• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 10,734 Views, 2,837 Comments

Shouldn't have enslaved humanity [OLD VERSION] - NoobMaster69

In 2018, a radioactive asteroid was discovered heading towards Earth. By 2027, the UN had built a bunker to hold 400,000 people and Cryogenics were used to keep humanity frozen for 1,000,000 years. When they awoke, they found the survivors enslaved.

  • ...

In another universe...

"Well, we're all in agreement, correct?" Felix asked all the other world leaders, to which they all replied with a simple nod.

"Well then, let's proceed with the reset operation," Alexi announced.

Felix then took out his phone, and after dialling a number, began to speak into it, "General Holden, commence the reset operation."

In one of the control rooms of Utopia, General Holden stared at a big red button with a plastic cap over it.

"Well, let's get this over with…" he said before opening the cap. "We didn't like this seed so decided to create a new world," Holden chuckled, before pushing the red button.

All around Utopia, the sound of hundreds of rockets were heard as the ground began shaking. On that day, fifty thousand nuclear warheads were launched to all corners of the globe, intending to destroy everything and let life evolve once more, hopefully with a more favourable outcome to humanity.

In an alternate universe…

December 5th, 2056, over a year after the doors to Utopia were closed…

Six months after the Utopian Civil War…

Atticus Constantine stood on a stage alongside Felix, Aladeen and Alexi, together with their families, as they faced a line of men with machine guns. Behind them, in the large hall a crowd of over ten thousand people stood watching and crying out insults to the group. Camera crews from various news studios from different countries stood alongside the crowd as they filmed what was happening.

The yelling and jeering eventually quietened down after a man in a suit walked up on stage and stood at the middle of it.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Loyal citizens of the One Empire! Those stood before you have been found guilty of treason against the saviour of humanity, His Excellency, the emperor!" The man announced and the crowd erupted, taunting and throwing insults at their former leaders. The man raised his hand and the crowd gradually quietened down once more.

"They have been found guilty of crimes including but not limited to: attempting to usurp power from the rightful emperor, spreading false information and attempting to start an uprising against the emperor, attempting a coup against the One Empire, attempting to reform their former nations and break off from the One Empire, leading the rebel faction known as 'Justice' against the One Empire, attempted regicide, terrorism, and many other treasonous crimes that would only be worthy of death!

"For all of these terrible crimes and more, His Excellency has deemed it suitable to sentence not only them, but their families as well to death, for the suffering they have caused every single one of us! In the words of our great emperor: 'none of you were allowed to bring your families along, but they simply used their influence to bypass that rule. While the rest of your loved ones lie dead, their families live here in luxury! This is only the tip of the iceberg of their corruption, and I shall act upon this immediately. This is only the first of many injustices committed against the people that I shall seek to correct. This, I promise you.'

"Today, true justice is being dealt! Fair justice! And all because of our glorious emperor and the sacrifice of his nation. We all know we live in thanks to the Lord and to our emperor and the sacrifice his nation made. It is because of them that all of us are still alive, after all, and they deserve our gratitude.

"Yet there are traitors like these," the man pointed to the ex world leaders, "Who took our emperor's great sacrifice and spat it right back into his face! And more importantly, they insult the sacrifice the citizens of the United Commonwealth made so that we all may live!

"This is a message to all the members of the terrorist organisation known as 'Justice' and anyone who seeks to betray the emperor's kindness and generosity," the man pointed towards the ex world leaders and their families, "There will be consequences for your actions! The remainder of humanity will not devolve into anarchy as your organisation sees fit! We will not tolerate such acts of treason and rebellion, and the mighty hammer of the empire will crush any who tries to oppose it!"

The crowd erupted into cheers once more, and the cheering was heard all throughout Utopia as even those watching the proceedings on television began cheering their support for the One Empire.

"Long live the empire! Long live the emperor! Praise Emperor Wilford!" The man shouted as he raised a hand straight up above his head and stretched out his pointer, middle and ring fingers, spreading them apart.. To anyone unfamiliar, it might simply seem like a number three, but to the citizens of Utopia, they knew it was meant to represent a 'W' and their support for their emperor.

The man then turned around and looked at the ex world leaders and their families.

"Ready!" The man yelled and audible clicks were heard as the gunmen loaded their weapons.

"Aim!" He ordered, and two dozen gunmen pointed their rifles at the leaders and their families.

"Wilford!" Atticus yelled as he looked at the man who was seated on a fancy looking chair and desk in front of the stage as he watched the execution. "Don't do this Wilford! Let our children go! Please!" He pleaded as he locked eyes with the emperor.

The emperor's gaze passed over the children in question and looked as if he was contemplating his answer. His eyes passed over Joseph, the eighteen year old son of Atticus. He then glanced over Gerald, Atticus' second born sixteen year old son and twin of Eris. And finally his gaze fell on her as he looked into her teary eyes as she begged and pleaded with him to let her live. For a moment, Atticus thought that the emperor was going to do as he requested. His hopes were immediately dashed as he heard the emperor's next words…


Author's Note:

Hey gais, I'm back.

So I finally decided to continue on with the reboot of this story and I'm releasing this as a final chapter for closure and to use it as an introduction chapter as well.

This is just a sneak peak at the reboot's new protagonist/antagonist, Emperor Wilford, and what he's gonna be like. I decided to do this execution scene just to reinforce the fact that the emperor is just not a good guy at all and is meant to be a more lawful evil type of character.

Anyway, I've already finished the first three chapters of the reboot and the first two chapters of the reboot version will be released on new year's day. So be sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell!

The storyline of the reboot will be quite similar to the storyline of this version, however, a lot of things will be changed as well.

Just a heads up:
- the reboot will be set in a more semi-futuristic version of Utopia (more so than it is now)
- their weapons and tech will be much more advanced
- they will no longer have magic resistance
