• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,956 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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25 Running of the Leaves

October 30th, 994

The cool breeze that blows across Ponyville shakes a few of the brown leaves dotting the trees to the ground. Many, many more remain, still holding out hope that maybe winter won't be coming this year, and they will be able to bloom and grow again. Well, not them, but their sisters waiting patiently under the bark, waiting for spring to arrive. Maybe the ponies will skip winter this year, just go straight to the nice, warm, summer days and not bother with the dreaded snow and ice.

Applejack and Doug move along the apple trees, laughing as they speculate on what the trees are thinking. Granted, Applejack has a bit of a leg up in this regard, often sensing how the trees are feeling and which need special care and attention, but it's a fun game nonetheless. The Running of the Leaves would take place today, and hopefully the ponies won't mind if he joined in this year. She pushes her head against his hand, prompting him to scratch her ears as she says, "So, do humans change the leaves like earth ponies or like unicorns?"

Doug laughs to himself, "Neither, really. We don't control the planet's rotation like you do, so the season change is gradual, as less and less of the sun's light impacts that area of the planet. Then, after the winter solstice, the area will slowly warm up as more and more sun hits the ground."

Applejack tries to wrap her head around the concept before shaking her head, her brain beginning to hurt. "Ah'm having trouble imagining that. How does less light hit the planet? It move far away from the sun or something?"

Doug shakes his head, "No, the Earth's orbit around the sun is circular. Not exactly, but close enough to not really make a difference because of the change in distance."

Applejack sighs, "But, then, how does it change? You said you couldn't, like, move the sun higher or lower in the sky, right?"

Doug says, holding two fists apart from each other, "Actually, that's pretty close to what happens. You see, Earth is tilted relative to the sun, with its rotation, so as it moves around the sun the sun's position in the sky changes." He tilts one of his fists, moving it in a circle around the other fist, "Not really enough to notice from day to day, more like month to month."

Applejack nods in understanding, "Alright, Ah'll buy that." She glances over at the Everfree forest, barely visible through the apple trees. Many of the trees there have lost all their leaves; the long, bare branches continuing to reach towards the sky. "So, what do you think the Everfree trees are thinking?"

Doug ponders, moving a hand to his chin, "Hmm. Well, I'm probably not cold and hungry yet, but I'm feeling sleepy. I'm just going to work on getting my roots deeper and deeper, searching for food. Like little ponies, asleep in their wooden beds, the roots will slowly creep up and around, winding their ways through the open window until-"

Applejack hip checks him, "Hey, Ah said what they are thinking, not some creepy story that's gonna make me shut the window." She notices his grin, "And Ah'll do it, too, even if Ah like the windows open. You like the house too hot, it's easier on everypony if the temperature inside the house is close to what it is outside." Applejack glances down at her barrel, running one hoof along her side. "When ya change the temperature like that on us it messes with our coats too much."

Doug sighs, "Well, I guess I can ask Rarity about making some heavier pajamas. Might need a couple more heavy socks too, and gloves if I'm going to be writing in the cold." He moves his hand up to rub his chin again, "And I might need my mares to cuddle extra close with me."

Applejack smiles, moving closer to him and raising her head. Doug lowers his torso and grabs Applejack, barely able to lift the earth pony. She grunts as he stops walking, "Wow, you really have been packing on the muscle." She moves her head over, nuzzling him and saying, "Ah was gonna say, like you could stop us. Ah'm sure 'Shy especially won't mind. Or Pinkie Pie, but the bed gets a little crowded with all the toys she likes to bring."

Doug laughs as he sets her back down, "Yeah, I don't know what she thinks she's going to do with all those balloons, or the cake. Well, besides eating of course, but I know how much you dislike it when I spill."

Applejack grins, "Well, at least Pinkie cleans up after you. And the mare herself never lets a crumb drop." She looks over at the apple trees, the pair nearing the end of Sweet Apple Acres. The starting line can be seen, many ponies gathering and stretching their legs. Applejack moves over to the registration area, Doug following behind. She smiles; the stallion running the desk is a frequent customer, and should be easy to persuade. She walks up, nodding at him and saying, "Morning, Time Turner! Ah was hoping to get a number for me and my stallion here," as she motions her head back towards Doug.

Time Turner smiles at Applejack, pulling out number eight before glancing up at Doug. A nervous smile comes over his face as he moves his hoof over to the pile of unmarked signs. He looks around uncertainly before swallowing, grabbing a marker and an unmarked sign. He smiles up at Doug, "What number would you like?"

Doug says, "Seventy-three."

Time Turner winks, "Nice choice."

Doug shrugs, "Well, I figured you'd run out of space if I said one zero zero one zero zero one."

Time Turner laughs, hoofing the sign over. Applejack picks the sign up and slaps it on Doug's back before Time Turner slides another sign over. Doug picks this one up, pressing the paper against his chest. He shudders at the pull of the adhesive, hoping it doesn't stick too much when he needs to take it off. However, the paper seems to mold itself against him, and he barely even notices it as he begins warming up.

After a few stretches Doug heads to the refreshment table, greeting Pinkie as the mare restocks the drinks. He grabs a bottle of water, saying, "Thanks for helping run this, Pinkie."

Pinkie nods, "Oh, no problem at all! Did you want some cake? Or a cupcake? Or a funnel cake?"

Doug considers, looking over the arrayed cakes and other sweets. He says, "I was hoping for something-"

Pinkie pulls out a bag, hoofing it over and saying, "Here ya go!"

Doug pulls a cupcake out of the bag. Knowing better than to question the mare Doug takes a bite. Once he gets past the crunchy frosting outside he is met with a mass of honey, caramel, and nuts. It makes a gooey mess in his hands so he quickly takes another bite and licks his fingers.

A whistle blows and Mayor Mare walks up, "Welcome, Everypony, to this years Running of the Leaves! As you all know, the Running of the Leaves helps transition Ponyville and the surrounding forests from Autumn into Winter! So, let's get a big cheer for this year's competitors, challengers, and participants as they help Fall away!" A cheer raises from the assembled crowd as the runners move to the starting line. Applejack and Doug walk together until a mare stops in front of the two, bringing them to a halt.

Spoiled Rich turns, smirking at Doug as Applejack asks, "What in the hay do you think you are doing? We nearly bowled you over!"

Spoiled Rich quietly laughs, "Oh, trust me, Applejack, you would have fallen over yourself to keep that from happening. I was just giving you a friendly reminder that the race is for ponies. Doug, I'm afraid, does not qualify and won't be running with the rest of us."

Doug looks to Applejack, "It's okay, Applejack, I have an idea. I'll still run with you."

Spoiled Rich turns, glaring at Doug, "I didn't speak to you."

Doug shrugs, "And I didn't speak to you," as anger flashes across Applejack's face. She bites her tongue, closing her eyes and trying to keep her cool. Doug's hand working its way through her mane definitely helps as she feels the rage fade away, and she opens her eyes to see Spoiled Rich walking towards the start of the race.

Applejack looks up at Doug, "Ah'm not leaving you at the starting line." The two move to the back of the group, the rest of the runners looking ready to get started. Doug smiles at her, his reply lost as Mayor Mare blows her whistle.

The mass of ponies start galloping forward, each trying to get an early lead as they jostle for position. Spoiled Rich hangs back, looking at the cloud of dust at the starting line. Doug is no where to be seen, and she does a quick scan forward and to the sides. She smiles to herself; the tall biped is not visible anywhere, though she was sure she saw him lining up at the start of the race. No matter.

A few ponies watching the race at the refreshment table start asking, "So, who's going to win it this year?", "Can you tell which pony is in the lead?", "I bet it's Applejack! She always places really well!", "No, she isn't racing this year, didn't you hear Spoiled Rich?"

Pinkie Pie stands up on the snack table, trying to spot which pony is in the lead as the pack gallops away. She smirks as a pony walks up to her, asking, "Pinkie, can you see who is in the lead?"

Pinkie nods, "Yup! Amethyst Star is in the lead, followed closely by Cloud Kicker! Amazing job by Cloud Kicker, but I don't think the pegasus has the stamina to keep up that pace!"

Berry Punch asks, "Where is Applejack? I got a cask saying that she comes in first this year! Don't tell me she isn't racing!"

Pinkie Pie looks at the mass of ponies fading from view. She shakes her head, "No, she's racing," as she starts piling tables on top of each other. She pulls out a pair of binoculars and takes a perch at the top of her improvised watchtower.

Berry Punch growls, "Well, where is she? Don't tell me that human is holding her back!"

Pinkie Pie shakes her head, "Oh, he's not holding her back." Pinkie turns, pointing her hoof in the opposite direction. "They're just going backwards!"

The collected mares turn, gasping as they see Applejack and Doug running the race but going the opposite direction of everypony else. Berry Punch whispers to Mayor Mare, "Is that legal? Is she still racing?"

Mayor Mare looks up at the sky while Pinkie Pie pulls out a large rulebook. She opens it up to a page at random, poring over the contents. "Hmm..." she says, running her hoof over the relevant section, "Well, Doug isn't technically allowed to place in the race, but as long as he doesn't interfere he's fine. It also doesn't specify that the competitors HAVE to run the race in a certain direction, as long as they don't leave the track." Berry Punch gets an excited look in her eye as the crowd watches the two as they disappear behind rows of trees.

Applejack lets loose a loud laugh as they turn the corner, heavy hooffalls echoing among the trees. Doug glances behind at the starting line as it recedes into the distance, a large number of leaves beginning to cover the track behind them. He turns back forward and joins Applejack, his deep bellow knocking loose even more leaves. Applejack looks up at him, "That was some mighty quick thinkin' there, partner."

She goes to nuzzle him, or at least rub shoulders while they run, but Doug backs off a little. Applejack frowns as Doug says, "Hey, careful, no touching. Pinkie Pie was very specific about that, she said as long as I don't interfere I can still run. And touching counts as interference."

Applejack turns her head, looking at him with a sulky pout. Doug waves a finger back and forth before turning to the clear path ahead. Applejack grins, turning as well and gauging herself. The pace they are going at is good, but she can increase her speed a little more. She turns her head slightly, still grinning, as she pushes herself a little faster. To her chagrin Doug smiles back, increasing his speed as well. The two keep at the running pace, Doug's hard breathing in time with their hooffalls.

As they reach the halfway point the sounds of other ponies running begins to drown out their own noise. Doug slows down slightly, allowing Applejack to get ahead of him as they both move to the far right side of the trail. Applejack glances backwards, making sure Doug is still following her as the first ponies come into view. Daisy and Juicy Fruit are neck and neck in the lead, though Juicy Fruit looks considerably more winded. Following closely behind is Amethyst Star, the unicorn keeping the two earth ponies in check. None of them look to the side, focusing instead on the trail ahead and making sure their competition stays in sight.

Behind the leaders and their trail of dust is the rest of the pack, a three pony wide line. Not many of the ponies are watching the sidelines or glancing around at the sights, instead focusing on keeping themselves moving and not bowing out and becoming one of the dreaded 'participants'. Doug smirks as he sees Spoiled Rich in the middle of the pack, the pink pony noticing him out the corner of her eye. She does a double take but they have already passed, the mare unable to turn her head and catch a second glimpse as the storm of dust overtakes Applejack and Doug.

The two slow down, coughing a bit from the dust as the remainder of the contestants run pass. Applejack speeds up as she exits the dust cloud, looking back again to see Doug coughing but increasing his speed as well. She smiles as she looks forward, spotting the first of the 'participants'. These were the ponies who wouldn't be able to keep up a gallop the entire distance, so instead go at a slower pace, admiring the sights and sounds of autumn changing into winter. They are also tasked with making sure that all of the leaves fall from the trees, and might have to do heavy hoofsteps or an extra run by in order to get all of the leaves down.

Carrot Top waves at Applejack, the lead of the participants showing surprise at seeing her here. "Applejack, you know you are going the wrong way, right?" Applejack merely nods as she keeps her fast pace up, Doug waving at Carrot Top as they pass. Many of the other participants acknowledge the pair as they run by, Applejack responding with a quick, "Howdy," or a head nod.

There are a lot more leaves on the ground now, obscuring rocks and various tree stumps that jut out of the path. Doug almost wishes he brought his boots for this when he comes down on one rock particularly hard, but keeps going after a quick check to make sure the bleeding isn't too bad. Applejack turns, giving him a quick glance as he smiles back at her, motioning forward with his arms.

"Alright, home stretch!" Applejack announces as the starting line comes into view. Most of the ponies are watching the other direction, but Doug spots Pinkie Pie at the top of a precarious pile of tables, bouncing up and down while waving at them. Doug waves back before slowing down, focusing on his breathing and keeping up the jogging pace until the end. He can feel his legs protesting; it is about three times the distance of his normal 'twice around the farm' morning runs and his second wind is long gone.

Applejack sees the finish line and increases her pace, knowing she has more left in the tank. She quickly pulls away from her stallion, her hooves shifting to a gallop as a loud, "YeeHaaww!" escapes her lips. Many of the ponies gathered ahead turn, confusion on their faces as Applejack crosses the finish line. She turns around several times, doing a happy dance as Doug staggers across the finish line after her.

The two embrace, though when Applejack tries to get Doug to pick her up again he falters, coming down hard on his backside. He groans and Applejack takes the opportunity to move on top of him. She moves her head down, giving him a quick nuzzle as he massages his legs. She stands, taking her hat off her head and saying, "Ya earned that one, partner," and dropping the hat onto his head. Doug takes the opportunity to lay down, covering his face with her hat.

Applejack moves over to the tower of tables as Pinkie announces, "Here comes the front runners! It's Ditzy Doo by a nose! Now it's Derpy Doo by a nose! Now it's Muffins by a nose!"

Mayor Mare shouts, "Pinkie Pie, that's the same pony!"

Pinkie Pie grins, "Oh, ya, I guess it is!" as Bubbly Mare crosses the finish line. She gives a quick cheer before one eye looks at the silver medal being placed around her neck.

Party Filly raises a hoof as she looks over the crowd, "Um, I know I have trouble seeing, but who was in front of me?"

Applejack moves over, giving Derpy a quick hug, "That'd be me; Doug and Ah ran the track backwards. We just barely beat ya, it was a good race!"

Derpy Hooves smiles back at Applejack, "Oh, well, I don't mind losing to you, Applejack! Good race!" She looks over at Doug, who is getting up and placing Applejack's hat back on her head, "Did Doug beat me too?" Applejack adjusts the hat on her head, giving a slow nod. The wall-eyed pegasus looks at the medal around her neck, "Then he should have this instead of me."

Doug shakes his head, "No, you earned it, I was just happy to come along for the ride." He holds out a fist and the gray mare smiles, missing his hand with her first attempt at a hoof bump but landing the second. She moves over to the refreshment table as the rest of the competitors cross the finish line, many dropping down to the ground exhausted.

Doug glances over to Applejack, "Hey, I was going to try to get out here before-"

Spoiled Rich exclaims, "You!" as she crosses the finish line. She walks up to Doug, holding a hoof at him accusingly, "I thought I told you not to run with any other ponies!"

Doug shakes his head, "No, you said I couldn't run with the 'rest of us'. I only ran with Applejack."

Spoiled Rich fumes as Applejack says, "Mrs. Rich, are you sure you want to start that argument?" Spoiled Rich stares at Applejack before turning her head up and walking away from the gathered ponies, returning to Ponyville. Applejack looks over at Doug, trying to bring back the excitement that was lost from her voice as she says, "Let's not let that mare bother us. You still want to head back?"

Doug shrugs, a smile on his face, "Nah, I can hang out here for a little." He moves over to Pinkie Pie, who has rearranged the tables to their normal configuration, all on the ground. "Pinkie Pie, that was some solid commentary you did. You thought about announcing this regularly?"

Pinkie Pie puts a hoof to her chin, sticking her tongue out as she looks up. "Nope!" she says, "But that sounds like fun! And I love fun!" Doug laughs as she pulls out another cupcake from her mane, the mare happily devouring the confection while he ruffles her mane.