• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,832 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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True Power

Never in her life has The Castle of Friendship felt so hollow and dead, then again, the situation itself felt as such. Twilight felt lost, broken, while she was here in Ponyville waiting for any sign of attack from Thanos, her friends and teammates were out there fighting the good fight.

She exhaled deeply before she turned to look at the Power Stone in her magical grip, it's bright glow lighting up her dimmed bedroom... Or rather, her OLD bedroom so to speak. To think that such a small pebble could hold such power, that it could be used for such despicable acts was unthinkable to the Alicorn.

Her thoughts were broken as her bedroom door creaked loudly, alerting her to the fact that someone had entered. She turned around to see Sonic standing there with his arms folded and a gentle smile on his face.

"How're you holding up?" The speedy Hedgehog asked, genuinely concerned for Twilight's wellbeing.

The Princess of Equestria let out a breath and looked Sonic dead in the eyes, "Not well," She responded as she made her way to her bed and sat on it, "I mean... We evacuated Ponyville so there would be no collateral damage... But I just feel like ALL of this is... Um..."

"Like it's hopeless?" Sonic guessed before moving away from the doorway and sitting next to Twilight, "Like there is no possible way to win? Like there's no point in fighting?" He paused for a moment before asking, "Do you feel scared?"

Twilight nodded sadly, her ears drooped back against her head. "I feel terrified."

"Then don't." Sonic replied, with Twilight looking at him as if he were crazy. "I'll tell you now, that whenever I come up against a new threat or one of Egghead's mechs that could possibly destroy the world... I'm scared out of my wits."

This actually surprised Twilight.

She leaned forward towards him, "You?" She asked, to which Sonic nodded, "Sonic the Hedgehog?" He nodded again, "B-But you LAUGH in the face of danger!"

"That's because I don't let the fear get to me. I push through it because I know that the world is counting on me." Sonic answered before he moved his hand behind Twilight's head and began stroking her mane, "Like I always say, If you've got time to worry... Then Run."

Twilight covered her mouth with her hoof as she giggled softly. Sonic stopped stroking Twilight's mane and looked right into her purple eyes, the Alicorn looking deeply into Sonic's emerald eyes.

"Sooo..." Twilight rubbed her foreleg nervously, "W-Where does this leave us?" Sonic tilted his head in confusion before she clarified, "I-I mean... AFTER we stop Thanos, are we a.... You know...."

A smirk appeared right on Sonic's face, "A couple?" Twilight's cheeks reddened as she looked away in a shy manner. Sonic chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her, "I guess? I mean, I am new at this whole... Romance thing. So I guess we could give this a shot after we save the universe."

Twilight practically beamed with excitement, her heart beating right out of her chest, "Really?!"

Sonic hummed while he nodded, willing to give this a go. He then booped Twilight's nose, causing her to squeak and back away, her blush growing even more.

"Y'know, I really need to stop walking in on you two." Both of their eyes widened in surprise as they turned to the doorway and saw Peter standing there, leaning against the doorframe in his new armor.

Twilight eeped while Sonic blew an impressed whistle from his mouth, "Nice suit, Pete."

Spidey stopped leaning against the doorframe and showcased his armor, "Thanks! I've been working on it in my spare time. Figured we'd need it for the fight against Thanos. Pretty cool right?" He asked as he tried to look cool by posing in a superhero pose.

He failed.

Sonic shook his head in amusement while Twilight laughed, snorting a few times, much to her embarrassment. Peter straightened himself and walked over to the edge of the bed, "But seriously, I could NOT be happier for you two." He congratulated before placing his left hand on his hip, "You two are GREAT together."

They all smiled, relishing in this moment between friends. This was nice, a nice breather from all the struggles they go through on a day to day basis. It was relaxing just hanging out with one another. This is why Twilight was the Princess of Friendship, she loved bringing people together and establishing new bonds.

It was the best feeling in the entire world.

But that feeling didn't last long as an explosion from outside caused the moment to break. They all turned towards the balcony, Peter's Spider-Sense going insane. Twilight rushed off of the bed and galloped onto the balcony, the Power Stone still in her magical grip.

She skidded to a stop and found the source of the explosion.

And immediately regretted going onto that balcony.

Twilight could only watch on in horror as The Sanctuary II rained down laser after laser right down on Canterlot. Various explosions could be seen from the Castle of Friendship, Thanos' ship continuously firing upon the majestic city. Twilight covered her mouth with her hoof as tears brimmed the edge of her eyes.

She then let out a pained gasp as she saw the mountainside Canterlot was built on began to crumble. It was all going to crash down! Twilight let out a horrifying scream as the final blast struck Canterlot.

The mountainside gave in.

Utter horror written across her face as Canterlot, her childhood home, the city she ruled from, broke apart from the mountainside and began crumbling down. The city broke apart as it tumbled down the mountain, the castle breaking into pieces as it crashed down onto the ground.

Twilight heard when Canterlot hit the ground, a cloud of smoke and dust rising into the sky where the once majestic city crashed.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, the Power Stone held firmly in her magical grasp.

Canterlot was gone.

It was all gone.

Her friends, her family, ALL of it.


She was too distraught to notice both Peter and Sonic rushing onto the balcony, or notice their small gasps as they saw that Canterlot was gone.

"Oh. My. God." Sonic breathed out, his eyes wide open in pure shock and horror.

Peter's eyes widened in alarm as he was apparently the only one to notice that The Sanctuary II's really big guns had turned and locked onto the Castle. The Wall Crawler backed away from the railing slowly, "We need to move..." When they didn't move, he shot two lines of web at their backs and pulled them away from the railing, "NOW!!!"

They were pulled out of their stupor and saw The Sanctuary II open fire upon them. As the laser blasts drew closer towards the Castle, Sonic wasted no time in grabbing a hold of Twilight and zooming right back into the Castle. They barely got across the bedroom before the laser blasts struck the Castle.

The impact caused a violent tremor that sent Sonic, Twilight, and Spider-Man falling down onto the crystal floor. Twilight groaned as she rolled onto her back, realizing that she had lost her grip on the Power Stone. But she didn't have time to panic about that as the ceiling began to crumble and fall right on top of them.

Twilight, thinking quickly, dragged her two friends close to her with her magic and casted a protective shield spell around them. The last thing Twilight Sparkle saw before falling unconscious was the ceiling of her old Castle falling right on top of them.

While the Castle of Friendship crumbled to the ground, The Sanctuary II didn't stop Raining Fire as it set its sights on the town of Ponyville. Various homes and buildings exploded in a cloud of flames, the grassy roads becoming charred and burnt from the Sanctuary II's endless assault.

There was no trace of what was once there.

Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy's Cottage, Carousel Boutique, The School of Friendship, Town Hall, The CMC Clubhouse, The Everfree Forest.

All gone.

All that was left was rubble, fire, and ash. The sky filled with smoke, blocking out the sun and creating an environment of darkness.

The rubble of crystals that was once the Castle of Friendship shifted slightly, something was moving under there. Out of nowhere, the hand of Peter Parker shot out of the rubble. He then pushed himself out of the ruined Castle, grunting in effort as he freed himself.

Peter let out a deep gasp of air as he pushed himself out and rolled onto his back, breathing heavily as he stared into the dark sky. He then heard some crystals shift to his left and sat upright, turning to see Sonic and Twilight climbing out of the ruined Castle.

Pete let out a sigh of relief as he crawled over to his friends, "Oh, thank God you guys are okay."

Sonic gave his friend a weak thumbs up before looking around at Ponyville... Or what was left of it. Twilight was shook, her home was gone. The place where she learned the Magic of Friendship, the place where she had met her very best friends. The place she had spent eight years of her life, building bonds and forging friendships that would last forever.

Twilight was heartbroken, "M.....My h-home...." She took a shaky step forward, "I-It's all.... Gone."

Sonic and Spidey felt sympathetic towards the Alicorn. Her home was turned into nothing but ruin and ash, all in an instant with little to no effort. Twilight sniffled, her mane unkept, small cuts and bruises covering her whole body. Even more tears threatened to fall due to the sight of her home.

Gone was the peaceful little town.

Replaced with a desolate, destroyed village no one could possibly live in.

Peter was about to console his friend but his Spider-Sense went off out of nowhere, alerting him to an incoming danger from behind him. He turned around to see that The Sanctuary II had moved away from where Canterlot used to be and was now hovering over Ponyville... Or what's left of it.

Peter took a defensive stance while Sonic and Twilight looked up with contempt in their eyes.

Just down the street from their current position, a beam of light shot down from The Sanctuary II and struck the ground, incinerating the grass at the point of impact. While both Twilight and Sonic looked at the beam of light in confusion, Spider-Man already knew what this was.

From within the beam of light, with a smile on his face, walked out the Mad Titan himself.

From behind him, the beam of light shot back up into The Sanctuary II and Thanos slowly marched towards the three heroes. Peter glared hatefully at the Titan while Sonic and Twilight looked uncertain.

They both walked up to Peter's side, with Sonic asking, "Um... Pete?"

"I-Is that...?" Twilight asked, but her voice trailed away.

Spider-Man nodded grimly, shocking the two heroes, "Yeah. That's him." He then turned and looked down at Twilight, "Where's the Stone?" Peter asked, wondering about the Power Stone's whereabouts.

Twilight exhaled and then proceeded to kick a small crystal, "Somewhere under all of this." She answered in a sad tone.

"He doesn't know that." Peter revealed with wide eyes.

Sonic clenched his fists as a look of determination found its way onto his face, "Which means that he doesn't have it." He clarified to the Web Head. He cracked his neck before cracking his knuckles and said in a stern tone, "And I intend to keep it that way."

The Hedgehog closed his eyes as he slowly ascended into the air, the seven Chaos Emeralds suddenly appearing around him. He had summoned the Chaos Emeralds for one purpose and one purpose only. His eyes snapped open as the Emeralds shot into his form, turning his fur yellow and surrounding his body in a golden light.

Super Sonic slowly landed on the ground next to his friends, his quills raised into the air due to his sheer power, "Let's go give him a proper welcome."

The other two nodded before marching forward towards the Titan.

The Titan marching towards them.

Not a word was spoken, nothing was said. The four remaining occupants of Ponyville walked up to one another, making sure that their enemy didn't get the jump on them. They met in the middle of the road, no sign of attack was given by either side.

They just stood there.


Thanos made the first move, planting his blade into the charred ground before motioning around him with his arms, "Ruin. A barren wasteland. Once a prospering little village now reduced to an uninhabitable, desolate shadow of its former self."

Twilight never knew she could hate someone as much as she hated Thanos right now, she didn't even think she was capable of such raw hatred. "Because of you," She sneered venomously in response to the Titan.

Thanos nodded solemnly, "Yes. Because an example needed to be made. A lesson." He looked up to the sky and continued talking, "A lesson in what happens when you try to deny my destiny, my right to save this universe. My right to earn my mistress' undying affection." Thanos stopped looking upwards and stared at the three heroes before him, "Who are you to deny me that right?"


"The one being in the universe who sees the truth, and has the WILL to do what's necessary." Thanos replied in an eerily calm tone. "What you need to understand is that this universe is on a time limit, and it is about to run out. You believe me to be a mad man, one who only cares for earning Lady Death's affection. If this does not earn her love, then at least the universe will be saved. Either way, I win."

Twilight was appalled, this mad man well and truly believed that killing trillions was not only going to make the universe better, but also earn the affection of the one he desires? She shook her head in complete disbelief, "Y-You think that wiping out HALF of the universe is going to make things better? That it's going to earn you the love you crave?"

"Not half, child." Thanos corrected, confusing the three heroes greatly. It appeared that further clarification was needed here. Thanos turned to Spider-Man and began explaining, "The last time I had arrived here, I snapped my fingers and wiped out half of all life. It was a paradise. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. But then you Avengers undid my work and sent the Stones away to a place I could never recover them."

"Your point?" Super Sonic asked, growing impatient and wanting Thanos to get to the point.

The Titan let out a breath of air before continuing, "I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. Prosper in the gift I have given them. But you have shown me... that's impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"You'll find that we're stubborn like that." Sonic interrupted rudely.

Thanos merely chuckled at the yellow Hedgehog, "I'm thankful. Because now I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe."

Twilight snarled, barring her teeth at the Mad Titan, "Born out of the blood of TRILLIONS!!!"

"They'll never know it." Thanos replied with a sadistic smile, "Because you won't be alive to tell them." He then unsheathed his blade from the ground and took an offensive stance while the three heroes took a defensive stance, "From what I've gathered about you, Princess, you solely rely on friendship to win battles." Thanos' assumption about Twilight was on point.

The Alicorn flared her wings and lit up her horn.

The yellow Hedgehog hovered slightly above the ground, his aura pulsing around him.

The Wall Crawler crouched down, the thrusters under his boots igniting.

Thanos grinned as he spun his blade around in a circular motion, ready to attack.

"Show me."

(End song)

Super Sonic let out a battle cry before shooting forward towards his enemy.

Towards him.

Twilight took to the air and fired a magical blast from her horn while Spider-Man flew forward with his thrusters towards Thanos. The Titan was ready for a fight. He caught Super Sonic's punch with his hand and then proceeded to use his body as a bat, whacking Peter off into a pile of rubble with Sonic's body before using him as a shield to take Twilight's blast head on.

Sonic grunted in pain as the magical blast impacted his back.

Thanos gave the Hedgehog an evil smile before hurling him across Ponyville. As Sonic recovered in mid air, Twilight poofed out of existence and reappeared behind Thanos, firing a magical laser at his back. Thanos saw this coming however and quickly turned around to smack the laser away with his double ended blade.

The Mad Titan darted forward to try and grab Twilight, but she teleported away as Sonic sped right in front of him and punched him in the face. As Thanos tumbled across the charred road, Spidey got back to his feet and boosted into the air, readying his Web Bombs.

Thanos growled as he got back to his feet, focusing only on Sonic. The Hedgehog flew forward at impossible speeds, quickly dashing to his left to avoid Thanos' incoming blade. He then boosted forward and spear tackled the villain, shoving his head into the dirt road, creating a trench as they flew.

Thanos yelled as he used his hand to grab Sonic's face, blocking his vision which resulted in the both of them crashing through a mountain of rubble. Sonic lost his grip on Thanos, the two of them spitting apart as they rolled across the ground. Sonic quickly shot up into the air and fired a golden laser beam from both of his hands.

Thanos, who got back up to his feet, was about to move out of the way, but was suddenly entangled in webbing, thanks to Peter's Web Bomb. Speaking of the Web Head, he boosted forward and positioned himself so his feet would be in front of him and kicked Thanos in the back, sending him right into Sonic's blast.

Thanos let out a grunt of pain as he flew through the air. But he wasn't done yet since he got into an upright position and planted both of his feet into the ground, digging trenches with his feet. He then stretched out his arm and his double ended blade flew through across Ponyville, returning to its master's grasp.

Thanos quickly turned around to block a laser from Twilight, who was hovering over him.

He spun his helicopter blade to still the laser, clenching his left hand and powering up the Soul Stone without Twilight knowing. He then raised his right arm and began weakening Twilight with the Soul Stone. The Alicorn let out a cry of pain as she clutched her chest, no longer focusing her magic, allowing Thanos the chance to attack.

The Mad Titan jumped into the air and gave Twilight a mighty headbutt that sent her crashing to the ground.

Before Thanos could land, however, he was suddenly struck in the back by a Homing Attack. Super Sonic untucked himself and summoned golden, electrical spears in his hands, "CHAOS SPEAR!!!" He threw the two Chaos Spears down at the Titan, but Thanos slashed them apart with his blade.

Sonic was going to attack again, but he was suddenly blasted in the chest by raw, cosmic power. Thanos' eyes stopped glowing as Sonic's body crashed onto the ground. The Titan then turned and saw Twilight Sparkle lighting up her horn, preparing a spell of sorts.

But before Thanos could react, Spider-Man popped into existence above Thanos' left shoulder and punched the villain in the face with his metallic fist, "MAGIC!" He shouted before disappearing. He reappeared on Thanos' left and punched the Titan again, "MORE MAGIC!" He disappeared as Thanos swung his blade to try and cut the Arachnid down to size. He then appeared behind him and kicked him in the back, "MAGIC WITH A KICK!" Thanos was about to swing but stopped... There was a pattern to this. If he was right, then Spider-Man would appear on his left.

Safe to say that he was right.

Peter reappeared and tried kicking Thanos again, "MAGIC WITH A--" He was cut off as Thanos guessed correctly and grabbed his neck. Thanos then slammed him onto the ground.

"Lowly gnat."

Thanos then threw Peter behind him, the hero crashing into a mountain of rubble. Suddenly, a violet bubble appeared around him, much to his curiosity. He looked behind him and saw Twilight standing there with a coy smile on her face. The Mad Titan quickly wiped that grin off her face by spinning his blade around a few times and slamming it into the ground, creating an electric shockwave that not only shattered the bubble, but sent Twilight flying through the air and rolling to a stop in front of the remains of Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight groaned as she got back up to her hooves, but she was suddenly pushed back down onto her back by Thanos, who planted his boot on her chest. He then showed her the Soul Stone and said, "I can hear all of the souls trapped within the Stone. There are hundreds of thousands sealed within this very Stone. I can hear all of their voices. There is one that I like the most. One... Starlight Glimmer was it?" Twilight growled like a wild animal as Thanos continued, "She's telling you not to worry about her. To destroy the Stone. A very noble gesture, sacrificing her chance at resurrection for you to stop me. Yes, I think I'll keep Starlight trapped in here, have her keep me company while I save the universe."

Twilight's eyes glowed white as she let out a beastly roar, releasing a magical surge that knocked Thanos right off of her. The villain slid across the ground and gazed up at Twilight, who was hovering above him menacingly. She then screamed as she fired a laser that not even Tirek could counter.

Thanos tried blocking the laser with his blade, but it wasn't enough. He grunted in pain as the laser struck his chest and sent him flying across Ponyville, crashing through multiple ruined homes and buildings until he crashed into the destroyed barn at Sweet Apple Acres.

The Mad Titan groaned as he lifted himself out of the destroyed barn and saw Twilight charging right towards him. He planted his blade in the ground and charged up his right hand with cosmic energy. He then took off to meet Twilight head on, readying his fist so he could punch the incoming Alicorn.

The two met.

Thanos came out on top.

He delivered a tremendous punch to Twilight's horn, cutting off the flow of magic and sending her flying across Ponyville until she landed in the remains of her old Castle. Thanos smirked as he recalled his blade and charged forward, continuing the fight.

As he charged through Ponyville, he noticed Super Sonic flying towards him from the corner of his eye.

"Sloppy." Thanos thought before stopping and hitting Sonic with a Haymaker to the face.

Sonic spiraled through the air and rolled to a stop in front of a burning building.

"HEY, NUTSACK CHIN!!!" Thanos turned and was webbed in the eyes, blinding him as Peter punched his cheek, then kicked his torso, then webbing his shoulders and pulling him down so he could knee him right in the mouth. Thanos grunted as he staggered back, removing the webbing from his mouth and wiping his lips.

He turned his hand over and saw a tiny drop of blood on his index finger.

"Heh. All that for a drop of blood." Thanos taunted before swiping his blade, sending forth an electric wave that struck Spider-Man. He was sent flying through the air before tumbling across the ground and rolling to a stop, unable to get back up.

Thanos then heard a scream behind. It was Twilight. He turned and backhanded her across the face, sending her spinning through the air and landing in a mountain of rubble. The Alicorn coughed up blood, some dripping down her lip. She was covered in bruises and cuts, she definitely broke a few bones.

She panted as Thanos turned to her, an unimpressed look on his face as he turned to face her completely. There was barely a scratch on him, only tiny scuffs on his golden armor and some of the spikes on his crown were snapped in half. Other than that, he wasn't hurt. He wasn't tired.

Was he even trying at all?

(End song)

She tried getting up to her hooves, but only managed to fall down the rubble and land on her face. She coughed loudly as she turned her gaze upwards towards Thanos, who only looked at her with disappointment, "In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, I never once made it personal." He let out a breath before he walked over and crouched down in front of her face, "But I'll tell you, now... what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet, I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much."

He got up from his crouching position and stood upright as four ships descended down from the clouds, hovering just below The Sanctuary II.

The Black Order had arrived.

To Twilight Sparkle's horror, hundreds of thousands of beams shot down from all five ships, bringing Thanos' army right to Ponyville. Four beams shot down right behind Thanos before the members of The Black Order all walked out of their respective beams, kneeling before their master.

From the other beams of light, hundreds of thousands of Outriders scurried out onto the field. But they were not alone it would seem, since other enforcers of Thanos' army had joined the fray.

The Chitauri.

Chitauri Gorillas.

Chitauri Leviathans.

All of these creatures. Beyond thousands. Here to help Thanos destroy the universe, willing to die for him and his morbid cause. The Mad Titan turned around to face his loyal disciples, all of them kneeling to him. They all raised their arms and opened their hands, revealing the Infinity Stones they had collected.

Twilight could only look on in pure and unadulterated terror as she saw the Stones floating towards the Infinity Gauntlet, "N-No...." She muttered weakly.

Thanos grinned as he raised the Infinity Gauntlet into the air, the Infinite Six swirling around his armored fist before implanting themselves into the Gauntlet. Time. Space. Mind. Soul. Reality. Their combined power swirling up Thanos' arm before he tightened his fist.

He looked down at his Order. His Black Order.

"You have done well, my children." Thanos remarked before he turned around to face Twilight with an evil grin on his face.

The Princess of Equestria mustered all of the strength she could to get onto her hooves. She gazed on at the army before her. To her left she saw Super Sonic get up weakly, and to her right she saw Spider-Man, leaning on a steel support beam so he could stand up.

She then turned to the army ahead of her.

What could she do?

It was over.

They had lost.

Twilight sat back on her haunches and lowered her head, a single tear falling from her eye. She wept, it was all she could do, all was lost. Equestria. Mobius. Earth. They were all doomed.

She failed.

(End song)

A spark.

A single spark was all it took to get Twilight to turn around behind her and see an orange portal forming. Confused, she got to her hooves and faced the portal. In fact, all three heroes did. Once the portal sprung to life, Dr. Stephen Strange floated out of the portal and landed right in front of Twilight.

"D-Dr. Strange?" She stuttered before reaching out a hoof to see if he was really there. "A-Are you really...?" Strange lowered himself and scratched the back of Twilight's ear gently.

Her huge eyes looked into the wizard's. He was really here.

She then noticed a familiar Unicorn and Hedgehog walk right out of the portal. Rarity and Amy gave Twilight a gentle smile before they both gestured to hundreds of other sparks appearing alongside the portal. As Doctor Doom, Team Chaotix, Tempest Shadow, Ghost Rider, Queen Chrysalis, Nova Prime, and Reed Richards all stepped out of the portal, the other portals sprung to life.

She, Sonic, and Spider-Man all looked to see multiple heroes and villains walking out of the portals.

Nick Fury, Iron Man, Hulk, Shadow the Hedgehog and his Team Dark, Lord Tirek, Magneto, Wolverine, Gambit, Ice Man, Hawkeye, Deadpool, and Loki all walked out of the portal with thousands of S.H.I.E.L.D. and G.U.N. Agents behind them. Along with several G.U.N. Mechs.

Sonic looked to Shadow flabbergasted, to which the Ultimate Lifeform simply smirked at the Blue Blur.

From another portal Knuckles, Professor X, Black Widow, Captain America, Colossus, Pinkie Pie, The Thing, Human Torch, Silver the Hedgehog, Cozy Glow, The Brotherhood of Mutants, Electro, Rhino and Vulture all walked out. Human Torch, Cozy, Electro, Vulture, and Silver all floating above the group.

Beside them was another portal that led to New York, where some other heroes stepped out to lend a hand.


Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Black Knight.

Ant Man and The Wasp.

War Machine.

The Falcon.

The Winter Soldier.



From another portal emerged Black Panther, Shuri, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Tails, Thor, Abomination, Dr. Eggman, Cyclops, Storm, Beast, Metal Sonic, MODOK and Blaze the Cat with an army of Wakandan Soldiers, A.I.M. Agents, and Badniks behind them.

From a portal originating from Egypt emerged another hero.

Moon Knight.

To Twilight's absolute delight, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Fluttershy, Doc Ock, Mysterio, Scorpion, Captain Marvel and Miles Morales walked out of another portal, somehow surviving Canterlot's destruction. Behind them was also an army of Royal Guards and Bat Ponies to aid in the fight against Thanos.

Not only that, but some familiar faces have joined the battle as well.

All of the friends Twilight has made along her journey have come to her side once more. To stand united in friendship against the Mad Titan. Twilight, Sonic, and Spider-Man looked on in absolute shock as more reinforcements marched through the portals.

Sonic zoomed over to Shadow and Silver, the three of them forming a circle as the seven Chaos Emeralds appeared around them. The Emeralds were then absorbed by Silver and Shadow, who shot up into the air with Super Sonic and looked down at the army before them.

As the three Super Formed Hedgehogs floated over their new army, the rubble that was once the Castle of Friendship began to stir. This caught the Mane Six's attention, turning to the destroyed Castle as six rainbow colored beams suddenly shot up from the rubble.

The beams then each shot downward towards a specific member of the Mane Six. Each of them were engulfed by the rainbow beam and were then raised into the air. They then each opened their eyes, glowing brightly as the beams dissipated.

The six Ponies then darted forward towards the front of the army and hovered alongside Super Sonic, Shadow, and Silver.

The Rainbow Power had returned.

To say that Thanos was surprised would be an understatement. But he didn't let it get to him, he still held that stern look on his face as Captain America walked to the front of the newly united army.

Cap then turned to his army, "TODAY, WE STAND AND FIGHT FOR WHAT IS JUST AND RIGHT! TODAY, WE DETERMINE THE FATE OF OUR UNIVERSE! TODAY, YOU'RE ALL NOT JUST HEROES!" He turned around to face Thanos, holding a look of conviction. He then raised his shield into the air, "YOU'RE AVENGERS!!!" Everyone got into an offensive position, ready to fight for their universe.

Ready to fight not just for today.

But for tomorrow.

This truly is a Tomorrow War.


Once everyone shouted that battle cry... The war had truly begun.

Author's Note:

True power is in numbers. When you fight as one.

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