• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 200: Hearth's Warming Unity

Hearth's Warming Eve... Known otherwise, by me of course since I was the only one still calling it as such, Christmas Eve. A time of charity, of good will and hope. A time for everyone to come together and sings carols of harmony. How much better, do you think, than to spend the most beautiful and heartwarming of holidays...

With a ski race with Rainbow Dash?


"Your arse is mine, Rainbow!"

Suffice to say, I was having a lot more fun than I should have had. Not only did I have little to zero experience with the extreme sport, but I was admittedly wary and hesitant to even sled down this snowy hill until the Wonderbolt decided to give me an encouraging 'pat.' It was a contest to who reached the bottom first, with Scootaloo as our sole witness, waiting straight at the end goal, hoping to see her idol succeed.

Well, not all Christmas dreams come true, little one.

Rainbow was currently in the lead, but that wouldn't last forever, myself swerving, deflecting and even bouncing off without harm on rocks and fallen logs sticking out of the covering snow. The scarf, whipping against the chilly winds, was much less of an inconvenience than I had previously assumed. Grinning widely as my hazel eyes through snow goggles focused extensively on the pegasus determined in proving herself the superior of the sport, a mini ramp just way up ahead.

No, this race was mine! You made your bet, and you're going to regret, my dear deluded Wonderbolt!

Feeling the surge of Balance through me, I pressed on, pushing off a nearby pointed rock for extra speed. The only thing that could be better for this was the Ice Cap Zone theme playing in the air- Ah, thank you Starswirl, at least someone out here was rooting for me.

The ramp just just feet away, and I forced myself to move faster, just barely reaching the tip of neck-in-neck opposing the equally grinning Rainbow. Pink and hazel clashed in resolved, heated contest, so fierce our atmosphere alone could have melted the fields around us. Our bond strong enough that communication through the heart was way too established.

"You ain't winning that easily, Star!"

"Bring it, Crash Dashicoot!"

Suddenly, the air around us shifted, as out bodies collectively soared upwards into the freezing winds, thanking our winter gear yet again for protection. Right there, just below us, was the end goal, with an awed Crusader just by its side hoping for her hero and 'sister' to emerge victorious.

Hah! We shall see! Together, gold and blue wings extended enough to manage the breezing tides, slowing our descent upon whatever last remains of the large hill we had to sled down upon.

In result, a great trail of a snow wave following our landing just straight into the finish line, Scootaloo forced to shield herself from the wave of our descent, before laughing happily whist we recovered from that excellent landing. Perfection! Ten out of ten, if I did say so myself!

Race over, I removed both goggle and snow cap, with Rainbow following my example as we traded equal smirks. Her little sibling in-all-but-blood hurrying over with a bouncy, widened grin. "That was AWESOME! You guys did some great stunts back there!"

"Well, we try." Rainbow stated cockily, throwing me a knowing smirk. "Better luck next time, Star."

"What? I think you are mistaken Rainbow, I was the one who succeeded."

"Pah, in your dreams! We all know you could never beat me at skiing, especially on your first try!"

"Well, too bad for you, I just did."

"Did not!"

"Did too."

We both regarded each other intently, to the point of glaring in heated contest, the sounds of a rematch just in the horizon... Before the bantering facade dropped, and we threw our heads back in collective, good-natured banter, resulting in a good ponified fist bump to declare how great a job we did in the race, together.

"Seriously though, not bad on your first attempt, even if you likely used your little magic to get your through." I shrugged. Guilty, but the smirking Wonderbolt didn't appear to mind as much, playfully punching my clothed shoulder. "Told you this would get you into the holiday mood."

Yep. Rainbow, of all ponies, not wishing me to be in a dour mood this holiday because Twilight and I... Well, we haven't exactly reconciled yet after our last explosive argument. And our friends, as goodnatured and generous as always, saw to it we felt the festive holiday mood regardless of our issues.

"So you did- Hm?" I looked to the side at the familiar presence heading our way, Rainbow and Scootaloo following my example at the sound of fluttering winds against the chilly winds. Wasn't as cold as it was this morning, honestly.

"Hey guys!" Ah, Spike! I smiled in greeting back as the dragon wrapped in a cute green scarf hurried our way, announcing the purpose behind his sudden arrival. "All the other guests have arrived at the castle, we're just waiting on you guys now!"

...And just like that, all great things must grind to a halt.

I nodded. "Thanks for telling us Spike." Forcing a grin while turning to the others. "Shall we? You must be eager to hang out with your friends, Scootaloo."

"That obvious huh?" The small pegasus replied jokingly, while I ignored Rainbow's intent gaze, even on the nice flight back towards the beautiful castle, illuminating flawlessly against the gently snowfall.

I had answers to hear, and since two ponies who can supply as much have finally arrived... It's time to know the truth.

"I'm not sure what it is you want to hear, Stardust. All these things happened years ago, why should they be a problem now?"

Pausing from my brief pace back and forth, I threw a side-glance to the white stallion with blue hair and answered accordingly, "Because those past errors have influenced a terrible decision on Twilight's part, almost gravely costing us all..." Muttering sourly whilst resuming my pacing. "And I'm sitting around, blaming myself for never even asking..."

The three of us gathered in a small, well-decorated room for this private talk. Spike, Starlight and Pinkie spared no expense in having every nook and cranny of the home experience the happy sensations of Christmas. It was far enough, this room, to be away from the main, bustling party of all family members and guest currently enjoying themselves. Including the, ahem 'Young Six,' whom stuck around after one of their own started some [BEEP] at the school or something. Bigger fish to fry was right here, now with these two ponies coming over.

"You can't put Twilight's past mistakes on yourself." Cadence interjected, standing beside her equally concerned husband and offering some support. "As much as it pains for one to think their loved one isn't as flawless as they want them to be, you can't just place the burden of a filly's erroneous ways upon yourself."

"I can when I should have asked. Twilight asked about my own past like, my own mistakes... And I've shared with everything, every dark secret... And I..." Glaring at the carpet firmly, hating myself still for this. "I never even asked..."

Shining spoke up next, sounding faintly amused with what followed. "I'd be surprised if she told you right off the bat... Twilight's always been reclusive when it comes to sharing her own dark secrets. Believe me, I had to go to Cadence here when, one day, she returned home looking more depressed and lonely than I'd ever seen her."

Cadence hummed gently, light purple eyes reflecting sympathy and compassion. As ever with this particular mare. "Twilight never intended on keeping these terrible mistakes of a young filly, desperate to have friends, our of embarrassment or seeking for pity. Tell us, Stardust, why you think she would?"

Why? Why would Twilight keep these dark secrets after so long, especially from those much closest to her? Did her own parents, currently enjoying themselves in the lobby, even know?

"...Because she's afraid of repeating herself." I answered, eventually, looking up to the two knowing equines with a somber smile. "Because she's scared she'll be taken advantage of again, and must be careful."

Once more, another comparison between Twilight and I. Damn, it was a record at this point.

"Twilight has been through enough in her life." The Princess of Love nodded, stepping closer with a gentle smile, expressing naught but warmth and understanding. "Some past errors, many would rather force themselves to forget, no matter how unhealthy that is."

Shining chimed in, "We've tried to help her, and I dare say we've done enough of a job as we could. Twilight can be stubborn at times, and believe she can handle these kind of pains herself." Comparisons still there, and I winced. Cadence noticed.

"But does that change anything you feel about her?" What? The tall, pink alicorn gently placed a gold horseshoe to my ponified shoulder, clarifying herself for me. "You still love her, don't you?"

"By body, heart and soul." How's that even a question?

Shining joined his beloved, smirking faintly as he asked next for his equally smug Princess. "And you'd do anything to make her happy, yes?"

"In a heartbeat." These answers came naturally. Both husband and wife trading an amused, but pleased glance, before Cadence than inquired finally.

"Even as to make amends, by help understanding Twilight's past better, starting from the roots."

"I..." Okay, that was then I faltered, just a tad. Before the alicorn's words sunk in enough, so I could answer boldly as confidence reinforced itself. "Yes."

"Then you have nothing to worry about." Both ponies taking a step back from me, smiling while purple and blue eyes both shone in fond approval. Glad I earned that, at least. "Take it from the Princess of Love who knows these things, Stardust." Cadence added with tiny amusement, but major sincerity. "You two are the best for each other."

Well, that's good to be established, even though we bickered and disagreed on a lot of trifling, and some important matters. Shining, seeming to somehow pick up on my thoughts, offered his own bemused encouragement.

"Think you two are bad with the bickering, you should have seen Cadence and I when we were a lot younger! We disagreed on a lot of things for almost no reason, huh?"

The Princess chuckled behind her hoof, smiling coyly to her own husband, and suddenly I felt as though I was intruding on something private. Must be how Spike or Starlight felt at times. "Well, Shining, it was one unique way of showing interest in me, certainly." Not so sure I'd call Twilight and I's constant heated vocal contests as arguing- "Hm, Stardust, is something wrong?"

I don't know. My head snapped to the ceiling, sensations of frustration, concern and excitement all collectively emanating from my friends. Something just happened now to garner all those emotions. I wondered what-

"Stardust... Your cutie mark..."

Blinking, I craned my head over to view the accursed mark the stunned Shining was pointing to, pulling up the cape covering one side of my glowing romp-

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooo...!

Shining and Cadence, unfunnily I might add, shared another wry look, as the former then stated in grinning humour. "Guess you and Twilight do have more things in common by the day."

So! To utterly show how serious I was in believing this to be some manner of a dumb, asinine prank, the first thing popped out of my incredulous, annoyed muzzle from the moment I slammed open the white doors into the rounded throne room.

"Okay, Discord, you've had your fun!" Many heads turned to me in wide-eyed surprise, but my focus, as Cadence and Shining hurriedly joined the others after following my stormy pace, was intently on the floating draconequus lounging about on Applejack's seat.

Soon gesturing to himself as if oblivious. "What, moi? What I have done this time? You haven't seen your room coated in talking ice frosting yet."

"Discord you know damn well what you've done. I will... Will..." Trailing off the large group parted so I could see the glowing friendship map, as its aptly called, I think anyway. Approaching the circular table and bearing witness to my dumb mark spinning around upon one specific spot over the miniature Equestria.

With Twilight's... And just Twilight's. Heart and star, together, circling around the same exact location. Oh God, I looked up once leaning in to check thoroughly, regarding the equally distraught, uncertain Princess, and meeting her eyes for a split second.

Before we both looked away. A friendship mission with Twilight. [BEEP].

"This has to be a prank. Discord, you sent these mares on a flase mission before! If this is your way of-!"

"Oh I assure you, he who runs away from his problems with the drop of a hat." A top black hat soon materializing on my brown mane, with a tiny Discord emerging from under it, occupying most of my sight with an upside down grin. "I am entirely innocent in this particular crisis. Why it almost seems like-"

Swatting him off from my personal space, and the chaotic prankster soon regained his true height after teleporting before me with a smirk and shrug.

"As I was saying, it seems as though even the magic of friendship wants you two bipolar little ponies to kiss and make up. And what better, than by working together in solving a friendship crisis in the middle of nowhere?! Woohoo!" Confetti flying out of his bear and rooster fingertips, before Discord resumed 'his' seat, pink bubbles blowing out from his conjured smoke pipe.

Everyone knew by this point that Twilight and I had some manner of a fallout, hence why their hearts beat in worry, fear and some with a dash of hope in Discord's words and what the map rung true. And Discord didn't SEEM to be lying... But it was Discord, and his heart was as difficult to read as it was easy to walk perfectly on slippery oil.

"It does look to be in the middle of nowhere." Spike piqued up then, drawing our awkward attention back onto the map, southwest pointed in Equestria, a small village close by a larger city. My eyes squinted, seeing if I could at least recognize the place in question... Nope.

Are you sure?

Ignoring Starswirl's vague enquiry, I straightened up, and forcing a smile towards the others. "Well, I don't have to go. Twilight of all ponies can handle a friendship mission by herself-"

"Oh no ya don't!" Dammit! My path out blinked by six particular, stern mares. Even Fluttershy wasn't taking no for an answer, by her own pleading blue orbs. Applejack continued with a prod against my clothed chest. "Ya ain't just leavin' Twilight to do this alone!"

"The map specifically called for both of you darlings. And we refuse to let whatever is straining your relationship get in the way of, with hope, reconciliation through cooperating together."

"Are you sure about that Rarity?" Twilight asked from behind, and it pained how worried and hurt she sounded over the matter. "We're not sure helping out somepony else with their problems will help us."

"Pish posh Twilight darling, that's your lack of confidence talking!" The white unicorn joining her alicorn friend with some reassurance. I kept my eyes away from the interaction. "You two both work best together, after all. That has been proven as much time and time again. The Winter Wrap Up, that dreadful Tirek..."

"She's right, dear." Oh, now for my would-be mother-in-law to speak up, believing in her little Princess as always with that kindly smile from the corner of my weary eyes. "Don't allow one wrench thrown into your relationship tear you apart further... And Stardust." I stiffened by the abrupt shift in tone by a stern mother in the form of Velvet. "You do remember your promise, don't you?"


Sighing in resigned concern, I finally turned around to face them, flinching a little by the violet eyes equally reluctant to meet my hazel own. Emotions sparkled out... Was that the teeniest bit of hope I saw in there? Or was it my wishful thinking?

"Fine." I huffed, looking back to the map in question as many hearts around us sung in relief and further encouragement. Lucky them. "We'll try and make this quick so we don't miss out on the rest of the holiday." Twilight's own heart, just then, sung a piece of gratitude, not really desiring to be away from her loved ones for that long either, and I allowed myself a faint smile then. At least I was making her happy in some form of manner.

"The question is." The Princess of Friendship found it in herself to lean over the edge of the magically holographic table with me, squinting in concentration to at the location our marks hovered around. "Where exactly are we being sent to? I don't recognize the village in question. Do you, Jack?"

"I don't think so..." I murmured, before a familiar wise tone intervened.

Oh I think you do, my boy. A small, rather isolated village next to a larger, superior metropolis? Come now, I believe you once called the citizens there as 'your people.'

"...Flanktopia!" Ignoring the startled expressions from my gasp and exclamation of realization. A place Twilight would likely not get along with, on a friendship mission with Twilight, going alongside Twilight.

Double [BEEP].

Saying the walk over to the rather isolated haven for Blank Flanks was awkward would be underselling it, mildly. A journey of tense silence, constantly avoidance of eye contact, especially when giving one another a sneak glance. Didn't help that, despite how much in deep water our relationship was in the present moment, how breathtaking Twilight continued to appear, even in that winter gear of an adorable hat and scarf.

Yeah, not even the threat of a potential fall apart couldn't take away the Goddess that the Princess was. I winced upon seeing the faintest red hue on her left face after stealing another quick glance, cursing myself for projecting my appreciation so openly; even when we're fighting, the bond remains just as strong.

Perhaps Cadence and Shining were on to something back there.

Meanwhile, Twilight's heart was manifesting all sorts of feelings. Apprehension, fear and nervousness. Welcome to the club! But something else was playing around inside her as well, bordering around hesitation.

Right on cue, either considering this the right time or, again, literally reading my thoughts, Twilight coughed against the gentle breeze of cold air and began speaking. "So..." Uncertain and still leaking of nervousness. "This 'Flanktopia,' you've been here before?"

Oh yes, and that's precisely the reason I'm moreso anxious than usual, my dear Twilight. I nodded, though she wasn't looking my way. "Yeah, during my... Leaving." Ouch, felt that pang of hurt striking her heart abruptly as I mentioned that. Probably shouldn't have, but what better would it be to lie?

"Anything you recollect last time... Anything that might relate to a friendship issue?"

"...None that I can recall, really."

"What are your impressions of the town, then? Anything I should know about prior to our arrival?" The lavender, protected mare asked, just as the lights of the small village next to the big city were in the horizon, over the snowy field. Ohhhhhh this will be painful! One would ask why I was so on edge about Twilight going to the town?

Well... There may be a contrasting opinion between both this Princess and the folks of the well-respected community over there regarding the subject of cutie marks...

"Erm... They're very distinct, the ponies there that is, from the rest of Equestria." Not to say no one was unique in their own way, but in this case... "They have a different way of looking at life than others."

Violet eyes glanced to me, this time longer than a second, with a slight tilt of her head in my direction. The pair of us walking at a respectable distance between us. Finally, Twilight's interest was truly piqued; regardless how upset she was, the mare would always be fascinated with the new and unknown.

"How so?" This time, there was no trace of hesitation or apprehension in her beautiful tone. Just pure curiosity and intrigue. I mentally breathed a sigh of relief, glad the tension was being pushed back in the favour of a different story. Hell, the fact we were still communicating either internal or outward was progress enough.

How best to answer? "Um... They sorta reject an established notion that ponykind's use to." Wincing at myself for being so unintentionally vague, but to be fair, I didn't want Twilight going on another tangent, and not even giving the village a chance to explain themselves. "You're better off seeing for yourself."

We were just feet away, anyhow.

Flanktopia looking quite as peaceful and reserved even in this weather, the remaining travel there in relative silence, with some anxiousness on the side. But, as a plus, the tension between us lessened quite a tad.

Okay, in spite of our fallout, in spite of our problems, and in spite of our worries and concerns for the future ahead.

"Howdy strangers! Welcome to Flanktopia!"

Even I couldn't repress the grin from my face, split side to side in pure recognition by the petite, friendly unicorn I could recognize and recall the name of in a heartbeat. Unable to stop myself replying back fondly, "Peacemaker!"

The bright orange mare, around Twilight's own height, blinked pure brown eyes, squinting after a moment in trying to place the source of my recognition. "I'm sorry, have we encountered sometime before? Were you someone passing by?"

In that answer, I could only smirk cheekily. "Yes and yes, though I may be half in size since we last met. You had an issue with the neighboring city, last I checked."

Concentrating for a long moment, I gave her all the time needed, passing a faint smile to an observant Twilight. That's it, you recognize my voice, any moment now. When those chocolate orbs suddenly began widening, and my brightened expression increased every passing second I felt her signature burn in recognized comprehension. That's it, you're getting there my dear!

"That voice... Wait a second... No...!" Peacemaker gasped in pure, awed disbelief. Soon cocking her head with unsure excitement. "Stardust, the name those authorities gave while chasing you out of town?!"

"What?" Twilight's head snapped to me immediately, flashes of concern and barely restrained frustration through our link. Oh yeah, I hadn't really shared too much regarding my... Escapades across the land and out.

"Nailed it, Peacemaker. You're looking well."

"But how- When- You're okay!" Oof! Finding myself abruptly in a great embrace by the kind unicorn, close to squeezing the life out of me. Peacemaker eventually pulled back once the changed atmosphere generated by the Princess of Friendship 'watching' the friendly hug of relief, the former still gaping in astonished eagerness. "It really is you; I recognize that sly look in those eyes! How is this possible?!"

"Believe me, I ask myself that same question with anything related to him..."

Ha! Twilight didn't even try hiding her thoughts, only raising my expression to higher amused fondness. "Good to see you too Peacemaker. How have things been?"

"Uh, one second bub!" Displaying one hoof in humoured disbelief, the young residential mare regaining composure by the minute. "You don't just get to ask something like that after re-appearing out of the blue, looking like a handsome stallion to boot!" Oooooh, probably shouldn't have said that. I grimaced openly by the next pang of emotions radiating from the fellow alicorn's heart, but the innocent unicorn was entirely oblivious. Bless her. "So, what happened to you? We've been worried sick; me, Wind Waker and Groundshaker. Even the townfolks, and especially the children you told stories kept on wondering where the creature that saved our home went."

"Oh here and there. "At least some progress was made in recovery, as the mention of me saving a village earned some brownie points of approval and pride from the lavender alicorn in our bond. "Oh, I should introduce you two. Twilight, this is Peacemaker, one of the unofficial leaders of Flanktopia. Peacemaker, allow me to give the pleasure of-"

A loud gasp cut me off. "Twilight, as in Twilight Sparkle, the Princess?!" The equally surprised alicorn gently nodded as attention was then focused entirely on her, by the eager unicorn and townsfolk passing by overhearing the exclamation. "The Princess of Friendship?!" Another slow nod, as Peacemaker inhaled and looked back to me for a moment again. "Then that means... Those stories you told, they were all true?! You're the special somepony of Equestria's Greatest Princess?!"

Nailed it!

"Wait, 'Greatest?'" Twilight blinked, unable to hear correctly for a second. Peacemaker nodded happily, gazing back to the fellow mare with a wide beam.

"Oh, certainly. You're an idol among the town, boosted when your Warrior here told so many great stories of your adventures, and how much you mean to him!"

Oh boy. I coughed into my rather cold hoof, pointedly looking away from the sparkling eyes and heart of the stunned mare. Yeah well... That was ages ago. Not than anything I said back then wouldn't still ring true.

"My name is Peacemaker; I help run our little, but growing community. You should meet the others too, they'll be thrilled to meet you!"

"What...?" There it was, the wave of pure, abrupt shock from the young alicorn, the moment of truth. She must have finally noticed. "Why is there no...?"

"Hm? Oh, you mean the lack of a cutie mark? Yeah, we don't really have those around me. Stardust never told you our history during his last stay?"

My body stiffened, not from the weather - though it was noticeably warmer thanks to the outside heaters from nearby houses - but by the feel of a fierce gaze into my caped back. Oh joy. "No, he didn't..."

Uhhhhhhhhh. "Hey Peacemaker!" Suddenly throwing a quick grin to the blinking mare, pretending there was no expression of utter annoyed incredulity on Twilight's face by the side of my vision. "Why not show Twilight around before meeting with the others, and I can go see the children again?"

"Great idea!" Oblivious and affectionately gullible, Peacemaker smiled happily and proceeding to pull an unwitting Twilight along the way. "They'll just be so happy to see you. They're at the main lodge! You remember the way?"

"Oh, yes I do. Good seeing you again my dear!" Turning on the way away from an exasperated Twilight and happy Peacemaker, before the latter called out in turn down the streets.

"And a Happy Hearth's Warming Evening to you, partner!"

"Come on, tell us that story!"

"No, we wanna hear the time you stopped King Sombra!"

"Tell us the time you were King for a week!"

"Oh, please tell us the time you first arrived in Equestria!"

Ahh, children, they never lose their charm. Finding myself tugged back and forth by the lovely little foals of colours and genders by the wings, hoofs and tail in eager desire to be told another recounted tale. The moment they recognized me after a good six, five minutes at best when I gave enough vague hints, I was pulled further into the warm, cozy wooden interior decorated with holiday festivities. Begged to share a tale of beauty and adventure.

The colts, as always, craved the journey and action. The fillies, meanwhile, on the romance and emotion. Some between either asking for the details from the differing gender.

Luckily, like the last stories I shared, I had all these genres in spades. Eventually waiting for these little guys to finally settle down after being 'guided' towards a nice, comfortable bench to share the tale, grinning widely, unable to help myself.

"Well children." Starting off, first, with detaching and throwing the dark blue cape upon giggling, excited foals, one lovely little colt snuggling himself contently upon my balanced lap. I couldn't resist my smile no matter how much I tried; in my element when it came to entertaining the young ones. "It's been a while since we last told stories. And, fortunately for you young ones, I have new tales to share. This Warrior's been quite busy ever since he left your beautiful town."

"Even better than the last stories?" One eager filly inquired, raising a hoof adorably from the back of the close crowd huddled around me.

"Oh, much better; a story where I finally didn't have to rely on six certain mares as a clutch." With that, I had their complete, excited and undivided attention, whilst I gently rubbed the soft mane of the kid sitting on my lap, just as eager as his peers. "One where I finally amend some mistakes, and save the entire multiverse in the process... Finally reuniting with the alicorn who my life was completely devoted towards, and stopped quite possibly my greatest foe yet... Who wasn't Sombra."

"And that, kids, is how I saved the entire world mostly because I am awesome." Laughter filled the warm air, and I couldn't suppress my humoured, joyful grin, always in my comfort zone when it came to pleasing these youngsters. "Nah just kidding, my friends were fantastic help along the way. But yes, that is how I simultaneously saved everyone in the world and whom I loved, while then, right afterwards, proposing to the mare of my dreams."

Cue noises of gushing and disgust among my attentive crowd, guess the romance isn't for everyone. I smirked. One young pegasus filly raised her hoof. "Did you and the Princess get married yet?"

"Ahh... Not yet." Besides, I doubt Twilight was even considering marriage at the present moment, even if she was right at the open doorway into the lodge, watching from a good distance. The alicorn popped in halfway into the story, content moreso with listening and observing her Warrior tell his greatest tale yet towards the group of eager child equines. I snuck a quick glance, before smiling back down to the many kids surrounding me in interest. "We haven't really had time to get into the technicalities of a wedding yet."

"You mean you haven't decided where to have the wedding?"

"Oh, you should have it here, in Flanktopia!"

"Yeah, by the Town Hall!"

"Can we be bridesmaids?!"

So much giddiness and hope for these kids, it pained me inside to even suggest any alternative and dash away their hopes of a wedding at all. "Heh... Children." I started lightly, offering a wry grin. "These things can't be rushed, but I appreciate the gesture."

One by one, eventually as the adult ponies came around to start escorting their satisfied children home, the last little colt was still blissfully resting on my lap, having fallen asleep, cutefully so, during the long tale that lasted for... I don't know, an hour or two.

Just before I gently handed him over to his smiling mother, I picked him with care, and whispered in teasing fondness. "Sleep now little pony. Let your dreams take wing... One day when you're big and strong... You will be a King~!"

That's song been stuck in my head all day yesterday. Could anyone else imagine Chrysalis singing that to her, God forbid, next of kin?

"As a matter of interest." Ah, Twilight finally decided it was best to approach while all alone, her heart still radiating hesitation, but alot calmer than earlier. The alicorn was even smiling, albeit tiny. "Where did you think our wedding should be? You made it clear in your story just now it was a 'spur of the moment.'"

That doesn't mean I regret proposing in the first place, love... "I was thinking Ponyville... It is where it all began?" I offered with a faint grin, shrugging. "Were you thinking Canterlot?"

"Erm... No, I agree, I suppose Ponyville would be the more sensible location considering... Everything." Ah, the shyness, through avoidance of eye contact. The remnants of our fallout still present as ever, but something was different.

Noticeably so, our bond remaining stable and powerful enough for me to feel a change of tides within this mare. Something new. What happened between her interactions with Peacemaker and the rest? I frowned, ready to open my muzzle to ask-

"So." But Twilight beat me to speaking again first, looking back to me with a complete change of subject. "Peacemaker, Wind Waker and Groundshaker didn't find anything strange regarding friendship when I asked. Did you notice anything regarding a friendship matter prior to sharing stories?"

Oh, right, the mission. I could only, with some sheepish apology, smirk. "Afraid not... You?" Twilight shook her head in turn, but she didn't feel so frustrated about it as I would have assumed. Odd, she's usually so eager in finding and solving a crisis involving her speciality. "I can't sense anything amiss in this town. Everyone feels to be rather... Content."

Next, the alicorn threw my a coy brow. "On your beeline towards entertaining children without even considering looking around first, I imagine?"

"Hey, I kept an eye out!" Both brows raised this time, and that made me flinch by her complete knowing of me and my nature. "...For the most part."

Sighing, the Princess of Friendship gazed back towards the door leading to the gentle snow and pleasant townsfolk. "Well, either you were right in it being Discord pulling another prank. Or we just need to search harder." Violet orbs glancing over her shoulder with inquisitive demand. "Are you sure you don't sense any heart in ache or in need of guidance?"

I shook my head in certainty. Trust me, I've done a thorough check three, four times prior to my arrival in this cozy building. "The only ones I sense close to that are..."

Didn't even need to finish, with the pair of us, once more, looking away from one another. Great, good job Jack, just as some progress and hopes of making up were in line of sight. Twilight soon nodded, slowly, and spoke with gentle unsureness. "Let's just take another look around the town, then... See if there's anything we could have missed. It wouldn't hurt."

Gulping a little, I deflatedly followed after the alicorn determined to get this friendship matter sorted. All aboard the awkward train, woo woo...

"Excuse me, are there any problems going on around the town?"

"Not unless you count the shocking lack of firewood to spare, Miss."

"Is there anyone having a midlife crisis involving friendship?"

"None that I would be aware of, sonny."

"Do you have a friendship problem?"


"Do you have a friendship problem?"

"Oh, I have no problem making friends!"

"It can't be this hard..." I grumbled, the pair of our dejected selves then perched atop a snowy hill overlooking the lit town in question. "It just can't be- It was never this hard before for you, was it?"

"Friendship issues can some in different forms; some moreso subtle than others." An equally weary Twilight answered, a slow glance towards the dark white sky. "At this rate, we may not make it back in time for Hearth's Warming morning."

"Ridiculous... Absolute ridiculous." You know what, [BEEP] our problems, I had to rant a little. Vent. "The one time friendship needs us only to waste our time. Look at us, the Princess and the Warrior, both of us with more than enough hands-on experience with friendship, and we got jack [BEEP]!"

Motioning towards Flanktopia, unable to stop myself from expressing the level of frustration for this entire waste of a good portion to our holiday, which only came once a year!

"We deserve better! YOU deserve better love! Can't magic, for once, give you a break- What?" Stopping myself, from the sudden tiny smile emerging on the alicorn's muzzle, a coy sparkling gaze in my ranting direction. I blinked. "What's so funny?"

"Heh, heheheheheheh..." Twilight followed that by shaking her head, her heart a new mixture of emotions. Why did I sense relief and happiness among them? Have I missed something just then, or earlier? "I'm sorry, just... Even when we're fighting, even when our relationship is in jeopardy, you still can't bring it in yourself to blame me for anything..."

Blame you, love? Alright, at that absurd notion, I had to crack a tiny grin. "Kinda asking for the impossible there, Twilight."

"No, I mean..." Hesitant for a brief moment, but the Princess kept going with more boldness than much earlier. Turning to look at me completely with sparkling, gorgeous eyes which the beautiful weather paled in comparison to. "You still go out of your way to keep me happy, regardless of what we're going through... Even when I make horrible mistakes, you still, somehow, blame yourself for them."

"Well, it's my own fault for not being there to help you prevent them."

"You can't predict everything, Jack."

"I should have watched the movie first."

"Even then, you were too far away to have stopped me."

"I would have found a way..."

"No, Jack. It's my fault for ever assuming you would resort to such means."

"And it's MY fault for ever giving you the impression I would, love..."




Wait... Were we... Were we talking? Like, actually talking about what happened, and resolving it? Was this really happening? Twilight seemed equally surprised, and extremely hopeful herself, so much so we were both smiling, uncertain but filled with anticipation, to each other... Followed by me saying next.

"Honestly, I should have kept reminding myself you're still capable of making mistakes... No one likes to believe their partner's imperfect."

To that, Twilight answered with a light snort. "Speak for yourself honey." Hm? Following that retort with a faint smirk and tilt of the beautiful head. "I prefer reminding myself of my partner's faults... Because they're half of what attracted me to you to begin with, Jack."

Oh... Right.

"Like Balance, I adore you for both your pros AND cons. A pain in the plot you can be at times... Many times, that will never stop me from lo- Err... Liking every single aspect about you."

I remembered that little speech, that Twilight oh so happily provided, putting those snooty arseholes in Manehatten in their place for their judging of her special somepony. God that felt like eons ago... Just how long have we been together now? I couldn't even keep track at this point. Timelines between various worlds travels can do that.

"You're still young, Twilight. Still always capable of making major mistakes." I finally relented, wanting to express as much for a good while, ever since that return trip from Canterlot once seeking out enough of my Princess' past of both hope and despair. "I just... Keep forgetting that. You've always been more mature for your age..."

A short pause. "That's the nicest thing you've said to me in a while since our fallout." Came the lighthearted confession, with Twilight's smile gently widening. "If you think me stealing the pearl was enough to cause catastrophe, by the by, you should have seen what happened when I released Starswirl from limbo."

'I,' not 'we.' Count on Twilight to take the whole fall for her friends. Another comparison chalked down, though that thing we had in common could've been established waaaaaay back. I smirked, feeling more and more at ease by the moment.

"Spike mentioned that event, though not in full detail. Apparently Starswirl wasn't too happy with you about unintentionally releasing the darkness of his former student?"

"Something like that." Twilight could only shrug sheepishly, putting on that adorable expression from being reminded of a past wrong. "Suffice to say, it made me wish it was you being upset with me than him."

"That bad...?"

One nod.

...Starswirl, remind me to murder your past-present self, okay?

How do you think I became a spirit to begin with, Jack?

Hardy har...

"Never meet your heroes. I learned that the hard way." Twilight grinned with embarrassed humour, that I couldn't help but reflect. Eventually, we both turned back towards the beautiful town, the Princess sighing a little in solemn thought. Wonder what she was thinking now? "But you know... I realized something that day. Something I should have learned long ago."

Oh? I didn't even ask, instead looked towards the mare thoughtfully regarding the peaceful village, knowing she would answer in her own time. And when she finally did, something in my chest leaped by the abrupt warmth following her breathtaking voice.

"Instead of appreciating somepony who's been there for me in books, I should have appreciated somepony who's always been there for me since I first arrived in that small, humble town years ago..." Sparkling, pure violet gazing, once again, to meet my softened hazel. The raw emotion and... Affection, pure and forgiving, in that voice and through those mystifying eyes. I found myself unable to exhale. "Someone so considerate, passionate, always ready to protect our friends... Our son... Me... That regardless of how many mistakes he commits, be they major or small, it's always with us in mind... With me in mind, without sounding so selfish... That whole event had me comprehend, Jack, that my real hero... Was a stubborn, beautiful human who would move the stars themselves to make me and all his loved ones happy... I'm sorry for never realizing that sooner."

"Twilight..." What could I say to that? But just like with this amazing pony, my own emotions poured out in truth. "The feeling is mutual. All of that... I'm just sorry I constantly took your own feelings, and the rest of our friends for that matter, for granted because I kept on presuming I was doing the right thing, in the end... You have every right to judge me for my grave errors."

My head bowed, but the Princess would have none of it, soon cupping my bearded cheek so our eyes could meet again, much closer to one another than had been in months. And my aching heart leaned forward by the close, affectionately contact I desperately missed. That we both missed, judging from the sparkling orbs and blissfully amused smile.

"I think I've done enough of that for a lifetime. All I want now, Jack, is for us to finally forgive and forget, and stop dwelling on what kept bringing our closeness to a halt multiple times... All I want, Jack, is your love and consideration..."

Suppose we still had a lot to learn about each other... You know what? I wouldn't even complain for that.

"And you have that." I answered back in a fierce whisper, contrasting her soft own, noses all too close to touching one another, brushing. "I'm only upset it took your childhood friends and Celestia - of all ponies - to have me realize why precisely you would ever make those errors."

Ignoring the jab, or not even processing it, towards her former mentor, Twilight chuckled angelically, music to my ears from this proximity. "And it took consulting my friends... And even your other self in Sunset's world, watching him interact with that other me, to remind me why you are my special somepony..."

How... How was it possible, for someone such as yourself to exist, my love...?

As if hearing that, most probably, Twilight looked down with nervous hope, and this time, I cupped her soft, beautiful cheek, having our gazes meet once more, never looking away. Now was the time.

"I guess we're both just massive idiots then."

"Hmm, finally, something we can agree on. And it only took Starlight to help me realize that."

"Heh, Sunset for me."

"How about that?" Twilight gently mused, her gorgeous lavender hoof stroking my leaning face with a wider grin. "The students surpassing their teachers."

Laughter followed that, small but filled with content. The remnants of our past grievances, at last, disappearing. Yes, Twilight made a mistake, almost dooming Equestria... Twice... But be fair, Jack, how many times have you almost caused worldwide catastrophe as well? Sombra? Zagreus? It's as though Balance itself was pointing that we're both the same cut from the cloth, just as equally capable of making various mistakes over and over again. Perhaps that's why we were brought to Flanktopia; the reminder that, take away the obvious, and everyone can be more alike than we realize. Twilight, intelligent and eager to learn as always, likely reached that same conclusion, perhaps when she conversed with this town's leaders-

The sound of large bells ringing. Echoing across the towns and fields. From the city itself, louder noises of celebrating a wondrous holiday followed suit, but neither of us took our eyes from one another. Bells deafening by comparison of the noise speaking through Twilight's gentle, but lightly flushed eyes, both of us unable to look away, grinning under this beautiful setting.

"I guess midnight struck... Happy Hearth's Warming, Twilight."

"Hmm... Merry Christmas, Jack." The Princess of Friendship looked as though she could stare forever... As could I, if she wanted that. "Shall we head home... Or maybe see how these unique ponies down there celebrate the holiday too?"

This time, I smirked softly. "Indulging your endless curiosity as to how a grown society of Equestrians can live without cutie marks along the way, I imagine?" Haha, that flash of sheepish affirmation in her heart and coy grin, prompting my smirk. But yeah, we should eventually get out of this weather.


"Now, we could go either, love... Or we could vent what lingering emotions we have to the whole fallout the best way possible."

That look of sincere, beautiful confusion was instantly replaced by shock from the hoofful of snow suddenly impacting her surprised, angelic features. Whilst I leaped back, prepared for whatever retaliation Twilight will most likely swear for. Wiping the stuff from her muzzle, the Princess smirked in annoyed love while magically summoning up a snowball... And two... And four.

And twenty-one. Yes I counted each one.

"Why, that sounds like a fantastic idea, honey."

It only took the end of the snowball war for us to finally notice our marks were glowing in success.

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