• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 5,934 Views, 211 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Two - Doug Graves

The mares of Herd Apple celebrate the birth of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and adjust to their life as dams in a town that isn't happy with their choice of stallion - the lone human in Equestria.

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Ch. 4 - First Snow

Rainbow wakes Doug in his second favorite manner as her lips caress his. She hesitantly pulls back; she wants to keep going but knows they have to head back home. The rest of her herd has already left, taking Scootaloo and the other two foals with them. Rainbow shivers slightly as she pushes to her hooves, no longer pressing against Doug's body. The cold winter air doesn't bother her, but she can see the human absentmindedly rub his arms. She offers a hoof and he accepts, the two of them beginning the walk back to the farmhouse.

Rainbow deliberates over challenging Doug to another race, but decides against it; while she knows her stallion will do anything to make her happy she just doesn't have the heart right now. She continues her plodding pace before taking to the air, hovering next to Doug as they continue in silence. Her gaze wanders to the snow covered trees, thinking of the upcoming Winter Wrap Up. She feels bummed about not being chosen as weather team lead but knows that Cloud Kicker will do an adequate job.

She briefly pauses when Doug disappears from her peripheral vision, glancing over to where he was standing. A smirk crosses her muzzle as she dodges his first snowball, sticking her tongue out and closing her eyes. A moment later she dodges again, her eyes still shut and exclaims, "Hah! You couldn't hit the broad side of a-"

A third snowball right into her muzzle momentarily silences her.

"Oh, it is on!" she yells, flying to the top of one of the nearby trees and scooping snow in her hooves. She wings two snowballs at Doug as he takes cover behind a nearby tree. A third and fourth snowball ready themselves before a barrage of snowballs slam into her side.

Rainbow whirls around to see Pinkie Pie standing off in the distance. She spins a large snowball with one hoof while her goofy grin spreads across her muzzle. Rainbow yells as she darts behind her tree, "I call Applejack and Rarity!" She glances, trying to locate Doug, before dodging back as a snowball passes in front of her.

"Hold on, Rainbow, we're almost to ya!" Applejack rounds the corner. She slams her hooves deep into the snow before rearing up and throwing a wave of snow into the air. Rarity’s light blue aura surrounds the snow and packs it into a rough barricade as the unicorn careens around the side, diving for cover from a hail of snowballs.

"I can't believe I get talked into these things," Rarity mutters as she gathers herself behind the wall. "This snow is going to wreck havoc on my mane!" She levitates several of Applejack’s snowballs, peeking around the side to try to spot one of her targets.

She startles back as a snowball whizzes past her muzzle.

"That nearly hit me!” she exclaims, a hoof tapping at her nose. Everything seems fine, but the numbing cold means this conflict must be short-lived for her to have any chance of making it out with her mane intact. “Oh... It. Is. ON!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ponderously wade toward their dam’s fort, only for Doug to dart from his tree cover. He quickly bounds to the two foals struggling through the snow with an exultant war cry. Happy shrieks erupt as he lifts and traps them against his chest. He sprints to the fort Fluttershy and Pinkie are crafting, Scootaloo just behind the yellow pegasus.

Rarity yells, "He has the foals! After him!" and lets loose a swift barrage of snowballs. Doug dodges and weaves the first few but her aim finally proves true, smacking him on the side of the head. He falters, tossing the foals out from under him as he collapses into the snow. Pinkie jumps forward and snags both foals in her forelegs, running back human style to the opposing fort.

Applejack appears at Rarity's side, twirling a rope in her teeth. She throws it out, lassoing Doug's feet and dragging the human toward their side. He playfully struggles, yelling, "You'll never take me alive!" as Applejack relentlessly pulls him behind the walls of their fort.

Pinkie Pie dives out of view with a loud victory shout. The foals giggle and chirp as they find themselves on the top of the fort, an unassailable ward on all types of ammunition.

Doug, however, has no such defense, and quickly finds himself hog tied behind Applejack’s fort wall, the piece of rope in his mouth disguising his happy expression. Applejack huddles with Rainbow and Rarity, their battle plan taking mere moments to formulate.

"Alright,” Rainbow Dash starts. “I'm going in after them! You all follow me!" She starts to dash off but Applejack grabs onto her tail, yanking her back.

Applejack retorts as Rainbow massages her tail, "No, they'll be expecting that. We'll try talking to them, maybe they'll be happy ending this peaceful-like."

Doug laughs through the rope as Rarity stands up, speaking loudly, "We know neither of us want this. Give up the foals and we can all go home tonight!"

Laughter erupts from the opposing fort, and it takes no time at all for the foals to join in.

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. "Can we go with my plan now?"

Applejack scowls, "Alright Rainbow, we'll follow you in. Rarity, go for the foals."

Rainbow takes to the sky as Applejack charges the left side of the fort, Rarity going right. Except, rather than an entrenched defense, they find Fluttershy cowering with hooves above her head. The foals each scamper away in a different direction, scurrying as fast as their little legs will take them. Rainbow swoops down, gathering Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, before flying back to her base. Rarity chases after Sweetie Belle, gently tackling the foal and nuzzling her mercilessly.

Applejack gently nudges Fluttershy, concern on her face. The pegasus barely looks up, whimpering, "Um, I'll go peacefully. Please don't tie me up."

Applejack sighs. "It's okay Fluttershy, we're just playing." They both get up, slowly making their way back to the fort. Rainbow lands, setting Apple Bloom and Scootaloo next to Pinkie Pie, who is tied up next to Doug. Rarity arrives soon after, Sweetie Belle happily riding on her back. The mares gather up, congratulating each other on their hard fought victory with heartfelt pats on the back.

Rainbow looks around after their hug ends, asking, "Wait, who captured Pinkie Pie?" right as Pinkie Pie and Doug leap to their feet.



Doug tackles Rainbow while Pinkie charges Applejack, wrapping the startled mare with her hooves. Doug and Rainbow roll around in the snow while Fluttershy moves over to Rarity, a hoof lightly tapping the surprised mare on her horn. "Um, I got you. If that's okay with you." Rarity giggles and sinks to her hooves, the two watching the other four wrestle.

After several minutes Doug has Rainbow tightly wrapped in his arms while Applejack has Pinkie Pie tied up. The two look at each other before Doug asks, "So, do we call this a draw?"

Applejack laughs, "Sure, partner. You ready to head in?"

Doug grunts loudly as he gets to his feet, hefting Rainbow to his shoulder. Rainbow lets go of Doug to raise her forelegs in the air as Scootaloo bounds towards them. The foal also stops, raising her forelegs in the air as well. Her tiny wings beat furiously but overbalances, falling backwards on the snow. She gives a cry, rolling to her side as Doug moves over, taking a knee and scooping the foal in his free arm. He passes her to Rainbow before standing back up and slowly trudging through the packed snow.

The herd arrives back at the farmhouse, each mare brushing the snow off of themselves and their respective foals. Doug sets Rainbow and Scootaloo down before removing his winter garb and taking his customary seat on the couch. Pinkie Pie heads to the kitchen before returning with a tray of hot chocolate, passing a glass to each mare before sitting down next to Doug. She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, saying to the surprised human, "I really, really enjoyed today. I'm sorry about your foals, but I think you all will do a fabulous job raising them." She nuzzles Doug again, passing him the last glass before cuddling up next to him.

Rainbow sits on the other side of Doug, rolling over and looking expectantly at her stallion. She smiles as he scratches her belly with one hand and sips his hot chocolate with the other. Rarity positions herself between his legs, her magic levitating a brush through her damp mane. Once Doug finishes his hot chocolate he takes the brush and Rarity leans back further, the light from her horn winking out.

Applejack and Fluttershy take the sleeping foals to the foal's room, tucking each one in bed. They return, sitting next to the couch, sipping on their hot chocolate, and watching Doug as he brushes Rarity's coat. Several minutes pass before Pinkie says to the assembled group, "Well, it's been fun! I've got to head back to Sugarcube, lots of parties to plan!"

Rarity also gets to her hooves, saying, "I too need to return. Pinkie, would you like to walk back with me?"

Pinkie gives several large nods before she pronks out the door, Rarity waving at the gathered mares before leaving herself.