• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 131: Of Suns and Stars

"That's it... It's right above you... Come on little one... Ooh! Almost got it kid; almost there!"

The only response was ecstatic gurgling, the tiny bright foal vainly attempting to grab my hoof teasingly hovering above her. Having offered to play with her while the parents and caretaker were busy, this was exactly the brief time off I needed. The hunt for Zagreus can wait a few extra days under my visit here, can't they?

You say that, and in the meantime Zagreus grows steadily in power by the minute.

But I don't think he'll be striking anytime soon, Sombra.

"Come on Flurry, it's just within your grasp- Ooh, so close!" The baby alicorn giggled, tiny hoofs reaching out to grab the yellow limb swerving above her crib. "Come on-" My own voice paused at the sudden string burst of magic from the young foal, immediately dragging my hoof down into Flurry's waiting ones, grasping onto it with a vice-like grip. Even so, I grinned widely. "Well done Flurry, cheating myself." And using my other hoof to rub the child's head fondly, prompting more blissful gurgling.

Just wait, her first words will be out before you know it. Imagine if they were "Uncle Stardust."

Sombra snorted derisively. We can all dream, I suppose. The King wasn't entirely too thrilled from the very start over visiting the castle. Then again, what does thrill him? Then, Flurry and I started playing tug-of-war, consisting of my hoof.

I can understand the general prejudice to a baby alicorn, but personally, I'm not so harsh about it as the fanbase. Mostly because I can't bring myself to despise a child. I'm way too soft-hearted whenever it came to children; my biggest weakness. And seeing Flurry, so content and full of life, I felt nothing but happiness and joy myself.

A radiant presence entered the room. "Having fun I see."

With a smirk, I called back to the approaching alicorn, "Yep, you're missing out."

"Hmm, attending to royal duties will do that, I'm afraid." Cadence said lightly, her smile as bright as the radiance in her heart. "Flurry is really fond of her uncle it seems. Thank you again, Stardust, for volunteering to keep an eye on her while Sunburst goes out for his own errand."

"Anything to make up for lost time." I smiled, prying the hoof eventually from Flurry's grip, the young foal having tried to eat my fur just now. Flurry then started babbling in excitement as her mother came into view, reaching up to her wonderful parent. "I did miss the Crystalling, so spending time with my favourite niece is the least I can do. Isn't that right young one?"

In answer, Flurry flew from the crib into Cadence's waiting limbs, hugging her mother's chest tightly. Cadence returned the embrace lovingly, planting a soft kiss on the foal's stylish pink mane. Aww.

This is what has become of my kingdom. Sombra almost sounded defeated. Left in the hoofs of ponies too naive and innocent for their own good. I weep for the future of this land, the future that should've been mine...

Ah, well, should've considered that before ruling through tyranny your Highness.

And then entered another yellow pony, but darker in fur colour and hastily entering the foal's bedroom with a flustered expression. "Sorry for my tardiness, it took longer to find the book than I thought." Sunburst smiled wryly. "I hope she hasn't been too much trouble."

"Nothing we can't handle." I shrugged, rubbing the child's forehead again fondly, a habit I always used on my little sister, and nowadays on Spike. Unlike the dragon who often objected to the gesture, Flurry was all too happy to receive such loving attention.

After another moment of cuddling young Flurry, Cadence glanced over to me with a wide smile. "Again, we are honoured to have you join us for the weekend."

"Well, with Twilight and Spike gone for the next few days, I thought why not make up for lost time with my little niece?" Before you ask; yes, Twilight, Spike and Rarity have departed for the Dragon Lands just a short while ago from a summonings by the Dragon Lord, I having declined to accompany them, instead informing them to let Ember and the Lord know they were friends of mine. We all knew the episode that was currently happening, and I decided not to get involved this time around. I took the spotlight from Spike long enough; this was his glory, his chance to prove how amazing he truly was to his own kind.

Besides, I trusted them enough to get the job handled.

Mostly because you're aware of what happens, and see no reason to change anything.

Well... Something along those lines. Garble getting his comeuppance again? Why not?

"I just hope I'm not being too much of a burden."

"Not at all." Cadence grinned. "You're always welcome here." Pleased to hear it. Looking down at her child, the alicorn said in loving amusement, "Time for lunch I think, Flurry." Maternal instincts, I'm guessing. Corrected by the sudden rumble coming from the young smiling foal, prompting our small laughter. Adorable. "You'll both have to excuse me; Flurry gets rather fussy when someone but Shining or I attempts to feed her."

"No problem Cadence." As both alicorns then left, I watched with a hopeful smile. Always wonderful seeing my young niece again, as I said to Cadence. And now, I have the whole weekend to spend with her and her parents. I'm sure Twilight would be ecstatic to hear her special somepony bonding with our favourite relative.

Tch. Also, that ridiculously informative unicorn is watching you like a science experiment.

Hm? Oh, right. My gaze cast over to a curious Sunburst, who grinned crookedly at my gaze. "Apologies for the staring... Stardust, correct? I don't think we've been properly acquainted as of yet."


You forgot he was even here, didn't you?

To be fair, I think the fans often forget he exists at all.

Clearing his throat, the tall unicorn continued with a hopeful smile. "I was wondering, if you have the time, we can take a walk around the Crystal Empire together? I'd love to know more about the pony who has Prince Shining and Princess Cadence's trust implicitly, alongside dating the Princess of Friendship herself."

...[BEEP] it, why not? Sunburst wasn't that intolerable. Plus, this'd be a good opportunity to convince me why I should accept him as a character to begin with.

And to keep your Princess satisfied by becoming more open-minded about ponies whilst befriending them.

That too.

"This kingdom is breathtaking, isn't it?" Sunburst remarked casually as we walked among the streets, passing by crystal ponies cheerfully carrying on with their innocent lives. Several of whom paused and gaped at the sight of their Crystal Champion. I only waved in turn with a fixed smile to the masses.

"If you have an eye for detail."

"Hm, the sight doesn't appeal to you?"

"It's alright I guess." I shrugged modestly, tipping my hat to some gaping family moving by. "Certainly fitting for its current rulers."

The taller unicorn nodded. "More than I can say for its former ruler, huh?" He joked, gazing over the buildings and blissful citizens. "Quite frankly, after the Empire's return, I had moved here posthaste not just for peace and solitude, but in additional hopes to uncovering every secret of history this kingdom had to offer. The possibilities for such are endless!" At the enthusiastic outburst, Sunburst grinned sheepishly at the curious stares sent his way, clearing his throat and adopting a more civil tone. "And now, here I am, assisting royalty with keeping the young Princess's magic under control. If it weren't for Princess Twilight tasking Starlight with befriending me once more, I'd still be in my own home just researching away. Guess I'm indebted to your Princess, huh?"

I smirked at that. "Twilight wouldn't see it as that, my friend, she's far too humble for those things."

"I can imagine." He quipped light-heartedly, glancing to me with open curiosity. "Incidentally, how is Starlight doing? As a student, I mean, from your perspective?"

"She couldn't have a greater teacher." I reassured the unicorn, sensing the spike of anxiousness. "Your childhood friend is being taught by the best mentor in all of Equestria, don't worry."

"Oh, I wasn't worried." Liar. Sunburst smiled in relief regardless. "I just wished to know how she's getting along in Ponyville."

"Extraordinarily well." I answered sincerely, the pair of us reaching the castle once again towards the most treasured object in the kingdom.

"I'm relieved to hear that." Sunburst confessed. "I certainly hope I'll see her again sometime soon."

"I bet she returns the sentiment." I smirked lightly. "She couldn't come today because Twilight assigned her another magic spell to practice."

"Oh? Which one?"

Let's see. "Err... I think it's a duplication spell..."

"Ah!" His eyes lit up excitedly. "Well, I can help there! You wouldn't mind me writing down notes for you to give her when you go back?" Before I could even humour the stallion, he glanced over to the Heart and made a gasp of realization. "Ah, I have a feeling Flurry's lunchtime is over by now. I shouldn't dwardle from my duties any longer. Sorry to cut this short."

"You go on ahead." I reassured him. "We'll speak again later."

Sunburst nodded. "I look forward to it!" Before making a swift retreat towards the castle entrance, leaving me alone to think in peace, turning my stare then to the radiant Crystal Heart, shining majestically as ever.

Vulnerable and unguarded... You'd think they'd learn their lesson by now after what happened not too long ago. At least keep the damn thing under guard or something. Hell, even under a protective magical shield with unicorn guards taking shift. I'll have to recommend this to Shining later on.

Hmm... In either case, I predict your opinion over that unicorn has changed somewhat amongst this short wander around my Empire?

Sunburst? Eh, as you said, somewhat. I don't actively despise him, that's for sure. My first impressions of the stallion, watching the season premiere, was that of indifference, followed by disbelieving outrage at this random unicorn suddenly solving the conundrum Twilight or Starlight should've figured. I stand by my statement that Starlight should've been the main hero to save the Crystal Empire and give her the satisfying redemption story she desperately needed.

But no, we had to wait for the season six finale for that to happen. Anyway, Sunburst. He's an okay guy, perfect for Starlight's significant other.

At that thought, Sombra scoffed in faint amusement. Only you would pair them together right off the bat.

Well what can I say? It's the most cliche trope in the book. Two childhood friends of opposite gender end up getting together. That's something most shows usually do. Hell, I think the two suit one another perfectly. Just give Sunburst more character first, and then we're in business.

The rest of your people may disagree there.

If they're the same people who pair Twilight with Sentry, I'm sure I can cope. I'm just kidding, they're free to disagree. It's all on Hasbro to decide if Starlight and Sunburst become more than simply friends... Although, with the right push from an outsider...

And there it is. I pictured the former King rolling his eyes. It wasn't enough for you to play Cupid by teasing that clown Discord with the meek pegasus, but now this. What is with you humans and your incessant need to romantically pair others together?

I don't know. We'll ship anything even if it makes no sense. Rainbow with Rarity. Spike with Sweetie Belle. Draco Malfoy with a fruit-


Oh? Now there's a surprise. Suddenly, a pony in a brown cloak appears beside me without my senses going off, seemingly gazing intently on the Heart as well. I'd have immediately dropped into a defensive stance, if not for the bright warmness of her signature, reassuring me she wasn't a threat.

That's no reason to keep your guard down boy! Sombra hissed irritably. She could be a pawn for all we know... Wait.

Hm? What is it?

That fur... That mane...

The cloak didn't completely cover the pony in question, lower half revealing dark pink fur with a bright blue, almost icy-like tail, some hair sticking out from the hood. Sombra, you know this pony or something?



...Never mind. The point is, what is she doing standing there suspiciously right beside the kingdom's oh-so beloved 'Crystal Champion?' More importantly, how did she evade detection through Balance?

So it's a she.

Judging by weight of bottom half. Not to mention we've yet to see Hasbro provide any dignifying male equine with pink fur-

...What is it?

Her mark...

What about it? I was too much of a gentleman to look.



A feminine, polite voice emerged from the hood, confirming it was, indeed, a female. "Could you please stop staring, sir?"

Oh, whoops! "Sorry, my bad." I apologized with a forced chuckle, resuming my focus on the Heart, but mentally keeping a check on the mare next to me."Just surprised by the sudden mare admiring the Heart too is all."

The petite tone turned inquisitive, a slight movement from beneath the hood. "You admire it?"

"Well, I admire what it does." I shrugged jokingly, desperately attempting to clear the earlier mistake. Then, I got an idea, judging from the King's reaction to this new pony appearing. "Almost as much as Sombra."

A reaction! Her body suddenly stiffened, the light in her heart spiking in something akin to... Sadness? "I highly doubt that." It barely sounded like an insult, but a statement of fact, one I took with a grin.

"True, Sombra probably would've married it if he could."

Finally, the hood looked to me slightly more, and I could barely make out the small smile from the hidden mare's pink muzzle. Although it looked... Absolutely pained. "I wouldn't put it past him..." Okay, now I was just intrigued, both by this mare and her comments regarding the former tyrant. Sombra, something you wanna tell me?


No answer. Even more interested now.

"You knew him, then?" The mare inquired, and I imagined her eyes blinking curiously behind the hood. Nothing about her screamed danger, and she seemed genuinely earnest with her questions. Still, it was evident Sombra was well acquainted with her, as she was with him, I'm guessing.

Mentally keeping my guard up, I tilted his head in light humour. "We've crossed paths a couple of times. Grumpy son of a [BEEP], I'll tell you that much."

The cloaked smaller figure echoed the motion. "You sound rather... Fond."

Ah. "Do I?"

Instead of answering, the mare switched her gaze back to the Crystal Heart, which partially illuminated pink features by the lower half of her face. A muzzle which reflected utter sadness. A former victim of his? A slave? His sister? What am I missing here? "He wasn't always like that..." Huh? "He was incredibly shy as a colt. Weird, but shy... And innocent..."

...My gaze turned to the Heart, then back to-


Looking around was futile, the mare was no longer in sight. Hm... Mysterious cloaked person appearing then disappearing as if by magic. Well, I've encountered worse tropes.

More importantly, who was she? And how was she related to-?


Oh God dammit.

With curiosity swiftly morphing to annoyance, I glared sideways at the pegasus clad in golden armour with a brisk tone, "What is it?"

Sentry saluted obediently. "It's Princess Cadence sir! Prince Shining seems to have fallen ill."

Oh... Great... Guess my own questions will have to wait. Nodding, I followed after the hurrying stallion back towards the castle. What could possibly have happened now to warrant Shining suddenly growing ill?

"I'm telling you." Shining forcibly grounded out. "I'm fine."

Cadence, not quitting, shook her head stubbornly, worry echoing through her voice. "Hardly, Shining. You're burning up a fever." The white stallion was being supported by his wife and a lyal guard, the staff and Sunburst observing in clear concern within the throne room. Flurry was oblivious, happily gurgling from the small carriage attended by Sunburst. Upon spotting my arrival, Cadence raised her voice. "Stardust, thank goodness. There's something wrong with him."

No kidding. Shining looked entirely different from how I saw him this morning. The unicorn had mentioned having a small cold this morning, but this? This seems to be something entirely worse. His eyes were saggy and looked exhausted, white fur looking haggard in some areas, blue hair more shriveled than ever. Just what was going on with him?

Immediately, I approached to help, but Shining continued being firm, despite the tiredness in his voice. "You don't have to worry about me, guys. I'm just a little weary from carrying out my responsibilities today, that's all..."

"You didn't do all that much today." Cadence pointed out, not unkindly. "Help me carry him to our room."

Will do.

But Shining attempted to weakly push off the extra assistance, glancing to his wife with a crooked smile. "I'm fine Cadence... I'm..."

Oh [BEEP]!

"Shining!" Cadence gasped, herself and I catching the stallion in time before he collapsed completely on the floor. His heart signature was fine and strong as ever, so this disease - whatever it was - wasn't something affecting him mentally. "Get the doctor, quick!" Sentry saluted and hurried out the room. "Sunburst, keep Flurry busy. Stardust, help me take him to his room."

Of course, wasn't going to just abandon him. Throwing the stallion onto my back, the dead weight which usually would force me down was nothing now, thank you Balance training, Cadence and I exited the throne room, the alicorn quickly guiding me to their shared bedroom. Hold on Shining, you've faced worse.

Starswirl, you know what's wrong with him?



Dammit, looks like I'm on my own. Sombra himself is still giving me the silent treatment. Whatever is afflicting my girlfriend's brother, I will do anything I can to help. This, was no mere cold.

Again, nothing out the ordinary regarding his essence, so whatever was afflicting the poor Prince was something from the physical alone. Standing outside the room patiently, my back leaned against the wall with two folded arms, Cadence and the castle doctor looking after Shining inside. Eyes closed, my muzzle set firmly. Of all times for him to get sick...

Then, the radiant signature of a certain Princess, followed with the creaking opening of two doors, prompted me to open cyan eyes and glance to my right. Cadence sighed, leaning her horn against the closing doors with a saddening expression. Her emotions were... All over the place. "How is he?" I had to ask, pushing off the wall to join the tall mare.

Without turning to face me, Cadence's expression fixed on worry. "For now he's fine." For now? Finally, she looked over to me, that pained reflection through the eyes worsening by the minute. "At first it seemed like a simple cold, but the doctor described Shining's symptoms as worse than that. It appears... He's been afflicted with something, something severely awful. We're not sure what, but it... It could be...!"

Needing no prompting, I reached out to help the poor mare, placing a hoof to her side in comfort. "There's something else, isn't there?" Something that was spreading doubt and anxiety all over Cadence's heart.

With a pained smile, Cadence inhaled shakily and attempted composure. "Not even the doctor knows what illness plagues my beloved. For now, Shining's resting, but- Achoo!" Jesus! I stepped back, startled by the sudden action from the Princess. Covering her muzzle, Cadence grimaced apologetically. "Excuse me... We've never seen anything like it. No one here is entirely certain what this sickness is."

"I do."

That wasn't me who answered, because I have no [BEEP]ing clue what the illness was, but the knowledgeable unicorn standing nearby, a solemn resolve blazing in his eyes. From the floating small carriage, Flurry giggled playfully, unaware to the condition her dad was in... And what her mother could be in too.

Clearing his throat, Sunburst the pony of exposition began with a wry expression. "As you know, when the Crystal Heart shattered into piece by accident, the magic repelling the harsh storms from blanketing the Empire had temporarily vanished. There was enough time, before we could fix everything, for the storm to cover the whole kingdom before it was eventually forced back by the Heart's magic and restore everything to normal."

Another petite sneeze. "And- And this has something to do with my husband's condition?" Cadence questioned in concern.

Sunburst, hesitantly, nodded, staring at the floor briefly as if to gather his thoughts. "That storm wasn't an ordinary force of nature, Princess. It was alive, and affected its surroundings differently. The storm is gone, but, as I feared, it wouldn't go down without a fight. I suspect Shining was afflicted by a sickness given only by open exposure to the weather, as to why he suddenly collapsed on the floor just earlier."

So that's the explanation... Wait...

"You said 'open exposure.' But Shining wasn't the only pony outside during then...!" Cadence's eyes widened in dawning horror, whereas I inhaled in disbelief. "That means..."

Sunburst looked back to me, frowning worriedly. "There was another reason behind our wander around the kingdom today, Stardust, not simply for idle chatting. If you've noticed during our walk, many citizens were sneezing or appearing somewhat ill. The symptoms, I've gathered, start off a seeming cold... Before worsening into rendering the victim unconscious. And it'll only get worse from there..."

But if the illness affected everyone that was in the storm back then. Not just Shining, but clearly Cadence too. Sunburst and Flurry here potentially. The mares were also there, Starlight, Spike and...

Oh God...

Oh sweet Jesus...!

"There must be some remedy." Cadence stepped forward, getting straight to business. "Something that can purify the effects of the storm's illness. Is there something you know, Sunburst?"

The unicorn sighed, shaking his head in the negative. "Regrettably, the book I read regarding the 'Storm's Curse' detailed only the symptoms, not the cure. I'll need time to search through for anything."

Then what are we standing around here for? "Let's head out, quickly then."

Sunburst blinked at the stern command, but nodded, looking back to the alicorn. "I recommend getting yourself to bed, Princess. There are already signs of your exposure to the after-effects of the sentient weather."

Emphasizing his wise point was another sneeze from the Princess, but she looked reluctant to heed that advice. "The kingdom will need someone to give them confidence in times like this. If the entire Empire's affected, I can't stand by and let them endure this alone. You two head out, gather as much information as possible." Without awaiting a response, Cadence swiftly moved forward and relieved Sunburst of Flurry, departing quickly with a babbling child floating beside her.

"...Mares, am I right?" I asked casually after Sunburst's stumped look. "Let's not stall. Lead the way."

Sombra, please tell me you're there.


God dammit, you could be very useful right about now! You might know something to counteract this illness!

Sunburst closed his jaw and nodded again. "We- We should find what we need at my study through careful searching. But time will be short, Shining's sickness will worsen by the minute, but I'm confident we'll find something!"

"There's absolutely nothing!" Sunburst called out in sheer disbelief, snapping his book shut and tossing it with the other discarded heaps of information. From the corner of my eye, the unicorn glanced over his shoulder. "Please tell me you've find something even related to a cure in there?!"

"...Sorry." I sighed apologetically, closing my own book and setting it aside, moving onto the next. Sunburst was more efficient, scanning through one page per second as books left and right open and closed at his magical whim. Meanwhile, I was carefully inspecting the pages, all related to illnesses and the Empire's history. I didn't have the cartoon capacity to read every page on a book one microsecond.

Sombra nor Starswirl were answering still, leaving me to solve this on my own. When I needed them most... Twilight could unknowingly ill, for God's sake! Then again, she nor Rarity or Spike showed any signs of illness throughout the episode they were currently attending. But when they got back... Or halfway on the trip back...

"'Remedy for back ache,' 'solutions for social anxieties,' cure to acne's hoof.' Argh, they're all useless and irrelevant." Sunburst grit his teeth, glaring at the floor in pure annoyance. "Not a single clue to solving this conundrum the while Empire faces... And Starlight...!" That brief moment of concern shifted with a sigh, the unicorn glancing to me remorsefully. "I'm sorry... But it looks as though we won't find anything here, I'm afraid."

Yeah, this book didn't seem to have anything useful either.

"This illness, is it contagious?" I was compelled to ask, because the possibility of it spreading from the victims through Ponyville, Canterlot and God knows how many other place these crystal ponies visited after those events back then... It was horrifying to even grasp.

Sunburst shook his head. "Thankfully, no. It doesn't work like your common cold." Some good news at last. Alas, the taller stallion continued looking depressed, staring at the ground again. "But until we can uncover the proper medicine for those currently suffering, we're- A... Achoo!" Uh oh. Covering his muzzle, Sunburst blinked, horror slowly morphing on his orange and white features. "Oh no..."

Shaking my own head, I stepped forward, refusing to give up. "We can check the library, or the shelves of books at the castle."

"There won't be enough time!" Sunburst objected in defeat. "Starting with Prince Shining, this disease will affect everypony terribly before we find anything!"

"I'm not giving up." I put my hoof down, glaring at the stallion in resolve and irritation. "Never give up on hope, Sunburst. That's what Twilight and my friends taught me long ago, and I'll be damned before I let them all endure through this sickness any longer!"

Sunburst blinked wryly. "Then, what should we do...?"

"Give me a moment." I looked away, staring at the circular window in the untidy study in thought. So far, one idea sprung to mind. "What about the Crystal Heart?"

"The Crystal Heart touches the magical essence of ponies." Sunburst was quick to answer. "It's not a miracle worker."

[BEEP]! Think Jack, think! Where was Twilight when I needed her most? I'm not a doctor, for Christ's sake. Okay, let's think through this carefully, maybe a solution will pop up after cautious thought. There must be some written instructions for a cure by ponies who lived in the Empire long before its current citizens. Someone must've encountered this illness if it's recorded down in Sunburst's books, and devised a remedy with details as to how elsewhere...

The only question was, how we shall find it in time...?

There is a way.

Huh? And he speaks! Where the Hell have you been?!

Do you want your special ponies cured or not? Whoa, Sombra was particularly snappy today, his tone icy and impatient. You were correct just then, there is indeed a written remedy to this affliction spreading through the kingdom.

There is?

No, clearly I'm fabricating this. Of course there is, now cease with the pointless questions and heed my words!

Alright, alright! Where do we go?

"Well?" I held up a hoof to silence Sunburst, staring upwards patiently.

After a few seconds, the fallen King responded with newfound conviction in his royal voice, The castle... To my quarters.

Time was short, which is why our pace towards the fixed location quickened with every step. A couple of hallways directed by the voice of the stern King, and we reached the closed rooms in zero time flat. Two armoured guards were stationed on sides of the large doors, but that was hardly deterring. Both glanced our way upon our blatant approach.

That's it?

Obviously, now don't dwardle.

"Excuse us-"

"If you value the lives of all within this kingdom, you'll let us through these doors." I finished for Sunburst, getting straight to the point.

Both unicorn guards exchanged nervous glances, one speaking in turn, "Our orders are to keep this room sealed from anyone without good reason-"

"Here's a reason; everyone you love is currently dying from a terrible illness, and the only solution lies beyond those doors." Inclining my head to the side, I added with little empathy. "Unless you want to be considered responsible for their suffering, you'll let us through."

Paling in horror, both guards bowed shakily. "Y-Yes, Crystal Champion Stardust..." And moved further from the dark pink doors, making things easier for us.

"A bit of an exaggeration..." Sunburst whispered disbelieving.

"If it gets the job done." I replied quietly, making no hesitation to forcibly pushing back the large doors and entering through. The sooner we got this done, the sooner everyone will be a hundred percent healthy-


"Hmm... So this is the bedroom of the previous ruler." Sunburst observed in wonder.

Very... Elegant, to say the least. Velvet covered the carpet and large triple-sized fancy bed with posts and dark purple curtains. The walls were a steel grey, neatly organized work desk and cushioned seat beside it. Suffice to say, I wasn't anticipating something so fancy-looking. At least, not this fancy.

I confessed while gazing around the well-kept place. "Honestly, I was expecting much worse..."

I am not beyond tidiness. Sombra snapped hurriedly. The right of my bed, a secret switch. Get going.

"Where should we start?" Sunburst inquired while stepping further in, albeit rather nervously. "I advise caution, although, the former King was infamous for trapping intruders."

Luckily for this waste of space, I never considered anyone foolish enough to venture through my own room without my approval.

Meaning you were heavily arrogant at the time?

Just get to work.

With a small smile, I did as instructed, passing by the wandering stallion to reach the velvet bed, walking around in search of the exact invisible switch. One of those pressing-into-the-wall mechanisms, Sombra?

The very same. And suddenly he was all civil again.

And as I carefully felt around the gray spot, my accomplice spoke in open curiosity. "I heard stories, you know, about the former ruler. About all his exploits. King Sombra was infamous for enslaving the kingdom after overthrowing a benevolent Princess. Speculations claim he turned the poor Princess to stone and shattered her into a million pieces." I paused, unbeknownst to Sunburst, who chuckled wearily. "Guess he got what he deserved in the end, huh?"

Sombra... Is that true? Please tell me that's not true.

Irrelevant, Jack. Focus on the task at hand.

How can I focus now with the idea you effectively murdered a Princess-?

DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS CURED OR NOT?! The sudden commanding roar startled me. So as you're damn told and find the switch, we can discuss ethics after everypony we know isn't enduring through this affliction horribly. Stop stalling, and get to work! Try lower.

...This isn't over.


A click noise after feeling something that could be pushed through the wall, and I immediately stood back. Sombra was absolutely right; from my left, the gray wall opened up splitting by the middle, and Sunburst and I blinked in pleasant surprise at the shelves of books appearing right before our own eyes.

Your own private study, I presume Sombra?

Knowledge I acquired from the main library, away from the public eye to suit my own purposes. The former tyrant answered smoothly. Third self, fourth purple book on the right. That contains the information we require.

Fourth book... Aha!

"That one." I pointed to the exact one upon the awfully tall bookcase, the book in question brought down then by Sunburst's obedient magic. Without delay, the pages were revealed to us and we quickly scanned through the necessary info-

"Aha!" The unicorn exclaimed excitedly, prompting my small jump. "You're right, it's all here: 'The medicine applied for the Storm's Curse requires these list of ingredients, and precise use of magic-' We found it Stardust!"

"Yes we did." I grinned alongside the stallion, who pushed up his own glasses before looking to me with awe.

"It's incredible! How did you know the exact spot for this book and the bookcase?!"

I shrugged, smiling rather mischievously. "I have... A very reliable voice in my head to guide me."

Save the flattery for another time, and get to work.

Right. "Think you can make the cure in time?"

Looking through the page again, the hopeful unicorn smiled confidently in turn. "Think? No. Know I can? Absolutely. Come, I'll need your help gathering the necessary ingredients. There's not a moment to lose, Stardust!"

I nodded. "Allons-y!"

"What if this doesn't work like the way it should?"

"It will." I could barely keep the weariness in my tone repressed any longer, having to answer these agitated repetitive questions since the walk all the way down here.

But Sunburst persisted, a small vial of dark orange liquid carefully accompanying to his side among our brisk pace. He continued in pure worry, "We've followed everything down to the letter. Well, I have anyway, but what if something wrong happens? What would happen if I made even a margin an error. Perfection is an absolute must, otherwise the Prince will-"

Right, that does it. "Sunburst, look at me." The taller pony paused, startled by my sudden halt and abrupt gaze to him. With a calm exterior, my voice was firm and without concern. "It'll be fine. Don't underestimate your own abilities, Starlight would agree with me here."

"...You're right." Thankfully heeding my words, the glasses-wearing unicorn inhaled deeply, and nodded with a more focused expression. "You understand my concern; if I brewed up this medicine wrongly, who knows what the repercussions could bring."

"I have every confidence in your skills, my friend." Turning back forward, we hurried towards the doors containing the ill Shining's room. There was no hesitation, I pushed them open without knocking and said casually to the startled stallion inspecting his patient. "What's up Doc?"

Inwardly, Sombra groaned in pain.

The pony in the lab coat stuttered at two random stallions barging in and swishing their capes around with purpose. "What- You shouldn't be here, neither of you! The Prince needs to rest without being disturbed-!"

"Apologies, though we have a reason for interrupting doctor." Sunburst was all business-like, enthusiastically raising up the flask proudly. "The remedy for the Prince's condition! We shouldn't delay any longer."

"You can't just-"

"We can and we will." I cut the doctor off sternly. "No time for bull[BEEP]. Apply the antidote, Doctor Sunburst!"

"With pleasure, Assistant Stardust!"

"Don't push it."

"Y-Yes, quite right, sorry." Ignoring the objecting looks of the medical stallion, Sunburst approached the bed and adorned a mask of composure.

Inside, he was a nervous wreck. And who can blame him? On closer inspection, Shining looked... Well, almost practically dead. The sight filled me with dread, but the light pouring from the Prince's heart along with the light breathing told me he was still alive and kicking. Sunburst, swallowing further nervousness, hardened his expression in preparation, and I raised a hoof before the doctor could open his mouth.

Hey... There's an idea. Would it be possibly to use Balance to strengthen his resolve?

Hmph, why don't you see for yourself? Sombra asked in indifferent rhetorical.

Good point. Closing my eyes briefly, my mind focused, extending my power towards the nearby light of the stallion carefully tilting the sleeping Shining's head up. With one little 'push,' the confidence encouraged by Balance washed away any further doubt, and Sunburst allowed Shining to gulp the medicine down in one swig.

Opening my eyes, Sunburst glanced back to me, then to Shining, and I joined him by the bedside. Followed by that, we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Waited some more...

After a few more seconds, Sunburst was beginning to sweat a little, tiny beads of water dripping down his furry features. Meanwhile, the gray pony doctor cleared his throat, dark gold eyes reflecting unrestricted irritation. "Perhaps you should've consulted an expert before shoving some self-proclaimed medicine down my patient's throat-"

Those words quickly came back to bite him in the [BEEP].

Rejoice, as I predicted, it worked! Suddenly sitting up, eyes fully awake and looking around wildly, Shining inhaled and exhaled rapidly in honest confusion. "Did I fall asleep?"

Sunburst blinked, inquiring to our friend warily, "Prince Shining, how are you feeling...?"

Licking his own lips, the white unicorn inspected his own hoofs for a moment before tilting his head curiously. "Strangely enough, I've never felt better. Heh, reminds me of how I felt when Cadence walked down the aisle. Good times, eh Stardust?"

"That's good enough for me." I commented cheerfully, Shining's statement a basic confirmation.

Sunburst and I exchanged grins, his much wider in excitement and accomplishment. "It worked...It worked!" The unicorn looked happier than I've ever seen him. "We've cured him!" So we did! And it's all thanks to you, Sombra!

Don't mention it...

No, really, you're the hero in this case. Without you, none of this would've been possible.

I highly doubt that. The King snapped irritably. And I swear to Tartarus, if you so much as reference my involvement to any of these equines...

Sunburst's overzealous resolve interrupted the King's blatant threat. "Now that we know it works, let's go save the entire kingdom!"

Which, turns out, only took about an hour or so to achieve. Before the sun even started setting, viable bottles containing the brewed potion by Sunburst was distributed throughout the whole kingdom, every single resident certain to take a vial, even if none were apparently feeling any symptoms. Better safe than sorry. Cadence and Flurry were quickly cured before they got worse, as did Sunburst, the royal guards, the old librarian and, although somewhat sadly, even Sentry. But hey, I'm in a good mood to let that bother me. At the end of the day, Flurry Heart's caretaker used his good skills to recreate the age old potion and save a whole kingdom from a suffering a severe illness.

All's well that ends well, huh?

"Here you are."

Sunburst addressed me upon approach, catching standing by the hovering Crystal Heart and observing the cheerful kingdom's citizens conversing and walking by, all carefree. The sneezes have stopped, everything seemed just about right. With that, I glanced to Sunburst, glancing at the small basket containing multiple small flasks within. "Hm?"

The orange unicorn clarified with a wide smile. "For Starlight and the others, back in Ponyville." Ah! I accepted the gift gratefully. "Princess Cadence and Prince Shining have asked me to deliver some medicine to Canterlot, for the other Princesses. Last thing we need are for our the rulers of the sun and moon to suddenly fall ill. I trust you can see to our friends back in your hometown."

"I'll make sure they'll take them, even if I have to shove them down their throats." I added jokingly. Setting the basket down, I nodded to the taller pony. "Thank you."

But Sunburst shook his head. "No, thank you. Were it not for your guidance, and encouragement, I may have never discovered the remedy and helped the whole Crystal Empire from enduring such an awful affliction. I'm in your debt, Stardust Balance."

That so? "In that case, you can repay the debt by looking after Flurry with all your effort."

"It would be my pleasure." Sunburst offered a hoof, which I shook with equal respect. The unicorn continued smiling, albeit more softly now. "You know, when I heard tales of your battle against King Sombra, I must confess to imagining a tall imposing warrior with the call of battle reflecting in his eyes. Instead, I've met something much better, a great friend, who inspired me to have confidence in myself, just like Starlight had."

"And I'll admit, my first impression of you, Sunburst, was that of a introverted know-it-all with too much time on his hands- Hoofs." I grinned humouredly. "I'm honestly still befuddled how some random unicorn knew how to repair the Crystal Heart than Twilight or Celestia. Wonder never cease. You're a great friend for Starlight, and good caretaker for my niece."

Sunburst grinned at the praise, stepping back then with a polite nod. "I certainly hope we will see each other again upon your next visit, Stardust Balance 'the Crystal Champion.'"

In response, I tipped my fedora in mutual respect. "Certainly, Sunburst 'the Great Wizard.'"

You know, in hindsight, the resolution back then went much easier than you'd normally see from your average MLP episode. Had it not been for Sombra's timely intervention, we probably would've confronted more mishaps and Sunburst freaking out at occasion until we discovered the solution. Either way, I'm glad it's all over now, having returned home early in the evening to apply the remedy to Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow and Starlight. The four were confused, but quickly gulped down the medicine each upon my explanation of the situation.

No one wants to suddenly feel light-headed and collapse, after all. Now, waiting for Twilight, Rarity and Spike to come upstairs, I leaned back against my seat, sighing in small exhaustion, putting away the sheets of paper before they would potentially take a sneak peek at my work. Yep, even with Zagreus on the loose, training in Balance and using all available resources to hunt him down, I found spare time here and there to continue with my special project.

Something no one close to me will uncover for a very long time.

And what a disappointment it will be.

Oh hush you, especially after you've saved your entire kingdom a few days ago.

Your point being?

How uncharacteristically noble and kind it was of you to assist us in finding the cure back then. But then again, you have been performing actions which goes against your villain persona for a long time now, haven't you?

The King within my mind sniffed. Make no mistake Jack, my ideals have yet to be changed by your hopeless sense of righteousness. He said coolly. But I am not entirely without pity. It wasn't done out of the kindness of my metaphorical heart, I assure you. I'd prefer my Empire, even without me currently ruling it, to not be plagued by some irritating disease.

The Empire as a whole... Or a certain pony we encountered near the Heart,,,?


...Well, whatever the case, I'm grateful, my friend, for what you did for me and everyone else back then. Though I don't comprehend why you'd prefer the knowledge of your own involvement to be kept a secret; your people would view you as a hero!

Tch... I'd rather be feared than revered.

Right... Who was she, then?


You know who. That mare back then, in the brown cloak. Obviously you knew her, as she knew you!

Everyone in the Empire knew me. I'd be insulted otherwise.

That's not what I mean and you know it!

Sombra sighed, rather reluctantly. Does it sincerely matter. What relevance does this have to anything?

Aw come on, I won't laugh if it's something embarrassing. What was she your wife?

What- Ah- No! Absolutely no!

Holy [BEEP], did you just stutter? Did the intimidating and prideful Sombra just become flustered for a moment there?

Ugh... Another sigh, this time sounding more tired and... Compliant. Do you recall when I claimed, Jack, that you were the closest thing I had, to a friend?

...I do.

...I lied.


The door slammed open. "Stardust!" Spike's excited voice burst through the bedroom, the dragon hurrying across to meet me with a wide grin. "Knew I'd find you here, we're back from the Dragon Lands!" From the doorway, Twilight and Rarity entered, both smiling fondly at the ecstatic dragon eager to see his brother again.

Unable not to smile at the gesture, I picked up the young lizard and rubbed his head in amusement, prompting his quick attempted to slap away the hoof. "So I see. A pleasant ?"

Spike scoffed. "Understatement of the century. You won't believe what actually happened there. We met the Dragon Lord Torch- well former Dragon Lord Torch, now just Torch - himself, and we helped Princess Ember, in retrieving the Gauntlet of Fire, because whoever gets it first becomes the next official Dragon Lord and-"

"And he probably already knows what transpired." Twilight commented in amusement, fond violet eyes sparkling in all their knowledgeable beauty.

"Oh, right." Spike rubbed the back of his sheepishly. "Well, we helped Princess Ember become the new Dragon Lord, and I made a new friend in the process! Isn't that great?!"

I grinned widely. "I couldn't be more proud, Spike." And took the happy dragon in a brotherly embrace. "This time I wasn't there to steal your thunder. I told you you were capable of being a hero without my intervention."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, though I wished you were there personally to see me make Garble give every other dragon a hug under my brief time as Dragon Lord." With that, we all chuckled. Yes, that was probably the highlight of that episode, aside from Spike getting the spotlight once again. "Although, a fair warning about me almost falling down a floor of spikes next time?"

"That's what Ember was for, Spike." I winked jokingly, looking to the two mares. "I'll be sure to pay Garble a visit myself, threatening you two like he did."

Rarity smirked lightly. "Flattering, Stardust. I know we can count on you to set that dragon straight should Princess Ember ever turn a blind eye."

Twilight added with a thought, "Also, Jack, I inquired to both Torch and Ember if they ever saw any signs of Zagreus." Oh? My full attention on her, but the alicorn's expression was briefly sympathetic. "No dragon has spotted him, but they've vowed to let us know should anything suspicious turn up."

"Thanks love." I meant it, nodding with a small smile. "The fact they're willing to help us is good news enough."

"Indeed." Rarity concurred elegantly. "Especially when dragon kind are notoriously hard-headed. Imagine how shocked we were with how easily tolerant they were to our presence after finding out we were friends of you, darling. Stalwart of the Dragons, very much so."

I shrugged with a smirk. "Wasn't my choice of title Rarity..." My own voice died down then, at the sudden piece of fabric presented to me, resting on Spike's claws. The dark blue clothing was shredded and charred in some spots, but I recognized it anywhere. "Is that...?"

Spike nodded, letting me reach out to grasp the soft fabric. "We found it resting by the Gauntlet within the depths of the mountain." Spike clarified, tone that of small hesitation just then. Bringing the ruined piece of fabric closer to my face, I felt something choke within me.

Hello old friend... What has been done to you...?

"We recognized it anywhere, and you probably wanted it back." Twilight added calmly. "Obviously we can speculate how your old cape got there in the first place."


"But why on Equestria would that monster put it in that exact place?" Rarity asked confoundedly.

"If I could hazard a guess, most likely a warning." Twilight answered with grimness to her voice. "He knew we were going to reach the Gauntlet first, and left that cape there as some sort of message."

Or simply to taunt us.

"Yeah... That's why I wanted to ask you, Stardust." Hm? My gaze tore from the ruined fabric to the hesitant Spike, who was currently gathering courage. There was something on his mind, and the young dragon was getting prepared to say it out-loud. "On the way back, after what happened back in the Dragon Lands, and the fiasco of travelling across dimensions because of Zagreus, it gave me a lot of time to think about stuff. And... I don't wanna just be a comedic side character anymore."


Twilight interjected quickly, "Spike, you're not a-"

"I think we should hear him out, Twilight darling." Rarity said sagely, nodding for the dragon to go on.

Looking back to me, Spike mustered up a deep breath, acquiring the right amount of confidence to speak what's on his mind. Claws clenched tightly, the young dragon exclaimed, "I want to be stronger! Not just for myself, but for everyone I love, including you, Twilight and Rari- Everypony!" Breathing turned rapidly slightly, Spike opting to look at the floor between for a short moment. "I've realized, while everyone else fought the monsters, I sat back and did nothing to help. I was the one in need of protection more than anyone else. Well I'm through with that!"

Green serpentine eyes blazed upwards renewed vigour overtaking initial nervousness. His heart pulsed in self-confidence and absolute certainty.

"I want to be strong, like the rest of my kind. Like Twilight, like you! Please, Stardust, teach me how to be brave, how to fight. Make me a Twilight Warrior too!"


The request was met with dead silence, my own reaction matching Twilight and Rarity's. They consisted of pure shock, understandably so, because of what precisely Spike was demanding of me. But Spike, despite my initial heavy frown of doubt, stood tall and brave, glaring back at me in unrestrained boldness, expression almost daring me to deny his request. Does he even realize what he was even asking of me...?

Twilight and I shared stunned looks, uncertainty and concern expressed separately across our bond. Surely Spike understood the dangers, the risks from what he was requesting? Twilight was, I was. I'm sure even the gaping Rarity knew, hence my reluctance to even answer the young dragon here and now.

Could it even be possible...?

In answer, a wise voice finally revealed himself. The power you wielded, is not exclusive to one pony and one pony alone. Nor is it strictly limited to equine kind. Balance resides in everyone, my young student. And I sense our young friend here isn't as unreliable as many deduce him as, nor has he ever been.

And for that long, silent moment, that surprise of mine transformed into something else, a sensation I've felt for this hopeful dragon for a very a long time. A feeling I will express towards my little brother for all eternity and beyond.

Pure, unadulterated, pride.

You're not seriously considering- Clutching the old cape tightly, Spike blinked at my action of attaching the tattered fabric around him. Sombra sighed in pure exasperation. Of course you are...

"Well... I'm sure there's not harm in you trying." I said rather conversationally as Spike inspected his new look curiously. "You already have the makings of a warrior, little bro."

Snapping back to me, the young lizard's jaw dropped in hope. "Does- Does that mean...?!"

I inclined my head to the only alicorn in the room. "So long as it's okay with Twilight, it's okay with me."

Rarity looked positively flabbergasted. Twilight, though, stared at the encouraged Spike with a very long, thoughtful gaze. "Spike... Are you absolutely, purely, without a shadow of doubt, a hundred percent sure you want to do this? It won't be fun and games,"

Spike nodded, puffing out his chest. "I know that Twilight. But I wanna be stronger, for my friends, and for Rarity here." The white unicorn then, with tears in her tears, suddenly sprung forward and enclapsed the stunned dragon in a tight hug.

"My Spiky Wikey is all grown up!" Rarity exclaimed in tearful glee, rubbing her cheek against the flushing Spike's face. "I'm so, so proud of you my little brave warrior!"

"We all are..." Twilight spoke solemnly, a tiny, somewhat saddened smile as she wiped away a leaked tear of her own, looking towards me in newfound hope. "Try not to be too harsh coaching him, okay?"

"I know." I nodded, unable to wipe the smile off my own muzzle towards the praised dragon. "Starswirl says it's possible for non-ponies to learn the Balance of magic. Quite frankly, I'm too tired to ask how that even works, but you better prepare, Spike. The path to a Twilight Warrior won't be a mere walk in the park."

Spike, finally being released by a overzealous Rarity, turned to me with a wink and thumbs-up. "No problem! You can count on m- A... A... Achoo!" Spike rubbed beneath his nose after that small sneeze, grinning childishly. "Oops."

Twilight smirked playfully. "Looks like our little Twilight Warrior needs to be at maximum health first before proceeding with any kind of training."

"Come to think of it, I have been feeling rather light-hearted since our journey back from the Dragon Lands." Rarity added with a tiny smile.

Stepping forward, I said teasingly. "Not to worry, I've got you all covered."

Here lies all hope for Equestria's future...

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