• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,956 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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Ch. 1 - The Long Winter

February 7th, 994 Domina Solaria

A cool breeze blows through the Apple herd’s hospital room as Nurse Redheart pushes the door open. The white unicorn shudders slightly, but not from the cold; she feels uneasy around Doug, the human sire of Herd Apple. She mentally berates herself; she is a professional and she should act like it!

Nurse Redheart forces a smile on her face as she steps into the room, dragging in her cart loaded with medical supplies and tests. Each of the three mares are fussing over their foals as she turns around and busies herself, making sure the last set of tests are ready. Satisfied everything is in order, she turns towards Applejack, the lead mare of Herd Apple, and her foal, Apple Bloom.

The orange earth pony valiantly tries to get Apple Bloom to sit still, playfully redirecting the hoof-sized foal, but the inquisitive youngster is far more interested in figuring out what her sisters are up to. Applejack slowly grows more impatient, especially once she realizes that Nurse Redheart is waiting on her. She grits her teeth and grabs Apple Bloom with a hoof, plopping her down on her rump in front of the nurse.

Apple Bloom immediately bursts into tears, bawling loudly as Nurse Redheart gives Applejack a knowing smile. She flails with tiny forelegs, often times at odds with herself; why wouldn’t her dam want her to walk around and explore?! The hoof gently rubbing along her mane does help calm her down, and she curiously looks up at the two mares.

Nurse Redheart babbles at the foal as she wraps a measuring tape around her head, getting a cheery chirp in reply. Next up is the thaumometer, but she can barely return Applejack’s hopeful look. She checks the reading, a pursed frown spilling across her muzzle as she shakes her head. Barely half of the average pony’s.

Applejack sighs and gathers Apple Bloom in her forelegs, wiping away the tears that threaten to form in her eyes. None of them know what it will mean for the foal to be so magically stunted. But, given that their sire seems to get along just fine without any magic, perhaps there is hope. She nuzzles Doug when he joins her, her deep breaths and his steady arms controlling the shuddering she knows would otherwise come.

Rainbow Dash, the third mare in Herd Apple, yawns as she slowly wakes up from her nap. Sleepy eyes scan for the source of the crying, if only to make sure it isn’t because Scootaloo is acting up again. Spotting her foal slumbering next to Sweetie Belle she lays back down, drifting again to sleep.

Sweetie Belle awakens, startled by Apple Bloom's cry. Her frustrated cry sets every mare on edge, bent ears and tired grimaces at another potential chain reaction between the three foals. Fortunately for them it ends almost as quickly with a nuzzle into her dam.

Rarity, second mare in Herd Apple, gently massages the pink and purple locks. She shares a tired yawn; midnight feedings are not something she enjoys, and the hospital beds leave a lot to be desired. She is no stranger to long nights and early mornings, but they generally don’t happen on the same day.

Nurse Redheart places the wand back on the cart, pushing it over to Rarity's bed. She finds her smile easy and genuine this time, asking, "Ready to head home?"

Rarity smiles back, "Oh dear me, yes, I am ready. While the three days we have spent here has not been bad, per se, I am ready to get back to the Boutique. Celestia knows how much of a backlog I will have waiting for me." Nurse Redheart nods, holding the wand to Sweetie Belle and then Scootaloo. Rarity looks at the reading, frowning much like Applejack. "That is... not very encouraging."

Nurse Redheart shakes her head, not disguising her sad smile. The cart feels especially heavy as she drags it away. Giving patients bad news is so much harder when it is young, innocent eyes staring up at you. She looks back, saying to nopony in particular, "Well, let me know if you need anything else. Otherwise, I'll be at the nurse's station when you are ready to check out." She exits the room, her cart following behind.

Doug finds his gaze wandering around the room as his hand presses into Applejack’s mane, her head against his bare chest. Everything from their three day stay is packed away, and he thinks back to the last couple of days. The foaling itself for each of his mares proceeded smoothly. It is still unknown how the foal’s condition will progress. Doctor Horse, the unicorn assigned to their case months ago when they all realized they were pregnant, simply didn't have any previous cases to draw from. They aren't the first foals born to a mixed race couple (even if those couples are extremely rare), but they are the first born to a race with no magic. And, seeing as Doug is the only human in Equestria, Doctor Horse's prognosis ranged from somewhere between bad to the doctor shrugging his shoulders and popping a pain-killer, especially with the tests so far being frustratingly consistent. He wants the foals to return to the hospital weekly for a check-up and magic test, but his acerbic personality has given the herd little hope.

Doug remarks to Applejack, "I don't know about you, but I'm certainly ready to head home. Two extra days here certainly is getting to me too." He pets Apple Bloom's mane as she nuzzles Applejack, the foal slowly quieting down. He chuckles as Apple Bloom again tries to escape her dam's clutches and go exploring around their hospital room.

Applejack sighs, lightly pushing Doug away. "Ah'll keep an eye on this rascal, you go and make sure we have everything ready to go. Ah'll be happy as a hog once we get back home."

Doug scratches Applejack's ears before he gets up again, double checking their bags. All in order, just like the last time. He slips next to Rarity, lightly petting her mane. Rarity looks at him appreciably before her attention turns back to the two foals. Sweetie Belle has fallen asleep next to Scootaloo, who barely stirred from the commotion.

Doug grabs the two bags, slinging the straps over his shoulder. He lightly taps Rainbow's withers before whispering in her ear, "Time to wake up, love," and heads back to Applejack. He gently picks up Apple Bloom, keeping the squirming foal in one arm. Rainbow yawns again, slowly getting to her hooves just as Rarity lifts Scootaloo and places the foal between cerulean wings. Rainbow gives a sleepy nod to her herdmate before falling in line behind her. The somber mood still hasn't lifted as the seven exit the room, Doug holding the door for each before bringing up the rear.

At the nurse’s station Nurse Redheart gives Doug an envelope containing Doctor Horse's notes and the list of expenses. He grimly pages through the papers, the unexpected bill not going to sink the herd but certainly leaving them strapped. He trades it for three blankets and scarves from his bag, putting the numbers out of his mind. Each foal gets a blanket and each mare a scarf, tightly wrapping each with loving tussles of ear or mane or muzzle. For himself he dons a knee length trench coat, boots, and gloves before opening the door to the outside.

The throes of winter, his and Rainbow’s handiwork, continue to assault the town for perhaps another week. Snow lines the ground and rooftops, a chill breeze nipping at exposed flesh, and yet nopony pays it much mind. Overcast clouds slowly make their way across the sky, though thankfully few seem to be on the herd's intended route.

The three foals rise from their dam’s backs at the strange sight. They stare in wonder at the snow’s sparkling reflections, the twinkling coming from every direction, and only the tightly wrapped blankets prevent them from exploring this new world. Their chirps of protest are met with cheerful nuzzles and promises that once they get home they will be able to rampage around all they want. It does little to mollify them, but at least they stop their frantic wriggling.

One unexpected mare on their route, though, is a yellow pegasus, the last and most junior member of Herd Apple. Fluttershy greets them with a cheerful wave before fluttering up to Doug, getting a quick kiss from her stallion. Her smiles broadens before she looks down, seeing each foal swaddled but now alert, awakened by the cold. She moves down the line, nuzzling each foal in turn, before taking her place next to Doug at the back. The procession slowly proceeds through the streets of Ponyville. Fewer ponies than normal are out and about, and the ones that are present pay them little mind.

Rarity starts to move away as the group nears the Carousel Boutique. She stops when Fluttershy, in a timid yet assertive voice, asks, "Oh, Rarity, wouldn't you like to come to Sweet Apple Acres?"

Rarity responds in a huff, "Fluttershy, darling, while I would normally love to, I must insist that-" before she turns and sees Fluttershy's face. The mare has the largest forced grin Rarity has ever seen on anypony outside of Pinkie Pie. Rarity sighs, turning back towards Sweet Apple Acres. She knows what would happen next, and is far too mentally exhausted to resist Fluttershy's best puppy dog face. She would never want to cause her junior the sort of distress that would necessitate unleashing that particular weapon. And, she supposes, she could deal with Applejack for a little while longer.

She sighs. "Very well, I suppose I can join you, if only for a short while."

Fluttershy's grin grows more natural as she mentally breathes a sigh of relief. Now that the hard part is over, all she has to do is not give away why she insisted Rarity continue with them. The only bolt left to dodge will be...

Fluttershy chances a look to the side. True to her expectations, Doug is giving her a questioning look. His mouth opens as she slowly shakes her head no; thankfully, he seems to catch her hint and his mouth slowly closes, though she can still see the question forming in his eyes. She forestalls him by asking, "So, Doug, how has your job as the weather scheduler been coming along?"

Doug’s snorts, shaking his head with a wry smile. "Much better than the start of winter, that's for sure. I was able to pick up a lot from working with so many different regions, but I think I broke the record for most disgruntled letters in a season."

Rainbow breaks her silence, "Well, it wasn't completely your fault. A lot of those ponies don’t like change. It was bad enough getting mares to move active rainstorms, and you wanted them to move active snowstorms?"

Doug responds, "Well, sure, but then I should have accounted for that. If I build a schedule that they can't keep to it's just as much my fault as theirs, especially if I knew that they couldn't hack it."

Rainbow rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I guess not every pegasus can be as awesome as I am. Hey AJ, did you hear from the mayor about me taking weather team lead?"

Applejack doesn't bother looking back, responding with an exasperated, "Yes, Rainbow, and Ah still can't believe you want this much responsibility so soon after having these three. Ah'm going to be plum tuckered out just watching Doug take care of them."

Rainbow gives an exaggerated sigh. "Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Yet she grows more excited as she continues, “Well, what did she say? Did she say yes?"

Applejack sighs right back. "Ah'm sorry Rainbow, but she said no." Rainbow gives a loud sigh as Applejack continues, "She was thinking of offering me team leader of the plant team for Winter Wrap Up, but Ah passed. Ah'll need to focus on getting the farm ready."

"Yeah, I guess. There's always next year. Oh, speaking of next year," Rainbow looks back to Doug, "Think Pinkie Pie will throw you a party on the anniversary of you coming to Equestria?"

Doug winks at Rainbow, "Knowing Pinkie Pie? She might start it a little early. Just to get it out of the way so she can throw more parties. For our herding anniversary, birth of the foals, anything under the sun."

Fluttershy gulps nervously; Pinkie will give her a very hard time if she lets slip what Pinkie has planned. It can't be helped if they figure it out on their own though, right? All she has to do is keep quiet about the...

Doug notices Fluttershy looking around nervously and asks, "Fluttershy, you okay? You seem a little distracted."

Fluttershy's eyes dart back and forth and she covers her mouth with her mane, "What, me? Oh, no, I'm just, um, excited at how close we are! Look, we are almost to Sweet Apple Acres!" The mare points her hoof with forced excitement as Applejack opens the gate, the dirt road leading towards the main house mostly cleared of snow. The group trundles along the road, finally reaching the door.

Applejack peers at the darkened house and closed blinds, remarking, "Ah'm surprised Big Mac and Granny aren't out here to greet us. It's almost like..." she trails off, looking at Fluttershy, "Now, you wouldn't happen to know what's going on here, do you?"

Fluttershy hides her face behind her mane, a quiet, "Who, me? Um..." escaping her muzzle.

Applejack sighs in resignation. "Fine, Ah guess we'll just have to get this over with. Alright y'all, let's head in."

Everypony heads inside the darkened farmhouse. As Doug enters, bringing up the rear, the room explodes into light and sound.