• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 117: Good Ol' Uncle Star



An ant farm...

Jesus, if Hasbro wants to demean his character even further, they should have Twilight add some ballerina tutus to the wall for decor also. Maybe some Halloween costumes. I don't know, anything to make Shining look less like a respectable Guard Captain and Prince and more of a child at heart.

As if you are one to comment. I seem to recall your old bedroom sharing the same childhood tendencies as that stallion.

You're just salty your throne's preoccupied by two softies.

And you're simply jealous over that fool expresses sheer joy at the nostalgia once he enters this room.

Now now, this is not a time to bicker, friends. Rather, a time of celebration, considering what we know beforehand which brings Prince Armor and Princess Cadenza here in the first place.

That alone brought a smile to my muzzle. No, a fully-fetched grin, at the pleasant and exciting reminder. Granted this wasn't recent news to MLP fans by now, but since this has yet to happen in my Equestria, I couldn't help but anticipate it in pure excitement. Anything revolving around children always brings a smile to my face.

'Your Equestria?'

Twilight and the others still think Shining and Cadence won't arrive until tomorrow. How wrong they were. Meanwhile, Pinkie was still clearly struggling to keep a secret, which, let's be honest here, shouldn't be too hard in the least to keep quiet. I've certainly had no problem doing so. And speaking of which.

Starswirl? Any update so far?

Keep your senses sharp Jack. I'm certain you'll know when the Prince and Princess arrive to Ponyville soon.

Needless cryptic answer. Got it.

Again, the thought of what those two had to share had me rub my hoofs excitedly. And could you blame me? I couldn't care less if the baby herself was another controversy among fans, those two were going to have a foal to call their own! Rightfully so, they deserve to be parents. I have no qualms with the child, alicorn or not.

Speak for yourself...

But look on the bright side, Sombra! A child to continue the legacy of the Crystal Empire!

Their legacy! Sombra sneered. Ruled by soft-hearted equines who will plunge my Empire into mediocrity and eventual ruination as the centuries pass.

I share your enthusiasm, Jack. And to assure your demeanor, Sombra, I foresee great things to happen in the future of the Crystal Empire in the hoofs of young Princess Heart and those afterwards.

The former tyrant scoffed, whereas I grinned once again, inspecting Shining's new room before something then occurred to me. Twilight... Is aware married couples sleep together, correct?

I imagine she would be.

And she designed two bedrooms specifically to the likings of those two separately, yes?

Indeed. Then, Sombra caught on. And to my surprise, the King released a rather hearty laugh. Not scornful or mocking, on the contrary, it sounded absolutely genuine. Hahahaha! The innocence of these mares never ceases to astound me!

I chuckled, agreeing with the stallion. Yeah, wasn't expecting that today-

My senses picked up on something, Balance beginning to pull my attention to something radiant heading this way. A bright light, stronger than anything I've seen yet, without little to no traces of darkness in the being's heart. It was even strong for me to detect at this distance, and I had a feeling not only as to who it was, but it was a little bundle of life strengthening the mare's presence as they neared Ponyville.

Oh God. They're here!

Very much so. Starswirl commented in warmth. I recommend, should you wish to, hurrying towards the station to meet them first. I'm certain they'll be very happy to see an old friend once again.

No need to tell me twice! My hooves guided me out of the room, whizzing by a puzzled disoriented Spike.

Here they come! Here they come! Here they come!

Boy, calm down!

No! This was a proud day to be out of character! I'm going to see two old friends, one of which I haven't met at all since my return to Equestria. Only Cadence, during the ambassador event back at Canterlot hosted by Twilight, when I requested the Princess of Love to cast a silence spell within my girlfriend's room while she was sleeping. But that's a story for another time.

Point is, they're here!

Loud and proud, the train slowly halted once arriving to the station, and I thoroughly ignored the looks of bemusement my way from the [BEEP]-eating grin on my face with gleeful eyes. Oh, how the girls would laugh if they saw me this hyped. From within the compartment before me, I sensed my two friends... And the gift one of them carried. A miracle waiting to be born, but not too soon.

Give me a break...

Starswirl was the opposite, sighing warmly in contrast to Sombra's groan. This is wonderful news to accept indeed. Princess Heart will be a source of peace and love across the Empire and Equestria alike. A heart as kind and loving as her mother's, and strong and determined like her father. And I'm certain, Jack, any future spouses you and your Princess sire will be just as glorious to behold in the foreseeable future.

Yeah- Wait, slow down now old one. Twilight and I will definitely not be having any kids anytime soon. And while the idea of being a father excites me - though I technically was already to Spike - I wouldn't want to put Twilight under that kind of pressure and hardships just yet. She's still a bit young to have children, you know.

Children? Plural? You intend to have more than one child?

I mean, hell yeah, if Twilight agrees to it in the future. And just then, an image popped up of a much older Princess and her Warrior, surrounded by smiling hyper tiny ponies adored by us both...

I was in no hurry. But one day...

"Well well, why am I not surprised? Look who's come to greet us first love."

Haha! And here they are!


Shining, meanwhile, dropped his bags ungracefully at Cadence's casual observation, muzzle agape at the sight of an old friend... Followed by a grin, slowly widening. "Stardust!"

My excited tone matched his. "Shining!" And without any respect for personal space nor for not creating a scene, we tightly embraced one another like something akin to brotherly. Okay, a little strong of a hug from him, but I've faced worse. "Good to see you again old friend."

The white stallion pulled back, grinning lightly in pure happiness. "'Old friend?' You make it sound like it's been years!" Well, a year had passed in my world since last we spoke. A hoof clasped my limb warmly. "Cadence told me you'd be here, but I wanted to see for my own eyes. I thought I'd never see you again!"

You're not the first, my friend.

"None of us did." Cadence walked up to us, standing beside her husband with a warm smile. "I'm guessing your new 'Balance magic' let you know we were coming?"

I grinned. "Twilight told you about my powers?"

The alicorn winked humouredly. "Hm. She writes us letters about your progress along to Aunt Celestia." Of course she does. They both chuckled at my fond eye-rolling. "Amongst other things I'd dare not say."


Shining smirked at my raised brow. "Seems you're meeting my expectations about keeping my little sister happy." His own brows raised. "I hope you keep up with doing that. Otherwise I might greet your return in another manner." The threat was both sincere and light-hearted at once.

While Sombra was probably rolling his eyes, I saluted playfully. "You'd have to wait until Twilight's finished with me first." And while we all expressed amusement, my grin widened, glancing down towards the mare's underbelly. "And speaking of happiness... How far now?"

Following my gaze, Cadence smiled quite blissfully, whereas Shining coughed unsubtly. "What do you mean? I don't-"

"Not too far." Her serene voice was almost a whisper, eyes regarding the child slowly being made inside of her with absolute warmth and affection. Pink orbs then looked up at me lovingly. "Let me guess, Balance told you about that too."

Roll with it. "About the little bundle of joy being created within you? A child going to be raised by the two greatest parents for it? Yeah, I know." Shining glanced between the flattered Cadence and I... And finally grinned again, meeting my exact expression head-on. Without shame, I stood on both hind legs and gestured excitedly. "Congratulations!"

This time, all three of us embraced in a warm hug, excitement and bliss shared between, all aimed for the little foal who will, at first, prove troublesome, but beloved all the same. Shining and Cadence smiled widely, joy and pride dancing in their eyes as they looked at one another. "Does Twilight know?" The unicorn inquired, a hint of nervousness in his tone.

Shaking my head, I smirked humouredly. "Only myself and Pinkie... Who was close to bursting from knowing the secret. Come on, let's not keep the others waiting. Allow me." With Balance as my aid, I carried the suitcases for the two blissful couple as we proceeded on our way, conversing of old times and upcoming futures regarding their new bundle of joy.

All I can say was, I was proud to be their friend.

'The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows.'

More, 'Why Pinkie Pie Shouldn't Be Trusted With Secrets.'

A lesson to take to heart. If it weren't for timely interventions, the mare would've burst out the surprise to everyone else in hearing range. To prevent that near-disaster, knowing she wouldn't spill the beans regardless, and to make things easier for her subconscious, I had her Pinkie Promise not to reveal the big news to anyone until Shining and Cadence had done so first.

Problem solved.

"I think it's wonderful," Cadence complimented Mrs. Cupcake, gazing at the decor approvingly. "You and Mr. Cake have outdone yourselves, Mrs. Cupcake." The blue Earth Pony bashfully waved off the praise. Although I did agree, the decorations around the interior of Sugarcube Corner were very nice, giving off a baby theme perfectly.

Shining nodded in agreement with his wife. "I can't wait for Twilight's surprise." You and me both. Recollection of her stunned then bursting reaction brought an amused fond grin to my muzzle. Then, dark blue eyes glanced my way. "Um, you don't think it's a little too obvious, do you?"

Couldn't resist laughing, walking up to reassure the stallion while patting his side. "Twilight may be the most intelligent pony ever, but her innocence hampers her deductive skills somewhat, my friend. Don't worry, Twilight won't figure it out right from the get-go." Much as I like my girlfriend, she remained as gullible as everyone else in this world.

Nodding in relief, the taller stallion smiled at our surroundings. "A very valid point. I just don't want neither the party nor the scavenger hunt to give it away before we can tell her." Understandable. "Surprised you didn't go along with them."

I shrugged. "Scavenger hunts aren't really my thing. Besides, let them have their fun wandering around town, while I can speak with two old friends I haven't seen in so long." Shining chuckled at that, then turned around, motioning for me to follow him within the kitchen. Mr. Carrot Cake was currently outside dealing with the trash, but I had the feeling Shining didn't want us here to speak with him.

"Twilight wouldn't be all too impressed if she heard you say that," The Prince commented casually.

Nothing new there. "Twilight's usually unimpressed with the things I do."

A small grin at that... Replaced then with a serious look. Uh oh. Though I sensed no annoyance nor anger within him, only happiness and... Anxiety? "But I'm glad you haven't joined them all the same, this gives us a perfect opportunity to address something."

"Okay...?" I'll bite, where was this going?

"About our child."

Curiosity is rising even further. "I'm listening."

Nervousness leaked through his blue eyes, the taller stallion clearing his throat. "Stardust, you've saved my family more times than I can count. Changelings, King Sombra. Not to mention, with how many times you risked yourself almost fatally to protect Twilight, on top of once saving my life in Canterlot." True, I did all those things.

"And I'd do so again."

"I don't doubt it." The expression softened considerably. "And we already returned the favour once by making you Best Stallion at the wedding. I'd like to repay you again, this time for everything you've done; for me, for Cadence, for Twilight and everyone we love." ...Alright? A small smile graced the unicorn's muzzle. "By making you an uncle figure to our baby."

Well, I'd be-


"Did you just say... 'Uncle?'" I had to hear him repeat that, properly. Because I needed exact confirmation as to what this stallion was insinuating.

Amusement twinkled in those eyes. "Cadence and I thought about it, and realized you'd make a great uncle to our little Princess. You're practically family, in any case. What do you say?"

Me... An uncle...


A slow grin, rising steadily on my face at such a proposal, matching the stallion's relieved one. "Always wanted to be an uncle." My voice could barely contain the excitement, body shaking somewhat. "It would be an honour Shining-"

My head snapped towards the doorway, senses on immediate high alert at the disturbance penetrating through the building. "Stardust...?" Shining questioned beside me, following my sharp gaze. A sensation, an unpleasant one, which I have encountered many times since my return to this world.



Cadence's scream had us jump, before we quickly rushed back into the main serving area to find... Nothing.

As in, some decor being slightly knocked down, a banner ripped from the ceiling, and a cowering, petrified Cupcake by the corner, and no trace of the Princess of Love. And to make matters worse, I couldn't sense the alicorn anywhere else in the building, and dread began bubbling in my chest. No...

No... Not her too...

"Cadence?" Shining called out, nervousness and fear leaking through his tone as he wildly looked around the room. "Cadence?!" It better not have... It better not have done what I think it's done! The stallion snapped his head towards Cupcake, whom I rushed over to check up on. "Mrs. Cupcake, what happened?"

Gripping my cape's edge for support, the blue mare inhaled and exhaled shallowly, widened eyes clearly terrified at whatever she had just witnessed. "What happened? I head a scream- Cupcake!" Unapologetically brushing by Shining, Carrot Cake arrived to comfort his beloved. embracing her softly. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Cupcake leaned into her husband's touch. And from the corner of my eye, Shining fidgeted impatiently, evidently concerned for the wellbeing of his own wife. "Mrs. Cupcake, please." The tone was stressed. "What just happened now? Where's Cadence?" I too wanted to know... But my suspicions were already rising for the answer.

And those fears were realized. "Some- Something appeared inside the store and... And..." The mare choked, clutching on Carrot Cake's chest with open fear. "It took the Princess inside it... And disappeared right before you came in! It... It was horrifying!"


My thanks, great observer.

Sombra not now!

"What? What took her?!" Shining demanded to know, palpable fear and worry taking control of mind and body.

"A wormhole..." All eyes snapped to me, prompting me to continue my concerned musing. "They started appearing all over Equestria and taking things and people elsewhere... I suspect that's what Mrs. Cupcake here saw... And took Cadence with it..." As horrible as the revelation sounded.

And Shining obviously wasn't taking the idea well, blue orbs widening in terror for the well being of his beloved and the child she carried. "We need to find them! Quickly!" Agreed. "Stardust, since you're familiar with these 'wormholes,' please tell me you know where it would have taken Cadence to?"

Ah... Now there's a problem.

The unicorn obviously wasn't preferring the silence. His hardened face broke with dread. "Please... You have to know!" Shining rubbed his face, little effort in attempting to calm himself. "I can't bear the thought of anything happening to her... And our little baby..."

Neither can I. The fact that this wormhole had the [BEEP]s to abduct Cadence AND her unborn kid filled me with a sense of rage. How DARE it! We were going to get them back, one way or another! Starswirl! I need ideas of where they went!

When no answer came at first, I had the sense to snap at the unhelpful voice. But, thankfully, my teacher chose to finally speak, There is a method to finding out.

Don't keep me in suspense then!

As you know, your connection to Balance has yet to reach a powerful level as to sense others beyond the edges of Ponyville. And before you unleash your snark towards this answer, I have an idea as to locate the whereabouts of Princess Cadenza without fault. And it lies in the heart of her loved one beside you.

Cyan eyes turned to a waiting Shining, who looked close to sobbing. "Well?" The stallion interpreted my look as an answer. Alright then Starswirl, what do we need to do?

A trick similar to the magic used on Cloudsdale, between Miss. Dash and Mr. Tank. I believe you are beginning to understand. I nodded. Yeah, I was getting the picture. Shining blinked in confusion as I placed a hoof against his chest, closing my eyes in concentration. Focus on a specific bond. You will find may threads of connections between friends, families and even enemies within Prince Armor's heart. But I should think the most bright connection tying him and the Princess together will shine the most.

Wait... Wait, yes. Yes I 'see' it. The bright light enveloping a large thread. Out of all the strings that were bonds between Shining and others, including my own, Cadence's bond was, indeed, sticking out the most with the pure light of affection and love between them. Stronger than even my own connection with Twilight's... To my slight disappointment.

But nonetheless, if what Starswirl was saying could happen, we could find her this way. Focusing on the bond between the two equines in particular, my features hardened, following along the connection to the heart of the Princess of Love's. As Shining has said, I was just as much family to them as they were to me.

And family were always there for each other.

...Got it!

My eyes opened to three startled ponies. "Stardust... Your eyes..." Mrs. Cupcake whispered in concerned wonder.

But no time for that. My gaze snapped to Shining. "I found her."

The stallion gasped slightly, followed by composure and Shining straightening himself, nodding in clear resolve with the voice only a Prince could accommodate. "Lead the way."

Leaving Mr. and Mrs. Cake to repair the decorations and stall the others for time until we returned, Shining and I raced across the fields outside Ponyville speedily, half my senses focused on the invisible golden string between Shining and the kidnapped Cadence. Couldn't have one good time with either of those two without something screwing us over, could we?!

I swear, if any harm comes to them, I'll...!

Shining's dark expression shared an equal vow, if not more. But worry was waging war across his features as well. Eventually, the trail led us from grassy dirt to an open field, devoid of any plant life and looked... Suspiciously familiar.

Had I been here before...?

"Well?" My friend asked with ill-disguised impatience, pausing alongside me to inspect the area. "Is she around here?"

I nodded. "Somewhere..." Though the imbalance was getting stronger the further we reached our destination. My senses weren't completely flawless at the moment. Our gazes searched around the dirt area. "You sure you didn't want Twilight and the rest to accompany us?"

The Prince shook his head. "I want today to be a memorable one, some wonderful news for my sister and her friends to hear. Now look what happened..." Shining sighed, sorrowfully. "This wasn't suppose to happen..."

No... It wasn't.

"Shining. Shining, look at me." The stallion obliged, a somber expression meeting my firm one. "We'll find her. I promise." Though I wasn't entirely reassured by my own words either. I was also worried for the well being of Cadence and Flurry. "The second we find your girls, the better we can-"



"Just a hunch," I replied hurriedly, hoping he bought that excuse. Shining blinked uncertainly... Then continued looking around, to my immense relief.

That was a Goddamn close one...

"I wouldn't mind if it's a colt or filly," Shining proceeded to comment conversationally, probably trying to keep a calm level head despite his anxieties. "Cadence and I want to be surprised, once he or she is born... It will be the happiest day of our lives."

I played along. "Thought that was the wedding."

Shining looked over to me, a small smile despite the intensity of the situation. "It might surpass our wedding this time." Any further conversation was put to a screeching halt, as the sound of something burrowing out of dirt attracted our immediate attention, snapping our heads over in the same direction.

And when the head popped out, then I recognized where we were.

This was where one of this mutt's kind abducted Rarity, long ago!

The Diamond Dog grinned with crooked teeth towards us. And while Shining looked stunned... That expression was replaced by determined fury. "You!" His hoof pointed in the dog's direction. "Where is she?! What have you done with Cade-?!"

My body froze, danger screaming in my ears. The dog smiled sadistically at Shining's approach, waving towards us quite casually. Shining was also surprised by the sounds of cracks beneath our hooves, looking at me in confused worry along with righteous anger. It didn't take long to wonder as to why the dog was waving at us farewell-like.

Until the ground caved in beneath us, a giant hole welcoming our falling bodies and yelling mouths as we descended into the waiting darkness. Most of my mind was screaming profanities at the clear act of deception and proper realization:

This was all a trap.

And we walked right into it.

Or rather, landed on top of it.

Shining, in retaliation to the massive hole consuming us, gently guided down onto the next level of ground within the underground trap, not too far below from the surface. Sunlight poured through the gaping circular area, lighting up the gem-covered walls and dirt surrounding us. And I was no genius, but even I could deduce easily where we were then.

"You okay?" The Prince inquired, frowning over our location after my nod. "Looks like whoever took Cadence were expecting us..."

"Yep..." Cautiously, the pair of us approached one another while keeping our eyes open at the darkness from beyond the light. Balance was warning me of the multiple presences hiding in the shadows. "And we're not alone..."

On cue, varying number of yellow eyes gleamed through the darkness, observing our tensed positions patiently. All around us, the army of mutts were obviously waiting to strike when the time was right.

"Diamond Dogs. A whole lot of them..."

"You have a history?" Shining asked warily, blue eyes fixed on the creatures in the dark.

"To some degree."

"They don't look too happy to see you..."

"No, I imagine not..."

His eyes narrowed, choosing to address the surrounding crowd with authority. "We are giving you one chance, Diamond Dogs! Return to us Princess Cadence, or else; we're not afraid to use force if needed!"

The following answer, to our growing horror, didn't come from them however.

It was responded through dark chuckling of a very, very familiar being.

"Oh my dear Shining Armor. You never ceased to amuse me..."

Oh no...!

"Show yourself!" Shining barked, both of us praying it wasn't who we thought it was. And from the only pair of pure green eyes shining through the darkness meeting our stares, our fears came to fruition.

"My my. So demanding... I'm impressed, at Canterlot you didn't have a backbone to save your life." Queen Chrysalis revealed herself from the shadows in a sly pace, black horn lighting up her spot, as villainous and menacing as we last encountered one another. For real, not that fake illusion Spike and I saw on Halloween a few weeks ago. The Queen of the Changelings grinned our way sadistically, and two Diamond Dogs within her vicinity were shown also, expressions of pure malice as opposed to greed.

With a growl, I grounded out harshly, "It's more than we can say for you... Syphilis." Just what was she doing here? She wasn't in the episode!

Yet instead of rising to the bait like at the wedding, the tall Changeling tilted her head mockingly. "Ahh. Still as impertinent as ever, Stardust Balance. I'm surprised you allow someone of his... Caliber, to court your little naive sibling, my dear Shining."

"No more games, Chrysalis!" Shining practically snarled. Whoa, even I was startled, taken aback by the ferocity in his voice. "Where is she?!"

"Shining!" Another more welcoming recognizable voice answered for us.


"Tch." Chrysalis scoffed in disappointment, inclining her head over her shoulder. And from her magic, it revealed a trapped Cadence, encased within a green bubble. A shield trick I was all too familiar with. "I was hoping to save the surprise for later. But as always, you just have to open your big muzzle, don't you dear?"

"Cadence! Are you okay?!"

Cadence glared at the Changeling Queen, before smiling widely at her beloved. "I'm fine my love, but you need to be careful. Who knows what this monster is planning this time."

"'Monster?'" Chrysalis chuckled. "A very crude description from you, oh Princess of Love."

"What do you want Bronchitis?" I inquired seriously, wrapping my head around this. Imbalance was evidently at work here; because Chrysalis nor the Diamond Dogs ever played a role in this episode.

"Want? Why, my young brash stallion, what I desire is simple." Then, without warning, those green eyes narrowed into slits, tone lowering dangerously and... Oh great. Shining and I turned to stand back to back as the Diamond Dogs approached into the sunlight, grinning like drooling idiots. "Revenge... For everything you have taken from me!"


"And now, I possess that glorious opportunity. Enjoy, Princess, of your precious husband and your friend being torn apart by my army of dogs!" Hearing that from Chrysalis didn't sound right, mind you. What happened to all her Changelings? Her army of them?

Shining voiced out the very question as we prepared to fight, the grey-fur mutts looming closer. "What happened to all your Changelings, Chrysalis? You never pegged me for someone to replace your own kind for another."

"You happened!" The Queen snapped angrily. "Because of you, your pathetic friends, that stupid mare, I am left with nothing. Nothing... But the fury against your kind. And I will make sure you will all suffer for it."

What was she talking about...?

I'd concern myself on the matter afterwards, Jack. Be on guard. This will be the perfect test to demonstrating your training at this point.


"Look out!" Shining's warning was unneeded, but appreciated. The first dog leaped harmlessly over our ducking postures. The second mutt was met with a spinning hind kick to the chin, sending them bowling back against two more unprepared dogs, after setting my fedora neatly on the ground.

The fight had begun.

Of course, Diamond Dogs were more brutes than brains. Shining and I had little to no problem dealing with the first wave. The stallion conjured up a pink shield against eight charging mutts, and sent them flying back into the darkness. My friend focused more on swerving around his foes and utilizing his magic - Twilight's brother, of course - more than his pony fists, whereas I worked with Balance in fighting these easy canines with little effort; mostly dodging and punching/kicking. I was getting flashbacks of the Z-fighters versus Frieza's soldiers at this point.

And that brought a grin to my face. Seriously, compared to all other battles I've faced, this had to be the least challenging. These mutts were uncoordinated, mindless. Even Shining spared me a look of amused disbelief at the so-called battle as we passed one another. Their strength obviously relied in numbers. And had it just been either Shining or I by ourselves, maybe we would've been overwhelmed.

But nope. The dogs were unfortunate to be facing us together, one of whom was very angry and very, very determined to get his wife and unborn child back. His future.

"Aghhh!" The Changeling Queen hissed in utter ridicule, watching with Cadence from the sidelines. "This is ridiculous! You mutts can surely do better! Don't let these two ponies overwhelm you like this!" She spat the word 'pony' as if it were a disease.

Her frustration brought something to Shining's mind. As we stood beside one another in opposite directions, the stallion glanced at me with a look of conviction. "Cover me. I'm going to save my family." I knew better than to argue, from the expression on his resolved face. Never get in the way between a man and his family, even a stallion.

Taken has taught me that much.

"Go." Shining leapt forward at my one-worded response, and I jumped backwards in a spin, delivering a roundhouse kick across one dog's face who tried to halt the Prince. And together, we barraged through the mutt-made blockade hopelessly attempting to prevent us from reaching the trapped Princess.

Kicks. Spins. Punches and magic. All of it sending yelping bruised dogs flying all over the place. I took point from behind my friend, keeping the army advancing after us at bay. And Shining, God speed, was making short work of the group between him and his beloved wife. This time, it was his turn to Shine.

...Get it?

Sombra groaned. Yeah you got it.

The battle!


Despite how ridiculously easy the fight was, my training was clearly paying off. Not one mutt landed a single hit, their movements sloppy and without thought. Grabbing one extended limb, I swung one dog into five others. Spinning over another, I knocked a mutt down with a clean kick to the back neck. Two collective punches to the chests of two canines between me, flying them back into multiple others. The army was being reduced to nothing more than about ten to twenty still standing, all determined to take us on regardless how vastly inferior they were.

By now, you must have sensed the trail within them.

That small bit of darkness latching onto them like a symbiotic? I have. One extra punch to the ribs of a foolish dog as we had this mental conversation.

Their mindset is disorientated. Whatever malevolent force at work is clouding their thoughts, urging them only to attack, and nothing more.

You mean... Chrysalis isn't behind it-?

"Chrysalis!" That war cry snapped everyone's attention towards the charging unicorn, magically pushing back two dogs without effort. The Changeling Queen seemed undeterred, prepared to unleash whatever magic she had against the seething Prince.

"One further step, Shining, and I may be inclined to lay a hoof on your darling- ARGH!"


Huh... Never knew he had it in him.

Never underestimate the strength empowered by love. Mixed with conviction, it can result in what we just beheld this moment, gentlecolts.

The helpless Queen had no time to react, the stallion basically rammed straight into her with a pink shield, following with a massive energy beam throwing back against the wall and into the darkness. Wasting no time, Shining approached the freed Cadence, the green force field surrounding evaporated from Chrysalis' distraction.

The two embraced one another lovingly, Shining regarding his wife in relieved bliss. "Are you alright love?" Cadence nodded. "And our little miracle?"

The alicorn smiled warmly, looking towards her underbelly with a caring tone, "Our blessing is safe, because her caring, strong father was here to protect us both." With a moment of the two leaning their heads against one another in the pony style of affection, the two walked down to join me and the remaining standing mutts.

Thank God. They're safe... I was almost worried, I won't lie.

It didn't take a minute to deal with the rest afterwards. Hell, less than thirty seconds, at best.

Looking around at the beaten, lying mutts letting out sounds of pained groans and confusion, Shining nodded in satisfaction, turning to us with a serious look. "We should take our leave. There's nothing else for us here-"

"Oh. My dear Shining Armor." God dammit! Our head turned to the Queen, slowly walking our way. Immediately, the Prince and I stood as roadblocks between the Changeling and Cadence. Green eyes lit in righteous fury, raising her head high in preparation. "That implies any of you will be leaving after today. But unfortunately, fate has other-!"

She never got to finish her statement. Nor time to react from the black wormhole distorting into existence behind the Changeling Queen and sucking her protestant body right in. But it was far from satisfied.

Oh no you don't!

I managed to swiftly grab my hat before it was consumed into the pulling imbalance, Cadence magically producing a shield to protect us from the pull. The Diamond Dogs, however, were vulnerable. And despite everything they've done... My own hoof extended, concentrating with closed eyes by 'gripping' the edges of the imbalance with my own magic. Thankfully, it wasn't as strong as the one Spike and I encountered during the camping trip. And was closed immediately before any more unfortunate victims were sucked in.

"Is everyone alright?" Yeah... Yeah, I should think so, Cadence. Though I think these mutts will find scraps along with bruises now when they recover.

"What was that just now?" Shining asked in befuddlement. "It took Chrysalis... Not that I'm complaining, but..."

"A wormhole." Both equines looked at my intense expression. "The cause for all this to happen in the first place."

Cadence nodded. "Yes... It's what brought me here, under their clutches in the first place. It was rather... An unsettling experience."

Shining frowned. "It looks like Stardust here took care of it, anyhow. Let's get back. We've kept everyone else waiting long enough."

No complaints from me.

Talk about a day.

I woke up to anticipate a great day with the revelation of Shining and Cadence's upcoming child... Only to have ourselves faced with imbalance, Chrysalis and Diamond Dogs all at once. It took a while, explaining what happened to our inquisitive and concerned friends. But all worry was cast aside immediately afterwards once the couple had recovered enough to share the big exciting news.

The party dispelled any further fears today... Save for my own.

I had excused myself to upstairs, everyone else partying below in celebration. I didn't feel much like partying, not this time. Todays incident was... Upsetting, to say the least. It was clear now the imbalance was getting out of control. Cadence almost became a victim from it! If anything happened to her and Flurry... This couldn't be ignored.

You're right, Jack. This distortion against the balance of the world is worsening. I had hoped it would die down now with your return... But it appears I am wrong. I cannot begin to express my apologies.

With a small smile, I stopped pacing for a moment. Starswirl... I don't blame you for anything. If your theory's correct, this is my fault more than anything. If anyone should take responsible for causing this instabilities across Equestria, it has to be me; for choosing to intervene and become a part of their lives now.

The question now was, though, what could we do about it?

Indeed... These backlashes against Balance are growing stronger and stronger. And delaying them through closing the holes spawned by the instability will eventually be for naught. And I, for one, would prefer my kingdom being spared from the onslaught.


So, old one, what course of action do you propose?

...I believe it is time we research these wormholes more thoroughly. Your next training, my friend, will be to uncover whatever you can from the library or other means. I would recommend firstly with the library of course. Also, it would prove prudent to check in on your dear friend, Miss Shimmer. I fear these imbalance will affect Equestria alone.

Tch... Words of a bookworm.

Got it. But Twilight and I researched the instabilities though, before. And our searches proved no results. But if you think I should try again...

It is advisable. And however, my student, don't think you are obligated to tackle this challenge alone. Your friends will always be willing to lend a hoof. And speaking of which...

"Brooding again?"

Having detected her approach immediately, I smiled lightly while turning to the mare behind me. "Not feeling the party spirit right now, sorry."

Twilight shared the smile, arriving from the staircase. "Wanted to check up on you. Cadence and Shining wish to thank you again for helping them today." Of course they do. "And so do I."

Oh- Ah.

A peck to my pony cheek, Twilight leaning back afterwards with loving sparkling eyes. "Thanks for being there for my family once again, Jack."

"Always." I nodded, grinning rather humouredly, all worries from earlier put on the sidelines briefly thanks to this wonderful being. "Especially when I'm part of the family." A raised brow. "Shining's words love, not mine."

Giggling, Twilight replied teasingly, "Well, he's not entirely wrong." Before a light frown appeared over her gorgeous features. "I'm just glad Cadence is okay... Confronting Chrysalis again must've been terrifying, for all three of you."


Yeah... Something still didn't add up about that. What did that Queen mean earlier by saying she was left with nothing? Her kind 'taken' from her? Were all her subjects abducted by the imbalance too, or was something else at work here?

I have a theory, but I'd prefer it to prove false. If the opposite, however, then I fear our situation is more dangerous than we anticipate.

What kind of theory-?

"- Jack?"

Oh, right, Twilight. "Sorry love. Was just... Thinking." The alicorn regarded me for a moment, clearly not buying the excuse, the frown still present on her face.

Then, she inexplicably changed the subject. "I still can't believe you knew all along about the baby." Heh. Trust her to bring that up. Her muzzle slowly twitched into an amused smile. "No wonder you looked so happy when you heard they were coming to visit."

I grinned lightly. "I love kids. What can I say?" And at the recognizable expectant look, I added humouredly, "And no, I'm not going to spoil the name or what the foal looks like." By God, her pout was so adorable!

Twilight huffed, shaking her head at my laughter towards her reaction. But then, sparkling eyes inquired with a look that could melt a glacier. "Can I at least know what the gender will be? I promise I won't tell either Shining or Cadence?"

...You know what? Why not? That wouldn't be too harmful.

"Just know you'll adore her very much, my dear Twilight."

"Her... A filly? They're going to have a filly foal?!" The purple grin widened to exponential degrees. Twilight quivering in excited anticipation. "I'm going to be an aunt to a little filly!" Normally, I would ask her not to be so vocal when everyone else is downstairs.

But [BEEP] it, I was just as excited as my Princess.

"And I'm going to be an uncle to her! Isn't that great!"

"It's fantastic!" Twilight cried out happily, her energy drawing me in. And the others upon hearing our shouts were greeted upon heading upstairs to the pair of us circling around one another, cheerfully dancing in circling celebration with limbs clasped around each other.

Now I was in the party mood.

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