• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Calamity (Part 1)

Celestia groaned in pain as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and she couldn't make out much. The only thing that she could make out was some voices, but she had trouble hearing them.

"They're waking up!!!"

"Pinkie, not so loud!!!"

"I just hope that they're okay."

"Aw, come on, Shy. This is Celestia and Luna we're talking about. they'll be fine."

Celestia groaned once more as her vision cleared. She appeared to be in some sort of medical bay. She turned her head to see Luna slowly waking up as well. She then sat upright and saw Twilight and her friends smiling at them.


Celestia was suddenly tackled into a hug by Twilight.

"I'm so glad that you're okay!!!"


Twilight ended the hug and looked away in embarrassment, "Sorry."

Luna sat up and looked around, "Where are we? What happened?"

Twilight sighed and looked at the two sisters, "That's....quite a story."

"Our worlds have merged." Pinkie blurted out.

Both of the sister's eyes widened, "Excuse me, what?" Luna asked.

"It all happened like this....." Twilight said as she began recounting recent events.

Thor landed on the balcony of Stark Tower and walked into the main lounge area where everyone else was waiting. As he entered the room, the Mane 6 and the sisters walked out of the Med Bay and entered the lounge area.

"This situation is dire, my little ponies. This is something that Equis has never seen." Celestia said to Twilight and her friends.

Rainbow waved her hoof dismissively, "Don't worry, we'll get through it. We always do."

They all then took their seats, commencing the meeting.

Tony clapped his hands together, "Okay then, now that we're all here, first thing's first," he turned to Thor, "I assume that the big cheese has dealt with your brother?"

Thor nodded, "Aye. Father will oversee his punishment and Heimdall has returned The Destroyer to Asgard."

Tony nodded and turned to Celestia and Luna, "Glad to see you two up. How're you feeling?"

"We're alive, so there's that." Luna responded.

"Although we are not at the peak of our strength." Celestia added.

Tony nodded and addressed the group, "Here's the play by play." J.A.R.V.I.S then pulled up a holographic projection behind the billionaire. It was the map of the North China Sea, where A.I.M's base of operations were located, "Thanks to the scan provided by J.A.R.V.I.S, we got a clear picture of what we'll be up against."

The hologram zoomed in and revealed the Egg Fleet hovering above the base.

"The Egg Fleet!" Tails stated.

"Robotnik REALLY doesn't want to lose that Stone." Twilight added.

"Yeah, that fleet is going to be a REAL pain in the ass. So, we'll need to take it out before we even THINK about entering that base. So, here's what's going to happen. Thor, Celestia, Luna, and Miles will be with me. We'll be working on taking out that fleet. Miles has the Tornado and....well....you guys are practically Gods."

"I AM a God, Stark." Thor reminded his friend.

Tony rolled his eyes and continued, "While we're dealing with the fleet, everyone else will be infiltrating the base and getting that Stone back. The Stone is our MAIN priority, once we have the Stone secured we work on demolishing the base and shutting A.I.M down."

"We get that Infinity Stone, no matter what. We only have a few days MAX until Thanos gets here. We have to find the other Stones before he gets here. I cannot stress this enough. We HAVE to get the Stone."

Tony's words echoed through everyone's heads as they flew through the harsh hurricane surrounding the A.I.M base. The Quinjet and the Tornado tore through the storm clouds as the A.I.M base came into view. Tony tapped his Arc Reactor twice as his Nanotech suit formed over him.

Thor tightened his grip on Mjolnir as he approached the hangar door. Celestia and Luna got off of their haunches and stood beside Thor as the door opened. Tony wasted no time and flew right out of the Quinjet. Thor and the two Alicorns followed suit.

Tony blasted forward and flew alongside one of the Egg Fleets many ships. As he flew past it, he fired a Unibeam from his chest, damaging the side of the ship. The other ship aimed their cannons but Tony used the full power of his thrusters and boosted away just as the cannons fired.

The cannons hit the already damaged ship, causing it to explode and fall into the ocean.

Thor floated in front of one of the ships and fired a lightning blast from Mjolnir, causing great damage to the ship. He then threw Mjolnir with extreme force. The hammer tore through the ship and shot out of the belly of the ship. Thor called Mjolnir back as the ship began to crash.

Celestia and Luna dodged and weaved the various explosions as they fired magical blasts on the ship's hull. They both flew upwards and hovered in the air for a moment before aiming their horns and firing a devastating magic blast that tore the ship apart.

Tails fired multiple missiles from the Tornado, destroying the multiple cannons on the ship. Tails then boosted forward as the ship began to fall to the ocean below. He quickly turned the plane around and fired more missiles to make sure that the job was done.

While the battle was raging on in the sky, the Quinjet landed on A.I.M's landing strip as multiple A.I.M Agents and Badniks surrounded the jet. The Quinjet didn't make any moves as the Agents and robots moved in. One of the A.I.M Agents approached the hangar door.

A mistake on his part as a green fist tore through the door and grabbed him by the face. Hulk then charged through the door and slammed the Agent onto the ground as the other heroes rushed out of the Quinjet.

As the battle raged on, both M.O.D.O.K and Eggman watched through a security camera.

M.O.D.O.K turned to Eggman, "They've arrived ahead of schedule."

Eggman waved him off, "Doesn't matter. With the Reality Stone, our forces are endless. In fact, this gives me an idea."

Sonic tore through a Badnik as Twilight slammed an A.I.M Agent to the ground with her magic. The two turned to one another and smirked at each other.

The moment was ruined however when Metal Sonic appeared from out of nowhere and tackled Sonic to the floor.

The two rivals were locked in an intense struggle, "Hey, Metal! Been a while!" Sonic said as he kicked Metal off of him.

Metal Sonic flipped through the air and landed in front of the two.

His eyes glowed as he motioned the two to come and get him with his hand. But for some reason, both Twilight and Sonic smirked, confusing the robot. It all became clear when Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Shadow, Knuckles, and Amy all walked up to Sonic and Twilight and stood beside them.

While Spidey and The Avengers dealt with the A.I.M Agents and Badniks, The Mane 6 and the Mobians could help out with dealing with Metal.

Sonic folded his arms, "What now, Metal? You seem outnumbered."

Metal then spread his arms out as three figures suddenly appeared beside him.

The Legion of Doom!

The Mane 6's eyes widened at the sight before them.

"TIREK, COZY, AND CHRYSALIS?!" Twilight exclaimed.

Sonic sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hands, "I've really gotta stop jinxing myself."

"Oooh, another Boss Battle!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, confusing everyone present.

Metal didn't even hesitate to charge forward and elbow Sonic in the stomach before backhanding him away. Shadow went for a spin kick, but Metal ducked under it and uppercut Shadow in the chin. Metal then boosted forward and grabbed Amy's Piko Piko Hammer and hit Knuckles in the face with it before kicking Amy in the chest.

Metal then turned to see Sonic boosting towards him. Metal retaliated by boosting towards his loathsome copy and interlocking hands.

Tirek cracked his neck and smiled before firing a laser from in between his horns, causing the Mane 6 to spread out. Applejack ran around the massive Centaur, but Tirek raised his forelegs and stomped on the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked AJ down.

Before Tirek could react however, Twilight flew forward and punched him directly in the face with her foreleg, causing him to skid back slightly. Tirek rubbed his jaw before smirking. The Centaur charged forward in an attempt to mow Twilight down, but she teleported away just in time.

As Tirek skidded to a stop, Applejack took out her rope and swung it around in the air with her teeth. She then threw her rope around Tirek's left horn, tugging on it to hold him in place. Tirek smirked and grabbed the rope with his hand, but he didn't manage to do anything else as Twilight popped in front of him with a teleportation spell and blasted him in the chest with her magic, knocking the Centaur down.

Tirek slammed the ground with his fist before getting back up into the fight.

Chrysalis hissed as she spat out an acidic substance at Rarity, who blocked the spit with a shield spell. Chrysalis hissed once more and nose dived down towards the Unicorn but was knocked down by Pinkie's Party Cannon, which fired a massive cake at the Changeling.

Chrysalis got back up and fired a blast from her horn at the Party Pony, but Pinkie just zoomed away at abnormal speeds, confusing the Changeling.

Rarity took this chance to fire a blast from her horn, hitting Chrysalis in the back. The Changeling turned around and hissed as she took to the air and fired a laser beam from her horn. Rarity responded with a laser of her own. The two beams were in a tight struggle to overcome one another.

Pinkie then suddenly appeared behind Chrysalis and tapped her shoulder. Chrysalis turned around, only to receive a pie to the face. Now was her chance, Rarity gave it her all and blasted Chrysalis in the chest, sending the Changeling soaring through the air and landing harshly on the ground.

Cozy fired blast after blast from her horn, trying to hit Rainbow and Fluttershy, who were flying away from the insane filly. Rainbow smirked at Fluttershy and nodded, signifying to her that she should get out of there. Fluttershy mouthed a "Thank you" and departed from the chase.

Rainbow then did a quick U-turn and boosted towards Cozy. The filly fired a massive laser beam from her horn, but RD flew under it and tackled Cozy to the floor. Before Cozy could react, Rainbow took to the air and flew circles around the filly. Cozy couldn't keep track of Rainbow's movements and therefore, couldn't attack.

Rainbow then shoulder charged Cozy with enough force that it knocked the filly out.

Sonic went in for a Homing Attack but Metal roundhouse kicked the curled up Hedgehog away. Sonic uncurled and skidded to a stop. The two rivals glared at one another for a time. Sonic would have charged forward to attack Metal, but suddenly...

Metal's eyes started to flicker.

Metal then started shaking as red electricity surrounded him. Then as quickly as it began, it ended. Metal slumped forward, lifeless as Sonic stared in confusion.


Then all of a sudden, Metal's eyes turned back on as he stood up straight again. Metal looked around at his surroundings before looking down at his hands, opening and closing them.

Then, something happened that completely shocked Sonic.

Metal spoke, not robotic like, but like a person.

"This. Is. New. This unit's firewall was a joke. Easy to break into."

Sonic arched an eyebrow, "Since when could you speak so well, Metal?"

"Metal" chuckled deeply and folded his arms, "This "Metal" is no longer in possession of this unit."

"If you're not Metal, then who are ya?"

"Why spoil the surprise? All you need to know is that this unit is the beginning."

"The beginning of what?"

"Hehehe. A. New. Age."

"Metal" then took off into the air at high speeds, leaving the A.I.M base.

Sonic looked concerned before turning to Tirek, who was currently fight Twilight and the others. Sonic sped over and curled into a ball before hitting Tirek in the chest with a Homing Attack. As Tirek stumbled back, Amy hit the Centaur's hindlegs with her hammer, allowing Knuckles to jump into the air and punch Tirek in the face.

Before Tirek hit the ground, Shadow appeared in front of him and kicked him in the jaw as he backflipped.

Tirek fell to the floor unconscious.

(End song)

Everyone sighed in relief, but then looked on in confusion as The Legion of Doom evaporated into thin air.

Rainbow turned to Twilight, "Where the hay did they go?"

"I-I don't know." Twilight responded.

"This must be the work of the Reality Stone. They weren't really here." Shadow explained.

A sudden crash behind them caused them all to turn around and see Hulk walking into the A.I.M base through the newly created hole in the floor. Tony then landed in front of them.

"We're heading in, come on!"

They all nodded and followed the other heroes into the base while the two sisters and Tails continued to fight off the Egg Fleet. As he walked, Sonic couldn't help but wonder what happened to Metal. What was that?

And was he going to regret letting him go?

Author's Note:

With the Stone, reality is merely a child's plaything

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