• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,887 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 169: Remember It So You Don't Have To!

Now, wasn't this a familiar scenario.

Fortunately, I knew better this time than to drink from the stream itself, opting to wash my face instead. And by God it was refreshing, my face was beginning to stiffen over lack of shower these past few days. Well, maybe days was an exaggeration.

Weeks now.

It's been two weeks since I left home. How I was even still alive was a great mystery. And now, even washing my face was starting to bring me flashbacks of better times. Rubbing my hands together, Starswirl was kind enough to provide a towel out of thin air into my waiting palm. Yep, another [BEEP]ing recollection was resurrecting through my mind.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Balance. Stardust Balance. A pleasure."

"Likewise. What's your name?"

"Um... I'm... Fluttershy..."

Heh... Seem to be going on a theme with those lately. Not a single day seems to go by where I'm not forced to remember the best - And worst - of times between myself and those wonderful mares, constantly reminding me of my own struggles and reason to continue onwards. Still, the remembrance brought a smile to my face.

Simpler times... Which by Equestria's standards was speaking volumes.

My hands paused for the moment, head buried in the soaking cloth, a muffled sigh. Really, there were no benefits torturing myself with certain memories this way. On the bright side, I've yet to recall any bad moments... Or my brain was selectively choosing the good ones to keep my from being driven insane.

Probably it.

...God I needed a shower. Even Nightshade was steering clear from me while he bathed himself in the light blue stream, prompting my wince. I can already imagine Rarity's reaction to me right now; the unicorn dragging me to the washrooms given first chance.

Luckily, my friend, we are close to civilization. I spy a local town just over the horizon due east.

I stood up, looking to wear Starswirl suggested. Ah yeah, buildings in the distance. Looks like a modest area, no skyscrapers or anything. Seems Zagreus' trail has led me to a place for quick refuge. Starswirl, any imbalances?

None which can be sensed, or we may conclude that Zagreus' disease has yet to afflict this settlement, or he has simply passed through. Regardless, caution is greatly recommended.

Fair enough. Dropping the towel, something then occurred to me. From a distance, that settlement looks more populated than the last one we visited, meaning I could be potentially recognized by someone known to the girls. Last time I made the careless mistake against concealing my appearance. I shouldn't afford to repeat that. Luckily I've packed enough hoodies to hide at least half my face.

Though that might not be enough. I'd still stick out like a sore thumb... Could do that trick Twilight made me pull when we were last visiting our... Her parents.

...I have the appropriate solution, I feel, Jack.

Hm- Oh!

Something black and long fell into my hands... Something very familiar from a favourite game franchise of mine.



Starswirl... You shouldn't have!

Well, it has the magic capable to utterly conceal your appearance, facial features included. You could pass off for a hunched equine while passing through. By all means, put your new disguise to good use.

Oh, will do! I've always wanted one of these! Immediately I wrapped the black coat around myself, pulling up the incredibly long zipper, and the magic which followed covered my legs and boots in pure blackness, hands now adorning leather gloves... Any second now... No? Damn, ah well, no new boots or gloves for me. Silver chains suspended from both sides of the chest, connected like a front necklace. I examined my new amazing look with an enarmoured grin.

Where have you been all my life? Even Nightshade looked somewhat impressed, tilting his head with a curious "Hoo!" And decided he had cleaned himself with enough bathing, allowing me to help him dry up a moment's afterwards.

Oh yeah, wearing this just felt... Right.

With the young owl now perched atop my shoulder, I slung the bag over my other side and looked to the side, aiming down the path to the town. A quick pit stop, bathe myself, now continue following after Zagreus. Sounds like a plan.

"It starts making sense, thinking about it, from the different way you react around stuff like you've never seen them before, or that one incident of your first trip to the library's bathroom."

...Alright, brain. My features twisted in humour and repulsed. No idea why it decided to bring up that memory. Guess we're already running out of good recollections with my family.

Galician Town.

That's what the sign said, at least. Honestly walking through the place, past the chirpy equines and pleasant atmosphere seemingly unaffected by imbalances, reminded me all too much of home. Just another fresh reminder of how much I was already missing it all. Still, I had to stay focused, trekking onwards with the guise of a hunched pony, hands clenched into fists and moving on all fours. It was rather a genius, if not somewhat stressful idea on Twilight's part.

"You must be new around here, judging by the confusion on your face, the foreign accent and that we've never seen you around here before. Welcome to Ponyville!"

Hah, now there's an old one! Starswirl, tell me, is it unhealthy of me to dwell on the past this long?

Seeing as how I am no psychiatrist, Jack, I would have to respond that recalling those old days are beneficial to keeping you motivated and strong. It is, after all, the good times and love from your friends as to why you continue pushing forward.

Fair enough... Now, where to find a bath house? Maybe I should ask for directions, if nopony decided against staring long enough for me to inquire. I spied while walking through the bustling town...

A cafe... Well I'm not hungry yet. And it was rather unwise to eat immediately before cleaning myself.

A hairdressers... Maybe I'll considering that one after my bath.

A bookstore... Well I have got enough reading material in my bag to keep entertained for a long while.

Aha! Bath house-


My limbs grinded to halt, brain catching up as to what precisely I thought I saw on the display case of the book shop just then. And quickly, I skidded backwards while careful not to fall on my arse, snapping my head directing at the presentation behind the large, clean window. A cover of a book holding six identifiable cutie marks with my special somepony's large and in the center.

I knew that cover... But where...?

Starswirl sounded vaguely amused. Well, it has been a while since we've seen it, Jack. About... Oh, almost three 'seasons' ago...?



The journal! That journal Twilight started after becoming a Princess, since she wouldn't be writing any friendship letters to Celestia any longer, where we'd all write down important lessons we've learned into it. That was season four, and it was entirely forgotten until now! What in blazes was it doing here?!

And... Why were copies of it beneath... Hang on...

My hooded gaze slowly gazed around in wondrous curiosity, finally recognizing the books this town's citizens were carrying around in their mouths, hoofs or by magic. All bearing the same covers from the old journal Twilight began a long time ago.

And I thought I was getting nostalgic! Seems I wasn't the only one!

Hmhm. It appears the Princess decided to publish these vital lessons of friendship for all of Equestria to learn. She has been busy.

...Then that means...!

She's okay! Twilight was doing just fine without me... I hope! She wasn't likely wallowing in despair! I mean who else would want to publish these and help everypony learn more about the magic of friendship? That means she published her work... Before I could get the chance.

Damn it Twilight, you beat me to it again! But even so, it was hard not to smile in pride and amusement for my fantastic girlfriend.

So, will you be purchasing your own copy?

My stare fixed back to the display case. And bring up even more memories... Well, it'd be dishonourable of me not to read the product of all my friend's hard work mixed into one.

Besides, I imagined Twilight partially did this in hoping I would come across one for myself, remembering all the good times and everything we've learnt together...

Ahh... That's far much better...!

Truth be told, I had always preferred baths over showers. That was just something relaxing about them. And the owners of this place were all too happy, upon accepting the bar of gold 'randomly' produced from my duffel bag, for me to have my own private bath. So no one could see the full view of a human being and run for help.

That, and my body wasn't exactly an appealing sight to behold.

From the side, Nightshade relaxed by the steam of the warm large tub, opting to stand there like some kind of guardian and keep watch for me whilst I lowered my guard, for the longest moment. My arms stretched over the edge, sinking my sat form deeper into the perfectly balanced temperature of water. Oh yeah... This was good...

If Rarity was here, she would be vocally expressing as much... Alright, suppose sooner or later my clothes will have to be taken care of next. Going to a laundry place might be out of the question, and I wasn't too keen on allowing other ponies to tend to my pairs of jeans, socks and underwear and accidentally shrink them. I could try the old-fashioned method of scrubbing my clothes in water like housewives did in the olden days.

...Starswirl, you'll have to guide me through that.

Don't worry, it's easier than it looks.

Thanks. In the meantime, I have a book to reminiscence with. Picking up the laid cover beside me behind the tub, my un-wet hands presented the book before me and opened some random page, conveniently landing on a lesson I knew all too well.

And Twilight's voice echoed as though she was repeating said valuable insight to me: "We've learned that friendship is never easy. But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."

Ah yes... The battle against Discord. I remember all too well. And, if I was being honest, probably my most favourite friendship speech given by Twilight.

Hah, I can just envision the mare right now, lecturing me for favouritism and that all friendship lessons were equally important and vital to each other. I almost turned my head to the side as though she was really there to give a smart arse remark.

Nothing there but a blinking Nightshade.

...Let's move on. Random page, random page... Hm?

"My friends and I all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your 'cover' is; it's the contents of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever."


That statement almost caused me to drop the poor thing into the bubbling water. But even so, my mood sobered almost immediately.


I smiled weakly to the concerned owl, having obviously noting something was amiss. "I'm fine Nightshade, thanks." Was I though? My gaze lingered on those specific lines.

"Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside."

...Were you glad, back then Twilight? Were you glad who you saw behind the visage of Stardust Balance? The broken, scared little man on the inside, who would rather go home and forget ever meeting any of you? Were you proud of what you saw...?

In my mind's eye, Twilight whispered her answer.

...Of course you were.

Sighing remorsefully, my fingers randomly flicked through pages to find something else, my eye immediately catching some very familiar handwriting that caused me to halt, go back and find the correct page which held all my lessons.

They were so few and far between. But one in particular stood out to me, a long while back.

"Just because your friends don't need your help, doesn't make you any less important. I learned today that friendship isn't all about being useful to your friends; there are many other things you can do with them: chat about nonsensical things, just hang out and, perhaps most importantly, enjoy your time together. And I wouldn't dare exchange any moment I have with my friends - and more specifically her - for the world. You will never be a burden to your true friends; your own self-care is just as important as theirs."

My eyes closed shut, leaning back in faint recollection. Right... I remembered... I was trying so hard to help my friends and be more useful in their lives, with Twilight, in the end, reminding me that just because one's help wasn't needed doesn't make you any less reliable... That mare was always a constant source of strength for me.

But even now... At this point... I was being useful to my friends; by staying clear away from them. Zagreus will not attack them until my ensured death. And my sacrifice would at least provide the girls more time to craft up a solution to stopping him should I fall in battle. Some would call this course of action utterly selfish.

...And they'd be right.

I would disagree immensely, my young student. A level of severity to Starswirl's old tone. You fight in their name, for their future. Seems rather selfless, to my ancient eyes.

Heh... Perhaps you're growing delusional in age, old man.

"And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever."

"Have I ever been a good friend, Twilight...?" I was compelled to ask, setting the book behind me yet again and lingering my gaze onto the steaming ceiling. "Was I ever a decent friend for you and everyone else...?"

And I swear, the hovering steam took shape of a certain equine and the ghost of a warm, comforting smile...

"Rainbow Dash finally learned the history of the Wonderbolts. But she's not the only pony that needed a lesson. I needed to learn something just as important. One way of learning isn't better than another. After all, every pony is unique and individual."

Hah... This was actually helping quite a lot.

That is, rereading all these jotted-down lessons in Twilight's voice or the voices of my friends varying on what the handwriting suggested. Starswirl's recommendation was a good approach, keeping my mind open and fresh without the hammering reminder how utterly alone and without protection I truly was for the time being.

Sitting on a lovely small park bench, my posture was that of a regular human being happily reading a book. A book which became the result of everyone's wonderful contributions. Twilight was right, each lesson was equally as important as the last, and none should be disregarded just because it didn't stick home with you. It was rather fun reciting all these read statements in my head in the tones and images of those six mares and one dragon.

...I missed them.

Like, terribly so...

I missed Pinkie's cheerful offer of cupcakes.

I missed Rarity's criticism of my choice of fashion and hairstyle.

I missed Applejack's dedication to effort and reward.

I missed, dare I say it, Rainbow's prideful showing off.

I missed Fluttershy's kindness and willing to hear my worries.

I missed Spike's heartwarming presence and childish enthusiasm.

I missed flying kites with Starlight.

Most of all...

I missed everything about... Her.

"For as long as I wear this ring, I vow as the Twilight Warrior not to engage in anymore danger headfirst without help from my friends. My family." Twilight gasped, and I grinned rather cheekily. "My love for them and the amazing Princess of Friendship is too much for me to let them suffer because of my own mistakes. This ring is a symbol of my promise to obey the wishes of my flawless Princess, and for as long as I stay human, it will never come off."

Eyes strayed from the book to the ring firmly wrapped around my fourth finger, having never been removed even taking that bath earlier... Yeah, once a hypocrite. Always a hypocrite. Never understood how Twilight ever tolerated my bull[BEEP].

Then again, I suppose she never had either-

"Why is Rarity even there to begin with?!" What now? My head snapped in the direction of my friend's name, brief panic settling before cooling at no sight of the unicorn fashioner. Instead, two unicorns, bright yellow and steel grey, from a nearby bench were conversing amongst themselves with their own copies of the journal in hoof. One sounded dreadfully snobbish. "How can those ponies deal with such a snobbish brat like her?"


"I know dear!" Another replied with just as much disdain, rolling her eyes. "It's painfully clear how much she prefers to look out for herself and has no place among their circle of friends. It's absurd how much they tolerate her; those ponies are far too lenient for their own good!"

What the [BEEP]...?!

"And don't get me started on that tedious Fluttershy!" Okay, what was this?! Was this real life?! Was this just fantasy?! "How many times has it taken for her to finally grow a backbone and stand up for herself? The way she just lets ponies walk all over her and having to rely so much on her friends almost makes her completely useless, wouldn't you say?"

Useless? My jaw fell slightly agape, unable to comprehend these ridiculous equines spouting [BEEP]. Fluttershy was never unreliable, the [BEEP] were they talking about? What you expect one pony to completely change their personality in one day? The shyness and hesitation was part of her charm, for Christ's sake!

And what's this nonsense about Rarity? That mare was arguably the most generous and hard-working of the lot, right next to Applejack. She's never been snobbish or a brat. Sure her posture could indicate as such, but Rarity has an elegant form of speaking and taking action. That doesn't make her self-entitled.

But the two nearby ponies kept talking as if they knew everything about my closest friends. "How about that Pinkie Pie character, then?" Oh boy, this should be good. "Poor pony, they clearly just keep her around for comic relief."

Comic reli- Okay, Pinkie was eccentric and rather the clown of the group at times, but there's far more to her character than just being there for [BEEP]s and giggles!

"Even her own lessons have a touch of humour to them. Perhaps they're trying too hard and working that Earth Pony to death with all the fun they can squeeze out of her!"

Oh come on! Pinkie's lessons weren't any less valid-!

"Hmm? Don't let me begin on these lessons written from the Princess's assistant." My blood froze, eye twitching at the very insinuation they were about to make. "Spike, was his name? What a waste of space that one is, he never does anything and just sticks around to keep everyone from appreciating the more important ponies!"

"Oh, I agree! What does he ever do? That dragon causes more harm than good, and the lessons written here by that atrocious hoofwriting were bred from his selfish gestures. Don't allow me to start on that creepy little infatuation he has to an adult mare way out of his league."

"Well, considering how useless Miss Rarity can be at times, one might say they're already the perfect couple. But regardless, it is rather appalling how often that mare leads the dragon on to suit her own selfish agendas-"

Right, that does it!

You can take pity on Pinkie!

You can grossly exaggerate Rarity's character!

You can criticize Fluttershy's approach to things!

You could call Applejack a background character, Starlight a waste of space, Rainbow egotistical or even that Twilight was better as a unicorn!

But I will not stand here and listen to these ungrateful arses talk [BEEP] about my son. Slamming my book shut, I didn't even care that I was stomping away with the walking posture of a standing human being. Nightshade, on my shoulder, equally held my incredulous disdain to these ponies. Who were they to judge Spike?

He's a kid for God's sake!

Sadly the criticism hardly stops there.

I dreaded to imagine how...

...This was the fanbase.

No, really, this was the fanbase right here. At the very least, a representation of the negative side of the fanbase which questions everything and everyone. The annoying rabble conversed heatedly amongst themselves around the town center, barely acknowledging the two-legged life form in a black coat with preference to spawning debates regarding the six ponies and one dragon who has all saved their lives time and time again.

"Why is Rarity still their friend?!"

"Why does it take forever for Fluttershy to learn anything?!"

"Why is Pinkie Pie always the punching bag?!"

"Why is Spike so incompetent?!"

Rarity is a valuable generous friend whom anyone would be grateful to have around. Fluttershy won't just change herself into an entire new pony in one day, these things took time. Pinkie has never been a 'punching bag' for anyone, the energetic nature was part of her charm, regardless if some found it initially annoying at first. And you keep calling Spike that the next time he perfectly cleans your house in less than an hour.

Amazing, the roles have reversed tremendously. Here it was I defending the others instead of criticizing like these ungrateful sacks of [BEEP]s. Had they all immediately forgotten all the effort and near-sacrifices those girls and Spike had to make in order to keep all their loved ones safe and protected? Does the fact that those ponies and dragon have saved them countless times and taught friends of theirs valuable lessons about the magic of friendship?

"Why is Applejack so underrated?!"

...Apparently not- Wait was that a positive criticism? I was lost now.

"Rainbow Dash is best pony!"

"The Princess was better as a unicorn!"

Oh my God, this WAS the fanbase! I was witnessing that side of the fandom I dared never explored.

Truthfully, my own relationship to the MLP community was... Scarce, at best. Oh sure I joined a forum and one fanfic site dedicated to this universe, but there was bare interaction between myself and many of fans even then. Not that I thought ill of the fanbase itself, but... Let's be real here, the fandom itself doesn't have a positive reception in geek culture for a reason, and not just because the show is openly detested by spite-driven human beings who would be fans of other kiddie shows.

Oh, and have you seen the Youtube comments posted by bronies on irrelevant videos? That [BEEP] makes my shudder; it's like they tempt fate and are asking to be devoured by the hounds.

Now here I was, judging the negative side of the fandom for their harsh judgement of the character and directions the show took. Talk about Opposite Day! If they really wanted to have their opinions justified, they should be bashing something that really deserves it.

Like Equestria Girls. Heheheheheh...

But no, all opinions are valid and must be respected regardless how much one disagrees with them. But these ponies... They had no excuse! Hasbro might be mocking that side of the fans here, but it's an entirely different scenario since these citizens were saved hundreds of times by the very ponies they criticize. Ponies whom risked their necks to make sure everyone had a bright and secure future.

And this was their repayment? Starswirl, for the love of God, tell me this situation was only occurring here!

Regrettably I must answer in the negative, my friend. This backlash currently stems across all the civilizations of Equestria. Even the Princess and your friends have an audience by the castle entrance in the form of a demanding mob.

Poor girls... And if Spike heard this [BEEP]...!

"Twilight was better in Canterlot before she moved to Ponyville!"

"Rainbow Dash is way too egotistical to make friends with!"

"Who really thinks Spike would get together with Rarity? It's sick!"

Was that the sound of my teeth grinding? Were my hands clenching so tightly nails were digging into skin and potentially drawing blood? Was every fiber in my being screaming for me to retaliate against these distasteful entitled brats?

Oh yes to all three.

I leaned forward, having every urge to yell over this crowd regardless of planning to draw no attention to myself, grabbing all their focus and proceeding to bash the everlasting [BEEP] out of them with some vocal choice words. Exclaim how ungrateful and judging they were, that how could they possibly treat those seven so harshly when they hadn't even been in their horseshoes? How much they were acting like my own people, a reminder I did not need! All those mare's hard work, scolded and chastised by these ungrateful inhabitants purely because of the lessons were hardly entertaining for them!

"And what about that Stardust Balance guy?" My mouth hung in suspense, a male voice calling out in his own incredulity. "What was he even doing writing lessons in the book to begin with?!"

"Yeah! Never mind Rarity, why would they even make friends with that rude pony?! He didn't even want to make friends to start with!"

"What does the Princess even see in him?! He's abrasive, condescending, judging, dependent, a freak and prone to anger. They have nothing in common!"

"It's like he's just added to their circle of friends without any justification! It's maddening how much they put up with his rude nonsense! Stardust also gets himself into trouble so many times and has to rely on others to rescue his reckless plot! He has no place among them!"




...Never mind.

I couldn't even bring myself to shout and scold them all anyway, it was like the energy died out the moment my brain vented these thoughts to myself. My raised finger lowered along with my posture, slouching forward a little. Instead, my legs acted on their own volition, moving away down one street and away from the horrible crowd to spare me any further insults.

"He's done nothing to earn the Princess!"

"Why does Spike look up to him? It barely adds up!"

"Stardust even admits to himself how unworthy he is of his friends!"

"He wouldn't know the magic of friendship if it bit him in the-!"

I was far enough then for their voices to become more faint, heaving a loud sigh to myself after wincing repeatedly from those... Maybe justified statements. Sometimes you don't need to swear at someone to hit their sensitive spots...

They... They're missing the point, though. Twilight, Spike, everyone: They added those lessons in the journal to share their experiences and one day let others learn from them too. It's practically a guide to finding a good friend whom will stick with you forever. I had hoped even the few lessons I've learned and written in there would have some impact... But not this way... Friendship isn't about being judged by others because you're not meeting their expectations according to how they perceive friendship themselves.

It's about learning more about yourself and others whom you forge a bond with. A bond which lasts until the end of time. On my home world, friendship was something fleeting and rather unappreciated by many... Now it seems to be somewhat the similar case here too. And, back home, Twilight and the other were experiencing this for themselves.

...Maybe that's why I couldn't bring myself to vocally express myself to that crowd. Because, in the end, stooping to their level doesn't produce many good results. A part of me was against arguing back entirely, a small whisper saying that Twilight and friends would appreciate for I to be the better man here and staying out of it entirely. But I couldn't simply stand back and allow these cretins to bash my best friends and family repeatedly.

There are better methods to resolving this. Perhaps some... Positive outlook sent back to the girls to diminish all this pessimistic energy.

My gaze lingered down to the book tightly gripped in my right hand... Yes. Yes I saw your point, of wise one.

All I had to do, then, was simply find a post office.

Sometimes, one can make friends in the most unexpected circumstances. You could meet someone entirely different in looks and personality to yourself and still establish a connection. The ties of friendship is something one could never completely understand regardless how much we try, but once it's deep enough, we can witness how beautiful the magic of friendship brings people and ponies closer than we ever deemed possible.

And these six wonderful mares - not to mention one amazingly awesome young dragon - have proven this time and time again with the lessons incorporated into this fantastic reading material. We're taught that there's far more to friendship than we could dream of.

Kindness. Honesty. Loyalty. Laughter. Generosity. Family. Equality. And, last but just as crucial, Magic. We could definitely learn a lot from these amazing individuals, each as important to one another as the last. The magic of friendship is certainly a challenge to obtain. But you know what? It is definitely, worth fighting for.

Ten out of ten. Would read to our future offsprings, my dear Twilight.

"Stardust Balance and Nightshade, walking through the forest!

Humming back and forth at what the other one has to say!

Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time!

Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day~!"

They'll recognize the handwriting, of course.

But then again, using a PC to type out the letter was out of the question. Even if it was, they'd still know it was from me as the only creature on this planet who knows how to operate that kind of machine. Luckily, I requested the rather unnerved post manager not to show any return address or which the town the letter had originated from. If I was anymore lucky, Spike will instantly recognize the handwriting on the cover and not automatically dismiss it as hate mail and, God forbid, burn it.

The main point wasn't for the girls to track down the origins of the message, anyhow. It's to show there's somepony out there who still appreciates everything they've done for the world and their fans. Even if there were a great deal many [BEEP]tards out there who takes their efforts for granted. So long as Twilight and the rest get the message, then that's all that matters too.

Also, will serve as a reassurance to my friends that I was okay so far and still breathing. Even though the bonds have been damaged heavily because of my reversal to human form, they surely would have sensed if something happened to me even now.

Hmhm, the power of friendship is a magical force indeed. And that in turning away from others, you hurt yourself as well.

Nice quote. Where's it from?

You'd be surprised if I told you.

Ha! Try me. Pretty sure I could recognize any reference at this point-


Hm? Huh, ominous large clearing in the center of the dark woods. How terribly convenient. "What is it?" I asked my bird friend, whom was snapping his head around in all directions through a wide-eyed expression. My hand was already brushing against the hilt in my pocket readily. "Danger?"

"Hoo..." Starswirl?

There's a presence here, watching you from the darkness.

And you couldn't bother telling me this until now? Thanks pal, and it just so HAPPENS that I was being watched by something in the middle of a round clearing, almost resembling a forest arena. Pulling out the weapon, slowly, thumb brushing over the activation switch, my first priority was whispering sternly to the small worried bird on my shoulder. "Be ready to flee any moment..."

No Balance meant no enhanced senses, so I had to remain very, very quiet... Sharpening my ears, keeping firmly to the ground, lightsaber held out ready to defend myself. The trees, bushes and spaces surrounding was surrounded in darkness. Night had already fallen... Probably should've stayed at an inn for the night. There was no warning about danger in the forest near the town-

My arm swung at the movement from the corner of my eye-


And a powerful force knocking me back, rolling me across harsh ground.

Ow oof [BEEP] ow!

[Insert music: Hunter of the Dark from Kingdom Hearts]

My disjointed ears barely picked up the faint sound of metal rolling on dirt nearby, but they certainly picked up and guided my sight towards the scraping of claws as my attacker skidded around and continued charging at his potential next meal.

Yeah, not happening! Nightshade's urgent call of "Hoo!" with the lightsaber hilt flying into my hand allowed for retaliation.

Eat plasma [BEEP!]

And my large foe responded from the swung sparks by leaping rather gracefully into the air, retreating back into the shadows. Holy [BEEP] was that thing huge! I immediately picked up and placed back on my glasses - Thankfully not damaged from the assault - and held my blue blade in ready defense, following the line of glowing neon eyes dancing around the darkness, hiding amongst the trees.

But even the night didn't keep me from recognizing the enemy, prompting my low growl once following its malicious eyes hopping around in the dark. Four legs, sticks and branches sticking out from its canine-like body. Of course I should happen to encounter one of these amidst my adventure.

Even if-

Behind you!

Starswirl's warning came just in time, thanks! My body leaped away and rolled over, hunched down and pointing my blade at the swiping beast. As I was saying, I wasn't going to allow myself to be taken down by anyone but Zagreus, even from a...

Thirty-foot tall... Timberwolf...


I wasn't even energized enough to panic, standing up tall and raising the shimmering azure weapon between myself and the snarling creature. Amazing how I seem to make enemies with 'Timber' in their names. Nature must really hate me... My grip tightened, teeth grit, whereas my hungry foe pounded his large menacing claw into the ground.


So long as Nightshade stayed clear enough, that's what counted at the moment. My survival was second. The beast was certainly twenty times the size of its counterparts back at the Everfree Forest... God dammit.

I was too tired to even be scared at this point.

The mother of all Timberwolves charged once again after rearing back, and I was more prepared this time, lightsaber clashing against wooden claws which backed the opponent off. Yeah, even if this weapon was modified to burn than kill, it'd still hurt a creature made of leaves and wood! I pretended not to flinch myself at the sparks from such almost reaching my unprotected face's skin.

And this time, I wasn't going to stick to the defensive. The creature clearly relied on darkness, and was unaccustomed and uncomfortable by the whizzing blue blade blurring in all directions near its face, taking baby steps back all the more. Needed to drive this thing off, and fast-

My body ducked by the round tail swipe, wind brushing violently against unkempt dark hair, and I returned the move with a lightsaber uppercut. And my large friend leaped backwards in response, skidding across the ground and roaring with enough power to the cause the dirt beneath in shaking and my own legs to tremble a little. Expression hardening, I threw all caution to the wind and charged forward myself like a madman.

For Princess and Country!

And the monstrous-sized Timberwolf jumped back, yet again, and returned to the shadows. But this time I decided not to become easy prey and immediately ran straight forward to the middle of the 'arena,' carefully following the neon eyes glowing from the darkness whenever they popped up.





My body swung around-


But the roaring Timberwolf shared my explosive agony, rearing its head and taking a few steps back to get the glowing azure blade out of its mouth and snarling in pain. Yeah, how do you think I feel?! My free hand clutched the newfound wound to my wrist, not needing to see to know how much it was bleeding.

Mind was half-hazed in pain... I needed to get away, now!

While the creature was still distracted with enduring its own hurt, I took the advantage and ran in the opposite direction, hoping and praying to God I tripped over nothing or whipped my head against a branch. Or, in the more horrifying outcome, there being MORE of those gargantuan beasts.

...No good! My wrist was far too damaged to hold up the lightsaber too properly, barely keeping it raised enough to light the way. Nightshade's calls alerted that he was right behind me, and I was close to biting my own tongue from how clenched my teeth were, in too much agony from the burning sensation in my covered-up arm to tell Nightshade to get away from here. Couldn't even run properly... Akin to limping, really.

Agh... I think its first sneak attack did something to my hip, actually...!

The ground vibrated, the faint but growing snarls stating that the creature was on my scene and this close to catching up. No thanks! Have no intention on becoming a midnight snack!

On my word Jack, jump!

Jump? Jump to what?! Was I am about to fall into a lake or something-?!


My legs acted on command without hesitation, my trust in that unicorn made plain as day - Or night in this case - from the Leap of Faith over a discarded branch and into swollen darkness below...

Followed up with a bright light that caused my eyes to squint shut-

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