• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

The GLaDOS of Utopia


Cozy Glow P.O.V.

"Hey Alise, Where am I?" I asked, now growing nervous.

"You are now in room 328,106 in Residential Sector 314. The floor you are currently on is floor two, and the next train will arrive in twelve minutes," she replied, with much more information that I needed, but without any info on my location other than the fact that I was probably a building.

"Wherever I am, let me go you primitive barbaric savages! Do you know who I am?! I know your backward species doesn't respond to reason but I am not somepony you wanna mess with!" I said in an attempt to intimidate Alise.

"You are of sound mind. You are free to leave," she replied.

"I am?" I asked confusedly, but received no answer in return.

I made my way outside the kitchen and towards the exit door. Hesitantly, I put my hoof on the white square and to my surprise, the door actually opened, sliding behind the wall. The hall was completely white, and extremely bright as well, done in the same theme as the bedroom. On the wall in front of me, slightly further down, the designation 'SECTION 60193' was written down in big, red letters.

At about the same time as my door opened, the door to the room in front of me opened as well. To my relief, the door gradually revealed a scrawny centaur with a red mane, and he looked just about as relieved to see me as I was to see him.

"Tirek?" I asked in surprise.

"You're here too?" he asked and I eagerly flew up to him, "How unfortunate."

"Do you know where we are?" I asked him.

"The last I remember, we were kidnapped by what was probably a ragtag rebellion of slaves," he replied.

"Greetings, aliens! I am a human! My name is Dr. Keifer, pleased to meet you," he said in a Germane accent. It was indeed a human, but he was too well kept. Its hair was short and tidy, unlike most slaves who had long and messy hair. It was also way to clean, unlike most humans that were messy and dirty. In fact, he looked cleaner than most ponies. And his supposed 'doctor' title together with his lab coat, oh… it almost made me laugh seeing a human in a lab coat, and I would have laughed if the circumstances were different.

I immediately flew and hid behind Tirek, "Please don't rape me, I'm just a little filly! Tirek, protect me from it please!"

"Slave, I am the one and only Lord Tirek and this here is the Cozy Glow. You have probably heard of us, and I would highly recommend you and your gang of rebels release us and subject yourselves to our command. You may have run from your previous owners, but that does not mean you are free. I will be your new master now, and any resistance will be met with punishment," Tirek told the human confidently.

"Excuse me?!" he said, clearly offended, "First of all, I would never rape someone, that's completely disgusting and all rapists deserve to be executed. Secondly, I am not a fucking slave, and I do not have an owner. Do you just look at random people and assume that they're slaves?! And that brings me to my third point; it seems your primitive civilisation still participates in the cruel and barbaric practice of slavery."

It was at this point that I could no longer hold in my laughter, and it seemed Tirek felt the same way. The both of us burst out laughing, while Keifer's expression looked more confused than anything else.

"Your kind is full of rape! You literally have… haha… a-a concept that… haha… the s-strong have unlimited dominion over the weak! You were… hahaha... literally s-slaves with slaves, and the problem got so big, and your practices got so disgusting that we had to separate the males and the females!" Tirek burst into laughter before continuing, "And even then, you know what happened? The stronger males started raping the weaker ones, and the stronger females did the same! You're animals!"

"And he's denying being a slave! All humans are slaves! Imagine a human doctor, how hilarious is that?! And that lab coat only makes it even funnier!" I stated, and we burst into laughter once more.

"Excuse me?! Is this some form of humor unique to your species?" he asked, "Because the last humans died a million years ago. We're all that's left."

"Have you been living under a rock?" Tirek asked, the laughter gradually dying out, "You animals are everywhere, and you filthy creatures are only good for being used as slaves."

"Th- That's not possible," the 'doctor' said, "The rest of humanity is dead. We're all that remain. If it weren't for the radiation, the asteroid would most definitely have finished the job."

"What are you talking about? I think this one's crazy, Tirek," I said, "Let's just leave."

"I apologise, but I can't let you do that," he said, walking towards us, "Not until you answer my questions."

"And you, a human, are going to stop us?" I asked him with a sarcastic tone.

"You may try, I dare you," Tirek said, "If not we're just going to find our own way out since you're clearly out of your mind."

"You coming?" he asked as he walked past the mad human, and I followed him. As expected, the human was indeed intimidated enough by Tirek's threat to not stop us when we walked past him. Or, at least, that's what I thought.

From behind us, he spoke once more, "Hey Alise, mark subject one and subject two as fugitives."

From all around us, Alise's voice echoed once more. "Subject one and subject two marked as fugitives. Commencing isolation procedure," suddenly, a few meters in front of us, a large black steel door began closing. One half of the door came out from the left side of the wall, and the other came from the right side, both meeting at the middle of the hallway faster than we could react.

"Fugitives subject one and subject two have been successfully isolated within section 60193. Peacekeepers may proceed to the designated area to apprehend the criminals," Alise said in her trademark monotonous voice.

"Thank you Alise," the human said before turning its attention to us, "Ready to answer my questions now?"

Tirek began walking towards the human with murderous intent, "Let us go you - " he was stopped in his tracks as water began sprinkling down on him from above. It looked like regular water, but it caused him to scream and begin to spasm uncontrollably. When the stream of water eventually ended, he laid sprawled out on the ground, his body now emitting steam.

"Electrically charged water," the human smiled and began making grand gestures as it spoke, "You see, Alise is programmed to protect regular citizens from… criminals. When she identified you as a fugitive and saw you walking towards me, with us being the only ones here, she immediately recognised you as a threat to my wellbeing and took the appropriate measures. If I was a class three citizen, she probably would have suggested I run into a room before locking you out and contacting the peacekeepers. But since I'm a class one citizen, she deemed it too risky to allow you the chance to harm me, hence all the buzz buzz."

He smiled, even wider this time, "Now, ready to answer some questions?"

"Fine, I'll answer your questions, on two conditions," I told the human.

"You are in no position to make demands," the human said, flashing a grin once more, "But I'm curious, so I'll humor you."

"The first is that once we're done, you let us go," I said, "And the second is that we do an exchange of information. You ask a question, then I ask a question."

"As I said, you are in no position to make demands… but I want you to get to know us just as much as we want to get to know you. And I have no intention of harming you and your friend anyway," it replied.

"Let's do this in one of the houses, shall we? The rest of them just some up and are still going through the briefing so I'm sure they won't mind," he said.

"Not like we have a choice," Tirek replied, still laying down on the floor recovering.

"Excellent! I'll get tea started!" he said cheerfully before merrily making his way into the room that I was just in.

"What should we do?" I asked Tirek.

"You heard the 'doctor'," he said, using his fingers to make air quotes, "We have no way to escape, and he can summon magical electric water any time he wants. He's human but he's clearly capable of powerful magic. In my current state, I will be unable to beat him in a fight. But don't worry, I'll catch him off guard and steal his magic, we just need to have patience."

The both of us started grinning evilly, before letting out full blown evil laughter.

Author's Note:

Very short chapter because I wanted the interview to be a chapter on its own.

Anyway I hope y'all can comment what you think of this chapter. I hope you liked it :)