• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Battle For The Time Stone (Part 2)

As the main building of The Raft collapsed on top of our heroes, the shield barrier around the island flickered a few times before disappearing, due to the computer to turn it on and off being destroyed along with the building. The Death Egg Robot's shadow loomed over the rubble that was the main building.

As the smoke rose from the rubble, Robotnik couldn't help but quip, "SCHMOKIN'!!!"

Robotnik, who was standing on a platform inside the robot's head, held the Time Stone in his hand and smirked.

"Tunes of Anarchy playlist." Robotnik said aloud.

The speakers inside the Death Egg Robot then began to play 'Where Evil Grows'.

As the music began to play, Robotnik began moving the Death Egg Robot with an evil smile on his face.

As the Death Egg Robot walked into the water and off the island, it performed high kicks to the beat of the song while swinging its arms left and right. The Death Egg Robot then stopped before it slid to the left, water flying upward from the force of the robot.

The Death Egg Robot then slid to the right and performed a 360 spin on the spot before squatting down and shimmying to the left while hanging its arms downward by its sides, swinging its arms left and right as it moved before it stood up straight. The robot then performed the same move again, only this time it moved to the right.

The Death Egg Robot turned around and began Moonwalking towards the city, its giant, metallic hand resting on its forehead as it Moonwalked to the city. The robot then spun around and began walking towards the city like a chicken, performing high kicks to the beat as it flapped its arms like wings.

The Death Egg Robot then stomped its left foot into the water, not only splashing the water beneath it, but also creating a green light that shined through the water. The Death Egg Robot then bounced to the beat as it continued to walk to the city, splashing water as it walked.

The Death Egg Robot then stomped its right foot, creating the same effect as before. The massive robot then bounced to the beat once more before coming to a complete stop.

The Death Egg Robot then shot its arms to the sky, just as the beat slowed down, shooting pillars of green light out of the water as it performed this motion. As the beat picked up again, the Death Egg Robot swung its arms from side to side along with the beat of the guitar.

Robotnik then made the robot perform The Robot as it slowly approached the city. The robot then performed an Egyptian Walk along with the beat as it drew closer to the city.

(End song)

All was quiet at The Raft, not a sound was made after Robotnik tore up the place with his Death Egg Robot. That was until a glider with a cackling mad man burst out of the rubble and flew towards the Death Egg Robot.

The Death Egg Robot was suddenly hit by two missiles, which caused Robotnik to stumble a bit.


The Death Egg Robot turned its head to see none other than the Green Goblin flying towards it, two Pumpkin Bombs ready in his hands.

"HEY, MORON! THE POWER RANGERS CALLED, THEY WANT THEIR VILLAIN BACK!!!" Robotnik shouted as the Death Egg Robot fired its eye lasers at the insane villain.

Goblin swerved left and right to avoid the laser beams and then proceeded to hurl two Pumpkin Bombs at the giant robot's head.

Robotnik was annoyed.

He clutched onto the Time Stone and used it to freeze Goblin in time. The Death Egg Robot's eyes lit up as they prepared to fire an eye laser to finish the mad man off.


Robotnik's attention was caught by a shout coming from the robot's lower leg. He groaned in annoyance when he saw none other than the Storm King, climbing the robot's leg. He had escaped the rubble without the scientist knowing and was climbing up to the head of the mech the entire time.

"That Stone belongs to ME!!!" Storm King declared as he climbed up the Death Egg Robot's left leg.

Robotnik rolled his eyes in annoyance, "The flies sure are busy today."

Robotnik then moved the Death Egg Robot's leg upward to try and shake the Yeti off of it, but the Storm King wasn't so easily deterred as he clung onto the mechanical leg with his claws. Storm King picked up the pace and climbed up the leg at a faster speed.

As the Storm King ascended the leg, the Death Egg Robot was suddenly hit in the back of the head by a red blast. The mechanical giant turned its head to see none other than Infinite flying towards it.

"Hand over the Stone, Robotnik!" Infinite demanded as he hurled another red orb at the mechanical giant.

The Death Egg Robot's eyes glowed green as it prepared to fire an eye laser, "Yeah, how 'bout no?" Robotnik replied as he fired the robot's eye lasers at the Jackal.

Infinite dodged and weaved through the eye lasers and made his way towards the Death Egg Robot. Once he was close enough, Infinite began charging up the Phantom Ruby. Robotnik, having had enough of this, began tightening his grip on the Time Stone.

Before any of the other villains could make their moves, Robotnik used the Time Stone to release a green shockwave from within the Death Egg Robot. Storm King, Green Goblin, and Infinite were caught in the shockwave, which resulted in them being frozen in time.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Robotnik laughed, "You were saying?"

Twilight Sparkle was coughing up a storm due to the amount of dust and smoke around her. She slowly began opening her eyes, they were stinging but she had to open them to see where she was. Once her vision cleared, she saw all four Spider-Men holding up the collapsing ceiling with their strength, but they wouldn't be able to hold it for long.

She turned her head and saw Starlight, Tempest, and the Wachowski's helping each other out. But her eyes widened when she saw both Sonic and Sonic Wachowski laying on the ground in an unconscious state. She mustered all of the strength she could and slowly trotted over to them.

Once she reached the two Hedgehogs, she fell onto her belly due to her loss in strength. She slowly crawled over and shook Sonic's chest with her hoof.

"Sonic? Sonic wake up!" She shouted.

No response.

Twilight's eyes were starting to get blurry, but not because of the dust, but because she was starting to cry.

"Sonic, wake up!!! Please, wake up!!!" She pleaded once more.

No response.

Twilight, who had tears streaming down her cheeks, was openly sobbing now, "WAKE UP!!! FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA, WAKE UP!!!"

The four Spider-Men were starting to give in as the mass of the ceiling became too much for them.

Twilight began hitting the Hedgehog's chest, "SONIC, IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"

No response.

The ceiling was starting to collapse.


They weren't going to make it.


It was then that the seven Chaos Emeralds appeared around the two Hedgehogs. Both Sonic's eyes shot open, but they weren't their normal green.

They were red.

"Hmm... What should I do with you three?" Robotnik pondered. An evil grin appeared on his face as he snapped his fingers, "I know! How about I use the Stone to erase you three from existence? Now THAT sounds like fun!"

He was about to use the Time Stone to finish his enemies off, but a massive explosion of power interrupted him and caught his, and everyone else's attention.

"What was that?"

(Play from 1:34 to 2:17)

A beam of yellow light shot up from the rubble of The Raft, lighting up the night sky. As the Death Egg Robot turned around towards the island, two figures could be seen floating into the air inside the beam of yellow light.

Two Super Sonic's.

The Death Egg Robot actually took a step back in fear, this wasn't good. The other heroes climbed out of the rubble and looked up into the sky in awe and amazement.

Webb-Verse Peter pointed up to them as he looked up in awe, "Now THAT is awesome!"

Peter and Twilight nodded, "Yeah, it is." They both replied together.

The two Super Sonic's looked at each other and nodded, both knowing what they had to do. They shot forward at speeds that were never thought possible towards the Death Egg Robot.

(End song)

Robotnik stomped his foot on the floor multiple times in anger, "COME ON!!! GIVE ME A BIG. FAT. BREAK!!!"

Robotnik used the Time Stone to unfreeze the villains and charged towards the approaching two Hedgehogs. As the Death Egg Robot ran, Robotnik fired multiple missiles from the mech's chest and shoulders, hoping to hit the two Super Formed Hedgehogs.

The two Super Sonic's simply smirked and boosted through the incoming missiles, destroying them with ease as they flew forward. The Death Egg Robot stopped dead in its tracks as Robotnik clutched onto the Time Stone, tapping into its power over time itself.

The Death Egg Robot suddenly vanished in a flash of green light, confusing the two Sonic's.

The massive mech reappeared a few meters behind them and raised it's arms, opening it's palms as it did so. The Death Egg Robot then shot multiple Time Orbs from it's hands. The two Super Sonic's dashed forward at high speeds, doing their best to avoid the approaching orbs of time.

Unfortunately, Sonic Wachowski wasn't careful enough and flew into one of the Time Orbs. Everything slowed down for the Hedgehog, the orb made sure that everything within it moved at an almost still like speed. Sonic Wachowski closed his eyes as his body was suddenly surrounded by yellow electricity.

Then out of nowhere, Sonic Wachowski zoomed out of the orb at high speeds, continuing his route towards the Death Egg Robot.

Robotnik gritted his teeth in anger as the two Super Sonic's approached him and his mech. Robotnik pressed a button on one of his two consoles, causing rocket boosters to suddenly protrude from the mech's wrist. As Super Sonic approached, the Death Egg Robot threw a punch at the golden Hedgehog.

Super Sonic reacted to this by reeling back a fist and throwing a punch of his own. The two fists collided, but Sonic's punch was far more powerful than Robotnik's. The Death Egg Robot's fist shattered into millions of metallic pieces as the punches connected.

Robotnik was stunned for a moment, until he remembered that he had control over time itself. He used the Time Stone to rewind time and repair the Death Egg Robot's fist, making Sonic's punch not matter in the slightest.


Suddenly, the Death Egg Robot shot up into the sky, thanks to the rockets on the mech's feet. The two Super Sonic's shot upwards in pursuit of the giant robot.

The Death Egg Robot fired it's eye lasers at the two Hedgehogs as they flew towards it. The two Sonic's increased their speed and continued their pursuit of the giant mech. The two Sonic's then curled themselves up and rammed right through the Death Egg Robot's chest with a Double Super Spin Dash.

Before Robotnik could use the Stone, Super Sonic shot right through the back of the mech's head and quickly took the Stone off of the mad genius before he could repair his mech. Super Sonic gave Robotnik a small salute before flying through the front of the mech's head.

While that was going on Sonic Wachowski was zooming through the mech's body at super speed, piercing it's armor and damaging it severely. Once Sonic Wachowski shot through the mech's chest again, the Death Egg Robot began falling to the ocean as it exploded.

Super Sonic quickly zoomed down and grabbed Robotnik from the head of the mech before it hit the ocean.

The Death Egg Robot then exploded in a blaze of glory, splashing huge amounts of water into the air as it blew apart. The two Sonic's shared a fist bump as they flew back to The Raft with both the Time Stone and a now defeated Dr. Robotnik.

(End song)

The two Super Sonic's landed back down onto the ground, with Super Sonic tossing Robotnik on the ground. Sonic Wachowski suddenly zoomed back out, confusing everyone present. He then zoomed back with both the Storm King, Green Goblin, and Infinite in his grasp.

"LET GO OF ME, YA YELLOW FURBALL!!!" Storm King shouted.

Sonic Wachowski shrugged and dropped the two villains to the floor.

Raimi-Verse Spidey and Spider-Man webbed up the two villains so they couldn't go anywhere. Sonic Wachowski floated over to his two adoptive parents as he began to return to his normal form. Super Sonic floated down and gave Twilight a hug and gave Peter and Miles a fist bump.

The two Hedgehogs returned to normal as the Emeralds left their bodies and shot up into the sky, scattering across the planet again.

The Wachowski's shared a hug, which made Robotnik gag, "I think I just threw up in my mouth."

Storm King snarled at the villain, "WHEN I GET OUTTA THIS, I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY, ROBOTNIK!!!"

Robotnik simply rolled his eyes, not taking him seriously.

Sonic turned to Twilight, "Well, what do we do with them now?"

It was then that Starlight trotted forward, "I could use a spell to send them to Strange's location, but it is very tricky to pull off."

Peter shrugged, "Better than nothing, I guess."

Twilight smiled at her friend, "You've got this, Starlight."

Starlight smiled back and shared a hug with her friend. They broke the hug before Starlight's horn lit up. She then began levitating into the air, her eyes glowing with power as her horn sparked with magic. The villains looked at one another with uneasiness, except Green Goblin, who wasn't worried in the slightest.

Starlight was about to complete the spell, they could finally get back to focusing on Thanos and saving their world. All it would take was.....


A gasp got caught in Starlight's throat as she suddenly felt an immense pain in her chest. Her magic died down as she stared down at her torso. Her eyes widened as she saw what caused her pain.

A very large blade was protruding from her chest.

Everyone was staring in shock and horror.

Twilight was frozen, tears streaming down her face as she looked at her friend.


The blade was pulled out of Starlight's chest as she coughed up blood. Her magic died down as she fell to the ground. Twilight was already galloping to her friend before Starlight even hit the ground.

Twilight grabbed Starlight's body with her magic and laid her down gently. Twilight then tried a healing spell, but it wasn't working.

"STARLIGHT! COME ON, STARLIGHT, WAKE UP!!!" Twilight pleaded, but got no response.

A single tear fell from Starlight's eye. It was then that Twilight noticed that Starlight wasn't even blinking. She wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing.

"Star......Starlight?" Twilight asked, barely speaking above a whisper.

Realization hit Twilight like a freight train.

Starlight was dead before she hit the ground.

The area around them was silent, nothing being heard except the gust of the wind.

Twilight let out a scream of agony before she began sobbing into Starlight's chest. Sonic Wachowski fell into his parents arms as he cried silently. The four Spider-Men looked down in sadness while Tempest looked away, tears streaming down her face.

Sonic wasn't sure what to do. He's dealt with death before, he knew how to grieve, but what about Twilight? How does he handle comforting someone he cares about? Does he go over and comfort her? Does he give her time to grieve?

He looked up and his eyes widened as he saw Starlight's killer. Everyone else followed suit and looked up to the sky, the last one looking being Twilight. They all stared at the one who killed Starlight, the one who hovered above them all.

They all stared at the smiling face of Sephiroth.

Author's Note:

The first casualty of war

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