• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

Prisoners, not guests (part 1)

The three helicopters slowly began descending vertically downwards, as a thick metal blast door that was built into the ground opened up, and they entered. They were all silent as they descended down a large cylindrical tunnel, with rings of bright white lights built into the wall at regular intervals. This created the effect of the lights 'flashing', much like how the lights of a train would when going through a tunnel. For the humans, this was completely normal, but for the ponies, who had never experienced the quick flashing of lights in such a manner, it was rather… trippy. Enough that all of the element bearers kept their eyes closed for the entire duration of the descent.

Eventually, the flashing of lights ended, as the entire helicopter was bathed in a constant, bright white light. The helicopter rocked ever so slightly as it landed, and the ponies opened their eyes slowly, so as to not be blinded by the bright light before their eyes could adjust. What they saw once their eyes were fully adjusted completely terrified them.

They found themselves in a large white room that was lit by a bright white light, seemingly coming from nowhere. Even the ceiling of the room was about as high as that of Celestia and Luna's throne room in Canterlot Castle. The walls of the room looked completely flawless, and didn't seem to have the roughness that concrete walls had. The room itself wasn't what terrified them though, it was what was within the room. Through a large, heavy duty metal door, dozens of human soldiers gradually filed into the room, all making a beeline towards the helicopter. They weren't able to concentrate on the human soldiers for long though, as a cranking noise, followed by a loud bang suddenly came from inside the helicopter, making them all turn around.

Upon turning, they saw that the back of the helicopter had functioned as a large doorway, opening outwards and turning into a ramp to allow them to exit the flying vehicle. The door opened to reveal dozens of human soldiers pointing their staffs towards the inside of the flying vehicle, terrifying them even more. Then, one of them stepped forward and spoke.

"Commander Sandra," he said in a Zebrican accent, "I see you have everything under control, yes?"

"Who's asking?" Sandra stepped forward and replied with a question of her own.

The one who has stepped removed his helmet, revealing the face of a black man underneath. "General Chwawua of the African army," he replied, "King Osas himself sent me to secure the area in preparation for the world leaders' arrival."

"World leaders? They're coming here?" Sandra asked, "Including President Atticus?"

"No… well, yes Atticus is coming here, but only because President Felix allowed him to come here and ask the ponies for their help himself," he replied.

"President Felix? What are you talking about… sir?" Sandra added after realising that she was speaking to a superior officer. Although the African general wasn't her superior, Sandra would show him the respect that a person of his position deserved.

"No, actually. President Atticus was impeached for the reckless act of establishing first contact without the approval of the other leaders, nor the USU congress members themselves," General Chwawua replied. "The ex VP, Felix, is now the USU's acting president until a proper election can be held among the USU congress. Felix himself ordered that the election be held in two days. Everyone else is praising his decision, saying that it is good that he is not trying to hold onto power longer than he should like his predecessor. I think it's all an act though, no way to know for certain. It's a real… 'shitshow', I believe you Americans call it."

"Serves him right, calling for a reckless action like that," Sandra replied.

"Wait, you mean you did not approve of Atticus's actions?" Chwawua asked.

"Course' not!" She replied, "It was stupid. And he did it to save one girl. I don't know why his daughter is so important to him anyway. She's just another citizen, and I don't think he would've done something so reckless for the rest of us. I just don't see why the congressmen and congresswomen treat their families with such care, they're just citizens like the rest of us anyway."

The ponies were both shocked and disgusted at what the captain had said. The other humans, despite being barbaric savages, still recognised the importance of family, treating their loved ones with much care. And even the ponies themselves would never even do something so evil as separating families, they always sent all the members of the same family to one place. Yet, here, it seemed the captain not only did not care about her own family, but failed to recognise the importance of familial relations altogether.

"If you think it was a stupid decision, then why did you take off?" The general asked.

"My loyalty lies to this country, and to the people of this country. He was chosen by the people, and therefore represented the people. Disobeying a direct order from him would be like disobeying every single USU citizen. At least, that's how I view it," Sandra explained.

"Very well, I can understand where you are coming from. Anyway, let us not waste any more time and get the prison-" he paused, before correcting himself, "Guests… ready to be presented to the leaders." He then turned around, and saw that everyone still had their weapons pointed into the vehicle. "What are you all doing?" He asked in a confused tone, "Why do you still have your weapons up? It is clear that everything is okay."

"You never ordered us to put them down, sir," one of the soldiers replied, his weapon still trained on the ponies.

"Oh, apologies," he said, "You may all lay down your weapons and take up ceremonial formation." They did as instructed, lowering their weapons and immediately rushing to form two lines that were spaced roughly five meters apart. They took positions on either side, forming a sort of walkway in between both lines of soldiers that led all the way to a large metal bulkhead that was in front of them. The soldiers themselves stood completely still, holding their weapons closely against their bodies at a forty five degree angle. What was strange was that these human soldiers seemed to act like they were a part of a professional, organised, and disciplined military, even more so than the royal guard themselves. The ponies didn't think the humans would be capable of such organisation and discipline, considering how barbaric and uncivilized they were.

One of the soldiers walked up to them and towered over the ponies. He gestured towards the door with his weapon, followed by sternly saying "Move." Twilight and her friends all did as instructed and walked towards the ramp, not complaining as they had once again been cowered into submission by the intimidating display of the Utopian military, mostly due to the fact that the Utopians could kill them without a moment's notice.

They slowly, hesitantly, exited the vehicle and began walking in between the two lines of soldiers. They only made it about ten meters before they were instructed to stop. The ponies complied, stopping in their positions and standing still. It was only now that they could grasp the full scale of the room they were in. The room itself had to be just as big, or even bigger than Celestia's throne room, with several more of the flying vehicles parked nearly in rows. In the middle of each of the four walls stood a large steel door, all of which were closed except for the one the soldiers came from, which was located on the right wall and was currently open, revealing a small part of what looked to be a hallway which they couldn't really get a good look at because of their current angle. They were eventually brought out of their observational streak, however, as the large blast doors before then began slowly opening.

With the sounds of cladding and whirring, the door split in half, with the right and left side of it sliding into both sides of the wall. As the door opened, it gradually revealed several humans dressed in black business suits, who were flanked by several more humans in black business suits and black sunglasses that seemed to be constantly on edge and looking about. The door opened with impeccable timing, sliding into the walls completely right when the first human stepped into the room. All of the newly arrived noticed the ponies the instant the door opened, and immediately started heading towards them.

Before they could reach them, however, Captain Sandra walked into view as she came from behind them, approaching the men in suits. She stopped in front of them and stomped her right foot into the ground firmly while raising her right hand to her forehead and giving them a salute. "President Felix, sir!" She said loudly.

"At ease, captain," one of the men in suits, looking to be in his early thirties, replied, "I see you've heard the news?"

"Yes sir, this is Utopia sir, word travels fast," Sandra replied.

"Well, that is true," the president replied. "Come, captain, introduce me to our guests. Let's not keep them waiting," he said enthusiastically.

"Of course sir, right this way sir," said Sandra, stepping aside and outstretching an arm towards the ponies. The group of suited humans then approached the ponies, a few of them with welcoming smiles on their faces and a few of them remaining stoic.

"Good day, all of you," one of the humans said. "I am Prime Minister Jack Byrnes of Oceania, and I am accompanied by," - he began pointing at each of them as he called out their names - "Prime Minister Mateo of Hispanica, President Alexi of Russia, Supreme Leader Xi Mingzhe of Lian Meng, Prime Minister Bjorn of the European Union, King Osas of the United States of Africa, President Felix of the United States of Utopia, Ex-President Atticus of the USU, and last but not least, and trust me this is a mouthful ever since he changed his position of leadership a day ago." He took a deep breath, "Admiral General President Prime Minister Supreme Leader Emperor King Commander in Chief the Great and Mighty Lord God Haffaz 'better than you' Aladeen, or AGPPMSLEKCCGMLG Haffaz 'BTY' Aladeen for short."

The ponies just stared at Aladeen in confusion. "What?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Just call him Supreme Leader Aladeen or sir. Don't call him by his first name, if he doesn't deem you worthy of addressing him by just 'Aladeen', he'll order for you to have your tongue chopped off followed by being," Prime Minister Jack said, "Anyway, would you like to introduce yourselves? I've heard that you're a princess, aren't you?"

"Who are you and what do you want from us?" Twilight immediately snapped.

"It is very rude for guests to not introduce themselves to their hosts, is it not?" King Osas asked, irritated.

"Guests?! You foalnapped us, and you have the audacity to call us guests?!" Applejack asked, "If we're guests, we'll be able to leave freely. We ain't stupid, so let's just stop this charade and cut straight to business. What in tartarus do you want from Twilight?!"

"Well, you're prisoners that are being treated as guests, and are currently going to be given the same luxuries that we give to our other guests," President Felix said, "How you act, how you talk to us, how rude you are to us, and how cooperative you are are all factors that contribute to whether you will keep your status as guests, or be treated as prisoners. Now, I believe we got off on the wrong foot, so allow me to introduce myself again. My name is Felix, and I am the acting president of the USU."

Twilight looked around awkwardly at first. Being forced to introduce oneself tends to make the situation awkward. She eventually relented though, as she thought about the potential consequences for both her and her friends if they continued to act aggressively towards the humans.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am the princess of friendship. I am one of the four ruling monarchs of Equestria, and bearer of the Element of Magic," Twilight hesitantly said, followed by introducing her friends by stating their names, and the elements that they bore.

"See, we're already off to a great start," Felix said, before taking on a confused tone, "And why are you still unaware as to why you're here? We were literally briefed on how much you know before you landed. And if I'm not mistaken, Bob already told you who we are and what we want with you. So, why are you asking again?"

"Just wanted to confirm," Twilight said with venom in her voice, "And if we refuse to help her, what then?"

Atticus then stepped forward. "Please, Miss Twilight. Help my daughter, she's only sixteen, and she's dying," he then got down on his knees, "I'm begging you, pleading with you. If you don't help her, you might as well have been the one to kill her."

Twilight on the other hand, while slightly saddened by the fact that this man was going to lose his daughter, quickly reminded herself of who… what she was dealing with. The most evil race to ever exist, and their level of wickedness was once again proven by them foalnapping Twilight and her friends.

"If you wanted my help, you shouldn't have killed all of those innocent ponies," Twilight said angrily, "I'm not going to help a single member of your species. You are evil incarnate." Atticus looked up with teary eyes. He no longer had the power, nor the influence to be able to force these equines into submission. Felix did have the power though, and he was gonna show these horses why you don't say no to the president of the United States.

"Well, Atticus, you asked and you got your answer. She said no," Felix said while looking down on the ex-president, who was still kneeling, and Atticus looked up to him with desperation in his eyes. "But now it's my turn to ask the question," he looked towards Twilight, "Miss Twilight, would you please help Atticus's daughter Eris?"

"In case you missed it, allow me to remind you of what Twilight just said," Applejack aggressively said, "We will never, ever help a single one of you, so ya might as well let us go."

"Very well, allow me to put this in a way you can understand," Felix said, "Twilight, you will help us. If you don't, we will not only kill you, but your friends as well. And trust me, your death will not be pleasant." The ponies' eyes widened in fear at the threat. They had never been threatened in such a way before, and not a single creature other than the humans would blackmail them in such a way. And what was worse, considering they were humans, the ponies had no doubts about the fact that they would follow through with their threat.

Twilight and her friends began to cast worried glances at each other, unsure of how exactly to react to such a violent threat. They didn't want to react aggressively, for fear of provoking their captors. They didn't want to react with fear and show weakness either. Well, all of them except Fluttershy, who was now shivering in terror and had tears coming down her eyes. She wasn't sobbing though, she was trying her best to put on a confident facade, hoping that her show of weakness wouldn't prove to be their downfall. But alas, humans weren't as stupid as ponies, and even in the off chance that she managed to stop crying, they would have seen straight through her false expression of confidence.

Twilight put on a face of determination upon seeing her friend crying. She was determined to keep her friends safe from harm, and eventually escape this prison of theirs. "I will help you, but only on the condition that you let my friends go," said Twilight firmly. Her request was met with the humans in suits all bursting into laughter.

"How stupid do you think we are?" Aladeen asked.

"The moment we let your friends go, we would lose our leverage. There would no longer be any incentive for you to comply with our demands," Alexi stated, as he and the other humans gradually calmed down.

"I'll make a deal with you. I'll listen to you if you let my friends go. I'll still have to listen to you even if you let them go anyway," Twilight said.

"You have to listen to us now," President Felix retorted smugly, "Why would we give up our leverage and take our chances trusting you to keep your word rather than keep our leverage and guarantee that you'll keep your word risk free?"

"Ah thought humans were supposed to be stupid?" Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight.

"So did I," Twilight whispered back.

Twilight looked around, glancing towards her friends, then back to the humans. She looked to be in deep thought as she thought about her current situation. She eventually came to a decision, realising the futility of trying to bargain with the humans when they held all the bargaining power, realising that if she tried anything they deemed unacceptable, the consequences could be deadly. She was left with only one option: to comply with the humans and hope they keep their word. The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. If she managed to help this 'Eris', the humans would be thankful, they would be indebted to them, and would probably either let them go or make their stay as pleasant as they could. Or, she could bide her time, gaining their trust until they presented her with an opportunity to make their escape. But she knew that would be extremely difficult; she wasn't a schemer like Chrysalis, and she wasn't a trickster like Cozy Glow. That was why she would help Eris if she could, using the other plan as a last resort if she was unable to assist. She made her decision.

"Fine, I'll help you," Twilight said defeatedly.

"Good, then you should come with me," Felix said, "Time to meet your patient." He then turned towards Diplomat Bob, who was standing behind the group of ponies, observing the conversation. "Bob, please get six rooms within the same section ready for our guests. Take them" - he gestured to everyone besides Twilight - "To their rooms while I get Twilight and Keifer to begin their work in healing Eris."

"Yes sir," Bob said, before calling the ponies to follow him with a gesture of his hand, "Come along now, I'm gonna take you to your rooms."

Twilight immediately protested. "But they - " her immediate protest was immediately cut off by Felix.

"They will be treated well, just like how we normally treat our guests. They won't be separated either, their rooms will be back to back. Your room will be together with theirs as well, and you may go there after you're done with your work for the day," Felix said.

"Erm… Uhh... " Twilight looked back and forth between Felix and her friends, before relenting. "Go with them, it'll be okay," she said. They said their goodbyes, and the rest of the ponies followed Bob as he led them towards their lodgings.

Captain Sandra then stepped forward, "Sirs… and ma'am," Sandra addressed all the leaders, "What about the pony soldier that we captured?"

"Put him through enhanced interrogation. Get every last bit of information you can out of him," Felix said, and with the approval of the other leaders, he added something else, "And after you're done, give him to Keifer to do as he wishes."

Sandra actually looked worried for a moment, before answering. "Yes leaders, it will be done," She said before turning around and walking out the large door in the right wall.

"Well then, let us proceed," Felix said, and Twilight followed him into the door in front of her.

Author's Note:

I would've written a longer note but there isn't really much to say this time.

The next chapter will be featuring Twilight as the main character as she's amazed by modern technology. The chapter after that will be about the scouts discovering Utopia, but will they be able to even return to Eqestria in the first place?

Next thing, I wanna ask you guys if you like how I'm developing Felix's character. And if you don't, comment what exactly you dislike about the new president.

Last but not least, I hope you enjoyed part one of this chapter. Feel free to comment what you liked and disliked about it and critique my work as you see fit.

Next chapter out in 3 days.