• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,832 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Breakout On A Multiversal Level (Part 2)

Peter grabbed a Raft prisoner with his webbing and swung him around in the air before letting him go, causing the prisoner to crash into the wall behind him, knocking him out. Peter's Spider-Sense tingled, alerting him of the incoming danger behind him. Peter backflipped through the air as he avoided the rocket that was flying towards him.

As the rocket hit the wall and blew up, Peter landed and turned around to web up the prisoner who had stolen the Rocket Launcher from the armory. Peter folded his arms over his chest as he turned his head to see Tempest blast a Raft prisoner in the chest with her broken horn.

Tempest turned to Peter and said, "We should move on. There are other areas that need to be secured."

Peter nodded and turned to the rooftop where Twilight, Sonic, and Starlight were currently dealing with the prisoners who had acquired firearms from the armory. The prisoners currently had their guns trained on them as they slowly approached the trio.

"Don't even think about doin' anything, you freaks!" One prisoner shouted.

"We're gettin' outta here and there ain't nothin' you can do about it!" Another shouted.

"So don't take a single step, ya hear!" The third prisoner commanded as he pointed his Assault Rifle at the trio.

Sonic simply smirked as he took a single step.

It was then that bullets were fired at the Blue Hedgehog.

Although it didn't mean much as time practically halted as Sonic tapped his foot on the ground. Everything was in slow motion for the Blue Blur as he ran over to the gunmen and took away their guns. He then moved to the edge of the roof and tossed them off.

He ran back over to Starlight and Twilight and slowed down as everything sped back up to normal. The prisoners shouted as they realized that their guns were gone.

Sonic shook his head, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Didn't your mommies ever teach you to play nice?"

It was then that both Starlight and Twilight hit the three prisoners with freezing spells. The prisoners were stuck in place as Twilight gave Sonic a sly smirk.

"You enjoyed that a little TOO much."

Sonic shrugged, "Meh, I live for adventure."

"I know." Twilight deadpanned.

Starlight gave them both a kind smile, "At least nobody got hurt."

They all then turned around to see Spider-Man, who was carrying Tempest under his arm, land on the rooftop. Spidey set Tempest down, to which she responded with a glare.

"Next time you do that, give me a little warning, or you'll regret it." She threatened.

Peter smirked behind his mask, "Duly noted." Peter then turned to the others, "Alright, that's this area cleared, now we gotta move before anymore surprises are thrown at us."

"We also have to be careful of some familiar faces who might not be happy to see us." Sonic added.

Peter gave Sonic a confused look, "You talking about my Rogues Gallery or the Multiversal Trespassers?"


Tempest then cleared her throat, which gathered everyone's attention, "We're wasting time. We need to move."

Starlight nodded, "Tempest is right, we need to go."

"You're not going anywhere!" A sudden voice shouted.

Peter's Spider-Sense flared up as he turned around to see a red glitchy orb flying towards them. Before he could do anything, the orb struck the roof, sending everyone flying in separate directions on the rooftop. As everyone struggled to get back up, Sonic looked up and frowned as he saw a Jackal floating down from the sky.

Infinite adjusted his mask as the Phantom Ruby glowed with power.

Sonic got to his feet as he dusted himself off, "Oh, hey Infinite, long time no see. Wish it was longer, but what can ya do?"

Infinite shook his head in annoyance, "Even after all this time, you still crack those annoying jokes. But I would think that after our encounter in Mystic Jungle, you would've gotten the hint, but it appears that I'll have to reiterate my point." He said as he clenched his fist.

Sonic tilted his head in confusion, "Mystic Jungle? That was years ago." It was then that realization had dawned on the Hedgehog, "Ohhhh. You're a Multiversal Trespasser. I mean it makes sense, since the last time I saw you, you ran away like the little girl that you are."

Infinite growled in anger as his aura flared up, "You dare spout such nonsense! I would never flee from a rat like you!"

Sonic gave the Jackal a smirk, And yet, you did."

Twilight got to her hooves and looked up at the Jackal before turning to Sonic, "Sonic, who is this exactly?"

As everyone else got up to their feet or hooves, Infinite folded his arms as he spoke, "You may call me Infinite, in the brief moments that remain to you."

Peter crouched down and readied for battle, "Thanks for the introduction." He turned his head to Sonic, "Yo, Blue! You've fought this guy, how do we beat him?"

Sonic pointed to the Phantom Ruby on Infinite's chest, "See that Ruby on his chest? That's the source of his power!"

Starlight readied her horn, "So all we have to do is get that Ruby.."

Tempest's broken horn crackled, "And he's toast!"

Infinite scoffed, "You won't even get the chance. I do not know how I ended up on this island, but I'm going to burn it down." The Phantom Ruby hummed as it brightened, "And you along with it!"

(End song)

Infinite then released a burst of power from the Phantom Ruby, which incased the rooftop in red and levitated the heroes into the air. Before anyone could react, Infinite released another burst of power that sent everyone flying off of the roof and onto the ground below.

As everyone got back up, Infinite tapped the Phantom Ruby with two of his fingers, which then created four Infinite clones. The five Infinites hovered around the heroes in a circle before then all zoomed down and attacked.

Sonic wasted no time in dashing off further into the island, to which the real Infinite responded by flying after him.

Peter swung upwards to lure the Infinite clone away as Twilight took to the air.

Starlight and Tempest were back to back as the Infinite clones hovered before them.

"I don't know what you creatures are, but I will make sure that neither of you will leave this island alive." One of the clones declared to the two Unicorns.

Starlight lit up her horn and teleported behind one of the clones and fired a beam of magic to hopefully strike the clone in the back. But the Infinite clone weaved to the left and turned around to hurl an orb at the Unicorn. Starlight could barely react as the orb struck her in the chest.

She staggered as she looked around to see that her surroundings had become red. She turned around and ducked as a giant Buzzsaw flew over her head. She got back up, only to shriek as dozens of red cubes flew right towards her. She teleported out of the way to avoid being hit.

She gave a sigh of relief, but that only lasted so long as a giant version of Infinite rose from the ocean and loomed over the frightened Unicorn. Starlight lit up her horn and released a burst of magic, causing the Phantom Reality to dissipate as well as the giant Infinite.

She panted as the Infinite clone looked at her with curiosity in his eyes, "Interesting. You're power was able to set you free from my Phantom Reality. But it will not do you any good."

The Infinite clone zoomed down towards her and reeled back a fist. Starlight quickly cast a shield spell to protect herself from the clones attack. The Infinite clone struck the shield and continued punching it, hoping to break through. Starlight smirked as her horn lit up again.

She then released a burst if magic that not only broke the shield, but it caused the Infinite clone to fade away.

Starlight exhaled as she turned to see Tempest doing battle with another Infinite clone.

Tempest slid under the clones kick and quickly got up and zapped him in the back with her broken magic. The Infinite clone staggered before floating back up into the air and turning to her.

"The way you fight, the way you move, you're ex-military."

Tempest gritted her teeth and fired a bolt of lightning at the clone, but he simply zoomed out of the way and continued talking.

"Your posture, it's very commanding. Am I correct in assuming that you used to have the title of Commander?" The Infinite clone said as Tempest fired another bolt, but he just flew underneath it and landed in front of her and continued, "And that look in your eyes. Regret. Fear. It's delicious. From the looks of it, you've taken many lives without hesitation. All in the name of power." The clone quickly zoomed behind her and roundhouse kicked her in the back of the head, knocking her to the floor, "It appears that you and I are not so different."

As the clone went in for another strike, Tempest lunged forward and shot a lightning bolt right through the clone's chest.

As the clone began to fade, Tempest said, "Maybe you're right, maybe we are similar. But there is a difference between you and me. I'm working to atone for my mistakes."

The clone then faded away.

Peter swung through the air, avoiding the various blasts that the Infinite clone fired at the webbed hero. Peter then let go of his web and ran up the side of a building, dodging left and right to avoid getting hit by the Infinite clone. Spidey then ushed himself off of the wall and struck the Infinite clone in the face with a punch.

Peter fired a line of web and swung through the air as the clone gave chase.

The Infinite clone growled in anger before he zoomed in front of Peter and kicked him in the chest, sending him down to the ground.

As Peter got back up, he said, "I gotta ask, what's with the mask? I mean, don't get me wrong, but it kinda feels like you're trying TOO hard to be edgy. You kinda remind of those goth kids back at my old high school."

"Do you ever shut up?" The clone asked in an irritated tone.

"Not really, no."

"Then allow me to assist."

The clone then summoned six red orbs behind him and hurled them at Peter. The Wall Crawler's eyes widened as the orbs flew right towards him. Peter slid and flipped to avoid being hit by the orbs, but as he slid under one he was struck n the chest by another, sending him to the Phantom Reality.

Peter looked around and saw that everything was red.

His Spider-Sense went off, signifying danger. He turned around only to see a giant missile heading towards him. Peter quickly Web Zipped out of the way and avoided being hit by the missile. He continued to swing as he avoided pillars made out of red cubes that shot out of the ground.

He let go of his webbing as the effects of the Phantom Ruby wore off. Peter landed on the ground in a crouched pose as the Infinite clone hovered before him. The clone zoomed down towards the Spider hero, but Peter had counted on that as he shot a line of webbing and attached it to the clone's chest.

Before the clone could do anything, Peter Web Zipped over to the Infinite clone and delivered a mighty punch to the clone's face, causing it to fade away from reality.

Twilight fired a beam of magic from her horn. The Infinite clone did the same. The two beams collided, which created a large explosion that sent the two enemies flying backwards away from one another. Twilight recovered and flew over to the Infinite clone as fast as she could, hoping to attack him before he recovered.

Unfortunately the Infinite clone recovered and fired a red blast from his hand, which struck Twilight in the chest and sent her to the ground. She crashed on the burnt grass as Infinite hovered down and landed on the ground.

As she struggled to get back up, the Infinite clone folded his arms over his chest and said, "I must admit you are stronger than I initially thought. But your skill will do you no good, you shall perish in this encounter, all alone."

Twilight grunted as she got back up, "You're wrong. I'm not alone, I have my friends. With them by my side, I know that there is nothing we can't achieve together."

The Infinite clone rolled his eyes, "Friends are an illusion for the weak. You can only rely on yourself."

Twilight lit up her horn, "Your mask can't hide how sad and lonely you are! Your clones and your ego are the REAL illusion!"

The Infinite clone fired a beam from his hands, to which Twilight responded with a beam of her own.

The two beams collided, creating another explosion. Twilight took this chance to fly upwards and meet the Infinite clone head on. Twilight fired a beam from her horn, but the Infinite clone flew around her and fired a beam from his hand. Twilight's eyes widened before she quickly teleported away to dodge the incoming attack.

She appeared behind the Infinite clone as he turned around. Before he could react, Twilight blasted him with a beam of magic, causing the illusion to fade away.

Sonic boosted through the flames in his path as he chased after the real Infinite.

"What would you like your epitaph to read? How about 'Here lies the Blue buffoon'?" Infinite taunted the Blue Hedgehog as he raised his arms into the air, causing red, cubed pillars to burst out of the ground.

"How 'bout 'Here dozes the masked clown'? Might as well make it for the one who needs one, right?" Sonic replied as he swayed in and out to avoid the pillars.

"Pathetic little Hedgehog," Infinite started as he adjusted his mask, "I'll smash into a Blue jelly."

Infinite summoned waves of red cubes and sent them sliding towards Sonic. The Blue Blur smirked as he jumped over the waves of cubes and boosted forward. He curled into a ball and struck Infinite in the chest, sending the Jackal flying back.

"Insolent wretch." Infinite growled as he recovered.

Infinite boosted forward and tried shoulder charging Sonic, but the Hedgehog tilted his body to the left and roundhouse kicked Infinite in the back of the head. Infinite rolled to a stop before getting back to his feet. As Sonic boosted over towards the Jackal, Infinite slammed his fist into the ground, creating a shockwave that caused Sonic to lose his footing.

As Sonic rolled to a stop, Infinite dashed over and tried stomping Sonic's face with his boot. But the Blue Blue quickly rolled out of the way and kicked Infinite's legs, causing the Jackal to fall to the ground. Before Sonic could attack again, Infinite released a burst of power that sent Sonic flying through the air.

Sonic landed on his feet as Infinite levitated off of the ground and hovered in the air.

"You are stronger than I remember, I do not know how you did it, but you have exceeded your previous data. I look forward to finishing you off, but not yet. Celebrate this victory while you can, Hedgehog. Because next time, you won't be running ever again." With those parting words, Infinite took his leave and flew away.

Sonic folded his arms and shook his head before he took off to regroup with the others.

(End song)

Infinite landed on the ground next to one of the fallen gun towers. He glanced down at his hands before clenching them in anger.

"This shouldn't be possible, I have the ultimate power. That Hedgehog shall pay for humiliating me!" Infinite muttered to himself.

"Sounds like we have a common enemy." A sudden voice said to the Jackal.

Infinite turned around to see none other than Dr. Robotnik and Storm King standing before him.

"I have an offer for you Jackal and Mr. Hyde," Robotnik extended his hand, "Interested?"

Sonic skidded to a stop when he saw his friends walking over towards him. Twilight galloped over and tackled the Hedgehog in a bone crushing hug, which caused both of them to blush.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as she broke off the hug.

Sonic gave her a thumbs up before Tempest asked, "Where's Infinite?"

"On the wind. Don't worry, we'll find him and take him down." Sonic said confidently.

All of a sudden, Peter's Spider-Sense went crazy, which caused him to turn around. He frowned when he saw a figure standing on the building behind them.

"Guys, we have company."

They all turned around and saw the figure standing on the roof, his red eyes glowing as his armor shined thanks to the moonlight.

(Play from 1:30 to 1:55)

The Shredder leapt from the top of the building and landed in front of the group of heroes. As Ch'rell stood upright, everyone got into battle ready stances. Shredder's eyes then drifted towards Twilight. He clenched his fists as his eyes glowed a sinister red.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle."

Author's Note:

Like the Phoenix, I have risen from the ashes! And in my fire, you shall fall

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