• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 39

Gene smiled and scratched Fang just behind the horns, eliciting a happy whimper from the Houndoom. “It’s good to have everyone back together.”

After they had found Webber yesterday, there had been a scare when they introduced him to Rarity... The fashionista had screamed and ran into her room, locking the door behind her. It had taken almost an hour to coax her back out and actually introduce the two.

Fortunately Rarity had more or less accepting of the Galvantula after that, though she still seemed a little nervous around him.

“It is,” Belle agreed, sighing and leaning on her fiancé's shoulder. “It really is.”

Gene smiled again and looked around the room, Fang had his head on his lap, Belle was next to him, River had coiled up in a corner and was taking a nap, and Webber was on the ceiling... possibly trying to siphon electricity from the lamp.

Mage was around somewhere, she had taken to exploring the boutique, and the rest of the town, particularly the library, in her spare time, and when you can float through walls, it left a lot of places to look.

Draco was out for a mid morning flight, and Rarity was out doing some shopping. Gene smiled and was about to say something else when Mage floated back into the room. “I thought this place would have a secret basement or something,” She complained. “All I found was an overstuffed storage room, and some weird stuff in Rarity’s closet.”

Gene sighed. “Mage, how many times have I told you not to go through peoples things?”

The Ghost-type shrugged. “I don’t know,” She smiled. “Come on, we’re all back together now, we should do something to celebrate.”

Gene shook his head, but smiled. “And what did you have in mind?” He asked.

Mage thought for a second, then grinned again. “Picnic,” She said with a nod.

“Picnic?” Gene asked.

Mage chuckled. “Yeah, we use to have them all the time back on Earth.”

Webber dropped to the floor, twisting in the air and landing on his feet with a solid thud. “I do not think eating away from towns and cities because Gene would otherwise be arrested counts as a picnic.”

“Yes it does,” Mage replied after a moment.

Webber cocked his head and clicked a few times before saying. “Ah... then I too would like to have a picnic.”

Gene smiled. “Why not,” He turned to Belle. “You up for a picnic love?”

Belle smiled. “It sounds wonderful,” She replied.

Gene nodded and pushed Fang off of his lap. “Alright then, I’ll see if I can find a basket and pack us a lunch, you guys find Draco and wake up River.”

“What for?” River asked groggily, rubbing the sleep from her eye with her tail.

“We’re going to have a picnic,” Belle answered.

River smiled. “Yay,” She cheered through yawn before uncoiling herself. “I can go find Draco, I know what kind of places he likes to sun himself.”

Gene smiled. “Thanks River,”

“No problem,” The Dragonair replied as she slid out the door.

“Alright then, everyone else,” He looked back at his family. “To the kitchen!”

I wonder if other gods ever have to deal with this, Arceus thought to himself as he stood in the Hall of Legends. It’s been a very long time since I’ve talked to any outside my family... I wonder if they even remember me.

The Alpha Pokémon was trying to focus on the task at hoof, but he was beginning to get tired of giving the same answers. “My children,” He said to the Pokémon before him. “I understand that you are upset, but believe me when I say I had the best interest of all at heart when I enacted my plan.”

“But my Lord,” The Swampert argued. “What about Earth?”

“Home is where the heart is,” Arceus replied. “Have those important to you not made it?”

The Ground-type looked back at the Liepard and Persian who had entered the temple with him. “Well... yeah but,”

“Then enjoy your reward my son,” Arceus said as he settled next to the Swampert. “See the world, travel, fall in love, do whatever it is you mortals do with your lives,” Arceus smiled. “Live your life in this new world.”

The Swampert looked like it was going to say something, but looking Arceus in the eyes, whatever it was died in his throat. “Come on Mom, Dad, let’s go,” He said, the three Pokémon leaving the temple.

Once they had passed out of his sight, Arceus sighed and teleported back to his chair at the head of the table. “Sixth one in two days,” Arceus said, shaking his head. “Maybe I shouldn’t have given the world my home address,” He mused.

“Hey Dad,” Mesprit greeted, floating into the room. “How’d the meeting go?”

Arceus scoffed. “These humans are a persistent bunch, and like minded as well.” Over the past week, more and more former humans had been showing up and asking him to send them home, or change them back, or go... well a few hadn’t been too polite, but a little show of cosmic power usually fixed their mood. There had been a few pleasant meeting though, the priestess from one of his remaining religious sects in Sinnoh had been a refresher.

That, coupled with the background noise of several thousand prayers, made Arceus wonder if he should have done a head count on the way coming in, he had NO idea how many humans were here, and at this point it would be easier to count the ones back on Earth.

Mesprit chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m sure in a few years everything will calm down.”

Arceus sighed again, he had greatly underestimated several things about the humans, one of which was how many had been dragged along. “I had hoped it would take a few months to get acclimated, then I could just spend my days with all of you or exploring the new cosmos.”

Mesprit shook her head. “Don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon,” She floated over to her father and wrapped her arms and tails around his neck. “Come on Dad, cheer up.”

Arceus chuckled. “Very well sweetheart, I won’t dwell on what’s come to pass.”

“Good,” Mesprit said, releasing her father. “Now, have you seen Darkrai or Cresselia anywhere?”

“They left the temple about an hour ago... something about Rainbow Falls I think.” Arceus was glad that those two were finally together, and he’d have to be sure to thank Luna for helping Darkrai when next he saw her.

Mesprit smiled. “Alright, just checking,” She flew a little ways off before coming back and giving Arceus another hug. “Bye Dad!” She called as she floated out of the room.

Arceus chuckled, then after no interruption came for a moment, he sighed. Pulling his list of places to visit from his pocket dimension, he looked over what was left. “Might cause a panic if I go to see Marelantis or Prance, if I go to the Zebrican jungle I’ll just run into more Pokémon and humans... hmm, I wonder if Celestia is having the same problem.”

Princess Celestia rubbed her eyes as the former human, now a Pokémon known as a Stoutland, left the room.

“Please tell me there aren’t anymore,” Celestia said, turning to her guards.

“No more Pokémon, your majesty... except for a few accompanying Ponies,” One of them answered.

Celestia sighed. “Alright, give me a minute and send the next one in,”

The guards saluted and left the room, leaving Celestia alone, actually alone, as Ninetales was having lunch, and Aegislash was patrolling the castle.

“Thank Harmony this is the last day I’m doing this,” She sighed. “Instead I’m replacing them with a bunch of probably upset Kings, Queens, Emperors, Empresses, and a Chief,” She shook her head.

She figured that Empress Serva would be accepting, as would Queen Oceania, but she was unsure of the others. Trotankhamun would likely side with her unless he’d had a remarkably bad experience with the Pokémon, Celestia smiled at the thought of seeing the young king again, he was a close friend of hers.

Empress Victoria, from what Arceus had revealed, was likely going to be accepting as well. Emperor Golden Horn, on the other hoof, would likely fight hoof and horn against it, stubborn bull.

Others were more... difficult. Cadence she didn’t have to worry about, but she didn’t know how Emperor Carapace, King Halfpaw, or Chief Thunderhooves would react, though she had high hopes for the last one.

King Faris of Saddle Arabia was also a worry, the Saddle Arabians were more traditional than most other races of Equus. It was one of the reasons Celestia had invited Princess Amira to Equestria last year, as Faris’ first and only child, she was first in line for the throne, and Celestia hoped to help the young mare reshape Saddle Arabia as she had helped Trotankhamun and his father do with Zebrica.

“And I have to make sure Arceus doesn’t do anything stupid,” She said.

“Do you always worry this much?”

“AAAHH!” Celestia jumped out of her throne and turned to see a large hole in the air next to her seat. Peering through the hole was none other than Arceus. “Must you do that?!” Celestia asked, trying to get her heartbeat down. “No, scratch that, STOP DOING THAT!”

Arceus scoffed. “You seem high strung,” He commented. In a flash of light a teapot and several tea cups appeared, somehow balancing on the portals edge. “Care for some tea? It’s made from the leaves on a Serperior’s tail.”

Celestia glared at him. “Are you just showing off? Or did you want something?”

Arceus rolled his eyes. “I’ve been locked away for thousands of years, forgive me for stretching my muscles,” The tea disappeared. “I was just wondering if you’d had any former humans visit you recently.”

Celestia hung her head. “Of course I have,” She said. “Every time one of them shows up, the guards point them towards the castle,” She picked her head up and glared at him again. “How many did you bring? I’ve had five in two days, and one of my researchers in the field has sent back reports naming more than ten in the same amount of time.”

Arceus chuckled nervously. “Honestly? I didn’t keep track, seems to be quite a few though.”

Celestia face hoofed and stared at the Alpha Pokémon. “Why did you even bother asking?”

Arceus shrugged. “Just curious... and, I wanted to ask, a member of my old religious sect showed up the other day and-”

“No, you are not setting yourself up as a religious figure in Equestria, or anywhere else on the planet for that matter,” Celestia answered immediately.

“Fine, fine, just thought I’d ask the question,” He thought for a second, then said. “What if I don’t help set it up?”

“Goodbye Arceus,” Celestia deadpanned, managing to use her magic to force the portal shut.


Celestia turned to see one of her guards standing in the doorway.

“The next petitioner... shall we send them in?”

The Princess put on a fake smile. “Of course,”

Gene smiled as he walked through Whitetail Woods, one hand holding a picnic basket. The other grasping Belle’s hand.

“Let’s just find a spot and eat,” Mage said, floating in front of Gene. “I’m starving.”

“Mage, you don’t even have a stomach,” Draco commented. “I don’t even know where the food you do eat goes.”

“And you never will,” The Mismagius said with a laugh.

“She does have a point though,” Fang said. “Let’s just find somewhere to eat.”

Gene chuckled. “Alright, alright, I promise we’ll eat soon, I just want to find a nice spot first alright?”

The rest of his words were cut off when they heard a familiar voice not far away. Too bad what was being said was well...kinda disturbing.

Gene turned to Mage and glared at her. “I told you to stay away from Nick and Elena,”

The Mismagius scoffed at the implied accusation. “Hey, I didn’t do anything to them... this time. Besides, I only hear one voice, not two.”

“Does that make this better or worse?” Draco asked.

“One second,” Mage turned invisible and flew off.

“Personal space Mage,” Gene shook his head. “Just... why?”

A few moments later, Mage reappeared in front of them, a confused look on her face. “I guess that’s what Applejack meant when she said Nick was experimenting.”

“Mage!” Belle snapped.

The Mismagius snapped to attention. “It’s not what you’re thinking,” Mage said. “He’s... testing his new senses I guess. Or else he’s hugging a Spritzee for no reason.”

The rest of them stared at Mage in disbelief for a moment before Gene spoke up. “Oookay, looks like we’re going to have to find somewhere else to eat.”

There were no objections.

“Alright,” Iris began, looking over the four little Dragons lined up in front of her. “What did you want me to teach you first?”

“Whatever you see fit, my Lady,” Axew said with a bow.

Iris chuckled to herself, yesterday she had run into the Training Dragon Club again and, after talking with them for a little, she had promised to teach them.

The problem was, she didn’t know what to teach them.

When Iris had trained her Pokémon, and likewise trained to become a Dragon Master, what made her special was her ability to control Dragon-types and understand them, not in the literal sense, but how they felt and what they did.

Now she could walk up to one and ask them, and she wasn’t sure her ‘ability’ to calm them down had transferred over.

“Alright, let me think...” Iris tapped her chin with a claw before smiling. “Do any of you know Dragon Pulse?” She asked.

The four Dragons looked at each other before shaking their heads.

Iris smiled. “Then that’s what we’ll start with,” She looked around the clearing for a good target. Spotting a boulder on the edge of the clearing, Iris walked over to it. She had practiced a few moves back in Manehattan, and had been surprised when she could use them with such ease. Chalking it up to her status as a Dragon Master, she stopped in front of the boulder and looked it over.

It wasn’t all that big, but it would serve to prove her point. She looked back to where the Training Dragon Club was standing, then back at the boulder. Sighing softly Iris reached down, grabbed the boulder, and walked it back over to them, much to their awe.

“Ok,” Iris said. “Dragon Pulse is a more advanced move, but it’s well worth it, and can be very devastating to an opponent.”

Iris motioned for the young Pokémon to back up a little and then looked back at the boulder. Closing her eyes, Iris focused her powers and. “Dragon Pulse!”

A purple shock wave blasted from Iris’ jaw and slammed into the boulder, shattering the stone.

“Whoa!” The little Dragons exclaimed, looking at the shattered remains of the boulder.

After a moment, Bagon turned to Iris and smiled. “I wanna try!”

The others soon joined in saying that they wanted to go first, but before Iris could settle them down a voice from behind her interrupted them.

“Uhh... girls? I’m not sure what we just found.”

Iris twisted around to see that three fillies, as well as three Pokémon. Iris thought they looked familiar, maybe she’d seen them at Pinkie’s Party for Nick and the others?

“Hi,” Iris greeted them. “What brings you three here?”

“Oh, you can talk,” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah, Princess Twilight cast a translation spell on me.” Twilight had fortunately figured out how to make the spell last longer, but she still needed to find a more permanent solution.

“Well,” Scootaloo continued. “We came out her because we were training our Pokémon.”

“And we don’t wanna accidentally break somethin’,” Apple Bloom added.

“I just came to practice some moves with Squirtle,” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“Wait,” Axew stepped forward. “You three are... Pokémon Trainers?”

The looks on the Crusader’s faces made it clear they couldn’t understand him. “He asked if you three were Pokémon Trainers,” Iris translated.

“Darn tootin!” Apple Bloom answered.

“I’m working to become a Coordinator, actually,” Sweetie corrected.

The four Dragon looked at each other before coming together in a huddle. “Lady Iris?” Dratini asked. “Could you ask them if they want to have a battle or two?”

Iris smiled and asked the Crusaders the question. “That sounds like a great idea!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Yeah, we’ve mostly been fightin’ Pidgeys and the like, but ya’ll seem like you’ll be a might stronger.”

Sweetie Belle looked away sheepishly. “I... I don’t really like battling that much,” She admitted. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry,” Iris assured her. “I’m sure that those two will be enough for now,” she smiled, before adding, “But if you feel like it, it wouldn’t hurt to give your Squirtle some practice every once in a while.”

“Well,” Sweetie said, looking at Squirtle. “I guess a few battles couldn’t hurt.”

“Then it’s settled,” Scootaloo said. “Who wants to fight me and Charmander first?”

“This seems like a nice spot,” River said, curling up on the grass in the center of the little field they had come across. “Plus we’re not far from the river, so that’s nice.”

Gene smiled and set down the picnic basket. Pulling out the blanket, he handed it to Belle and smiled. “This was a great idea Mage,” He said.

“Aww, go on,” Mage said.

Belle rolled her eyes and smoothed out the picnic blanket using her Psychic, giving it a quick once over she stood up and was going to grab the basket when Fang shouted. “DUCK!”

The Gardevoir turned around in time for some kind of shock wave to collide with her body.

“Belle!” Gene cried.

The wave dissipated as it came in contact with the Fairy-type, doing little more than to startle her.

Despite the fact that no harm had come to her. Gene rushed over to his mate and took her hands. “Are you alright?” He asked.

Belle nodded. “I guess it was a Dragon Pulse,” She said, looking around. “I wonder where it came from though.”

Gene sighed in relief, then glared around the clearing, trying to spot the attacker. “Okay, I guess this isn’t such a good spot,” He sighed and bent down to grab the blanket. “We’ll just have to find another place to eat.”

Several of the others groaned. “You know, this never happened back on Earth,” Mage commented.

“No, there we just had to worry about running into campers and me being arrested,” Gene replied.


“Oh, well, that was... good Bagon but next time... try to aim a little better, okay?” Iris looked in the direction the rogue Dragon Pulse had gone. “Arceus, I hope that doesn’t hit someone.”

Bagon hung his head, sad that he had disappointed Lady Iris.

“Hey, it’s alright,” Iris said. “You’re still learning, and that was good for a first time.”

Bagon smiled a little.

“Uhh, are we gonna keep fightin’?” Apple Bloom asked, the last attack had missed Bulbasaur and flown off into the distance.

Iris looked over the two Pokémon, both looked tired, and Bagon was probably still feeling a little down. “Why don’t we let Sweetie Belle and Squirtle have a go?”

Apple Bloom looked at the Champion in confusion for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

“Alright,” Iris said. “Who wants to go next?”

After a moment, Gible stepped forward.

She turned to Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie? Are you ready?”

“I... I guess so,” Sweetie said, stepping forward. “You sure you wanna do this Squirtle?”

“Squirtle, squirt,” The Turtle Pokémon nodded, then turned towards his opponent.

“Alright, let the battle begin!” Iris called.

Gible smiled as the battle began. “I’ll start off easy for ya, Take Down!”

Sweetie watched as the Ground-type rushed towards her Pokémon. “Squirtle! Withdraw!”

Squirtle’s head, limbs, and tail, vanished into his shell just before Gible attack hit. Gible slammed into the shell, making it slide backwards before coming to a stop.

“Oh come out of there,” Gible cried. “It’s no fun if you hide the entire time.”

Sweetie Belle watched as Gible advanced on Squirtle again, then smiled. “Squirtle, use Water Gun!”

Gible made to pounce on Squirtle when he came out, but instead, a stream of water shot from the front of the shell, knocking her backwards.

“Good work Squirtle!” Sweetie called as her Pokémon popped out of his shell.

“You too Sweetie Belle!” He called back before turning to Gible.

“Alright,” Gible said, pushing herself to her feet. “It. Is. ON! Dragon Rage!”

The shock wave blasted outward and knocked Squirtle into the air. “Squirtle!” Sweetie cried.

The Water-type managed to land on his feet as he hit the ground, then smiled at Sweetie Belle to show he was ok.

“I’ll give you credit, I didn’t think you’d last this long,” Gible admitted. “But I’m done holding back. Sand Tomb!”

A sandstorm was whipped into existence around Squirtle, stopping his movements, and with the sand whipping around him, he was forced to retract into his shell again.

Sweetie Belle began to panic, then remembered a movie May had told her about. “Squirtle! Use Rapid Spin and Bubble!”

For a moment, nothing happened, the Squirtle’s shell started to spin and a steady stream of bubbles blew from the holes. Soon enough, the sandstorm had dissipated and Squirtle popped out of his shell.

Gible growled, then smirked. “You’re actually pretty good, but I still plan to win this. Dragon Pulse!”

The purple shockwave shot from Gible’s mouth and, unlike Bagon’s attempt at the attack, hit it’s target, knocking Squirtle backwards.

“Squirtle!” Sweetie Belle cried as she watched her Pokémon struggle to his feet.

Gible smirked. “Metal Claw!” She rushed forward and raked her claws down Squirtle’s shell. The attack had little effect, not even scratching the shell.

Sweetie Belle smiled, since Gible was up close, she could make use of her position. “Squirtle, use Bite!”

Squirtle opened his jaws and used them to grab hold of Gible.

“Hey! Let go!” She cried.

“Now use Rapid Spin!” Sweetie called.

Pulling everything except his head into his shell, Squirtle began to spin, still holding Gible in his jaws.

“This! Is! Making! Me! Dizzy!” Gible cried on each rotation.

“Now finish it off with Water Gun!”

Still spinning, Squirtle shot a stream of water from his mouth, one which Gible was caught in. “AAAH-erk!”

Gible’s cry was cut off as she slammed into the ground. When she didn’t get up, Iris walked over to her and turned her over. Her eyes were swirling as she mumbled. “I don’t wanna ride the merry-go-round.”

“Gible is unable to battle, the winner is Squirtle!” Iris called before picking up Gible. “Good work Sweetie Belle,” She congratulated.

Sweetie Belle smiled and ran over to Squirtle. “You did a great job,” She said, hugging her Pokémon. “Now come on, you deserve a rest.”

“Squirtle,” He said thankfully.

As those two walked off to regain strength, Apple Bloom and Bulbasaur stepped forward. “We still have some fight in us,” She said. “Who wants ta battle?”

Gene smiled as he set out everything he had packed for the picnic. It had taken longer than they had hoped, but they had finally found a good spot to set up. Ponyville park was mostly empty at this time of day and most of the ponies and other Pokémon gave them their space.

“Alright guys,” Gene said. “Soup’s on.”

Since ponies didn’t have the same dietary needs as humans or most Pokémon, the spread was a little different than what they were use to. Mainly that there wasn’t any meat for Fang or Draco, but there was still enough food. And a few batteries for Webber to drain after lunch.

Gene had set up the blanket under the branches of one of the old trees near the edge of the park, it was a nice relaxing setting, aside from the various Pokémon, mostly Mage and Fang, fighting over who got what.

“Give me the pudding cup Mage,” Fang said with a growl.

“Nu uh, I got it first.”

“You don’t even need to eat! You just want to eat it in front of me!” The Houndoom whined.

“No,” Mage defended, rolling her eyes and popping off the top. “I wanna eat it cause I like chocolate.”

Gene chuckled and took a bite of his sandwich. He couldn’t eat daisies or hay, but apparently ponies liked peanut butter and jelly.

“Our family, huh?” Belle said jokingly.

Gene smiled and leaned back against the tree. “Yeah,” He agreed. “I wouldn’t change them for the world though.”

Belle smiled and slid up next to Gene, smiling as he wrapped an arm around her. “Mmm, this is nice,” She said. “All of us together again, not having to worry about... you know,” She sighed contently. “It’s just... perfect.”

Gene smiled again. “Yeah,” He agreed, leaning over and kissing Belle on the lips. “It is.”

Author's Note:

During this chapter, and the rest of the day, the events of Do You Hear The Bass? happen, it involves Nick, Elena, Terra, Vinyl and Octavia, is incredibly funny, and I personally suggest you read it.

On that note, a lot of you have asked about what's happening on Earth, why I'll probably cover that myself a little bit later on, here's a story with a bonus chapter about it. Like Night and Day by Berry Tenebre he has the other side of the spectrum.

"I've not checked in on Earth since I came to Equus and I don't intend to."

Of course not Mister, I-just-pulled-a-rapture-out-of-nowhere, isn't that suppose to come with a prophecy or something?


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