• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,958 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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22 Apparel

June 22nd, 994 DS

Rarity fusses over her latest creation as the door to the Carousel Boutique rings. She grimaces to herself; hopefully it isn't yet another customer needing an adjustment to one of their dresses! She is busy enough with everypony's last minute orders for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration and the last things she needs is some cantankerous mare who thinks their hat should be fitted sideways because they can't stand the feather in their face. Well, that's just how the style is this year, suck it up!

She smiles as she recognizes the footsteps heading towards her kitchen area. Hopefully Doug has brought some lunch with him; she is a little hungry, and she often forgets to eat when she gets into one of her inspirational moods. She continues working on the chapeau, putting the finishing touches before heading to the kitchen. She looks over the spread Doug has laid out, a nice mix of vegetables and bread from Sugarcube.

Sweetie Belle is sitting in her high chair with Doug sitting next to her. He is encouraging her as she struggles, concentrating on trying to using her telekinesis on one of the small carrots next to her. Rarity pauses in the doorway as Sweetie Belle focuses harder, leaning forward and staring at the carrot. She finally gives up and Doug rubs her back, "That was a good try Sweetie, very good try. Keep on practicing, you'll get it soon enough!"

Sweetie Belle smiles up at him before looking at the carrot. She tries focusing again but her concentration immediately gives out. She sighs, moving forward and grabbing the carrot in her mouth before moving back, chewing slowly. She perks up when she sees Rarity, a tiny piece of carrot flying from her mouth as she exclaims, "Mama!"

Rarity suppresses her shudder, glancing at the piece of carrot on the floor. "Dear, what have I said about talking with your mouth full?" The mare moves over, nuzzling Sweetie Belle before taking her place at the table.

Sweetie Belle chews the remainder of the carrot, swallowing it before saying, "I'm sorry Mama."

Rarity smiles at her foal, "It's all right, dearest, just try to remember in the future. How has your day been?"

Sweetie Belle grabs another carrot with her hoof, bringing it almost to her mouth before reconsidering. She says, "Fun! We-" before breaking into half language, half babble. Rarity starts eating her food, interjecting a "Oh, that's sounds like fun," or "Indeed!" at what sounds like opportune times.

Sweetie Belle quiets down and Doug asks Rarity, "So, what creation are you working on now?"

Rarity smiles, "Well, would you believe, Princess Cadance asked me to design and create a little something for one of her assistants to wear at the Summer Sun Celebration that they are holding in Manehatten! Oh, I've been so busy at the store it's been hard to make time to do the research, but I was able to get a good idea on what is in style."

Doug remarks, "Not something for Princess Cadance?"

Rarity shakes her head, "Oh no, neither Princess wears anything but their ceremonial peytral. I'm going with a fairly light design, a few sequins but very elaborate stitching and embroidery that incorporates Princess Cadance's crystal mark. Fairly demure and reserved, but close inspection will show the craftsmareship Princess Cadance deserves." Rarity hesitates before looking over at Doug, a slight quiver in her face, "You don't think she is giving me this just as mollification for not accepting her herd arrangement, do you?"

Doug gives Rarity an encouraging smile, saying, "How do you think the dress will turn out?"

An offended look crosses Rarity's face, "Why, the only reason my dress will not outshine every other dress there is because it isn't supposed to; it will keep attention focused on the Princesses, but the dress's craftmareship will still be excellent! Anypony who cares to talk with or look at the mare will notice what a masterpiece it is!"

Doug motions with his hand, "Well, there's your answer; it sounds like you'll do a fabulous job, and you deserve it."

Rarity finishes her meal as Sweetie Belle babbles away, giving Doug a quick peck on the cheek. She says, "Doug, darling, I am positively swamped with orders right now, you don't mind taking Sweetie Belle for the rest of the day, do you?"

Doug shrugs as Rarity beams him a smile, "That's fine, I think she'll enjoy playing with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo some more. I think she needs a change before I head out though."

Rarity's nose wrinkles as she notices the smell emanating from Sweetie Belle, saying, "Well, I'm sure you are able to handle that. Please dispose of it outside, you remember what happened last time." Rarity turns, smiling at Doug as she heads back to the main Boutique area.

Doug smirks as she leaves, recalling how Rarity had left the stinky diaper in the kitchen overnight. He quickly changes Sweetie Belle, the foal glad to be out of the used diaper. He quickly grabs her as she tries to escape towards the main area, holding her firmly with one arm while the other gathers the remains of their lunch. He packs up the leftovers into a napkin while the slightly used dishes are wiped clean and placed in the cabinets. Sweetie Belle watches intently as Doug wipes the table clean and grabs the napkin. He makes his way to the door before remembering; he turns, grabbing the dirty diaper, opening the door outside and tossing the diaper in one of the trash cans.

Doug sets Sweetie Belle down as the two exit the Boutique, taking one of the side exits. When the foal gets curious about the trash cans he whistles sharply. Sweetie Belle looks over and Doug snaps his fingers; Sweetie gives a slightly disgruntled look before making her way towards the cans. Doug moves over, picking up the recalcitrant foal and admonishes her, "Sweetie, when I whistle that means you have to come to me and do what I say." Sweetie babbles a little at him, moving her little hooves towards the trash cans. "Yes, those are trash cans. No, you don't want to play in them. They will get your precious coat all smelly, and we know how much you hate it when you get smelly."

Sweetie Belle settles down as he starts walking back towards Sweet Apple Acres, taking the road that gets him outside of Ponyville the quickest. It made his walk a little longer, but there are less ponies along it, and the view of the forest is beautiful this time of year. After a short distance Sweetie Belle starts lightly squirming; Doug looks at her, "You'll follow me closely, alright?" Sweetie Belle nods and Doug sets her down, the foal staying close to Doug's side. The two continue walking; Doug notices that several spots seem to catch Sweetie's attention, but she stays next to him.

A flutter of nearby wings startles Doug; he looks up, still not completely used to how pegasi like to approach from the skies. Rainbow Dash lands next to him, taking a look at the food he is holding in his hand and asking, "Hey, what'cha got there?"

Doug opens the napkin, offering the vegetables to Rainbow while saying to Sweetie Belle, "You've been doing very well, you can go play in the grass. Stay in sight." The foal happily scampers off, running around in the grass until she finds a rock the size of her hoof. Rainbow takes a bite of the vegetables, smiling at the taste before moving over and kissing her stallion. Doug looks around and, not seeing anypony else, returns a longer kiss.

Rainbow smirks as she breaks away, "You wouldn't have let anypony stop us from doing that. Or from doing this," Rainbow says as she tenderly moves a hoof down his chest.

Doug catches her hoof, a brief struggle ensuing as Rainbow continues to move her hoof down and Doug tries to stop her. When Doug goes to pick Rainbow up she throws her weight to the side, ending up on top of Doug with her hind hooves straddling his waist and her front hooves on his chest. Her wings splay out to her sides as she moves in for a kiss. Doug has both of Rainbow's front hooves held tightly in his hands and doesn't release them as he returns the kiss.

Rainbow snuggles into Doug's neck as he says, "Gotta watch it, Rainbow, she's just getting to the age where she might start to mimic this." Rainbow sighs loudly, ceasing her struggles and resting her head on Doug's chest. He releases her hooves and moves his arms around her barrel, hugging her before looking over to Sweetie Belle. The foal had been concentrating on lifting her rock but stopped when Doug and Rainbow began wrestling. She is looking at them with curious eyes, eventually starting to walk over to them.

Rainbow watches the foal with interest as Sweetie Belle moves over and inspects the two of them. She starts near Doug's arm, tracing the lines to where it joins his chest. She moves up, pushing her muzzle against his chest, her tongue circling his nipple before she tries latching on. Doug laughs softly, saying, "Sorry, those don't work." Sweetie Belle looks up at him, slightly miffed there isn't a treat there for her. She moves around, rubbing her side against Rainbow's hind leg before taking a tentative step over Doug's leg.

Rainbow slightly raises her body up as she knows what is coming next. Doug giggles as Sweetie Belle brushes against his leg, the foal squirming to get to Rainbow's belly. Rainbow giggles into Doug's mouth as she kisses him, the two then looking down to see Sweetie Belle latch on. Rainbow smirks, "Sorry, girl, those have been dry for a month now."

Doug says in a soft voice, "So, you thought about having another?"

Rainbow goes silent for a moment, not moving as Sweetie Belle continues suckling, trying the other side. She hesitantly says, "Doug? I... you know I love Scootaloo, right?" Doug nods; Rainbow sighs, "Well, I love you too and all, it's just... I have other plans, you know? I want to do well working as head weathermare, and I am, and I want to work towards getting back into shape, reapplying for the Wonderbolts, and I am. I just... it doesn't leave a lot of time for a foal, much less a second one. You know?"

Doug nuzzles Rainbow, saying, "Well, not every one of my mares needs to be a broodmare."

Rainbow smirks, "Ya, you've got Applejack for that, and Pinkie Pie, they've both got those wide foal-bearing hips." She nuzzles into Doug, "Maybe sometime in the future, if everything works out with Scootaloo."

A weight presses into Doug's stomach as Sweetie Belle settles into him. Doug moves an arm, brushing a lock of mane out of Rainbow's face before going for another kiss. "Well, don't leave me waiting too long, ya hear?"

Rainbow smiles down, looking at Sweetie Belle as she naps in the shade. She looks back up at Doug, whispering, "I'll never leave you."

Doug hugs Rainbow tightly as she snuggles into his chest. He feels her legs start relaxing, allowing her barrel to slowly sink into Sweetie Belle. The foal happily snuggles further into Doug, enjoying the embrace. Rainbow stiffens, moving up slightly and saying, "Hey, you don't mind watching Scootaloo the rest of the day, right? I took a night watch shift, so I won't be back till midnight." Doug groans before nodding, a relieved Rainbow lowering herself back on top of him.