• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

Fine Dining

“Ahh, good evening Mr. President,” Keifer said as Atticus entered his lab.

“Good evening doctor. I’m sure you know why I’m here,” Felix replied.

“You wish to know what progress I’ve made, yes?” He asked, “Well, it’s a good thing that you came as well, because I wanted to ask you for permission on something.”

“Permission? You’re the USU’s head biologist. You already have the highest clearance level available, along with near unlimited resources and the authority to get almost anything done. What could you possibly need permission for that you aren’t able to authorise yourself?” Felix asked.

“Well, I do have the authority to order it done, but I thought it wise to consult you first,” Keifer answered.

“Well, lay it on me then,” said Felix.

“You see, we’ve discovered why the ponies’ magic doesn’t work on us. It’s the same reason that the princess and her friends couldn’t teleport out of Utopia as and when they like,” Keifer explained, “The ponies’ ‘magic’ is easily explained away by science. What they call ‘magic’ is actually Keifer’s radiation, and that same radiation has somehow given them the ability to manipulate said radiation to accomplish a whole plethora of different feats. Now, you might be wondering why their ‘magic’ doesn’t affect us. You see, when their ‘magic’, which is actually radiation, affects someone or something, it reacts with the radiation inside that object, and since we have no radiation for theirs to react with, we are completely impervious to it. An example would be that when they levitate something, they are actually levitating the radiation inside that object. Of course, there are more technical bits, but the full explanation is a bit complicated, and I have simplified it to allow you to understand it better.”

“Doctor, that is an excellent discovery! It’ll no doubt help us in our future endeavours, especially with our research on their ‘magic’, which is scheduled to begin after the election,” Felix complimented. He then remembered the main topic for their discussion. “But you said you needed permission for something, right? What is it?” He asked.

“You know how magic is unable to react against objects without magic? Well, since the air in Utopia doesn’t have any Keifer’s radiation, magic doesn’t work in Utopia either. Which means that we don’t have to worry about the ponies teleporting into Utopia and ambushing us and destroying everything,” Keifer explained, “But it also means that the princess can’t use her magic in here as well, which means she can’t help Eris while she’s in Utopia.”

"Right… so I assume you have a way to rectify that?" Felix asked.

"Yes, and that's what I needed your approval for. I want to take her outside of Utopia, and allow her to freely use her magic. Of course, it will be for the purpose of resuscitating Eris," Keifer answered.

"Go right ahead. Permission granted," Felix said unexpectedly.

"W- what?" Keifer asked, "Just like that?"

"She needs to use her magic in order to come up with a way to help Eris, correct?" Felix asked.

"Yes, that is correct," replied Keifer.

"Then why shouldn't she be allowed to do so?" Felix asked.

"I mean… aren't you afraid that she could escape? That she could teleport away? Or that she'll use her magic to attack people or something?" Keifer questioned.

"Not at all. She wouldn't teleport away, not when we've threatened to kill her friends if she does. And she wouldn't attack anyone either, she knows that there'll be consequences for her actions," Felix said confidently.

"R- right. So, I guess I'll take her outside now then… so we can begin our work," said Keifer.

"No, no need. It's already getting rather late. I think the princess should already be worn out from her four hour long chat with you. Get someone to escort her to her room, I'll be having dinner with the ponies tonight," Felix ordered.

"Yes sir, I'll get her to her room," Keifer replied.

"Dismissed," said the president.

"Twilight!" All her friends cried out all at once as she entered Pinkie’s room, which they were all in. They hadn't seen her for a few hours, ever since the humans had kidnapped them. They weren’t allowed to leave the confines of their rooms either, other than travelling between each others’ rooms.

"Hey gir - " she was cut off as they all tackled her into a hug, piling on top of her.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

"They didn't hurt you, did they?" Rarity asked.

"They had better have treated you well! If they so much as scratched you, I'll - " Applejack was cut off as Twilight spoke.

"Hey girls, relax. They didn't hurt me, they treated me rather well," Twilight interjected. "How about the rest of you? Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, we're doing just fine. Honestly, this place is amazing! They have trains, underground! Their rooms are super comfy! And they gave us a lot of entertainment too! We got to watch a kind of moving picture that they called a movie! We watched something called Anchorman: the legend of Ron Burgundy! It was hilarious!" Pinkie said excitedly. "It only featured humans though, and we could do with some food though," she said, finally calming down.

"I think what Pinkie means to say is that this place would be amazing, if it wasn't being run by humans," Rainbow Dash corrected.

"Well pinkie, it's a good thing you mentioned food, because I'm pretty hungry myself," Twilight said. "I have both good news and bad news. The good news is that we're gonna be having dinner at the most high class restaurant that Utopia has to offer, with the head chef being someone named Chef Ramsay who is apparently one of the best chefs in existence. The bad news, however, is that…" Twilight hesitated, "We're gonna be dining with their leaders. The humans' leaders, I mean."

"So we're going to have to deal with uncouth barbarians that literally eat with their bare hands?" Rarity asked, forgetting the scene from the movie when they had dinner in a fancy restaurant.

"Yeah, do you have any idea how messy the humans are when they eat?" Rainbow Dash asked, forgetting as well.

"Well, that's the bad news. The ones we’re eating with are basically their equivalent of Celestial, Luna, Cadence, Thorax, and Ember," Twilight explained.

"Well, at least it's something. I'm very very very veeeeery hungry. So when do we leave?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, it's a good thing you asked," a voice came from behind them. They all turned around to see a group of four men in suits entering the room. "Because we're here to take you there now."

"Man… The Golden Plate… you're very lucky to be able to experience Chef Ramsay’s cooking. Well, except the princess because she’s technically a… well, princess," one of the men said, "Did you know only the Utopian leaders and the people who invested at least twenty billion dollars into Utopia's development get to go there? We

“Psst!” one of the men in suits whispered to the other. The sensitivity of the ponies’ ears allowed them to hear what he was saying, however. “I don’t think we’re supposed to talk to the aliens.”

“Relax,” the other whispered back, “I’m sure a little chat wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

“You do know that they enslave humans, right?” The first one whispered.

“Whatever. Fine, I’ll shut up,” the other replied.

“So, ready to go?” One of the men asked them.

“Yeah, we’re ready,” Twilight replied.

“Alrighty then, follow us,” one of the men instructed.

So, the ponies walked through another set of corridors, followed by entering the train, where they rode in the lounge cart alongside their escorts. The train ride itself wasn’t that long, it only lasted five minutes. But during that time, they were all talking about how truly marvellous this place was. It was like something from a fantasy, especially with it being run by humans. Twilight had told them about how Eris was a draconequus, along with telling them about the cryogenics chamber and how she had to spend four hours just answering whatever questions one of the human ‘doctors’ had.

The rest of the ponies told Twilight of the technological marvels they had witnessed. How they saw a movie on a strange black screen that the humans apparently call a ‘TV’. They told her about how they saw what Equs once used to look like when they saw the movie, and how Equs was apparently once populated primarily by Humans, who were the first and only dominant species a long time ago. They talked about how these humans acted a lot differently than the ones they kept as slaves; how these humans actually acted with a degree of… civility. How it seemed that these humans didn’t seem to have a social structure as savage and basic as the slaves’ social structure, where it was a dog eat dog world and the strong could do anything they wanted to the weak, and the weak pretty much functioned as the stronger slaves’ slaves. Here however, it looked like strength didn’t matter since all of them respected each other just the same, especially considering their leaders weren’t strong, muscular people and looked rather average. They also talked about how they had never once seen any of the humans force themselves on another, or sexually assault another, while it was extremely prevalent among the slaves. Their short talk was cut to an end though, as the train came to a stop.

"Attention all first class passengers, you have arrived at The Penthouse, within the Mall Sector. The floor you are currently on is floor three. Wilford industries thanks you for choosing Snowpiercer's one of a kind first class experience. We thank you for your ride and/or stay, and we very much hope to see you back here again soon," The regular announcement came from the speakers, before going silent.

"Well madams, we're here," one of the agents said as the door opened. "Let's get off," he said, and led them out of the train, then out of the train station.

The doorway of the train station opened onto the second floor of a large hall of some kind, in front of a balcony overlooking the ground floor, and two sets of stairs leading downwards. The first floor had a kind of pattern that was made from the tiles. At the very middle of the first floor, right in front of the staircases, laid a kind of reception area, with two humans; one male and one female, manning the counter, which was surrounded by four trees that nearly reached the ceiling. There were several high class restaurants of different cuisines, lounges, hotels, and high class bars built into the sides of the structure, wrapping all around it. The second floor looked like it was pretty much all balcony, and overlooked the first floor. The balcony itself was made up of both metal railings and glass panes. The outskirts of the second floor was lined with the same grand looking restaurants, lounges, and other things as well. Along with this, there was a small area above the second floor as well, which was lined with grills that contained air conditioning devices within them. The ceiling of the 'hall' was made completely out of a sunroof, which stretched the entire length of the hall they were in. The sunroof baffled them, seeing as they were so far underground, and that there should've only been dirt above the bunker. The only other exit besides the train station was another doorway at the end of the long hallway, leading to the rest of the mall.

"Welcome…" one of the agents said, pausing for dramatic effect, "To The Penthouse!"

The area was bustling with activity, with humans in suits walking all around, some emerging from the other doorway, and some exiting through it.

"How do these humans seem to have an unlimited amount of suits? Do you have any idea how expensive suits are?" Rarity whispered to the rest of the group.

"It's expensive for us because it's really hard to make one. With their technology, it might be much easier," Twilight explained.

"This is where you find the most exclusive bars, restaurants, hotels, and lounges. There's even a nightclub over here, but it's not open yet," he explained. "Well, let's head to The Golden Plate. Better not keep them waiting," One of the agents said, followed by leading them towards one of the staircases. To the ponies' surprise, it turned out that the staircase was actually moving downwards by itself.

The two agents that were escorting the ponies from the front causally got on the escalator, and began descending. The ponies however, hesitated, not knowing what to do.

"Is there a reason we've stopped?" One of the two agents escorting them from behind asked, "Is something wrong?"

"What are we supposed to do?" Twilight asked, looking at the moving escalator.

The agent sighed in frustration. "Just pick a step and walk," the agent then went to 'demonstrate' how to get on an escalator. "Just walk like how you normally do. It's not that hard," he said, and the ponies were able to follow suit without much difficulty.

"First underground trains that travel a few kilometers at most, and now moving staircases?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief as they got off the escalator and walked towards the restaurant. "These humans have actually reached the peak of laziness. They can't even walk down some stairs! What's next? Moving chairs?" Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Well, I highly doubt moving chair - " Rarity was cut off as a woman in a moving chair on wheels rolled by. "Well, I stand corrected," she said in disbelief.

"I wouldn't mind getting one of those! Pinkie remarked excitedly.

They walked towards one of the expensive looking restaurants, one with the sign ‘The Golden Plate’ plastered above it. The front and only entrance was made up of two open doors, which revealed a grand, high class setting within the restaurant. The first thing inside the restaurant, right through the door, was a formally dressed female attendant at a podium with what looked like a menu on it. Outside the restaurant, four large men in suits stood at attention; the restaurant’s security guards. You do need some form of security if you’re going to be hosting the world’s most important people. Other than the security guards standing outside the restaurant, there were several small groups of formally dressed humans conversing with each other; those who had just finished eating and were saying their final goodbyes to their associates or just chatting. The agents walked up to the podium, and were greeted by the attendant.

“Good evening sirs, how may I help you? Do you have a reservation?” The woman asked.

“No, but they do,” one of the agents replied, pointing at the ponies.

“O- oh! I didn’t even notice them, how silly of me. Princess Twilight and company, you have a reservation with the world leaders themselves, correct?” She asked.

“World… leaders..?” Twilight asked. She was confused by their title, seeing as they apparently rule over just one small city.

“Yes, they do,” the agent replied.

“Very well then. The rest of you will have to wait outside though,” she gestured at the four agents who were escorting them.

“That won’t be a problem,” the agent replied.

“Excellent! Now for the rest of you,” she turned to face Twilight and her friends. “Right this way please,” she said, and began leading them deeper into the restaurant.

The restaurant itself was mostly done in the same white theme as the rest of Utopia, but rather than the ‘futuristic’ vibe the rest of the bunker gave, this one gave more of a vibe of relaxation and class. There were tables and chairs placed strategically throughout the restaurant, most of them seating formally dressed men and women. From the ceiling, dangled lines upon lines of mini chandeliers which were made up of strings lined with crystals. At the very middle of the restaurant, stood an elevated circular platform with railings all around it, featuring a flat, curved ramp that led up to it. That’s what the attendant was leading them towards.

"How can humans even be this… fancy? And why aren't they messily using their hands to eat?" Rarity asked as they walked.

"Don't you remember the film?" Fluttershy reminded, "Their society used to be very much like ours."

They all walked up the ramp, and upon reaching the platform, it revealed all of the suited humans that were present for their landing earlier. They were all seated next to each other at an eleven seater table, where the humans took up seven spots of the table, while the remaining six were left for the ponies. They were immediately noticed upon their arrival.

“Ah, the purple horsey princess that I’ve heard so much about,” Aladeen said immediately upon seeing them. “I have a spot saved for you right here,” he tapped the empty seat on his right.

"Aladeen, what are you doing?" PM Jack asked. He was the only other person who had an empty seat to his left.

"Oh, I'm showing these aliens my hospitality, of course," Aladeen replied.

"I really think that the princess should sit next to me. You have a tendency to be… overly hospitable," Jack replied.

"Nonsense, I'm just treating a foreign dignitary well," said Aladeen.

"Well, you're definitely gonna try to treat her very well, and that's what I'm afraid of," Jack said.

"What are you implying?" Aladeen asked, taking a sip of wine, knowing full well Jack wouldn't spell it out in front of all these people. Unfortunately for him, someone else would.

"What he's saying is that some of your recent Google searches were 'Why is purple such a sexy colour' and 'Is it bestiality to have sex with an animal if the animal is extremely cute and of above average intelligence'," Felix said outright, eliciting snickers from all the other leaders present, while Aladeen spat out his wine, "And your last Google search before coming here was 'How long do horses last during sexual intercourse'. Do I have to continue?"

"No!" He impulsively shouted, before immediately correcting himself. "I mean… no, that will not be necessary."

"Good," Jack said. "Now princess, come over here and take a seat," he told Twilight, and she did so as her friends found their own seats as well.

"So, shall we get started on the main course?" King Osas asked.

"Yes, we shall," PM Mateo confirmed, followed by pressing a button on the table labeled 'call'.

"So, Princess Sparkle, I believe we still have some things to clear up," President Alexi addressed her. "Why is it that when the ex USU president, Atticus, sent a diplomat to enlist your aid, you attacked him and his escort?" He asked. His voice was calm, but his Russian accent made him sound menacing.

"Well, we thought they were slave rebels," Twilight answered.

"Ah yes, while we're on the topic of slavery, why is it that you practice slavery in the first place? And how did humanity apparently become your main source of slaves?" Xi Mingzhe asked.

And so Twilight explained the war to them as they ate. She told them of how all creatures once used to live in harmony, and how war was once a completely foreign thought to all the creatures of Equs. She then explained how one day, the humans just decided to take over everything out of the blue, and randomly started massacring entire cities. She then told them how through the power of friendship, they were able to defeat and subdue the humans.

"And… how long exactly have you been enslaving all of humanity?" Bjorn asked.

Twilight hesitated. "A… thousand years," she said, eliciting gasps from everyone at the table.

"You mean to tell me… that you've reduced our great species to nothing but slaves, and kept them in chains for a thousand years?" PM Mateo asked with venom in his voice.

"You can't just forget about what your 'great species' did," Applejack said mockingly.

"Your kind killed so many! We gave you mercy by enslaving you rather than wiping you out!" Rainbow Dash said.

"So because of what they did literally a millennia ago, you've kept them enslaved until now?!" Felix retorted.

"We have to keep them subdued! They killed people. They killed millions. They were monsters. If we let your kind go you'll just go back to your savage ways
What would you have done?" Twilight asked. "Surely you would've done something similar?" Twilight asked, trying to regain the moral high ground.

"Exactly what we did with the fucking Nazis! Sanctions on their military, keeping them subdued through the threat of overwhelming force should they act, arresting and trying their leaders in court! We didn't fucking enslave them, and they killed tens of millions!" Felix shouted back. The whole restaurant was now staring at them.

"Felix, I think you sound calm down," King Osas tried to get him to stand down, "These creatures are primitive in their mindset. They're not as intelligent as we are."

"Excuse me?!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "We are more intelligent than you! You're the primitive, barbaric, uncivilized savages! How dare - "

She was cut off as a human soldier, a Russian, rushed up the ramp and into their eating area. He was panting heavily, and immediately addressed them the moment he saw them. "World leaders, why on earth aren't any of you answering your phones?" He asked in between pants.

"It is rude to pick up a phone call at the dinner table, so we all most likely left our phones on silent, and I didn't pick it up when it vibrated," PM Jack said.

"Yes, I did feel my phone vibrating as well," King Osas stated, followed by the other leaders all saying the same thing.

"Well, what is it? What's the matter? Why's it so urgent?" Alexi asked his soldier.

"It's the ponies, sir. Our surveillance drones have detected a large amount of the pony forces, as well as several other creatures, gathering at the town known as Ponyville," he explained, "All of Utopia's generals are currently preparing a large defensive force as we speak."

All of the world leaders quickly got up one by one. "Sorry, but we have to cut this dinner short," PM Mateo said.

"Finish your food and head out, my agents will escort you all back to your rooms. We have other matters to attend to," Felix said, before they all left in a hurry, without uttering another word.

"Twilight, what are we going to do? We can't let these humans harm all those innocent ponies," Fluttershy said, as caring as usual.

"I… don't know," Twilight replied.

Author's Note:

I'm kinda in a rush so a short note this time.

If there are any missing scenes that you would've liked to see (e.g. More conversation), I couldn't put it in because I hit the word mark and had to condense it. Also, sorry for the first picture being watermarked, I couldn't find a pic without a watermark. Next chapter is gonna be the start of the first major battle.

I hope your liked it and feel free to comment what you thought about this chapter as well as any ideas for future plot points.