• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,957 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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10 Winter Wrap Up

February 15th, 994

Doug shivers as he wakes up despite being sandwiched between two mares. He sighs as he snuggles closer to Applejack, glad that the weather will be warm again soon enough. He smiles as Applejack stirs, rolling over so her back presses against his chest. He gives her another squeeze as she sighs into her pillow and settles down again.

Doug tenses when a hoof lightly pushes against his back; he looks over to see Rainbow staring into his eyes, a smile on her face. He rolls over, greeting his mare with a kiss as she moves closer to him. She slowly moves on top of him as he slides underneath her, not breaking their kiss. Eventually Rainbow pulls back, bending down to kiss his neck. Doug slides his legs off the side of the bed and Rainbow gives a short squeal as he stands, lifting her off the bed.

He picks Rainbow up, carrying her on his shoulder towards the bathroom. Rainbow smiles initially but frowns, tapping backwards with her hoof, saying, "Hey. Hey."

Doug looks back, "What?"

Rainbow pouts, "I can't kiss you from here. Back?"

Doug sighs before pushing Rainbow further back. She raises her forelegs to grab his other shoulder and swings her chest against his back. He keeps pushing as Rainbow reorients herself so she is flush on his back. He pushes the last of Rainbow's flank off his shoulder and she swings around, Doug grunting as she hooks her back legs around his waist. She moves one of her forelegs around to his other shoulder as she leans forwards, kissing the side of his head.

Doug takes two steps, making it to the bathroom and going to shrug Rainbow off. She resists, gripping tighter around his waist. Doug sighs again, moving into the bathroom. He quickly shaves, splashing water as Rainbow moves to kiss his roughly shorn face. He squirms, trying to dodge her questing mouth as he makes his way out of the bathroom.

Applejack opens one eye, watching the two as they leave the bedroom. She sighs, giving up on going back to sleep and makes her way out of bed towards the recently vacated bathroom. Once she finishes she heads to the kitchen and begins breakfast for the five adults.

Several minutes later the front door opens, Doug doffing his coat and Rainbow her scarf. Doug says as he walks in the dining room, "I don't know about you all, but I can't wait until Winter Wrap Up is done and over with." He sits down at the table as Applejack brings him a plate of toast and apple butter.

Doug digs in as Applejack places a plate of hay and potatoes in front of Rainbow. The pegasus frowns, taking a bite of her hay before snatching a piece of Doug's toast. Doug sighs loudly, slowly pushing his plate away from Rainbow. The plate scrapes against the table, Applejack rolling her eyes. Rainbow pouts, looking at Doug with a frown on her face. Doug ignores her, finishing his toast and leaving the room.

Rainbow scowls, "Ugh, AJ, I'm tired of hay! When are we getting more apples?"

Applejack frowns, "Rainbow, you know as well as Ah do that we ain't getting more apples for two more days, and that's if Ah work on a few select trees. Now quiet and eat your hay or Ah'm treating you like Apple Bloom."

Rainbow pushes her hay around her plate, poking around before giving a loud, exasperated sigh. She slowly picks up a single piece of hay, staring at it before making a sour face and closing her eyes. She inserts about an inch of the piece into her mouth, closing her teeth and biting off the end. She slowly chews, grimacing and swallowing.

Applejack shrugs, moving over to Rainbow's plate. Her head dips down towards the plate and she opens her mouth wide, her tongue creeping out of her mouth. Rainbow notices too late as Applejack scoops the entirety of the hay into her mouth, her grin widening as she pulls back. She slowly chews, unable to keep a few pieces of hay in her mouth while trying to stifle her laugh.

Rainbow throws her hooves up to the ceiling, a loud, "Uggghhhhh," escaping her lips. "When can we go back to the good stuff?"

Applejack swallows and sighs, "It won't be until a week, probably two before we can get more than dry hay for most meals. Ah ain't happy about it either, but you knew there would be cutbacks."

Rainbow frowns as Doug returns, having checked on Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Doug asks, "Alright, who's ready for Winter Wrap Up?"

He holds up two vests; he passes the blue vest to Rainbow and the green one to Applejack. The two mares pull the vests on, buttoning up the front. As the mares finish Doug holds up two scarves. Each mare shakes their head, Applejack saying, "Nah, we'll be working too hard for those. At least, once we get working." She looks over to Rainbow, questioning, "Although... do you think we'll get started on time? Might not be a bad idea to have them if ya don't think so."

Doug gives the scarves a shake, smiling and holding them up next to his head. Rainbow puts a hoof to her chin, saying, "Well, I'll be fine. I'll be flying most of the time anyway. You'll probably want the scarf though."

Applejack retorts, "Well, don't come crying to me when it takes us two hours of standing around before any work gets started." She moves over to Doug, giving him a quick kiss as he drops to a knee and wraps the scarf around her neck. She looks over at Rainbow, "Ah sure wouldn't want to be the mare shivering out there while Cloud Kicker and Shoeshine fight over what gets done first."

Rainbow sighs, grabbing the scarf in Doug's hands. She tugs it and he smirks, tugging back hard. Surprise comes over Rainbow's face as she overbalances, her muzzle crashing into Doug, knocking both of them to the floor. Doug winces a little at the contact but quickly smiles, wrapping Rainbow in a hug. Rainbow continues tugging at the scarf and Doug eventually relents, wrapping the scarf around Rainbow's neck. They share a kiss before Rainbow gets up and moves to the door.

Applejack gives Doug a quick nuzzle, saying, "You keep those foals safe, ya hear? We'll be back in a few hours to check up on them and have lunch." She smiles, following Rainbow out the door. The two pass Rarity, the unicorn wearing a tan animal jacket. She moves into the house, looking for Doug. She smiles when she sees him, pulling Sweetie Belle off her back and levitating her to Doug's waiting arms. Rarity gives her stallion a quick peck on the cheek before turning and following Applejack and Rainbow back to Ponyville.

Big Mac leaves the house shortly after, leaving Doug alone with the foals. Sweetie Belle looks up at him before absentmindedly brushing a speck of dirt off her coat. Doug carries her to the foal's room; Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are both awake, waiting in their crib. They move to the edge of the rail, excitedly chattering away. Doug exclaims, "Who's ready to play with their sisters?" as he hoists Apple Bloom, then Scootaloo from their crib.

Doug manages to carry the squirming bundle to the dining room, dumping the trio out onto the floor. They sit up, inspecting their siblings before sitting and staring at Doug. He sighs to himself; this is the first time he is alone with all three of the foals. While he knows what he needs to do to take care of them, he is unsure of what to do in order to keep them entertained. He is amazed at how quickly they are progressing - much quicker than human children, by a long shot. He couldn't understand them but they did a pretty good job understanding him, even if they didn't always comply.

He pokes Scootaloo in the muzzle, saying, "Boop." The foal's eyes cross, staring at her muzzle as her sisters giggle. She starts giggling as well, lifting her hoof and poking Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle's eyes cross, staring at the spot she was poked. Her eyes start to tear up, her breath catching in her throat as she starts sniffling. Doug hesitates; should he comfort Sweetie Belle, try to get her to stop crying? Or should he wait, let her tough it out and realize that she can get past it?

Fortunately for Doug, his hesitation pays off as Sweetie Belle calms down. She giggles, turning to Apple Bloom and poking her in the eye. Apple Bloom immediately bursts into tears as Sweetie Belle, realizing her mistake, bursts into tears as well. Doug sighs; not even two minutes in and already one of the foals is injured. Well, at least the foals are resilient; Apple Bloom is already recovering, quieting down and looking to him for reassurance.

"It's okay," he coos, "It's okay. Sweetie Belle didn't mean to poke you in the eye." He looks over to Sweetie Belle, the unicorn merely increasing in volume. He picks the foal up, softly petting her mane, saying, "Sweetie, it's okay. Apple Bloom isn't hurt, you didn't hurt her. It's okay."

The foal slowly settles down, looking up at him with her large, tear streaked eyes. He continues petting her as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo look on with interest. They quickly grow bored, and Scootaloo pokes Apple Bloom in the muzzle. Apple Bloom giggles, looking back at Sweetie Belle as she pokes Scootaloo back. Scootaloo giggles, also looking back at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle giggles as well, pushing Doug's arm away and moving towards her sisters. She tentatively lifts a hoof, shakily moving it towards Apple Bloom. The earth pony smiles as Sweetie Belle's hoof gets closer, pushing her muzzle into the hoof. They both giggle but are quickly taken aback when Scootaloo manages to boop them both at the same time. The trio quickly start playfully wrestling with each other as Doug smiles, sitting back.

Several hours later, Doug has relocated to his office. The foals are on the ground staring at him, hungry and exhausted from their play. Doug is working on upcoming weather schedules, trying to ignore their sad eyes. Every time he glances over they manage to look even more sorrowful. He sighs, "I'm sorry, I don't have any food. If I did, I would give it to you." Their eyes grow larger and mournful, and Doug can see a tear starting to form in the corner of Sweetie Belle's eye. He sighs as she gives a small, pathetic sniffle.

The front door opens, three mare's voices calling out, "We're home!" The foals hurry to their hooves, attempting to untangle themselves while simultaneously scampering to the door. Doug follows the trio out of the room, his three mares standing in the doorway. Each foal charges their dam, the mares meeting them with a nuzzle.

Applejack asks, "Do ya have anything prepared? We're a mite peckish over here."

Doug responds, "Yup; did you want to eat here or in the dining room?"

Rainbow grumpily says, "Here's fine, I don't think anypony wants to move just yet," as Scootaloo darts underneath her.

Doug exits the room, quickly returning with a large spread of hay, vegetables, and dried fruit. He places a plate of bread with apple butter and glasses of apple juice next to them, making an impromptu table out of a chair.

Rainbow gives a sidelong look at the apple juice, "What, are we out of cider?"

Doug shakes his head, "Technically no, but Pinkie asked to save the rest for her upcoming artypay."

Rainbow cocks an eyebrow, "What's an artypay?"

Applejack responds, "Ah think he means party."

Doug shakes his head and waves his arms from side to side as Pinkie Pie bursts from the front door, yelling, "Did somepony say PARTY?"

Doug facepalms as Applejack apologizes, "Ah'm sorry, Pinkie, false alarm."

Doug says with a straight face, "Well, it's party my fault, as I tried to disguise my use of the word party and Applejack ended up saying party instead."

Pinkie Pie gives him a deadpan stare, "You know I'm inviting another pony every time you say it, right?" Doug pinches his thumb and forefinger together, drawing a line between his lips. He then motions to the food spread on the table. Pinkie smiles but says, "Sorry, I gotta get back to work. Thanks though!" She pronks out the room, still wearing her ice skates.

Doug looks over, the three mares chowing down on their food. Rarity adjusts Rainbow's scarf to keep it from falling onto her plate while Doug asks, "So, hows Wrap Up going?"

Rainbow makes a face, some hay poking out of the corners of her mouth. "Slow. Just like last year."

Rarity sighs, "Well, I've finished my quota on nests. I'll probably help set up some of the decorations."

Applejack shakes her head, "No, it's too early for that. They'll just get ruined when the snow needs to get shoveled off the roofs. Speaking of which, why hasn't the snow been shoveled off the roofs? We almost got all the streets plowed!"

Rainbow shrugs, "Hey, I'm not weather lead. I've been hard at work clearing the skies." Rainbow looks over, "Hey Doug, think you could take over next year? Can't be worse than this."

Doug makes a face, "Ya, let me tell you exactly how that would go over." He lift his arm, holding his hand in the air. He wobbles it back and forth, making sputtering noises out of his mouth before banging his hand onto the chair.

Rainbow looks at him funny, "What was that? Was that supposed to be a pegasus? Because I don't think that's how flying works. Or the kinds of noises we make."

Applejack smirks, "Ah think it was supposed to be Granny Smith; just before she takes a nap she likes to make sure her gums are nice and wet, so she makes that slobbering sound."

Doug gives a loud sigh before gathering the empty bowls, plates, and glasses and returning them to the sink. He quickly rinses out the glasses, placing them on the drying rack and returning to the front door. Rarity is holding the door open while the foals make a small pile, laying on top of each other and taking a nap. Doug gives each mare an ear scratch as they leave the house, back to their duties.

Doug sighs contentedly to himself as he gathers the foals, placing them in their bed. He mumbles to himself, "Well, I'm glad you three are happy. Back to work!" He smiles, tucking the trio in and returning to the kitchen. He makes himself a sandwich and a plate of vegetables before returning to his office. He pulls up his various charts and notes for Fillydelphia and finishes his outline for the month of April.

Some time later the foals wake up, watching Doug as he works on the schedule. Apple Bloom's belly growls and the foal lets out a soft whimper. Doug looks over as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's stomachs join in, each giving him a silent pleading look. He sighs, moving out of his chair onto the floor next to them. "Let's find something to take your mind off your tummies, okay?"

Doug stands up, moving out of his office. The foals each get up, scampering after him, quiet whines coming from them. Doug checks outside; upon not seeing any of his mares he moves to the kitchen, checking to see if any foal-friendly food is inside. He grabs a jug of apple juice and a cup, bringing both to the front entrance. He sits down and the foals gather around, expectantly looking up at him. He pours a glass, holding it up for Apple Bloom. The foal holds her head up and mouth open, allowing Doug to pour a small amount of the juice into her mouth. She swallows, opening her mouth and looking up at Doug.

Doug pours another small glass and motions for Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom starts whining softly as Scootaloo gently raises a hoof. Doug says, "Yes, Scootaloo, I'll get to you next, be patient." Sweetie Belle opens her mouth and Doug pours the shot into her mouth. A dribble comes out the side of her mouth as she swallows, moving a hoof to try to keep more from escaping and to gather the juice that had come out.

Doug pours another glass and Scootaloo jumps forward. She places her hooves on his leg, opening her mouth and raising her body towards the glass. Doug smiles, pouring the shot into her mouth. She takes the juice in her mouth, swishing it around before swallowing. She gives her wings a flutter as she looks up, her eyes pleading for more.

Doug looks around, the three foals each giving him the same pleading look. He pours another glass as the front door opens, three sets of heavy hooffalls signalling the mare's return. Doug drinks the shot of apple juice while the foals scamper away. He sighs to himself; he needs to find something better to do with these foals besides poking and getting into staring contests.