• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 24

Juniper stared at the book before her. It was a simple book in her opinion, a short history on modern medical treatments, but the Pokémon Professor didn’t want it for reading.

“Ok... just focus.” She held one arm out towards the book. “Focus.”

Despite her attempts, the book refused to move. “Oh come on,” She floated over to the table and grabbed the book in her hand. “I’ve seen Psychic-types do this a hundred times before.”

After Belle and Gene had left for Rarity’s, Twilight had almost immediately started reshelving the books still out of order since Tuesday. Juniper had watched the Alicorn levitating the books around like they were nothing and decided she wanted to try her hand at telekinesis. Easier said than done apparently.

Juniper put the book back down and tapped her chin. “Let’s see, I managed to use Psychic in Trottingham, maybe I can do that again.” Juniper moved a safe distance from the table and focused on the book once again. “Ok, here goes...” She stretched out her arm and called out. “Psychic!”

The book responded this time, by flying forward and hitting her in the head. “Ouch!” Juniper glared angrily at the book now lying on the floor.

Twilight, who was sitting atop a pile of books, sorting them as she went, turned to Juniper. “What are you doing?” She asked.

Juniper sighed and picked the book up. “Trying to figure out how to use my powers.” She tossed it back onto the table. “So far it’s not going so well.”

Twilight picked the book up in her magic and floated it over to her. “How does the whole... psychic thing work anyway?”

“Psychic Pokémon have highly amplified brain power,” She began. “It’s mostly used for telekinesis and telepathy, but mind control isn’t uncommon either.” She thought for a second. “And some Pokémon are said to have clairvoyant abilities.”

“Wait, you mean seeing the future?” Twilight asked in surprise. She had found a few spells for future sight in the ancient castle before, but they were all crazily complex and most were incomplete. To hear that some Pokémon were able to do it naturally was quite a surprise.

“Yeah, but it isn’t good for long time predictions, they’re mostly used, in battle at least, to see what move’s coming next.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Does everything in your world have to do with battles?”

Juniper laughed. “No. In fact, there are a few groups who are opposed to the entire capture and battle thing.”

“Really?” Twilight asked.

“Oh yes, the biggest was a group called Team Plasma back home in Unova. They had a huge campaign a while back. In fact, it looked like they were really trying to change things for the better, or what they believed was the better.”

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“Their leader turned out to be a psycho bent on ruling the world and keeping all the Pokémon for himself.” Juniper answered, turning back to her book.

Twilight’s eyes widened and her mouth hung open. “What!?” Juniper looked over to her shocked friend.

“A Pokémon rights group turned out to be an evil organization bent on ruling the world and they ruined all the real Pokémon rights groups credibility in the process.” She shrugged. “It wasn’t the worst thing that’s happened.”

“Not the... what? Did some evil entity escape their prison and try to destroy the world?” Twilight was pulling ideas from personal experience, although she had a feeling it wouldn’t work.

“No,” Juniper answered flatly. “One group in Sinnoh tried to use the Creation Trio to destroy the universe and remake it in their image.” That brought something to Juniper’s mind. “Actually, I wonder what happened to that guy. The few witnesses said that Giratina sucked him into the Reverse World.”

At this point Juniper saw the expression on Twilight’s face, if she hadn’t recognized the look of horror, she would have thought it was funny. “Uhhh, Twilight, I think that’s enough about my world for now.” Glad I didn’t mention Cipher or Flare. She thought to herself. “Why don’t you-”

Juniper was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Hold that thought.” Twilight trotted off of her book mound and over to the door. She opened the door and opened it, greeting. “Hello and Welcome to... hello?”

Twilight looked around but saw no one at the door. “Darn pranksters.” She grumbled as she closed the door. “Sorry Juniper what were you...” As soon as Twilight turned around she saw something wrapped around her book pile like a great Dragon around a treasure hoard.

“Hello Twilight,” Discord greeted. “Don’t mind me, just catching up on some reading.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, ignoring him. For whatever reason the Chaos spirit seemed to enjoy messing with her more than anyone else, except for possibly Celestia.

Juniper, on the other hand, floated over to Discord, finding the serpent rather interesting. “So Discord,” She began. “What brings you here?”

“Oh this and that,” He waved his paw back and forth. “Mostly stuff for Pinkie’s party,” He snapped his fingers. “Oh! It starts in an hour or two by the way.”

“Discord,” Twilight began, looking at the book he was reading. “Why do you need...” She read the title. “Advanced Magic Spells for traveling tourist?”

“Oh you know,” He answered. “Such and such.”

“What does that mean?” Twilight pressed.

“Party things.” He answered. “And if you’re going to pester me about it I’ll go read in the park.” He slammed the book shut and pulled something from his pocket. “I’ll be checking this out.”

Twilight looked at the card and scowled. “This is my card. Discord how-?” But the Draconequus was already gone.

“Great.” Twilight grimaced. She floated her book mound into a few piles and sighed. “I’m going to the park, I think it’s about time to figure out what exactly those two are planning.”

“Is that safe?” Juniper asked. “From what you told me, having Pinkie Pie and Discord together seems like a recipe for disaster.”

“Yeah I know, but if I don’t go Pinkie will come and get me and that’s never pretty.” She shuttered. “Besides, Pinkie’s parties are fun. And if anypony can improve Pokémon-Pony relations through a party, it’ll be Pinkie.”

Juniper shrugged and floated towards the door. “Might as well.”

Twilight smiled. “Spike!” She called. “Pinkie’s party is in an hour! Don’t forget!”

A muffled response came from upstairs, which Twilight took as an affirmative. “Alright,” She said. “Let’s go.”

Discord stood at the edge of the clearing he and Pinkie had set the party up in, reading a few pages from the book he “borrowed”.

“Seems simple enough.” He snapped the book shut. “Now lets see if this works.” To cast a spell, Discord usually just had to snap his fingers and it happened. Unfortunately, some of the more normal spells had a way of getting away from him, and often in weird and chaotic ways. So, despite his instincts telling him to go with it and see what happens, Discord was doing something he rarely ever did. He was casting an ordered spell.

Fortunately it still only took a snap of his fingers for it to be done. “Now that that’s over with,” He leaned back in the air and teleported Twilight’s book back to her library. “I can just relax until the party.”

“Hey Discord!”

“So much for that idea.” Discord looked up to see a familiar Rainbow maned Pegasus hovering above him.

“What’d you just do?” Rainbow crossed her forelegs.

“Why nothing my dear Dashie,” Discord said with a grin. “Just setting everything up for the party.” Discord noted the look of horror that flashed across Dash’s face. “Everything alright?”

“Ye-yeah,” Dash answered. “So what’s the plan for this party anyway? Did Pinkie invite every Pokémon from here to Canterlot?” She chuckled softly.

“No, she decided that would be too much. Of course, she did have some invitations put up in the Everfree.”

Dash raised her eyebrow. “Pinkie put invitations up in the Everfree?”

“No, no, no, not Pinkie.” Dash calmed down slightly. “She had Scootaloo do it.” And blood pressure spike.

“You let a filly go into the Everfree by herself?!” Dash shouted. “What the heck is wrong with you?”

Discord rolled his eyes. “A.) Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know the answer to. 2.) It was Pinkie’s idea, not mine. And FYI, Scootaloo got a new pet out of it, so no harm done.”

Dash was going to press the issue more, but at that moment Pinkie Pie bounced up. “Hi Discord, hi Dashie.” Dash noticed that Pinkie seemed even more excited than normal.

Dash quickly looked around at the various tables covered in food, the stage and speakers, and what looked like a dance floor set up in the clearing. “You really went all out on this one huh?”

“You have no idea Dash,” Pinkie Pie giggled and zipped over to one of the desert tables. “I depleted my party stocks for the next week for this baby,” Pinkie smiled and hopped over to the stage. “Everything I know about parties, ponies, and Pokémon went into this one, and...” She was back with Dash and Discord now. “This is going to be, my biggest. Party. Yet.”

Dash didn’t know whether to smile... or run away. The last time Pinkie had gotten this serious about a party... My birthaversary... maybe.

“And I’m so glad that Discord and the girls helped me out. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten everything done in time if they didn’t, especially since there’s no way I could’ve carried everything down from Canterlot myself.”

That pulled Dash from her train of thought. “Wait... Pinkie? What did you do?”

Pinkie stared at her friend blankly and started backing up, she continued to walk backwards until she was at one of the tables still covered by a sheet. Pinkie kicked the table and the cloth slid off to reveal...

“Pinkie... did you-"

"Borrow the castles meat supply?" Pinkie asked. "Yep."

"For Pokémon like Gene's dog?"

"Uh huh."

Dash turned to her friend. "Where'd you even learn to cook meat anyway?"

"Gustav taught me, after the MMM disaster." Pinkie said with a smile.

Before Dash could say anything else, someone called from behind her. “Discord!” The ponies, and Draconequus turned to see Twilight rushing towards them, with Juniper floating behind her.

“Hi Twilight! Hi Juniper!” Pinkie waved.

“Hi Pinkie,” Twilight offered, then she turned to the object of her annoyance. “Discord.” She began. “What are you planning?”

Discord smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Why nothing, Twilight,” He assured the Alicorn. “I’m just making sure that everything will go perfect for Pinkie’s party.”

Pinkie smiled but Twilight wasn’t so sure. “Then what’d you need that book for?”

The lord of chaos just grinned and said. “That’s my little surprise.” Before flashing out of existence.

Pinkie stood on the path leading to town, greeting ponies as they arrived.

Twilight has spent the last hour searching for Discord but her search had come up fruitless and now guests were arriving. As such, Twilight was nervous while Pinkie was excited.

The only thing that had Pinkie worried was that almost no Pokémon had shown up. Sure, the CMC were here with their Pokémon, and Korrina and Misty and Juniper and May and Falkner were around with their Pokémon, and Zap was napping in Pinkie’s mane, but Pinkie knew that there should be more.

“Hi Pinkie.” Pinkie looked up to see Gene smiling before her with Belle at his side, as well as Fang and Draco.

“Hi Gene, hi Belle, hi Fang, hi... Huh!” Pinkie gasped and rushed forward, staring Draco right in his ruby tinted eyes. “I don’t know you yet, hi I’m Pinkie Pie, and you are?”

The Flygon blinked in confusion. “My name is Draco, pleased to meet you Miss Pie.”

“You can call me Pinkie,” She smiled and turned to Gene. “Is he another one of your Pokémon?”

Gene nodded. “Found him in Appeloosa. He’s a Flygon by the way.” Pinkie nodded and after talking for a few more minutes the group entered the party, Pinkie still standing guard for any guests.

Pinkie stood waiting for a good half hour, and while many ponies showed up, only a few more Pokémon had arrived, most accompanying a Pony or two.

“Uh, Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash landed next to her friend. “Remember what I said about not getting your hopes up?”

Pinkie Pie bit her lip but nodded.

Dash sighed and put a wing around her. “It’s alright Pinkie, pretty much everypony from town is here, and there are a few Pokémon so-”

“Excuse me?” Pinkie and Dash both turned to see a large green and very regal looking snake coming down the path. “Is this where the celebration is being held?”

Pinkie’s grin nearly split her face. “Yepperoni, this is the place.”

The Serperior nodded. “Much obliged.” And snaked his way past the mares.

“See Dashie?’ Pinkie asked. “I told you they’d come.”

Dash rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “I wonder if that’ll scare Twilight.”

Pinkie giggled and looked down the path, still waiting. “You’re going to stand here all night now aren’t you?” Dash asked.

“No. Just until more of the guests arrive.” In Pinkie’s party rule book, it was important for the host to always be there to greet the guests, unless the guests preferred to be fashionably late.

Dash just shook her head and took off, heading back over to the main crowd.


“Yes Rarity?”

“Were you expecting this big of a turn out?”

Twilight looked around at the various ponies and Pokémon attending the party. “Honestly? I never know what to expect at these anymore.”

Not long after most of the townsfolk had arrived, the Pokémon had started showing up, and while some were a bit frightening, like the praying mantis creature Misty had called a Scizor, there hadn’t been any complications or altercations so far. But there was something off about the whole thing. Something that Twilight just couldn’t put her hoof on.

Twilight watched as a group of foals talked and played with some of the smaller Pokémon, before Twilight realized something. “They can... understand them?” She asked out loud.

“Oh goody.” An all too familiar voice said from beneath her.

Twilight looked down to see Discord lying flat, as in paper thin, against the ground beneath her hooves. “Eek!” Rarity notice as well.

Discord peeled himself off the ground and blew himself up. “It’s about time you figured it out.”

“Wait,” Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “You did this?”

“But of course,” The Draconequus said with a bow. “I used a translation spell from that book of yours and layered it around the party.”

“That... was actually smart thinking.” Twilight admitted, slightly shocked.

“Well don’t act so surprised.” Discord scoffed. “Now I’m going to go meet the new locals, if you need anything, I’m sure Pinkie already thought of it.”

As Discord floated off, Twilight began to really look around. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

“This is turning out better than I expected.” Rarity admitted. “Pinkie Pie really out did herself with this one.”

Twilight smiled and was about to say something when something tugged on her leg. She turned to see Spike looking up at her, worry clear on his face. “What’s wrong Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Twi,” He began. “Look who just crashed the party.” He pointed towards where Pinkie had been greeting guests earlier.

Twilight followed his finger to see that. “Oh ponyfeathers.”

“I’m serious dad.” Mew warned. “Don’t intimidate anyone this time.”

Arceus rolled his eyes. “How is it my fault if I'm intimidating?” He asked.

Uxie scoffed. “You literally made a public announcement to every being on the planet. Last I checked, cosmic interdimensional God just SCREAMS ‘intimidating’.”

Arceus said nothing. The Alpha Pokémon hadn’t originally planned on coming to this party, but his daughters had talked him into it.

As he walked into the party, he wondered just how everything was going to play out. A fair number of the legendaries were actually attending, although not all showing up at once. He knew Xerneas, Diancie, Articuno, Cresselia, Latias (which meant her brother would come too), and a fair number of others were planning on coming.

His sons, unfortunately, would not be coming, nor would Yveltal, Groudon, Rayquaza, Regigigas, and some of the other more introverted Legendaries.

Mewtwo was still up in Canterlot and Suicune, whom Arceus had recently checked in on, was hunting down Ice Spirits up north, so neither was able to attend. Cresselia had said she would try to convince Darkrai to come but Arceus had his doubts.

“Arceus!” The Alpha Pokémon was pulled from his thoughts as a rather chipper voice called his name. “I’m so, so, so glad you could make it.” Pinkie said,hopping up to and hugging the Legendary.

“Hello Miss Pie.” He greeted.

“Call me Pinkie.” She stated.

Arceus chuckled. “Very well... Pinkie, You remember my daughters, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit and Mew, and my granddaughter, Celebi.”

“I remember seeing them at the temple,” Pinkie started looking around, as if she had misplaced something. “But where are your big dragon-y son’s, and your gooey friend?”

“Deoxys should be by later on, but my son’s will not be in attendance tonight.” Arceus explained.

Pinkie pouted for a moment, then smiled again. “Well, that’s alright, I’ll just have to welcome them to Equus another time.”

Arceus smiled but before he could respond Twilight galloped up to him. “Lord Arceus.” She greeted.

“Princess Twilight.” He bowed his head slightly.

Pleasantries out of the way, Twilight glared at the Alpha Pokémon. “What are you doing here? You’re gonna freak everyone out!”

Why does everyone assume that? Arceus asked himself. “I haven’t attended a party in over three thousand years. Plus, I’m meeting someone here and my children wanted me to come.”

Twilight groaned. “Fine, but don’t try anything funny, or else-”

“Or else what?” Arceus asked devilishly.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed as she tried to think of a good threat. “Or else I’ll tell Princess Celestia.”

Arceus chuckled. “I promise I will not harm anyone at this party, will that suffice?”

Twilight begrudgedly accepted Arceus’ promise and walked away, doing a quick, ‘I’m watching you’ signal as she did.

“Well since that’s out of the way,” Mesprit said. “I’m going to go have some fun!” Mesprit shot off, followed quickly by Azelf and Uxie.

“And I have to go find somepony,” Celebi excused herself. ”Pretty sure he’s around here.”

Mew turned to her father, who was still watching as the party went on. The Psychic-type rolled her eyes and grabbed her father. “Come on dad, time to meet your subjects.”

After the Pokémon got over the shock of their creator attending the party, which took up all of Pinkie’s planned ten minute shock break, things returned to how they had been at the start, although most Pokémon steered clear of Arceus.

` Gene, who was at the snack bar with Belle, was surprised that so many Legendaries had shown up. He had just seen Victini and Jirachi fly in and was watching Hoopa stuff cupcakes and brownies into her rings.

‘Gene?” Belle suddenly spoke up. “Would you like to dance?” She motioned to the dance floor set up in the center of the clearing.

Gene smiled. “Sure.” Belle didn’t normally go for anything other than slow songs, but Gene knew that she could do more than waltz.

As the pair made their way to the dance floor, Gene felt a chill run up his neck, and got the strangest feeling he was being watched.

Sensing his discomfort, Belle stopped. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I’m not sure,” Gene looked around, trying to find the source. Maybe some Ghost-types just showed up. Other than Pinkie’s Rotom and Hoopa, Gene hadn't seen any Ghost Pokémon, although that didn’t mean they weren’t around. “I think...”

Gene paused as the area around him and Belle seemed to darken, cutting them off from the rest of the party. Belle quickly took up a defensive stance as her eyes began to glow blue. “Hear me spirit,” She warned. “If you seek to harm me or my mate-”

Belle was cut off as a high cackle sounded from all around them, followed by a feminine voice saying. “Oh come now Belle,” A purple figure solidified in front of the pair as the darkness around them receded. “Is that any way to talk to a friend?”

Gene stared in disbelief at the Mismagius. “Mage?”

“The one and only.” The Ghost-type did a little mid-air flip. “And how have you two been? I’ve been fine. Met this nice Zebra in that weird forest. Fortunately, I managed to get the message that I wasn’t an evil spirit through to her before-Yahh!”

Mage was interrupted as her trainer pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright Mage.”

The Magical Pokémon smiled and phased through the Gallade’s arms. “Aww, you don’t need to worry about little old me.” She grinned. “Now come on, I wanna introduce you two to Zecora.”

As Gene and Belle followed after Mage, Gene whistled, calling Fang and Draco over to them, and smiled, glad to be getting his family back together.

Pinkie Pie was buzzing with excitement. Her party had turned out even better than expected, what with Arceus bringing most of his family with. Although she was still a bit upset that the rest of them didn’t come, she decided that it didn't matter, and just hoped that she had enough decorations for the Hall of Legends.

She had even made progress in her future party planning, as while she was introducing herself to everyone she met Shaymin, and after they talked for a while, Pinkie found out that the little Legendary could cause plants to grow, including ones from Earth.

Pinkie had a little bag of Oran Berries in her mane, and she knew quite a few ponies who were gifted gardeners, since she had a feeling she was going to need more.

Pinkie knew that the party couldn’t last forever though, and nearing midnight ponies were starting to head home, mostly just the ones with foals, but still.

Pinkie was interrupted as her tail started spinning, meaning that someone was late for the party.

Pinkie quickly zipped over to the entrance with a smile on her face. “Hi there.” She greeted the late arrivals, which turned out to be four Pokémon: a Hitmontop, and a Medicham, with a Minun and a Plusle on their respective shoulders. “I’m Pinkie Pie. You’re a little late, but the party’s still going.”

The Pokémon blinked at her in shock. “You’re... not afraid?” The Medicham asked, Pinkie noted that it sounded female.

“Nah!” Pinkie said. “If I was going to be afraid of a Pokémon, it’d be Draco, or Fang, or Scizor, or Arceus, or Seth, or-”

“I’m Lunick by the way,” The Hitmontop interrupted. “And this is Minun.”

“And I’m Solana and this,” The Medicham scratched the Plusle’s chin. “Is Plusle.”

Pinkie grinned. “Nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy the party.”

A fair way away from the party, near the empty streets of Ponyville, a single Pokémon sat, waiting.

“Please,” Cresselia begged, looking up at the sky. “Please come.” Cresselia had told Darkrai about the party, she had asked him to meet her, and yet he hadn’t shown up.

The Lunar Pokémon knew it was a long shot, Darkrai wasn’t very social with the other Legendaries even, let alone complete strangers, plus she knew he wouldn’t want to risk causing any nightmares. He would have to stay by my side all night, Cresselia thought, blushing. Not that that would be a bad thing.

Cresselia was beginning to lose hope that he would show up, and was going to leave, even leaving a Lunar Wing on the bench to show she waited, when she felt the air grow colder, and saw the shadows all stretch to a single point, Cresselia smiled as Darkrai rose from the ground, glaring back at the portal as he did.

“Hello Cresselia.” He greeted.

“Hi Darkrai.” Cresselia smiled. “I’m glad you decided to come.”

Darkrai didn't tell Cresselia that when Luna had heard about the party, and Cresselia asking him to come, she had cancelled the night’s lesson and told him to go to Ponyville.

Despite himself, Darkrai smiled. “Well... I can’t say no to you.”

Cresselia smiled and blushed. ”Then lets not waste anymore time,” Cresselia floated to Darkrai’s side. “Shall we?”

Darkrai looped his arm through one of Cresselia’s wings and smiled. “Lets.”

As the pair floated towards the sounds of festivity, the Lunar Wing on the bench glinted in the moonlight, until a shadow curled around it and spirited it away.

“It’s been a great party, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “But I’ve got to head home.”

Pinkie nodded. “Don’t worry Twilight. I’m just glad everyone had fun!” Indeed it had been a great night, and other than a few minor spats, the party had gone off without a hitch.

“We should get goin’ too.” Applejack admitted. “How these two,” She pointed to Apple Bloom and Bulbasaur asleep on her back. “Managed ta stay up this late is just a mystery, but ah’ gotta get ‘em home.”

The party was really starting to wind down, as most ponies had already left as well as a good number of the Pokémon. Discord was still around, helping with the Pokémon and ponies who were still around, as well as talking with Hoopa, and for some reason, that made Twilight nervous.

As Pinkie bid farewell to her friends, and Applejack and Twilight split ways, Twilight began to look for someone. Since Spike and Juniper were back at the library, both having left earlier, she wanted to talk with someone, alone.

“He didn’t leave long before I did,” Twilight said to herself. “He has to be around here somewhere.”

“Looking for me?” Twilight jumped as Arceus trotted up behind her. “Call it a hunch, but I figured you would want to speak with me.”

Twilight nodded.

“What is it Princess? A question? A request? Something else?”

“A promise.” Arceus hadn’t been expecting that. “I want you to promise me that, at the upcoming World Summit, if the racial leaders are... less cooperative than Celestia’s been, I don’t want you to drag Equestria down with you if everything goes wrong.”

Arceus raised an eyebrow, then chuckled. “Princess Twilight, you have more love for your country than a Leavanny for her young.” He sighed. “And believe me, that is the last thing I want to do.”

Twilight nodded. “Good.” Then she noticed something a small pink form curled up on Arceus’ back, where upon closer inspection, Twilight discovered that it was Mew. “Is she alright?” Twilight asked.

Arceus looked back at his daughter and smiled softly. “Mew hasn’t slept much since we arrived here, and while I don’t require sleep, my daughters do.”

Twilight smiled. “Well I won’t keep you. Goodnight Lord Arceus.”

“Goodnight Princess Twilight.” A portal opened up in front of Arceus at his whim. “I’m certain we shall meet again soon.”

Arceus stepped through the portal and it closed, leaving Twilight alone in the streets of Ponyville.

Author's Note:

A New World, Burning an Old Way My newest side story.

Also, sorry for the wait on this one, had some computer problems earlier in the week.

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