• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,163 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 31

Play this link for the chase scene.

Spike ran as fast as his little legs could carry him, which wasn’t as fast as when he rode on Twilight’s back, but had so far been fast enough to keep ahead of the Dragon Pokémon chasing him. Granted, most of them had legs which were just as short as his, and one had no legs whatsoever, but all Spike cared about was NOT being forced to fight any of them.

“Come on Spike,” Gible called. “It’ll be fun. Axew just battled Dratini, and he’s fine.”

“I’m not a Pokémon!” Spike cried. “The same rules don’t apply to me!”

“You’re overreacting,” Bagon replied. “And you’re just nervous for your first battle. Slow down and we’ll talk about it.”

Spike still had no intention of slowing down, at least not until he was somewhere with witnesses. Too bad for him, they were still a bit far from town.

“Help!” Spike wasn’t expecting anyone to come to his rescue, since Fluttershy probably couldn’t hear him anymore, and nopony had a reason to be out here at this time.

Fortunately, there was somebody around who heard Spike’s plea. They just weren’t a Pony.

As the Pokémon members of the Training Dragon club closed the gap between them, Spike wondered which one of them would be the one to do him in. If I end up getting hugged to death the girls will never let me live it down.

Thankfully, just before the Pokémon reached him, someone interveined. A ring of fire erupted several feet away from the Dragons, distracting them long enough for Spike to put a little more distance between them before stopping to see what had happened.

A week ago, a six foot tall bird thing coming out of a ring of fire would have sent Spike running again. Now, he just wondered what he was doing here.

“Hello Spike,” Blaziken greeted. “I heard screaming... do you need help?”

Spike pointed back at the Dragons who had been chasing him. “They... want me... to battle... them,” He panted.

Blaziken looked back at the little Dragon-types, who were either gaping at him or hiding behind their friends. Blaziken smiled. “Is that right?”

“Y-yeah,” Bagon replied. “We’re the Training Dragon Club, and we were going to help Spike train so we can all become stronger!”

Blaziken chuckled. “Well then, if you want to train, why don’t you have a go at an old pro like me?”

Bagon paled as he looked up at the Fire-type. They may have had a Type resistance, but no way were they ready to take on a fully evolved Pokémon. “Uhh... no... thank you?”

Blaziken raised an eyebrow. “You sure? I promise I’ll go easy on you.”

Bagon shook his head. “We’re sure. In fact, we were just about done anyway,” He smiled nervously at Blaziken, then turned to Spike. “Bye Spike, see you at the next meeting!”

(Theme end)

Spike swore those four moved faster running away than they did chasing him. “You alright?” Blaziken asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” Spike answered. “Thanks for that, I thought they were going to kill me!”

Blaziken laughed. “I doubt they’d be able to hurt you too much. Pokémon or not, a Dragon is a Dragon.” He’d had enough experience with Dragons to know not to underestimate any of them.

“What are you doing out here anyway?” Spike asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Just out for a walk,” Blaziken answered. “May’s in town with Misty and I get the feeling she needs some time to catch up and get used to the situation.”

Spike nodded, then noticed both he and Blaziken were walking the same way. “So...” Spike began, trying to think of a conversation topic. “How did you and May meet?”

At that, Blaziken smiled as he began to reminisce about his younger days (the equivalent of Childhood for humans), his face gaining an expression that seemed to say ‘Ah, the good old days’. “I was given to her as her starter Pokémon back when I was just a Torchic,” He answered.

“Really?” Spike asked in shock.

“Yeah, she wasn’t even all that interested in being a Trainer back then. Of course, that changed pretty quickly, especially after she decided to become a coordinator.”

“A what?”

“A Pokémon Coordinator. They’re trainers who train their Pokémon to compete in contests instead of Gym Battles,” Blaziken explained. “You impress the judges in the performance stage, then take out rival coordinators in the battle stage.”

Spike took a second to piece that together. “So... like a Pokémon beauty pageant or something?”

Blaziken froze and glared daggers at Spike. “No,” He said. “It is not a beauty pageant.”

Spike nodded. “Alright, alright,” He said. They walked in silence for a few seconds before Spike continued. “I don’t know what surprises me more. The fact that a Pokémon like you competed in pageants or that they give Pokémon like you to new trainers just like that.”

Blaziken sighed. Ignoring the pageant joke, he explained. “I didn’t start out as a Blaziken you know. I did say I was a Torchic back them.”

“Yeah, yeah, you Evolved and grew stronger, but you couldn’t have looked that different, right?”

Blaziken suddenly developed an interest in the sky. “What?” Spike asked. “Oh come on, you’ve got to at least tell me what you looked like.”

“Well...” Blaziken began. “As a Torchic I was... about a foot tall, bright orange feathers.” He looked away from Spike. “No arms yet, just bird-like feet... I can see you’re trying not to laugh you know.”

His cover blown, Spike burst out laughing. “You were a chicken!?” he laughed, trying to picture a chicken becoming something like Blaziken.

“Technically I was the Chick Pokémon,” Blaziken said. That...didn’t help, evident by how Spike was now rolling on the ground. “It’s not funny!” The Blaze Pokémon shouted. “I’m pretty sure May thought I was female for a week at the beginning,” He muttered under his breath.

“Oh Celestia!” Spike gasped. “Stop! I can’t breath!”

Blaziken was thankful that his red skin hid the blush on his face.

Spike stood up and wiped a tear from his eye. “I’m sorry,” He said. “I shouldn’t be laughing but... how does something like this.” He held his claw a foot off the ground. “Grow into... this.” He gestured towards Blaziken.

“My second form, Combusken, was twice as tall and had three inch long claws.” Blaziken answered.

Spike froze for a second, imagined what that might look like, then said, “You Pokémon have really weird growth, and that’s coming from a guy who grew to sixty feet tall from hoarding.”

“That sounds like an interesting story,” Blaziken commented.

“Not really,” Spike sighed. “Dragons grow based on how big their hoard is, or that’s how it seems at least. And after my birthday, I got greedy cause of all the presents, which kickstarted my greed growth.”

“So what? You’re not gonna grow unless you start hoarding?” Blaziken asked.

“Nah, from what the Princess told Twilight about it I just won’t end up a forty foot behemoth unless I start hoarding.”

Blaziken nodded. “How long have you know Princess Twilight anyway? You two seem close.”

“My entire life actually,” Spike admitted. “Twilight hatched me when I was just an egg.”

Blaziken smiled. “I’ve known May most of my life as well.”

“How old are you anyway?” Spike asked out of curiosity.

“Well, in humans years I’m fourteen,” Blaziken answered

Spike stared at the Pokémon in shock. “You seem older. Like, a lot older”

Blaziken shrugged. “While I’ve been with May since I was three and have been traveling with her for eleven years, I’m in my mid twenties if you’re going by how Pokémon age,” He saw the confused look on Spike’s face. “Evolution messes with the aging process, both in body and mind.”

“Sooo... you’re actually twenty something?” Spike asked.

“Yes, Pokémon don’t age solely by years. At least not until we reach our final form...or we decide not to evolve for one reason or another.”

“Ohh, that makes sense,” Spike said. “So May’s what? Twenty? Twenty one?”

Blaziken scoffed. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to guess a woman's age?”

Spike turned away from the Fire-type. “Twilight did,” He muttered.

Blaziken quickly realized his mistake. “Spike... I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation I barely knew my mother.” Spike raised an eyebrow. “It’s actually not all that uncommon for Pokémon raised by humans, especially the ones commonly offered as Starter Pokémon like me.” Spike’s expression was clearly saying, ‘go on’. “I was hatched at a Pokémon Ranch in the Hoenn region. I was raised there for about two years before I was sent to Professor Birch’s lab and met May a few months later.”

Spike got the feeling he didn’t like talking about the subject, so he dropped it. “It’s alright, you didn’t mean anything by it... and sorry for making you tell me that.”

Blaziken sighed. “It’s alright, I’m glad I got to meet May... and she’s twenty one by the way.”

Spike nodded, then another question popped into his head. “So... how’s your relationship with May?”

Blaziken flinched, as he knew the real answer for that, but he quickly regained himself, hoping Spike hadn’t noticed. “She’s my best friend,” He answered. “We’ve been through a lot together.”

Spike smiled at Blaziken. He had noticed the flinch from earlier, and he had a good idea why. “And now that she’s a Delphox?”

Blaziken looked down at the little Dragon. “Just what are you implying?” Spike smiled mischievously. “What?” Blaziken asked, Spike didn’t answer. “Dragon, you will tell me what you mean!” He shouted, fire flickering to life in his palms.

“You like May, don’t you?” Spike finally said, unfazed by the fire that was obviously a threat. After all, he was fireproof.

Blaziken just dropped his hands and continued walking. “I don’t see how that is relevant,” The Blaze Pokémon argued.

“It’s totally relevant,” Spike said. “And besides, she’s a Pokémon now.”

“It’s not that simple Spike,” Blaziken said. “May didn’t harbor any feelings for me on Earth other than friendship. That hasn’t changed.”

“You sure?” Spike asked. “Cause after that stallion attacked her back in Trottingham she seemed really glad that you were there when she came to.”

Once again, Blaziken thanked Arceus for making his skin red.

“Just admit it, I won’t tell anyone.”

“No Spike.”

“Come on, I’ll even tell you my secret crush.”

“I’m not admitting anything, and you have a crush on Rarity.” When Blaziken saw the shocked look on Spike’s face, he sighed. “Fluttershy may have let that piece of information slip while I was talking to her about... something.”

“What something?” Spike asked.

“None of your business,” Blaziken answered.

Spike huffed. “You know, you refusing to answer the question is just making my point for me.”

Blaziken said nothing.

“Come on dude, there’s no reason to be embarrassed,” Spike said. “I mean May’s a real... fox!”

Spike started laughing at his pun, but stopped when he saw Blaziken was glaring down at him again.

“Shutting up now.” Spike mimed zipping his lip and for a few moments he and Blaziken walked in silence.

“So what do you think your kids would look like?” Spike broke that silence pretty quickly.

Blaziken groaned. It was going to be a long and awkward walk to town.

Back on the floor their hotel rooms all shared, Twilight and everyone else investigating the incidents in Manehattan, were going over their next course of action.

“Got any threes?” Rainbow asked.

“Go fish,” Iris replied.

Or they had tried to. Iris hadn’t been able to add any information to what they already knew, and after their recent encounter on the street they were taking a break, at least until Pinkie got back.

Getting Iris into the hotel had also been a challenge. Turns out if you walk into a lobby with a walking guillotine, ponies started screaming.

“So Iris,” Twilight asked. “You’re the Champion of Unova?”

“Yep. I beat Alder, the Champion before me, in an official challenge match and took the title when I was sixteen,” She answered proudly.

“That young huh?” Twilight asked.

“Second youngest Champion to date,” She said. “Red beat me by five years... guys a total fiend when it comes to battles.”

“You know, I’m curious,” Korrina said, walking into the room holding a can of soda. “How did you two meet anyway? And why didn’t you.” She gestured to Iris. “Try to arrest him.”

“We met Iris on the beach near Undella Town,” Belle answered. “She was with Cynthia and a few others, getting ready for a day at the beach, Gene and I were already there with the rest of the team.”

“Why would a day at the beach be a problem?” Dash asked, looking over her cards. “Got any fours?”

Iris handed Dash a card then explained. “It’s not that they were having a day at the beach, it’s how we found them.”

“I didn’t think we were that close to any settlements,” Gene sighed. “And Webber was suppose to keep watch.”

“You’d think someone with six eyes would be good at that,” Belle commented. On the couch, Twilight paled, not liking the implications of that detail.

“And they walked in on us after we had fallen asleep in each others arms,” Gene said.

Twilight smiled.

“Originally we were just going to wake them up and see what was going on,” Iris said. “But when Belle woke up and saw us,” Iris smiled smugly at the Gardevoir. “She screamed, “You will not harm my mate!”, then tried to take on my Haxorus, Cynthia’s Milotic, and Shauntal’s Cofagrigus.”

“I almost did,” Belle muttered.

“But when Shauntal managed to knocked Belle back towards the ocean, Gene intercepted her.”

“It was getting dark, and I heard there were Jellicent around there,” He defended.

“She calmed down enough so we could actually talk to them,” Iris smiled. “And explain that we weren’t going to arrest Gene.”

“Wait,” Korrina held up a paw. “You weren’t?”

“No,” Iris said. “Cynthia never supported the law, and neither did Alder, they never told me why, and after I became Champion they both kinda took me under their wing and taught me.”

“And Shauntal and I read the old history books,” Juniper added. “Since she had a lot of really old tomes in her hall at the Pokémon League, she found the history of what caused Poképhilia to become a crime and shared it with me when I was just starting out as a Pokémon Professor.”

“So let me get this straight,” Korrina said. “Two current Champions, one of whom is widely recognized as the second most powerful trainer in the world, one former Champion, an Elite Four member, and a Regional Professor, all supported Poképhilia?”

“Skyla did too,” Juniper added. “And Elesa, plus a few others from various regions.”

Korrina blinked and thought for a second. “You guys are some of the most influential trainers on the planet, how did no one know any of this? And, more to the point, why wasn’t there a movement for change or something?”

“We kept our opinions on the down low so we wouldn’t attract any attention to ourselves,” Iris explained.

“And Cynthia did have something planned, though she wasn’t letting many details out,” Juniper said.

“She was planning a meeting,” Iris added. “With other Gym Leaders, Elite Four members and various other people who supported Pokémon/human relationships,” Everyone looked at her in shock. “We were going to hold the meeting in Undella town, Cynthia invited people from every region, she said there was even another Champion coming, someone who would have a big impact on the publics opinion.”

“That’s what you and Seth were talking about,” Twilight said to Juniper. “Back at the library.”

“Yeah,” Juniper sighed. “Then Arceus happened.”

Everyone was silent for a moment. “So let me get this straight,” Korrina said. “Arceus pulled everyone to another planet, just before the biggest social reformation movement since the creation of the Pokéball was about to take place?”

Iris nodded.

There was a pregnant pause, before Korrina burst out laughing. “Oh that’s rich!” Korrina laughed. “I mean, come on! Really? He didn’t think to look into that BEFORE transporting all of us here?”

Before anyone could respond, there was a knock at the door.

“You think that’s-” Rainbow was interrupted as the door flew open and a pink blur shot into the room, scattering the cards from Dash and Iris’ game.

“Pinkie,” Dash finished redundantly, as the party pony was now standing on the bed, smiling.

“Oh. My. Gosh, you guys! You’ll never believe what I- HUh!” Pinkie gasped when she saw Iris. “Hi, my names Pinkie, who are you? Why do you have an ax on your face? Why are you here? What-pffmmhphfh..”

Pinkie cocked her head at the cyan hoof holding her mouth shut. “Pinkie,” Rainbow said. “This is Iris. She’s one of Gene’s friends.”

Dash took her hoof away and Pinkie smiled. “Hi Iris, I’m Pinkie Pie,”

Iris smiled nervously. Gene had warned her about Pinkie Pie. “Hi Pinkie,” Iris held out her claw and Pinkie shook it.

“I’m just so glad that Genie found one of his friends, I mean he already found Fang and Juniper and Draco and Mage but you can never have too many friends,”

“Pinkie?” Twilight interjected. “You were about to say something?”

“Oh, right,” Pinkie hopped back onto the bed. “You’re never going to believe this. I found the most amazing thing while I was out!”

“Wait, did you actually find the Zoroark?” Rainbow asked.

“Even better,” Pinkie said.

“Did you find something else out about where he’s hiding?” Juniper asked.

“Even better,”

Twilight sighed. “Did you make a new friend?”

“Even bet- No wait, there’s nothing better than making new friends,” Pinkie said.

“Why don’t you just tell us what you found Pinkie?” Gene supplied.

Pinkie smiled and pulled a piece of paper from her mane. “Look, DJ Pon-3’s in Manehattan!” Pinkie said with a smile. “Can we go and see Vinyl’s show?”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash groaned. “Pinkie, we didn’t come here to see a concert,”

“But it’s Vinyl!” Pinkie defended. “If we don’t go and support her, then we’re being bad friends.”

“Who’s Vinyl?” Belle asked innocently.

Pinkie gasped. “How can you not...” She stopped mid sentence. “Vinyl Scratch is one of my friends from Ponyville. DJ Pon-3’s her stage name.”

“And you want to go to one of her shows?” Korrina asked.

“Yepperoni!” Pinkie said. “So can we go Twilight? Can we? Can we? Can we?” She asked, jumping up and down so fast to the point Iris was worried she’d pop.

Twilight sighed. “No Pinkie, we have work to do, and in case you forgot, you were suppose to be looking for the Zoroark.”

“Oh yeah,” Pinkie remembered. “I didn’t find him, but I did see a bunch of other Pokémon. There was this really big bird in the park, it had red feathers in its head, and there was this big lumpy thing that was eating trash, but turns out it’s MADE of trash, and I saw a little yellow thing with a BIG mouth talking to a Lucario.”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash turned to Juniper. “What?” The professor asked.

“What Pokémon is she talking about and should we be worried that they’re here?” Twilight asked.

Juniper sighed and rubbed her eyes. “What color was the bird Pinkie?”

“Hmmm, dark grey,” She answered.

“Probably a Staraptor, they’re kinda territorial but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The trash Pokémon is called Garbodor, despite their... well, toxic nature, they’re usually quite friendly and helpful...unless provoked, but that’s the case for all Pokémon in general.”

“And the one with the giant mouth is probably a Mawile,” Korrina said. “And it shouldn’t cause too much trouble.”

“Good. Moving on,” Twilight turned to Pinkie. “We are not going to Vinyl’s show.”

“But Twilight!” Pinkie began.

“No buts Pinkie,” Twilight said firmly. “We’re here to investigate the disturbances this guy has caused, and I doubt Vinyl Scratch has anything to do with it.”

Pinkie crossed her forelegs and pouted but didn’t say anything else.

“Now then,” Twilight began again. “Since we’re all here... wait are we missing some people... Pokémon?”

“Solana and Lunick said they were going for a walk,” Korrina said. “Plusle and Minun went with them and Lucario wanted to see if this place has an exercise room or something.”

“And I seem to have lost Mage,” Gene added. “She does this a lot actually. She’ll wander off somewhere, and show up a few hours later.”

“Usually with a new book or someone she’d been messing with,” Belle said. “Once she came back with a library card in her name, and to this day I’m still not sure how she did that.”

Twilight hung her head. After all this, the fact remained that they really were still at square one in dealing with the Zoroark. “Ok, does anyone have any idea how to find this guy?”

“Well... what do we know about this guy so far? Maybe that could give us a hint,” Gene suggested.

“We know that when he first got here, he was using his powers to scare ponies,” Twilight supplied.

“Not a usual Zoroark tactic, I might add. They usually don’t even let their victims realize they’re in an illusion.” Juniper added. “This suggests he might be a former human... or he’s a Zoroark with very unusual behavior.”

“We know that since then, he’s been confronting and likely talking to other Pokémon who were causing trouble in the city,” Korrina said. “But he was never seen, so he’s probably nervous about what Ponies might do if they saw him.”

“And that he only confronted Pokémon who were already causing trouble, instead of trying to get the more threatening ones out of the city before they did anything,” Belle said.

“And that he knows we’re looking for him,” Twilight said. “So he’s going to be wary.”

“Correction,” Rainbow Dash said. “He knows you three,” She pointed to Twilight, Korrina, and Juniper. “And Lucario are looking for him.”

“Good point Rainbow,” Twilight said. “He probably doesn’t know about the rest of you, so we at least have that.”

“Oh!” Pinkie suddenly shouted. “Idea! We can stage an attack or something, have someone start acting like they’re going to cause trouble, then maybe this Zoroark guy will show up and stop them!”

Everyone let that sink in. “That’s... a really good idea Pinkie,” Twilight commended. “But who are we going to get to play the part?”

Several sets of eyes suddenly fell upon the Dragon who was reshuffling the deck of cards. When Iris noticed, she huffed. “And why does everyone automatically decide I’m going to do it?” She asked indignantly.

“Well,” Dash began. “You are kinda... terrifying, to some ponies.”

The shiny Pokémon crossed her arms. “That’s stereotyping. Just because I’m a Dragon-type doesn’t mean I’m destructive and violent.”

“We know,” Twilight said. “But logically, out of anyone here, you could make the biggest scene.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Iris shouted.

“Iris, you’re almost six feet tall,” Gene interjected. “Not even mentioning the ax blades on your face, that’s pretty intimidating, especially to a Pony.”

Iris glared at him, before sighing, as no matter how she tried to deny it, he had a point. “Well... fine, but what if someone else shows up? Like a trained Pokémon who thinks I’m attacking.”

“Don’t worry Iris,” Belle said. “I’ll be nearby in case anything goes wrong.”

“And Lucario will be too,” Korrina added.

“No,” Twilight suddenly said. “We’re probably only going to have one shot at this, and if he sees anyone he knows is looking for him, he might figure out that it’s a trap.”

“So we’re seriously going through with this?” Iris asked nervously.

“Oh come on Iris, don’t be such a worry wort,” Gene smirked. “Unless you’re scared.”

Iris froze, then slowly turned towards the Gallade. “What did you say?”

Gene smiled. “You heard me.”

Iris glared at him. “No one accuses me of being afraid! I’m Iris, the Dragon Master!”

“Then prove it,” He prodded. “You’re a Haxorus. What could possibly be a threat to you now?”

“You know what?” Iris said. “You’re right! He’s just a Zoroark. No way he could beat a Haxorus. Not in a million years.”

“Great. So, where are we gonna set this up?” Gene asked, inwardly smirking, and if it weren’t for the fact he didn’t have human fingers anymore, he would have been making a ‘V’ sign now.

“Somewhere where there’ll be a lot of ponies,” Twilight said. “But not where anyone could get hurt, or where you’ll cause too much damage.”

“We could try the park,” Dash suggested. “Or you could climb up a building like in those monster movies.”

“Rainbow Dash, that’s a terrible idea,” Twilight deadpanned. “We want to draw this guy’s attention, not alert the royal guard.”

“Well, I don’t see you coming up with suggestions,” Rainbow muttered.

“Am I going to have to climb a skyscraper?” Iris asked nervously. “Cause Haxorus can’t fly.” That and she REALLY didn’t want to test how durable her new body was in the event that she fell. Being a smear on the ground was not something she wanted.

“We could have her rampage down main street or something,” Korrina offered. “Your cops don’t carry guns do they?”

Iris’ eyes widened in fear at the thought. She didn’t feel like testing whether or not Haxorus scales were bullet proof.

“I don’t know what a gun is,” Twilight said, much to Iris’ relief. “Most officers carry clubs, while royal guards carry swords, bows and spears.”

“I’m starting to doubt this idea,” Iris said, though no one seemed to hear her.

“Oh! We could have her fight another monster,” Pinkie began. “And everyone will originally think she’s the bad guy, but then the other monster turns out to be the bad guy and-”

“Are you making a plan or a movie?” Iris asked incredulously. “Cause I can’t tell the difference.”

“Well... how about we just have her stomp her way down a road and scare a few ponies?” Belle offered. “She doesn’t even have to smash anything, since the ponies will probably provide all the commotion we need.”

Iris nodded. “I like that idea, let’s do Belle’s plan.” She didn’t want anyone else to come up with another idea, especially if said ideas came at the risk of grievous bodily harm in the event something went wrong.

Twilight nodded. “Then it’s settled. Once the others get back, we’ll head out and start this plan... after we find a good spot... maybe around town hall, since there’ll be plenty of witnesses.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Gene said. “Too bad you guys can’t come.”

“But I wanna see Iris go berserk,” Korrina whined. Whether this plan worked or not, it sure seemed like something she could get some entertainment out of, since its not everyday you plan to enact a scene out of a monster movie.

“No,” Twilight said with a sigh. “He’s right, we can’t risk ruining this, and if he sees us there, he might figure out it’s a trap.”

Korrina sighed and crossed her arms. “I can always play back my memories of the event,” Belle offered.

Korrina smiled. “Thanks.”

“Alright,” Twilight said, rubbing her hooves together. “Let’s do this.” With that, she trotted out the door. After a minute, she came back in. “We’re still waiting for the others to get back, plus I’m not going.”

“Sooo, what do we do now?” Pinkie asked.

No one spoke for a moment, then Dash interrupted the silence. “Got any threes?”

Author's Note:

Torchic Combusken
Jellicent Staraptor
Garbodor Mawile

"Yeah Monster movie time!"

Phione, does your mom know you're here?


Did I somehow get stuck babysitting you?


... I'll get the popcorn


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