• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Into The Dark Dimension (Part 2)

The roar of a motorcycle could be heard for miles on end, its tires leaving scorch marks as it traversed through the Dark Dimension. The motorcycle skidded to a stop, the flames behind it still burning with glory and vengeance. The motorcycle gave one last roar before turning off.

The owner of the bike placed his boot on the center stand of the bike, ensuring that the bike stays upright and doesn't topple over. He then got off the bike and took in his surroundings, the Dark Dimension, this is where he was called to, where the lost souls have ended up.

They deserve vengeance, and he would get vengeance against the one responsible.

He clenched his fists as the flame around his skull thickened.

Ghost Rider would not let this atrocity go unpunished.

His attention was caught however by a green portal that opened to his left. He turned to the portal and saw a figure walk out of it with a serious look on his face.

Baron Mordo turned to the Spirit of Vengeance and gave the him an evil smirk.

"Well, it appears that I was not the only one called here." Mordo stated the obvious.

Ghost Rider glared at the villain as he spoke, "A million innocent human souls have been stolen from Earth. I seek vengeance against the one responsible."

Mordo smirked, "And you believe that I am the cause of this?"

Ghost Rider took a step closer to the villain, "You are guilty of many things, Mordo, but not of this."

"Well look at that, you're smarter than you look."

"Why are you here, Mordo? You're wasting my time."

Mordo glared daggers at the Spirit of Vengeance, "You dare speak to me in such a manner?!"

As Mordo's hands lit up with magic, Ghost Rider removed his chain from his torso. Mordo's eyes glowed green as he gave Ghost Rider an evil smile.

But before any of them could attack, a dark portal appeared in between them, halting their movements. It was then that Dr. Strange stepped out of the portal, who was soon followed by Shadow, Rarity, Celestia, and Luna. The heroes then took notice of both Ghost Rider and Baron Mordo.

Strange turned to Mordo and glared at his nemesis, "Baron Mordo."

Mordo's eyes stopped glowing, as did his hands, "Stephen Strange. You dare set foot in the Dark Dimension?"

Strange gritted his teeth, "Only to stop your master from invading!"


They all turned to Shadow, who was in a less than happy mood.

"We are wasting time! We need to move, now!" Shadow ordered in a commanding tone.

Strange turned to Shadow and nodded, "I quite agree," he then turned to Mordo, "Why are you here, Mordo?"

Mordo folded his arms, "That invasion of Mindless Ones was not my masters doing. Someone is using the Mindless Ones for their own bidding. I do not know how, but they are, and they shall pay for this with their life."

Strange stroked his chin in thought, "It appears that the Convergence has left Dormammu weakened, that is why the Mindless Ones were so easily swayed." Strange then turned to Ghost Rider, "What about you, Ghost Rider? Why are you here?"

Ghost Rider folded his chain over his torso as he spoke, "I sensed an evil presence, feeding on the souls of Earth. Many lives have already been taken by this unseen malevolence."

Luna tilted her head as she asked, "How many exactly?"

"Millions of lives have been lost."

Everyone's eyes widened at this revelation, including Mordo's, this was just horrific.

"I have a feeling that these events are connected." Shadow stated.

Celestia nodded in agreement, "I agree. Whoever is sending the Mindless Ones appear to be also claiming the lives of millions of souls."

Luna gritted her teeth in anger, "This evil deed must not go unpunished!"

"Such a cruel act. What kind of monster could do such a thing?" Rarity asked herself.

Strange faced Mordo, "Mordo, we face a common enemy. Let us put our differences aside and cleanse this evil together."

Mordo placed his arms behind his back as he considered his enemy's proposal. He lives to serve Dormammu, and someone has committed an act of treason against his master. He could deal with Strange later, after he deals with this unseen evil.

"Very well, Strange, we shall join forces....for now."

Ghost Rider then walked over to his bike and started it up, "We are wasting time! Vengeance must be given against the one responsible for this!"

Ghost Rider then rode past the group, his tires leaving flames in his wake.

"I wish my bike could do that." Shadow thought to himself before joining everyone else and following the Spirit of Vengeance.

As the group followed Ghost Rider through the Dark Dimension, Shadow boosted a little to catch up to Dr. Strange, who was flying through the air thanks to a spell he casted.

"Strange." Shadow said, getting the wizard's attention.

Strange turned his head and nodded to Shadow, "Shadow, what can I do for you?"

"This 'Dormammu', who exactly are we dealing with here?" Shadow asked.

"Dormammu is an interdimensional deity with God like power. He wields frighteningly tremendous supernatural power of apocalyptic proportions. He seeks to conquer every dimension in the Multiverse, I make sure that doesn't happen."

"Can we beat him here?" Shadow asked.

Strange shook his head, "His power is drawn from the Dark Dimension. It is impossible to destroy him in his own domain. But he is vulnerable in other dimensions, but he will just retreat back to his domain before we could get the chance to destroy him completely."

Shadow turned his head forward as he continued to skate after Ghost Rider, "So the odds are not in our favor."

Strange also turned his head straight as he replied, "I'm afraid not. But I am curious, Dormammu isn't the current threat here, why did you wish to know about him?"

Shadow's face showed complete and utter focus, "You can never be too careful." And with that, Shadow boosted forward with Strange following the Hedgehog.

As they all followed the Spirit of Vengeance, Rarity, who didn't have super speed of any kind, turned to Ghost Rider as she rode on Celestia's back.

"I must say, darling, that jacket is rather...oh what's the word.....garish. Perhaps I could fit you with a new attire?"

Ghost Rider didn't even acknowledge her as he accelerated his motorcycle, not wanting to discuss this with the Unicorn.

Rarity pouted, "How rude."

Celestia, who was listening in, placed a hoof over her mouth as she giggled, much to Rarity's displeasure.

Ghost Rider suddenly came to a stop as he saw a disgusting sight before him. A wormhole made out of organic flesh with with boney spikes protruding from it. This thing looked like it was swallowing the strands of orange essence that was entering it.

Ghost Rider glared at the creature, it was devouring souls.

The others arrived just as Ghost Rider got off his bike, all looking at the sight before them with disgust.

But as they all approached the creature, something caught Luna's eyes, or rather someone.

"Sister! Look!"

The solar sister looked to where Luna was pointing, causing her eyes to widen as she saw a familiar dark Unicorn. Rarity and Shadow soon looked over and saw what surprised the Alicorns. Rarity's eyes widened while Shadow merely glared as he clenched his fists.

"Is that....?" Rarity asked, already knowing the answer.

It was then that the Soul Stone caught Celestia's eyes, "And the Stone of Souls." She took a step forward, "SOMBRA!!!" She shouted, getting the dark Unicorn's attention.

Sombra turned around and gave the Alicorn a sick and twisted grin, "Celestia! Look on and marvel at my creation!"

Strange took a step forward, "It is an abomination!"

Sombra shook his head as he explained, "No! It is a weapon! A Cluster! Fed upon a million souls!"

Ghost Rider clenched his fists, "So many innocents sacrificed." He said in disbelief.

"And it is still not enough for me to achieve my goal! That will require a MILLION MORE!"

The Ponies couldn't believe it. Sure Sombra was evil, possibly the most evil being in all of Equestria, but this? This was pure and utter insanity.

Luna trotted up next to her sister, "Sombra, you have always been an evil creature. B-but this?! This isn't just evil, this is insanity! Irredeemable! The Soul Stone has corrupted you beyond redemption!"

Sombra shook his head in response as he scoffed, "No, Luna, it has let me see the truth. What matter a million souls--A BILLION--when half of all souls face extinction?! I shall restore balance between life and death! It is time for the kingdom I was destined to rule, TO RISE!!!"

As Sombra spoke, black veins began appearing around his face, all stemming from his eyes and mouth, furthering the corruption of his already twisted mind. The insane Unicorn then took notice of Baron Mordo and got a twisted idea.

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order."

Sombra then raised the Soul Stone in front of him with his magic. The Soul Stone then lit up as it began to suck the life out of Baron Mordo. The evil sorcerer fell to his knees as his skin began to decay, the life literally being sucked right out of him. Shadow threw a Chaos Spear at the evil Unicorn, but thanks to The Cluster, a protective barrier was formed around Sombra.

As the Soul Stone finished draining Mordo's soul, the evil sorcerer fell to the ground, dead.

Sombra then aimed the Soul Stone at The Cluster and fed the organic abomination Mordo's soul.

"Ahh, yesssss. I just need a few more souls, and then my debt to Death is cleared. Soon, my goals shall be achieved, and this entire world shall be shrouded in darkness!" Sombra declared as his voice started to become distorted.

Ghost Rider took a step forward, the ground beneath his foot bursting into flames, "You shall suffer a fate worse than death for this atrocity."

Strange's hands then lit up with magic as he faced The Cluster, "All of you, get that Stone off of Sombra! I will deal with The Cluster."

"First, sorcerer...." An evil and distorted voice shouted out to Strange.

Dr. Strange turned to his left to see a fiery portal appear out of nowhere. From within the portal, the Dread Dormammu walked out slowly and menacingly towards his enemy.

"You must deal with me." Dormammu said menacingly to his enemy.

"Dormammu." Strange said sternly as he turned his body to his enemy.

However, Sombra didn't seem surprised to see the ruler of the Dark Dimension, "Hmph. Took you long enough."

Dormammu turned his flaming head to the dark Unicorn, "Silence, fool! While our alliance still stands, I will not hesitate to kill you where you stand." Dormammu replied to Sombra, revealing that the two villains are working together.

"You two are cohorts?! And you allowed Sombra to kill your servant?!" Luna asked in surprise and fury.

Dormammu chuckled as he crossed his arms, "Mordo was expendable, as are all those who are beneath me."

Luna glared at the dark being, "THOU HAVE NO HONOR!!!" Luna shouted using the Royal Canterlot Voice, unknowingly using her royal form of speech.

"Silence your tongue, horse, otherwise I will rip it from your throat." Dormammu then turned to Dr. Strange, "You were a fool to come here Strange. This place shall be your grave."

"Tell me, Dormammu, why forge an alliance with Sombra?" Strange asked his nemesis.

"A temporary alliance. I allow this fool to use my realm for his goals," Sombra snarled at the demon for calling him a fool, "In exchange, he leads my forces into your realm to continue my conquest of every single universe in existence."

A smirk grew on Strange's face, "Mordo was right, The Convergence has left you weakened, Dormammu."

Dormammu opened the palm of his hand as it was engulfed in flames, "Yet still more powerful than you."

Dormammu then snapped his fingers, summoning a barrier of fire around Sombra and The Cluster. The dark being laughed sinisterly as he slowly approached the group of heroes.

"I'll burn you to ash!"

Strange and the other heroes readied themselves for battle.

"We shall see." Strange replied as he flew forward towards Dormammu.

Author's Note:

Souls diminished shall forever be sealed within the Soul Stone

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