• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,832 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Enemy Of My Enemy (Part 1)

The elevator dinged as the doors slid open, revealing Nick Fury, Sonic the Hedgehog, and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D Agents standing behind them. To say Fury was happy would be a lie, in fact, the only reason he is allowing this meeting is because they were desperate for allies.

After all, they would need all the help they could get for when Thanos arrives.

Fury sighed as he marched out of the elevator with Sonic and the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents following close behind. If Sonic was being honest with himself, he didn't like this one bit either, even though it was his idea. After everything Eggman has done, to him, to Mobius, he deserves to rot behind bars for the rest of his life.

This wasn't the first time the two enemies have worked together, but Sonic felt sick to his stomach every time. But he wasn't going to let that stop him from doing what needed to be done. They had to stop Thanos, and they needed Eggman's help whether they liked it or not.

"I'm gonna say it again, I don't like this one bit!" Fury declared loudly as he continued marching down the hallway, walking past the cells of the worst of the worst. Baron Zemo, The Leader, and more until they reached the end of the hallway, standing before a set of doors.

Sonic glanced upward towards Fury, "Neither do I, but like it or not, we need his help."

Fury exhaled deeply as he leaned forward and opened his one good eye for the scanner to scan it so the doors could be opened, "I know," Fury stood upright as the doors opened, "That's what I hate about this."

They all walked in before the doors slid shut.

The group were just a few meters from Eggman's cell, this was it.

Fury stopped suddenly, as did his Agents. The Director looked down at the blue Hedgehog with such sternness that it sent shivers down Sonic's spines.

Fury was really good at that.

Nick folded his arms, "Alright, we'll be here if you need us. If he steps out of line-"

"Nick, it's me," Sonic cut him off with a smirk before adding, "Of course he's gonna step out of line. He hates my guts." And with that, Sonic walked the rest of the way towards Eggman's cell.

The sound of Sonic's shoes against the steel floors sounded off throughout the dimmed hallway, his thoughts dashing around in his head. If he didn't get Eggman's help, then they would be at a great disadvantage against Thanos and his army.

His thoughts were interrupted as he finally reached Eggman's cell.

He turned to face the mad doctor and his two robot lackeys, Eggman was currently lying on his bed, gazing up at the ceiling while Orbot and Cubot were having a slap fight. Sonic placed his right hand on his hip as he cleared his throat, gaining the attention of all three of them.

Sonic waved to his enemy as his head perked up, "Hey, Egghead, enjoying your stay?"

Eggman chuckled as he sat up straight and shuffled towards the edge of his bed, "Well, well, well. Sonic the Hedgehog, this is a surprise," Robotnik then gestured to his cell with his hands, "Welcome to my humble abode." He sneered at his most hated enemy.

Sonic smirked, which was know to set Eggman right off, "You look like you've been busy."

Robotnik growled as he slammed his fist down on his mattress, "Actually, there hasn't been much to do since YOU PUT ME HERE!!!" He roared angrily, causing Orbot and Cubot to scurry back to the edge of the cell.

"Weelll, you kinda had it comin'." Sonic replied with a shrug.


To the villain's surprise, Sonic nodded, "I agree."

Eggman snarled before standing up and placing his hands behind his back, "I know you didn't come here just to annoy me-"

"Eh, maybe a little bit."

Eggman sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in aggravation, "What do you want, Hedgehog?"

Sonic exhaled before getting to the point, "I need your help."

That was not the answer Eggman had been expecting. He quirked an eyebrow in curiosity, "My help?" Sonic nodded before Eggman asked, "With what?"

Sonic then folded his arms before explaining, "A threat is coming that is... All powerful. He's coming here to lay waste to our world, to take the Infinity Stones--"

"The Stones?!" Eggman exclaimed as he cut him off. The genius then walked forward towards the blue Hedgehog, "Where are they?"

"We have them. We could end this right now."

"Then why don't you?"

Sonic glanced down to his feet before making eye contact with Eggman again, "Because if we do, then there would be no way to reverse what you did."

It was then that Eggman understood, "He he, I see, if you get rid of the Stones then my Convergence becomes permanent."

"So, while we come up with a solution, I thought I'd come here and ask for your help."

Eggman frowned, "So, let me get this straight." He then began slowly pacing around his cell, "You want MY help to stop this threat that is coming to lay waste to this planet?" Eggman stopped pacing and then turned to face Sonic, "And how exactly is this my problem?"

"BECAUSE THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Sonic suddenly roared, startling Eggman a little bit, "If it wasn't for you and your obsession with having everything YOUR way, then none of this would be happening. Our three worlds wouldn't be merged, they wouldn't even be in danger. If Thanos gets those Stones, trillions of people will die."

"Again, I ask you, Hedgehog. How is this my problem? Why should I help you?" Eggman asked again with a victorious smirk on his face.

Sonic's fists tightened... He needed to calm down. Not let him get under his skin. Once Sonic relaxed, a thought came to him. He smirked, "Because, how can you have an empire if there's nobody to subjugate to your will?"

And with that, Eggman's smirk fell right off his face, "Clever little rodent." He thought to himself. Eggman folded his arms, now willing to listen, "Even if I wanted to help you, what would you need from me?"

"Your fleet for a start, your endless swarm of Badniks, and..." This was gonna be hard to say, "Your mind." He grumbled under his breath.

Eggman leaned closer with a smug grin plastered onto his face. He knew what the rodent said, he just wanted him to say it again, "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Sonic grit his teeth, "You heard me." He replied in a tone so cold that it would freeze the hallway Sonic was standing in.

"Oh, I know. But It wasn't loud enough. I want to hear you say it."

Sonic glared daggers at the mad doctor, "We need your mind."

Eggman grinned, "That's what I thought." Suddenly, a thoughtful look appeared on his face, "Y'know, I've got to know something Hedgehog."

"And what's that?"

Eggman's spectacles shined as he smiled, "What do YOU think should be done about the Stones? I'm genuinely curious as to your take on the matter. Should they be destroyed? Or should they-"

"Yes." Sonic instantly replied with no hesitation.

This shocked Eggman, he wasn't expecting that, "Really? You believe that they should be destroyed?"

"I just said that, didn't I?"


Sonic replied instantly, "Because if they're gone, then Thanos can't use them to kill trillions of people. Sure the world would stay Converged, but we'd learn to adjust. We always do."

Eggman was at a loss for words. How could he respond to that? What was left to be said? Absolutely nothing.

"So?" Sonic's voice broke his train of thought, "What now?"

Eggman composed himself and placed his hands behind his back, "Now, you let me out of this cell. But let's make one thing clear, rodent! Once this is done, It's back to business as usual. This world is mine and mine alone, the next time we meet I'll stomp out your little Freedom Fighters, AND those annoying Ponies."

The two enemies glared hatefully at one another, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Sonic turned to Fury, who was standing at the end of the hallway, and nodded. Fury then gave the go ahead for Eggman to be released.

All of a sudden, the laser bars on Eggman's cell deactivated, allowing the mad doctor and his two robot lackeys to waltz right out of the cell. The two mortal enemies stood before one another, with Eggman glaring down at Sonic and Sonic glaring up at Eggman.

Robotnik chuckled before stating, "It's ironic, really. The one who put me in here is the one who sets me free."

Sonic's expression turned into a deadly glare, "I hate you."

"And I hate you." Eggman replied without missing a beat, "But now's not the time for that, is it?"

Eggman then walked past the Hedgehog and made his way down towards Fury, hands placed behind his back with his minions trailing behind him. Sonic hated Eggman, he loathed him, but he didn't show it often. After all these years, he finally had that mad man behind bars, his fight was done.

But now it seemed like it was all for nothing. Eggman was free once more, and the fight for freedom was still going strong. Sonic exhaled, he just hoped that he wouldn't regret this. This is EGGMAN after all.

He just prayed to himself that things went smoothly for Twilight and the girls down in Tartarus.

Author's Note:

Sometimes hatred for one another must be put aside for the greater good

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