• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,163 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Extra Chapter Two: Therapy

Author's Note:

I am currently working on the first chapter of my next story, not sure if I'll post that next or another extra chapter first, depends on what gets written first.

This was hinted at in the end of Ed's story, and I like it... please, no one start arguing about Hastings in the comments, I didn't expect that much of an outcry the last time... and for the record, this isn't completely related to Hastings, I've hinted at Gene having issues before, and Belle needed this too.

Gene tapped the the armrest of the chair he was sitting in nervously as he looked around the room. When the Princess had told them they would be seeing a therapist, he hadn’t known that he was going to be alone with Dr. Mind during the session. Dr. Mind was a light blue unicorn mare with an easy, calming smile and kind eyes. At the moment, she was sitting on a green couch. The room around them was brightly colored, as were most rooms in Equestria, and the walls were lined with books and toys. There was another arm chair a few paces away from Gene’s though it went unoccupied. Early morning sunlight filtered into the room from the overhead skylight casting it in a very comforting light.

“So Gene,” Dr. Mind said, pulling Gene’s mind out of observation. “You’re here to see me about some troubles with Separation Anxiety, is that right?”

“I... guess so,” he said nervously. “I just don’t like the idea of being away from Belle for too long is all.”

Dr. Mind smiled and nodded. “That’s perfectly understandable Gene,” she said. “Now, something to remember is that the fact that you’re here is not a punishment. I’m not here to hurt you, get you reported to the Guard, or anything else. I’m here to help you and I need you to trust me okay?”

Gene nodded. “Okay... I’ll try.”

“Would you like something to eat, or something to drink?” she asked. “I’ve got some water along with a few cookies up for grabs.”

“Just water, thank you,” he said. “I’m not feeling that hungry right now.”

“Sure,” Dr. Mind said, carefully pouring and then levitating over to him a glass of water. “Let me know when you’re ready to start.”

Gene nodded and took a sip of the water, a few moments later, he let out a sigh. “Okay, I’m ready... how does this work?”

“Well, I’ve read your file, but I’d like to know a bit more about you,” she said with a kind smile. “You’ve sworn off your last name, ‘Phillips’ I believe, correct?”

Gene clenched his fist reflexively. “Yeah... that’s right.”

“Do you feel comfortable about telling me more about that,” she asked, that steady smile on her lips.

Gene sighed again. “My mother betrayed me, and I want nothing to do with her, end of story,” he stated, looking away from Dr. Mind for a moment.

She nodded. “I see,” she said, writing something down in the background with a pen on a clipboard. “So, moving away from that, let me ask you, how does it feel when you’re away from your wife?”

“It’s... like part of me is missing almost, I’ve been with Belle since I was ten, so almost fourteen years now, and in all that time it was rare that she wasn’t at my side,” Gene frowned.

“And are you suffering from that feeling right now?” Dr. Mind asked.

Gene shifted in his seat. “A little bit, yeah, I just... get worried, when I can’t see her, even if I know where she is.”

“Mmm,” Dr. Mind said, nodding her head. “And this comes from your persecution by the ‘Rangers’ or was this always there and only intensified by your original wedding?”

Gene considered this for a moment. “I never really thought about that... I still got nervous when I didn’t know where she was before the wedding, but I felt safe leaving her at our camp if I went to train one of my other Pokemon or if I went shopping.”

“And after the wedding it felt as if you were missing a piece of yourself, or rather, that you were worried that a part of yourself would be stolen,” she said.

“I... yeah, after the wedding... she never left my side. I was afraid someone would find her and... and...” Gene cleared his throat and shook his head. “Sorry.”

“No, no, go on,” she said with an easy smile. “I’m here for you to talk.”

Gene took a deep breath before continuing. “Part of it was that I was scared someone would find her and take her away from me... the other part was that someone would find me while I was away from her, and that she wouldn’t know what happened to me,” he explained. “I... she was so sad, after the wedding... I don’t like it when she’s sad.”

“No one likes their partner to be sad,” Dr. Mind agreed with a soft smile. “Now then, it says here you also hold the same feelings for one Abby Trombley, is that correct?”

Gene nodded. “She and Kasai were... how do I explain this... Belle and I had friends back on Earth, even after the wedding, but they were either members of our family, or else we couldn’t go visit them cause... well, most of them were famous,” he smiled softly. “Abby and Kasai... whenever they showed up... it was like things were normal again, just for a little while, it was like we weren’t on the run from the authorities,” Gene frowned. “So yeah, I get a little possessive of Abby... especially when she’s trying to turn herself in.” He added the last part under his breath.

“I see,” she said. “Do you also feel like you’re missing a piece of yourself when she isn’t around you, or is it a lesser feeling?”

“I still miss her, but she and Kasai were never around for more than a few days at a time, they had their own lives and I was just happy whenever they showed up.”

“Okay, we’ll focus more on Belle then,” Dr. Mind said, smiling. “Now then, Gene, what I want you to do is think of a happy place. Yes, I know you’ve probably heard it said jokingly but it’s a good tactic to help. Then, I want you to think of a place that isn’t in Belle’s arms that you identify as ‘Safe’. Can you do that?”

“... I’ll try,” Gene closed his eyes and did his best to visualize somewhere he felt safe... without Belle. Everytime he added that into the equation, his mental scenery came crashing down around him, and he found himself retreating into his memories of Belle’s embrace. Dr. Mind sat there in silence, letting him run his gears, gently sipping at her glass of water before biting into a deliciously fresh smelling cookie.

As the smell hit Gene, he found himself remembering something, something he thought he’d locked away. ’Gene sweetie, would you like a cookie?’

Gene gasped and opened his eyes.

Dr. Mind looked up, an expectant look on her face. “Did you find one Gene?”

Gene shook his head and closed his eyes. “Not her, I don’t want to feel safe with her.”

“With who?” Dr. Mind asked with a curious look.

“I... I... I remembered my... my mother, baking me cookies when I was little,” he said with a shudder.

“That’s a very common choice,” Dr. Mind said with a nod of her head. “Though, I can see why you wouldn’t find it suitable. I do have to ask though, do you really want to push away everything that she did for you, or only the bad things?”

“Yes!” Gene snapped. “I don’t want to remember her! She betrayed me! She tried to take my Princess away from me!”

“I understand that Gene but it’s not good to villainize someone for one mistake or action,” Dr. Mind said soothingly. “Now, do you really hate the memory of her baking you cookies?”

“... I guess not,” Gene finally admitted. “But I still don’t want to remember her.”

“Alright,” Dr. Mind said with a nod. “Continue trying to think of a happy place Gene, and while you do so, just let your lips talk, don’t even think about what you’re saying. Just talk. So, how did you get to know Abby?”

“She and Kasai just showed up one night, I trusted them ‘cause they were like me and Belle... cause they were a couple,” he said with a smile.

She smiled and made a ‘go on’ motion with her hoof as she sipped at the water.

“We talked for a while, got to know each other, and when they left I was sad cause I thought I’d never see them again... then they showed up again a few months later,” he chuckled. “In hindsight I should’ve been suspicious, but I was really happy to see them again.”

“Mhm, and then?”

“Things went on like that for a while... those two ended up being like family to us," Gene said with a smile.

“I see,” Dr. Mind said with a nod of her head. “So, Gene, have you found a happy place yet?”

“I just keep thinking about the nights I spent around the campfire with Abby and Kasai,” Gene admitted.

“Well, that’s not a bad place to start,” she said, smiling. “I’ve seen Kasai and I bet his fur makes a very comfortable bed.”

Gene smiled reminiscently. “He’s really fluffy, and his fur smells like a campfire.”

“Alright, I need you to do something for me,” Dr. Mind said with a smile. “Whenever it seems like you miss Belle too much to function, just think of laying in his fur and smelling that smell. Can you do that Gene?”

“I... yeah, I think I can do that,” Gene said with a nod.

“Good,” she told him. “Now, I want you to think of a safe place to go here in Canterlot, or in Ponyville, where you won’t run into Belle. When you do that, I’d like you to also cut the mental link she’s undoubtedly got wrapped around your mind at this very moment.”

Gene’s eyes widened and he put one hand on his helmet before pulling it away. “A... alright,” he said shakily.

She smiled. “You don’t have to cut that tether for very long at first, but you need to get used to having it off,” she said slowly, her soothing voice running through his ears. “The goal here is to get better about letting her go, Gene. You can’t do that if you’re constantly connected to her.”

Gene simply nodded, still shaking a little bit. “I understand.”

“Good,” the mare smiled. “Can you think of where your safe place would be?”

Gene thought for a moment, then nodded. “I have a friend here in Canterlot who I can go to, in case anything goes wrong, and a few more back in Ponyville.”

She gave him a smile. “Good Gene. I think that’s about all the time we have for today,” she told him. “I believe your wife is in the waiting room trying her best not to pace a trench into the floor. Send her in when she’s ready.”

Gene nodded and stood up. “Thanks Doc,” he said before heading out the door.

Belle had her arms crossed as she sat across from Dr. Mind, a slight grimace on her face as she sat low in the chair. Dr. Mind regarded her with a calm smile, not in the least bit uneased by the Gardevoir.

“So, Belle, how are you today?” Dr. Mind asked.

“Alright,” she said crossly.

“Are you sure?” Dr. Mind asked curiously. “You seem a little angry.”

“I just don’t think this is necessary is all,” Belle said with a shrug. “No offense.”

“None taken, most don’t,” Dr. Mind said, holding her smile. “Though, the specifics are always different. Why do you think you shouldn’t be here?”

Belle lot out a sharp sigh. “I don’t see the reasoning behind sending me here, I didn’t do anything wrong, but Abby seems to be convinced otherwise.”

“Well then, maybe we can figure out her point of view if we work together,” Dr. Mind said. “Now, what exactly got you sent to my office?”

Belle paused for a moment. “Well, a few days ago Ponyville was attacked by a bunch of extremists who were intent on arresting Gene and ‘rehabilitating’ me, their leader hit Gene after he tried to offer him peace, so I dumped a bunch of memories into his brain to show him how wrong he was,” Belle explained. “Simple.”

“So, just to make sure I’m following along here,” Dr. Mind said with a patient smile. “You fought back against someone in self defense against someone who you could easily incapacitate, and the method that you chose to do happened to violate the sanctity of his mind?”

Belle sighed again. “When you word it like that it sounds really bad.”

Dr. Mind nodded. “Water?” she asked, offering Belle a cup.

“Thank you,” Belle said with a smile, floating the cup over and taking a sip.

“You’re welcome Belle,” Dr. Mind said. “If you don’t mind, I was wondering if I could tell you a story. You obviously don’t need my help very much and you did pay for an hour long session after all.”

“Go right ahead,” Belle said with a nod.

“Now, this isn’t a story that happened to me, or even anyone I know,” Dr. Mind said. “But it’s one that one of magic professors liked to tell. You see, there was once a mare named Carpenter who had a penchant for mental magic. She was great at illusions, putting on spectacles, and, so she believed, helping people.” She took a sip of her water.

“Now, Carpenter had two friends, Rowan and Oak, Rowan was a mare with fur as red as a Rowan tree’s berries and Oak was a stallion who was strong as an old oak. Those two were sweethearts, always had been, the ‘perfect couple’ if you will.” She smiled at Belle, and Belle smiled back.

“Well, they looked like the ‘perfect couple’, you know that no relationship is ever ‘really’ perfect I’m sure. One day, Carpenter looked a little too deeply into what Oak was doing in his free time and, well, lo and behold he was seeing another mare.” She took another sip of water.

“They were still young, so, well, old Oak thought he was tired of Rowan. Whether or not he really was or not was up in the air really. At this point, you have Carpenter watching all of this through the window, Oak is at the table with his beautiful new marefriend and she gets angry. Now, I don’t know how it is for Pokemon, but for ponies, emotions have a great deal of impact upon the outcomes of our spells, would that be the same for your power?” The mare asked, addressing Belle directly for the first time since she’d started speaking.

“Not as directly,” Belle explained. “Some Pokemon do get stronger during certain emotional highs, and sometimes, for Psychic and Ghost types, emotions do bleed into attacks.”

“Alright, thank you,” she said. “Right, where was I, ah, yes, Carpenter hiding there in the bushes, looking in on Oak and his mare. She’s understandably angry. Here is one of her best friends cheating on another, and he looks so disgustingly happy to be there with her. So, she casts a spell. Now, given some thought, she may have cast it a little bit better and even that wouldn’t have been good... but perhaps it wouldn’t have been so tragic.” She smiled sadly at Belle.

“But the way she was feeling at that time was not a time for thinking things through, oh no, now was a time for action!” she punctuated with a hoof pump in the air, getting animated for the first time during the session as she drew Belle further into the story. “She took hold of her great mental prowess and sent an order straight into Oak’s mind! It got lodged there in the very center of it and took over everything else. That order, and I assure you, it was cast with the best of intentions was ‘Love Rowan forever’.”

“And then they lived happily ever after,” Belle finished. “Right?”

“That’s the funny thing about the mind Belle,” Dr. Mind said with a soft smile. “It’s a very complicated machine, more complex then even a clock but even more delicate. You see, when that order resonated in his mind, Oak decided to carry it out. He wanted to love Rowan forever after all. The mare he was holding at the time told him that she loved him, and well, that wouldn’t do. After all, he could only ever love Rowan couldn’t he? With a mighty blow he knocked her to the floor, in fact, his strength was so great that it killed her in one blow. Carpenter was too busy congratulating herself to notice that her friend had just committed a murder without any remorse and didn’t notice him leave the house. In fact, she didn’t notice until the next morning that something was wrong.” She took a sip of her water.

Belle paled slightly as Dr. Mind continued to tell the story.

“They’d made plans the day before to meet for a picnic,” Dr. Mind continued. “When no one came to the door, she got curious and walked in, looking for her friends. The bottom of the house was empty and spotless but as she moved upstairs, she discovered something a bit... shocking. Oak and Rowan were there on the bed, happy as lovers in the throws of passion could be... or Oak was at least. Rowan was dead. As it turns out, Oak’s mind had decided that if he was going to have Rowan forever, then she’d better stop getting up and moving away from him right? That makes a great deal of sense when you think about it.” Her smile turned frigid. “The mind is a delicate thing, always in flux, and there is a very good reason that unicorns with that particular power are told that story. It is a true story, though, obviously, the names have been changed to protect their identity.” She looked over at Belle. “Tell me Belle, do you know how many time Albert Hastings has tried to commit suicide since we took him into our captivity?”

“He’s... no,” Belle shook her head. “He’s... that’s not...”

“Twenty-seven,” Dr. Mind said quietly. “I’m not telling you this out of anger Belle. I’m telling you this as a warning of what you need to be careful about. As I said, the mind is a very delicate thing and one push in the wrong direction...”

Belle grabbed her head and closed her eyes. “I... I just wanted him to see what he was doing was wrong.”

“I understand that Belle,” Dr. Mind said, her voice still quiet. “And truly, I can get behind the sentiment. Love is a great virtue here in Equestria, we even have a Princess dedicated to it. That being said, would it truly have been that hard to convince Albert over time rather than inserting the certain knowledge that he broke up at the very least several hundred young lovers and ruined their lives?”

“I just wanted him to leave us alone,” Belle said with a soft sob. “He hurt Gene, he questioned my love for my husband... I just wanted him to stop.”

Dr. Mind smiled softly and levitated several tissues over to Belle. “It’s okay Belle,” she said quietly. “I’ve mostly succeeded in fixing the ‘dams’ that you broke. The main point here is that you have to be careful when you work within someone else’s mind.”

“I thought I was helping,” Belle said sadly. “I thought he’d be better off if he just accepted that he was wrong.”

“To quote a much-used phrase, the road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions,” Dr. Mind told her. “What you think is ‘better off’ for him isn’t what is in reality.”

Belle nodded. “I don’t know if I can fix this... should I take the memories back?”

Dr. Mind shook her head. “No, the best thing you can do right now is avoid him until someone says that you can go towards him, and then apologize,” she told her before reaching out with her magic and picking up a small item. “And, you can attend a free class put on by Celestia’s Academy for Gifted Unicorns. They have a class there for young unicorns who want to learn how to use their mental cutie marks without causing anyone any harm. I think you’d enjoy it.”

Belle nodded and floated the item over to her, examining it for a moment. “I need to apologize to Abby.”

“Apologies are always good to the ones we love the most,” Dr. Mind said with a soft smile.

Belle nodded again and frowned. “I should’ve realized I was wrong when she stopped talking to me...”

“No one can always be right, and that goes both ways,” the mare said. “Would you like a cookie Belle? They’re still fresh and chocolate chip, I’ve found that they always help me cheer up. Except when I look at my waist line, hehe.”

Belle smiled and nodded, accepting one of the cookies. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, now, I believe our time for this week is up,” the therapist said. “Please, come again at the same time next week.”

Belle nodded before teleporting out of the room.

Abby walked along the railing overlooking the land below Canterlot. It was a radiant green that really soothed her nerves. She’d been working out with Seth Crescent for the last few days so that she could learn how to actually fight as a Ninetales and she was more than a little exhausted. Still, she enjoyed the view and it helped her relax a bit.

“Abby?” Belle’s voice sounded suddenly from behind her. “Can... can we talk?”

Abby glanced over at her in surprise and raised an eyebrow at her silently. She didn’t run or walk away. Instead, she just stood there silently.

Belle shifted on her feet nervously before speaking. “I... I wanted to say I was sorry... and that you were right. I should’ve just knocked Hastings out instead of... doing what I did to him.”

The Ninetales frowned for a moment before taking a seat. “Oh?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at her. It was the first word she’d spoken to Belle for the last week.

Belle nodded, unable to make eye contact with her. “I... just came from therapy... she told me a story, then told me that Hastings... that he tried to kill himself and I...” Belle sighed. “I... I know I can’t change what I did, but... I’m ashamed that I reacted in that way... and I know you have every right to hate me but... I hope I can earn your trust back.”

Abby noded and gave her the lightest of smiles. “Belle, come give me a hug,” she said quietly.

Belle sniffled and ran up to her friend, wrapping her arms around Abby and burying her face in her neck. Abby leaned her head into Belle’s neck and licked her as nine tails wrapped around the Gardevoir, warmth surrounding Belle in the embrace. The Ninetales smiled and nuzzled her a few times as Belle sniffled into her neck.

“Shhh,” Abby said quietly. “Shhhh.”

“I... I didn’t mean to hurt him,” Belle said quietly. “I just wanted him to leave us alone.”

“I know, I know,” Abby said, nuzzling her. “And he’s going to be fine, they’re getting him better every day Belle. That doesn’t make what you did right, but it does help me forgive you. Besides... I kinda love ya you idiot Gardevoir.” She licked Belle’s cheek.

Belle smiled softly and kissed Abby’s forehead. “I love you too Abby... and I promise that as soon as I can I’ll apologize to Hastings.”

“Good girl,” Abby said, leaning up and licking Belle’s nose playfully. “And yes, once he’s better he’s going to be a part of our family and be Gold and Silver’s Grandpa so you’d better get used to seeing him.”

Belle’s eye twitched a little. “I’ll work on that.”

“Good,” the Ninetales said, licking right below Belle’s twitching eye. “Now, say it without the eye twitching.”

“I’ll work on getting used to him,” Belle said again, though not without frowning a little.

“Alright,” Abby said, nuzzling her. “We’ve got a while before then anyways.” Abby pressed herself closer to Belle and pressed her warm neck against Belle’s cheek. “Mmm, I missed your hugs.”

Belle smiled. “And I missed hugging you, and your royal fluffiness.”

“I’m royally fluffy now? Hmm, I can see that,” Abby said, nuzzling Belle more and giving her cheek a lick.

Belle giggled and kissed Abby’s cheek. “So... should we go tell the boys the good news?”

Abby nodded. “Sure... want to go get drunk and celebrate?”

Belle smiled. “Normally I’d say yes... but I’ve still got the little one to think about.”

Abby blinked. “Oh, right.” She facepawed. “I’m SO sorry Belle, I’m just kinda tired at right now from work.”

Belle smiled again and patted Abby’s head. “It’s alright, there are certainly worse things to be reminded of.”

“True,” Abby said, nuzzling Belle as she unfurled her tails from around her. “Mind teleporting us?”

Belle nodded and placed a hand on Abby’s shoulder before Teleporting them off to find their partners.

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