• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,956 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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Ch. 2 - Hair Trigger


The words echo through Doug's head as he staggers to the floor, dropping the two bags. Ears ring and vision blurs as the remains of the firecracker that went off next to his head flutter to the floor. He shakily rises back to his feet, placing a hand on the wall to steady himself. He rubs his eyes, barely able to make out the decorations covering the transformed farmhouse.

Pinkie Pie pronks up to Doug, saying something towards him. He grits his teeth; the ringing in his ears prevents anything intelligible from being heard, and his patience - normally stretched thin at the pink mare’s natural exuberance - is on the verge of snapping. At his louder than necessary, "What?" Pinkie hops closer.

The pink earth pony shouts into his ear, "Are you enjoying the party? I hope you're enjoying the party but we haven't started dancing yet but if you really really want to then we can start early!"

Doug massages his ear, barely able to make her out. He replies loudly, "No, Pinkie, that's okay.” He slowly recovers as he inspects the many decorations celebrating Foal’s Week. Streamers line the ceiling and balloons drape along the windows. All of the decorations fit one of three themes: apple shaped, rainbow colored, or more elegantly arranged purple.He has to admit, the party does look great. Especially for it not being their normal venue. “You must have gone all out!"

Pinkie Pie happily pronks about, her smile widening, "Yup! I'm glad you're enjoying it, I spared no expense! Ooh, have you seen the food yet? It's over this way!" She pronks through the sea of ponies to the dining room. It feels like half the town has crammed themselves into the farmhouse in order to see the three new foals, though other newcomers to the world dot the premises.

Doug pushes away from the wall and briefly stumbles before making his way to the dining room. Fortunately the ponies are aware enough to get out of his way, many offering a muffled, "Congratulations!" as he walks by. Doug returns a smile and wave to each of them; while most wave back none are so bold as to reach out their hoof.

The dining room table is laden with sweets, cakes, and muffins in the same variety of themes as the decorations. He takes a rainbow muffin, a purple cake, and what he assumes to be orange chocolate before finding an unoccupied chair and sitting down.

Meanwhile, the mares of Herd Apple busily introduce their newest members to the ponies of Ponyville. For about the thirtieth time, Applejack finds herself repeating, "Yes, this is my filly Apple Bloom. Yes, Doug is the sire. No, Ah'm sure. Yes, it's the same with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, you are free to ask them if you want the same answers." She shakes her head as Carrot Top moves on to talk to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, the smile on Applejack's muzzle becoming ever so slightly more forced with every interaction.

Seeing no more ponies waiting to introduce themselves to Apple Bloom she directs the fascinated filly to Doug before heading into the kitchen. Applejack glances over the table where Pinkie Pie set the spare sweets. Not seeing what she wants she opens the fridge and grabs a container of apple cider. She pops the cap off with her hoof and drinks deeply, a happy sigh as the slightly alcoholic beverage singes her throat.

An all-too familiar voice pipes up next to her. "Hey, I don't suppose you have a second one of those? I could go for a drink myself, it's been far too long." Rainbow stands there, Scootaloo nowhere to be seen, weary hope etched across her muzzle. It doesn’t fool Applejack. She can see through the disguise to the tiredness Rainbow feels, and knows it’s echoed in herself.

Rainbow Dash takes the unopened bottle Applejack holds out to her, her smile finally starting to show some real light. She pops the cap off and takes a sip, her grin widening. But when she tilts the bottle and starts chugging Applejack lightly taps her on the shoulder and shakes her head. Rainbow exaggerates a frown at her lead, though it doesn’t stop her from taking another sip. Just as quick as it left the smile returns to her muzzle; a second bottle joins the first as she sits down at the mercifully quiet table.

Applejack finishes her bottle, setting the empty on the counter. She sighs; somepony better be entertaining all these guests, and it ain’t gonna be Rainbow. She moves back to the main party area, spotting Apple Bloom and Scootaloo happily playing near Doug. A number of mares are engaging the foals, though Applejack notes the mares have formed a semi-circle, each trying to stay as close to the foals while as far away from the human. Applejack forces a smile again, tired of having to deal with the mares' insecurities, and moves between the foals and Doug. She gives him a grin and turns back, a gentle push encouraging her foals to play with the mares. The foals happily bound over, nuzzling the group in greeting while babbling away.

Rarity, meanwhile, has been in her element. A few quick words here, a friendly smile there, all culminating in making the shindig at the Apple house more pleasant. She finds herself relaxing, especially considering how worried she has been about the outcome of herding with Doug. Her ears perk at some of the whispered comments about her stallion; though not all of them are good, some are quite mis-informed, and she hopes Sweetie Belle and this party help put those fears to rest.

A lull in the conversation allows Rarity a chance to wander around the room. She spots Applejack and Doug sitting in the corner while Rainbow Dash cannot be seen. A smile creeps over her muzzle; that is probably for the best. Anything that keeps the brash pegasus out of the way, especially with how down she is feeling. Fluttershy is engaging in conversation with a single mare, which is exactly her pace. The decorations are still in place, the food seems to be going over well, now all she needs to do is avoid any unexpected surprises and she will be able to retire to her Boutique in peace.

Rarity freezes; she has just tempted Murpony! She gives a hurried look around the room; everything still seems to be going smoothly, but appearances can be quite deceiving. She tries, to no avail, to find Pinkie Pie, but the conversation from the kitchen sounds suspiciously boisterous. She slinks over, trying not to show the alarm blaring in her head, her worried look spurring Doug and Applejack into following her.

In the kitchen Pinkie Pie noisily pronks around Rainbow Dash. The pegasus stares at the bottle in front of her, doing her best to ignore the earth pony chattering away. The bottles scattered around her suggest that, while Rainbow Dash isn't past her limit, the mare is drawing close. Pinkie either hasn't noticed or is trying to cheer Rainbow up in spite of it.

"Come on, Rainbow! I want to see you SMILE!" Pinkie exclaims as she bounces from one end of the table to the other, ever-present smile plastered on her muzzle. "You know it always makes my day! What do I need to make YOUR day?"

Rainbow mutters, "Just leave me alone, Pinkie.” Her voice strains as she looks away, trying to control herself. “Please?"

"But, Rainbow, this is supposed to be a PARTY! We're supposed to be celebrating!"

Rainbow sighs, "Pinkie."

Pinkie, oblivious, continues in a cheerful tone, "And you know why we are supposed to be partying?"

Rainbow deadpans, "Pinkie." Her hoof hits the table with a dull thunk.

"It's the birth of your foals, silly! I know you knew the answer to that one, since you were there!"

Rainbow scowls, "Pinkie."

Pinkie pronks back and forth, "And just think of the things you can do together!"

Rainbow shouts, "PINKIE!"

Pinkie does a few cartwheels around the room, not acknowledging Rainbow. "Like flying together! And when Scootaloo joins you on the weather team!"

Rainbow turns on Pinkie, flying above her and shouting,"Don't you get it, Pinkie? There isn't going to be a future like that!" Rainbow counts with her hooves, "The foals have no magic! They aren't going to be able to fly, they won't join me on the weather team, and they never will!" She points a hoof at Pinkie, "If you bothered to stop talking somepony might have told you! But no! You have to keep on trying to cheer everypony up! Well, look how bucking well that worked!"

Pinkie Pie's poofy mane deflates, laying straight and limp on her head. She quivers, slowly crumpling to the floor. Her hooves cover her head as she starts sobbing, her cries quickly growing louder as tears flow from her eyes, quickly forming waterfalls.

Rainbow glares around the room before throwing her hooves in the air, flying out of the kitchen and leaving the house through the front door.