• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,858 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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A Journey Beyond Sanity: The Movie: Part I





Is it said that on the final days of Equestria, the world would shudder in dread. A tremor of imbalance, spreading through the core and its landscapes to affect the countless populace which occupies the fields, the mountains, the sea and deserts. All who could either wield magic or acknowledge its might would experience apprehension, at the growing darkness soon to come.

But before the world could shudder at all, an event of a lifetime occurs in the proud and noble kingdom of Canterlot. A young Princess, gathering countless members of her kind to this glorious spectacle, in hopes of spreading the pure magic of friendship to the land. Kindness, loyalty, honesty and laughter. Generosity and magic. Unaware of the dark winds aimed in Equestria's direction, and the evil which seeks to enslave them all to a fool's whim.

Meanwhile, in the darkest corners of the land, a creature birthed from imbalance and what should never have been, plots and schemes for the downfall of his enemies, and the total devastation which would ravage the world for all time, and soon all the worlds, if he isn't stopped.

And on the coldest landscape of Mount Everhoof, a young man, bathed in black and coated in his own grief, trails upon the cruel endless snow, ignoring the harsh gusts and coldness seeping into his shoes, in pursuit of ending his pain, once and for all...




Let me tell you; snow. Great to look at, wonderful to observe from either indoors or a distance, those beautiful flakes descending from the heavens with grace and coating the land in its white purity with divine, as Rarity might phrase it.

Snowstorms? Blizzards? Those still apply to the overall beauty snow brought to the world.

You know what wasn't fun, however? Walking in deep snow where even my boots sunk into the freezing stuff, the sensation of water touching socks not always a pleasant experience. Ugh, of all people to call me here, why'd it have to be them...?

The only positive side to this was the lack of yeti encounters; I still had nightmarish recollections of facing those monstrosities in an effort to save some dumb ponies' lives, and I didn't fancy facing them again.

I have the feeling the journey to our old friends will not be met with any inconvenience this time around.

Hmph. I hoped so, I was already taking a major risk just coming back here even to begin with. Hell, accepting the invitation after trying so hard not to be found by any of my friends was dangerous enough.

But someone had to insist this was important... Remind me again, teach, what this was all about? How they'd find me, even?

Questions I'm certain will be indulged very soon. Vague as ever, I had to huff a little and roll some weary hazel eyes behind the black hood. I believe we are close now.

One benefit, apart from admiring the snow when it's not being a pain in the arse for me, to setting foot on this mountain again was cool flapping of my black coat caused from the relentless winds. Everyone knew how bad[BEEP] it was to have a coat, cape or cloak respond to the blowing currents and make you look ten times more epic than you should be. So I'll take what little I'll get over the journey upwards.

They better have a meal and hot bath prepared for my arrival. I could with the latter moreso after the last few days. Though then again, I doubt the specific kind I was meeting with had a concept of a hot bath, unless there was some kind of secret cave spa only they were privy towards-


"Ah, there you are...!" Good grief, didn't my voice sound ridiculously hoarse? How long has it been since I actually talked to another being? Swallowing some saliva and hoping that helps, I beamed over to the mighty Prince standing atop the slope, evidently anticipating my approach. Hands in pocket, I indulged the Yak and strode upwards to meet him.

How long has it been, Rutherford? How long since I interacted with any of my friends? Starlight felt too long even now, and Twilight... The other Twilight...


"Surprised you guys managed to find me." I stated conversationally, since my woolly friend seemed to have no response. Odd, maybe he's just tired. "How long has it been, your Highness? Let's see... That's right, I've been summoned! Guess what I've been up to the last month? Go on, guess." Still no reply. Fine, I'll answer anyway, undeterred. "I've partaken in the Griffon Games once every century, officiated a wedding between a zebra and a Manticore. Also named a newborn ninetales pup Miles Prower. Went skiing, though that last one was a bit of a mishap." Reaching my old ally at this point, about his exact height despite my own small stature. "Let me tell you though, never bet against a con artist. Last time almost cost me my... Anyway."

I beamed at the Yak in traditional decor yet again, unsure if he saw my smile beneath the darkness. This hood can hide a lot more facial expressions than others, though whatever magic allowed that should be null and voice due to its wearer.

"You should not have delayed." Ah, not feeling too shouty today, are we Prince? Fair does, even if it's a little out of character for you.

"Any interaction with people I've grown close to puts their lives at risk." I responded, letting a touch of seriousness seep in. "I was in no hurry to come back."

Rutherford titled his head, as though contemplating the human behind the black coat and the answer provided for his Highness. "Pink pony misses you."

Yes, and I miss Pinkie. And Applejack. And Fluttershy. And Twilight and Spike and Starlight and Rarity and Rainbow. Bon and Lyra, Whooves and Derpy. I missed everyone I ever met in that wonderful town.

"I miss them more than life itself..." I wasn't certain if the Yak even heard that, allowing a forced smile to my lips, which has been the norm for me nowadays, and nodding to behind the Prince. "Shall we go?"

"...You've changed." And without another word, Rutherford turned his impressive weight around and led me down the next snowy hill, letting me linger brief in thought before following.

Oh, I've changed alright Rutherford... More than you could ever understand.

The walk and escort didn't last too long; it was only until the top of the next slope for the Prince to pause, and I beside him, to take view of the nearby Yakyakistan in all its old-fashioned glory.


"Blimey." I blinked, admittedly impressed. "Look at that!" Things have certainly improved around here, literally! Even from this distance, the sight was glorious.

Taller chimneys, wood and metal added to walls and even the reinforced protection outside the Yak village. Massive water wheels and even... Were those metal spikes at the bottom of the large wall preventing intruders from climbing upwards? Jesus, the Yaks have certainly been through a lot since our last get-together; this was quite impressive even for them. Gone with the typical stone and straw in favour of advancing and catching up with the current future.

With a smirk, I gently elbowed the Prince's side rich brown fur and added casually, "Oh come on. Be proud of yourselves. How long did it take you to build all this, eh?"

"Two days."

The stoic and simple answer didn't process until approximately four seconds, the dawning comprehension showing on my obscured features as I quickly looked back from the Yak to the village in utter surprise and incredulity. Two days... Except...

"Then we have a problem." Pushing my hood down, finally revealing the unruly dark brown hair which followed, to my neck, unshaven beard and mustache which made me look far older than I truly was, spots in various parts of my average-looking face and hazel determined eyes behind medium glasses. I removed said glasses quickly to wipe off the snow which gathered upon it, putting them back on after and pocketing my hands yet again. "Because this technology, it's far too advanced for your kind. No offense but..."

Rutherford seemed directly unfazed from the observation, tilting his head over my way with covered unreadable eyes. "And the Mystics are unease."

The Mystics? I met his expression with a frown. "Why, what's happened?" Were they alright? Did something occur to them? Last time I met they looked about ready to drop- No... No, I shouldn't be joking like that.

Or ever again...

"Many has happened to the Yaks of late, and now we fear it is not simply affecting us." Rutherford, speaking in more comprehending speech and casualness than ever there was of him. Clearly, something was going on with him and presumably his species. "Come." And he strode forwards with purpose, not waiting for me to catch up at all.

I didn't linger, though, hoping to see what exactly was happening now. Another imbalance? Something caused by accident to increase Yak intelligence? Intervention from my friends? A spell gone wrong?

Whatever it was, something felt really, really wrong. I had a bad feeling about this...

As do I, Jack. As do I...

Hm... Also whatever takes me out of this damn cold. Wherever there's advanced technology, there are heating systems.

'Scuse me.

Pardon me.

Coming through.

What polite hospitable Yaks; making room for their leader and shoving themselves past me, of at least trying to, whilst I'm following the Prince to our destination. I had to swerve and make use of my incredibly thin physique so I wouldn't directly knock into anyone. I dare say all this walking around Equestria has left my body some positive feedback.

But man, just look at what they've done here. Whatever happened to suddenly have the Yak species gain a clearer understanding of modern technology seemed to be doing them favours. Water wheels, windmills, even Yak blacksmiths in some places we walked by, everyone seeming very occupied with their new senses of clarity. Former huts transformed into more stone and hay houses with glass windows, even with the woolly brutes putting up decorations outside their homes and working together.

No stomping around, everyone was acting so casual.

Oops, almost bruised my neck against two Yaks carrying a bale of hay, quickly ducking beneath the middle as I walked by, hands in pocket and gazing around in pure wonder. Some Yaks were resorting to even standing on their hind legs alone! What the Hell was even happening around me?! Even small food stores were presented. Okay, it looked like they were selling makeshift snow food, but still!

I quickly warmed my hands briefly upon passing a nearby campfire, taking in the heat I desperately need upon travel back to this place. Much better, following after Rutherford hurriedly and careful not to bump into anyone, in spite of how crowded it was.

And... I dare say I peeked a library at the corner of my eye, just at the end of one 'street.' Christ, Twilight would-!


She'd have a field day...


If the Prince took any notice of my expression, he made no acknowledgement, simply grunting as he led me further down the village, if it could be called as such anymore, towards some more isolated part with a familiar hut right before us.

Well, seems not everything has changed around here. This hut left some impression here the previous times I visited. I had never risked doing so again before now for the same reasons I refused to visit old friends. It was for the best.

But like Starswirl said, this seemed far too important to ignore.

Speaking of, you picked up anything while we're here, Starswirl?

I... It seems to be transparent. My spiritual mentor responded rather uncertainly, as if in a trance. Never a good sign, that or he was highly intrigued. There is an interference in the air... But not precisely related to the forces of imbalance... And yet...

An impatient snort stopped me from hearing more any unique insight, Rutherford already by the entrance atop the two steps and regarding me with exhaling nostrils. "Former pony too distracted. They are waiting for you."

"Alright alright." I spread my arms in apology, noting how the snow has gone much lighter since our entry into the village. Sighing, I strode forward to join the Yak Prince, rather eager to see what these mystics wanted this time. Hopefully not just some more pretentious cryptic warnings again about a worldwide threat. I already had that to take care of.

I too am intrigued with the purpose behind their summoning you. Perhaps our Yak friends may shed some more light on our enemy's whereabouts.

Doubtful, but here's to hoping.

"And the fires and the winds and the mountain soil. And the harmony, the chaos and the undeserving..."

The smell hit me first, far too recognizable for them as soon as I went through the draped carpet for a door, into the round and rather cozy hut occupied with a handful number of certain aged female woolly creatures. Yep, nothing's seemed to have changed much in here.

Save for the campfire lit in the middle of the room... And the smoke above omitting an admittedly sinister atmosphere. Won't lie, I did flinch a little... But not even a cough. There doesn't seem to be any open windows or gaps to let the clouded smoke leave. More voodoo magic or something?

"And the waters and the glaciers and the fallen leaves. Nature and entropy which will contrast or unite, unending..."

That rather vague and low muttering from one mystic wasn't helping. And judging by all those absurd number of decorations covering her obscured features, this must be the head of them-

Ow. Okay I was moving already! Sheesh!

Rutherford's shove prompting me to slowly approach the group, careful not to interrupt their... Activity and taking a gentle crossed-legged seat beside the empty spot between two mystics at the Prince's gesture, on some rather rough muddy ground. Yaks care little for rugs except as doors, apparently. Old Yaks especially.

...Was I going native...?

Suddenly all hidden eyes were directly on me... Terrific. I could only smile sheepishly and give a short wave. Was I suppose to speak a greeting? Make an acknowledgement to their stares? Stare right back? How did my last greeting go again...?

"And the mist and the fog and the endless seas. And the tides to the flowing magma to the starless currents..." The lead mystic trailed off, aged obscured eyes behind graying fur turned my way, her croak-like voice suddenly becoming more clearer as though she returned to the real world. "The chosen one returns to us..."

I winced, biting back an urge to snap at calling me any sort of prodigy. Storytelling one-oh-one, be creative without using any 'chosen one' tripe. It's just a recipe for laziness.

In any case, I was far from a chosen one for anything. More like a chosen one for utter failure and letting people he loved down.

"You should not have delayed child." The presumably wise old Yak started again, head lifting slightly towards the small fire surrounded by her brethren and I. Rutherford remained in the shadows over my shoulder, as if some sort of silent guardian. "The winds of change have arisen, and now the price must be paid for all time."

Vague and sinister cryptic as always. I almost bristled at the veiled scolding. "I'm more curious as to how you all managed to find me and send me that letter. No one knew of my location, with all due respect." With what little respect could be mustered in my openly expectant British voice, leaning forward slightly to the heat and forgetting about the cold for a long moment.

"There are far more pressing matters than our foresight, child, though they could be considered one and the same, perhaps." The aged Yak responded briskly, one other elder producing a hoofful of dust from a small sack at the side... And throwing it into the fire.

Whoa! My body jumped back a little in my sport from the reaction of the flames, puffing more colourful smoke into the air... Funny, they looked like... Images...?

Wait, they seemed to be taking shape. Some parts of the smoke were their own colour. Pink, green, blue, gold... All either merging or taking some various forms. What advanced magic have these Yaks gotten themselves into... Or what they always had...?

"The mountain is crying, child of the stars." The lead mystic continued rather solemnly, letting the smoke take their amazing shapes, almost looking like a constellation for something. Could barely make out what, though, even cocking my head in befuddlement. "Events what should never be are occurring, and are occurring at this moment..."

A more blackened mist, splitting down in two and forming oval shapes, pure darkness with no life to them, almost looking like...

I jumped at the opened snapped eyes. "No." I frowned instantly, fingers digging into my knees at the familiar bone-chilling sight from eyes belonging only to one monstrous entity.

"We see him in our visions. He haunts the nights of our children, invades their peace in the name of insanity and despair."

"That creature..." Rutherford spoke up quietly from behind, probably aware of my visible heavy breathing at the appalling implications made from that demon. "He carries neither the kindness or friendship of other ponies. What is he?"

"He..." I swallowed, attempting some measure of calm... And failing. "He is a mistake..."

Cruel laughter...

Sparkling dying eyes...


"His name is Zagreus..." I at least managed with a glare to the ground, scarcely looking back up to meet their hidden gazes. "A creature born from the imbalance of events changed by my own doing. He wants to... To erase everything from existence and remake the universe in his own image..." I grounded out with self-deprecating grit teeth. For some reason, this felt far too important to share, because...


The lead Yak elder prevented me from voicing my startling epiphany, that solemn tone ever present. "And it appears this creature will succeed in his malevolent quest, as events proceed in motion; contrasting the very flow of time and order."

More dust thrown into the flames, taking shapes next once producing six coloured clouds... Clouds of colours which I would recognize whom they symbolized in a heartbeat. No... God no!

"And six children of magic may pay the ultimate retribution..."

No! "Twilight...!" I released a gasp of utter despair and horror. No, if Zagreus was completely targeting them now as opposed to me... "No! It's me he wants dead first! Not them!" I snapped heatedly towards the mystic, all pretenses of respect vanquished in the name of yearning to know the safety of my cherished family. "Are they safe? Are they alright? Is SHE alright?!"

I had to know! It was imperative I had to realize! I'll leave right now if they didn't answer my dreaded worries then and there!

The mystics seemed to pay no acknowledgement to my passionate concern, throwing even more dust in the cackling fire and...



A gust of harsh wind, soaring through the flames, and abruptly all sight was revealed, pairs of aged silver eyes all collectively shining through the dark, with the blackest shade reflecting from the lead mystic's frail orbs. I breathed shallowly, unable to look away from the wisdom and raw power emanating from the pair of dark silver staring right back at me, piercing through my fragile soul as though unraveling every aspect, every piece of my existence.

"We have gained these powers of foresight." The leader began once again, after the collective cryptic speech of her sisters concluded and those eyes gleamed with pure knowing. "Because magic itself is bleeding into the land."

More smoke thrown, revealing green and blue mist forming to that of represented fields and clear skies.

"Whereas even those far from reach may play other roles in this malicious scheme of our enemy..."

Red and yellow resembling hair...

A shape akin to a guitar...

A red horn...

Two more softer light purple eyes...

"From the smallest ladybug to the mightiest lizard, all are becoming affected by what this creatures has done to the other realms. There is far more at risk than you may ever comprehend." The head mystic tilted her aged head. "My boy... You must go."

"G-Go...?" I released a small sound, almost akin to a squeak. My limbs were visibly trembling, hazel human eyes wide in horror and awe, simultaneous, realizing what it was Zagreus may actually be doing to the world.

His presence...

The Yaks becoming more advanced...

These elders gaining foresight...

All other creatures to be affected by the stream of leaked magic coating the land and transforming them for better or worse... Therefore, causing a boatload more imbalance all because of his existence...


Because of my existence...

"To where it all first began." She instructed, and my body froze by what she was asking. No. No I couldn't- "And there is yet more, for the ending of magic would brings not only the end of life across the lands, or the harmony which binds all together..."

What... What could be possibly worse... I had a dreadful and apprehensive feeling my answer was about to come... Right now...

Silver eyes glinted once more, sending a shock down my weary spine and goosebumped skin. "The end of all itself."

I was already standing up and bolting out the hut before I even realized, my legs on overdrive and autopilot down the busying streets of advanced Yaks which should never be. Evens all happening because of my own recklessness. My decisions to choose helping others in the name of slapping continuity in the face!

Starswirl, I need a portal to Ponyville! Right this second!

Think rationally, Jack. Gathered magic like this may incite an adverse effect of the already bleeding magic spreading across-

I was not taking weeks to walk all the way back, Starswirl! I'm needed now! It was finally time... Time go back home!

Time to go see my family again!

Time to set things right eternally!

Now Starswirl!

And the golden shining portal opened right before my running eyes to the entrance of the affected village, and without even hesitation, I rammed through into the welcoming light without a single care. I may have ran away to protect my friends.

But by God, I will always come back to protect them too...!

Jack Wright as Stardust Balance

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Jim Miller as King Sombra

Vincent Tong as Flash Sentry

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Ashleigh Bell Rainbow Dash/Applejack

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Ian Hanlin as Sunburst

Zagreus as Zagreus

And Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle



Protect them until the very ends of...!



Just the mere sight of the town had me frozen stiff. Even after all this time I recognized this spot off by heart, the same quiet place I preferred going to whenever I needed to be truly alone... Or just for Twilight and I...

The Star Hill, as I had dubbed it way back when. The sensation of nostalgia hitting me like a freight train, that Ponyville air breathing into my nostrils with a side of apple. Again, my hands were quivering, swallowing a dry throat and blinking rapidly. Half of me expected all this to be an illusion, a fabrication incited the desperation of my own mind and how immense I missed my dearest friends.

Because I was home...



I was... I was actually...!

How long...? I almost fell on my knees, struggling to keep myself composed and throw my long-sleeved arms up in the air happily, instead my upper limbs dangling helplessly by my sides. After all this time, I was actually home...


The Hell was everyone...? Even all the way from this hill, I could make out previously the shapes of Equestrians walking to and from the town. So why couldn't I see anyone close by? Were my glasses foggy again...?

I believe the local inhabitants, like all fellow Equestrians across the land, are contently attending the first Friendship Festival in Canterlot.

Oh... And you neglected to mention this a few minutes ago to helpfully dampen my intense worries for my friends?

Well, you were in a hurry.

Very funny.

Still, a friendship festival. I almost snorted, if not for the severity of the situation, hands in black pockets and still just standing there, unwilling to move for the moment. Sounds like Twilight's getting bolder with spreading the magic of friendship over Equestria.

A momentous events, the first of countless more to arise. My aged teacher answered in my mind with a touch of warmth and approval. Every year, a festival shall commence, in celebration for the utter wonders and potential for everyone to make friends with others. Soon enough, all many other species shall partake in the festivities and learn the power and comfort of friendship with every passing year. It is the young Princess, Jack, who shall leave her mark on the world in bringing all life together through friendship and trust.

And, wait, don't tell me, she's probably panicking about getting everything done perfectly right this second.

You would know her better than many, Jack.

I allowed myself a small smirk. Me, Spike, our friends. Everyone close to her, I feel. And it just sounds exactly like something Twilight would do whilst making the best effort not to screw such an important responsibility up.

But she'll be fine. With our amazing friends beside her, and the fact she and the others were currently out of danger in the form of Ponyville.




...Shall we proceed?

What? O-Oh, yes.

Sorry, just needed a moment to collect myself... Heh...

Though the spiritual unicorn sounded sympathetic, there was a touch of urgency to his grandfatherly voice. If the Yak's prophecy rings truth, we cannot spare time for hesitancy. I shudder to comprehend what this 'end of all' they predicted could be. And with Zagreus in Ponyville...

He would the ample time to do some damage while Twilight wasn't at home... [BEEP]... Okay.

Okay... I could do this... Just need a nanosec...


Inhaling sharply, I made the effort to steel myself, hand in pocket brushing against the cool metallic hilt of a useful defensive weapon, feeling the weight of other tactics on my right wrist and beneath my feet. No time like the present... And I absolutely refuse to allow that corrupt monstrosity to defile my home.

We must consider what the mystics meant, however, as we travel there. In addition, there's no confirmation that Zagreus currently dwells within the castle than anywhere else close by.

I'll check the Forest and the abandoned ruined castle there after my extensive search through my old home, regardless how nostalgic and painful it will be. Because every part of my body and soul were in agreement that I never, ever deserved to set foot inside that wonderful castle again, its glimmering structure from this distance causing a lump in my traveling throat.

And try as I might, I couldn't rid myself of the nostalgia, the memories which hit me like an avalanche of rocks with every area and spot I walked by. Ponyville may seem empty for the moment, but my heart and mind filled all the spot for them.

Because I was seeing ponies, ponies everywhere. All trotting by merrily, conversing with one another, eating together, playing ball at the nearby park with picnics and flying kites. All equines without a shred of fear or apprehension in their hearts, totally in peace and content with the lives as it should be. None of these ponies ever deserved to experience such travesties but bliss and love. Sometimes I always envied them of that.

It was all coming back to me, piece by piece, and my heart was lerching upwards and threatening to be vomited from my mouth from the heavy flashbacks and the sensation of how much I desperately missed being here...

Home is where the heart is, my boy. You should never feel alienated from returning, even if you deem yourself unworthy.



Oh, look Starswirl. I pointed, almost in excitement. That was where I first appeared in this world! How the Hell could I eve remember the exact spot I woke up on?!

"He's waking up..."

"I can see that."

"What do you think's wrong with him?"

"Maybe he's had too much sugar."

Where...? Who...? What...?

"Mister...? Hey mister...! Wake up!"

I remembered, faintly smiling at the nostalgia whilst observing the spot on the ground, how hopelessly confused and bewildered I felt, suddenly appearing in a cartoon world after falling asleep back in my home world. The bafflement of being greeted by Bon and Lyra, soon followed with utter despair and incredulity at being transformed into a pony.

Sighing rather depressingly, I continued onwards, the memories getting to me and threatening to drown my state. Shouldn't really be wasting any time with the end of the world presumably on the horizon.

But still, I remember the state of who I was, back then. A nineteen-year-old boy, suddenly uprooted from my world unaware and thrust into a land which relied on magic and compassion, utterly lost, frightened and alone. It didn't take long for me to realize that I wasn't alone, but refused to admit it even to myself. Back then, I judged myself a lost cause - though, that hasn't really changed all too much - adamant in keeping Twilight and everyone out from knowing the real me.

Because I was afraid of opening my heart again...

...Had I not been so stubborn, what would have changed, I wonder? What would have happened to me had I accepted their friendship and kindness right off the bat, opening myself to them and letting those six wonderful mares and one amazing dragon know the real me, much much earlier? Would have I been more happy? More jovial and party-like? Always attending events and places I was never really a fan of for the sake of appeasing my friends?

Would Twilight and I have, at a much earlier time...?

...Well, it was unhealthy to dwell on what-ifs all the time. The past couldn't be changed, even if you wanted it to... Heh, or in Starlight's case, had the power to.

Huh, I recognized that bench. I think it was the first time Twilight and I had a real genuine civil conversation, a sneaky means on the back then unicorn's part to pry more about myself, and make a real new friend.

"You're a writer?"

"Well I've never published any books. Just some stories in my spare time for others to enjoy reading. I'm not quite there yet. I plan to get become an author someday."

"Oh. You never really struck me as a writer, Stardust."

"Did I ever strike you as anything?"

"Trying, for a start. So, do others enjoy your work then?"

"I certainly hope so. But my work is... average at best. I dabble here and there. Writing is arguably the best thing I excel at... if you don't count being a sarcastic grumpy loner. There are still so many flaws with my writing I wish to correct, and one day will. My profession as an author won't be happening anytime soon."

"So that's your dream then, to become an author."

How back then she kept calling me by the Equestrian name I chose. Ha, even to my mind it felt surreal for her to address me without my real name; only Twilight ever had the right to call me as such on this planet.

Was still weird even when it wasn't specifically her addressing me. The Midnight version I encountered on my runaway travels-


...Moving on...

You can't keep brushing the issue off indefinitely, Jack. You must address before it eats away at you.

I'll think about it. Later. Right now, Starswirl, Zagreus was our biggest priority. I could start worrying and beating myself up for letting everyone down afterwards, when I'm either dead or beginning at Twilight and everyone's hoofs for forgiveness.

Nothing sounded more appropriate.

Jack. You can't keep doing to yourself-

I could do whatever I damn well like to myself, Starswirl. You may be my teacher, but you're NOT my caretaker. If I'm guilty for everything that's happened, then I will shoulder the responsibility. Let it crush me if that happens. The point of the matter was I didn't deserve them.

Pinkie's laughter.

Rarity's generosity.

Fluttershy's kindness.

Applejack's honesty.

Rainbow's loyalty.

Twilight's magic.

All their smiles of hope and joy, their offered hooves and embraces. Spike accepting me as his own fatherly parent. Starlight viewing me as some older sibling. Sunset and friend's offered hands for support and standing by me against whatever threat consumed their home.

"You... You've ruined everything I've worked for!"

"You tried to threaten my friends."

Compassion. Love. Admiration. Friendship. None of those I ever worked for earning, all handed to me on a silver platter. A pathetic manchild with autism and a passion for getting himself almost killed, repeatedly, in the name of some noble crusade of putting himself in risk first in favour of keeping his loved ones safe and from harm's way.

Even when they follow him... Follow ME into battle...

And that was why I chose to left... I couldn't take that anymore... I left because I was a coward...

...Ha... Ha...

A glint caught the corner of my eye, bowed head glancing down remorsefully to the hand bearing the promise ring. The vow to keep Twilight safe and happy for all time. I slowly pulled my hand out, the purple gem attached to the one-of-a-pair jewelry gleaming beneath the warm sun, reminding me painfully of those angelic sparkling violet eyes.

"Nopony is beyond friendship, Jack."

...I hope your festival goes amazingly, Twilight. You, Spike, Starlight, everyone... All deserve the best time for all your hardships-

What the... Gah...!

The suddenly violent trembling from the ground almost had me fall over, quickly clutching onto a nearby streetlamp for support, the pathway beneath me feeling more than ready to crack open.

Which, thankfully, died down as soon as it begun, and I breathed heavily, effort to compose myself and steadily removing myself from the lamp.

What the Hell was happening now...?

Jack... Starswirl, for a rare time, sounded unusually apprehensive. It seems we are about to be welcomed with some new visitors...


The [BEEP]...?!

My ears had picked up on the sounds, noting the shadow of clouds suddenly snuffing out the sunlight blazing to the beautiful small town and gazed upwards in wonder, taken back by A. The sudden black clouds encompassing the formerly peaceful blue skies. And B. The few massive airships accompanying said ominous clouds.


Something else. Look to your left, Jack!

And so I did... And I immediately sprung into action, from the sight of a stampede of multi-coloured Equestrians blatantly being chased by huge wool creatures into Ponyville. The screams and cries for help told me all I needed to know.

And I refused to let any invaders defile our home!

Whoa! That was a close one! And thankfully only the sensation of scraped knees and nothing much else. I had enough bruises to last a lifetime so any additions would be like counting sheep.

"Go! GO!" I practically roared for the ponies I helped push out the way of falling debris. And that soon became the least of my concerns.

Insert classic superhero scene here of innocent beings cowering at a wall, some villainous brute minion slowly approaching their trembling states to do God knows what. And boom, saved at the last minute.

Except, no heroes here.

Or superpowers.

Just a man, a short barely six foot tall bearded human in need of a serious bath and shave, with some sick jet-rocket boots charging right into the white and black creature, knocking the unprepared brute right into a nearby abandoned food cart. I'll pay for the damages later.

"Run!" I practically snarled to the green and yellow mares, whom did as instructed in a fright and went to join their kind deeper into the town square. Just as that happened, my hazel eyes caught the sight of more ponies being backed against a corner by two of those creatures. Oh no they don't.

You come into my town? Terrify the populace? And expect little resistance? Regardless how long I've been absent, this was MY town. My home! I'll give these clowns the same treatment I handed to that Ursaminor and those Changelings, long ago when they invaded Ponyville.

The white furry brutes in black chest armour didn't stand a chance. It was incredible how much I was withstanding against their metallic protective wear. It didn't hurt all that much.

With the two knocked back together from my elbow to one's head and meeting the other's, I settled down on the ground and gestured to the group of five. "Go, join the others!" They all too happily obliged, not even a glance of gratitude. They were probably scared of me as much as they were of these-

Oh what now?! I struggled to latch onto a nearby table, almost knocking it over and me with it, from the violently vibrations on the ground, glaring up in surprise followed with pure rage at what caused the short and brief earthquakes.

Those sinister-looking black airships. They were firing harpoons into the many roofs of various town buildings, as though dropping the anchors for their proper invasion, and were currently slowly descending.

I hoped it would never had arisen to this. Starswirl murmured in clear resignation, as though the sight of an invading species was somewhat an inconvenience. But it seems Zagreus has been anticipating our arrival after all, and prepared for this exact hypothesis.

My focus lasted on the lowering black ships upon composure until the next following sight of ponies being chased relentlessly by more of those guard things; more of which I easily dispatched. Being on the run helps you learn a few tricks. For example; a hidden blade produced above the wrist attached to a magically endless chain spawning out from somewhere else, courtesy of my good teacher. One swing and the three goat-looking furry humanoids in armour and masks tripped over, unceremonious, allowing the next batch of equines to reach shelter wherever it was they were all fleeing towards.

I'll keep all these creatures at bay, holding out until these escaping ponies could reach safety. The current ground forces were low in number, apparently, judging by the brief glance around the outer layer of the town.

Facing an entire army by yourself, Jack. Starswirl almost sounded fondly exasperated. How much your Princess would disapprove.

Well, what else was new?

"Canterlot has fallen!" One pony cried out in terror, some unicorn stallion galloping by as he exclaimed this information. "They're coming!"

Some blood drained from my face. No...

Events that should be are in motion, Jack. Starswirl immediately attempted to reassure his apprehensive pupil. Twilight and the rest are facing their latest opposition and their forces. And like always, they will prevail.

Provided that Zagreus hasn't interfered with these events in question, which seemed depressingly likely. The Storm King has finally made his move, I take it?

That mental inquiry was put on hold by the immediate stomping and directing my concentration on the group of guards heading right towards me, wielding no weapons but their clenched fists. Big mistake on their part.

These rocket boots took some time to handle and get use to, but in the end I got some skill over them, immediately flying out of the way like a massive jump, landing perfectly on a tiled rooftop and maintaining my balance, hand firm on the material and daring these creatures to follow.

These were the infamous army of the Storm King which forced pirates to abandon their ways and incited hippogriffs into hiding? Either all I've learnt and practiced since leaving home has made me stronger and flexible than ever - which I truly doubted - or there were just big pushovers. An army of Bulk Bicep's, perhaps.

Speaking of whom, I think I just saw the ridiculously massive pegasus flee by, too. But regardless, the minions did pursue me, climbing up the building with sheer intent... Until I firmly kicked them all down to the ground without major difficulty.

Was this invasion force on the lowest setting of difficulty? I've fought Diamond Dogs more troublesome than these guys!

Oops! Almost missed another pony about to get captured, firing my chained blade to the ground and pulling myself along, shoulder impacting the side of another grunting soldier and flinching myself from hitting such armour. Okay, that one I felt!

But the pony made a break for it, thankfully. No use standing there and gawking like a tool. I stood upwards after prying the blade from the ground, pulled back above my sleeved wrist and started rubbing my shoulder soothingly for a brief moment. Give it two seconds, then I'll deal with the rest-

A recognizable magic blast sounded too closely from behind me, forcing me to whirl at another furry humanoid being blasted away midair before it could impact into me. But that wasn't the most shocking thing for me that particular moment.

"I knew you wouldn't just leave your friends to fight against something like this!"

Stunned hazel eyes gazed over with mixtures of shock, incredulity and excitement from the sight of the pink witty unicorn, finding myself smiling brightly and genuinely for the first time in weeks. "Starlight!" I couldn't help but call out in utter relief and joy, the sheer fact that one good friend who was like a sister to me seemed perfectly okay and unharmed.

The powerful and skillful mare with lilac eyes and blue and purple mane beamed right back, despite the present crisis, before then calling back in sudden horror. "Look out!"

Hm? Oh! That fist almost caught me by the skin of his teeth, quickly leaning away from the extended limb and taking advantage at the charging creature's back, one firm boot pressed intently against the black armour.

A second later resulted in him flying into a wall, and forcing myself skidding a few feet back before regaining composure. Rather a dangerous thing to do on my part, but beggars couldn't be choosers at this point. Besides, it's not as if I even cared what happened to me anymore... Nor have I ever, really.

Five more of them chasing after innocent equines were flown back from hitting a strong blue shield, Starlight releasing her magic with a short pant. "That's the last of the evacuees." The pink mare announced, hurrying over to my side with a serious and weary expression. "We shouldn't stick around too long or-"

I couldn't resist myself, mind and heart driven to instantly tightly embrace the mare on the spot, whom. after a moment of startled shock, wrapped front pink fur limbs around my neck right in response. Situation aside, you don't know how much it meant for me to see her again. An old friend and one of countless many whom I missed severely.

Despite our last encounter being more recent than the rest.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" We both found ourselves saying together in joy and relief, blinking for a moment together... Then laughing shortly, Starlight taking the lead this time, "After we heard some 'creature' fought off a den of Manticores invading Thorax's territory a month back, we were starting to think... Never mind." And she grinned lightly, pushing my arm with relieved affection. "I knew you would come back sooner or later. As did Twilight-"

"Oh for pete's sake!" Another familiar and welcoming feminine voice snapped rather incredulously. "Save the reunion hugs for later when we're not being invaded by some Storm King and his whole army!"

"Trixie!" I called out in surprise and total happiness, glad to see the blue unicorn too, whom too the liberty of tripping up two more huge soldiers with a long rope and instantly tying their limbs up with expert magic. Hasn't someone been practicing?

However, the magician was in no mood for small talk or exchanging pleasantries. "We need to catch up with everypony else! I the Great and Powerful Trixie refuse to be captured by some embarrassing brutes! So let's go already!" And headed on her way further into the invaded town hurriedly, Starlight and I proceeding to share a look.

"I think I liked her better when she took things with a grain of salt." Starlight managed to quip in light humour, before glancing upwards at the descending airships with a newfound grim expression. "But she's right; reinforcements should be joining them any minute now. We have to reach shelter at the Town Hall. Come on!"

The Town Hall? "Rather a ill-fated place to decide shelter for at this instance, Starlight."

A faint smile, perhaps resembling that of reminiscence. "To be fair, Stardust, we don't exactly have many other options at this point."

Oh it felt good to team up and kick some arse alongside this mare again! With any friend really, as Starlight and I owned some goat armoured scrubs with combined technology and magic as we passed through the streets hurriedly, Trixie taking the lead and rather impressively dodging the clutches of other minions herself, leaving us to clean the garbage up behind once she distracted them enough.

And from the look on Starlight's face as we kicked some goat butt together, I wasn't the only one who missed spending any time with a good friend. Blue magic blasts and shield mixed with the sounds of rocket boots and the unsheathing of a hidden blade.

Oh, I was careful, mind you, not to directly hit these creatures with said blade but the chain instead. Really the thing was used for climbing, stability or intimidation tactics. The lightsaber couldn't be relied on forever, secured deep in my black pocket.

But yes, it felt more than satisfying to do this again with Starlight, considering all those other times we kicked some major [BEEP] together against a gen one Tirek, some numerous species and others. We made a good team, and it especially worked better since Starlight was taught a few things from you-know-who.

I was grinning a lot more today than I had in months. It felt wonderful!


Shame it wouldn't last before reality and reminders hammered home soon enough.

But for now. "Nice look, by the way." Starlight grunted amidst her banter, stunning one guard with a shield and letting me plow right into him, knocking the pathetically weak creature into a glass window. Even though some of them had shields which seemed to deflect magic, that hardly deterred Starlight. "Black's good on you."

"You like?" I ducked beneath a swinging arm, knocking it upwards with the metal wear around my right wrist followed with a swift whirl, knocking the same wrist harshly into the side of the goat's face.

"Organization XIII, isn't it?" Starlight teleported with a quick blue flash, allowing two more minions to crash harshly into one another hysterically, blast them away into others like bowling balls to pins. "I think you once said you always wanted one of their coats."

One swift ascension via the boots, and a fall on the back neck of the next furry white soldier, knocking him down for the count. Another one grabbing me from behind met with a swift back headbutt into his armoured face, but still becoming a pushover. "Glad you paid attention to my wishes regardless how many times you died against the boss."

"It's not easy on hard mode, Stardust." The mare flashed out of the way of another barreling soldier, letting him knock into three others just like that. "You try playing a video game for the first time on the highest difficulty." Amazing how we didn't break stride or concentration during our banter, standing back to back briefly before more magic and rocket boot blazed around, more of our enemies being knocked down or into one another pitifully.

"It proud mode, my dear. Besides, the highest in the game is critical mode... Which I've beaten on my first try."

"Not strictly on level one though, isn't that right-?"

"How can you two be bantering at a time like this?!" Trixie called out next irritably, interrupting the flow and waving us over impatiently after dunking one minion into a conjured pool of jelly. "Come on already, before we're left behind!"

"...She's still struggling on beginner mode." Starlight clarified behind the source to Trixie's annoyance as we hurriedly followed after the blue trickster. "Guess Trixie's not really thrilled with others being better at games without breaking a sweat."

Oh, how much I had missed this!

A few corners around, down some more streets, it was all coming back to me in a heartbeat, recognizing and recalling what street led to where, all the pathways and their destinations, knowing instantly from my memories the entire layout of the town I had resided in for so long. A place I had come to eventually address as home.

Ponyville. A town of peace and serenity when Twilight and the others weren't causing a ruckus and trouble wasn't knocking at our doorstep. Small and quiet, just how I always liked it. A town which had always beckoned for me to return.

And now, under siege by a malevolent King and his invading forces. But not for much longer, if Twilight and our friends could save the world yet again soon enough. Which I know they will.

I may not believe in myself or a lot other things anymore... But I would, and will, always believe in them.

Town Hall was in plain sight, at the center of the whole area, and we were welcomed by several guards of Canterlot and Crystal Empire origins alike, the numerous pegasi and unicorns instantly spotting our approach and pointed clean spears our way, forming a protective semi-circle around the entrance into the tall main building where presumably all the ponies who managed to escape the initial invasion escaped towards.

I wasn't even fazed by the lack of trust and spears being pointed my way, moreso disappointed yet not really surprised by, again, the lack of Earth Pony guards. Seriously, Earth Ponies were the real underdogs of Equestria. Haven't the likes of Applejack and I - when I became a gold Earth Pony with unkempt hair and beard since arriving into this world - proved their worth? We do the most out of all others in Equestria, [BEEP]holes!

Interesting how you consider yourself a pony still, Jack, in spite of previous claims from yourself that you no longer deem yourself deserving to eve be compared to our fellow equines.

I pointedly ignored Starswirl's musing, Starlight and I approaching at the steps where Trixie waved over, the pink unicorn pausing with me briefly to the guards and addressing out-loud with assurance. "It's okay. He's with us!" Skepticism and doubt spread all over their features. Starlight huffed, already looking ready to roll her eyes. "It's Stardust Balance! You know, the alien? The man who saved our lives a bazillion times already? That Stardust Balance?"

Whom was no longer worthy of even wielding that name any further, but I dared not interject that at this time. Starlight's words had an effect, and I pretended those glimmers in the guard's eyes weren't portrayed that of hope, instead relieved that they slowly lowered their weapons and allowed us entry, stepping aside.

"About time!" Trixie called out, not even halfway indoors yet and looking pleased herself that we've caught up. "Now let's get inside before more of those creatures arrive-!"

And sounds of more stomping cut the magician mare off, every one of us outside snapping their heads in the direction of the various feet heading our way, an air of dread passing through our beings. Ah [BEEP].

"Get indoors, NOW!" I practically roared without being patient for argument, grabbing the first startled guards by the tail and pulling him behind, prompting the others to break formation with the drop of a hat and began retreating into the tall round building, knowing better than to argue with the famous - or infamous varying on who one converses with - Twilight Warrior.

Though I never deserved to be addressed as that again either.

Starlight and Trixie stepped between the doors and steps themselves for the guards to pass, soon both grabbing me by the back with their teeth and dragging me in behind them, probably thinking that I would stay outside to hold them off so the ponies could further barricade themselves in.

Damn... They knew me too well.

Sound of a buzzing instrument, followed with Starlight then whirling around to face the guards with us in the entrance, a stern expression rivaling that of Twilight's. "Find everything suitable enough to barricade the doors and windows! And don't waste any time!"

The pegasi and unicorns in gold and blue armour obeyed at once, setting straight to work as we proceeded to move out of the way, the pink unicorn then turning to me with a sudden sheepish expression, the sonic screwdriver she used to locked the doors hovering in a blue hue then onto her hoof, held out before me.

"I've been borrowing this since you kinda left it with me back at CHS. Hope you didn't mind."

Heh, you made it sound as if that wasn't intentional on my part, my dear. I gently pushed the hoof back, allowing myself a small reassuring smile at her perplexed expression. "You're making better use of it than I, I'm sure." And she smiled right back, if a bit uncertain.

Trixie then proceeded to snort. "Some things never change." Before smirking at me rather faintly. "So, this is what you actually look like, huh?" Pink eyes gazed up and down as if in examination frowning quite softly. "Well, colour me not impressed."

Both my brows perked up. "And you're anything to be desired yourself, Trixie."

She snorted. "Impudent."

"Spoiled brat."

"Rude human."

"Sniveling pony."

Pink and hazel eyes exchanged a firm stare down... Before the pretense ended and we both smiled lightly, not really hugging like Starlight and I had but the blue magician opting to patting a hoof on my leg. Closest to affection she might ever give me, while Starlight was smiling in bemused fondness. "Hate to say it, but you've no idea how much I missed our own bantering, Stardust."

I was about to say the same, except someone else cut me off. "Stardust...?"

Another welcoming voice from an old friend. It's a nostalgic wonderland up in here!

"Stardust, is that really you...?"

Oh, and another familiar tone! Male this time! I couldn't help but grin at the two approaching cream and brown Earth Ponies, both of whom regarded me in open puzzlement and wonder. Gently, I knelt downwards to their eye level, permitting a small smile of happiness and further relief that they were okay too. "Hello Bon. Doctor."

Wooves gasped, whereas Bon Bon looked more than ready to cry at the welcoming sight of an old friend. The cream Earth Pony with dark blue eyes and blue and pink hair and tail waster no time in tightly embracing me, and I eagerly returned the hugging, often missing the hugs anyhow. Hugs were nice, and these Equestrians excelled at them.

Plus, it was really, really good to see them again...

It's always a pleasure, and joy, to see old friends and family yet again when they're safe and unharmed.

Damn right-


After pulling back, I glanced over Bon's shoulder curiously and frowned. "Where's Lyra?" The two were usually inseparable. "And Derpy?"

Immediately the mood lessened. "Derpy..." Whooves already started, sounding awfully strained with head bowed to the red carpet and teeth uncharacteristically grit. "She... They..."

"We couldn't save them in time." Even Starlight and Trixie looked immediately depressed from the subject as Bon's drained voice explained, dying down by several degrees with clear regret shining behind those blue eyes. "They didn't manage to escape them... There's this creature... The Storm King... He has an army, led by a unicorn named Tempest... And they... They..."

And another, more posh yet still defeated tone finished for the struggling mare, causing eyes to turn with my own widening in genuine surprise. "We were completely taken by surprise, ill-prepared for the invasion which followed."

"Octavia..." I whispered to the grey Earth Pony with tired pink eyes and black long mane tenderly. In answer, she provided a small, drained smile.

"Glad to see you've finally come to your senses and returned home, Stardust, despite how a little late you are." No bite or jab to her tone, but it still hit me with a pang of regret and shame, my own mouth thinned. "A handful of us managed to flee by the train, but that didn't stop the King's forces from pursuing us all the way back to Ponyville, clearly..."

"Everyone else was captured and didn't have time to flee." Starlight continued for the Earth Pony, looking severely distraught whilst taking a step forward. "The Princesses... Were turned to stone..." From the corner of my eye, Whooves flinched in despair. "But Twilight and the others... Disappeared..." Lilac eyes gazed downwards herself. "We were so powerless to do anything to stop this..."

Slowly, I found myself leaning back against the wall in a sat position, regarding these despaired ponies with sympathy and empathy. Because I understood perfectly what it meant to be thoroughly powerless to protect the people you care about.


"Go home..."

"Don't do this..."

"Go to your friends..."

I released a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding, enough in time to hear Bon state rather hopefully with rekindled faith. "But now that you're back, Stardust, we can finally return the fight and get our friends back! You'll be more than to inspire and rally other free ponies to our cause-"

"Don't call me that."

The abrupt, and rather harsh on my part, order had the cream mare hesitate, beginning to frown uncertainly. "B-But Stardust, we need-"

"I said." I practically hissed through grit teeth. "DON'T call me that... I don't deserve the name Stardust any longer!" And forced myself upwards, standing away from the five startled equines and turning to face the window which had yet to be reinforced itself.

With the clear sight of my destination right before me.

"What's his problem...?" Trixie whispered no doubt to Starlight in bewilderment. "Oh who am I kidding? He's always had a problem...!"

I didn't even deserve to be home... But that was neither here or there. What matters for me are two more crucial things; one of which involved getting my friends out of trouble and somewhere where I din't have to worry too much.

But where... Ah!

"The underground lake." I then announced before anyone else could speak up and try to persuade me to help further, looking back to my friends with a certain nod. "Where everyone was evacuated to the last time the town was invaded. You'd all be safe there."

Starlight frowned, likely catching the emphasis on 'you,' whereas Bon nodded in realization. "When that monster Tirek was sucking the magic out of everypony! We can sneak out over there and draw out a strategy to retaliate over there."

"In a more secluded and hidden location!" Whooves caught on almost gleefully, hope beginning to shine in innocent light eyes. "They'd never find us, especially in the Everfree Forest!"

"Uh." Trixie looked between the two Earth Ponies with a expression known as skeptic. "Is Trixie the only one seeing some holes in this plan...?"

I smiled faintly. Glad that Trixie's inconsistency with referring herself between first and third person hasn't changed in the slightest. It was appealing to the warmer parts of my shattered heart, all this... Being in their presence once again, exhaling softly with folded arms of relief and small wonder. If Lyra and Derpy were here, it'd all be complete. And let's not forget Vinyl.

...They'll be saved. Twilight and the others would save them soon enough. I know it... Right Starswirl...?

"That's the plan then?" Octavia inquired with a soft thoughtful look between the other ponies and I. "Get everypony to a more concealed location and craft a counterattack against our new foe together? We have to worry about getting there."

"Exactly!" Trixie responded eagerly. Meanwhile, Starlight was gazing at me with open suspicion. What? Was there something on my face? More than usual? "How in Equestria are we going to sneak a whole crowd of ponies over there without alerting those things outside?!"

That was a good question, to be fair... Starswirl, how soon could you open another portal.

The teacher sounded wholly apologetic. Not for another six hours, I'm afraid Jack.

Damn! We wouldn't have enough time... So how would...?

An elderly voice cleared her throat, and our surprised gazes fixed next on the light sand brown Earth Pony by the doorway, eyes glinting behind her own glasses with a rather knowing small smile. "I may know a means of getting everyone there safe and without anyone following." The Mayor of Ponyville announced with an expression akin to smug.

Mayor ex machima alright.

"When this building started upon its foundation, the ponies wished for it to be a place for stability and safety among fellow ponykind."

Secret passage.

"In case, should any serious threat arise, there would always be a means to evacuating every citizen in these walls for the purpose of escorting them away from the danger."

Secret passage.

"Though to this day, the means of escape has only ever been used once, and that roughly six decades go."

Secret passage.

Mayor Mare, after having guided us towards the bookshelf upon the second floor, turned to us with a light rather knowing grin and simply pulled back one book from the second row to the left. The cogs started turning as she spoke. "Now, of all times, seems the most appropriate to utilize these means once again."

Called it; secret passage. Though why it was even built on the second floor just screamed design floor. Ponies and their architecture.

"All we have to do now then is evacuate everyone down there!" Whooves stated gleefully, renewed hope expressed behind glinting cyan eyes, once everyone got over their shock at the sight of a secret staircase into darkness before us. "Just organize an orderly cue and voila!"

Which would still take time, of which there was decreasingly little every passing moment. And judging from the doubtful expression on Octavia and Trixie's equine features, I wasn't the only one considering this.

"Where exactly do these tunnels lead?" Starlight inquired as she peeked downwards into the dark, frowning in skepticism.

"An underground network of tunnels which leads to many exits out of Ponyville from a distance. Assuming if, of course, the Diamond Dogs haven't burrowed through these special tunnels reserved only for us ponies over the years, but we needn't worry." The light brown Mayor waved dismissively, keeping a placating smile in spite of dire times. "I've memorized the layout from a map which I've studied extensively since my first days as Mayor, I know where precisely to go if we are to reach the Everfree Forest."

...And we never thought of using these tunnels when Tirek struck? Nightmare Moon? The Changelings? Would've been the perfect time as opposed to evacuating out in the open. Especially when there was plenty of time to do so!

"We'd have to hurry." Bon stated next solemnly, deep blue gaze glancing between the room's occupants and scarcely achieving little to mask her pain. My own mouth thinned. The mental image of Lyra being enslaved by a madman was no more appealing to me as it was to you, Bon. "The Storm King's forces could try forcing their way in any minute."

Starlight nodded, turning back fully to face everyone with a determined nod, with one lingering glance, I noticed, my direction. "We'll need to gather everyone up here now. Somepony should also go down and scout through those tunnels to make sure they're safe first."

Trixie visibly shuddered, of course. "Ugh, going down into some spooky tunnels made a hundred years ago? This just isn't my kind of day." Then acknowledging the pointed stares her way, prompting the unicorn's frown. "What?"

"Thanks for volunteering, Trixie." The blue mare's jaw fell agape once the words processed, and Starlight barely smiled before addressing everyone else again. "We might need that map too, for cautionary reasons."

The Mayor nodded lightly. "Agreed. I'll go retrieve it, though it may take a minute; it has been a while since I last took a look at it. The map could really be anywhere." Because THAT'S what we want to hear.

"I shall accompany you in searching for it." Whooves stepped up, probably looking for any excuse to be useful and stepping beside his fellow Earth Pony. "Two heads are better than one, after all." And both immediately left for the Mayor's office, leaving only four in the room left.

Octavia decided to step forward then, looking deathly serious not seen since when we fought Chrysalis, Ahiuzotl and the Chimera together. Christ that was ages ago. "We'll go rally the others and make sure everyone's prepared for the route ahead." Bon nodded in agreement, pairs of eyes meeting my own for a long moment.

Bon's lingered, but the intense expression and what her deep ocean orbs were attempting to convey prompted a small shudder from my shoulders, the cream mare then turning and accompanying the musician back downstairs, where everyone else awaited for any good news.

Bon's expecting me to help. They all were... And that was the massive issue in this predicament. I couldn't help. Not this time... Not in the way they believed.

"Great, the Great and Powerful Trixie has to be the one tasked with scouting ahead some dark caves..." The dark blue unicorn with silver mane and tail in a magician's attire grumbled out-loud as she began stepping into the dark narrow passageway, that disgruntled voice dying down over time the further Trixie ventured.

Starlight rolled faintly humoured lilac eyes, unable to repress her smirk before turning to face me now that there were only two. "Some things never change, huh?" I shrugged, and then Starlight turned completely serious, painfully reminding me, by stance and facial expression alone, of a certain alicorn when she was taking things seriously. The stern voice didn't help dissuade me. "We'll need to draw up a plan of retaking Equestria from the Storm King and his army... Unless..."

I answered the trailed off question knowingly. "Twilight and the others will triumph, Starlight." Eyes glimmered next in hope and relief. "Yeah these events were suppose to happen. Cliche villain takes over, gets beaten and sent packing in the end. Probably a massive party afterwards celebrating the freedom of Equestria."

"I wouldn't put it past them not to continue with the Friendship Festival once this is all over." The pink mare replied in faint humour, corner of muzzle perked up amidst her subdued voice next. "She was hoping you'd show up there, you know." A short chuckle. "We all were, of course, but Twilight..." Lilac eyes stared firmly upwards, piercing through my broken soul. "She hoped you'd show up at least for the first ever festival to celebrate friendship. Rainbow Dash jested that this whole event was just one means of getting your attention."

"A festival? With loud music and all the ponies in Equestria gathered?" I smirked faintly, folding my arms and indulging my good friend. "Because the last time that happened worked out so well for me."

It was almost impossible, trying to hide the bitterness and drained soul from my parched voice. The damage was done and little could be done. I was dying and there was no remedy; no magical spell of power of friendship could save me this time.

It was over for me. That's the end of it. Done and dusted.

"I suppose," Starlight piqued up next, evidently sensing my thoughts and attempting to change the subject. "All we really have to do then is wait for all this to blow over, if our friends have got this covered." Though something in her resigned tone suggest sitting and hiding didn't suit the typically energetic unicorn well. Same here. "Might be a good time to catch up, huh?"


I simply sent Starlight a look, hazel eyes blinking right back at lilac, letting my expressions and stare tell everything in place of vocal words. The unicorn knew me enough by then, I should hope, that she understood my intent.

Her smile wavered, but Starlight pressed on still. "Now that you're back, I'm sure you have a lot of stories to share about your travels all over Equestria. You should've seen how many reports Twilight got over sightings of you across the land. There was a really funny one about spotting a 'suspicious looking creature' battling a group of bandits in Saddle Arabia... Heh..."

I kept on staring.

"Or when we thought, for a long moment, you were really gone after saving some of Shining Armor's guards from a bunch of yeti and fell down a dark hole atop the mountains." Starlight attempted and failed a humoured smile, the expression rather discouraging than anything, cracking from my own stare and managing a weak chuckle, glancing away briefly. "That was... Well, not funny per se, but... No it wasn't really a fun time at all..."






And, finally, she acknowledged the harsh truth, turning back to me with a pained sight and hesitant lilac eyes, practically pleading me not to go through with my plan. "Why do you have to go...?"

I couldn't help but soften myself, lowering down on one knee to eye level and revealing just how sorry I was about doing this. "I have to get to the castle." Were my gentle but resolved words, a hand reaching out to gently clasp a hoof meeting halfway, giving the pink fur a supportive squeeze, and allowing me to grin faintly, weak and pathetically so. "There's something I have to do, no matter what. And we all have our own pathways to go."

"Then let me come with you. Whatever's happening we can face it together."

"These ponies need you-"

"Your friends need you." Starlight cut me off firmly, frowning, severe passion blazing in those light purple orbs regarding blue-green right back. "Eight months without you has done more harm than good, Stardust." "

"Don't call me... Eight months...?"

It's not fair for you to fight these battles alone! You need us, please, let your friends help you... Let your family help!"

Starlight's other words almost died out on me, upon hearing the dreaded confirmation of exactly how long I had been gone for. Eight months... Huh...

With that, I stood back up once again, to Starlight's hopeless gaze. "I'd be more content with my friends being safe and well hidden for the time being." I stared back down at the clearly protestant unicorn, swallowing the many pangs of regret threatening to choke me for letting my sister down this way. "I've relied heavily on others for far too long, Starlight... Stay safe."

And, to which I could admit was a hasty attempt of retreating on my part, walked around the distraught unicorn, whom lightly called out upon me getting to the doorway with tenderness. "There's no shame in relying on your friends, Stardust..."

Another instinct to snap at Starlight to cease calling me that undeserving name, but instead, I simply side, one brief lean against the wood before replying right back solemnly, hands in black pockets. "When you've relied on others every single second of your life, Starlight... It's time I started spreading my own wings."

That is, if I could bring myself to stop relying on Starswirl as a crutch either. This was it, then, forcing myself to leave before the stubborn unicorn could make any further attempt of convincing me to stay. A part of me was absolutely terrified she would succeed... Hence the rushed departure from the room and down the stairs. There had to be a backdoor to the building somewhere, hopefully not barricaded like the others as of yet.

Goodbye, Starlight... Have a good life...

All things consider, those were some terrible last words to say to a friend vocally.

I pondered this, after rolling beneath a swung a arm and thoroughly kicking another armoured goat soldier from the rear to a discarded table, down for the count. A part of me had sincerely hoped my previous encounter with Starlight in Sunset's world would be the last, so the pain couldn't keep on continuing and make it harder for them as it was for me.

...Probably a foolish decision on my part.

My hidden blade, fired upwards with the help of an endless chain, helped my fly upwards swiftly for four of those minions to crash haphazardly into each other, letting me take the Assassin's Creed route of running and leaping across rooftops... Mostly with the aid of my rocket boots since the rooftops designs of the Ponyville houses and shops were almost [BEEP]ing impossible to find stable ground on, dodging more of those brutes left, right and center.

Leaping over one and then jumping atop his shoulders, the boots sending it sliding down face-first on the broken tiled roof. Then again, back to that train of thought, my life was nothing but horrendous decisions.

Make some friends, abandon them.

Return home to blood family, leave them forever.

Dying, run away to face the most dangerous threat ever.

Getting a Princess to somehow love me as I much towards her, depart with only a letter and a ring to remember her by.

Let it never be said, kids, that I was the perfect choice for a role model. The exact opposite, in fact. Why anyone would like me was a modern mystery.

Landing on the ground with my mad dash towards the tall heartbreaking castle, pausing to elbow one intercepting goat by the gut, ignoring the pain and pushing him away. If I - ugh - was a character in the show. I swerved around another and elbows his black-armoured back, flinching a little but managing to have him clash into the other minion I took care of. I'd be the worst character - somehow managing to sideways dodge between two extended fists by two assaulting goats - on the whole show.

Taking care of the others with a multitude of attacks with rockets boots, hidden blade and chain and just all the little muscle I collected during my time of traveling around the land.

I'd likely be more hated than Flash Sentry.

Come now, you lower yourself with scarce esteem, Jack. I dare counter that many would relate you to you as an individual and appreciate your presence for it.

Yeah? I wouldn't appreciate myself there; I'd ruin the whole show with enforcing reality and maturity to the friendship situations and whatever stupid-[BEEP] decisions Celestia and others made for the 'benefit' of everyone else.

My metal-covered wrist smashed into the side of another goat, hurrying forward after a whirling counterattack. The castle was just in plain sight then, and the torrent of emotions currently swirling the closer I approached and the pace which increased only exemplified.









Eight months... Eight whole months since I left home. Just the reality of that remained sinking in, when six more of those armoured soldiers made a dashing attempt to prevent me any further access.

All quickly dispatched with one fired blade in-between the six lined-up goats, making things far easier for me, into the ground and pulling me forwards speedily, slamming into them all at once and practically having them fly into a nearby clothing store window. I thought the corner of my eye spotted Sugarcube Corner for the moment.

Eight months since I abandoned everyone here I loved for my own ego and tendency for self-sacrifice. And now, I was finally returning home. Proper home, even without the Mane Six and Spike around. Just seeing this castle again, standing tall and proud with its blue and purple and gold tree-like structure, was doing wonders for both the positive and negative feelings warring within.

My pace had to slow, for a long moment ignoring the devastation and utter ruin of the town around here in its state, the castle still looking pristine and healthy, a purity the likes of Zagreus should never touch.

What would he want in there, anyhow? What could be inside the castle that Zagreus could possible want...?

The Elements of Harmony, I could imagine. My wise old teacher answered, rather grave about the whole situation.

But I thought...




Wait... You mean they didn't put them back in the tree after your wayward former pupil-?!

A harsh gust of wind, aided by a strong outburst and sound of magic, flapping the corners of my coat and whipping the untamed brown long hair, almost sending me flying back and rolling across the dirt path roughly, perhaps strong enough to shatter a few bones. Instead I opted for shielding my face and eyes and gritting my teeth from the powerful currents blowing against me, threatening to have me fly over Ponyville.

The Hell... Was that...? The wind died down only slightly, giving me ample time to gently remove my arms and gaze upwards-


A powerful, shining blue light fired atop the north point of the structured star by the very top of the massive castle, extending to the darkened skies and blowing away the black clouds. Soon, that followed with beginning to swirl them inwards, creating a sinister vortex which contradicted the regular friendly use of harmonic magic inside the castle.

And... This sensation, coldly stroking my form, both hands trembling violently from whatever was affecting me for the moment.

Imbalance. Starswirl stated, the most stern and serious I'd ever heard from him, as though right beside me and experience the wind touch his cape and long white beard. Zagreus lies indoors; the castle is under siege. We must stop him at all costs!


The winds were increased in raw powerful currents, but not enough to prevent me from my hurried process over, though to play it safe digging my black aged shoes firmly into the ground for more support at the often stronger breezes. Wouldn't allow that monster to invade and defile my home. Couldn't let him. I didn't know what or why he's planning, but it ended today.

Regardless how Zagreus intended on misusing the Elements and their powers, it wouldn't last. This internal war concludes tonight-


No... Not NOW... Agh...!

Please not now... Not when I reached the bottom step of the entrance, clutching onto the side for support from the sudden wave of imbalance choking my heart, intense and as painful as always... I needed to... Had to...!


The imbalance is too strong here for me to keep your lifeline stable! Starswirl called out rather strain-fully, whereas I closed my eyes shut, hand on my chest tightening in response to the ruthless agony. Jack, you need to leave! Now! You won't last long the further we linger near the source of this powerful wave of unstable magic!

...N... No...


Jack, you must-!

NO... No, I refused...!

I would not... Let him... Get away... This time...!

With grounded teeth, one eyes forced halfway open to more currents and the sight of familiar closed doors, I made myself move, second by second but keeping myself going regardless, the face flinching repeatedly and grip on the side of the steps violently quivering from the immense pain threatening to have me keel over and submit.

But giving up was thrown out the window from the sight of a certain purple ring, gleaming against the harsh winds and pain with that angelic purple glow.

...For them... For her... For everyone...

Balance survives... THROUGH ME...!


Both my hands gripped firmly onto the handles of the doors, greasy hair whipping in two different directions and forcing both eyes closed shut for another second. I could do this... I will do this...!

For my friends...!

For my family...!

For Balance...!

For... For...!

My entrance into the main familiar foyer was met with one gleeful teenage voice and sudden pain against my face. "Lights out."




My head... Gah... Wha... Ow...!

Something... Moving... Me... Pulling me... Forward by arms... Knees being dragged... Along the ground... Agh...

Gah... What in God's... Name happened... To me...?

Blinking wearily... A part of me was relieved to find my glasses still on... But the sight I was welcomed with and enhanced by... Said glasses were something out of... A nightmare... A rather... Embarrassing one...

"Looks like he's waking up." One of my captors from the right spoke in open brutish disdain, glaring down at me as both him and his mate roughly dragged me by knees across the carpet I knew all too well.

The blue hallways, the multi-coloured rugs, decorations and clean windows courtesy of a young dragon... I knew exactly where I was, just from one glance.

Home... The long way round...


"Enjoyed your nap, Stardust?" Garble inquired over his shoulder with a sinister wide grin, sharp jagged teeth present. "I hope so, 'cause it's likely the last you'll ever have." Leading by front towards the two open doors, from a harsh left, knowing exactly where we were heading.

Should I yell? Demand for release? Struggle to escape? Somehow grab my lightsaber and quickly subdue the three?

Nah... They were taking me exactly where I needed to go... Whom I needed to find...

But the next sight was far more appalling than I ever envisioned and anticipated. Never mind the bald figure surrounded by the Storm King's army around the while main throne room comprising of six certain seats, or the mirror emitting a dark light to the human world with the machine still attached on top of the table by the exact center, nor Garble grinning like a dog being soon given his prize.

No, what perturbed me the most were the two ponies held downwards and under the mercy of the villain's wrath, white and yellow heads turning from the sound of two dragons slightly grunting from moving their own prisoner.

It was those blue eyes meeting mine that forced me to remember.

"You never needed to ask, Shining. I would boil myself alive before ever hurting your beautiful sister. Never again."

"You don't know how much that means to me. I'll say this a thousand times, regardless how you feel about it; but thank you, Stardust Balance, thank you for everything you've done for my family!"


"I certainly hope we will see each other again upon your next visit, Stardust Balance 'the Crystal Champion.'"

"Certainly, Sunburst 'the Great Wizard.'"


And they both recognized me instantly too, having witnessed my return to proper human form as the result of the accident in Canterlot. And the two stallions looking just as disheveled and weary as myself, but the fire in Shining's eyes blazing strongly as ever. Of all the ponies I had hoped to avoid ever seeing again, just to not see the fierce disappointment on his face.

...None of which reflected in the white unicorn's features in the least, the expression that of resolution and empathy, sharing me a slow nod. I inhaled sharply at the sight, unable to make a response.

Sunburst's small struggling smile didn't help matters.

Abruptly, two rough claws grasped my shoulders and forced me t remain in this knelt spot, right before the back of the bald pale peach pony tending to whatever he was doing, apprehension and bile rising in my throat. After all this time... And having just the meager hope that our battle in that underwater city was the last.

Like a cockroach, he seems to keep surviving... Though I imagined he'd consider the same for me...

And slowly, those blackened eyes turned to face me, and I physically recoiled from how... Human, for once, they almost looked this time. Without possessing anyone or taking on a disguise this time. But that predatory bone-chilling smile and deathly glare remained ever present, as though finally granted his prey.

"'The Warrior of the Land.'" Zagreus crooned with a dreadful fixated stare, black eyes searching, examining and thoroughly deeming me wanting. "That is what they're referring to you as nowadays, is it not?"

I didn't give him the satisfaction.

"Oh? No witty retort? No attempt of forced bantering? No mocking doom in the face or degrading me as a 'cliche supervillain?'" His equine brow raised, staying on his spot by the round table. "How much her demise had affected you, Jack..."

My reaction was instantaneous. How dare he even reference her...!

Garble grinned at my flinch and disdainful glare, approaching Zagreus himself with callous smug. "After all this time, we finally have this pest in our clutches. Isn't it funny how you couldn't manage to capture when it took me one swipe of my tail? How pathetic you ponies must be-!"

The closest we ever got to agreeing about anything, Zagreus and I, was shutting some unruly teenager right up, a breeze of black magic sending flying with raw force into a nearby wall behind me. But the two dragons pinning me down barely appeared fazed for their friend's safety. Either this was a regular occurrence, or Zagreus has removed any shred of empathy from them. Which sounded the most realistic here and now...?

"Don't you dare lay a hoof on him!" Shining took that moment to call out from his right and my left, defiantly staring down the corrupt pony with heated passion and a stark resolve reminding me all too well of his certain sibling.

But Zagreus wasn't deterred, flicking another wrist-


"Shining!" Both Sunburst and I called out in abject horror, the hapless white Prince sent flying backwards into the wall with a loud crash and sound of pure pain, Shining groaning from his spot but otherwise unmoving.

No, this was between Zagreus and I! No one else! "Stop this Zagreus! This is a war between us alone!"

And my foe openly sneered, features twisted all too evilly. "This is what you chose, Jack, when you brought ME into existence!" His raised hoof lit in awful pitch black magic again. "All of this is YOUR doing!"

"AH!" Sunburst himself cried out in surprise and agony, meeting Shining by the wall with a sickening impact. No! I inhaled sharply, regarding the two stunned unicorns in pure pain and despair. Neither deserved this! I did more than they!

"Take me in their stead! They're less deserving of your time than I-!"

"You're in no position to argue boy." With one tap of his hoof to the floor. URG! Now completely being pinned to the floor face-first next, struggling to look one side and manage a glare in spite of my position. "Hmph, defiant to the end then." Zagreus seemed nonplussed. "Then how about I explain my sinister plan so you may somehow escape my clutches and devise a way to prevent my personal destiny."

A beat passed.

"I think, not." The corrupt monstrosity announced in callous placate, standing back to his former spot before the mirror. "You've been more trouble to kill than I originally grasped, Jack. I confess, this was arrogance on my part, when you had the help of others to save you the very last moment." And those black soulless eyes glinted in malevolence. "But no more."

Then this was it... Tch, I'll take the [BEEP]tard down with me once I had the chance.

"A shame Blueblood couldn't hold a tighter leash on all his pets. His pride and greed were his own undoing. A good thing, then, that I am capable of neither." Tch. And that pale head snapped towards me, Zagreus soon towering over from evidently hearing my low scoff. "You don't believe me? Even now, little man, at my complete mercy, all of Equestria and the worlds to follow within my grasp? You reject your involvement from my ascension to Godhood?"

"Some God..." I growled out, hazel eyes staring right back in my own weak resolve, the imbalance from earlier leaving a lingering pain in my chest. "You're a mistake, Zagreus... And I will rectify that... You're going to Tartarus with me...!"

No visible reaction. "Oh I think not." And something silver produced from this air beside the casual demon, long and sharp. "I've delayed your demise long enough, boy." My teeth grit, while Zagreus made the motion to his hence-dragons.

Gah! Whom both roughly pulled me to my knees yet again, at somewhat eyes level to the villainous and bloodthirsty stallion. Impassive black eyes staring at hazel baleful own. He may try hiding all this emotions if he wanted, but we both knew what this monster was experiencing this moment. Pride and satisfaction for finally seemingly ridding of this enemy.

I only felt a cold resolve, and could barely pick up on Shining's soft "No..."

The sword swung backwards. "Nopony to save you this time, my friend..." With the cruelest of smiles... And another swing aimed towards my neck.


I flinched at the loud magic meeting weaponry over my right ear, barely noticing the sword flown and spinning into the air and stabbing into the other side of the room, firmly fixed to the blue pillar. Both Garble's minions turned around... And both blasted off to the sides of the throne room, stuck there by crystal magic.

Certain dark black crystal magic...

Zagreus himself leaped backwards to beside the mirror whilst I quickly stood, barely hearing Shining's mumble of "Well, isn't that convenient timing...?" Never sounding more relieved in his whole life.

I din't pay enough time acknowledging my saviours or checking on my friends this time, hazel fixated determinedly on Zagreus and igniting the green lightsaber blaze from my coat pocket, the dragon having been too [BEEP]ded to check me all over earlier.

But Zagreus was one step ahead, the growling pony producing a blackened shield from thought alone and blocking back the green blade perfectly, the stallion then proceeding to snarl and ignite his own horn, meeting my next attacks head on and proceeding to dodge my already wild swings.

He hurt two good friends, invaded my home and attempted cold-blooded murder swiftly. No drawing back punches here.

But picked up skill and effort became meaning from the stunned pony kick to my belly, knocking me against Applejack's throne and having me groan out in agony, the power of a pony's strong hit forcing me to grit my teeth and struggle to blink. My enemy's moment of an advantage cut short and gave me short time by a blast of blue magic forcing himself backwards, the stallion blocking it perfectly whereas the rest of his minions battled with my good friends.

I charged yet again, swinging my lightsaber around wildly yet again. Like with against Blueblood; no grace or refinement, I was going to have this monster succumb under pressure by my own raw might and fury, hammering away with the green whizzing plasma.

Zagreus slightly grit his teeth, spinning back twice a few steps to avoid the vicious onslaught, soon retaliating right back with black and green contrasting one another, sparks of light and magic spewing back and forth between two opponents settling a long-overdue rivalry. Magical beams and grunts all around us neither we acknowledged or cared, fixated only on each other, black and hazel eyes brightened from the light of our weapons. No other outcome than the absolute victor of another and...

Ugh! Managing to push his foe backwards, Zagreus leaped into the wall from behind, using that as guiding force for his next jump and almost taking my own head off.

Hadn't I weakly managed to sidestep with a few strands of dark brown hair now disappearing. Lovely. I growled, whirling to face the and charged yet again, making a jab motion which dodged, responding with an overhead swing that barely nicked my right arm, a diagonal slash as my return present to his next block, and the heated power continued.

Even resulting in one final blade lock, our expression matches and fierce, grinded teeth and clenched focused eyes, human vs po- No, an abomination. One of my own design. And it's time to fix this mistake indefinitely!

Sensing this resolve, Zagreus' eyes widened for a faction of a second. "No..." Oh yes. You fear me now, [BEEP]? "No... I absolutely REFUSE!"

Agh! Even without physically capable of being affected by any form of magic, this was something else! An onslaught of of dark winds knocking myself and every person in the room crying out in surprise, feeling the air leave my lungs from hitting the edge of the table, the mirror behind shining oh so brilliantly. What has he done to it?!

But that became the least of my concerns, my lightsaber knocked out of my hand during being roughly blown back and discarded, helpless, to the side, and leaving me very vulnerably exposed. [BEEP]! No! I had to-!


Imbalance... AGAIN... But WORSE...!

I was sitting onto the table for support, one hand firm on my constricting chest and another reaching for anything to hold onto, teeth grit and eyes shut hard from the immense agony Zagreus was exemplifying onto me. No... This couldn't be... H-Happening...!

"I AM A GOD!" Zagreus screeched from nearby in full triumph. "BEFORE ME, HUMAN, YOU ARE AN ANT READY TO BE CRUSHED! I TOLERATE YOU NO LONGER!"

Starswirl... Starswirl... Where were you...?!


"Ah... Ah...!" I kept repeating in pain, now both hands placed to where my heart was struggling to beat, feeling more than ready to curl up on myself like a child and wait for the nightmare to be over... Except... The nightmare would only just start after Zagreus takes care of me... And does what he intends in this castle... To the Elements...

The Elements...


The Elements...!

Knew I... Saw them somewhere... Forcing my own eyes open to confirm this... Lo and behold, though half-lidded glasses struggling to glance upwards... The five necklaces and one crown... Positioned around the mirror itself...

And I... Which one I was getting...!

"Goodbye, Jack!"

But... Zagreus' own powerful magic was prevented by and shattered a good portion... Over the dark crystal magic suddenly coming from nowhere... And shielding me... Ha...

Element... Just in my grasp... Come on... Come on...!

Struggling, to even get up on knees... Had to focus... Must reach out... To the top, and...

A familiar harsh voice ordered out with passion. "Now old friend! NOW!"

Before Zagreus' outraged "NO!"

Yes... Go [BEEP] yourself... Zagreus...

With the amount of strength left to muster before passing out seemed a viable option next, the Element of Magic was finally removed from the mirror... Into my caring... And protective grasp... Just as I would... For its beautiful owner...

...Gah... I fell to my knees!

"NO! Roll over and DIE ALREADY, JACK!"

Ears picked up on magical struggles, and a certain feminine voice. called out with newfound resolve. "Get him to safety! Now!"

What... No... Starlight...!

Someone roughly pulled me from behind, but the last of my strength came to witnessing Starlight, Shining and Sunburst collectively opposing Zagreus' storm of black magic, meeting blue, pink and yellow; their synchronized magical shield. No... They shouldn't... They were clearly struggling...

"No..." I struggled myself at the pony pulling me backwards. "NO...!" Let go of me Sombra! I had to stop this! I couldn't lose them too! NO...! "DAMMIT, NO!"

Hearing my cries, Starlight's look of intense concentration shifting from glancing over temporarily, soft resolve and a glimmer of pure hope and warmth behind those lilac eyes, as if assuring my horrified and protestant state that everything will be alight.

Starlight... No... Don't do it... Not you too...


And once again, karma just loves to bite me in the arse.

"NO-!" And a sharp tug backwards, everything swallowing my vision and cry in a while light.

And that day was the first of only many things to arise. Balance breaks apart... As does its champion.

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