, and we won’t have to risk any actual lives, correct?” Felix asked.

“That is correct sir,” Holden answered.

“And I assume the other nations’ generals have already been notified of the situation and are currently informing their nations’ leaders, correct?” Felix asked.

“Yes sir, they have already been informed,” Holden replied.

“Excellent. Now, how long until the pony army arrives? Do I still have time to get to the Golden Plate for breakfast before watching the show?” Felix asked.

“You should have enough time. They’ll be here within approximately forty five minutes,” Holden replied. And with that, they said their goodbyes and Felix headed off for breakfast… which was actually lunch because of his messed up sleeping schedule.

"We're almost there! Prepare to attack the camp!" Princess Luna spoke to her army using the Royal Canterlot Voice, "Keep your eyes sharp for any potential ambushes and prepare to charge on my command!"

They walked slowly through the trees of the forest, knowing there could be enemies already lying in wait. The fenced off military/research camp was already in sight, as was the fence. It was just a few hundred meters off.

"Stop!" Luna commanded, and the rest of the army immediately came to a halt. Luna then turned to her sister. "Something's not right. There's not a single First Human in sight," said Luna.

"Well, they were hiding amongst the rubble in an attempt to ambush us the last time we came here," Celestia stated.

"They're either hiding inside their camp, or hiding amongst the trees outside the camp, waiting to ambush us," said Luna, not knowing that the camp wasn't even a real part of Utopia, and assuming that was the First Humans' base.

"It's either that, or they fled after we destroyed their flying machines. We should still occupy the area though, and subdue them if they're still here. Although we should take extra caution to make sure we aren't ambushed," Celestia told Luna.

"You're right, we should send in a scouting party to scope out the area, they should be able to warn us of any surprises we might encounter," Luna replied. She then addressed the troops with the RCV. "Seventy fourth pegasi division, scout out the area in an around the camp and warn us of any potential amb- " she cut herself off as she spotted a lone drone slowly heading towards them.

"What is that?" A voice asked.

"Is it a bird?" Another voice came from the army.

"It looks like metal," stated another observer.

It was at this point Cadence had flown to the front lines, approaching Celestia and Luna. "Is that what I think it is?" She asked.

"Seems a little small for a steel 'dragon'," Ember said mockingly as she gathered with them as well.

"That's what they plan to use to fight us?" King Steel Horn asked mockingly as he walked towards them. "I don't know what you were all so worried about in the first place. I mean…" he began to laugh mockingly as well. They're… they're using a f- flying box to f- fight us?" He asked in between laughs.

"Take aim!" Luna ordered, and her soldiers began aiming their bows and arrows. Before Luna could order them to fire however, the drone stopped about fifty meters away from them, and began to 'speak'.

"Attention ponies and… other creatures, you are currently approaching Utopian territory. Vacate the area immediately or we will use lethal force. You have five minutes to comply," the Swarm Drone said, before 'retreating'.

It didn't get far though, before Celestia spoke to it. "Where are the bearers of the elements of harmony?!" She asked angrily. The drone then began to slowly rotate.

"The what?" The drone asked.

"The ponies you foalnapped! Where are they?!" Ember asked.

"They are currently within our custody. They are being treated well, and will be returned to you after Princess Twilight has completed her task," the drone replied.

"What task?" Luna asked.

"As the leader of your nation, you should be fully aware of the reason we required her services," the drone replied.

"And where are they, exactly? Don't say within your custody, I demand to know their location," Celestia insisted.

"Well, I guess since you're demanding… we have to tell you now. We no longer have a choice," the drone replied, and stifled laughter could be heard in the background. "But very well, the leaders of Utopia shall humour you. The 'bearers' are underneath you," the drone replied, before leaving, ignoring any further inquiries on the matter.

"Umm… world leaders… President Felix, do you think it was a good idea to give them our location?" General Holden asked.

"It doesn't change anything," said Felix.

"So, what now? Are we finally going to kill all their soldiers and capture their leaders?" Aladeen asked impatiently.

"That depends on whether they leave or not," Holden replied, "We'll stand by our word and give them five minutes to leave. If they attack us or choose not to leave, which they probably will, we'll launch the drones."

"Why can't we just destroy them now?" Aladeen asked.

"Because, if we are seen as the aggressors, they'll have the moral high ground. It might restrict our ability to make demands and impose sanctions on them if this escalates into a war," Felix explained.

"We can just invade their country," Aladeen pointed out.

"Yes, quite easily. But we only have around two hundred thousand soldiers. We won't be able to maintain control over their territory," Alexi pointed out.

Suddenly, a loud war cry was heard coming from one of the speakers, diverting all of their attentions towards the camera screen.

"Is it happening?" Aladeen asked.

"Yes, it is," Holden replied as a swarm of thirty thousand armored ponies began running towards Utopia. They separated into three groups, with the main group of twenty thousand soldiers along with the leaders of Equs going for a direct frontal assault, while two groups of five thousand troops broke off towards the left and right side of the base, flanking around the enemy to surround them if possible. The unicorns and earth ponies began running towards the fence, prepared to bring it down, while the pegasi, princesses, dragons and the few undisguised changelings flew above it.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, the other generals and I have to deal with this," Holden said, before the other generals came together to direct their soldiers and oversee the battle.

"Increase voltage of perimeter fence to maximum capacity," one of the generals calmly ordered.

"Increasing voltage," one of the men at a control panel said, "Electric fence running at maximum output."

"There's literally nobody there. What exactly are they attacking?" Aladeen asked.

"Well, at the moment, nothing, but we still can't let them try to attack us freely and without consequence. And looking at their level of barbarism, they'll most likely destroy the camp, and we have a lot of valuable scientific equipment there," said Holden, before he directed his attention back towards the battle.

Suddenly, and alarm sounded, and the voice of Alise came over the speakers, "Intruder alert! Several unknown entities have bypassed the perimeter!" With the alicorns taking charge, the first few pegasi had already flown over the fence.

"Sir, care to do the honours?" Holden asked Felix, opening the plastic cover of a large red button on one of the control panels.

"Yes, of course," Felix replied, stepping towards the big red button, "Do you have the song ready?"

"The song's ready," Holden replied.

"Well then…" Felix paused for dramatic effect. "Hit it!" He said as he smashed the button down.

From all the speakers set up around the camp for announcements, a song began playing. Several doors that were built into the ground, leading to the sub-hangars then opened.

"FOR EQUESTRIA!" A group of earth ponies and unicorns collectively yelled out as they reached the metal perimeter fence, about to cut through it with ease or simply climb over it if they couldn't. Or, at least, that's what they thought. The soldiers in the frontlines, who were made up of earth ponies, positioning themselves to give the fence a hard buck. Then, they began kicking hard at the fence with their back legs, and the soldiers of the frontlines began dropping like flies. All of the ponies that had reached the fence and attempted to damage it, began violently convulsing as their bodies began to emit smoke. Everpony who tried to pull their comrades away from the fence began to get electrocuted themselves the moment they touched their allies, creating a string of ponies getting electrocuted. Most of their screams of agony were lost, unable to be heard over their war cries.

"Stop! Stop!" The soldiers who had noticed what was going on tried to stop their fellow ponies from advancing.

"Stop advancing!" A soldier shouted.

"Go back! Go back!" Another called out.

"Don't touch them! The curse moves through them!" A more observant soldier tried warning the others.

"Retreat! Retreat!" A more cowardly one exclaimed.

"What's going on back there?" Cadence asked as she noticed the unicorns and earth ponies had halted their advance.

"No worries Cadence, the fence was quite reinforced. They're probably trying to get through it or go over it," said Celestia, completely unaware of the rest of the army's predicament.

"We should land, aerial reconnaissance is proving ineffective. We might be able to more easily locate the First Humans' hiding spots if we land," Luna suggested.

"Luna's right," said Thorax, "We're not getting anywhere."

"Very well, if we're all agreed," Celestia then began to speak to the pegasi with the Canterlot Voice, "Prepare to land!"

Before they could land however, a loud song began playing, its source being the speakers that were on top of large poles around the camp. In the distance, nine large doors arranged in three rows of three then began opening at the very back of the camp, at the area opposite of where the main assault force had approached Utopia. They were spaced a good distance apart, with the nine doors and the space in between them covering over a kilometer of the ground themselves. What made it extremely strange was that these doors were outside the perimeter fence, and they were over a kilometer away.

"What is that irritating noise? And what are those doo - " Ember tried to question the song and the doors, but was cut off as hundreds, then thousands of large flying dots began emerging from the holes in the ground. "This is bad, right?" She asked.

"Oh no…" Cadence simply said. She didn't know what those things were or what they did, but considering where they were, they were definitely sent by the First Humans. And knowing what she did about the First Humans, it couldn't be good. Both Ember and Thorax felt the same way, but the princesses were just frozen... or rather hovering on the spot and lost for words since they would plummet to their deaths if they were to freeze.

Their eyes were wide in both fear and surprise. The two princesses were the only ponies in the world who were still alive who had fought against the First Humans. They knew the power of First Human machines, which were devastating whenever they were deployed. They were the only ones who had been at the receiving end of First Human war machines. But the Vega Corporation never had such a large quantity of their death machines. They had never thought they would experience the same kind of fear they experienced when they fought against the First Humans the first time. They were wrong. The moment they saw the sheer number of the emerging drones, they immediately knew one thing. They fucked up.

"Attention all Apex drone pilots, on ground based targets. Your missiles will fare better on clumped up grounded targets than they would against aerial targets. Swarm drone pilots, focus on aerial targets, your bullets will do very well in bringing down the winged ones," General Holden ordered through the intercom, allowing every Utopian drone pilot to hear him, "And don't attack their leaders… at least, not yet. That order comes directly from the world leaders, so if you harm them, you're gonna have to answer to them. Oh, and also, drone fleets one to ten intercept the group flanking at nine o clock, and fleets ten to twenty intercept the flanking group at three o clock. Good luck."

Author's Note:

Firstly and most importantly, I'm gonna start by saying there's gonna be a change in schedule. Chapters will now come out every 4 days, because I wanna one off day from writing after every chapter.

Next, here's the revelation that Utopia isn't invincible. The alicorns did manage to launch a super unexpected surprise attack against Utopia. Granted, they still got lucky since the soldiers had just been pulled back and they managed to attack without resistance. One of the main reasons I decided to do this was so that there could be an actual battle, rather than a thirty second massacre, which I'm pretty sure would be extremely anticlimactic and boring to read. So, I couldn't just let the ponies get slaughtered... well, I guess they are gonna get slaughtered, it's just gonna be more drawn out and action packed. And also btw, the Apex drone is actually from fast and furious 7, so if you wanna see what it actually looks like in action, just Google fnf 7 drone scene or something like that

Lastly, thanks for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and feel free to comment what you right of this chapter and offer constructive criticism.