• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,832 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Weight Of The World

Thanos wasn't angry.

Thanos wasn't calm.

No. He was absolutely livid.

A rainbow colored beam shot up from the rubble where Thanos laid, only for the beam to completely obliterate the surrounding area just before the Mad Titan rose up back to his feet. He panted heavily, not only out of exhaustion, but out of rage.

He was about to do it. He was about to finally fulfil his life’s mission, his purpose; literally robbed right in front of him. He could feel the power coursing through him, he could snap right now. But it wouldn't matter, not in the end. That Hedgehog could reach him before he could blink.

He was a hindrance, he needed to dispose of him before he could complete his mission.

Thanos tightened his grip, the six Infinity Stones glowing with raw, unrivaled power. He tilted his head from side to side, cracking his neck, before slowly marching forward.

Right towards the nine figures darting towards him.

Thanos stopped and stood there in the middle of the battlefield as Hyper Sonic, The Mane 6, Spider-Man, and Iron Man all rallied together and stood before the Mad Titan. He looked at the group before him, unimpressed at their feeble efforts to thwart him.

He was not afraid.

Why should he be? He had Godhood literally in his grasp.

So why was it so hard to just snap his fingers?

He could wipe out all life, sans Gamora, right now. But he knew that if he wanted to do that, he must eliminate all opposing factors in his plan. And luckily for him, those factors were standing right in front of him.

The silence was evident. Everyone there focused on their adversary.

He focused on them.

And they focused on him.

None of them paid any mind to the other heroes fighting the good fight around them. Right now they didn't need to, no, they just needed to complete the mission.

Thanos needed to snap his fingers.

The Avengers needed to get those Stones.

The Titan's gaze was cold and stern, no one could tell what he was thinking. He could be plotting to blow up their planet. He could be plotting ways to make them wish they were dead. Right now Thanos had only one thing on his mind... Survival.

He would ensure that he would live to see his new, perfect universe, even if only for a few seconds before succumbing to Death's everlasting grip. He would NOT allow these sheep to rob that from him.

Thanos flexed his fingers before curling them into a fist. He chuckled deeply before a humorous smirk found its way onto his face, "So here we are," Thanos started, breaking the silence, "Me... On the cusp of total victory," He then gestured to the heroes before him with his hand, "You... Standing against me, clinging to whatever hope you have left.

"I wonder, why do you persist? The odds are stacked against you," Thanos remarked before lifting his golden fist to show off the Infinity Stones, "I have Godhood in my grasp. I could wipe you all out with a mere thought, and you wouldn't even know it. Tell me, what do you have that is more powerful than that?"

As Thanos waited for a response, The Mane 6 all looked at each other confidently before Twilight stepped forward, "We have a magic far more powerful than those Stones, Thanos."

Applejack smirked as she stood forward, joining Twilight's side, "A magic that is everlastin'."

"A magic someone as brutish as you could never understand!" Rarity declared, stepping forward.

Rainbow flapped her wings and joined her friends, "A magic that blows your power out of the water!"

"A magic that is incorruptible." Fluttershy declared firmly, stomping forward with an uncharacteristic amount of confidence.

Pinkie bounced forward, "A magic that fires giant rainbow lasers!"

"FRIENDSHIP!!!" Twilight finished, flaring out her wings.

Thanos quirked an eyebrow, baffled by their unwavering loyalty to this ridiculous ideal. "You truly believe that "Friendship" and "Magic" can save you?"

Rainbow scoffed, rolling her eyes in amusement, "You still don't get it do you?"

The six mares all looked to one another before all shouting together, "FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!!!"

The Titan smirked as he called his blade to him, "Noble sentiments," his double ended blade landed in his firm grasp before he finished, "From those who are about to die."

Sonic folded his arms before refuting, "Y'know I've lived my live by those sentiments, and they're worth dying for!"

"FRIENDS are worth dying for!" Spidey added as he crouched down, ready to pounce.

Iron Man raised his arms, readying his Repulsor Rays, "And that's something you wouldn't understand since you don't have any friends, Purple Nurple."

Thanos chuckled, tightening his Stone covered fist, "You say your friends are worth dying for." He repeated as he readied himself for battle, "Then die you shall." The Titan pointed his blade towards the group before him, "After all, I am always pleased to honor such a foolish request."

This is it.

Now or never.

No move was made from either side.

They just stood there and waited for one of them to make the first move. The heroes could feel it. It all came down to them, the fate of the universe rested with them. They could feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. If they failed it was all over.

It was time.

Hyper Sonic clenched his teeth, "Let's end this."

Thanos made the first move, firing a laser from all six Stones, The power of the universe in his literal fist. The group all diverged into multiple directions, avoiding the attack. Iron Man, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Hyper Sonic all flew around Thanos, dodging various laser blasts from the Mad Titan.

As he flew, Tony Stark fired multiple Repulsor Blasts from his hands, trying and hoping to damage Thanos ever so slightly. Not only was Tony landing blows on the Titan, but Hyper Sonic was as well, throwing Chaos Spears at the villain as he flew. Rainbow and Fluttershy were moving in and out, striking the Titan either whenever he wasn't looking or too busy focusing on Sonic and Iron Man.

Thanos clenched his teeth in annoyance. He had HAD enough. He let out a mighty roar as he clenched his fist, releasing a burst of infinite energy from the Gauntlet that knocked them all to the ground. Sonic and the other fliers all rolled to a stop, but unfortunately they didn't have time to recover as Thanos fired a laser from the Power Stone.

Sonic quickly rounded up his fallen friends and teleported them out of harms way.

Thanos growled in anger before being struck in the back by an unknown blast. He turned and was kicked in the face by Peter Parker. The Wall Crawler then flipped over Thanos as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity each fired a blast from their horns, hitting Thanos in the chest, sliding him back a few meters.

They fired again, only this time Thanos responded by spinning his helicopter blade around to block the laser blasts. He then saw Peter and Pinkie coming in for a strike from the corner of his eye. He then activated the Space Stone and teleported away, letting the two beams of magic hit the two heroes.

Before either Rarity or Twilight could register what had just happened, Thanos appeared before them and punched the ground, using the Power Stone to create a shockwave that sent them flying back into a wall of rubble. Thanos then heard Rainbow Dash flying behind him and used the Time Stone to move forward in time so he could intercept her from the side, striking her with a knee to the gut.

Rainbow cried out in pain before the Titan grasped her tail and spun her around in the air. He then used Rainbow's body to smack Applejack into the ground and then proceeded to toss Rainbow into the sky. The Mad Titan chuckled as Hyper Sonic came into view with a scowl on his face.

The Hedgehog increased his speed before spear tackling Thanos to the ground. At least that's what he thought had happened before realizing that he phased right through him. Thanos had used the Reality Stone to trick Sonic into thinking he had a chance.

He turned to see Thanos fire a blast from the Gauntlet, Sonic wasn't going to let up. He teleported right behind Thanos and kicked him to the ground. He laughed loudly, only for reality to set in. Twilight laid at his feet, he had just attacked Twilight.

Before Sonic could do anything, his mind was suddenly plagued with thoughts of misery and pain, it was torture. His pain was then worsened as a wave of yellow electricity struck his chest, sending him flying across the battlefield. Thanos deactivated the Mind Stone and turned around.

Suddenly, Iron Man tackled his body and flew him into the air. Tony delivered punch after punch, not giving Thanos the chance to recover. He then fired a Unibeam blast that sent the Titan crashing to the ground. Thanos bounced off the ground multiple times before he was bucked in the back by Applejack.

Before Thanos could land, he teleported with the Space Stone, nowhere to be seen. Everyone looked around in confusion before multiple blue portals opened up around them. Peter's Spider Sense went nuts, alerting him of the incoming danger.

"EVERYBODY MOVE!!!" He shouted just before blue lasers shot out of each and every portal.

Peter swung out of the way while the fliers all took to the sky to avoid the beams of death. Rarity shielded Pinkie with a protective magical barrier until the lasers ceased. In the middle of the battlefield, a singular blue portal opened before Thanos stepped out with a cocky grin on his face.

Twilight let out a primal scream before she and everyone else either charged or dived towards the Mad Titan. The villain wasn't fazed as he raised the Infinity Gauntlet into the air, releasing a burst of power from all six aspects of reality. The blast knocked everyone back, giving Thanos the chance to use the Time Stone to freeze time before they all hit the ground.

As everyone hovered there, Thanos chuckled before he used the combined power of the Space and Power Stones to bring them in closer before sending them all flying with a burst of purple energy. They all landed harshly as Thanos stood atop the mountain of ash and bones, holding his arm into the air as the six Stones let out multiple lasers across the sky.

Twilight lit up her horn and teleported everyone to her. They all looked tired and beaten, Thanos was too powerful. But they had a stronger power within them. They had the Magic of Friendship burning within their souls.

"Listen, it's time we end this. When I give the signal, fire everything you have at that monster, and I mean EVERYTHING. This is our last hope, our last chance! Let's show him that no power in the universe is stronger than the Magic of Friendship!"

They all nodded before Twilight used her magic to raise them all into the air. Thanos looked up to see his foes all staring him down as they hovered before him. The Titan snarled before they all fired a combined heavenly white laser. He spun his blade around to deflect the laser, he wasn't going to let it end like this.

He wouldn't allow it.

But much to his shock, he was beginning to be pushed back, his feet digging trenches into the ground as their combined power began to overwhelm him. Sweat began to drip down his face as his blade began to break apart. Thanos readied the Infinity Gauntlet before his blade eventually shattered in his hand.

But just before the laser could touch him, Thanos fired a laser from the Infinity Gauntlet, using all the power the Stones had in this struggle for dominance. He grinned madly as his laser countered theirs, he was going to win. His mission would finally be completed.

He had won.

There was nothing they could do.

But suddenly, the tides shifted as the heroes' beam began to overpower Thanos'. The villain pushed forward, adding more fuel to the fire, but it was no use as he was slowly being pushed back. He gripped his forearm with his free hand to try and steady himself.

He pushed the Stones to their limit, he wasn't done yet. Thanos' beam began to fight back, making the heroes fight for their victory. They couldn't fail, if they did, everyone would lose. Twilight added more magic before looking to Sonic, who offered his hand. She nodded before placing her hoof into his open hand.

Thanos was stunned as their power grew. He was beginning to feel tired as he started to lose. He wouldn't allow this, he added more power, one last push to victory. He was so close. He would not lose now, not when his destiny was right before him.

But he was only delaying the inevitable as Twilight and the others let out one final roar as they gave it their all. Thanos let out a roar of defiance as the Stones were overpowered and he was showered in a heavenly light, ending this fight once and for all.

Thanos let out one final scream before he was engulfed entirely.

He lost.

It was over.

(End song)

As the dust began to settle, the nine heroes landed softly on the ground, the heavenly glow leaving their bodies. Sonic panted heavily as the power of the Super Emeralds left him, returning him to his normal form. He fell to his knees before Twilight lifted him back to his feet with her magic.

Sonic leaned on his Marefriend as everyone began to laugh joyously.

They had did it.

They won.

"WOOHOO!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she jumped into the air, "WE DID IT!!!"

Tony laughed as he bumped Rainbow's hoof, "YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT WE DID!!!"

But suddenly, Peter's head began to ache. His Spider Sense was going nuts. But why? Thanos was beaten, they had saved the universe.


Peter's eyes widened as he slowly turned to the smoking crater Thanos was last seen in. His body began to shake in fear, which was noticed by everyone present.

"Y-Yo, Pete..." Sonic muttered weakly.

Twilight tilted her head in concern, "What's wrong?"

As if to answer her question, six familiar gems glowed through the smoke as loud footsteps were heard by all.

"Sir... Enemy approaching...." J.A.R.V.I.S. declared to his shocked creator.

All of a sudden, a blue aura engulfed each and every one of them. They couldn't move, even if they wanted to. They all looked on in horror as Thanos walked out of the cloud of dust with a sick grin on his face. To add more salt to the wound, he raised his fist and powered up the six Stones in his possession.

"A nice attempt." Thanos spoke, complimenting the group of heroes before powering up the Power Stone, "But it was never going to work anyway." He then blasted them all with the Power Stone, engulfing their bodies in a purple wave of power. They were all sent flying across the battlefield, much to everyone's shock.

The gigantic battle seemed to come to an end as Thanos marched toward the center of Ponyville with a sick grin on his face.

(End song)

Twilight looked up weakly, patches of her fur were missing and bruises were evident all across her. A stray tear fell from her eye as Thanos looked down at her. The Titan then looked up to the sky to see the sun shining through the smoke in the sky, "Poetic. The sun shining down on not only a new day... But on a new universe." Thanos then looked down to Twilight, "You put up a decent fight, Princess, but in the end it was all for nothing."

Thanos then raised the Infinity Gauntlet into the air, showing off all the Stones, "It is time. No more delays." He let out a breath of fresh air before looking up to the sky in a hopeful manner, "This is destiny fulfilled."

He went to snap his fingers.

Only for a beam of magic to halt his progress.

He looked to see Rarity firing a magical laser at the six Infinity Stones. Twilight looked over to her friend and came to a horrifying realization.

"There's only one way." Twilight thought as she slowly got up to her hooves, her entire form shaking, "Doom was right. This is how we win." She sniffled before igniting her horn, "Goodbye, Starlight." Twilight then fired a magical blast of her own at the Gauntlet.

Following their examples, Celestia took to the air and fired a beam at the Gauntlet as well, giving it her all. Luna, who was standing on the ground below her, fired as well. They weren't the only ones, as Star Swirl, Trixie, Sunset, Sweetie Belle, Chrysalis, Chancellor Neighsay, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and even Lord Tirek were firing magic towards the Gauntlet.

The combined forces of magic were beginning to overload the Stones, Thanos could feel it. His eyes went wide as he realized what they were doing. They were trying to rob him of his destiny. He began to close his fist, only for crimson, magical bands to surround his fist.

He looked to see Dr. Strange struggling to maintain the spell. Thanos snarled as he fought through it all, the bands, the magic, all of it. None of it would stop him. Despite their combined efforts, he was still about to snap his fingers. Rainbow saw this and remembered what she had promised herself.

"No one else was going to die." She was going to honor that promise. Rainbow Dash took to the air and shot downwards, wrapping her forelegs around the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos roared as rainbow electricity began to engulf not only his arm, but the entire left side of Rainbow Dash's body, the sparks of lightning burning her fur and skin. The Mad Titan glared into Rainbow's eyes, to which she responded with her trademark grin. Thanos tried pulling her off of him, but she wouldn't move.

The Stones began to crack as everyone gave one final push. It was becoming too much for the Stones to handle. Rainbow was in tremendous amounts of pain, but she pushed through it. She gave Thanos one last smirk before they were both engulfed in an explosion of light.

The light soon engulfed the entirety of Ponyville, dispelling the smoke in the sky, allowing the sun to shine down once more.

(End song)

The sound of Chitauri ships leaving the Earth's atmosphere was the first sound anyone heard once the light dissipated. Everyone looked around, hearing the birds chirp and feeling the sun shine down on them. They all then looked up to see the Chitauri leaving, knowing that there was no coming back from this.

It took a minute for it to settle into everyone's minds.

They did it.

"WE WON, BITCHES!!!!" Deadpool exclaimed, which was met by resounding cheers from all the heroes in Ponyville. Even Logan cracked a smile as he folded his arms.

The CMC and the Student Six all shared a group hug while everyone celebrated their momentous victory. Electro and Vulture actually shared a fist bump while Cozy tackled both Chrysalis and Tirek in a bone crushing group hug. Eggman gave out his iconic bellow of laughter from inside his mech while Nick Fury smiled.

Cap raised his shield into the air as Thor shot a bolt of lightning into the sky with Mjolnir.

Gamora on the other hand slid down into the massive crater in the center of the ruined town, wanting to see if he was still down there. To her relief, Thanos was there.

And he was barely breathing.

She walked over and stood over the Titan's body, removing her pistol as Thanos looked into his daughter's eyes.

"D.....Daughter....." Thanos muttered weakly, barely holding on, "Eve.......Everything.....I did......I di-" He never got to finish since Gamora shot him in the head.

Thanos stopped breathing.

He was dead.

Gamora tossed her gun aside and walked away from his corpse. She turned her head slightly and declared for one last time, "I am not your daughter."

(End song)

As Gamora climbed out of the crater, the sound of coughing and hacking caught everyone's attention. They all turned to see the silhouette of a Pony on the other side of the crater. The Pony limped towards the heroes, revealing herself to be none other than Rainbow Dash.

The Mane 5 gasped at the sight of their rainbow maned friend.

Her entire left side was practically burnt off. Her fur was either singed or completely burnt off, her left eye was grey and lifeless, and her mane had lost its trademark color. Rainbow gave her friends one final smile before collapsing. Twilight and her friends all rushed to Rainbow's side.

Twilight got there first and used her magic to flip Rainbow onto her back. She gasped as the rest of her friends joined her. Iron Man landed behind Twilight and walked over, kneeling down as he scanned the Pegasus' body. Pinkie's mane was limp and deflated, Rarity was bawling into Fluttershy's chest, which was surprising seeing as how Rarity was usually the strong one.

Fluttershy was openly sobbing while she comforted Rarity.

Applejack had a pleading look in her eyes, awaiting Tony to let them know if she was going to make it.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.?" Tony asked his A.I., hoping for some good news.

J.A.R.V.I.S. was unusually silent for a few moments before he finally responded, "....Life functions absent, sir."

Tony let out a sigh before turning to face Twilight, "....I'm sorry, Twi..... She's gone..."

The Alicorn turned away as she began to openly sob, Applejack was crying silently, placing her hat over her heart as a sign of respect. The Mane 5 all came together in a group hug around Dash, not wanting to let their friend go. Sonic the Hedgehog limped over and fell to one knee, bowing his head in remembrance.

Knuckles, seeing this, followed the Hedgehog's example and kneeled as well. Soon so did Tails, and Amy, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters. It was then that everyone else, even some of the villains, began to kneel in honor of Rainbow's sacrifice. The CMC held Scootaloo, who was hysterical, comforting her over the loss of her big adoptive sister.

Only when Cozy kneeled, much to Tirek and Chrysalis' annoyance, did Celestia and Luna kneel as well.

Everyone, sans Doom, Doc Ock, Eggman, M.O.D.O.K., Tirek, and Chrysalis, were kneeling out of respect for the prismatic mare and her sacrifice. The only sound that could be heard in Ponyville right now were the sounds of the Mane 5 crying over the loss of their friend.

Author's Note:

With great victory, comes great sacrifice

-Theodore Roosevelt

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