• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,956 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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23 Procedures

August 10th, 994

Doug hoists the backpack containing, hopefully, everything the foals will need for their day trip into Ponyville. He has spare diapers, bottles with apple juice, and wrapped lunches for each of them. The trio is standing in front of him, waiting at the front door and growing impatient at how long it is taking him to finish packing. Applejack and Fluttershy are meeting the specialists at the train station. They will bring them to the hospital and help carry whatever equipment the unicorns brought along. Applejack will not be able to stay long; it seems like every day another harvest needs to start for the different kinds of apples they grow. Fluttershy will be able to stay for the duration, and the other mares will hopefully make an appearance.

The front door opens and the three foals leap outside, starting to run and play. Doug doesn't like having to keep the three cooped up inside with him but when none of the other mares are available they have little choice. Applejack misses him when he isn't able to help with the harvests. If Apple Bloom is the only one around they can keep an eye on her while the two work but when all three foals are together they tend to get into trouble too easily.

Doug occasionally whistles, a quick reminder to the foals to stay on course towards Ponyville. They love exploring and need a steady hand to keep from straying too far off the road. As they continue walking Doug debates whether they should take the longer route around Ponyville to get to the hospital or if the foals can be trusted to walk through town. He glances up at the sky; they are running a little late, so it looks like he'll have to keep a close eye on them as they make their way into town. While Sweetie Belle is accustomed to entering and walking through town the other two rarely make the trip. He can see the excitement in their faces as they get closer.

At first, the foals huddle close to him, nearly getting underfoot as they watch the unfamiliar sights around them. Sweetie Belle has taken the lead from Apple Bloom, walking just to Doug's right. The other two slowly grow more confident, at first following Sweetie Belle before Scootaloo excitedly runs off to the side, looking at a stand selling colorful candy treats. Doug whistles and Scootaloo's ears flatten to her head, the foal slowly trudging back and rejoining her sisters.

More than a few of the other ponies turn their heads at the unexpected noise. A few go back to their business while a number of others continue to stare, watching him as he leads the three foals along the road. The trio seem to notice, walking a little closer as their hoofsteps echo among the silent buildings.

After walking a short distance the normal sounds of a bustling town pick up again and the foals relax. None dare to dash out to check out one of the many unfamiliar stalls, but Doug can tell they want to. The hospital comes into view and Doug spots Applejack pulling a cart full of boxes and leading a group of unicorns. Fluttershy can be seen in the rear, chatting with one of the assistants, an amber coated unicorn with red and yellow stripes, as Applejack remains silent, as does the unicorn she is walking next to.

Applejack spots Doug, her eyes lighting up, though anything would have been an improvement from the gloom that was present before. She says, "Doug! Good, you're here. Doug, this is Professor Flintheart and his assistants, Drabbe and Foil. Professor Flintheart, this is my stallion, Doug."

Professor Flintheart, a gray-brown unicorn with a darker gray mane, manages to look down his nose as he looks up at Doug. He says, "Indeed," as he brushes a hoof against his black overcoat. He barely manages to suppress his scowl as he glances back to Fluttershy, the mare still engaged in conversation with one of his assistants. He looks back forward, heading towards the hospital and shaking his head. He mutters to himself, 'Why are we wasting our time here again?'

Applejack slows down slightly, looking at the three foals. Each looks a little tired from the walk, though none are to the point where they need to be carried. Apple Bloom scampers forward to take the lead, walking next to Applejack. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo continue next to Doug, both moving to the opposite side of Professor Flintheart. Doug picks the two foals up as the group makes their way into the hospital, Applejack greeting Nurse Redheart with a wave.

Nurse Redheart says in a jovial tone, "Welcome to the Ponyville Hospital! Hello, Applejack! Hello-" she pauses for a split second, "Doug. Good to see you." She looks over at Fluttershy and the unicorns, "You must be the specialist team I was told about." Professor Flintheart nods, and Nurse Redheart continues, "So, are you going to set up in one of the rooms here?"

Professor Flintheart says in a long, slow voice, "Obviously."

Nurse Redheart stares at him for a moment before getting up from behind the desk. "Okay," she says, "Follow me, I'll help get you all set up." She leads them to one of the rooms deeper inside the hospital, pushing the door open. She holds the door open for Professor Flintheart, "Let me know if you need anything."

He nods to her before turning and inspecting the room. Drabbe and Foil, both wearing black dress slacks, levitate the boxes from Applejack's cart and start unpacking the equipment. Doug sets the foals down next to Fluttershy, nodding at the unicorn. She nods back, a smirk on her face, "Sunset Shimmer. I'll be helping with the research, assigned by Princess Celestia."

Doug smiles, "Thank you for lending your assistance, it's much appreciated."

Sunset Shimmer's eye twitches slightly, the unicorn miffed about the lack of praise. She turns, heading back to Fluttershy and watching the other two unicorns unpack the remainder of the equipment.

Doug moves over to Professor Flintheart as the unicorn finishes setting up one of the pieces of equipment. He looks closely at it as the Professor gives him a stern glare. Doug motions towards it, "So, what is it called, and what does it do?"

"That," Professor Flintheart states after a brief pause, "Is a thaumic resonator." At Doug's lack of comprehension he adds, "It displays the convergence of thaumic energies inside a pony's body on this screen, allowing us to determine if the flow of thaumic energies are being suppressed." He nods to himself, muttering, 'Yup, same group of dunderheads I normally deal with.'

Doug nods, "Is that one of the theories, that the foals have their magic 'blocked'?"

Professor Flintheart slowly nods, "Or are similarly unable to access their thaumic potential. Many unicorns disregard the subtleties of magic use, ignoring the exact applications and instead brute force their way with silly horn waving. I don't expect you to understand, but few appreciate the true beauty of a finely crafted spell. Weaving one's spell so that even the very air shimmers with power, yet not wasting an iota on extraneous effects. I hope to teach your foals to harness their power: tame fields, perform feats of magic, even stopper storms."

Doug nods, impressed at the speech. Professor Flintheart smirks, continuing on to a few of the other boxes. "This," he motions with his horn, "Will allow us to temporarily imbue your foals with extra magic, to see if they are able to," he grimaces as he says, "brute force their way through any problems. If the issue is with overcoming the innate resistance, we may be able to practice and eventually overcome that limitation, and not rely on infusions to continue casting."

He moves to the next box, levitating a knife, "This is a quill sharpener," he smirks, "It cuts things."

Doug gives a short laugh as Professor Flintheart moves back to the first one. The unicorn says, "We will start off by testing the foals, making sure that their thaumic energies are correctly flowing through their bodies. This is a rare case among ponies, and is generally cured by practicing mental discipline, focusing their mind." He motions towards Apple Bloom, the foal being reassured by Fluttershy before making her way over. When the foal gets close he levitates her up, placing her onto the machine.

Doug moves over, gently stroking Apple Bloom's mane as the foal looks up at him, a frightened look on her face. She slowly calms down, holding out one hoof and then another as Professor Flintheart straps her in. The unicorn says in a gruff voice, "You will need to hold still for his, little one." He finishes strapping her in as Apple Bloom lays down, resting her head on her front hooves.

The three assistants gather paper and quills before huddling close to the projector. Foil draws a rough sketch of Apple Bloom, leaving plenty of space around the image. Professor Flintheart double checks the bindings, gives a quick glance to Apple Bloom to make sure she is still motionless, and flicks a switch.

The wall behind them begins flickering before a rough outline of the foal can be seen, laying in the same position. Sunset and Foil begin adding details to the picture, marking which areas are pulsing with light and which areas seem more muted. Drabbe begins taking pictures, the flash momentarily distracting the others before a reproving glare from Professor Flintheart causes the unicorn to shy back. She flicks a switch on the camera before returning and taking more pictures.

Professor Flintheart studies the projection closely, muttering to himself. He glances to the fiery assistant and she moves forward, letting the other unicorn continue to take notes. Professor Flintheart motions to the projection, prompting Sunset Shimmer, "What do you see?"

She answers immediately, "The flow of magic along the body and extremities is normal. The quantity is low but consistent with what one would expect from having low thaumic potential. Overall, everything seems remarkably regular." She pauses, moving slightly closer to the projection, "However, everything being similar only shows what is missing." Sunset Shimmer glances at Doug, "There should be thaums pooling in the hoofs for earth ponies, wings and light pooling in the hooves for pegasi, and in the horn for unicorns." She turns back to the projection, levitating a long stick and pointing at Apple Bloom's hooves. "The lack of pooling suggests that her low thaums are unable to overcome the resistance." She settles back, a pleased look on her face.

Professor Flintheart asks in a neutral tone, "Or?"

A glare crosses Sunset Shimmer's face as she looks at Professor Flintheart, "What do you mean or? It's a solid theory, no contrary evidence. The path forward is clear, either magic boosters until she can learn to force through herself or finding the right combination to lower her thaumic resistance."

Professor Flintheart shakes his head, "One plausible theory does not a master researcher make, Miss Shimmer. As to your treatments, the first would be temporary at best as her body develops an increased resistance. The second would permanently destroy her ability to control magic and leave her susceptible to many magical maladies, much as if we destroyed her immune system to stop an autoimmune disorder."

Sunset Shimmer tries to hide her glare, "So, what else could it be?"

Professor Flintheart speaks firmly, "Apple Bloom, do not move, but flick your ear if you can understand me." At the foal's ear flick he states, "I want you to try to concentrate as much magic as you can in your hooves, front if able."

A hesitant voice comes from the foal, "Uh, okay, Ah think Ah can." The projection ripples while she talks, a small scowl developing on Professor Flintheart's face. It turns more to a smirk as the image changes, the lines moving inside Apple Bloom's body fading while her hooves turn a bright white. Professor Flintheart glares at the assistants, "Record this!" and the sound of quill on paper starts again.

Apple Bloom begins breathing heavily, panting as beads of sweat show on her face. She sighs loudly as she gives out, whimpering as she lays back down on her hooves. Doug moves over, petting the exhausted filly as the projection ripples again, distortion from Apple Bloom's heavy breathing. The thaumic lines have returned to their previous levels, if slightly dimmer than before. The sounds of writing continue as Professor Flintheart studies the image, then turns his attention towards Apple Bloom. He watches the foal for a moment before undoing the restraints with his magic, giving her a nudge.

Doug picks her up as the foal stands on shaky hooves and moves towards him. Professor Flintheart looks to his assistants, "While we get Sweetie Belle ready, what other theories could explain their lack of magic, or what treatments can you come up with."

Foil says, "Curse?"

Sunset Shimmer scoffs, "Curses aren't real."

Foil retorts, "Well, call it what you will, but some sort of magical hex or disease, possibly caused or caught in utero?"

Professor Flintheart nods, "Two very distinct possibilities; though unlikely, as good a place as any." He pulls out a blackboard, fixing it to the wall with his magic. He levitates a piece of chalk, writing 'Causes' and underneath 'Innate/Genetic, Curse, Malady' on the left. He writes, 'Treatment' on the write and, after a brief hesitation and head shake, 'Magic Boosters, Lower Resistance'. He looks to the assembled group, "What else, or how can we refine what we have?"

Sweetie Belle stands as she is strapped in, looking expectantly at Professor Flintheart. He flicks the switch and the wall lights up again. Once pictures have been taken and drawings drawn Professor Flintheart asks, "Very good. Sweetie Belle, focus as much magic as you can in your horn. Do not try to cast a spell or release it, just hold it in your horn." Sweetie Belle does as she is told, concentration showing on her face as the picture behind lights up. Her horn shines much brighter, but not nearly as brightly as Apple Bloom's hooves. Professor Flintheart asks, "Can you push any harder?"

Sweetie Belle strains, exertion showing as she pushes herself. The picture of her horn continues to brighten until it is nearly as bright as Apple Bloom's hooves were. Her horn shines, giving off light before a few sparks come shooting from the tip.

Professor Flintheart reprimands "I said hold it in your horn, don't release it!" as Sweetie Belle struggles against the straps.

The foal excitedly exclaims, "Daddy, Daddy, I did it! I made magic!" Doug undoes the straps, holding the shaking foal tightly in his arms. He gives her a hug, standing up and spinning around as she babbles away.

Professor Flintheart shakes his head. Why a foal would be celebrating light and sparks, only the most basic of magic-

Professor Flintheart stops, looking blankly at the two. A unicorn foal should have performed magic after a few days, not at four months. The reality of their situation hits him and he staggers back, looking over at the now blank wall. He levitates over the small piece of chalk, staring at it and the aura surrounding it before glancing back to Sweetie Belle.

The foal is scampering about Apple Bloom, the earth pony filly waving her hooves in the air at her sister. Doug has moved over, strapping Scootaloo in and petting her mane, trying to calm her down. Doug looks back at Professor Flintheart with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I didn't think she'd sit still, not for a while. Let me get this little scamp ready."

Professor Flintheart mumbles, "Take your time," as Doug turns back to Scootaloo. He looks back to the blackboard, wracking his brain for anything that could be used to help these three.

His thoughts are interrupted as Sunset Shimmer walks up to him, remarking, "So, something finally got some sparks out of 'ole Flintheart?"

Professor Flintheart turns, his glare suppressing Miss Shimmer's smirk. Even worse is the fact that she is right, and the only solution he can come up with involves dark magic. He turns back towards Doug as a smile works its way across his face. Much as is loathe to admit it, Sunset Shimmer is a more talented magic wielder than himself, better suited for experimentation. Princess Celestia already knew about his... proclivities, and keeps a close eye on him. However, with a few carefully lain hints... yes, this could work.

Scootaloo is standing like Sweetie Belle and strapped in. She manages to calm down enough for Professor Flintheart to flip the switch. The image of the foal's body is similar to the other two, though he notes that the wings are showing little circulation. "Alright, Scootaloo, first focus on your hooves. Imagine you are picking up something heavy, and you need to get a good grip."

The foal thinks for a second before she shifts, looking down at her hooves. She stares, gripping harder with her hooves. There is very little change in the projection as the foal struggles. Doug asks, "Would it help to give her something to pull, or pick up?" Professor Flintheart nods, levitating over the stick he was using as a pointer. Doug moves it in front of Scootaloo; the foal places her hooves against it and starts pushing but Doug shakes his head, "Pull, not push."

Scootaloo redoubles her efforts, starting to lift the stick. Doug lets his arms rest a little, the extra weight pulling the stick out of Scootaloo's hooves. "Good job, try again," he says, and Scootaloo starts pulling the stick up.

Professor Flintheart nods, "Keep it up. That should be enough." Scootaloo relaxes, her hooves falling down as Doug removes the stick. "Now for the wings. This might be a little more difficult, but Scootaloo, try to focus on your wings, imagine you are lifting yourself into the air."

Scootaloo begins beating her wings, the projection barely changing. Professor Flintheart coughs, "Try to do it with less physical wing movement. Remember, you are trying to access your magic."

Scootaloo grits her teeth, "I'm trying here!" as her wings continue beating. She takes a deep breath and the beat of her wings slow, eventually coming to a stop as she focuses more and more on pushing magic into her wings. After a minute of effort she gives out, breathing heavily and sinking down.

Doug rubs her mane as Scootaloo gets back up, "I'm not done yet!" She concentrates again, her wings flaring out as she tries to focus her magic into her wings.

After the fifth try Scootaloo sinks to her hooves, the exhausted filly looking up at Doug. She whimpers, "I did good, Daddy, right?"

Doug smiles as he rubs her mane, unstrapping her from the resonator. "You did very good, Scootaloo."

Rainbow Dash moves over, the mare having arrived during the tests, "I'll say! You were greats, Scoots!" The foal gives her dam a smile as Doug sets her down, the filly limping over to her sisters before laying down, closing her eyes. Rainbow Dash greets the assistants before she and Professor Flintheart move over to Doug.

Doug asks, "So, how was she?"

Professor Flintheart says, "When she was using her hooves Scootaloo was able to perform nearly as well as Apple Bloom. I don't think she will have trouble picking things up, and she may be able to manipulate weather. Rainbow, if you can get a small cloud," he motions with his hooves, making about a two foot diameter, "We will be able to test that. However, Scootaloo was not able to focus any magic into her wings. I don't know if it is because she is unable to overcome her innate resistance or if she merely does not know how or where to focus her magic."

Rainbow says, "What do you mean doesn't know how or where? I thought everypony just, kinda, knew."

Professor Flintheart glances to Sunset Shimmer before saying, "How about a demonstration? Rainbow, move over to the resonator, you don't need to strap in." At Rainbow's stare he sighs, motioning with a hoof at the machine Scootaloo had been using. Rainbow moves over, standing next to the resonator and watches the wall light up when Professor Flintheart flicks the switch. He levitates his stick, circling the brightly glowing pegasus as Sunset Shimmer makes her way over. "As you can see, Rainbow has a very high thaumic potential."

Rainbow adds, "I'll say! Nurse Redheart thought it was one of the highest out there, for a pegasus."

Professor Flintheart slowly nods, "Indeed. Rainbow, concentrate you magic into your wings, but do not move or fly." Rainbow thinks for a second before looking down, the image of her wings brightening as the rest of her body stays about the same. "As you can see, Rainbow has so much excess thaumic capacity that she can saturate her wings while still having enough left over for other feats such as increased observation, increased acceleration and momentum manipulation."

Professor Flintheart sees a nod from Sunset Shimmer before a flash of recognition. He briefly smiles before turning back to Rainbow, "That's enough, Rainbow, thank you," as he flicks the switch, turning the projection off. "Now, how did you focus magic into your wings?"

Rainbow shrugs, "I don't know, I just kinda think it and it happens. You can't force this kind of awesomeness!"

Professor Flintheart nods, "Be that as it may, Scootaloo, for one reason or another, doesn't know how to do it. Are you saying she is always going to be like that?"

Rainbow shakes her head, glaring at Professor Flintheart, "Of course not! She'll learn how to do it!"

Professor Flintheart nods, "Then you might want to think a little harder, Rainbow, about how you are able to focus your magic into your wings. Possibly while you are out getting that cloud."

Rainbow gives a sheepish grin, "Oh ya," as she flies out the room.

Sunset Shimmer moves over to Professor Flintheart, "Professor, you don't think that-"

Professor Flintheart cuts her off, "Miss Shimmer, we both know that Princess Celestia wouldn't allow that, it's too dangerous." He turns away, moving to pack up the resonator as a smirk appears on his face. Perfect.