• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Breakout On A Multiversal Level (Part 1)

The Avengers, both new members and old, were sitting in the ruined remains of the main lounge in Stark Tower. It had been a few hours since Ultron Supreme's defeat and the heroes had decided to send the alternate versions of the six Infinity Stones into the Negative Zone, curtesy of the Fantastic Four, along with Ultron Supreme's lifeless body.

Tony had decided to keep the Mind and Reality Stones locked in an enchanted box that can only be broken by either Celestia, Luna, or Twilight, for safe keeping so no one goes for them again.

Not only that, but Fury had received word from S.W.O.R.D, Thanos' ship was still on its way to Earth. He would be there in exactly two days.

Longer than expected, but still not enough time.

Not even a few seconds ago, Captain America had walked into the main lounge of Stark Tower dawning a new outfit due to his previous attire being damaged in the battle between the heroes and Ultron's forces.

Not only that, but Spider-Man was also wearing his Advanced Suit, due to his newest suit being torn in the scuffle with Ultron Supreme back on the Dead Earth.

Cap and Tony were currently standing in front of the group of heroes, debriefing them on the situation.

"After receiving word from S.W.O.R.D, we can now confirm that Thanos and his army will arrive on Earth in two days time. It's time, but not enough. We currently have two of the Infinite Six, that means that there are still four Infinity Stones out there for the taking." Cap said in a serious tone.

Tony folded his arms, "I got J.A.R.V.I.S scanning the planet for any sources of infinite power on the hour, by the hour. If he finds anything, he'll tell us the very second he finds something."

Tails gave Tony a curious look, "If the Stones have THAT much power, they shouldn't be that hard to track, right?"

Tony shook his head, "Given the fact that each Stone represents a piece of existence itself, they can easily blend in and avoid our scans." He replied to the Fox genius.

Fury placed his hands on his hips, "S.H.I.E.L.D and G.U.N are also scouring the globe for the Infinite Six. We've already retrieved the seven Chaos Emeralds, so that's one problem solved."

"The Crystal Empire and other neighboring nations of Equestria are also hard at work scouring their Kingdoms and each others Kingdoms for any signs of these Infinity Stones." Celestia informed the group.

Sonic placed his hands behind his head, "The Chaotix and the other members of the Freedom Fighters are looking for these things as well."

Twilight nodded while smiling at the blue Hedgehog before turning to Cap, "We're also going to receive some help from my two friends Starlight Glimmer and Fiz-- uh, I mean Tempest Shadow. I already asked J.A.R.V.I.S to send out a Quinjet to Canterlot to pick them up and bring them here. They should be here any minute now."

Cap nodded before saying, "Good. We're going to need all the help we can get. But we need to work faster if we are going to find these Stones. So, we're going to have to split up into groups to search the planet for the Stones. It's the most efficient way to make things progress at a faster rate."

Amy sighed as she placed a hand on her chest, "At least we have a plan."

Rarity nodded in agreement, "I concur, darling. I daresay that things cannot possibly get any worse."

It was then that both Sonic and Rainbow Dash hit their foreheads.

"I'm afraid it can, my Equine friend." A sudden, yet familiar voice said.

Before anyone could question it, a sparking, orange portal opened behind the group, causing them all to turn around to face it as Dr. Stephen Strange stepped through.

Cap and Tony walked past the group and made their way to Dr. Strange.

"Strange? What are you doing here?" Cap asked in a worried tone.

Stephen sighed as the portal closed behind him, "I'm afraid that I come to you with a matter of great importance. One that could damage our reality even more that it already has been."

"What do ya mean by that?" Applejack also asked in a worried tone.

Strange looked at them all with a stern expression, "Our three worlds were not the only ones affected by The Convergence."

This revelation shocked everyone present. Each of their eyes widened as they tried to process what Strange had just said.

"Um....what do you mean by that? If you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy asked in a quiet tone.

Strange sighed as he began to explain, "A few moments ago, I felt multiple other worldly presence's in our world. I assumed it was due to Equestria, Mobius, and Earth being merged into one. But I was wrong in that assumption as I felt multiple beings with an intent to harm others. I know that you're probably thinking that it could still be part of our converged worlds, but these beings felt different to us. They felt, alien.

"So, it is with a heavy heart that I ask for your assistance in finding these individuals and sending them back to their original universes. I am able to return them with a simple spell, but I need them all in one place for it to work."

Shadow arched a brow, "What happens if we don't send them back?"

Strange looked at the Hedgehog and explained, "Their being here has already left out world weakened. It was already weakened due to The Convergence, but now due to their presence, our world is on the verge of being invaded by other universes. I have cast a spell to try and hold our world's energy together, but even now, I feel it weaken."

Pinkie's foreleg shot up into the air, "Um, how many universes are there in the Multiverse?"

Strange looked at the Party Pony with a serious expression, "Infinite."

Tony raised his arms up in frustration, "Well, this is just freakin' terrific! Anyone got anymore bad news to share?"

It was then that Peter's phone rang a familiar, yet, unfamiliar ring tone.

(Play from start to 0:13)

Peter quickly reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. He saw that MJ was calling and quickly answered it.

"MJ? I-I'm kinda busy--..........Wait, what do you mean there's been a breakout? Is the shield still up?.........Okay, good.......but there are guards still in there, of course there is. Okay, thanks for letting me know." Peter hung up the phone and got up from the couch, "I'm sorry guys, but I gotta go."

Twilight looked up at the Spider hero, "Why? What's wrong?"

Pete looked down at his Alicorn friend, "There's been a breakout at The Raft. The shield's still up, but there are guards that are still trapped in their. I can't stand by and let them die. I gotta go."

Sonic then got to his feet, "You're not going alone. I'm going with you."

Peter sighed, "Sonic--"

It was then that Twilight got up as well, "I'm going too."

Peter folded his arms, "Guys, you're needed here."

It was then that Tony intervened, "Actually, we can handle things here while you guys sort this out. Besides, I don't like the idea of you fighting off an entire prison by yourself."

Peter sighed and glanced at his two friends, "You two sure about this?"

Sonic smirked at his friend, "You bet! It'll be just like when we met!"

Twilight stepped forward towards her friend, "Besides, what are friends for, right?"

Peter chuckled and smiled at his friends underneath his mask, "Alright then. Let's go stop a prison break!"

Cap stepped towards the three friends, "While you three are at The Raft, the rest of us will find the Stones and help Strange find these Multiversal Trespassers."

A sudden noise outside caught everyone's attention.

Twilight smiled at her two friends, "And it looks like we won't be alone."

Twilight, Sonic, Dr. Strange, and Spider-Man all stepped out onto the helipad as the Quinjet landed. Twilight was giddy with excitement as the hangar door opened up and both Tempest Shadow and Starlight Glimmer stepped out of the Quinjet.

Twilight let out a squeal as she dashed over and tackled her two friends in a hug.

Starlight giggled while Tempest simply rolled her eyes, "It's good to see you two, princess."

Twilight ended the embrace as she exhaled to calm down, "It's so good to see you two, girls. I just wish the circumstances could've been better."

Starlight placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder, "So do we, but we'll always help out a friend when she needs it. Right, Tempest?"

Tempest merely nodded as she stepped forward, "We've been informed of the situation regarding the merging of our three universes and are here to help."

Twilight smiled as she said, "Good, but right now we have to get to The Raft."

"The Raft?" Starlight asked.

"A maximum security prison. There's been a breakout and people are in danger. We need to make sure nopony escapes and make sure no one gets hurt. Can I count on you two?"

Tempest nodded, "Of course, princess."

Starlight smirked at her friend, "Did you even have to ask?"

Twilight smiled as she turned to Dr. Strange, "Doctor? Could you get us into The Raft?"

Strange nodded as he began opening a portal to The Raft. It was then that a portal opened up on the floor next to the group.

Strange then said to the group, "You better get going and put a stop to this. You won't be able to communicate with me or any other members of the team once you're inside. The shield made sure of that. I wish you good luck, my friends."

They all nodded to the Sorcerer Supreme before jumping into the portal.

"Doctor's Log #1. It appears that I have been transported to a world similar to my own. Interesting." Dr. Robotnik didn't waste any time when the cell doors opened up. He dashed out of the cell and made his way to the nearest computer at his disposal to try and gather as much information as he could.

"From what I could find, it seems that this world is full of Super People.," Robotnik made a fake gagging noise as he stuck his finger in his open mouth, "Bleh! But there is some good news. When I was released from my cell, I picked up a strange signal. A signal that gave off energy readings that had EVEN MORE power than that Master Emerald I found thanks to that dimwitted, celestial, skin-tag! I have truly discovered the source of ultimate power!

"And once I get my hands on this mysterious power, that Hedgehog and his annoying, little family!" Robotnik shouted in a Golem like voice, "Will learn what happens when you make a mockery of me! Unfortunately, my Drones did not make it here with me."

Robotnik pressed some buttons on his glove and a tiny helicopter drone flew out of the white cufflink on his jacket. The tiny drone then fired a laser and moved along the edges of a metal door until said door fell to the floor, revealing the armory which was filled with tech and weapons, enough for Robotnik to get back onto his feet.

Robotnik smirked, "But when has that ever stopped me?"

When Twilight and the others fell through the portal and landed on the rooftop on one of the prison buildings, a few things were clear to them. It was night time, and the prison was in absolute chaos!

Fires and explosions were everywhere. It was like they entered a war movie.

Peter was actually shocked, "Huh. A lot worse than I thought it would be."

Sonic glanced up at his friend, "It's a prison break, what did you expect?"


Both Twilight's and Tempest's eyes widened when they heard that voice roar the latter's name. They then heard a thud behind them and turned around to see a very unhappy Storm King standing before them.

"Not that." Twilight muttered.

Storm King took a step before them before finally taking notice of what Tempest was wearing.

"I'm sorry, but what are you wearing? Why aren't you wearing your armor? Why are you hanging out with the Pony Princess? Why is she still moving? And who are these freaks?!"

Tempest stomped her hoof, "OH, SHUT UP!"

"EXCUSE ME?!" Storm King snarled.

"In case you haven't figured it out, you pea, brained idiot, I don't work for you anymore! Now' I'll ask the questions, how're you still alive?" Tempest demanded to know.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Dr. Robotnik was hiding behind a piece of rubble on the other side of the building, watching the whole thing. The first thing he took notice of was Sonic, but he looked different. More cartoony. He decided to continue observing before acting out his plan.

"What do you mean "How am I still alive"? Why wouldn't I be?" Storm King replied.

Sonic, Twilight, and Spidey glanced at one another. Looks like they found one of the Multiversal Trespassers.

Storm King decided to ignore it as he waved his paw dismissively, "Ah, it doesn't matter. What I wanna know is, WHERE. IS. MY. STAFF?! WHERE IS MY SOURCE OF ULTIMATE POWER?!"

Robotnik's eyes widened at that, "Ultimate power?"

Storm King then cracked his knuckles as he took a step forward towards the group, "Now, either tell me where it is, or--"

He was cut off by Peter, who Web Zipped over to him and kicked him in the face, launching the Yeti off of the building. The Storm King landed in a dumpster on the ground.

Everyone turned to Peter who shrugged in response, "What? We got other things to do. We'll pick him up and get him to Strange when this is done."

Nobody seemed to object as they all followed Peter to try and clean up this mess.

Unbeknownst to them, Storm King crawled out of the dumpster as he wiped off the various pieces of trash on his body. After he readjusted his crown, he was startled as one of Robotnik's Drones appeared right in front of him.

It was then that Storm King noticed even more Drones surrounding him. He took a battle ready stance, ready to defend himself, until....


Storm King then looked up to the roof and saw Robotnik staring down at him with a smirk on his face.

"So, my Yeti looking friend! You mentioned," Robotnik then howled into the sky, "AWOO, AWHOO, AWHOOOOOULLTIMATE POWER! Just a few seconds ago."

Storm King glared at the scientist, "My Staff? That ain't your business, weirdo!"

"Au contraire, mon frère. I believe it is."

Robotnik then walked off the edge of the rooftop, where two Drones were waiting for him. They carried him to the ground below so he could be face to face with the Storm King. As Robotnik landed in front of him, Storm King eyed the whacky man in bewilderment.

Robotnik stood off the Drones and stood before Storm King.

"Ya see, Earth is my turf, G." Robotnik then proceeded to do the Floss Dance in front of Storm King, "If you don't know how to Floss, you'll be lost without me!"

As Robotnik stopped dancing, Storm King continued to look at him in confusion, "I didn't understand a word of what you just said."

"Okay, another approach then." Robotnik thought to himself before speaking, "I help you retrieve the Staff, and you use it to DESTROY THE HEDGEHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!"

Storm King started to process what the mad man was saying, "So, you're saying that we team up?"

"Yes, but I also need your help to get to the top of the main building."


"Because that's where my source of ultimate power is, you dingus!" He thought before talking again, "Because if we want to get out of here, I'll need to get a better signal. Get me up there, we all get out of here and you get your Staff," Robotnik lied before he reached out for a handshake, "Deal?"

Storm King inwardly chuckled, "This guy thinks that I'll actually help him? HAH! This'll be easier than manipulating that prissy Pony!" He thought before accepting the handshake, "Deal, Misterrrrr....."

"Doctor. Dr. Robotnik. But my dentist calls me Rob." Robotnik replied.

"Heh, too easy." The two villains thought to themselves as they both smiled evilly.

Author's Note:

That's one, small step for man. One giant leap for me

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