• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,956 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

  • ...

7 Ultimatum

Spoiled Rich steps from side to side, peering closely at Doug and Rarity. Doug is carrying Rarity on his shoulders, the exertion plain on his face, but otherwise seems to be barely winded. Rarity is breathing heavily, the look of terror replaced by one of determination. Her horn is lit up - a soft haze of magic pervading the nearby air. Spoiled Rich's gaze shifts to Rainbow; the pegasus is glaring around at any pony who dares get close. She looks ready to spring forth if any of the other Ponyvillians continue circling around the herd. Applejack looks just as resolute and is guarding the other half of the crowd from approaching, looking slightly out of breath. Behind the four sits Fluttershy, the pegasus holding Sweetie Belle in her hooves as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom make their way towards her. She quickly takes them under her wing, consoling the three frightened foals.

Spoiled Rich's face briefly softens as she watches the foals before she looks back at Doug, the glare returning. The human stares back, a defiant look in his eyes. She takes a step forward, smirking as Rainbow crouches down. Spoiled Rich says, "Look. I know we all want to avoid any further... conflict here, so I'll make this very simple. Doug never steps foot in Ponyville again. His foals will be... tolerated, pending further review as to if they are, in fact, ponies. You see, we can't have other creatures getting the wrong idea of who they can be with. An idea like that would start here and spread all over Equestria! No, we can't let that happen."

Rainbow looks ready to erupt before Doug cuts in, "Unacceptable. One of my mares lives in Ponyville, and I will not be denied the ability to visit her at her house."

Spoiled Rich laughs, looking back at the gathered Ponyvillians, "Hah! Listen to him, he thinks he owns his mares!"

Rarity interjects in a loud voice, still breathing heavily, "I belong to him just as much as he belongs to me, and I regret you do not care for your stallion the same way!"

Spoiled Rich takes a menacing step forwards. She reconsiders as Applejack and Rainbow both align towards her and Rarity's horn flares. She pauses, then looks at Doug. "You are so predictable. It's a good thing I already considered this objection." She pauses, walking back and forth a few steps, her gaze never wavering from Doug. "You walk only to and from the Carousel Boutique. You do not talk to any other pony unless spoken to, and you do not attempt to purchase from or interact with any pony without specific permission."

Applejack moves forward a step and states, "And if we refuse?"

Spoiled Rich laughs, a high piercing tone echoing among the buildings. "Oh Applejack, we aren't giving you a choice. We're simply letting you know what the new situation will be. If you don't find it acceptable, well, then you can share in his treatment."

A shiver goes down Applejack's spine as she considers. The Rich family is their primary business partner, responsible for many of the contracts that then ship Sweet Apple Acres apples and apple products all over Equestria. Losing their business would quickly doom their farm, even if they were able to instantly form new contracts. The Rich patriarch, Stinkin' Rich, had cut them a very lucrative deal back when Zap Apples were discovered, and he helped and still helps export them around the nation. It would also destroy Rarity's business, even if they let her into town purely to move everything out of her shop and home.

Applejack hangs her head in defeat, giving a loud sigh, "Very well."

Rainbow exclaims, "What? Come on, Applejack, we can't let them do this to Doug!"

Applejack looks over to Rainbow, "What choice do we have, Rainbow? Even if we, what, fought them off here? It ain't gonna change nothing, and it'll just make it harder for all of us in the future. Ah don't like it, not one bit, but arguing here ain't gonna help." A glare silences Rainbow's further objections, though her face shows that this conversation is not over.

Doug slowly lowers Rarity to her hooves. The light around her horn winks out, the dust and small, sharp rocks falling to the ground. She shakily stands as the two of them back away from the crowd. Spoiled Rich smiles, slowly walking forward before a disturbance can be heard getting closer, coming from Ponyville. Many of the assembled ponies look nervously around until a single mare parts the crowd.

A slightly tattered Pinkie Pie gives a happy cry upon seeing Doug, leaping into his arms. Her momentum knocks him over as she exclaims, "Oh, Doug, I was so worried about you! I was afraid of what that meany pants was going to do to you and I just knew that I would have to change everypony's opinion of you, so I started in with a song, but that didn't go over well so I tried a -different- song, and that one might have gone even worse, but then I lost where you had run off to, so I had to find you, and I'm the best at playing hide and go seek so you really didn't stand much of a chance, and now that I found you I just wanted to tell you that I'm really really really sorry about how this all turned out and if you can please forgive me because I want to be with you and I hope that you are okay with everypony knowing that." She gives him a big smile, continuing to stand over him.

Spoiled Rich moves over, her eyes brimming with anger, "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing? Get away from him, if you don't want to share in his fate!"

Pinkie Pie sticks her tongue out at Spoiled Rich, "Phooey on you, meany meany pants! You don't get to tell ponies who they can or can't be with!"

A scowl crosses Spoiled Rich's face, "Be that as it may, I am deeply unhappy with you, Pinkie Pie, and you'll have to live knowing that YOU are the reason why." The mare turns away, walking back into town and the rest of the Ponyvillians follow suit. More than a few give Pinkie Pie glares, though it is hard to tell if they are directed at her or at Doug.

A horrified look comes over Pinkie Pie's face as she tries to reconcile making another pony unhappy and sticking up for the human she cares about. She slowly gets to her hooves as Doug stands up, following him and the other members of herd Apple as they make their way back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Granny Smith is on the porch, watching as the dejected herd makes their way to the front door. The rest of the herd make their way inside as Granny Smith looks Applejack in the eye, a rapid-fire series of questions coming forth.

"Meeting at the town?"


"Started off well?"


"Asked questions about the foals?


"Still went well?"


"Asked questions about Doug?"


"Didn't like the answers?"


Granny Smith cocks an eye, "What's that?"

"They didn't like the answers."

Granny Smith nods, "Chased out of town?"


"Tried to stand up for him?"


"Ruined the farm and our reputation standing up for him?"

Applejack hangs her head, "No, Granny, Ah couldn't do it. Ah was too worried about what would happen to all of us if Ah did."

Granny Smith sighs, "Well, Ah suppose that can't be helped. How bad is it out there?"

Applejack sighs, "Well, they don't want Doug coming into town unless it's to see Rarity. Aside from that, Ah don't think there will be much change, until Spoiled Rich decides that isn't enough and pushes even harder."

Granny Smith cocks an eyebrow, "That Spoiled Rich mare, that Filthy Rich's lead mare? Stinkin's grandcolt?"

Applejack nods, "Eeyup, that's the one. Ah sure didn't expect it from her, but Ah never really got to know the mare too well."

Granny Smith motions to the door, "Well, go get yourself something to eat. Ain't that what Doug says, 'We'll figure something out'?"

Applejack smiles, "Eeyup, he always does." Granny Smith grows quiet, looking off into the distance. Applejack gives her a respectful nod before heading into the house. As she walks inside she spots Rainbow waiting for her, the rest of the herd having moved into the dining room.

Rainbow moves up, anger plain on her face, "Applejack, this isn't right! I held my tongue out there, but we can't just give in to that whorse!"

Applejack sighs, "Rainbow, first, don't go making accusations you can't back up. Second, Ah'm tired, you're tired, and Ah don't want to have this discussion, not now."

Rainbow scoffs, "Fine, I'm sorry I called that no good mare a whorse. But, Applejack, this problem isn't going to go away if we ignore it! She's just going to get worse and you know it!"

Applejack replies in a flat voice, "Rainbow, Ah know. Ah just want to get some food, some reassurance from my stallion that he still loves me, and some sleep. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

Rainbow folds her forelegs in front of her body, taking to the air. "Fine. What time tomorrow?"

"After lunch good enough for ya?"

Rainbow blows her mane out of her eyes, "Sure, whatever. I'm going outside, do a few laps with Doug, blow off some of this steam. You wanna come with?"

Applejack gives Rainbow a tired smile, "No, thanks for the offer though. Now, don't tire him out too bad, ya hear? Ah still want to get some use out of him tonight," throwing a wink at her junior.

Rainbow winks back, "Ya, I'll make sure he still has one shot left in him." She looks towards the kitchen before saying, "Well, okay, maybe two or three. It has been a long day, huh?"

Applejack nods, nuzzling Rainbow as she walks towards the kitchen, thinking about what they have to put on the hay to make it a little more palatable.

Meanwhile, Doug opens the door for his mares, waiting until the last one has made their way inside with the foals before shutting the door behind him. He gives a tired sigh as he strips off his coat and gloves, hanging them up next to the door. He sits down, undoing the laces on his boots before setting them down with a heavy thud. He gets up, his stoic expression turning to anger as he makes his way to his office.

Rainbow Dash continues to stand by the door, grunting towards her junior. Fluttershy looks up and Rainbow gives a single head shake towards Doug as he walks out of the room. Fluttershy nuzzles Apple Bloom as Rarity makes her way into the kitchen with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The foal then heads to the kitchen while Fluttershy follows Doug into the office, closing but not shutting the door behind her.

Doug is on the floor doing push-ups; his eyes are closed as his mouth counts silently. Fluttershy moves close to him, tentatively lifting a hoof towards his back before setting it back down. She hesitates again as he lets out "Sixty," with a loud grunt. He rolls over onto his back and Fluttershy lays down on her barrel as he shifts, moving so his feet are underneath her. He begins doing sit-ups, not bothering to count this time.

After a minute he asks in a raspy voice, "Fluttershy, where did I go wrong?"

Fluttershy is momentarily startled, having been mesmerized by his bare chest moving up and down. She shakes her head, saying in a low voice, "Well, um, saying you ate ponies might not have been the best call."

Doug shakes his head, "No, it was something before that. Not that you are wrong, maybe I should have said that better. But this was way too planned, too choreographed for that to have been the only thing."

Fluttershy's eyes continue to track his shoulders as she says, "Well, I, um, I don't know. You always seemed nice to me."

Doug raises an eyebrow as he pauses, "Nice?"

Fluttershy nods, "Nice."

Doug sighs, lowering himself to the ground. He pulls his feet out from underneath Fluttershy and rotates around so his head is by her barrel as he says, "Stand."

Fluttershy does as she is commanded, looking oddly at him, "Um, okay."

Doug smiles at Fluttershy as he slides his body underneath hers, lining up his shoulders with her hooves, "Let me know if this feels too weird or hurts, I wanted to try this for a while now."

Fluttershy smiles, "Okay. I trust you," as Doug places one hand between her hind legs and his other hand between her front legs.

Outside the office, Rainbow Dash finishes nuzzling Applejack before moving towards the office. The door isn't quite closed, so she can make out the sounds of Doug's heavy grunting and Fluttershy's occasional whimper. She smiles to herself; she and the pegasus are practically sisters, and Fluttershy wouldn't mind the interruption or Rainbow watching. She slowly pushes the door open, smiling as she takes in the view. Doug is laying on the ground, Fluttershy held aloft in his hands as he does bench presses with her. She turns her head, looking at Rainbow and smiling, saying, "Oh, Rainbow, do you want a turn?"

Doug pants, "Maybe another time, I don't know if I can go for another twenty with Rainbow."

Rainbow moves over, nuzzling Doug as he releases Fluttershy, "Well, I was hoping we could go for a run, if you haven't tired yourself out too badly already."

Doug nods, getting up and ruffling Rainbow's mane, "Sure, I'd like that. Thanks Fluttershy, you were a big help."

Fluttershy gives Doug a big smile, "I'm happy to be there for you."