• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,163 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 47

Bubba-Ahhh…. Gotta love Chaos! More and more to come! Zeus pumps out chapter faster than I pump out smart a$$ comments about… well anything really.

Celestia groaned as her headache spiked. Reaching up with her hoof, she rubbed her forehead and the pain started to fade somewhat. Before her was a plethora of guards, not to mention maids, who all stared at their Princess.

“Just…” Celestia started. “Go clean the mess they made…” She groaned.

“Yes Princess!” They all stated before wandering off in many different directions.

Celestia’s head continued to hurt as the many guards and maids left the Throne Room and went off to clean the mess that was made by the fearsome four… an evil team made up of Discord, Pinkie Pie, Hoopa and the small but equally crazy Volt.

The four had… destroyed a kitchen, by making a cake explode. Made a large mess by having a food fight in the staff cafeteria. Had scattered confetti and other party accessories throughout the castle, making it look like a massive party bomb went off. And… most of the Castle’s supply of flour had mysteriously vanished. It was, all and all, more stressful than part of the meetings that she went through throughout the week. It would not have bothered her this much, if Golden Horn was not hit by a large glob of cake…

And thus, Celestia had a headache.

The only down side really, was that all those involved with the incident vanished. Pinkie wasn't in much trouble, because she really only fired off her Party Cannon, and didn’t mean to destroy anything. Discord, whom Celestia had planned to make clean up the mess, had vanished. Volt was too small to really help clean up, then John offered to help clean the mess the Volt had made, but seeing as Celestia did not want to punish him for what Volt did… Hoopa… well Celestia had to say she looked surprisingly good in a maids outfit, courtesy of Arceus.

“Look on the bright side, sister,” Luna started. “The world leaders are gone, Pokémon are accepted... for most part at least, and once this is cleaned up, we won’t really have to worry about anything for a bit. Right?”

“I hope you're right Luna,” Celestia said. “After all of this... it’s times like this I wish I could take a vacation.”

“Princess Celestia,” A guard started, approaching the two. “We found another room that was hit by the four party monsters. This one seems to be filled with pudding.” Celestia let out a low groan.

Twilight smiled as she stepped off the train car and was met with the familiar sight of Ponyville sprawled out before her. It had been... interesting, being part of the World Summit, but she was just happy to be home. After seeing both new and old faces, all she wanted was to relax in her own home, and get to studying!

“Well, if any of ya’ll need me,” Applejack said, as she stepped off the train. “Ya know where ta find me, I think it’s ‘bout time I get back ta work.”

“And I am sure that Angel Bunny misses me. Not to mention all my other Pokémon and animal friends,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Oh, I can’t wait to see all their cute faces.”

“Yes well, I too must return to my work,” Rarity said. “While I do so enjoy our visits to Canterlot, I do have a business to run.”

Stepping off the Train, Gene turned to Rarity. “Are you sure there’s nothing we can do to repay you for our outfits?” He asked for what was probably the hundredth time.

“Gene dear, you’re my friends. I do not mind making an outfit for my friends every now and again simply out of the goodness of my heart,” Rarity smiled. And Arceus already payed for it... with interest.

Gene sighed but let the subject drop, instead swearing internally to repay Rarity for all her help.

Behind Gene and Belle, the members of ShadowFox construction exited the train. “Cute little town,” X said to himself.

One by one the rest of the group trickled out of the train and off to do whatever they wanted to get done. Rainbow Dash hand some practising to do, while Pinkie Pie went off to give the cakes a big hug and tell them about her time in Canterlot. Gene and Belle led X and his group off to find a good place for their house, and to begin planning.

Soon, this left Twilight and Juniper walking back to the library. “So I was going to start testing those Evolution Stones to try and understand how they work,” Twilight told the Professor. “I know that some of them can be volatile, so... do you have any tips so I don’t accidently blow myself up?”

Juniper chuckled. “So long as you don’t hit it with a hammer you should be fine, and it’s only really the Fire, Dawn, and Thunder Stones you have to be careful of since they can actually cause harm when they break. The rest just require clean up.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

“Well... Dusk Stones sort of cover the area in soot, or something like it...some people say its some kind of solid shadow, and Water Stones somehow release a small deluge.”

Twilight blinked once, then shook her head. “Well, not the weirdest thing I’ve heard recently.”

While they walked, the pair began to notice more Pokémon around town than there had been when they had left.

A mail pony flew by overhead, followed by a Pelipper, and Twilight was shocked to see Daisy and Lily working in the garden outside their flower shop alongside a Roselia.

“Wow,” Twilight said to herself. “I’m not sure if it’s because they didn’t just disappear after a few days or what, but everypony seems to have really come around.”

Juniper smiled. “Well that’s good...” she chuckled. “Probably since it’s a small town and not a big city like Canterlot.”

Twilight nodded. “I guess that makes sense, I’m just glad no one’s freaking out anymore.”


Twilight turned to see Cheerilee running towards her. “I spoke too soon didn’t I?”

“Twilight, I have a problem,” Cheerilee said. “I can’t find Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, or Apple Bloom anywhere, and they didn’t show up for class either.”

Twilight groaned. “What did those three get themselves into this time?”

“I don’t know, but they’ve all been talking about becoming Pokémon Trainers... you think that has something to do with it?”

“Almost certainly,” Twilight said with a sigh. “I’ll get Rainbow Dash, and we should probably tell Applejack and Rarity.”

“I’ll head to Sweet Apple Acres,” Cheerilee volunteered.

“I can head over to Rarity’s,” Juniper offered.

Twilight nodded. “Alright, let’s spread out, cover the town, and hope they didn’t get into too much trouble.”

The Dragonlands were not the most pleasant place in all of Equus. Most of the inland was rocky and littered with caves and canyons, inside anyone of which a large fire breathing creature might be waiting. The coastline was much more inviting, seeing as how most dragons preferred lava to water, the only thing one would be likely to run into there was a group of adolescent Dragons or two who didn’t want to deal with the adults further inland.

Another thing that surprised many about the Dragonlands was its size, the remote island was only about half the size of Equestria, though the Dragons made up for this by digging into the bedrock to make their caves.

The grey and red Charizard who flew over the land in search of any Pokémon he could spot didn't know any of this.

“I was hoping I could find Char here,” Red said. “Now I’m worried there might not be any Pokémon here at all... anymore.”

Red had spent the last two weeks, aside from a few days, searching for his Pokémon around Equestria. So far he had found Pika, Vee, and Saur, but none of the others.

When he came here hoping to find his Charizard, he was worried that he wasn’t going to be able to find him. Now he was worried for a whole different reason. “Maybe Arceus had enough foresight to not drop any Pokémon here,” Red said to himself hopefully.

While the Champion was thinking, he failed to notice the shadow that was beginning to blot out the sun. “Did it get darker all of a sudden?”

Red looked up and saw a rather large blue dragon flying above him, and looking down at him.

“Please let me have been wrong,” he said silently.

The Dragon roared at Red and swooped down towards him. “Aw crap!” Red flattened his wings and fell into a dive in an attempt to escape the Dragon.

Red looked back to see the Blue dragon slowly falling behind him, sighing in relief, he turned his attention forward, just as a ball of flame shot from behind him. “Ah!”

Red managed to stop himself short of the inferno, which unfortunately allowed the Dragon to close the distance between itself and Red. Red turned and watched as the creature closed in on him. Maybe if I time this just right, he thought. Three... two...


Red stopped his count down as a beam of energy intersected the Dragon, forcing it to the ground... and further into the ground... and further...

After a good thirty seconds the attack finally stopped, leaving the Dragon unconscious in a thirty foot crater.

“Are you alright young one?” Red turned to see none other than Arceus himself floating before him.

Red sighed. “Yeah... thanks for the save.”

Arceus nodded and looked at the Dragon he had just attacked. “I’m afraid these ruffians haven’t been as accepting as the other races. After an... incident, on day one, I moved my Pokémon out of here,” he turned to Red. “Which is why I’m here now... to ask why you’re here.”

“I was looking for a friend,” Red said. “And can I ask what happened here?”

Arceus shifted on his hooves. “Suffice to say it involved a Dragon violent by even the measures of his own race, and me using Judgement. After that, I didn’t want to take any chances.”

Red nodded. “Makes sense... so there are no Pokémon here?”

Arceus sighed. “Even moved the more reluctant Dragon and Ghost types. Took me a few hours, and I even had to blast a few Dragons who didn’t take kindly to me messing with the ‘world order’ or something. They didn’t seem like the most... reasonable Dragons anyway though.”

Red smirked and crossed his arms. “They kind of have a point you know.”

Arceus rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, I should have planned ahead, or at least made a plan besides ‘bring Pokémon to Equus’, every ruler on the planet made that point abundantly clear.”

Red chuckled. “Sorry,” he looked around the desolate landscape. “So... could you take me back to Equestria? Or maybe point me towards the rest of my Pokémon?”

Arceus smiled. “Of course, I can make you a map back at the Temple,” Arceus opened a portal to the Temple in front of them. “I think it’s about time you visited anyways, don’t you Red?”

The Kanto Champion blinked in surprise, then smiled. “Well, if I’m invited.”

“I just can’t believe this,” Rainbow Dash said. “How is it that no ones managed to find them yet?!”

“Maybe they’re trying for their hide ‘n seek cutie marks,” Pinkie Pie offered.

Rainbow put her head in her hooves and groaned. “What if they got eaten or something?” She asked.

“Rainbow Dash, stop being so pessimistic,” Twilight ordered. “The girls probably just lost track of time training their Pokémon, and since we told them they couldn’t do that near town, it makes sense that we couldn’t find them.”

“Alright,” the Pegasus conceded. “But why are we in Whitetail Woods?”

Twilight sighed. “Because, aside from the Everfree, this is the one place the girls might go to train that we haven’t checked yet.”

“I’m just glad they DIDN’T go into the Everfree for once,” Rarity sighed, shaking her head at how often those three had gone into the forest even when they knew how dangerous it was, and she didn’t count the times they went to visit Zecora. She was just glad one of the Legendaries, Shaymin, had been at the outskirts of the forest at the time, and had been able to confirm that they weren’t in the Everfree.

“I just hope we don’t run into anything too frightening,” Fluttershy added. “I heard that some ponies have been seeing large groups of Pokémon out here.”

“Define what you mean by frightening,” Dash deadpanned. “Because we’ve been hanging out with Ghosts, walking guillotines, giant bugs, walking swords, and fire breathing everythings for the past two weeks.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to say something, but closed it and continued on ahead.

The group continued walking for a while, occasionally talking with each other, mostly about when they would find the CMC’s.

“Girls,” Twilight said, stopping. “Do you hear something?”

They all stopped and strained their ears. “I think so,” Applejack said. “It sounds like them alright,” she said with a sigh.

“Thank goodness,” Rarity said, trotting ahead. “I was starting to get worried.”

“Wait up Rares,” Rainbow called. “You don’t wanna get too far ahead.”

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called, ignoring her friend. “Just what were you thinking? Coming out here and-Yah!”

Rarity ran back into the clearing and hid behind Twilight. “Th-there’s something there.”

Before Twilight could ask what she meant, a brown furred, elephantine Pokémon lumbered into the clearing. It had a pig-like nose and a pair of white tusks set below a blue and white mask.

“What’re you doin’ ‘ere?” The Mamoswine asked.

Twilight stepped forward. “We’re looking for our friends, three fillies, call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders... have you seen them mister?”

“Just call me Mamoswine,” he said. “And yeah, yer friends ‘ave been with the Professor all day.”

“Thanks goodness,” Rarity said. “Could you take us to them?”

The Ice type snorted. “Wait ‘ere, I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

The mares watched as Mamoswine lumbered back the way it had came. “Well, ah’m glad we found them at least,” Applejack said.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle cried, rushing into the clearing with Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and their Pokémon. “You’re back from Canterlot!”

Rarity smiled. “Yes... and we just spent the past few hours looking for you.”

“Oh...” Sweetie’s ears flattened against her head. “Uh... oops?”

“Why did you three run off like this?” Twilight asked. “I mean, you not only skipped school, you didn’t tell anyone where you were going!”

“To be fair,” Scootaloo said. “We’ve been learning from the Professor all day.”

“Well, if this ‘Professor’ thinks they can just take three young fillies out of school without even informing their parents, then I think we need to have a word with him,” Rarity said.

“Terribly sorry miss,” an elder voice said. “I had no idea I was keeping these girls from their classes.” An elderly Alakazam walked into the clearing, he held his hands held behind his back and, to the confusion of the ponies, he was wearing a lab coat. “And I assumed that they informed their parents where they were.”

The Crusaders dropped their heads guiltily.

“I guess I just got caught up in imparting my knowledge onto them to really think clearly.”

Twilight smiled, she didn’t know why, but she had a feeling she was going to like this guy. “It’s alright, this kind of thing happens a lot with them actually,” she held out her hoof. “Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.”

The Alakazam shook he hoof with his paw. “Professor Samuel Oak, pleased to meet you Twilight.”

Twilight blinked once, then smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Professor, a friend of my has told me all about your research.”

Oak looked at her in curiosity, then smiled. “Well, nice to know someone’s been spreading it around,” he said with a laugh.

“Uh, Twi?” Applejack asked. “Ya mind fillin’ us in here?”

“Oh... girls, this is Samuel Oak, Pokémon Professor of the Kanto Region, Juniper told me about him and his work.”

“Juniper...” the Professor began. “You wouldn’t mean Aurea Juniper by any chance would you?”

Twilight nodded.

“Wonderful!” He clapped his hand together. “I just have to go and meet with her... though... I suppose by now the others will be starting to worry...” Oak looked back the way he had came and sighed. “Could you come back here this time tomorrow?” He asked. “I don’t want the others to worry if I’m not back, and I should tell them that I’m having guests over.”

Twilight thought for a second, then nodded. “Sure, I’ll just bring Juniper with me.”

Oak smiled and nodded. “Thank you Twilight, I look forward to our next meeting. Come along Mamoswine, we must be getting back.”

As the two Pokémon left the clearing, all eyes turned to the CMC’s.

“To be fair,” Apple Bloom said. “We really were learning all day.”

“That’s nice,” Applejack said. “Ya’ll are still in trouble for cuttin’ class.”


Applejack sighed and shook her head as she walked through Sweet Apple Acres. The farm mare had never liked punishing her little sister but sometimes...

She sighed again, Apple Bloom was, to the filly’s displeasure, grounded for the next few days, which included no Crusading or Pokémon training, though she couldn't separate her sister and Bulbasaur, seeing as how tying the Pokémon up outside wouldn’t be the same as tying up a dog.

Applejack pushed it from her mind and focused on the task at hoof.

She was on her way to check in on the Bee Pokémon hive that Vespiquen was setting up, since it’d been a while since they last checked in on them and the mare wanted to know how things were going.

Entering the part of the property where the orchard came closest to the Everfree, Applejack began to look around. She saw several Beedrill and Combee flitting about, as well as a few trees ladened with Kakuna and Weedle.

“Howdy ya’ll,” she greeted. “Don’t suppose any of ya could point me ta Vespiquen?”

A few of the Beedrills pointed out a direction and Applejack nodded. “Thank ya kindly.” Heading the way the Bug types had pointed out, Applejack continued to assess how this part of the orchard was turning out.

Over all, she wasn’t too worried, the proximity of these trees to the Everfree had meant they had a low yield anyway, and the apples that came from them didn’t taste as good as the ones from other parts of the orchard, which Applejack assumed was why Big Mac had let them have this part of the orchard to begin with.

It didn't take Applejack long to find her destination, then again, it’s hard to miss a ten foot tall beehive that took up a good portion of a moderately sized clearing.

“Well, now ain’t that somethin’,” Applejack said to herself as she approached the structure. “Vespiquen?! I’m here ta check in on ya!”

A moment later, Vespiquen flew out of the hive, exiting through an opening at the front that Applejack assumed was a doorway in one form or another.

“Miss Applejack,” the Bug type greeted with a nod. “How thoughtful of you to drop check in on us.” She gestured back to the hive. “As you can see, we have nearly completed the building process.”

“Ah can,” Applejack said with a nod. “Ya’ll work pretty quickly don’t ya?”

“We do what we can,” Vespiquen said with a nod.

“Well how long do ya think it’ll be before we can get some honey?” Applejack asked.

“Not long,” Vespiquen said. “Most of my hive has found its way back to me, as well as a few who were separated from their own.”

“Well that’s good,” Applejack said with a nod. “Ah’m glad you’re family’s found its way back to ya.”

Vespiquen tensed up. “They’re... not all my family.”

“Oh, ah’m sorry,” Applejack apologized. “Did ah touch a nerve?”

Vespiquen sighed. “Apologies miss Applejack, the matter is something of my own.” The Bug type turned away. “You need not trouble yourself with it.”

“It’s not that ah need to,” Applejack said. “It’s that ya’ll seem a might upset, and ah’m wonderin’ why.”

Vespiquen sighed. “It is... I have five children, four sons, all of whom have found their way back to me, and one daughter... who I cannot find.”

Applejack’s ears flicked back. “Ah’m sorry,” she said.

Vespiquen sighed. “What do you know about my kind miss Applejack?”

“Not much,” Applejack admitted. “Less than ah thought ah did seein’ as how you’re not the same as bees from here.”

“Allow me to enlighten you a bit,” Vespiquen grabbed Applejack and, before the pony could protest, flew her into the hive. “Most Vespiquen form a small hive made mostly of their male children and a few dozen Combees who serve as servants to the queen, or workers.”

Setting Applejack down inside the hive, the Earth Pony looked around at the twenty or so Combee, and five or so Beedrill working within. “Ah assume there’s a but comin’?”

Vespiquen nodded. “You see, most Vespiquen remove any other females from the hive, and distance themselves from Beedrill except in times where warriors are needed... I invite wayward females into my hive, so long as they swear themselves to me, and keep the Beedrills on a permanent basis.”

“Why?” Applejack asked. “Ah mean it sounds like a right noble thing ta do, but why?”

Vespiquen sighed. “My father wasn’t a Combee as is normal, or a Beedrill, as is... somewhat common. He was a Scyther, he and mother had a short but passionate affair, but mother was a trainers Pokémon, and before long, she left us.” Vespiquen smiled reminiscently. “My father raised me the best he could, but not the way a future queen was meant to be raised.”

Vespiquen turned to Applejack. “Though that’s not entirely a bad thing, seeing as how I grew up to hold the largest, most powerful hive in the Eterna Forest, and possibly all of Sinnoh.”

Applejack smiled nervously. “That’s good... you were talkin’ about your daughter?”

Vespiquen nodded. “I was raising her to be the next queen, something not many of my kind do.” The Bug type drooped a little. “She was such a small thing, barely longer than my arm... I do hope she’s alright.”

Applejack didn’t know what to say, so she patted Vespiquen on the back. “Ah’m sure she’s alright... ah mean, my friends have been findin’ their families from back on Earth, so ah’m sure you will too.”

Vespiquen sighed. “I hope so... and I’m sorry for making you listen to me prattle.”

Applejack shook her head. “Don’t be, everyone needs someone ta talk to every now and again,” she laughed. “Guess ah’m just good at that sort of thing.”

Vespiquen nodded. “You are a good listener.”

Applejack laughed again and Vespiquen smiled a little.

“Whelp, it’s been nice chattin’ but ah’ve got work ta do.”

“Of course miss Applejack,” Vespiquen said with a nod.

“... and ah can’t get out of here on my own.”

Vespiquen blinked once, then chuckled. “My apologies.”

Korrina and Lucario sat outside Sugarcube Corner, neither one of them sure of what to say.

“So... wonderful weather we’re having,” Korrina said.

“I’m not sure if there’s been a cloudy or rainy day since we got here,” Lucario replied. “So I assume you’re trying to think of something to say, but couldn’t and went with the first thing that came to mind.”

Korrina nodded. “Pretty much.”

Lucario nodded. “Well, then allow me. I kinda wish your grandfather hadn’t gone back to Stagland with Serva. I rather enjoyed his company.”

Korrina sighed. “Me too, but he apparently actually got a position helping Serva deal with the Pokémon,” Korrina shrugged. “She needed him, and besides, we can always write to him.”

“True,” Lucario said.

Korrina and Lucario sat in silence for awhile longer, and would have for who knows how long, had Korrina not felt something fiddling with her roller blades.

“What the?” Looking under the table, Korrina blinked in confusion as she saw a small unicorn filly, and a pegasus colt playing spinning the wheels of her skates. “Hey!” The foals looked up at her in surprise. “Cut that out!”

The two looked at each other and blinked before turning back to Korrina and smiling. “Doggy!”

Korrina’s ears curled back. “Excuse me?” She asked coldly.

Lucario sighed. “Korrina, calm down. They’re just children.”

Korrina continued to glare at the foals. “Fine,” she slumped in her seat and ignored them, at least until the Pegasus fluttered up to her and started playing with her aura sensors, and the unicorn teleported into her lap.

“Hey! Get off!” The foals ignored Korrina and continued to play with her. “Lucario! Get them off!”

Lucario chuckled softly. “They’re just playing Korrina, what’s the problem?”

“I’m not comfortable around small children,” Korrina admitted.

“You didn't have any problems whenever we went to Trainer schools,” Lucario said.

“At least those kids will listen to you!” Korrina continued her attempts to shoo the foals away. “Now be a pal and get them off me!”

Lucario shook his head. “Alright, just let me-”

“There you two are!” Pinkie Pie shouted, hopping over to Korrina and grabbing the foals. “How do you two keep getting away from Slurpuff? You’d think a cake would always be wary of where foals are.”

“Pinkie,” Korrina said, eyes wide. “Are these... your foals?”

Pinkie giggled. “No silly, they’re Mister and Misses Cake’s kids. This is Pound Cake,” she held up the colt. “And this is Pumpkin Cake.”


“I am not!” Korrina snapped back.

The foals didn’t seem to notice Korrina’s upset attitude, and continued to try and reach her.

Pinkie set them on her back and gave them each a stuffed animal to distract them before turning back to Korrina and Lucario. “So, what brings you two here?” She gasped. “Are you on a date?!”

“No Pinkie,” Korrina said. “We’re just... hanging out,” Korrina then explained her and Lucario’s current relationship. Pinkie listened intently throughout the entire thing and nodded once she was finished.

“That sounds like a smart thing to do,” she said. “And if you guys don’t have any ideas, I could help you out.”

“Sure,” Lucario said with a shrug. “Why not?”

Pinkie smiled and clapped her hooves. “Well, whenever I want to get to know someone better, I always try to get interested in at least one thing that they’re interested in that I wasn’t before.”

Lucario and Korrina looked at each other. “That’s... actually a pretty good idea Pinkie.”

“Don’t act so surprised,” Pinkie said. “Parties aren’t the only thing I’m good at,” She said with a laugh. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get these two back inside.”

Pinkie hopped off with Pound and Pumpkin, who waved goodbye to Korrina as they left.

“So,” Lucario began. “Do you want to go first? I’m not sure what we’d do for mine anyway.”

Korrina tapped her chin and thought for a moment, then smiled slyly at Lucario. “I have an idea.”

“Korrina... I don’t think I want to do this anymore.”

“Oh don’t be such a scaredy Skitty, I do this all the time.”

“Yes but I never have... I’m not even sure if these things fit me.”

“Well... if that’s really how you feel....”

“Thank you for, wait, wait, wait! AHH!”

Korrina smiled as she watched Lucario go. “Don’t worry!” She called after him. “Just keep your arms out and-”


“Ok try to avoid-”




“Oh crap.” Korrina took off after the currently out of control Lucario. “Just hold on and-”


“Try not to-”


“Just stop crashing!”

“Easier said than- OUT OF THE WAY- done!” Lucario called back.

“Just hold your arms out and-”



Korrina winced as Lucario skated right into Ponyville Lake. “Shoot,” rushing over to the lake, she found Lucario half submerged and soaking wet, glaring up at her from the water.

Korrina laughed nervously. “Soo... did you think of what you wanted to do?”

Lucario sighed and stood up. “I do have one idea,” he admitted.

Korrina smiled. “Great! What did you... Lucario? What are you... stay back!”

Korrina tried to run but failed to escape before Lucario ran up to her and gave her a very wet hug. In her struggle to get away from him, the two fell over onto the soft grass. Lucario landing on top of her.

“Next time,” Lucario whispered. “Why don’t we try something less likely to end with me in a lake?”

Korrina blushed and nodded. "O-okay," she agreed.

Lucario smiled and got up, pulling Korrina to her feet as he did.

"So," he began. "Do you want to deal with what just happened in town, or what?"

Korrina, still slightly shocked from what had just happened, shook her head and said. "Let's go with... or what."

Author's Note:


Hey look, it's Red! And Professor Oak! I'll give you three guesses what's about to happen.

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