• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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An Endless Winter (Part 2)

The Quinjet flew across the sky, soaring through the harsh blizzard to reach Grand Central Station. On the ground below, several Frost Giants roamed the streets, smashing cars and light poles. Thor frowned as he flew alongside the Quinjet. He was going to make Loki pay for this, they all were.

The Quinjet landed in front of Grand Central Station, which was turned into an icy citadel guarded by multiple Frost Giants. The hangar door opened as Thor landed next to the Quinjet. Cap led the other heroes, sans Spike, who elected to stay behind and look after Celestia and Luna, out of the Quinjet as the hangar door closed.

Thor then let out a mighty battle cry as he flew forward and struck one of the Frost Giants in the face, sending him to the ground. Cap and the others then charged towards the army of Frost Giants and commenced the battle. AJ wrapped her lasso around a Frost Giant's neck, giving Hulk the chance to tackle the Frost Giant to the ground.

As Hulk relentlessly punched the Giant's face, Shadow fired a Chaos Spear at a Frost Giant's chest as Hawkeye shot an explosive arrow at the icy goon, knocking it down. Pinkie bounced around the Frost Giant, confusing it as Amy snuck up behind it and hit the back of the Giant's knee, making it fall to one knee as Black Window jumped into the air and kicked him in the face, knocking the Frost Giant down.

As Spider-Man slid between the legs of a Frost Giant, he fired to lines of web, both of them attaching to the Giant's leg. When he was behind the Frost Giant, he stood up and tugged on the webbing, causing the Giant to fall flat on his face. As the Giant tried to get back up, Rarity, although she struggled, managed to hold it in place with her magic as Tails flew into the air and blasted the Giant with his arm cannon.

As Fluttershy gave a Frost Giant The Stare, Cap threw his shield and hit the Frost Giant in the face, stunning it as Thor took to the air and blasted the Frost Giant with a bolt of lightning, sending the Giant to the ground. The Frost Giant tried to get up, but Cap charged forward and slammed his shield in the Frost Giant's face, knocking the Giant out.

Sonic and Rainbow Dash ran/flew circles around the Frost Giant, blinding it as Tony took to the air and fired a Unibeam blast from his chest. The Unibeam hit the Frost Giant in the chest, causing it to stagger into Knuckles, who was gliding behind it. The Echidna hit the Frost Giant in the back, causing it to fall over. When the Giant tried to get up, Twilight teleported in front of the Frost Giant and casted a Sleeping Spell, causing it to fall asleep.

Sonic gave a sigh of relief as the Giant snored. The path was clear, they could enter Grand Central Station and take Loki head on.

"That was surprisingly easy." Sonic blurted out, causing the others to groan.

"You just HAD to say something didn't you, Hedgehog?" Shadow said as he glared at the azure Hedgehog.

Tony took to the air and hovered in front of Grand Central Station. His chest then lit up before he fired a Unibeam at the ice blocking the entrance. The ice was melting from the heat of the Unibeam, revealing the entrance to the station. Once the ice was completely melted, Tony slowly descended to the ground.

He turned his head back to his teammates, "Open sesame!"

Thor walked ahead of Tony, "Come, my friends! Loki awaits!"

Thor then led the group of heroes into Grand Central to confront Loki and undo this endless winter that he has created.

As they walked through the icy domain that was Grand Central Station, Twilight couldn't help but shiver due to the extreme coldness inside the station. As she continued to walk, she couldn't help but look at the blue Hedgehog walking in front of her.

She smiled and a tint of red appeared on her cheeks. Unbeknownst to her, Rarity, who was walking beside her, saw her blush and smirked.

"I know that look." Rarity said to the smitten Alicorn.

That broke Twilight's train of thought as she shook her head and looked to Rarity.


Rarity continued to smirk, "Darling, you can't fool me. I know that look anywhere."

When Twilight tilted her head in confusion Rarity sighed.

"You found your Special Somepony."

Twilight's eyes widened as she shook her head in denial, "Nononononono!!! I-It isn't like that!!!"

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Twilight, no offence, but you cannot lie to save your life."

Twilight opened her mouth to reply but no words came out. She sighed and bent her head down, "Is it really that obvious?"

"Darling, you're practically head over hooves for him."

Twilight sighed, "Can you blame me? I mean, he's just so kind, caring, selfless. What's not to like?"

Rarity tilted her head, "So....why not talk to him? Tell him how you feel?"

Twilight's eyes widened again, "No. No way! I-It wouldn't work out. We're from two different worlds. Literally. Plus, I don't want to risk ruining our friendship if it doesn't work out. Besides, we have bigger issues to worry about."

"But Twilight..." Rarity pressed.

Twilight held up a hoof to silence her, "Sorry, Rarity. But I don't want to talk about this. Besides, he probably doesn't feel the same way."

Rarity sighed but did not press on any further.

The group then entered the main area of the station, each of them on their guard for Loki. Suddenly, Thor stopped and held his arm out to stop the group from going any further. Thor glared at the sight before him. In the center of the station was a throne made out of ice, where Loki sat waiting for them.

Thor jumped down from the upper level and landed in front of the throne, the other heroes soon joining him.

Loki smirked as he held a tight grip on his scepter, "Ah, hello brother."

Thor pointed Mjolnir at his brother, "Loki! What have you done?!"

Loki smirked, "Mwahahahaha! Why, Ive finally done what I set out to do all those years ago. I've won." Loki then raised a curious eyebrow, "I see you've brought some friends to our little get together. Both old AND new. A-Are those little horses?"

Rainbow frowned as she pointed a hoof at the God of Mischief, "It's Ponies, buster! You better not forget it or else you're gonna get it!"

Loki then busted out laughing, confusing Rainbow a great deal.

Loki wiped away a tear, "And what are YOU little creatures going to do to me? A God!"

"I'm going to enjoy wiping that smile off of your face." Shadow said.

"Brother, do you not realize the gravity of what you've done?" Thor asked.

Loki smirked once more, "Of course I do. I helped those fools at A.I.M create a new world in exchange for the Casket of Ancient Winters. They think that this world is theirs to rule, but it is MINE! Once my army has grown strong enough, I will destroy them and use their technology to return to Asgard to take my rightful place as king!"

Tony shook his head, "Yeah, not gonna happen."

"Oh, you think that you have a choice in the matter? Hahahahaha! That's amusing, mortal."

"No, what's amusin' is the feelin' Ah'm gonna feel when Ah kick ya face in!" Applejack threatened as she crouched down.

Loki gasped in a mocking fashion, "Oh no! The wittle horsey is going to kick me. Whatever shall I do?"

Sonic rolled his eyes, "You gonna keep yappin' or are we gonna do this?"

Loki shrugged and smirked, "Well....I suppose that I could use a warmup before I take over the rest of the world."

He then stood from his throne and walked down the stairs leading to said throne. The heroes got ready as Loki stood before them with an evil smile on his face.

Loki pointed his scepter at them, "Shall we?"

Loki then stamped his scepter onto the icy floor, creating a shockwave that sent the heroes back a few feet. Loki then hovered into the air, a green flame surrounding him as he split into multiple copies of himself. The Loki clones landed on the floor and fired their scepters at the heroes.

The heroes took action and dodged the blasts of power from the scepters. Thor yelled as he charged at a Loki clone and swung Mjolnir in an attempt to hit his evil brother.....only to phase right through the clone and land on his back. The clone turned and stared down at his brother.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?"

The clone then tried to stab Thor in the chest with his scepter, but Thor rolled out of the way before he could get hit. The clones then stamped their scepters onto the ground again, creating shockwaves that sent the heroes back. The clones then faded away as the real Loki appeared in the center of the room.

He then swung his scepter as Sonic, Rainbow, and Shadow all charged towards the God of Mischief. Loki swung his scepter, creating a wave of green energy that knocked the speedsters back. As the speedsters landed on the ground, Hulk leapt into the air and attempted to smash Loki with his fists, but Loki smirked as he fired a blast from his scepter and blasted Hulk in the chest.

Tony, Tails, and Twilight took to the air as Hulk crashed into a wall and fired their own unique blasts at the God of Mischief. Loki smirked as a green shield appeared around him and protected him from the laser blasts. As the shield disappeared, Loki laughed.

But that laugh was short lived as a lasso suddenly wrapped around his neck from behind him. Applejack had a firm grip of her lasso with her teeth, tugging back to keep Loki at bay. This gave Cap the opportunity to charge forward and uppercut Loki in the chin with his shield, launching the God into the air.

Applejack then pulled on her lasso and slammed Loki on the ground with powerful force. As Loki got up, he cut the lasso with his scepter and glared daggers at the Earth Pony.


He then fired a laser from his scepter aimed at Applejack. She would've been hurt by the laser had it not been for Thor, who landed in front of her and spun Mjolnir around in a circle at high speeds, blocking the laser from hitting AJ. While Loki was distracted, Spidey shot a web at Loki's back and tugged back, causing Loki to stagger.

Knuckles jumped into the air and aimed downward, spinning around at fast speeds. He then dug into the icy ground and drilled his way to Loki's position. He then moved upwards and shot out of the ground and uppercut Loki in the chin, launching the Trickster God into the air and landing on his back.

Knuckles landed on the floor and immediately shivered, "Brrr. S-S-So.....C-C-Cold."

Loki then got back to his feet and slammed his scepter onto the ground, sending out multiple pillars of green fire spreading outwards from Loki. Black Widow did a barrel roll and fired a taser from her wrist at Loki. The taser hit Loki in the chest, shocking him.

Amy then charged forward and jumped into the air, swinging her Piko Piko Hammer right into the side of Loki's head, launching him into a block of ice, shattering it on impact. Loki then teleported to the center of the room. As Loki raised his scepter into the air, Hawkeye shot an arrow from his bow to hit Loki.

But Loki saw the arrow from the corner of his eye and caught it before it hit him. As the God smirked, the arrow blew up in his face, stunning the Trickster God. Sonic then ran around Loki, creating a Blue Tornado to blind the God. As he ran around him, Sonic punched Loki at speeds that could barely be seen.

Sonic then skidded to a stop as Rainbow flew forward and decked Loki right in the face, causing Loki to stagger. Loki shook his head and regained focus. He then spotted Fluttershy shaking in fear. Loki smiled as he pointed his scepter at the shy mare.

"You ally yourself with this coward, brother? I mean honestly. You could've at least--"

He never finished as Rarity blasted him in the back with her magic. He turned around and fired a blast from his scepter. Rarity casted a spell to protect herself but her shield shattered as the blast hit the shield. She fell to the floor, exhausted as Loki approached her.

Twilight wasn't going to let him hurt her friends and casted a spell to hold Loki in place. Loki couldn't move as the spell worked its magic. Literally. He couldn't do anything as Iron Man flew forward and punched Loki in the face, sending him to the floor.

Loki got back to his feet and glared daggers at the Invincible Iron Man. But suddenly, Pinkie popped up in front of him wearing a Spanish Bull Fighting outfit, holding a red sheet in her mouth. Loki looked baffled. Pinkie then moved the red sheet out of Hulk's way as he reeled back a fist and punched Loki in the face.

As Loki flew through the air, Thor flew up and hit Loki in the face with Mjolnir, sending him crashing to the floor. As Loki struggled to get up, he barely got a glimpse of Sonic, Shadow, and Rainbow, who charged forward and slammed into his chest, launching him into his frozen throne.

The throne broke apart when Loki collided with it. Loki's scepter launched away from the throne and slid to a stop right in front of Hawkeye, who picked it up with a smirk.

This fight was over.

(End song)

As Loki crawled out of the icy rubble that was once his throne, Thor stomped over to his brother as Loki rolled onto his back. Before Loki could do anything, Thor placed Mjolnir onto his brother's chest, preventing him from moving. Sonic and Twilight walked over and stood beside Thor.

"Brother, the Casket. Where is it?"

Loki scoffed, "As if I would tell you."

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!"

Sonic then knelt down next to Loki, "Y'know, I thought Gods were meant to be wise and smart. Smart enough to know when they're beat. And it looks to me like you're beat."

"Silence yourself, animal!"

"You might want to think about your options, Loki. You can either surrender peacefully, or..." Twilight trailed off as something heavy was stomping over towards them.

Loki's eyes widened in horror as Hulk loomed over him.

"....Our friend here will make you." Twilight finished with a smirk.

"I-If you think that I'll--"


Loki shrieked like a little girl and covered his face with his hands, "OKAY, OKAY!!! I'LL UNDO THIS!!! I SURRENDER, JUST GET THAT BEAST AWAY FROM ME!!!"

Hulk smirked as Thor lifted Mjolnir from Loki's chest. Loki exhaled as he stood up, eyeing the heroes standing before him. He then held his hands out and the Casket of Ancient Winters appeared in them.

Thor tightened his grip on Mjolnir, "Reverse it."

Loki sighed and opened the box.

As various S.H.I.E.L.D Agents escorted the Frost Giants to Central Park, the heroes were doing their part in helping out the clean up. Sonic sped around the city, searching for any injured civilians that might need help. He sped passed Central Park, where Thor was escorting Loki, who was in cuffs, to face trial in front of the All Father, Odin.

Loki rolled his eyes, "What's this? No speech of you giving me another chance?"

"We are way past that, brother." Thor said as he shoved Loki into the group of imprisoned Frost Giants.

The Destroyer was still in the bottom of the ocean, but Thor would get Heimdall to pick it up later. Thor approached the group and glared at Loki as he raised Mjolnir into the air.

"You shall face trial for your crimes. The Casket of Ancient Winters will be returned to Odin's Vault. Father will decide your fate, brother."

He then looked up into the air.


Thor, Loki, and the Frost Giants were sucked up into the rainbow light, returning to Asgard.

Sonic then sped into Central Park where Tony was talking to Nick Fury.

"J.A.R.V.I.S got a hit on an Infinity Stone. The North China Sea."

"A.I.M's base." Nick confirmed.

"If A.I.M has the Stone, so does Egghead." Sonic added.

Fury folded his arms, "Once Thor returns from Asgard, you all need to get that Stone. In A.I.M and Robotnik's hands, untold devastation isn't going to be far behind."

Tony turned to Sonic, "Once we're done with clean up, we're heading back to Stark Tower. Twilight and her friends are already there waiting for us, checking up on Celestia and Luna. You got your ace in the hole?"

Sonic smirked, "Tails and Knuckles are in the Tornado searching for where Station Square ended up. Once they find it, then we'll be good to go."

Fury nodded, "Good. Because we're going to need them."

"Knowing Eggman, he probably has a giant robot waiting for us." Sonic said.

Suddenly, Tony received a notification on his HUD. Tails sent him a message.

Tony turned to Fury, "Just got a message from Miles. He's got them."

As Fury nodded, Sonic folded his arms with a smirk on his face, "Well, what are we waiting for. Let's show Eggman and A.I.M what happens when they mess with our reality!"

Tony smiled underneath his mask, "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Author's Note:

The Stone of Reality is within reach

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