• Published 19th Jul 2021
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Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

Parliament meeting

"Mr. President, sir!" the general saluted. He spoke in an Italian accent, signifying that he was from pre-flood Italy, which had joined the USU.

"Ah, General Marcel, what's the update?" Atticus asked.

"We were able to breach the cavern, however, we are currently unable to deploy any aircraft. We will have to make use of helicopters and ground based vehicles to initiate contact, sir." the General said.

"And why is that?" Atticus asked in annoyance.

"We are unable to open the main door to the runway. The main door itself has a larger surface area than the cavern itself, and the cavern is right on top of the main doors," General Marcel said, "If we open it, the cavern might… no, the cavern will cave in and come crashing down on us."

"Who's bright idea was it to build the main door to the runway underneath a mountain?" the president asked sarcastically.

"Well, it wasn't a full on mountain back then. It has been a million years after all," he replied.

"It was a rhetorical question, general," the president sighed.

"I knew that sir, I thought it would have been funny," the general replied.

"Well, it wasn't," Atticus said.

"I agree sir," he paused and let the awkward silence take hold for a while, "I apologise, sir."

"Whatever," he said irritably, "What course of action do you suggest?"

"I would suggest using drones to scout out this… Ponyville… before proceeding. If they really do have the rest of humanity enslaved, I would suggest showing up with a considerable military force," he noticed the president's confusion and continued, "Of course, we should send a diplomat with a smaller guard detail first. If we send an entire army to the town which one of their nation's leaders supposedly lives in, they may take it as an act of war. If regular diplomacy fails, then we send an army, not to invade, but instead resorting to gunboat diplomacy by a show of strength."

"And if diplomacy, gunboat or not, fails?" the president questioned.

"Well, that depends. They literally used torches to light up the cavern, so if they really are that primitive… we could always resort to an invasion," the general said.

"Well, let's do everything we can to avoid a war," Atticus advised, "But I do agree with your suggestion. We should send in some drones to scout out the area first."

"Should I start preparing the drones, sir?" General Marcel asked.

"Not yet, I need to get approval from congress first," he sighed in frustration, "Then after that I'm going to have to address the UN and it would be better if I could get their approval as well."

"Yes, of course, sir," he said, "I'll get reception to put out an announcement right away."

"Very good. You go and do that. Dismissed," Atticus told him. He offered one final salute, and was on his way.

"Is everyone here?" the speaker asked the coordinator.

"We're still missing the leaders of… Laos, Singapore, South Africa, New Zealand, and Greece," the coordinator said.

"Please make an announcement and remind them of the meeting that is about to be held," the speaker said, straightening his tie.

The coordinator brought out his phone, "Hello, hiba?" He paused as someone on the other side of the call spoke. "Yeah, I wasn't listening," he paused once again as the voice came from the other side. "Well, check the cams!" his voice raised in frustration, "Send a team to get them to hurry up! I'm gonna have to start the meeting now, we can't wait for them. Tell them to get here as soon as they can." He hung up the phone.

"What's up?" the speaker asked.

"No idea what's taking them so long. Probably getting themselves ready," the coordinator said, "You can go ahead and begin without them."

"Very well, how do I look?" he said, throwing his hands to the side to showcase his black suit.

"You look great," the coordinator said in a hurried tone, "Go on, get going. I've got to go find the rest of the representatives."

The speaker headed into the USU House of Representatives. The representatives in question were all the leaders of the pre-flood nations that joined together to form the USU. President Atticus may have been the elected leader, but for something as important as this, he still needed to hold a majority vote for their course of action, where all the leaders of the pre-flood nations that joined America served as the voters.

The speaker walked up to his stand. There were three stands in the front-middle of the room. The president's stand was in the middle of the three, which was flaked on the right side by the vice president's stand, and on the left side by his own stand.

"Attention, attention everyone!" he called out through the microphone and the chatter died down, "Hello everyone, and welcome to the third USU congress meeting. My name is Ralph Lawson, and I will be your speaker for today. So if you could all kindly take your seats, we may begin shortly.

Suddenly, a voice called out that broke the silence. "Sorry I'm late, I took a bit longer than expected getting ready," the ex Greek prime minister, and current representative of Greece, scrambled to find his seat.

"Ah, Minister Mytsoakis! You're just on time, actually. Glad you could make it," Ralph spoke into the mic, "Let us begin."

The large display screen behind Ralph suddenly came alive with various images of the cavern and the creatures found within them. At the center of the screen, an image of Dr. Keifer, with Tirek and Cozy Glow flanking him on either side was displayed.

"Let's begin with the first topic. I'm sure you have all been briefed on the situation we are currently in. The type of animals present on earth have changed drastically, but that is not the main issue at hand," the screen zoomed in on the image of Keifer and the two aliens, "These are members of the dominant species that are currently inhabiting Earth's surface. More specifically, the one on the right is." The screen zoomed in on the face of Cozy Glow, "These are ponies. They are - "

"We've already been through the briefing. They are the dominant species, they enslaved humanity, and they have magic," the Swedish representative called out, "And yes, we know that the capabilities of this magic is currently unknown."

"Well yes, but I was just going through the briefing," Ralph defended, "Very well then. If you wish to move on and skip the recap, we may. Let's have a vote, green to go through the recap, red to move past the recap, and grey to refrain from voting."

He set up the poll and everyone turned their iPads on, pressing on the congress app. The large screen in front of congress changed, now showing a pie chart with green, red and blue sections. The portions and percentages kept switching for a few seconds, until it showed that everyone had voted. The green portion took up more than one third of the pie chart, having the number 69% displayed on it. The red section displayed 14% and the grey section displayed 17%.

"Very well, we'll skip the recap and get straight towards the action then," Ralph said, "We have done several autopsies on those that had passed away while frozen. What we found was that there was a radiation leakage. Whatever mechanism that was supposed to limit the amount of radiation we were exposed to malfunctioned, which resulted in a small scale beach between the ground and the inside of Utopia."

"How could this happen? We have the top engineers! The top scientists! This is their fault!" one voice called out and the others voiced their agreements.

"Everyone, please!" the speaker raised the volume of his mic, quieting down the sudden uproar of chaos, "This was not due to human error. This happened because of the natural degradation of those mechanisms. They may have been top quality, but one million years would still take its toll on even the sturdiest of objects."

"Was there any foul play involved?" Someone asked.

"The engineers and mechanics have already looked at the mechanism, and Head Peacekeeper Yang himself has officially ruled out foul play," he said, "But do not worry, the situation has been contained. Our developed immunity, coupled with the lessened radiation levels ensures that whatever chaos radiation that does manage to get in will not be of any danger to us."

"Now, if we could move on to the next topic," the speaker beckoned Atticus to stand up, "President Atticus, if you please."

The President stood up and a cameraman zoomed in on him. The top of his head, up to his belly was now projected onto the large screen at the center of the House of Representatives. He straightened his suit, and placed both hands on the podium. He began to speak.

"Hello, all of you. The reason I called for an emergency meeting, and on such short notice, is to begin discussion on a first contact operation. I know that it has only been two days since our awakening, but I wish to make first contact as soon as possible. And by as soon as possible, I mean either tomorrow or the day after," Atticus said to which a massive uproar of arguments suddenly erupted. What they were saying was completely inaudible, due to the fact that almost everyone was shouting all at the same time. But all Atticus had to do was raise a hand. It didn't work immediately, with everyone still shouting, but the awkwardness of essentially shouting at a wall that wasn't responding eventually set in, and after about a minute, the uproar had died down to a complete and awkward silence.

"I'm going to be frank with all of you. I'm doing this for selfish reasons," Atticus admitted, to everyone's surprise, "The reason I am doing this, is because my daughter, who is one of the last remaining children, is about to die because of chaotic radiation."

There were sudden cries of shock, gasps of surprise, and worried looks being thrown around. Most of the pre-flood nations' leaders knew Atticus's daughter quite well. Atticus had regular meetings with his allies, both business and casual, and Eris was present at most of his casual meetings with the other leaders of the pre-flood nations. Most of them knew her as a lively teenage girl with a happy go lucky attitude. She was fun to be around, nice to talk to, and extremely funny. In fact, most of the people here considered her their friend, and she had even offered some of them a shoulder to cry on. And now, she was dying. But someone still needed to address the elephant in the room.

"Atticus," Polish prime minister Olesia Piertreik began in a solemn tone, "I know that you must be very worried, and you might not be thinking clearly. How exactly is first contact going to help your daughter?"

"There is an individual known as Princess Twilight Sparkle. She was mentioned by the Centaur, Lord Tirek, who expressed that she might be capable of assisting," Atticus explained, "He informed us that she was extremely well versed in… magic."

The entire room fell silent. That was, until Minister Olesia broke the silence. "You can't be serious?" she asked in disbelief, "I know that eyewitness accounts said that the two creatures… vanished, but we know nothing about this apparent magic. I can hardly believe it myself! They could have easily been using advanced technology, and telling us it was magic."

"They said that their most advanced piece of technology is either the train, radio, or camera," Atticus said, "I highly doubt a civilisation that has technology from the 1800s would be capable of something like that through technological means."

"But even so, magic?" another representative asked, "Seems too far fetched."

"There's absolutely no way I'm voting in favor of making first contact without even knowing what they're capable of," another representative said, and strong voices of agreement were heard.

"You don't believe me? Fine, watch," the president said before tapping on his iPad. He turned to the cameraman, "Disconnect your bluetooth. I wanna connect mine," he said.

"Of course, sir," he said and did as asked, and the screen feed that previously displayed Atticus was replaced by a bright blue one which said 'no input'.

"What's the password?" the president asked the speaker.

"01ns10ejd2j9" the speaker replied, speaking each letter slowly and carefully so the president could catch it.

The massive screen came to life once again, now showing the home screen of Atticus's iPad, which had a wallpaper of a photo of him, together with his wife, two sons, and daughter smiling at the camera. He accessed his gallery and flipped through it until he found the video.

He played the video. It was a camera view from the top left corner of the room which showed Tirek disappear in a puff of black smoke, followed by Cozy Glow. The video was only two seconds long, but got the desired effect out of the representatives when murmurs began erupting.

"My daughter is one of the last remaining children in Utopia. This video… it shows all of you that she has a chance to live," the president said, "I ask you… no, I beg you, please allow me to initiate first contact. We are going to have to contact the ponies sooner or later, so why not save a life while we're at it?"

"I'm sorry Atticus, but this is still a bit far-fetched for me," one of the representatives said.

"It's too risky. We know next to nothing about their species, and we do know was information gained through a fifteen year old child and someone who isn't even a pony himself," a representative spoke up, "That's not even taking into account that those two individuals are convicted felons."

"We have to find out more before we act," one representative spoke, and yells of support emitted from the others, "We cannot go in blind. We must observe them first, determine their capabilities, and see how much of a threat this 'magic' is."

"If they can teleport right into our nuclear weapon storage facility, it's game over for all of us," the Italian representative stated, and an outcry of worried ministers all began shouting at the same time upon this revelation.

The speaker muted their mics, but when that didn't work, he began banging his mallet on the granite hard. It took some time, but the representatives eventually quieted down.

"Act in a disorderly manner again and you will be removed from this meeting!" the speaker said in a stern tone, "President Atticus, you may continue."

"I have a proposal," the president said, "I agree with all of you. We simply do not have enough information. However, I plan on sending in drones for a twenty four hour observation period, and what we observe will determine how we initiate first contact."

"I disagree," a representative opposed, "We need a minimum of one month of observation before we begin to even think of first contact."

"President Atticus is right. If Eris is in trouble, we should use this opportunity to help her. We're going to have to initiate contact anyway so why not do it now, and have a chance at saving her?" a representative voiced her support.

"Twenty four hours is more than enough time to make observations!" another called out.

"Are you stupid?!" another rudely shouted, "What are we going to determine in twenty four hours?! The town's most used brand of toasters?!"

"What do you expect to gain out of an entire month of surveillance?!" the previous representative asked.

"The capabilities of this newfound 'magic'!" he retorted.

The entire parliament devolved into arguments and insults. Each side's ministers voiced valid points, all of which the ones on the opposing side didn't care about. The only ones not participating in the argument were the president, vice president, and speaker.

"I'm not paid enough for this," Ralph said to himself, "Wait… I'm not even paid."

"QUIET!" Ralph screamed at the top of his lungs after raising his microphone's volume to the max. The effect was instant, with the entire room going silent. "Thank you. I believe you've all made your points very clear over the past fifteen minutes of arguing. Now, can we please continue this meeting in a proper and organised manner?" the speaker asked rhetorically.

"What makes you think that their apparent magic can help your daughter anyway?" Olesia asked.

"Nothing makes me think it can help her, but it at least gives her a chance," Atticus stated.

"So you're being this on a hunch?" Olesia asked.

"If saving Eris isn't a good enough reason, let me give you another one," Atticus began, "Both of these individuals stated that humanity was enslaved by the other species inhabiting this planet. If not for my daughter, do it for the rest of humanity. They have apparently been enslaved, and have been reduced to a bunch of savages. They need our help as well, and every minute wasted is another minute of humanity having to endure the barbarism of the ponies."

"I'm sorry Atticus, but I can't take that risk," Olesia said, "I vote against the motion!"

"I'm not asking to initiate first right now. I'm putting out a motion to scout out the area, then send a diplomat," the president said.

"Attention everyone, we have a motion to vote on," Ralph announced, "As usual, green to vote for the motion, red to go against the motion, and grey to abstain from voting."

Atticus disconnected his Bluetooth and the same pie chart that appeared earlier appeared on the screen. The numbers and portions kept switching, until the results eventually came on screen. The results ended up being 45% for, 45% against, and 10% abstained.

"Well, looks like we have a tie. This means Vice President Felix will get to vote, and will function as our tiebreaker," the speaker said before turning to the vice president, "Your vote, sir?"

"We all know I'm gonna support Atticus on this one. I vote for the motion," Felix said and Atticus sighed in relief.

"You're making a big mistake, Atticus," Olesia said.

"We'll see," Atticus said.

"Very well, the motion has been passed. If approved by the UN, drones will be sent to locate and observe the town known as Ponyville. Determining the course of action afterwards will be left completely under the jurisdiction of the United States army," Ralph said, "You will be notified of the course of action that will be taken. Any information pertaining to the nature of the ponies and of magic itself will be given to you privately, and will be discussed in the next meeting."

The screen switched to show the image of the Gates of Tartarus.

"Now, next on the docket, the doors leading to the cavern. They seem to be made of regular stone, however, they seem to be nearly indestructible. Further proof of this fact is that when we used a diamond tipped drill to get through, it merely scratched the door slightly, while the diamond used literally broke into pieces," the speaker explained, "This is presumably either a new, undiscovered substance, or further evidence of 'magic'. Do not worry though, the walls are just as tough as regular stone, and we have managed to break through it easily using regular explosives."

The meeting continued, discussing other matters pertaining to both Utopia, and the surface.

Author's Note:

Firstly, I wanna say that I know a real parliament would not be this easy to convince.

This is because, one, I have to work with limited space since I typically don't like to bypass the 3k word mark, but with big chapters like this, I'm left with no choice.

And two, I'm sure a completely accurate parliament meeting have to be at least 10k-15k words. I'm sure 10-15k words of a parliament meeting would bore most of my readers away before they even made first contact.

Another reason this had to be really short is because I'm sure most of you want to get to the good part, which is first contact. And I'm also very sure y'all would prefer me to zoom through the meeting and get to the good stuff ASAP.

Now that's over, I would like to ask you guys to comment what you thought of this chapter, as well as what I could have done to improve upon it. And don't compare this to the US parliament, I'm not from there anyway so I'm not basing this on the US political system.

I hope y'all enjoyed, the next chapter will be posted in 3 days. And I hope you guys could comment if I should make a preparation chapter or immediately into first contact.

Until next time!