• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,163 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 53

Warning! Tia chapter contains... disturbing material involving Luke's past. Consider yourselves warned.

Twilight yawned as she exited her bedroom. It had been a long day, especially thanks to the lesson which had come close to ending in complete disaster before it was even halfway through.

“I’m glad everything worked out, but for a Professor, he was kinda oblivious,” Twilight chuckled to herself as she made her way down the stairs. “Well, everyone enjoyed it, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.”

After Dawn and Piplup’s demonstration everything had gone pretty well, they had gone back inside, May and Dawn had answered some questions about contests, then Professor Oak explained a little more about Pokémon.

Twilight offhandedly wondered how many of the kids wanted to go into an occupation involving Pokémon now. Could be a problem, she mused as she finished her descent.

“Come on, come on, one has to be here somewhere.”

Twilight paused and turned to see Mage floating amongst several towers of books, flipping through the pages of one before putting it down and moving on to another.

Twilight rolled her eyes, ever since Gene had brought Mage to the library the first time, the Mismagius had spent a lot of her free time in the library, reading.

Normally Twilight was all for seeking new knowledge, broadening one's horizons, and all that. Mage had used her library to make a love potion, and then had tried to do the same thing again, with love poison.

She was still kinda miffed about that.

Surveying the pile of books, Twilight sighed. “Mage,” she began. “Why do you need...” she looked at the book on top of one of the piles in confusion. “Dealing with Advanced Post Traumatic Stress?”

Twilight blinked and looked at Mage, slightly worried. “Mage? Is there something you want to tell me?”

“You need a better psychology section,” the Mismagius threw another book back at Twilight, she caught it in her magic and read the title.

“Okay, this one’s a book on self confidence... think I recommended this one to Fluttershy when I first met her.” Twilight smiled fondly at the memories of when she first came to Ponyville. “Wait, why do you need a self confidence book?”

Mage rolled her eyes. “Easy, none ya,”

“None ya what?”

“None ya business!” Mage snapped, pulling another book, another psychology one, over to her.

Twilight frowned and grabbed the book in her magic, pulling it away from Mage. “Give that back!”

Twilight shook her head. “Not until you tell me why you’re here so early, and what you need with these books.”

Mage deadpanned at the mare. “I don’t need to sleep, what else am I suppose to do all night?”

Twilight blinked. “Point taken,” she floated the book back over to Mage. “But will you at least tell me why you need psychology and self confidence books?”

“Maybe I have a crazy friend with low self esteem,” Mage replied with a shrug. “You don’t know what I do all day.”

Twilight glared at the Mismagius. “Why in Equestria would you joke about that?!” Twilight practically shouted. “If you need help with something... or someone, then you should ask, not joke about something like that.”

Mage grumbled to herself. “I can help him myself.”

“So there is someone,” Twilight deduced, her gaze softening. “Who?”

Mage looked at Twilight, smiled softly, and said. “None ya,”


The Mismagius sighed and turned back to her book. “Look Twilight, while I do appreciate the offer, I don’t think my... friend,” she said sadly. “Would appreciate it if I talked about him behind his back.”

“You know Mage,” Twilight began. “It’s not really going behind their back if you’re trying to help them,” she picked up another psychology book, this one open to a page on overcoming childhood trauma. “Especially with a problem this severe.”

Mage remained silent and flipped to another page in her book.

Twilight sighed. “Come on, I’ve read every book in this library, cover to cover, more than once, I know this stuff like the back of my hoof,” she walked up to the Mismagius and smiled at her. “Please let me help.”

“... promise not to tell?” Mage said finally, pleading eyes looking at the Alicorn.

Twilight smiled and nodded, then went through the motions of a Pinkie Promise and recited the pledge, ending with poking herself in the eye.

“Every time,” she groaned.

Mage sighed. “Alright... I... I have a... see there’s this guy...” the Ghost type took a deep breath. “I... I have this friend, he went through some seriously messed up stuff as a child and I want to help him but... recently he’s been acting like he doesn’t think he deserves help, which hurts because he does, he really really does and...” she paused. “I can’t stand to see him like that and I try my best to help him but it doesn’t always work which is why I need the psychology books and...” her gaze fell downwards. “I keep getting cold feet around him, which is why I need the self confidence books.”

Twilight frowned. “Why would you get cold feet? You’re one of the most outgoing people I know,” she shook her head. “What could possibly make you nervous enough to-”

“I LIKE HIM OKAY!?!” Mage shouted, a dark aura flaring around her momentarily. “A-and I can’t stand when he gets down on himself,” she sniffled. “H-he’s such a sweetheart a-and he deserves so much better than,” Mage stopped herself. “Better than...” she grit her teeth. “... her.”

Twilight’s mouth hung open in a perpetual, ‘Oh,’ after a moment, she recomposed herself. “Uh... there, there,” she wrapped a wing around Mage. “I’m sure everything’ll be alright.”

Mage glared at Twilight and phased through her wing, sending a chill down it and up her spin. “Maybe if Earth was anything like Equus,” Mage grumbled.

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked. “I found loads of parallels between our worlds.”

Mage tensed up. “You don’t understand,” she practically spat. “Everything wasn’t all rainbows and friendship back on Earth... people got hurt... sometimes irreparably so... hearts get broken beyond any means of repair and love doesn’t always conquer all.”

Twilight frowned. “Come on Mage,” she said gently. “Just how bad is it?”

A single tear made its way down Mage’s face. “L... he was a sex slave for six years,” she choked out.

Twilight stared at the Mismagius in disbelief.

“See why I didn’t want to say anything now Twilight?” Mage asked. “See why it hurts so much to know the one you... that he thinks he doesn’t deserve love? To know that he’s so broken he barely believes he’s CAPABLE of knowing real-”

Mage was cut off as Twilight grabbed her in her magic and pulled her into a hug that she couldn’t get out of.

Mage squirmed for a moment, trying to phase through Twilight and her magic, but ultimately gave up. “I’m sorry I made you share that Mage,” Twilight said sadly. “You’re a great friend for wanting to help him.” She looked down at the Ghost type and smiled. “And I personally think you’re a wonderful girl, and anyone would be lucky to have you.”

Mage blushed softly.

Twilight let go of her friend and smiled at Mage. “Okay first off,” Twilight blinked in realization. “Could you... could you tell me his name?”

Ash groaned as he made his way through Ponyville. After his talk with his mom last night, he needed some time to think, clear his head, and plan. He hadn’t told anyone else what he was planning to do, not even Pikachu, the thought of it made him... nervous.

Would he be with Misty, a girl he had known since he was ten? Or would be go with Latias, his first kiss? In a way he liked them both, but he never thought of either of them in the ways that they had thought of him… It was a hard decision, because no matter the choice he made, one of his friends would get hurt.

Sadly, as Ash was deep in thought, he was not watching where he was going, and as he walked along a trail that he found, he bumped into something. Something Pink, that smelled like bubblegum.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Ash started.

“Oh, it’s ok,” A cheerful voice commented, Ash looked up to see one of the ponies he’d met the other day smiling down at him.

“Oh hey... Pinkie right?”

Pinkie nodded. “That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” she cocked her head and frowned slightly. “Hey... are you alright Ash?”

The Pikachu waved her off and walked past her. “Yeah, I’m just... thinking about something, not your problem.” Ash turned away from Pinkie, only to find himself standing face to face with the mare. “Ah!”

“But if one of my friends is having a problem, then it’s my problem to help them with their problem,” Pinkie said with a frown. “And I don’t like having a problem soooo, what’s your problem?”

Ash blinked as he thought over that sentence, once he was reasonably sure she wanted him to explain, he sighed. What the heck? It’s not like she could make it worse.

“Alright Pinkie,” Ash began. “You see, there are these girls,”

“Wait,” Pinkie help up a hoof. “Did one of them use to be your Pokémon? And did you just find out that they have a crush on you?”

“Uh... no?” Ash replied.

Pinkie nodded. “Alright, just checking.”

Ash stared at Pinkie for a moment before continuing. “Anyway, both these girls are old friends of mine from Earth, and as it turns out, they both like me,”

Pinkie gasped. “Huh! A love triangle.” She looked around, as if she were looking for someone. “Don’t tell Rarity, she’ll gossip about it to all her friends.” She whispered to Ash.

Ash stared up at her in confusion for another moment. “Moving on,” he said. “Turns out they both like me, and they said it to me at the same time,” Pinkie tried to gasp again, but Ash put a paw to her lips and stopped her. “And then they were fighting over me and...” he sighed. “I... I think they’re expecting me to chose one of them but... I don’t know. I don’t want to hurt either of them and I don’t love one of them more than the other... heck, I’m not sure if I really love either of them yet.” For the past day, Ash had been searching his heart and it was... confused, just like the rest of him.

Pinkie smiled sympathetically at Ash. “Well I think it’s really, really nice that you’re thinking of them first but... do you really have no idea what you want?”

Ash sighed again and put his hands to his face. “None,” he grumbled.

Pinkie thought for a minute, then smiled. “Ya know, this is a lot like the time I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make a chocolate cake or a strawberry cake for Fluttershy’s birthday,”

“Not sure if this is the same kind of problem,” Ash said with a frown. “Girls are a lot more complicated than cakes.”

“I know, but I just couldn’t decide, so I decided not to decide,” she said with a smile.

Again, Ash stared at the mare in confusion. “You didn’t bake a cake for the party?”

Pinkie giggled. “No silly, I made both,” she answered. “Sure, it was extra work on my part, but it was worth it in the end.”

Ash looked at Pinkie, confused, then his eyes widened in realization. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“I don’t know,” Pinkie replied. “What do you think I’m saying?”

“I think you’re saying that... that,” he couldn’t believe what he was about to say. “That I should try to date them both.”

Pinkie opened her eyes. “Weeelll... maybe not exactly, but I have known some coupled like that... or... tiruples?”

Ash wasn’t really paying attention. “I mean yeah it’s kinda... odd... but I was going to suggest a Pokémon battle,”

“To the victor go the spoils?” Pinkie asked. “The spoils being you?”

“Yeah, battling has always helped me when I needed it, and I was going to let Misty use one of my Pokémon to be fair, but this...” Ash shook his head. “I don’t think I can do that,” he said with a sigh. “I... I don’t think I could handle that kind of thing, let alone ask them to.”

Pinkie nodded. “So... what are you gonna do?”

Ash groaned and flopped on his back. “I don’t know, I mean they’re both my friends,”

“Why don’t you tell me a bit about them?” Pinkie asked. “Maybe that’ll help.”

Ash sighed again. “Alright,” he thought for a moment. “Well, I guess I’ll start with Latias, since she kinda admitted it first and she was my first kiss,”

“Aww, that’s sweet,” Pinkie cooed.

“Yeah, but I didn’t even know it was her until yesterday,” he admitted. “She can put an illusion around herself, and I thought it was her friend Bianca.”

Pinkie nodded again. “And why don’t you tell me something about Latias?”

“Well,” Ash began again. “I met her in a city called Altomare, she was the guardian of the city along with her brother, Latios, and...” Ash thought for a moment. “I saved her from some crook who wanted a treasure of the city, but her brother died in the process, then I tried my best to comfort her for a few days before I left the city, and right before I left she kissed me.”

“Anything else?” Pinkie asked.

Ash shrugged. “Not really, she keeps saying how brave and sweet I am,” he sighed again. “Keeps calling me cute, I am NOT cute.”

Pinkie giggled. “Actually, you kinda are,” she smiled at him. “So what about this other girl?”

“Misty,” Ash replied. “I’ve known her since I set out on my journey... when I was ten,” Ash chuckled. “Funny story, I had to get Pikachu to the Pokémon Center, ASAP, so I ‘borrowed’ her bike to get him there, long story short, the bike got ruined, and when Misty tracked me down,” Ash smiled softly. “She said she was going to stick with me until I replaced her bike.”

Pinkie smiled again.

“I never actually got around to replacing it actually... man, I used to wonder why she followed me around for so long,” he frowned. “Now I guess I know.”

Pinkie made a ‘go on’ motion with her hooves.

“Well... she loves Water types, it was the type of her Gym in Cerulean City too, and she was horrified of Bug types,” Ash laughed again. “Man she screamed when I caught my Caterpie... what else?... she was afraid of Gyarados until she was twelve cause she was nearly eaten by one as a kid... she had low self esteem cause her sisters belittled her until she left, but she worked past that... while we were on our journey actually,” Ash thought for another moment. “After she went back to run her Gym... I thought about her a lot and...” Ash paused. “I... I used to keep a fishing lure she gave me in my bag.”

Pinkie smiled at Ash again, then began to walk away.

“Hey!” Ash called after her. “I thought you were going to help me figure out who I’m suppose to pick?”

Pinkie looked back at him, as soft smile on her face, and said. “I think you just answered your own question Ash.”

Ash watched in confusion as Pinkie trotted off, then lied back on the ground, staring up at the sky, thinking.

Princess Celestia sighed as she watched the latest in a long line of nobles leave her throne room.

“One would think they’d complain less now that the laws have been set,” she shook her head. “Oh well, at least Blueblood hasn’t come in,” she chuckled. “I’m not in the mood for charades right now.”

While Celestia had cleared her schedule upon receiving Twilight’s letter, she couldn’t stop all of the nobles who had complaints or requests. “They could at least be more straightforward with it,” she sighed again. “Instead of always dancing around the subject.”

It was at that point that the doors to the throne room opened again, and a Ninetales and a Shiny Arcanine walked in.

“Princess Celestia,” the Ninetales began. “My name is Abby Trombley and on behalf of the Ranger Union, I’m here to beg for money.”

Celestia had to stop herself from laughing. “Right to the point are we?” She asked with a smile. “Honestly I’d prefer if a few more nobles were like that sometimes.”

“Well, normally I might have sugar coated it a little, but not in this case,” Abby answered, shaking her head. “At the moment, I’m completely broke but I want to re-start the Ranger Union so I need money... and well, I figure that asking the local government would be a better idea than trying to figure out how to fund it by myself.”

“Makes sense,” She’d gotten the gist from what Twilight’s letter had told her. “But before I agree to anything, I’d like to hear a little about the Ranger Union, from someone who was actually a part of it.”

“That’s fair,” Abby said before closing her eyes. “The Ranger Union was started by Professor Hastings, who despite his failings, of which there are several, had the best of intentions for the Rangers,” Abby began. “He wanted there to be a group who were independent of the Regional Governments and the Police force so that they wouldn’t get bogged down in the bureaucracy when we were out there trying to protect Pokémon.” The Ninetales paused for a moment before continuing.

“That of course was our main goal, protecting Pokémon from humans who would abuse or hunt them. The Union covered a wide variety of types of cases including Pokémon Abuse, Poképhilia, and underground Pokémon Fighting Leagues to name a few... I’ve been a member since I was 16 and I’ve seen my fair share of horrible things, I know that our organization was overzealous in the past,” she glanced at Kasai who growled slightly in agreement. “But I also know for certain that we saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Pokémon.”

Celestia closed her eyes and thought for a moment. I know Victoria and Trotankhamun have Pokémon in their military forces already... and I assume Serva and Oceania do as well. She was glad the other rulers were so willing to accept the Pokémon, but she was a little miffed she hadn’t gotten the idea first. All Celestia had was an Aegislash who only listened to her and a Ninetales who, while utterly adorable, probably wouldn’t do too much in a fight, aside from maybe make her enemies surrender with sheer cuteness. And setting up something like this will be quite helpful in dealing with the Pokémon... especially since if it’s not tied to the government, then the nobles won’t have any say in how it’s run, which is a plus.

Celestia took a deep breath and opened her eyes. “Miss Trombley, I believe that setting up this Union of yours here in Equestria could be quite helpful in dealing with the Pokémon,” she cast a quick spell and teleported a quill and a scroll to her. “Since the Pokémon are technically ruled by Lord Arceus, even if they are counted as citizens, having a police force separate from the ruling government makes sense,” she paused for a moment, then added. “So you and any other Rangers you recruit will report directly to me, or my sister, whenever the need arises.”

Abby nodded her head. “I figured as much... now comes the part where you ask what I need and I make you flinch right?” She asked, only half joking.

The Princess chuckled again. “I’m over one thousand years old, I’ve heard just about every outrageous request possible, if you manage to make me flinch, I’ll give you a medal.” And she meant it too, she’d actually given a few out, including one to Twilight when she was just a filly for asking if she could have the royal library for her birthday.

“Tempting,” Abby said, chuckling slightly before becoming serious again. “Okay, I need enough land in a fairly central part of the kingdom, maybe in or around Ponyville, to build a large headquarters. We’re going to need our own small hospital, our own labs, and enough room left over for people to sleep if they’re between missions. Oh, and enough room for classrooms, gotta have those and an obstacle course.”

“And the rooms are going to have to be big enough for most of the large land Pokémon to fit inside of comfortably,” Kasai added, speaking up for the first time. “Oh, and roosts for the Flying Types.”

Abby nodded. “That too, which is just going to make things more expensive for you,” she said, glancing up at Celestia.

Celestia closed her eyes again. Admittedly that is... quite a lot of bits. Her horn glowed again and another scroll appeared before her, unrolling the budget detail, she began making calculations in her mind.

There’s more than enough land between here and Ponyville for this, as for the bits... She thought, making a note of where the Union HQ would go. As for the bits... Over her thousand plus years of ruling, Celestia had mastered the subtle art of manipulating money you did, and occasionally didn’t have to work for you. The Summit didn’t cost as much as it should have, what with Discord helping Pinkie with the gala, As Discord had just made... pretty much everything, out of nothing, they had actually saved quite a bit. Celestia reassigned bits from there, along with several other places, then subtracted the remaining portion from her own, rather vast personal savings.

Celestia smiled and wrote down the full number of newly freed bits down on the blank scroll. “Well Miss Trombley, will this be enough?” She floated the scroll over to the Ninetales.

Abby looked at the scroll for a moment and let out a long whistle. “Princess, I still don’t know how your money system works yet, but that is a lot of zeroes.”

“Yeah... I’ll say,” Kasai agreed, blinking in surprise.

Celestia chuckled. “When you’ve lived as long as I have, you find ways to make the money work for you,” Celestia thought for a moment, considering something else, then asked. “Will you be needing any... employees? Scientist, nurses, etcetera?”

The Ninetales frowned for a moment before nodding her head. “Sure, we’ll take whoever you can give us, and if you can put out a governmental announcement saying that we’re looking for Nurse Joys, Chanseys, Blisseys and Audino, that would be great. Oh, and of course whatever pony nurses and doctors you’ve got on hand who wouldn’t be opposed to learning seven hundred new body types.”

Celestia smiled and chuckled silently. “I believe I can do that,” she said with a nod. “And I’ll see about getting you a scientist or two for the lab, if you need them that is.”

Abby’s expression changed into a small frown. “Maybe... I know that we could use a few good ones... I’m kind of hoping that I can convince Hastings to step in and help out for the greater good... but I doubt it.”

“Oh, and send out a request for Rangers and maybe ex Police officers too!” Kasai exclaimed as the thought occurred to him. “We won’t be able to do a lot with just our little Team and Scarlet’s.”

“I’ll add them to the list,” Celestia nodded, a moment later, she blinked twice, then added. “But in case Gene didn’t tell you, there are two Rangers in Ponyville right now.”

Abby blinked twice. “Really? Who?”

Celestia thought for a moment, trying to recall their names. “I met them at the wedding... ah! Solana and Lunick are their names.”

“Sol and Luni? They’re here?” Abby asked, her eyes widening. “And Gene didn’t tell us?”

“In his defense, we did kinda surprise him,” Kasai pointed out with a small shake of his head. “But it’s still good to know that they’re here. More Top Rangers to bring us up to four.”

Celestia smiled, she loved when things worked out, even if it was just something small. “Well, I suppose I’d better get started on this,” she held up the scroll in her magic. “I’ll have a construction crew ready by the end of the week, and I’ll draw up the deed to the land you’ll need once they get a good blueprint together.”

“Wonderful!” Abby said, walking forwards and giving a slightly surprised Celestia a lick on the cheek. “Thank you so much Princess!”

Celestia smiled and chuckled again. “You’re most welcome Miss Trombley,” she said with a nod. “Now, is there anything else you’d like to discuss?”

“Hmm...” Abby frowned, her tails twitching for a moment. “Nothing except to please send Day Guard Captain Ace of the Las Pegasus Guard a letter saying that we’re all fine.”

“Of course,” Celestia said with a smile, she made a mental note to look in on the City police departments.

“Oh, and maybe send her a bonus for putting up with my little family for so long,” Abby added thoughtfully. “She deserves it, believe me.”

The Princess chuckled. “After everything that’s happened in Las Pegasus, I believe she at least deserves that much.” She really needed to check in on Las Pegasus, there had been riots there surrounding some casino heists and a less than clean shipping company.

“No arguments there,” Kasai said with a smile as he sat there, smiling. “Hmm, I can’t think of anything else other than to say hi, I’m Kasai, Abby’s mate.”

“Pleased to meet you Kasai,” Celestia said with a smile.

“Right then,” Abby said, walking back over to Kasai. “Thank you for your time Princess, I’ll be staying in the hotel in Ponyville until the Union HQ is complete so send me messages there when you need things, or just give them to Twilight.”

“Very well Miss Trombley,” Celestia said with a nod. “I hope to see you again soon, but until then, enjoy your stay in Canterlot, and if there’s anything you need, just ask.”

“I will,” Abby replied, smiling before she frowned, as did Celestia and Kasai.


It was a simple, angry, mental scream.

Mewtwo floated down the hallways of Canterlot castle, slowly making his way to the library. The Genetic Pokémon hadn’t had much to do in the past few days and had spent much of his time in the library, reading about Equus and-

Mewtwo froze as a new mind entered his mental reach, which took up a fair portion of the castle. He kept it up in case anyone started looking for him, or one of the Legendaries came by, but it also served to give him a quick picture of anyone who entered it.

This new mind was powerful, seeming to outrank non-Legendary Mewtwo had encountered save the Pokémon Metagross, and it lacked the distinctively metallic mental tinge a Metagross would have.

And it was more well guarded than... again, any non-Legendary. What have we here? Mewtwo wasn’t sure if their were any psychically gifted beings on Equus, but he was curious if this was something new, or a well trained Alakazam or something. Plus, if it wasn’t a Pokémon, a mind this powerful would definitely be worth looking into.

Mewtwo nodded and crossed his legs beneath him. Meditating in the hallway, he reached out towards the mind and pushed against the barrier.

The instant he tried to push past the surface, a psychic image of a pair of giant swords cut into Mewtwo’s mind, possibly in an attempt to throw him off balance. Mewtwo frowned and swiped the image away. Very well... he paused for a moment, then cut a hole in the mental defenses and slipped inside.

Mewtwo knew from experience that a Psychic’s mind could be whatever they wanted, for himself, he defaulted to a tranquil cave, water slowly dripping from stalactites into a reflecting pool.

Some went for something more extravagant, Deoxys, for example, had a mental facsimile of a comet shooting through space.

So when Mewtwo partially materialized floating above some kind of fortress, he wasn’t surprised. he was surprised when another mental wall formed in front of him, this one even stronger than the last.

He paused again and surveyed his current form, the fact that he wasn’t wanted here made it hard for him to superimpose his image over the rest of the mind, and he was currently a densely packed cloud of shadows. Could be worse, he remembered how Mew had the habit of making him look like a smaller, slightly boyish looking version of herself.

Shaking his head, he sliced through the wall and moved forward. Immediately, he came under attack by a thousand Blades of Night Slash, all aimed right at him.

Mewtwo raised his arms and formed a Barrier around himself, bouncing each of the blades off. Sighing, Mewtwo dropped the Barrier, only to find himself caught in a flux field, an airless, gravityless field generated by the opposing mind.

Mewtwo paused and, after a moment, chuckled. It was a good attempt. Psychic But not good enough, his attack tore the flux field apart.

Before Mewtwo could catch his breath, he was grabbed in a psychic grip and slammed to the ‘floor’ of the fortress faster than he could think to react.

Mewtwo grunted and forced the grip open enough for him to slip out, then turned his attention on his opponent, holding him in place. Mewtwo smiled as he approached, hoping to finally get a look at who and whatever was strong enough to hold him off for this long.

Unfortunately, in his haste, he failed to notice the shockwave that was thrown at him from above. Mewtwo found himself being forced to the ground again, and as his grip loosened momentarily, the other fled within the confines of his mental keep.

Enough! Mewtwo formed a psychic bubble around himself, the force of the attack cracking and denting the ground beneath him.

Finally free of the constant attack, Mewtwo moved forward, blowing holes in walls and forcing them apart whenever they impeded him.

It took Mewtwo a while to force his way past every barrier and blockade that had been set up, and Mewtwo had an annoying feeling telling him he was doing something much worse than it appeared.

Shaking the feeling, he blasted past the last wall and into the room at the center of the keep. There stood the being of Mewtwo’s curiosity. Interesting, he commented as he forced his own body to form. “I was expecting a Metagross, or a very well trained Alakazam.” He looked up and down the green and white being. “Not a Gallade.”

The Gallade glared at Mewtwo, a response that he found odd, most acted surprised, or simply afraid. What really threw Mewtwo off was the apparent rage that- “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” The Gallade roared, holding his hands out and sending a tsunami of power at Mewtwo in an attempt to send him away.

Mewtwo slid backwards as the mental wave hit him, then gritted his teeth. Holding out a hand, Mewtwo pushed the wave back towards the Gallade who struggled against it but was unable to resist for long and was pushed into the wall.

“What is it that you’re trying so hard to hide?” Mewtwo asked, he wasn’t use to this much resistance, reflexively bringing several of Luke’s memories to him, hoping to see why the Gallade was so much stronger than a normal member of his species. “Believe me, I’ve been through enough to...” Mewtwo paused as he examined a very recent memory, specifically, the Gallade, Luke, as his name seemed to be, and his conversation with Mage the day before, and then even deeper to a thought that accompanied it. Luke dancing hand in hand with a blonde woman, a blonde woman who became a Ninetales who then nuzzled an Arcanine lovingly. “Ah,” the Legendary said. “I see.”

Luke’s eyes blazed blue. ARGH! he screamed with incoherent rage.

Mewtwo’s eyes widened as the Gallade hurled hundreds of memories at him. Caught off guard and unprepared for such an assault, Mewtwo found himself immersed in the memories.

At first, he thought nothing of it, he’d been through hell once before, what could possibly compare to...

Mewtwo collapsed to the ground as the memories forced themselves over his own, quickly overtaking the barriers of his time as Giovanni’s pawn, and of the half remembered experiments of his cloning.

It was then that Mewtwo realized why Luke had such strong defenses in the first place.

He was suddenly much smaller. No more than a Ralts. He was being held tightly against his mother’s chest. Suddenly she screamed out in pain and fell to the ground, Mewtwo tumbling from her arms. The child turned to see that an Absol was leering at him, his head blade embedded in his mother’s back.

“Aren’t you just the most adorable thing,” the Absol sneered as he bent down and tore his blade diagonally through his mother’s back. Mewtwo stared with eyes wide with fear despite himself and before he realized what was happening the Absol was on top of him. “Hmm, I think I’ll be your first,” he said and Mewtwo suddenly wished more than anything that he wasn’t there.

The world went black and then suddenly became extremely bright. He was being pressed up against a wall, moans and groans all around him, pain splitting his rear end. Mewtwo was lost within the memory until he was put down aching and quaking. He didn’t have long to rest. No, the Absol was back and once again his mind overflowed with pain and violation.

Again and again. Sometimes it was a man, sometimes it was another Pokémon, sometimes it was even a woman. Whatever the case, months passed, being used almost every day to keep him ‘nice and loose’ and no matter what he did he couldn’t escape. He was trapped within the cage, most of the time not alone which lead to him being used by whoever was bigger than him. He cried and cried, his habits becoming more and more nervous, his speech more and more stuttering.

The last thing he saw was a Rapidash approaching him, prepped and ready, hanging right in front of his face and his mouth opening without his accord. Then his jaw came unhinged as the pungent odor filled his nose, the horrible taste filling his mouth. Mewtwo wanted to scream, to cry out in terror, more than anything, he wanted to be angry but he couldn’t. His mind tried to blot out the memories, they weren’t his, but they were so visceral, so real.

He’d lost track of time by the time four men decided to use him at once and the memories stopped halfway through their ‘use’ of him before begining again, this time, new encounters, new sensations, each increasing his despair and agony.

The images... the emotions... the... the sensations... Mewtwo held his hands to his head. “No, no, no, no, no,” he muttered to himself. “E-e-e,” Mewtwo’s eyes snapped open, blazing blue. ENOUGH!! Mewtwo blasted the memories assaulting him to pieces and, as quick as he could, withdrew himself from Luke’s mind.

Luke stood there panting for a long moment before his mental legs gave out beneath him and he collapsed, utterly spent.

Author's Note:

Zeus? I thought you were planning to-

MY INNER ALTO AND POKESHIPPERS ARE RAGING AT ME! AND... and... and... God's Ash, why must you be the ship who stumped me?

Huh... if anyone has a problem with this... just understand I'm going to have to WRITE the girls reactions, so yeah.

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