• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fifty-Two: Here comes the Bride

Celestia wasn't kidding about tightened security.

Even the train had to be checked out by a guard station before proceeding into the protected Canterlot. And by protected I meant that quite literally; a giant-[BEEP] pink bubble was covering the entire kingdom, obviously a defense mechanism. How exactly this magic bubble will protect us against an onslaught of Changelings, I have no clue.

Hopefully, it'll work regardless.

And then was the welcoming committee. Guards patrolled everywhere, and few citizens were seen outside. Must be an early curfew, or perhaps they were frightened of the looming threat. The moment I stepped off the train, I was flanked by a squadron of unicorn guards, informing me that I was to be escorted to the castle immediately. Knowing that time was off the essence, and anyday now the wedding will arrive and that Queen will strike, I allowed the guards to accompany me.

Until arriving to the entrance of the castle, flanked by even more guards.

And numerous spears pointed in my direction, inciting my invisible raised brow. Spears? Seriously? Of all weapons, they choose spears? Why not swords, or crossbows? Oh right, this was a kids show. But a sword was as evenly deadly as a spear, and their choice of weapons confuses me more about what era Equestria was trying to pick even further.

From the top, guarding the entrance to the castle with his guards, stood Shining Armor himself, who ordered his men to stand down upon recognizing me. Then he walked off from sight, presumably making his way down to greet me. While doing so, I moved forward, intending to meet the stallion ASAP and sort all this out before the day of the wedding itself.

Exiting the entrance was the white unicorn himself, briskly walking towards me with full stride and posture of a royal elite, adorning light purple armor with gold outlines, along with a gladiator-style helmet that looked admittingly embarrassing. Ah, all business-like, thus displaying the seriousness of the situation.

"Stardust, I'm glad to see you've arrived safe and sound." He said by way of greeting.

I shook his offered hoof, nodding with him, "And I'm glad to see you're well, Armor, though I wish this meeting would've been under more pleasant circumstances."

"The feeling's mutual." Armor stepped aside and inclined his head, gesturing for me to walk beside him. I obliged. "We have much to discuss."

The image of yesterday's Ponyville invasion sprung to mind. "You don't know the half of it."

The conversation began with the well-beings of those close to us. Armor stated that Cadence was fine as usual, though understandably nervous and apprehensive with both the wedding and the potential invasion of their enemies. But aside from that, they had no plans to postpone their special day any further. In turn, I informed the stallion how his sister and my friends were doing, reassuring him that they were safe and the Changelings have yet to target them.

"Otherwise, had they not been at Canterlot yesterday, those things would've attacked them as well." I commented. "When the Changelings invaded Ponyville yesterday."

That seemed to grind Armor to a direct halt.

I was only a few steps further ahead before noticing he had ceased walking, looking behind me at his stunned expression. "The Changelings attacked Ponyville?"

...He wasn't aware? "You mean you didn't know?"

Armor shook his head, "No, all I heard from Princess Celestia was that there was an incident yesterday which warranted your presence here." His blue eyes narrowed, "What happened?"

Of course, obviously worried for his sister. I nodded while he caught up, resuming our walk around the castle. "Yesterday morning, the Changelings invaded Ponyville and forced everyone to retreat to their homes. One disguised itself as Twilight to lure me in a false sense of security, and I would've fallen for it if a friend of mine hadn't helped me realize the truth."

Glancing to my right, I noted the tightened expression on Armor's face. The thought of one of those things taking the form of his own sibling must be unnerving to him. "Go on."

I obliged, "Me and some others managed to chase the Changelings out of town before anyone could get hurt. It was clear that I was their target, thus myself endangering my friends and an entire town of innocent bystanders."

Yes, I was still regretful over that.

But Armor was having none of it, evidently deciphering the bitterness in my tone over the last sentence. "It's as you say, no one was hurt. I'm glad you drove those unwelcome visitors out of Ponyville. And relieved that Twilight wasn't there at the time." Then his normally friendly tone hardened, "But still, I can't believe she would go to that such great lengths... It just shows how desperate Chrysalis is to disrupt the wedding."

Desperate indeed. Though something still bugs me, not about that villain, but a certain white alicorn. Why didn't Celestia inform Armor about the attack on Ponyville? Did she deem it irrelevant? Did she desire for her Captain to focus on his own wedding rather than worry about the well-being of his own sibling?

Passing by two guards holding more of the obsolete weapons, I raised a brow, "Any reason your guards have spears as their primary weapon today?"

"They're more effective against aerial opponents."

"Ever considered crossbows?"

Armor threw me a humoured glance, "Princess Celestia deems them too violent. And I'm inclined to agree with her on that." He shrugged at my snort. "Besides, with luck, we won't have to use them, if we stop Chrysalis in her tracks."

Fair enough. "And the big shield protecting the kingdom?"

"Created by yours truly." Hm? The white stallion smiled, "It may not look that way, but as we speak I'm controlling the forcefield surrounding Canterlot by my own magic."

...Interesting. Yet his white horn doesn't seem to be lighting up at all. There's just, however, one flaw to this I'm spotting. "Why isn't Celestia doing that instead? Isn't it draining your energy if you're going to do this twenty-four seven?"

He shrugged, "It's a little daunting, I will admit. But as Captain of the Royal Guard, it is my duty to protect all citizens of Canterlot, even when my own wedding approaches. I won't allow myself to become distracted when I must focus on the name of peace." Huh, that's admirable of you, Captain. Seeing my impressed look, Armor smiled rather modestly. "I can be passionate about these things."

"Clearly." I smiled slightly, both in amusement and respect. "Your utter devotion to serve and protect the fair ponies of Canterlot is nothing short of admirable, Armor. Twilight's very lucky to have the perfect role model to look up to."

That incited the unicorn to laugh lightly, "I'm hardly perfect, I just do my best."

I smirked, commenting dryly, "Yep, as if there wasn't further evidence needed that you're the sibling of Twilight Sparkle, all right."

Armor opened his mouth to reply, before a familiar feminine voice interjected, "Pardon me if I'm interrupting on your conversation." And before us stood the Princess of Love herself, raising an invisible brow coolly towards us, "But I've been looking all over for you, my betrothed."

...Huh, odd. There wasn't the typical warmness in her voice whenever addressing her lover. Perhaps Cadence really was on edge, as Armor claimed. Or perhaps something else was going on, something that I've slightly suspected as I rode the train to Canterlot.

I'll need more evidence beforehand before confirming that assumption, though.

"Sorry, my love. I've just been greeting Stardust here." Armor nodded in my direction. Cold eyes met mine, and I detected something flashing in them for a split-second. "He's here to help us keep the wedding on track."

"To be more specific." I spoke up, meeting "Cadence's" stare evenly. "I'm here to stop Queen Syphilis in her tracks, once and for all."

She frowned, but it seemed more curious than hostile. "And how, might I inquire, do you intend on doing that?"

"I have my ways." I replied smoothly. Come on, reveal yourself here and now, your Majesty. Maybe if I keep subtly provoking her, she might slip up and this will all be over with in time for tea. "Suffice to say, I have every intention on derailing her plans without delay."

"That may be harder than you can imagine."

"I enjoy a challenge."

From the corner of my eye, Armor observed the two of us with a frown, as though trying to uncover the reason the mare and I were speaking to one another in a cold manner. You may have fooled them, if you truly are her, my dear, but at least someone here knows of your plans precisely.

She then smiled thinly. "Very well, you're very confident in your abilities, for an Earth Pony. I look forward to seeing how you will stop this vile menace in time for mine and Shining's special day."

I smirked lightly, accepting the veiled challenge presented to me. "I'll try not to disappoint. This event is suppose to be spectacular and perfect. It'd be a shame if something were to... happen to prevent it."

Those eyes glinted again. "We'll see."

A short pause, the pair of us having a stare down before Armor cleared his throat, walking towards his supposed betrothed. Those cold challenging eyes... Those didn't belong to Cadence in the least. In the short time I've know the alicorn, she was a warm, compassionate individual who care for all life around her, and wouldn't treat anyone with disdain unless for good reason. Those eyes always reflected a gentle caring soul who only wants to make everyone happy.

And so far, there's nothing I've done yet to warrant the clear callous attitude towards me. I've done my best to keep Twilight and the others out of harm's way so far. Wasn't that enough?

I still needed solid proof though, before confirming my theory that this was indeed Queen Mephiles standing before us, in disguise of Armor's beloved. Who knows, perhaps Cadence was only behaving this way because of emotional distress. As they say: Innocent until proven guilty.

"Stardust, you wouldn't mind if I speak with Cadence in private, would you?" Armor requested politely, glancing at his beloved with concern.

I nodded, though a part of me was reluctant to even leave Armor in possible danger. "I shall leave you to it, I have somewhere to go, anyway." That said, I slowly turned and made my way back down the hallway, my destination clear.

It was time for a chat with Celestia.

Typical. First time I ever decided, willingly, to approach the alicorn with a plan to save her kingdom, and she's not even in the throne room. An annoyed frown creased my features, wondering where on Earth - Equestria - that incompetent ruler has gone this time. With the royal wedding arriving in a matter of days, you'd think Celestia, of all ponies, would be around to partake or even host the important event.

And not just her, but the entire throne room in general. No guards, no servants, not even Luna. Where was Luna even? Sleeping for tonight? Is that what she mainly did during the day? If so, understandable. But what was Celestia doing if not sitting her arse on that throne of hers all day doing [BEEP] all? Hopefully the mare was at least helping prepare the wedding herself, practically, as in actually lending a hoof and setting up the wedding decorations with her bare royal hoofs.

"Is there a problem sir?"

A polite posh voice inquired behind me. Turning around, I faced one of the many servants occupying this castle. A stallion in formal attire, regarding me with a cool calm gaze. I nodded, inclining my head behind towards the throne, "Actually, yes, I was hoping to see your ruler."

"My apologies, sir, but the Princess is currently preoccupied monitoring the skies of Equestria for any incoming threat." He nodded to the nearby window on the right. "See for yourself, the Princess stands atop the tallest tower of the castle."

Obliging, I moved to the spot the shorter stallion suggested, eyes roaming around outside before spotting the alicorn on the tower's balcony... And then I had to squint to make sure my eyes weren't just playing a crude trick on me.

"She's looking through a telescope for any oncoming threat..."

"Yes sir."

"A telescope."

"Indeed sir."

"When the Changelings could attack Canterlot at any angle."

"...Yes sir."

I sighed at Celestia's clear ludicrous plan. A telescope? A [BEEP] telescope? That was her method of monitoring for Changeling activity? Hey, here's an idea: how about having a handful of guards scour the skies through and around Canterlot. But no, that mare can't seem to form coherent thought.

Why Twilight looked up to her was beyond me.

"Would you like me to inform her you are seeking her out, sir?"

My glanced at the obedient servant, before shaking my head. I'd rather not let some poor employee suffer walking all the way to that side of the castle on my behalf. "No, I'll go to her myself, thank you."

"Very good sir. I'm sure the Princess wouldn't mind the interruption." No, I bet she wouldn't. The polite stallion paused before leaving the room, looking back at me once more. "Oh, and in case you are unaware, sir, your temporary quarters are prepared for you, alongside your attire for the royal wedding. You should find it in your room."

Attire? Well that makes sense, if I'm attending this wedding I'll need to look presentable and suiting for it. I nodded, "Thank you." The servant bowed formally and departed, leaving me back to my thoughts.

So, Armor's the one maintaining the shield around Canterlot, while Celestia looks through a bloody telescope. You know, I understand and respect Armor's devotion to protecting the residents of this kingdom, but this was his wedding coming up. He should be resting, preparing for the special day of his life without such a clearly daunting task on his shoulders. The pressures of a royal wedding, his own mind you, would already be enough to tip over a man, or stallion. Armor was incredibly strong-willed if this wasn't all getting to him.

But regardless, it should be Celestia, with all her critically acclaimed powerful magic, maintaining the forcefield. Let Armor rest for God's sake. But no, once again, Celestia proves herself to be a questionable ruler by looking through a [BEEP] telescope in one single direction. Because, inspecting outside again, she's not even moving around; the alicorn's only looking in one direction!

"You'd think the ruler would be more comprehending of the situation around her kingdom..." I muttered bitterly.

"For once, we might agree with that."

And just like that, the doors into the throne room slammed shut from behind, and before I had time to react my body was already moving, not on its own accord. I managed to catch the gleeful eyes of the perpetrator before my suspended body slammed into the marble floor below, landing on my side as a tremor of pain emerged.


"But, while it's working to my advantage, I have no complaints." My attacked finished rather casually, and I felt the force of magic lift off me, allowing me to stand back up on four hoofs.

So, my intuition was correct after all...

"You..." I grounded out, glaring into the sinister eyes of the impostor. The false Cadence smiled. "Queen Syphilis, I presume?"

The smile faded, pink eyes coated by an eerily green glint. "That's Queen Chrysalis to you worm. It would be wise to treat your superiors with respect."

"Respect is earned, not given!" Followed by my body leaping into the air, hoof clenched and reeled back. Twilight lifted the weight off my cape yesterday night, so nothing was stopping me from landing a fist right into the intruder's smug face-

I really need to stop eating my own words.

That pink horn glowed a Maleficent-styled green, my outstretched hoof only a centimeter away for the Queen's features. She commented as though we were conversing about the weather, "Of course, you don't treat royalty with respect, am I not correct, Stardust Balance?" My eyes hardened at her addressing the temporary name. How did she-? "I know more than you believe."

That statement was followed by my own body being flung back, rolling into a heap on the red carpet. Ow! Argh! Son of a-! But weeks of training prepared me for this, punching my two hoofs on the rough fabric and preventing my body from slamming into the bottom steps of the throne.

The villain didn't seem too impressed. "Yes, I've been watching you for a long time now; the pony who dared interfere with my plans. I admit, you derailed it slightly with the first capture of my Changeling, and prevented the abduction of that foolish mare Cadenza. But I got back on track, no matter how many times you intervened in places you didn't belong."

So, fighting with Cadence against those Changelings only stalled for time after all. And despite all my warnings and interference, events played the same no matter what. So then Specter was right; some things couldn't be changed, regardless how much I tried otherwise.

"And the rodeo? The ambush in Canterlot? The recent invasion of Ponyville?"

Her muzzle twitched, a twinge of annoyance crossing her dark features, "Failed attempts to rid myself of your persistent meddling. Even when your friends left that small town, it seems you've found a way to stall your life even further. Originally, I had planned to make you my new servant after taking over all of Equestria, but upon listening to the reports of my minions who have observed you, you're too wild and rebellious, resistant to monarchy of any kind. A shame, really."

There was mock sincerity in her tone. "I'm flattered." I retorted dryly, steeping forward to try another attack. If I stop her now, the better. "You've been spying on me this whole time. For what purpose?"

"You intrigue me." Okay, that I didn't expect. The admittance caused me to halt, but the false Cadence smiled coyly, "Though, don't take it as a compliment, Mr Balance. You've been a constant thorn in my side, warranting me to keep an eye on your and rid you when I have the opportunity. But it seems, the job must be done personally."

My body tensed, if it's a fight she wants, I'm more than happy to oblige! Slamming my front limbs on the marble floor, my body leaped up from the force, raising my back right hoof upwards to deliver a swift kick into the still-standing smirking mare.

Before finding myself magically thrown back onto the abused carpet, hard. I felt myself spasm at the brunt force, limbs shaking in shock. Argh! Dammit! This mare was more powerful than I anticipated. She feeds off love, yet I was hoping she was weak enough to be defeated before she absorbed any of Armor's affection for Cadence before the ceremony itself.

"Brute force will not assist you, dear. Not this time." Slowly moving my head to the right from my lying position, I heard and noticed her approaching calmly, the atmosphere feeling a lot more sinister. Standing over me with green haunting eyes, Syphilis smiled rather pitifully. "I had planned on eliminating you, but I think it will be alot more enjoyable for you to watch me inflict suffering upon those dear to you."

Over my dead body! "Leave them out of this." I managed to hoarse out, glaring fiercely at the unfazed villainess. "This is between me and you."

"You should've thought of that before thinking of crossing me." The impostor chided, and that I felt a tingling sensation on my back, as if I was being... pulled into the ground. "Don't worry, you'll be able to witness my new kingdom after the celebrations. Tell Cadenza I said thanks for the wedding dress."

"Go to hell Mephiles." I took some satisfaction out of the annoyed expression, before the floor literally sucked me in.

Darkness and crystals. These were the first two things I noticed upon waking up.

The floor was also rock solid, freezing my still recovering back. The bruises have yet to fade away completely, and I winced at the slight ache from it, groaning loudly while rolling over onto my hooves. Eyes wandered around the area; nothing but dark multi-coloured sharp crystals of various shapes and sizes, sticking out of the walls and ceilings.

What happened... Oh, right.

As the memories returned, so did my frustration, slamming my clenched hoof on the stone floor and ignoring the pain in turn. I failed! I tried to stop her and I failed! Of course! I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but this was just insulting. Now here I am, trapped in some underground maze filled with giant crystals, points so sharp they look ready to cut any uncareful person.

"Slept well, I imagined?"

I growled upon locating the source of that voice, "You." Her indeed. Reflections of the impostor appeared in multiple of the crystal surfaces, grinning darkly towards me from the walls. "Where am I?"

"Directly beneath Canterlot." The villain said gleefully, talking obvious delight out of my rising anger. "An abandoned mine shaft uncovered for centuries. Not a single soul shall find you down here."

Joke's on you, my dear Queen. Twilight discovers this place and rescues Cadence from- Cadence!

"Where is she?" I demanded, looking around the dark area. Nothing but blackness the further I look. "What have you done with Cadence?"

"Oh, your Princess of Love has been sitting comfortably in here. But, alas, just like her subjects, she is so easily misled."

Sadly, I can agree.

"But I would be more concerned for your own well-being, Mr Balance." My glanced up at the glowing green orbs looking back at me. "I have plans for you, plans on making you pay for inciting fear among my subjects and intervening where you don't belong."

"You think I'm intimidated by you, love?" I sneered back, standing tall. "I've faced many threats during my time in Equestria. You are nothing."

Her eyes narrowed. "We shall see." Before her tone turned lighter, nodding to my temporary imprisonment. "But for now, enjoy your stay, while you can. Hmhmhmhmhmhm..."

Ah, the classic villain chuckle. We shall see indeed, you vile [BEEP].

It wasn't until I waited after her face had disappeared completely before I began my search. Curiously, the areas I explored only lightened up whenever I walked through them, as if the crystals were aware of a nearby presence. Well, thanks crystals, while you're at it, could you help me calm down from the impending anger I was penting up?

Didn't think so.

My teeth grinded, my frustration paramount. I failed. I've failed my promise, my friends and all of Canterlot. Hoo-[BEEP]-ray. Not even simply fighting the villain instead of reasoning was effective. Nope, I've been cast aside like a ragdoll, to Syphilis's obvious enjoyment. Partially I now regret rejecting Twilight's insistence to accompany me there, now she and the rest are in danger because I can't do [BEEP].

"God dammit! [BEEP]!" My hoofs punched a nearby crystal, marking a crack as the result and hurting my limb slightly. Bah! Just a small bruise, which is all I seem to get nowadays.

Better that than broken bones, I suppose-

"Stardust?! Is that you?!"

That voice!

Wildly, my head searched around for the source. Of course, she was down here too! "Cadence?!" I called out.

"I'm here!" Was the immediate answer.

A grin of relief crossed my muzzle. "Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"

"I'm fine! Physically that is..." The yelling depression incited my flinch. Can't fault her. "You have to help me; I'm trapped in a crystal room!"

"On it!" My hooves began moving with newfound resolve. "Keep talking, I'll follow your voice!"

The pink alicorn obliged, allowing me to track down the lost Princess in no time. Talk about a funny scenario happening in reality; me, saving the damsel in distress. While it was hard to get a precise location on her, Cadence informed whether I was closer or further away by hearing my replies. This was it; there was still a chance to save the wedding before the day comes. I'll uphold my promise no matter what!

Eventually, the distressed yet hopeful alicorn led to a large crystal wall.

"Alright, I think I've found you! Your voice is on the other side of this wall! Stand back!" I ordered, my front right hoof reeling back in preparation.

"What are you going to do?!"

"What any average human would do in this situation! Hargh!" With as much force as possible, my clenched limb impacted right into the reflective barrier.

And... nothing happened.

God dammit. My teeth grit as I rubbed my sore hoof, I tired again. And again. And again. Little by little, cracks emerged, strengthening my will not to cease. I will get through this! I will save this damn kingdom if it's the last thing I do!

My hoofs slammed into the same spot with every word in my mind.

I! Will! Keep! My! Promise!

That said, my limbs pulled out of the hole a month of hard work training had done. The sounds of cracking were getting bigger, and instinct prompted me to jump back from the resulting collapse of the structure. Chunks of rock and crystal scattered all over the stone floors as the wall crumbled down from the brute force. A triumphant grin took my features.

I did it. I actually did it!

The smile quickly faded, however, upon seeing the alicorn I rescued. There, within the room, stood Princess Cadence herself, the true monarch of love. And she looked worse for wear. Aside from the messed up mane, tail, crown missing and distressed features, there seemed to be no serious damage inflicted upon her.

On the outside, that was...

"Your Highness." I greeted with a short nod while approaching the saved mare, "Are you alright-? Ugh!"

Ah great. More hugs.

Not that I minded, but I didn't want to be infected by 'forced love' syndrome. Still, I allowed Cadence her moment, patting her back in comfort.

"Stardust, you have no idea how glad I am to see you!" Cadence began sincerely, releasing me after that embrace and stepping back. "That fiend hasn't harmed you, has she?"

She wishes. I shook my head reassuringly, "Not really, but I should be asking you that, Cadence. That Queen hasn't done anything to you, I hope?"

"Aside from trapping me in this cave and taking my place." She replied, despair filling her tone. Cadence looked down sadly, "My perfect day, going to be ruined by that vile... vile..."


A faint trace of a smile, "I won't try to guess which censored word was used there, Stardust."

"Wise of you, unlike Celestia." I inclined my head behind, offering my hoof for support, "Can you walk? We have to leave."

"I'm fine, thank you Stardust." Just to make sure, I walked beside her as we hurriedly departed from the area. "Chrysalis managed to weaken me during her ambush, trapping me here and rendering my power useless, hence why I couldn't leave that closed-off space."

Well that explains her not trying to escape herself.

As we continued down the many pathways, myself focused on finding the exit than making small talk, Cadence spoke again with a saddened sigh, "You were right back then, about Chrysalis's plan. I've been a fool, not to have been more cautious. She did exactly as we suspected, and it's all my fault."

Your fault? I wholeheartedly disagree, my dear.

"Sometimes," I began, pointing to the hallway on the right, "Events play out that we cannot change, no matter how hard we try. We can predict, we can attempt to change those events, but fate is a finicky thing. We may have failed to prevent the first phase of that [BEEP]'s plan, but we still have time to stop her before things get worse. When is the wedding, exactly?"

"In a week." Cadence replied, inciting my pause.

Just one week... [BEEP].

"Then we better hurry." I nodded, meeting her gentle stare with my firm own. "I won't allow her to win, no matter the stakes. Those closest to us are counting on it. You will reunited with your loved one. Armor will be broken from Syphilis's spell. Twilight will witness the brother of two ponies she loves. And I will uphold my promise, even if it kills me. Are you ready to save your loved ones and life partner, Princess Cadence?"

There was only a split-second of hesitation before she nodded, soft eyes now hardening in determination. "I am. That villainous Queen will not succeed in stealing Shining away from me!" And already, with new resolve, the mare ran ahead of me. "Come along Stardust, we have my wedding to save!"

Smirking, I pursued. That, that was the power of love guiding the alicorn. And it's with that love, Mephiles' plans will be put to a grinding halt.

Worst. Mine cart ride. Ever!

Seriously, who the [BEEP] turns the rails into a roller coaster course in the middle of a cave? Cadence literally had to fly us to safety after we almost died from the end of the ride, myself holding onto her pink-yellow-purple tail as she flew to a stable platform. Releasing her upon landing, I glared behind me at the absurdity and recklessness of those who have mined this place centuries back. A shame, it was rather fun until we noticed the end was going to make us crash into the abyss below.

"The exit!" The alicorn's calling out prompted me to follow her gaze towards the light beaming out from above, clearly sunlight.

No time to lose. "Let's go!" I exclaimed before running forward, leaping from the platform to the other one which was connected to the exit. Cadence landed beside me, exchanging a hopeful glance. We stepped forward just as our luck seemed to stop altogether.

"You're not going anywhere."

Ah come on, I just fought these guys yesterday! Cut me some slack.

My irritation was expressed though a groan, as a large quantity of exasperating Changelings flew from the ceiling above, landing in front of us to form a block from the exit, blue bug eyes illuminating the cave save for the sunlight above. I counted about thirty to forty of them.

The one in the middle front spoke up, while his brethren hissed, "You won't be interfering with our Queen's plans this time around, ponies!"

That so? Let's leave that up to my hooves, shall we?

Yet as I motioned to step forward, a soft yet firm hoof grabbed my ponified shoulder, prompting me to look back. "I'll handle this." Considering the state you're in, Cadence? Before I could protest, though, the alicorn stepped forward anyway, her wings extended out rather majestically, "Stay back for a moment, Stardust, and shield your eyes."

What was she planning- Argh!

My limbs shielded my eyes from the blinding light, in direct contrast to the darkness of the caves. Pink light enveloped the room for a moment, before it died down, the blackness covering the edges of my vision telling me I could look again. Removing my limb down-


The Changelings had it worse. All those previously standing minions were now laying on the rocky floor, only limbs twitching here and there.

Cadence regarded her handiwork for a moment before looking back at me, "Shall we proceed?" She asked rather calmly, admist the groans from the fallen Changelings.

I slowly nodded. Remind me never to cross this mare on her near wedding day. "Certainly- Whoa there!" I was quick to catch the alicorn before she completely collapsed, eyes drooping slowly. Clearly, the magic took more energy out of her than one would assume. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine... Just give me a moment." Somehow, that wasn't very reassuring.

"Until then, lean on me for support." Before I gave her a chance to accept or decline, I wrapped her tired limb over the back of my neck, proceeding to help her leave this cave. "Just take it easy, Cadence. You'll need your energy for the wedding."

The recovering mare chuckled softly, "Some event, huh Stardust? After making sure everything would go perfect, I manage to botch up anyway."

"Hardly." I said reassuringly, leaving the cave behind us and into the welcoming sun. "No one's to blame here, Cadence. These type of villains are usually persistent in their plans. We couldn't have predicted the exact estimate."

"...Twilight is lucky, Stardust."

Hm? "For what?"

"To have you be there for her."

...Okay, not sure what that meant. The sunlight hitting my face brought a sense of relief over my being. "Feel that, Cadence? That's only a fraction of what you'll feel on your special day."

I felt her nod, "I can stand now." Releasing her, I gave her space. Cadence took a long moment to back in the sunlight, a serene, hopeful smile contrasting her messy appearance. And I looked around as she did that, making sure there were no Changelings nearby ready to ambush us again. Instead, we were greeted by a small yellow pathway, right next to the protected kingdom itself.

Huh, how convenient.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" My attention then turned on two approaching unicorn guards, their golden armor reflecting the bright sun. "Identify yourselves- Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!"

Immediately they bowed, and waited while their monarch was done taking in the sun. Regarding them calmly, Cadence then spoke in a sudden authoritative tone, "Take us to the castle at once, we have a threat among us."

"Yes your Highness! Are you injured?" The same guard inquired, noticing her disheveled appearance.

"Never mind me, we must head to the castle at once."


"At once!"

The stern caused them to nod swiftly. "Yes your Highness!"

Well that was certainly impressive. The mare wasn't taking anymore [BEEP]. Following the two, I glanced at the alicorn with a raised brow, "I see who taught Twilight to be firm in her commands."

Cadence allowed herself a small smile, "Shining never had the heart to be stern with his - soon to be our - younger sister."




Arriving at the center near the entrance to the castle, the escorted pink alicorn wasted no time in calling out to her beloved atop the entrance. And the white unicorn responded without delay, quickly disappearing from sight. Taking a few steps back with the guards, we allowed the upcoming touching moment without interference.

And sentimental it was. Even a small smile graced my features as the two lovers ran to greet each other in the middle of the area, embracing fiercely. The love they had for one another was palpable, and heartwarming. We waited patiently for the lucky couple to finish. The villainous Queen can wait a moment.

The lovely moment between the two lovebirds lasted for about twenty seconds before the hug cease, though still held each other at arm's length. "Are you hurt?" Armor inquired worryingly, taking in his fiancee's messed up appearance. "What happened to you?"

"We were all deceived, my love." Cadence replied solemnly, looking down slightly in shame, "That fiend, Queen Chrysalis, kept me trapped underneath Canterlot for some time now. She's disguised herself as me and planned to marry you in my stead."

...How long exactly was 'some time now?' A day? A week? How long had Cadence been imprisoned underground? The implications made me frown. Well however long the time was, I'll make sure it never happens again.

"I've been such a fool!" Armor said in disbelief, bowing his head while gritting his teeth in self-anger. "I'm so sorry Cadence, had I been more careful, more noticing of things-!"

"Shh." Cadence cupped her betrothed's cheek comfortably, smiling gently. "I'm here now, my love, and now we can set things right."

After a moment, the stallion nodded, meeting her gaze again but continued frowning, "But then, how did you escape from her trap?" The Princess responded by looking my patient direction, Armor following her gaze, blue eyes widened in realization. "You... rescued her?"

I shrugged, taking a few steps forward but keeping a respectable distance still. "Well, I tried."

A small grin then appeared on the grateful captain's muzzle, nodding humbly, "Once again, Stardust, you've saved the wedding." I shrugged again in response, taking the praise in stride while the white stallion looked back at his betrothed. "I'm so glad you're okay, my love."

"As well as you." That was concluded by their muzzles approaching one another- I should probably look away. At least we now stopped Syphilis from carrying out her plan any further.

Although, thinking about it, where was that villain anyway-?

"Aww, how touching."

To be continued...

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