• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,163 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 59

Ed- Tension set, awaiting further actions.

TDN- And the much awaited Hastings Arc begins. The climax is upon us.

Aus- Well, things certainly took a turn for the interesting.

Bubba- The Plot! You figure out what I’m talking about.

Mage was feeling a bit... conflicted as Luke carried her up the stairs of the hotel where Abby was staying.

On one hand, Luke was feeling better and had made a plan that, he hoped, would help him even further. On the other... he was going back to Las Pegasus.

He had told Mage that he needed to get away from Ponyville for a while, and, she assumed from his emotions, away from Abby, though he also wanted to visit a friend he’d met there.

Mage was just feeling a little antsy as this would be the first time since Gene caught her that she would be spending time away from him.

... Actually, giving it a deeper look, it was probably a good thing.

Once they reached Abby and Kasai’s room, Luke knocked and, after a moment, the lock clicked and the door opened.

“Hello... Abby... and you too... Belle.” Mage sighed, since Belle was here, she could tell her where she was going it would be... easier, than telling Gene.

“Hey Luke! You’re looking MUCH better!” Abby said, closing the distance between them in a second and rubbing against his leg gently.

“I... I am... thank you Abby,” Luke replied quietly, bending down slightly to pat Abby’s head. “Thank... thank you.”

Belle walked over to them, eyeing Mage as she did. “Hello Mage, Luke,” she said with a frown. She was going to ask why Luke’s mind was unguarded, but stopped when she caught the look Mage was giving her, along with the thought she shot at her. Do. Not. Ask.

“Yes... I... I’m sure that Abby can tell you... without me around...” Luke agreed with a nod of his head, biting his lip slightly.

“Yes, I can cover it without you, no reason to make you go through it again Luke,” Abby said, licking his hand and getting another pat from him.

“Thank you... thank you,” Luke said before smiling and glancing down at Mage. “We... we have some news. Would you like to tell it... Angel?” Abby’s ears perked up at the last word.

Mage smiled at her nickname and. “Yeah, yeah I would,” she turned to Abby and Belle. “Well... where do I start?” She wasn’t really sure how to describe what she and Luke had at this point “... Luke and I are... testing the waters, I guess you could say,” she said with a slightly nervous chuckle. “If you know what I mean.”

Abby’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped before she grinned widely. “That’s great news! Oh Luke! I’m so happy for you!”

Belle smiled. “Me too, for both of you,” she said, smiling at Mage, though the Mismagius could sense her confusion.

“... thank you... thank you so much,” Luke said softly, leaning down to kiss Abby very gently on the forehead, still cradling Mage to his chest. “... and I have been... thinking. I would like to go back to Las Pegasus... and visit Vincent.”

“And I’ll be going with him.” Mage said with a nod.

The Ninetales blinked twice. “Really?” She then swallowed and glanced up at Luke. “Are you sure going away right now is the best thing to do?”

“... yes. I need to get away... away from Canterlot that is...” Luke said softly as Belle saw the words ‘away from you’ run through his mind. “I need... distance so that I can establish something... new.”

“And I’ll be helping him with the uh... recent complications,” Mage assured Abby. “And making sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.” So far, her spell had been holding up, but she wasn’t sure how long it would last.

Abby closed her eyes for a moment before smiling and nuzzling Luke ever so slightly on the leg. “Good, I’m glad you’re going to go off on your own for a while, and that you’ll have a nice ‘sweater’ to keep you warm.” She winked at Mage.

Mage smiled at Abby, then nuzzled Luke’s chest softly. “I’m certainly not going to complain about that,” she said with a laugh.

“Nor will I... Angel...” Luke murmured softly, wrapping both arms around her and closing his eyes.

Abby smiled. “Good, I’m so happy for both of you... and Luke, if you ever need me, let me know.”

“... of course Abby, I will...” Luke said before nodding. “... and now we’re going to go... we have a train to catch...”

Mage smiled at Belle. “Tell Gene that I-Ack!”

Mage found herself caught in a Psychic pull, and then in Belle’s arms. “I’m going to miss you, you crazy Ghost.”

Mage smiled and closed her eyes, wrapping her ‘arms’ around Belle’s neck. “I’ll miss you too Belle, tell Gene and the others okay? I... I don’t think I can say goodbye to him.”

Belle let go of Mage and nodded. “Sure thing... and if you ever need anything,”

“I’ll let you know,” Mage said with a nod before floating back over to Luke.

“With any luck... we will be back in a week or three... I do not know for certain but I promise that we will not ‘vanish’ forever,” Luke said quietly. “You all mean too much to me to... do that.”

Abby smiled and closed her eyes. “Go with my love... Luke Trombley.”

Luke’s eyes widened for a moment in shock before he smiled. “Thank you... Abby.” With that, he turned away and closed the door behind him, small tears falling on Mage’s head. “Mage... she spoke in my mind... and called me her family.”

Mage smiled softly. “Of course she did Luke, she loves you like... like a... sorry, raw emotion doesn’t lend itself to familial terms, but she does see you as family.”

Luke smiled and just held her close, burying his face in her neck as he teleported them to the train station. “I know... I know she does.” He just held her tightly as he paid for a pair of tickets and boarded the train before looking down at her and kissing her softly on the forehead. “And I’m so happy that you... think of me as more than that.”

Mage smiled and kissed Luke’s cheek. “It’s not hard,” she said softly.

“Good... I wonder how Vincent will take the news of our arrival... hopefully he has bettered himself while I was away,” Luke said with a small smile before glancing at her. “... and please do not mention my... incident with Mewtwo... I do not need that hot headed... well meaning... fool charging off and getting himself hurt on my account...”

“Hey, my lips are sealed,” Mage said, miming pulling a zipper over her lips. “But be prepared in case he notices your mental defenses, and current lack thereof.”

Luke nodded and sighed. “Indeed... I believe he will most likely notice that immediately but... I do hope to keep him from it. Mewtwo... held back against me... I know it... the only reason I stood a chance was because of the intensity of my memories... he would have crushed me in an instant otherwise. In fact...” he was about too. He began to shiver violently, the feeling of Mewtwo rooting through his mind sickeningly strong.

“Involucro ouanter,” Mage whispered, causing a warm feeling to envelope Luke. “Don’t think about that okay? It’s not a good thing to dwell on.” Mage hoped that, with enough time, and enough love, Luke could put the Mewtwo thing behind him, though her major project was to keep him from slipping into self-doubting depression again.

Luke gave a jerky nod and then hugged her closer. “You... you’re right. Thank you Mage... Angel.”

Mage just smiled and wrapped her arms around Luke before kissing his cheek again. “I promised I’d help you through this,” she reminded him softly. “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Luke nodded again and bent down to give her the slightest of kisses on the lips before leaning back against the train cushion. “Next stop... Las Pegasus.”

It was early the next morning in a house just outside of Ponyville when Rainbow Dash, who was sleeping in her bed, felt something banging against her side.

“Five more minutes...” She mumbled groggily, not bothering to look up from her pillow.

About ten seconds later, something banged into her again, but this time with enough force to knock her out of bed. “Whoa!”

Dash rubbed her head and looked around from her new position on the floor, spotting the culprit on her mattress, she sighed. “Tank, this had better be important.”

The tortoise nodded and slowly lifted off the bed before flying out the door.

Rainbow Dash sighed and, after extracting herself from the blanket wrapped around her body, flew after him.

Finding her pet ramming into the front door of her house, Dash shook her head and let out a yawn. “Did you have to wake me up so early just to go outside?”

Dash opened the door and let Tank fly out, then closed it and made her way back to bed, opening one of the windows as she made her way up the staircase.

“Crazy tort-OW!” She turned around, rubbing the back of her head, and glared at Tank. “What the heck Tank!?”

Tank ignored her glare and grabbed some of her mane in his mouth, dragging her with him as he flew towards the door again.

“Tank, Ow, what the hay are you doing?”

Deciding that going along with her pet would result in less pain, Rainbow opened the door again and this time followed him out.

“Alright Tank,” she said, rubbing her eyes to wipe the sleep from them. “What did you want to show me?”

The Tortoise hovered just off of her porch and gestured downwards.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow but stuck her head through the cloud to see what he was pestering her about. “Maybe once this is done I can....”

Rainbow Dash froze when she saw what Tank had been trying to show her. “That’s... crud,” she gulped. “Tank... good job... now I gotta go!”

Rainbow Dash took off like a rocket, leaving a rainbow streak behind her as she flew towards Ponyville.

Gene smiled and hummed a cheery tune to himself as he set up for breakfast.

Despite Mage’s departure the day before, and the fact that he couldn’t find Draco or River, he was in a rather good mood this morning.

Most of it stemmed from the barely visible baby bump Belle was beginning to sport.

As Gene began cracking a few eggs in preparation for the omelets he was making, he glanced out the window, a smile on his face.

At least until he spotted the rainbow blur shooting towards the boutique. Thinking quickly, he pushed the window open just in time for Rainbow Dash not to smack into it. Unfortunately, this meant she did crash into the kitchen counter head first with a solid sounding clonk, followed by a crash as Rainbow Dash slid into and knocked over several kitchen chairs.

“Oh that sounded painful.” Gene winced.

There was a flash of blue beside him as a frantic looking Belle teleported next to him. “What happened? I heard a... is that Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah she came in through the window.” Gene nudged the Pegasus with his foot. “She’s unconscious now.”

Belle kneeled down next to Rainbow Dash and placed a hand on her forehead.

“What’s going on?!” Rarity, still wearing her sleep mask and robe, asked in a panic. “Did someone break in?”

Gene gestured to Belle, who was still trying to wake up Rainbow Dash.

“Oh dear,” Rarity sighed. “Did she crash through the window again?”

“Close, I opened it and she hit the counter.” Gene shook his head.

“Oh dear,” Rarity looked at her friend. “Is she alright?”

“I think so,” Belle informed her. “She has a thick skull, I just need to...”

“GAH!!” Rainbow Dash sat upright, panting heavily.

“There she is,” Gene said with a chuckle.

Rainbow rubbed her head and looked around. “Ah, my head... what happened?”

“You flew head first into a countertop,” Gene informed her. “So I’m assuming you have something important to say.”

Rainbow blinked once, then her eyes widened. “Crud! You’re right, I saw some Pokémon out by my house heading this way!”

“And?” Gene asked, moving back to the egg bowl and began whisking.

“And that guy from Manehattan was with them!” She shouted. “The old guy who was arguing with Iris!”

“Hastings?” Belle asked. “Are you sure it was him?”

“It looked like him,” Rainbow Dash said. “And Twilight did kinda tell him where we lived.”

Gene, meanwhile, was silently whisking away.

“Gene?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow. “Are you alright?”

Gene looked back at Rarity, Dash, and Belle and saw the looks of worry on their faces.

“Honestly?” He asked them. “I don’t care anymore, I mean Abby is helping set up a new, Celestia sanctioned Ranger Union, so why should I care what some old geezer says about me?”

He put the bowl down and walked over to Belle. “Especially when I have a wife like you,” he pulled Belle into a kiss and held her for a moment before saying. “And friends like you guys.” He smiled at Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

All three of them smiled. “Well... alright, but he had a bunch of other Pokémon with him,” Dash said. “They were all talking and heading towards Ponyville.”

Rarity gasped. “We have to warn Twilight!”

Gene sighed. “Guess I’m not making breakfast today,” the Gallade walked out of the kitchen but returned a moment later with Fang plodding alongside him and Webber hanging on him like a backpack.

“Alright,” Gene said. “Whether we have to fight Hastings and his pals or stop Blaziken or Lucario from killing them, we’re ready.”

Twilight was having a very odd day. She had only just gotten back to the library and checked through her mail, finding something from the Princess for Abby, and a letter from someone named Bit in Las Pegasus when Pinkie Pie barged into the library screaming and then dragged Twilight all the way to town square.

This was one of the time Twilight was glad Pinkie decided to abduct her.

“When I told him where to find me,” Twilight huffed. “I meant if he wanted to talk or something.” As she rounded a corner she spotted what her friend had warned her about. “Not to protest.”

Sure enough, the Conkeldurr was in the center of town, standing amongst a plethora of other Pokemon, only a few of which Twilight recognized.

“Professor Hastings!” Twilight growled in annoyance. “When I told you about seeing me in Ponyville, I meant seeing me to talk things over. NOT while bringing a gang of Pokemon for a protest.”

Hastings huffed as she approached. “Princess Twilight, how nice of you to come and meet us.” He said sarcastically.

Twilight glared at him and took off, flying just high enough so she could glare down at him. “If this is about the issue you talked about last time, my answer is still no. Your accusations are both groundless, and pointless at this point. Arceus made it clear that any and all couples he brought along were fully consenting, and NOT an abusive relationship. Furthermore, the laws you speak of don’t exist on Equus, as interspecies relationships are perfectly legal. Not to mention you’re all the same species now,” she huffed in annoyance.

Hastings glared back at her and was about to say something, but one of the other Pokemon interrupted him. “That doesn’t change the fact that they willfully violated the laws back on Earth,” the speaker was was a Toxicroak with a red scarf wrapped around his neck. “They must answer for their crimes.”

Twilight eyed the Poison type for a moment before landing in front of the gathered Pokemon. “The laws you’re referring to regularly imprisoned people who were guilty of nothing more than falling in love... this is the first time I’ve heard the described as a crime.”

“It’s still the law,” an Electivire, one sporting several military dog tags, said with a growl. “And anyone who breaks the law deserves the consequences.”

Twilight stared blankly at the Electric type for a moment before sighing. “Okay... I’m pretty sure you’re all humans, or were at least trained by humans, so I’m hoping you’ll understand this. What you want to do is illegal. Maybe it was allowed on Earth, but on Equus, it violates one of the most fundamental laws that has been in use for centuries,” Twilight stated pointedly, trying to catch them in their own reasoning.

“But,” a Glaceon with a blue hair clip and a blue bow around her neck began. “They still broke the laws back on Earth, and if we let them off the hook just because we’re here, it’s not really fair to all the others who were arrested back on Earth.”

Twilight was about to say something, but somepony else cut her off. “Are you bucking kidding?!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Fair? You’re doing this cause you think it won’t be FAIR?! I don’t know about everypony else, but what I think is unfair in the first place is how you go around catching people just because they fell in love, and never even bothered to check if it was real love. From what I get, you just assume everyone who loved a Pokemon was some kind of sicko!”

Twilight smiled, as a Princess, she had to keep a calm head in situations. Thankfully, her friends didn’t have to.

As Rainbow landed next to Twilight, she whispered. “Might be better if we get these guys out of here before Gene and Belle catch up with me.”

Twilight’s eyes widened at that, as she nodded. Turning to the gathered Pokemon, she said, “Alright, this is getting us nowhere, and right now, we’re disturbing the peace. If you want to discuss this further, can we please go somewhere else, preferably somewhere that we won’t cause any disruptions,” she said.

“Just as soon as you tell us where Mister Phillips, and Miss Trombley are,” purred a Liepard sporting a long yellow scarf.

“Yeah... no, no way in Tartarus is that happening,” Rainbow glared at them. “Now you can either leave peacefully, or we can run you outta town, your choice.”

Several of the Pokemon laughed, while a Rampardos stepped forward and stared down at her. “You shouldn’t go around making threats you can’t deliver on.”

Dash growled. “Just who are you guys anyway?! More uptight Pokemon Rangers?”

“Well... I wouldn’t describe myself as uptight,” a Luxray in a red Stetson commented. “But I am a Pokemon Ranger,” he smirked. “Sven, Top Ranger, Almia Region.”

“Wendy,” the Staraptor next to him added. “Also a Top Ranger from Almia.”

“And the rest of you?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Brandon,” the Rampardos scoffed. “Head of the Battle Pyramid.”

“The name’s Grimsley,” the Liepard purred. “Dark type specialist of the Unova Elite Four.”

“Lieutenant Edward Surge, Leader of the Vermillion City Pokemon Gym,” the Electivire introduced himself.

“You may call me Koga, of Kanto’s Elite Four,” the Toxicroak said before falling silent again.

“I’m Candice,” the Glaceon said with a small smile. “From the Snowpoint city gym.”

“Professor Rowan,” an Abomasnow said, stepping forward. “Head Pokemon Professor from the-”

“From the Sinnoh Region,” Twilight finished. “Aurea told me about you.”

The Ice type seemed to smile for a second before his normally stern expression returned. “Yes well... we don’t want to keep you, just tell us where the Phillips boy is and we’ll get out of your hair.”

“I restate, no way in Tartarus!” Rainbow shouted.

Twilight bit her lip. “Dash... why don’t you go and make sure that no one unwelcome here shows up, okay?”

Rainbow was going to argue, but she caught on to what her friend was saying. “Oooh, I gotcha.” She shot one last glare at Hastings and the others before taking off, leaving a rainbow in her wake.

“Wendy, go after her,” Hastings said with a sigh.

“No one’s following her,” Twilight said coldly, her horn lighting up. “Anyone tries and I’ll stun them.”

Wendy closed her wings and looked up at Hastings, who was glaring back at Twilight. “Why are you so dead set on stopping us?” He asked. “We’re trying to do the right thing, this Phillips character has played you all for fools and-”

Hastings stopped as a purple aura enveloped his cane, before it was promptly yanked out from under him, causing him to nearly fall over.

“Don’t. Insult. My. Friends.” Twilight said calmly, holding the concrete column over her head. “I may have only known Gene and Belle for a few weeks, but I haven’t seen a pair who love each other more dearly than maybe my brother and his wife. And mind you, she’s the PRINCESS of Love.” Twilight shoved Hastings cane back at him, hitting him in the gut but still not knocking him over.

“I don’t know, and I really don’t care what you think you’re trying to accomplish, but I will NOT let you go around and mess up the lives of the humans who are now free to live their lives in this world. They’ve worked too hard to make the best of it for you to just come along and ruin it. And for what? The rules of an old world, and if what Arceus says is to be believed, a soon to be dead world,” Twilight said with narrowed eyes.

“We’re just upholding the law miss,” Surge said calmly. “Sorry if it’s not your law, but it was ours, and I for one will not let this kind of thing slide for any reason.”

“Uphold the law?!” Twilight shouted, her patience finally running out. “Where were you when Cheap Skate nearly tricked that Volcarona into leveling Manehattan by kidnapping its child? Where were you when King Sombra possessed Pokemon to MURDER ponies? Where were you when Control used Pokemon as puppets to commit crime? How dare you talk of upholding the law when all you’re doing is trying to do is uphold a law that was not only wrong, but completely unacceptable on Equus, especially when there are BIGGER things to worry about?!”

Twilight’s horn was glowing bright purple now, and she was prepared to fire a magic blast directly at the next person who spoke, until a much more friendly voice spoke up.

“Twilight, I may not know you very well just yet, but at the moment I don’t believe shooting anyone is going to help much,” a surprisingly cordial sounding Abby Trombley’s voice broke in as she and Kasai walked up to her. “Allow me to handle this please, or at least attempt too.”

“Abby,” Hastings said nervously. “Kasai...”

Twilight turned to the Ninetales and sighed. “Fine, but if you need me, just yell.”

“I won’t need to yell,” Abby said with a smile, it was strange, she was... calm. The Ninetales walked forwards, the Arcanine at her side. “Professor, I’d like to apologize for my actions in Las Pegasus, they were not befitting of a Pokemon Ranger, let alone a Top Ranger. I was pregnant at the time and I’m afraid that I didn’t quite have complete control of my new body yet. What I almost did to you was completely inexcusable and I really would like to say I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart.”

“Pregnant?” Rowan said to himself, stroking his chin.

Hastings sighed. “Abby... I... well... apology accepted I suppose. But you still broke the law... I’m afraid we’re going to have to arrest you.”

“YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!” Twilight shouted back, using her magic to broadcast her royal Canterlot voice.

“Please Twilight,” Abby said, shushing Twilight with a single tail, her entire body seemingly relaxed. “I have a question for any and all of you. You arrest us. What do you do with us?”

“Personally, I’d be happy with a five year sentence and separation from your Pokemon,” Candice commented.

Koga nodded in agreement, while Surge clenched his fists and growled. “As long as they’re arrested.”

“I see,” Abby said with a small nod of her head. “And where will you keep me for five years? Where will you find the proper amount of food? Where will you go where the Equestrian Government won’t find you? And a further question... there is the little matter of the fact that I’m a mother now. Will you separate me from my children over this? Are they Pokemon or are they human?” she said, her voice disturbingly calm the whole time.

Twilight smiled as Candice flinched back and looked away, maybe some of these guys could be reasoned with. “I... um... Professor?”

Hastings didn’t say anything, he just stared ahead at Abby. “I’m certain that once I explain my position to Princess Celestia we can work something out.”

“The Princess Celestia who I have already spoken to at length and received funding to start a new Ranger Union as a branch of the Equestrian Government from?” Abby asked, her voice still calm. “I’m sure Twilight could come up with the official documentation if you wished to fact check me sir.”

“Oh!” Twilight suddenly remembered something she’d gotten in the mail this morning. “That reminds me Abby, Princess Celestia sent the deed for the land you requested this morning, it’s back at the Library but it’s all drawn up.” Twilight had been a bit surprised seeing just how much land had been allotted for the Union.

“Wait... seriously?” Sven asked in shock, the Luxray’s eyes wide with shock.

“Why yes, I’ve been using my time here rather effectively Sven,” Abby said with a smile to the other Top Ranger. “I know we didn’t ever have time to talk much, but I admire your work.”

The Luxray smiled. “Likewise Abby.”

“Don’t fraternize with the enemy, Ranger,” Surge said warningly.

Sven growled and electricity sparked from his fur. “Don’t tell me who ta talk to ya overgrown Mankey.”

Wendy sighed as the two Electric types faced each other. “Sven, go back to camp and check on the Pokemon,” she glared at him. “We don’t need you two getting into another fight.”

“Yes, because the last two times were so amusing to watch,” Grimsley snarked.

Sven growled at the Liepard before he walked away, grumbling to himself.

“Tension... maybe we can use that,” Twilight thought as she recalled something she’d learned from her first encounter with Discord, a team is only as strong as the bonds between its members.

“Sorry about that,” Wendy said apologetically.

“It’s fine, boys will be boys,” Abby said with a small smile, her voice still very calm as one of her tails moved out and wrapped around Kasai’s. Kasai for his part was staying silent for the moment and just standing there listening with a neutral expression on his muzzle. “Wendy, right? Big fan of your work too.”

Wendy smiled, but before she could respond, Surge put his foot down. “Enough of this!” He shouted, turning to Hastings. “She’s right there! We should just deal with her now and figure the rest out later!”

Not waiting for the Professor to respond, Surge stepped forward, intending to apprehend Abby. He didn’t make it very far. There was a sound like a thunderclap as Kasai let out a terrifying roar and before Surge knew it he was on his back with an extremely large dog on top of him.

“I don’t think you’re going to be arresting my mate today,” Kasai said, his entire golden body bristling before he leapt backwards, landing a few feet away.

The Electivire stared in shock. “He... he just-”

“Enough Lieutenant!” Rowan snapped in his most authoritative voice. “We came here to try and find a peaceful solution,” he eyed Abby and Kasai. “Seeing as how that hasn’t worked out, I suggest we regroup at camp and come up with a new plan.”

“But-” Surge began.

“He’s right Edward,” Hastings said with a sigh. “I was hoping it wouldn’t have to come to this...” slowly, he turned around and began the trek out of town, but not before looking back once and saying. “You brought this on yourselves you know.”

“You still didn’t answer any of my questions Professor,” Abby replied simply.

The Professor and the rest of the Pokemon headed back down the path out of town, though Rowan lingered behind, still eyeing Abby and Kasai. “In the interest of sharing knowledge,” he said after a long moment. “I think it’s fair to tell you they have quite a few of their Pokemon back at camp, as well as another few trainers... all very powerful but if you know their preferred types...”

Abby smiled. “Thank you Professor... though if you don’t mind my asking, why are you with them? You’re a man of science and I’m sure you know that there’s nothing inherently wrong with Pokephilia, especially not now of all times... and more than that... are you really willing to separate mothers and fathers from their children? I know that Belle is already pregnant and I’m sure there are more.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she immediately looked around frantically before sighing with relief. The last thing they needed right now was Pinkie throwing Belle a baby shower.

“I was more in the,” he cleared his throat. “C-crime against nature camp of the argument back on Earth, though if all you’ve told me is true,” he smiled. “Then I have a lot to think about... maybe talk to some of the others as well.”

“Thank you Sir,” Kasai said respectfully, walking over to Abby and giving her a nuzzle. “Believe me when I say that she never abused me in any way except for just maybe spoiling me rotten with buttered Magikarp, heh.”

Rowan laughed. “I believe you... and Princess?... Give my regards to Aurea.” With that Rowan followed after the rest of the group.

Twilight sighed in relief, glad that a fight hadn’t broken out, then she turned to Abby. The Ninetales sighed as well and her calm seemed to melt away from her as she pressed herself against Kasai’s side.

“We need a plan,” Twilight stated.

“Call Princess Celestia, or Luna, bring them and a demonstration of the Guard,” Abby replied, still pressing herself against Kasai’s warm support. “Ask Arceus or one of the other Legendaries to be here. I’m missing some of my team and even at its full strength I don’t know how many of them we could fight ourselves, that includes Gene’s team too... though I don’t know about Seth’s.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll ask around too, see what everyone knows about these guys teams.”

“Right then, we’ll go talk to Gene and Belle,” Kasai said, leaning down and giving Abby a lick. “Though, could you do us a favor Twilight, find a way to get our eggs to Canterlot please?”

“...what?” Abby asked, glancing over in surprise.

“I’d like them out of the line of fire,” Kasai said with an easy going doggie smile as flames flared around his jaws. “Literally.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll go contact the Princess now,” she assured them. “I just hope they don’t try anything too stupid.”

“There are at least two professors there... one of them is Rowan, I think we’re at least half safe,” Abby said with a sigh. “Right, we’ll get going now, thanks Twilight.” She gave Twilight a lick on the muzzle, something Kasai did as well, before walking towards the boutique.

Twilight watched them go, then teleported back to the library, already thinking up a plan of attack.

Belle took a deep breath as she leaned against the bathroom counter and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes still red from crying... redder than they usually were, at least.

“Why?” She asked with a growl that came out more as a sob. “Why can’t they just leave us alone?”

She squeezed the counter until she felt like it was going to break, then she released it and huffed. “They think they can barge into our new lives and take him from me?” She laughed and a blue aura appeared around her hands as she clutched them in fists. “Just let them try.”

As Belle stared at herself in the mirror, eyes still red from crying, psychic aura around her hands, a slightly psychotic grin on her face, she saw who was standing in the doorway.

“Belle?” Gene asked, worry in his voice.

Belle spun around and faced her husband. “Gene... how long have you-”

She was cut off as he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around her. “Please Belle... I need you to control yourself.” He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “Abby was right, we can’t attack them or overreact, let them make the first move.”

As much as Gene didn’t like that idea, he understood where she was coming from.

“I know, I know,” Belle said with a sigh. “But... Gene they want to take you away from me!” She said, stamping her foot. “And I just...” she sniffled. “I... I can’t imagine going a day without you, I... I don’t think I could go on.”

Belle was crying again now, and Gene stepped forward, taking one of her hands and using his free one to wipe some of her tears. “Hey beautiful, don’t cry,” he said gently. “No one is going to let them happen... I’m not going to let that happen.”

Belle sniffled again and leaned into her mates touch, holding his hand to her cheek. “Promise?”

Gene smiled and nodded. “Promise,” he pulled her into a kiss and held her close. “And I’m just asking you not to attack them first,” he broke the kiss and smirked. “If they actually manage to do... anything... just don’t kill anyone okay?”

Belle didn’t say anything for a moment. “Belle?” Gene asked, sounding worried again.

“Fine,” she finally said.

Gene sighed again. “I’d prefer if you’d stay here tomorrow actually, I don’t want you,” he placed a hand over her belly. “Or anyone else, getting hurt.”

Belle rolled her eyes. “Gene... first off there’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight tomorrow, secondly, I’m not that pregnant yet, I can still fight.”

“I know, but I worry,” he said, hugging her close. “Just promise me you’ll be careful okay?”

Belle smiled and leaned against Gene. “I promise,” she said softly. “I won’t do anything reckless.”

Gene smiled.

Unless you get hurt. The thought went unvoiced but Belle let it hang there in her mind, her eyes hard as she looked at the wall behind Gene.

Author's Note:

First off, Mage is gonna be gone for awhile, she and Luke are currently in A New Mind by Thadius0, so go check that out.

Second off... Professor Hastings group is made up of several individuals, and not all were revealed in this chapter. Of those who were

Lt. Edward Surge- Electivire: Due to what he went through in his military days (yes there was a war) he became somewhat... traumatized, and as a result, he's put more faith in the law than anyone else as sort of a coping mechanism.

Koga- Toxicroak: He doesn't do it for ideology or rightful fury, he does that because Gene, Abby, etc. broke the laws, and even if the laws now changed they did it before, when they knew they were committing a crime.

Candice- Glaceon: Snowpoint city gym leader, she and Koga share a similar view point. She's not exactly against Poképhilia, at least not as much as some of the others, she just doesn't like the idea of them getting off the hook.

Wendy- Staraptor and Sven- Luxray: Two Top Rangers from the second game in the series, Shadows of Almia, they more or less are following Hastings because he's their commanding officer. They were against Poképhilia back on Earth but, like many others, are conflicted on Equus. Hearing that Abby set up the Union... might change some thing.

Grimsley- Liepard: Comes from a distinguished, old fashioned family, and was thus raised on the old ways. Fun fact, he's the only member of the Unova Elite Four to be against it. Iris will be having some words with him.

Brandon- Rampardos: Head of the Battle Pyramid, he's a lot like Hastings actually. Strong sense of law, plus he was around back before the Union really came to power, being a little younger than Hastings, so he was around when Poképhilia laws weren't really enforced.

Professor Rowan -Abomasnow: Like I said, more against it in the "they can't breed, what kind of relationship is that?" but he's not really a bad guy.

Koga, Cadince, and partially Hastings reasoning.

Retroactive law: someone cannot be punished for a crime if said crime was committed before a law was created that recognized it as such.

They would argue the opposite of this: The laws now changed, but when they committed acts of Poképhilia they did it while laws against it existed, and thus they must pay, or it wouldn't be fair to all the ones that had been punished before. Once they have paid their debt to society, let's say five years of prison and separation, Koga and Candice would consider be happy and never bother them again, as they paid for it and future actions of Poképhilia would be done under laws allowing them.

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