• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

Good always triumphs over evil

Sometimes, Celestia is quite envious of her little ponies. As she stared out the windows of Canterlot Castle, toward a small playground as foals played in the middle of the bustling city. Every single one of those ponies innocent to the horrors and atrocities she and her fellow world leaders have witnessed and that, if Utopia chose too, it could be inflicted again right where they stood.

It was a helpless feeling, not knowing if Utopia would take the fight to Canterlot or not. She prayed they didn’t. Regardless, Equestria and its allies' next moves still need to be decided. With a sigh, Celestia turned away from the window to get right to it.

Celestia pushed open one of the doors, revealing the world’s leaders, or at least those that remained. She appreciated that, despite already being on their way back to their respective domains, that upon hearing the news of the massacre at Utopia, they immediately turned back.

"Good evening, everycreature, I assume you've all heard the bad news?" Celestia asked solemnly.

"We have," answered Prince Rutherford.

"Is it true?" asked Queen Novo. “Did they really kill thirty thousand ponies?”

"Regrettably, yes,” Celestia told them, causing a reflective hush to fall over the group, processing the ramifications of such an act. “I can safely say that the attack on the humans' camp was a resounding failure.”

"… and Steel Horn?" asked King Talon.

"He was captured," Ember replied. “He stayed behind so he could buy the rest of us time to escape.”

King Talon only sighed.

“Of course the fool would do that,” he said, knowing that’s just the kind of soldier Steel Horn was.

“Did we at least inflict heavy casualties on them in kind?” Talon asked.

Celestia silently stared at him for a moment, contemplating on how she was going to reveal this information. She could sugarcoat it, but it'd be best not to. They needed to know exactly what they're dealing with.

This time, it was a stunned silence that permeated the meeting room.

“You’ve gotto be kidding me,” Talon frustratingly said, his claw going to his face.

"None?! None?! How?! Even the corporation couldn't have defended against an army that large without suffering a single casualty!" King Talon said, though those that knew him could sense the panic in his voice.

"I think we should listen to what she has to say before yelling at her," High Priestess Ada told him. "So Princess Celestia, what exactly happened?”

"We never engaged with any of the First Humans directly," Celestia explained. “Instead, they employed the use of drones, a weapon that can fly and fight without a pilot.”

"Didn’t the corporation only have a few hundred of those particular types of machines?” Ada asked. “That’s nowhere near enough to defeat an army of that size before we brought a substantial amount of them down. How many of these machines did they have? " Ada asked.

"Well, we're not dealing with the Corporation anymore, that's for sure. These guys are so much worse," said Cadence.

"By the last count I heard, Ten thousand," said Celestia.

"What?" Ada asked, stunned.

"Additionally, these drones were nothing like the Corporation's. They couldn't be brought down with a few well-placed arrows like theirs could. They had some kind of armour surrounding them, and whatever metal they used for the plating couldn't even be damaged by our weapons," Celestia told her.

"So, what exactly are we dealing with here?” asked King Talon. “And more importantly, what are we going to tell the minotaurs and the general public? We can’t just say nothing," asked King Talon.

"I’m going to have to let the changelings know what happened as well,” Thorax said. “So many of our people… died… during the attack. I can’t just not tell them.”

"I agree with Thorax, “Ember said. “My personal guard were among the casualties as well. At least their families deserve to know what happened.”

"We'll…" Celestia let out a solemn sigh.

"We'll compensate their families,” Luna said. “Those who… passed… paid the ultimate price to defend our nation. They were good ponies, and the First Humans just slaughtered them without a moment's hesitation.”

"I'll visit them personally," Cadence offered.

"Cadence, even I want to see all of them and tell them what happened, but there were roughly thirty thousand -" Celestia was cut off.

"It’s the least we can do for them!" Cadence yelled, "The least we can do is visit their families. Like Luna said, they were heroes, and we should treat them as such."

"Alright, if that’s settled, then what are we going to tell the general public? About the First Humans?" King Talon asked.

"The truth, every word of it,” Celestia answered. “We can't lie, not after this. Not after their sacrifice. I'll tell the same thing to the minotaurs so they can send another stand-in representative in King Steel Horn's place. We’ll send identical messages to all of your respective nations."

“Well, in that case, what’s next?” Queen Novo asked.

"The first thing we'll have to do is fortify against a potential attack," said Luna, "We'll have to deploy a considerable number of soldiers at all of our major cities, and have them send updates back to us regularly, preferable every half an hour so we'll be able to send reinforcements if any of them are attacked.”

"What makes you think they're going to attack us? Surely their lust for blood has already been quite quenched," said Cadence.

"We attacked them, do you think they'll just ignore that?" asked Luna

"Yes," Cadence replied. “As it stands now, we pose no threat to them, so why come attack us here?”

"Let me ask you this,” Luna posed. “If some other nation were to attack the Crystal Empire, even if you managed to defeat them, would you just let it go? Or would you launch an attack against them in retaliation?"

"I know what you want me to say, but this is completely different," Cadence reasoned.

"You're right, this is different,” Luna rebutted. “This is much worse.”

"That's enough, both of you," Celestia told them.

"Well, they can't get away with this, and they have to be dealt with," said King Talon, "From what you've seen, they're pretty much indestructible, so what do you propose we do? We can’t just surrender and watch our world burn!"

"That's where you're wrong,” Celestia countered. “They aren't indestructible. They're just immune to magic. Their war machines may resist any and all of our weapons and their weapons may have ranges of several kilometers, but they're not indestructible," said Celestia.

"Sounds pretty indestructible to me," King Talon muttered under his breath.

"We've been going about this all wrong,” Celestia said, ignoring Talon. “So far, we've been using magic and swords and bows and arrows to fight them and if we continue to fight this way, we stand no chance," Celestia told them.

"Then how do you propose we fight them if we do not use our most powerful weapons?" asked King Rutherford.

"We fight fire with fire,” Celestia said. “We have to use more powerful, more physical methods, like bombarding them with cannonballs both from the ground and from our military airships. We focus on what humans can’t replicate, and that’s our magic. We create massive storms to protect us from their jets, we launch our own projectiles at them, we utilize magic as the propulsion of the weapon and not the weapon itself. For example, I sincerely doubt any of their war machines would be able to withstand lava, and our unicorns should be able to launch magma-based projectiles at them with relative ease. I’m not saying that’s the best option, since it would be extremely inefficient, but the point I’m trying to make is that they aren't invincible. We can defeat them, we just have to get more… creative," Luna explained.

"Even if we started throwing large rocks at them, hitting them with balls of weaponised magma, launching tsunamis at them, or hitting them with bolts of lightning, they're still going to have the advantage. As devastating as your methods may sound, a shot from one of their guns is much quicker and more likely to hit its target than everything you've just mentioned," King Talon pointed out.

"Then we’ll make our own guns," said Luna.

"How exactly do we do that?" asked Ember.

The Sisters looked to each other, making sure the other was alright with what Celetia was about to say next.

"We… still have some First Human weapons in our possession,” Celestia revealed. “We already have a point of reference to base them off of, and we've just recently discovered something similar to what the First Humans call gunpowder, the final component we need to start making our own guns. We've already began using them to make working cannons, and a gun isn't that far behind. I'd say it's even easier than making cannons since the projectile is much smaller, " Celestia replied.

"Now, hold on!” Priestess Ada shouted. “You told us all the First Human weapons had been destroyed!"

"You even asked all of us to destroy whatever First Human weapons we had in our possession! You were the one who said such weapons should never ever be used!" Ember yelled.

Soon enough, the entire room was full of the enraged screams of the other leaders of Equs, who had been lied to by Celestia.

"Everycreature, please,” Celestia silenced the room. “I apologize for our dishonesty, but we had to have something to defend against any threat that showed up that was much too powerful. Considering our current predicament, it seems like we made the right choice.”

"And I'm guessing you would have used them on any kingdom that opposed you as well, am I correct? I'm sure that counts as a threat," High Priestess Ada asked her.

"Of course not,” Luna denied. “We didn't keep them for the purpose of taking over the world or something. We kept them to defend against actual threats!"

"Are you trying to say that you wouldn't consider my kingdom a threat if we were at war?" King Talon asked, insulted.

"No! I- I mean yes! Argghhh! We don't have time for this! The First Humans could show up at any time! We need to be figuring out a way to combat them, not bickering amongst ourselves!" Luna shouted.

Priestess Ada signed, relenting on her anger. Luna did have a point, after all.

"Luna is right. Despite the fact that Equestria has betrayed our trust, we have much more pressing matters at hand now. We can deal with this later, but if we don't figure out a way to beat these much stronger First Humans, there won't be anything to deal with anymore," High Priestess Ada tried to calm everyone down.

"The priestess is right. We need to be discussing strategy. Our fight is with them, not with each other," Queen Novo backed her up.

"Fine!" King Talon relented. "But this conversation isn’t over," he said, facing Celestia and Luna, "I hope you'll stay back for a while after this meeting is done. I wish to speak with you, and I'm sure some of the others will wish to as well."

"I will. For now, shall we discuss on how to best approach this situation?" Celestia asked the rest of them. "If anycreature has any ideas, now would be a good time to tell us," she said.

There was a pause for a moment, before one of them raised their hoof, someone rather unexpected.

"Thorax, you don't have to raise your hoof to speak,” Celestia told him.“This isn't a classroom. Just voice your opinion.”

"Okay, thanks," he looked around at everyone else. He was still a bit new to this whole leader thing, and was quite nervous to be at the centre of attention. "Umm… well… it's clear we can't fight them face to face, they're far too strong. So, if we can't fight like every other creature, we have to fight like changelings.”

"I think I might have an idea where this is going, but can you please elaborate?" Cadence asked.

"As much as I would hate to admit it, the changeling kingdom is probably the weakest nation out of all of us when it comes to brute strength and raw power. Yet, under Queen Chrysalis, we were able to consistently conquer entire nations with superior military power despite us having much lower numbers by replacing some of their moderately high ranking leaders, such as nobles, and gaining information about the nation we wish to conquer. Then, we make our move and replace their top leaders. Once we've replaced the higher ranking officers of their army, we already have the nation completely under our control, but the rest of the soldiers wouldn't just give up and willingly submit the citizens of their nations to be fed on. So, we replace about half of the nation’s army before we attack with an ambush. Due to the sudden shock of it and our sheer numbers, we were able to easily overwhelm their defenses and defeat them," Thorax explained.

"That would be an excellent way of waging this war! Except for the fact that Utopia is immune to magic, and even if it weren’t it’s too heavily fortified. None of you will be able to get into Utopia, let alone be able to replace thousands of their troops. Besides, the First Humans now have hundreds, maybe even thousands of ponies to interrogate, and one of them is bound to have revealed your existence, and even if they didn’t, they have still encountered Chrysalis. Hay, they probably have some changelings in their custody right now as well. That means increased security," King Talon pointed out.

"Actually, I think we can find a way around that particular obstacle," said Celestia, "The First Humans are likely to launch another attack in retaliation, the question is where. We can easily make Ponyville look relatively unguarded, luring them there for an easy win. During the battle, some changelings can slip in and replace some of them. From what I've heard, they wear helmets, so they won't recognize the changelings at all if they take the appearance of some random human. We can’t risk replacing a high-ranking official just yet, so the changeling should replace some of their regular soldiers and citizens and try to find some information that suggests a weakness of any kind, while also getting us some insight as to what exactly we're dealing with. If possible, the changelings might even be able to steal some of their weapons for us to examine."

"Alright, I am in favor of this strategy, but it can only work if we all can put up a convincing cover so that the changelings can do their part undetected," King Talon told everyone.

"That's correct,” Luna confirmed. “Once we've revealed the situation to the public, we can begin producing more weapons and ready the airships with them," said Luna.

"That's good. In the meantime, Thorax, send several of your changelings to Ponyville disguised as regular Equestrian citizens. Once the First Humans attack, we'll go through with the plan for infiltration. For now, we should speak about the actual war that we'll have to wage. I assume all of you are with us?" Celestia asked them.

"Yes, I'll begin transporting soldiers and weapons to Equestria to assist in the war effort at once. With our armada of airahips, I expect we'll be able to have roughly four thousand airships carrying about one hundred and fifty Griffin troops each brought here within the week. We can also use the armada to assist the rest of you in bringing troops and equipment as well, if you wish" King Talon offered.

"The Empire should be able to provide over three hundred thousand soldiers in about roughly two to three days," Cadence said.

"Yaks will provide six hundred thousand troops to assist, however, we will need the griffin's help to transport them since we only have a few hundred airships," said King Rutherford.

"The hippogriffs will be able to spare roughly two hundred thousand troops to help defend Equestria," Queen Novo offered.

"I hope fifty thousand dragons will be enough for you. A single dragon is worth a hundred soldiers, they say," said Ember.

"I apologize, but the zebras still shall not participate in this war directly. However, we are still on the side of Equestria and we do hope you win," High Priestess Ada told them.

"Very well," Celestia said, "I shall have over five hundred thousand ponies ready immediately to help the cause, with a few hundred thousand more in reserve. I'll send a messenger to the Minotaur Kingdom and inform them of what has happened. I imagine they’ll provide us with a surplus of soldiers and supplies to aid in the war effort, especially since they'll want their king back. For now, shall we conclude this meeting? I have a speech to write, followed by answering the questions of many angry and worried ponies, especially after what happened with the army we sent to Utopia."

"Celestia, I did say that I wish to speak with you and Luna," King Talon reminded.

"Of course, King Talon, ask what you must, but my point still stands that I did it to ensure our safety if a larger threat ever did show up, and that time is now upon us," said Celestia.

"Citizens of Equestria! I am sure many of you know about the rather large army that was sent to deal with what we told you were human rebels," Celestia announced, "Regrettably, in the effort to avoid a nationwide panic and potential slave rebellions, we could not tell you the entire truth.”

Loud murmurs began to erupt amongst the audience, some were slightly worried that their ruler had to hide anything from them while others were wondering what the army had really gone.

Celestia raised up her hoof and the crowd began to gradually calm down until there was nothing but silence.

"The threat was indeed human in origin, but they were not rebels. Instead, they were a highly advanced faction of humans that we call the First Humans. These humans are nothing like the slaves you keep. They are much… much worse, and they are a huge threat to the entire world. They possess a near absolute resistance to magic and have weapons that one could only find within the realm of fiction, or in one's very nightmares," Celestia told them.

"I’m sure you all have plenty of questions about this new threat, and I will try to answer them as best I can," Celestia paused for a moment to take a look at the ponies' faces, most of them full of shock or confusion.

"First of all, the humans we fought in the Great War, at least at first, lived alongside ponykind, and were thus able to be effected by our magic because of it. However, this is not the case with the First Humans. They are the remnants of an ancient civilization that once ruled our world long ago. This particular subset of First Humans had managed to isolate themselves long ago in an enormous bunker built beneath Tartarus. Since the First Humans hail from a time before magic, they do not contain any, rendering magic useless against them. When the First Humans first appeared, they gave us many gifts, most of which we find in the technology we use to this very day. Their generosity and benevolence ended, however, when they discovered the path to immortality, one that involved us. This was what led to the Great War" Celestia then continued describing the war in great detail.

She told them about what the world was like over a million years ago and how the First Humans used to rule over everything. She told them about how the First Humans were much more technologically advanced than they were and how they had such an understanding of science and maths that they were even able to go to mars.

She described the First Human weapons in great detail, telling them about guns, tanks, military aircraft, and even the “world enders.”

She told them of how the goal of the humans during the Great War wasn't just the complete eradication of ponykind. She told them of how the First Humans discovered a way to use an amplified version of Grogar's bell to absorb the passive magic from the people of Equs and transfer it to themselves, extending their lifespan.

She told them of how the Vega Corporation indoctrinated the local humans and corrupted them, turning them into a cold, violent species who captured anyone they came across to go through the process.

She told them of how Discord was the one to help defeat them by figuring out how to arm a nuke and destroy them with one of their very own “world enders.”

She told them about the fact that these newly emerged First Humans seemed to be much stronger than the ones they had first fought against. She told them that the First Humans were the greatest threat to have ever emerged, far greater than Tirek or Chrysalis or even Grogar.

"But let me tell you this, my little ponies. What happened several days ago shall not happen again. The last time we fought, they had the element of surprise. We knew nothing about them, while they knew all about us. Such a tactic only works once. Now, we know all about them, and this time, they won't be able to turn any of our local humans into soldiers to help them commit their atrocities. Their numbers are only in the few thousand, while there are over five billion of us. They continue to hide in their hole which they crawled into millenia ago, too cowardly to emerge because they know now that they do not have the element of surprise, they stand no chance in direct conflict. The First Humans, both then and now, have partaken in despicable actions that not even I can begin to describe. We do not yet now what they wish to do to us, but we know that it will end with either the complete destruction of society as we know it, or the complete genocide of all ponykind. However, they cannot fathom the experience of ponykind over the last several years, as we’ve proven again and again that good always triumphs over evil… and once evil comes knocking on our door, we and all of our fellow nations of Equus will declare in one voice, ‘We won’t go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!’ We are going to live on! We’re going to survive! And we’re going to show the First Humans exactly what Equestria is made of!”

In including this here so no one will miss it. Read the authors note (the section underneath this) since it'll be very important this time and have something relevant to the story.

Author's Note:

Firstly, I think there's something that needs to be addressed which I think a lot of people will be curious about; how the nations of Equs are spread apart.

Firstly, the citizens of a nation are based on species rather than by nationality. E.g. All dragons are ruled by Ember, all ponies are ruled by Celly and Luna, and all crystal ponies are ruled by Cadence.

Secondly, that means each nation is a lot bigger than our current irl nations, and are spread out across continents. E.g. Equestria being situated in n modern day America and Zebrica being situated in Africa. In the same way, that means most nations (with the exception of the dragons) have close to a billion, or over a billion citizens each. Basically just super massive countries like Russia if Russia had a larger population. The ponies have the largest population and the dragons have the lowest (only a few hundred thousand).

I hope your liked this chapter, and feel free to comment what you thought about this chapter as well as any ideas for future plot points. I need more comments, lots of comments, because I'm addicted to reading them. Constructive criticism is welcome and feel to critique my work as you see fit.

And thank you to FanficReader920 for helping me proofread and edit this chapter.