• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 6

Twilight Sparkle was completely flabbergasted. Not because the temple she was in hadn’t even been in the Everfree until this morning, not because said temple was seemingly large enough to accomodate the dragon who had nearly smothered Equestria, not even because of the collection of beings at the table before her. She was flabbergasted at her mentor’s apparent loss of words.

Arceus, however, was used to newcomers reacting to his presence in such a way. “Greeting Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” He looked at the rest of the ponies. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, Lady Rarity, Miss Fluttershy, Cadet Rainbow Dash, Miss Applejack, Miss Pinkamena Pie.”

He turned to the Pokémon with the group. “Hello, young ones.” He said with a smile, beings from his own world he could greet with some familiarity. “And welcome all, to the Hall of Legends!” Lightning flashed behind him, causing several of the ponies to shriek, and one to almost faint. Arceus looked back and saw Mew floating there with her paws behind her back, smoke rising from them that looked suspiciously like she had fired a Thunderbolt attack.

“Sorry,” He apologized. “Mew can be a bit of a prankster at times.”

Celestia finally managed to regain herself and took a few steps forward. “You are Arceus, I presume?”

“Yes, and these are my sons, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.” Each of the legendaries bowed their head as they were introduced. “My daughters, Mew, Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit, my granddaughter Celebi and this is Deoxys, my fellow legendary, friend and council member.”

“I didn’t think they all knew each other.” Korrina whispered to her partner. Her Lucario brought her to a kneeling position.

“Apparently they do, now shush.” Lucario didn’t want to do anything to upset the gods.

“Well, Lord Arceus,” Celestia continued, deciding to play it somewhat safe and use some kind of noble title. “As I’m certain you are aware, the citizens of your world have somehow ended up in Equestria, and the presence of this temple leads me to believe that you have something to do with it. Care to explain?”

“She’s gonna die, isn’t she?” Misty asked Belle as she watched the exchange.

“I don’t think so. She doesn’t know just who he is. He’ll probably forgive her for her insolence.”

Arceus smiled at the princess. “Certainly, Princess, you are correct in your assumption. I alone am responsible for the Pokémon’s presence in this world,” He looked to Gene, Korrina, and Misty. “As well as the former humans.”

Celestia was shocked that she got such a clear confession so easily, she was about to question him again but Luna beat her to it. “Why did you do this? What compelled you to move your citizens to Equus?”

“A fine question, Princess Luna. The answer lies in thousands of years of history and the reasons themselves vary greatly, but the short answer? I sought to protect my Pokémon from the harm that humans have caused since they first imprisoned me, thousands of years prior to these events.”

“You… what?” Celestia had grown used to being opposed by forces attempting to take over Equestria, so this answer actually surprised her.

Arceus sighed. “It is a long and tiresome story, Princess, but this is the short version. Tired of my meddling in their affairs, the humans locked me, my sons, and a few of the other legendaries away so we could no longer bother them, then they began treating Pokémon less and less like their equals and more and more like tools and slaves. When I finally escaped, I decided to save the Pokémon from whatever fate awaited them should the world have continued on its path.”

“Tools? Slaves?!” The princess turned and glared at the Pokémon members of the group. Gene pulled Belle closer to him and wrapped his arms around her, Korrina put an arm around Lucario’s shoulder and smiled nervously, and Misty hid behind the larger Pokémon.

Arceus chuckled at the Princess’s assumption, and the Pokémon’s reactions. “Not all humans are that bad, the ones I brought with are the ones I deemed worthy of coming to this world to live in peace.” Arceus wasn’t entirely sure how many humans he had brought with, in his normal mindset he couldn’t recall what had happened while he was ultimately powerful.

The answers Arceus gave just brought more and more questions to Celestia’s mind, but everything that he said just added up until the Princess could no longer hold back. “So you decided, by yourself, that you would take all the Pokémon on your planet, and whatever humans you deemed ‘worthy’ and move them to a new world, changing the humans forms in the process, all of which you did without asking anyone else’s opinion?”

“No, I had the opinion of the other fifty three members of the legendary council, we made a plan, they asked some questions, and then I brought us all here.”

Belle nervously looked around the room, searching for any other legendaries who may have entered.

“But none of the humans or citizen Pokémon had a say in the matter?” Celestia asked, gritting her teeth.

“No, I couldn’t ask every Pokémon on the planet, and humans are relatively stuck in their ways unless you shove them in a new direction.”

The former humans chose to ignore that, but found themselves quite embarrassed being told of their faults by their god.

Celestia shook her head. “What gives you the right to decide the fate of thousands–?”

“Millions, actually.” Arceus corrected her. “The Pokémon aren’t only in your country.”

Celestia’s eyes went wide. “M-millions of sentient beings without even asking them? Do you really consider yourself a god?”

“Do I really… heh, heh heh… ahhah ah ahaha!” For the first time in over a thousand years, Arceus found himself unable to stop laughing. When he finally regained himself, he turned back to the Alicorn, his voice now dead serious. “Yes I consider myself a god,” He teleported from the chair at the front of the room and reappeared on the ground, he began walking towards the Princesses. “I created an entire universe from nothing; my sons are the embodiments of time, space, and anti-matter. I am older than the universe itself, and this universe as well. I brought life to a dead planet and created a daughter whose very mind is the pinnacle of creation, who can create an entire species with a single thought, and my other daughters have enough psychic power combined to tear apart the mind of even the strongest immortal, myself not included.”

Arceus was now standing muzzle to muzzle with the solar Alicorn. “So, yes Princess Celestia, patron of the sun, former bearer to half of the Elements of Harmony, I am a god.”

Celestia stared into Arceus’s eyes, and the god let her see a glimpse of what lied behind those eyes; eyes that contained all the knowledge of an entire universe, the secrets of life, time, and space. Eyes that had seen a universe come to life, that had seen the darkness before the light, and Celestia blinked. For her staring into those eyes was like what staring into the sun was like for a normal pony, and he had only just revealed the truth about himself. For a normal pony, or anyone besides Celestia, Luna, and Discord, even that brief glance would have driven them to insanity.

Celestia took a few steps back, rubbing her eyes. It was clear that Arceus was powerful, but Celestia wasn’t ready to accept that he was actually a god just yet. “You may be powerful Arceus, but I’ve met beings who exaggerate their powers to gain followers and fame.”

“And you think I’m a farce,” Arceus shook his head and turned around, walking back towards his seat. Celestia smiled, thinking she had gotten him. “Perhaps a demonstration will change your mind.”

Arceus considered wresting control of the sun and moon from the sisters, but that would be trivial; he considered creating a new galaxy just for show, but they were inside – he’d destroy the mortals in doing so. He smiled as he decided on something simple but meaningful. His eyes glowed golden as he activated his powers over reality, and cut a slice out.

Right before Celestia’s eyes, a section of space never existed. Arceus removed a five by five section of space from the space time continuum, no time, no light, no darkness, no anything, it was a void, a pure, empty void. And the Princess could sense it. She had studied time magic enough to sense distortions, and this was no distortion, it was just nothing.

“N-no, that can’t be.” Celestia stepped away from the hole. “That’s impossible.”

“For some maybe,” Arceus said, floating the hole in existence around in a circle. “But not a god.” Arceus decided to end his demonstration with a bang. He refilled the hole in space with matter, but with new matter, where the hole had been a moment before a miniature star now glowed. And as the ponies watched the star began to grow, and grow, and grow, forcing the ponies and Pokémon back as it grew to be larger than a house, before collapsing into itself and forming a black hole. A black hole which Arceus then turned into a sunflower, which he then floated over to Celestia. “For you, Princess,” He placed the flower in her flowing mane, it should have fallen through but instead it flowed with the rest of her mane.

Princess Celestia looked at Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon smiling at her. And Princess Celestia, Princess of the Sun, co-ruler of Equestria, original bearer to half of the Elements of Harmony, defeater of Discord, and nurturer of the one who destroyed King Sombra, and dispelled Nightmare Moon fainted.



Seven mares rushed to the fallen Alicorn’s side, fortunately, however, she was only out for a few seconds.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” she said as she stood herself up, wobbling slightly.

“Father?” Giratina asked as Arceus returned to his seat. “Was that really necessary…? Or wise?”

“Don’t worry, Giratina, I just had to prove to the Princesses that I really was as powerful as the legends say.”

“Arceus!” Celestia barked. “I don’t care if you are a god,”

“Nor should you,” He countered the sun controller simply. “I just had to prove it.”

“You cannot just move an entire planet’s populace to Equus! You could upset the natural balance, or start a war, or–!” Celestia was too upset to think logically, what she need was someone who could work with illogic and make it work for them. She needed Discord, but without the Elements, she couldn’t cast the spell to summon him, and this was just slightly out of Pinkie’s league.

“I didn’t have much of a choice Princess. The humans continued to capture my Pokémon and even some of the legendaries in those accursed Pokéballs.”

“What’s a Pokéball?” Luna asked, deciding to take the reins so her sister could calm down.

Arceus was about to explain Pokéballs with a pre-planned ten minute rant, but was interrupted when another legendary entered the chamber. Thankfully, this one probably wouldn’t destabilize the already damaged psyche of the Princess.

“Arceus, are there any Lava Cookies in the kitchen? Heatran is hungry and keeps trying to eat the furniture.” Keldeo stopped his approach as he noticed the group of mares, all of whom were looking at him. Now, logically, Keldeo knew he was the only one of his kind, he knew that the ponies weren’t his own species. Unfortunately, Keldeo wasn’t thinking logically when he saw the ponies, especially the pure white unicorn mare with the beautiful deep purple mane.

Keldeo stumbled as he stopped, nearly falling over in the process, but he managed to stop himself. Once he righted himself, he gave a cocky grin and walked over to the ponies and, more specifically, Rarity. “Hi, I’m Keldeo.” He introduced himself. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Rarity,” She introduced herself, then sized up the newcomer. “Forgive me for asking, darling, but… are you a pony or a Pokémon?” Rarity remembered Gene saying some Pokémon species were similar to ponies but Keldeo looked a lot like a pony.

“I’m a Pokémon, but I can see where the confusion is. I may not look it, but I’m a legend, too.” Keldeo remembered seeing the ponies when Arceus had first shown them back on Earth. Didn’t think I’d meet any of them this soon though.

“What do you want?” Twilight asked in exasperation. “We’re in the middle of something.”

“Now, now Princess, as he said, Keldeo is a legendary as well. He has as much right to be here as any of us.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Keldeo doubtingly. “You’re a legendary? I thought they were all supposed to be huge and powerful.”

“Powerful, yes.” Keldeo eyed Celebi and Mew, two of the most powerful legendaries. “Huge, not always. Mew can beat me, and she’s smaller than I am.”

“Can we get back on topic please?” Twilight sighed.

“Right, sorry.” Keldeo walked over to the table, but once he reached the edge he turned back to look at Rarity. “See ya around.” He turned and and ran forward. “Aqua Jet!” Four columns of water shot from the Colt Pokémon’s hooves, propelling him upwards and over the table.

“Show off.” Mew muttered to herself as Keldeo trotted out of the room.

“Anyway,” Korrina stepped forward. “Not to be rude, Lord Arceus, but I understand you deemed us worthy – thanks for that – but why are we Pokémon?”

Arceus looked to the Pokémon. Gene was still holding Belle close to him. “So you could all live in peace.” He explained. “Since some humans were the root of the problems back on Earth, I decided that bringing humans here and leaving them as humans would just invite the problems again.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little unreasonable?” Luna asked. “If they didn’t cause problems before, what makes you think they would now?”

Arceus shrugged. “It is better safe than sorry. Besides, adding humans would just be another species to deal with,” Arceus thought of some of the more dangerous Pokémon. “And you have enough of those already.”

“Lord Arceus,” Misty went to stand next to Korrina. “While I really appreciate the, trust and all, I really would like to be human again. Being a Pokémon just doesn’t feel right for me.”

“Same here.” Korrina agreed. Everyone in the room waited for another voice to chime in Misty and Korrina turned back to Gene, who was awkwardly staring at the ceiling.

“I’m, actually ok with this.” He said when he noticed everyone staring at him.

“What?!” Misty and Korrina shouted together.

“Hey,” He held up his arms defensively. “This body means I can actually spend my life with Belle without the constant threat of being arrested.”

“Wait a minute.” Twilight was trying to process what Gene had just said. “What do you mean, ‘arrested?’”

Before the Gallade could explain, a melodic voice chimed in. “Allow me to shed a little light on the situation.” In a flash of light, Cresselia appeared in the center of the room. “Greetings, I am Lady Cresselia.”

The ponies watched in awe as the Lunar Pokémon glided down to meet them. “If there aren’t any objections, I will explain the situation involving young Gene and Belle?” She looked to Arceus, who nodded in affirmative. “Then I won’t take up much of your time; you see, little ponies, back on our home world, love is not always as free as it is here. The humans do not find it acceptable for one of their own to love a Pokémon, as Gene loves Belle.”

“What?” Celestia deadpanned. She made it a point to never interfere when it came to love. She left that to her niece.

“Yes, Princess, I much prefer this world in that aspect. In fact, it was my idea to turn the humans into Pokémon in the first place.”

“So that’s what you’ve been hiding!” Twilight exclaimed. Gene blushed fiercely and looked away. Belle put one hand on his shoulder and smiled at him softly.

Cresselia giggled. “Don’t worry, young ones, as long as you are here, your love will only grow from this day forth.” Gene and Belle turned to Cresselia, confused at first, but then smiled at her, then at each other.

“Thank you.” They said together, the ponies smiled, while the former humans looked like they wanted to kill Gene. Celestia saw this and resolved to let Cadence talk to Gene, Belle, and the Gym Leaders.

“Well, I won’t hold you up any longer.” Cresselia bowed to Arceus and the others as she took her leave. “I promised Darkrai I’d meet him in the Hall of Paintings. It’d be rude of me to keep him waiting.” Cresselia grinned as she left the room.

“Okay, are any more of these guys going to show up?” Rainbow Dash asked, upset that they hadn’t made any progress in fixing the problem.

“Maybe,” Arceus said, shrugging. “My family has free run of the temple, they could all come in here right now if they wanted.”

“STOP!” Celestia shouted. “We’re not getting off topic again!” She turned to glare at Arceus. “Arceus, I… understand why you did what you did, I honestly do. Luna and I would have done the same if we had the power you hold and if we were in the same situation, but you cannot transplant hundreds of different creatures to another world without contacting the world leaders in some way first. There are–!”

“Readily sustainable populations of over seven hundred species and fifty four singular legendaries, myself included.” Arceus interrupted absently.

Celestia grit her teeth. “Rules to follow. You could cause mass chaos.”

“And your friend, the so-called lord of chaos, couldn’t?” He asked.

“Stop interrupting!” Celestia screamed. She took a deep breath and continued. “You have to take the Pokémon back, or put them on another world, you cannot leave them here.”

“You speak for the entire planet then?” Arceus asked. “Don’t you think the Griffins would like a say? Or the Saddle Arabians? How about the Zebras? My Pokémon are just as intelligent as your little ponies – well, most of them – and they can be very helpful in many situations, especially when the region isn’t as…” He paused, looking for the right word. “Safe as Equestria.”

To prove his point, Arceus projected several possible future images. A pair of Golurk stood outside the gates to the Crystal Empire, a male Pyroar stood between a lion and a pair of Zebra foals, a herd of Hippocampi swum in the wake left by a Wailord, scattering nearby sharks.

“I think my Pokémon could be a great asset to this world, Princess,” He ended the images. “If you are willing to allow it.”

Celestia didn’t answer, mulling over the images she had seen. “And if I refuse?”

“I’d prefer to stay here peacefully but,” He shortened his telepathy to just the princess. “I care for my Pokémon in the same way you care for your ponies. If you try to force me to put them in harm’s way… I’ll let you fill in the rest.”

Celestia hung her head. She knew Arceus was right. Not only did she highly dislike the idea of putting other beings in harm’s way, Arceus had used her own protective nature against her. If anyone were to threaten her ponies, well, they would know why some considered her a goddess. But Arceus was an actual god. If he would go to the lengths Celestia was willing to go to… being blinked out of existence did not sound like a good way to leave a world.

But Celestia was not willing to cave just yet. She looked up at Arceus. “It appears we have reached an impasse.”

“Have we?” He asked deviously. “Because I think I’ve already won.”

The solar Alicorn’s ear twitched. “How so?”

“I know you don’t want to hurt my Pokémon, the same way I don’t want to hurt your ponies. We both would if we had to, but we’d despise ourselves for it for as long as we lived.” He looked her dead in the eye. “And we’ll both live for a very long time.” Arceus continued. “But, since I’m the only one powerful enough to remove my Pokémon from this world, and only with the consent of my children at that, I’d have to agree to do it, which I probably won’t. Because you know that in a real battle, and I mean a no holds barred battle, I would win. Which is exactly why you won’t take any action against me or my Pokémon unless we attack first.” Arceus smiled as he finished. “And if, let’s say a Pokémon goes rogue and attacks a village or a hateful pony harms a Pokémon, neither of us would attack the other because we know that you can’t judge a group for the actions of one.”

Game, set, match. Arceus thought to himself. “This all adding up to the fact that I want my Pokémon to stay here and you don’t have the power to remove them.”

Celestia tried to respond, but just remained silent; the Alpha Pokémon had her hooves tied. He had turned policies she stood by to resolve issues against her, with an audience of her sister and the representatives of harmony present. For the first time since before Discord ruled Equestria, Princess Celestia was beat. But that didn’t mean she had to acknowledge it.

“We have the Elements of Harmony," She bluffed. "And Discord.” Celestia tried for a last ditch attempt to unnerve the Pokémon.

Arceus rolled his eyes. “You don’t have the Elements, and even if you did, they wouldn’t work on me, anyway. As a god, I’m neutral, not evil. And Discord isn’t as powerful as me either. Plus, I have a being under my beck and call who embodies the exact opposite of the Draconequus.” He smiled slyly at the princess. "A being of order versus a being of chaos, I wonder how that would turn out.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as Arceus said this. “Um, Mr. Arceus sir, if it’s not too much trouble, could you please not hurt Discord? Like you said, we don’t have the Elements to turn him back if your friend turns him to stone.”

Arceus turned to Fluttershy. “Well… I don’t think Zygarde would turn him to stone, Miss Fluttershy, but as long as he doesn’t cause trouble for me or the Pokémon, then we won’t have a problem.”

Luna stepped forward, interrupting Fluttershy’s response. “Are you really more powerful than Discord? He seems to control matter as you do.”

“True,” Arceus consented. “Discord and I both have control over the fundamental forces of the universe, but where he controls chaos,” Arceus concentrated and collected harmony, chaos and neutral energy and shaped it into a symbol from the humans. A colossal yin-yang symbol filled the center of the room. “I control all.” The symbol, made of pure energy, collapsed into itself and became a pebble, which fell to the floor and clattered to a stop in front of the ponies.

Princess Luna looked at her sister. Celestia just shook her head.

“We need to come up with a plan.” She whispered to her sister. She then turned to Arceus. “This… is not over, Arceus. I will return, and we will discuss this further.” Normally, Celestia wouldn’t have left until an agreement could be reached, but she was dealing with an all-powerful being from another world. She needed to go to Canterlot and think strategy.

“Good, you’re welcome here anytime, because, after all,” He smiled his mouthless smile. “We’re both immortals. You’re welcome to come and visit as well Luna; and Discord too. The Hall of Legends is always open to immortals.”

Celestia grimaced as she turned to leave. “And one more thing Princess.” Arceus said, solely to her. “Whatever issues the two of us have, or will have, as it may be, my family, as well as the other Pokémon, are off limits. Respect that, and I’ll treat your own family and the ponies the same. Deal?”

Celestia suppressed the small grin that threatened to show on her face. Deal. she thought, knowing the god would hear it. While Celestia, followed by her sister and the other ponies, began to make their way out of the temple, the Pokémon lingered behind.

“You wish to ask something, young ones?” Giratina asked, noticing them.

“L-lord Giratina,” Lucario began with a bow. “We do not wish to question the god’s will, but,”

“Is there any way we can be human again?” Korrina asked.

“I’m afraid not,” Arceus said. “Your old forms were altered as we came here. These bodies read as your forms on a certain level, and I simply… enhanced that. These bodies are truly yours now. Now go, the ponies will need your help."

“Of course, Lord Arceus.” Gene said with a bow. He wanted to get back with the group, mainly because he was pretty sure Misty and Korrina were upset that he didn’t agree with them on going back to human.

The Pokémon followed the ponies through the hallway and soon after disappeared from sight.

“Do you think we can trust her?” Uxie asked, considering the situation with Celestia.

Arceus turned and began to walk out of the hall. “Celestia and I have more in common than she will ever admit, ergo I trust her as much as I would trust myself.”

“Is that good?” Azelf inquired.

“As long as we understand each other,” Arceus said. “I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

Princess Celestia grumbled angrily to herself as she and the others made their way out of the Everfree, the rest of the group didn’t hear much but they made out phrases such as “Stupid god.” and “More powerful, my flank.”

“She seems upset.” Gene commented redundantly.

“Only because your god isn’t being reasonable.” Twilight snapped. “And he claimed to be more powerful than Celestia.”

“He is more powerful than Celestia.” Korrina affirmed.

Twilight chose to ignore her and continued walking.

“Speaking of upset,” Korrina stepped in front of Gene and held him back with a paw. “I have a bone to pick with you.”

“Is it the one in your hand?” He asked, hoping to distract her.

“No,” She deadpanned, her voice lacking any amount of humor. “When Misty and I were trying to convince Arceus to turn us back to normal, siding against us didn’t help our case.”

“Yeah,” Misty agreed. “I don’t wanna spend the rest of my life as a Vaporeon. I still have a lot of things I want to do. One of them I will never be able to do if I’m like this.”

Gene shrugged. “Well, I’m not going to give up a chance at a real life with Belle, sorry.”

The former Gym Leaders shot murderous glares at Gene. At this point Belle decided it would be a good idea to step in and defend her mate. She grabbed Gene’s arm and pulled him close, giving Misty and Korrina a look that said “Try anything and I will tear your mind to shreds.” The former humans backed off, continuing down the path

“Traitor.” Korrina whispered, almost out of earshot.

“Gene,” Belle spoke up, turning to the Gallade. “We need to talk.”

Gene smiled at her nervously. “What about?”

“Did you really mean everything you said?” She tried not meeting his eyes. “About leaving your humanity behind for me and–?”

Gene tilted Belle’s head upward so he was looking her right in the eye. “Belle, there is nothing in this world or any other that I wouldn’t do if it would let us be together.”

Gene pulled Belle into a deep kiss, one which the Gardevoir gladly met. It was their second real kiss since they had come to Equestria, and the second one Belle shared with the Gallade. It was also the second one to be interrupted by the ponies.

“AAH!” Fluttershy screamed from somewhere up ahead.

“Damn it.” Gene muttered, breaking the kiss. “What is it this time?”

Gene and Belle rushed ahead, expecting to find the ponies facing a Gengar or Zoroark, what they found was in fact a Pokémon, but it was significantly worse than a Gengar.


The Dragon/Dark-type hovered in front of the ponies. Celestia and Luna stood at the front of the group, protecting the rest of the ponies. Lucario, Korrina and Misty stood beside them, although Korrina and Misty were standing behind Lucario.

“What is it?” Celestia asked as Gene and Belle ran to join her.

“Hydreigon,” Belle answered. “A Pokémon so powerful, it’s considered a pseudo-legendary.”

“Can we reason with it?” Luna asked. “It is sapient, is it not?”

“Well, yes but wild Hydreigon are the most vicious Pokémon on the planet.” Gene explained. Where’s Iris when you need her? He thought to himself.

“We can still try.” Celestia stepped forward, determined to make peace with at least one powerful Pokémon today. “Hydreigon!” She called, getting its attention. “I understand-”

The Hydreigon only roared at her. To the Pokémon, her call raised an alarm which it answered with a Hyper Beam.

“Look out!” Belle cried as the Dragon Pokémon blasted its most powerful attack at the Princess. Celestia’s eyes went wide and she attempted to raise a force field, but before she was able to, a blurry shape shot from the bushes and intercepted the beam, deflecting the attack entirely.

“HYDREIGON!” The Brutal Pokémon roared in rage and launched itself at the newcomer.

“Sacred Sword!” The Pokémon shot forward and slashed Hydreigon across its body, causing the Pokémon to roar in pain.

Seeing their opportunity to strike, the other Pokémon attacked.

“Aura Sphere!” Lucario shot a blue orb of energy from his paw, it hit the Hydreigon head on, knocking the Dark-type back while the princess’ protector continued to slash and hack at it.

“Moonblast!” Belle gathered energy for the attack, but as she fired the lunar powered beam, she felt as if the energy was increased. Likewise Luna felt a momentary drain on her own power from her proximity to the attack. The Hydreigon, already faced with multiple type disadvantages, was thrown backwards as the attack hit.

Celestia stepped forward and faced the Pokémon.

“If you stop now,” She warned it calmly. “Then I won’t blast you myself.”

The Hydreigon, unfortunately, didn’t care, and attempted to charge its Hyper Beam again. It was interrupted by a solar laser that sent it flying through the forest and left it unconscious more than a mile from the path.

Celestia smiled, then turned to find the creature that had first defended her. It was directly behind her, its singular eye staring directly at her, as if scrutinizing something she couldn’t see.

“You,” It said, pointing at her with the shield attached to its right arm. “Are worthy.”

The Aegislash bowed before the Princess, leaving her only one question.

“What did it say?"

Author's Note:

I've decided to include links for those who aren't so familiar with the Pokemon universe from here on out. Also this Pseudo-Legendaries

Arceus(god) Dialga
Palkia Giratina
Mesprit Azelf
Uxie Cresselia
Darkrai Keldeo
Mew Deoxys
Celebi Zygarde
Gallade(Gene) Gardevoir(Belle)
Lucario(Korrina) Vaporeon(Misty)
Hydregion Golurk
Pyroar Wailord
Gengar Zoroark

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