• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventeen: Lie Master

"So do humans eat the same things as ponies?"

"Anything edible, yes." Speaking of edible, I was satisfied with the fact these technicoloured equines at least cooked and dined on eggs; of which I cracked a second one into the large bowl while I educated the young lizard waiting at the table. "Except for hay… or flowers."

"What about gems?"

Gems? I paused for a second at that, glancing behind me at the patient watching Spike before it clicked in my mind; that's right, dragons eats crystal substances. "Not even gems." I responded while returning to my work.

"So you don't eat flowers or hay, but any other kind of fruit and vegetables?"

"Well if we're talking about apples, bananas, pears, oranges and the kind you can pick off plants and trees, then sure." I answered while carefully picking out the bits of egg shells out of the bowl. I doubt that store's customers would appreciate a crunchy fresh patch of brownies.

"Even branches?"

I opened my mouth to respond when a female voice interjected. "What are you guys talking about?"

I glanced to the side as the unicorn arrived into the kitchen, her presence for some reason bringing a pleasant smile to my muzzle. "Good morning Twilight."

She nodded in greeting. "Good morning Stardust, and good morning to you as well Spike."

"Morning," I heard Spike greet in turn behind me as I returned to work. Let's see, could use a little more flour. I measured the jug as the dragon answered the mare's previous question. "Stardust was just telling me he'll eat any kind of healthy food except for flowers or hay."

At the lie I scoffed a little, "With the additional exception of pears… or tomatoes… or pineapples… I should probably write down a list."

"That'll make things easier." Twilight commented humouredly. "Since over half the time you refuse to eat any of the meals either I or Spike make."

I shrugged while mixing the goo-like substance. "I'm a picky eater."

"Ain't that the truth?" Spike snorted in agreed amusement, to which I smirked a little. Well I suppose I couldn't blame him, considering how many times I politely excused me from the table during the first five seconds when the meals were served.

I heard a light chuckle as the purple mare was a few feet away, preparing a cup of coffee judging by the sounds. "So then… Stardust, I was wondering, you haven't got any plans today correct?"

…Was that a rhetorical question?

I replied while slowly pouring milk into the jug. "If you're going to ask me again about magichlorians, Twilight, then I'm afraid I must give you the same answer; I made that up."

It was humourous and eventually exasperating to clean up the library, again, on the same day after Twilight spent the rest of that evening searching through the biological and magic books for any reference or entry about those microscopic organisms after I, to the repressing laughter of Spike, informed the attentive mare about them. Needless to say after I repeated to her it was all a jest, Twilight looked through the library regardless for any mention of them.

"Don't worry, I'm done with that fabricated biological explanation you made." She assured me. "And it's not what I wanted to ask you."

Oh… alright then. "On the contrary, one moment please… there we go. As I was saying, on the contrary, I have to deliver these brownies I'm baking to Sugarcube Corner after they're done."

"Huh, I didn't know you were sharing those brownies with the town."

Oh that's right; Twilight didn't know. I shrugged. "Yep, apparently my baking is so delicious they're willing to pay me with small money whenever I make these brownies for them to sell to their customers." Huh… just saying that out-loud sounds rather far-fetched. These ponies were just exaggerating about my skills.

"That's great." The unicorn then announced, sounding pleased for some reason. "With exquisite brownies like yours, everyone will love them."

"I know I do." Spike commented enthusiastically.

Great, they're doing it again…

I sighed tiredly before looking over my shoulder again. "So, why do you ask?"

"Hm? Oh, well I was pondering if you would like to accompany me to Zecora's later to collect my favourite tea. But if you're that busy."

"You don't even need to ask." The words immediately shot out before I even thought about it. Damn, what was with me recently? But noticing the pleased expression, how can I take back my words now? "I can deliver these brownies to that store while we're going, if that's alright with you."

"Of course." Twilight nodded rather happily, before turning to exit the kitchen after getting her cup of coffee. "There's something I have to research about beforehand; it won't take long."

"Take as much time as you need." I called to the leaving mare before checking the heat of the oven. Warm enough. Excellent. But while I put on the gloves a sight from the corner of my eyes caused me to halt. "…What are you smirking at?"

Spike shrugged, before covering his mouth with a glass of orange juice from the unamused look sent his way.

"That's what I thought."

"You know, next time you should consider entering a bakery contest with entering those brownies; have you seen how ecstatic everypony was in there?" Twilight said conversationally as we walked across the town, nodding pleasantly to passing by ponies… many who were even blinking in surprise or smiling at the sight of us walking together.

They must be assuming we've gotten along again after our outside argument that occurred… about a month ago now, I think.

Proceeding to feign ignorance to their stares, I snorted in amused disbelief at Twilight's suggestion. "I would probably earn tenth place at best. Besides, you know how I feel about competitions in general." I would much rather die than ever dwell upon entering a popular contest for anything.

"Fair enough, on the latter that is." The unfazed mare shrugged at the side-look casted to her. "I have to give credit where it's due, Stardust."

"Too much credit, me thinks..."

"Don't be like that." She threw an exasperated smile, before finally switching the topic. "Again though, Stardust, thank you for deciding to accompany me."

"You're welcome my dear." I replied lightly before frowning in thought. "Though I remained puzzled as to why you would ask me and not Spike."

"Spike has his own chores to complete. Plus I really enjoy your company." Then you my enthusiastic friend have lost all sanity if you believe I was in anyway pleasant company-

Next thing I knew, my world was spinning. Literally.

As I recovered from whatever the hell that was, and Twilight seemed to have experienced it herself, we both turned around at the giggling cause, playing with a nearby well.

Why I do believe this was the first time I have ever seen the three famous adventurous fillies in the flesh. And already I was smiling at their presence, and how adorable they were currently being. My soft spot for children just wouldn't permit me to keep a straight face when those three seemed to be having fun.

"Hello Fluttershy."

"Oh! Hello Twilight, hello Stardust." I turned at being addressed to the flying pegasus, who appeared just as positive as the crusaders behind us today. "Where are you two off to?"

"We're heading to the Everfree Forest to Zecora's to get some of my favourite tea."

Fluttershy didn't react well to Twilight's casual reply. "T-The Everfree Forest? Uhh you'll be careful won't you both?"

I scoffed lightly. "Of course my dear. You need not fret." I've visited those woods a handful of times now, and I've yet to encounter any danger from within. Plus with my inexplicable super strength and Twilight's magical abilities, we should be alright... if I knew how to unlock the former. Though it seems to only show itself in dire situations.

So yeah, we should be fine.

"What about you, what are you doing with the girls?" Twilight then inquired to the concerned pegasus.

"Rarity has a big order to fill tonight, so I volunteered to take care the girls over to my cottage for a sleepover."

"Wow, sounds like everypony has their hoofs filled today; taking care of those three fillies all by yourself. You sure you can handle it?"

As if on cue, while Fluttershy spoke the triple fillies appeared right before us. "What, these sweet little angels? They'll be no problem at all."

"You say that." I smirked jokingly. "Well then, have fun taking care of these children."

The pegasus nodded gratefully. "Thanks, you have fun too with going to the Everfree Forest." Was she jesting or being serious? I raised a brow as Fluttershy glanced to the side. "Come along now girls-"

Wow. They were certainly energetic.

Fluttershy smiled apologetically before walking slowly after the hyperactive fillies. As we watched them go Twilight spoke up. "That's very sweet of Fluttershy to volunteer with looking after those three for Rarity."

"Indeed." I responded while we continued to walk down the path to the forest.

"I hope they don't cause her too much trouble."

"We could check how they're doing after returning from Zecora's," I proposed absent-mindedly, barely acknowledging Twilight's concurring nod.

Seeing those three again... reminded me of a certain little girl waiting for me back home, no doubt wondering where her big brother has gone and when he'll return... Christ I miss her so; that girl was probably still causing a storm over the sudden disappearance of her oldest sibling... I smiled a little at that.

I'll be back soon. Wait for me little one...

"Stardust... are you okay?"

The concerned words caused me to snap out of my stupor, glancing at the brow-raised Twilight. Was I displaying my feelings so obviously? I nodded. "Fine, why do you ask?"

She shrugged. "You just seem... I don't know... sad."

I smiled a little at the honesty. "When am I not?" I jested before deciding to reassure the mare. "I'm fine, Twilight, really... just seeing those little ponies brought back some memories, that's all."

Thankfully the mare seemed to accept that answer, and if I didn't know any better I'd say she anticipated it. "Oh... alright. I won't pry, don't worry."

Won't pry? At this my movement wavered a little, raising a bemused brow at the unicorn. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Twilight?"

She gave an unladylike snort at the disbelieving words. "Very amusing." Yet the mare's features changed for a second, to an expression I could only decipher as... guilt? Regret?

Must be seeing things.

It was a few minutes before Twilight spoke up again. "So, enjoying your time in Ponyville so far?"

Apart from yelling at you and getting blistering headaches from Pinkie Pie? I shrugged and answered casually. "Eh, can't complain."

"You seem to be making more friends recently; Derpy, Bon Bon and Lyra."

I scoffed, not unkindly, at the mare's inaccurate observation. "'Acquaintances' seems more fitting to describe my... relationship with them."

Twilight raised a brow. "Still reluctant to make friends?"

"Does that surprise you?"

The unicorn shook her head, this time her tone that of thoughtfulness while looking away at the path before us. "Honestly I shouldn't be, but considering your recent uplifting mood, I thought... never mind."

...I sighed. "I'll be honest too Twilight." I waited for the unicorn to glance at me before admitting a confession that was puzzling me ever since I resided in the library. "I don't know how, or why, any of you put up with me; considering my... my..."

"Quick tempered attitude?"

"I was going to say 'dissatisfied atmosphere'." I smirked while Twilight then halted for a moment to face me, halting me also.

Oh, that look on her face; the features informing she's about to provide a speech.

"You can be a little grumpy... and rude at times, Stardust. But the girls and I have grown use to it, and we get along pleasantly, don't we?" I shrugged. I suppose. "No pony's perfect. Besides, Spike seems to enjoy your company a lot, just as much as I do... well, I mean you're not as bad as you believe yourself to be."

"Spike's only a child; he doesn't know any better Twilight."

"Maybe so, but you shouldn't doubt yourself like that." The unicorn resumed walking while I followed beside her. "Plus, you've risked your own life for us, for me... multiple times. That shows you at least care about us, more than you'd prefer to admit, right?"

I raised a brow. "What if I just don't desire having the death of Celestia's prized student and her friends on my conscience?"

Like the clever mare she was, Twilight saw right through my bluff with a scoff. "If that was the case; you wouldn't have thrown yourself in harm's way for Trixie, correct?"


"By the way... thank you."

At the sudden gratitude I looked at the intelligent magical unicorn, who kept her gaze focused on the pathway, where we were almost out of Ponyville. "For what...?"

Twilight smiled softly. "For saving my life... you risked your own against that hydra just to make sure I was safe... even though I wasn't worth you doing that-"

"Twilight." The mare blinked at my firm tone, looking back at me with those inquisitive violet orbs. I refuse to allow her to believe her life was less important than my own. "Your safety - and everyone elses - is worth more to me than anything else." Theirs and my family's back home. In response to the simple truth of things, Twilight turned her head away while I continued. "And you're welcome, my dear."

No conversation emerged then for a while until we were out of the town, continuing our walk down the pathway towards the ever-looming forest. You know, it just occurred to me then; if the Everfree Forest was so threatening to the lives of Ponyville's residents, then why don't they devise a plan to get rid of the area or its dangerous creatures?

They could move out of town, perhaps. Or burn down the forest to scare the inhabitants to all directions away from their town. Or take Ponyville and push it somewhere else. Or... they could request their beloved princess to use her acclaimed incredibly magic to transport the entire forest elsewhere.

Come on, that doesn't sound too implausible for the power this world can do, right?

About halfway there between the distant town and the dark forest, Twilight chose that time to speak up again. "You know, I'm beginning to like Ponyville more than Canterlot."

"Oh?" Where was she going with this?

The studious mare nodded. "Uh-huh. True Canterlot will always hold a special place in my heart; it was where I was born and where my family is. But Ponyville is so more quieter and serene, filled with so many adventures, and where I've made the bestest friends anypony could ask for. I'll forever be grateful to Princess Celestia for sending me here."

"Yes... I suppose Ponyville's atmosphere is more refreshing than that of Canterlot's." I concurred slowly.

Then Twilight looked at me. "Did I ever tell you about my family?"

"No..." But I get the feeling that's about to change.

And so it did.

Twilight used that answer as an excuse to begin chatting about her upbringing, how she was raised in that kingdom and all about how wonderful her family was, particularly her brother, whose name she brought up created a smirk on my muzzle. Stupid, stupid name. But I didn't tell the happy unicorn that; I just listened as she chatted away about how her sibling was her only close friend, alongside a mare who used to 'fillysit' her, as a filly all the way to how she obtained her number one assistant, Spike.

"-And the egg opened, just like that. But there was no time for celebration as my sudden burst of magic got out of control and grew Spike twenty times his size. And everypony else, even mom and dad, into various objects."

"Sounds eventful." I said, adding in short comments here and there at the appropriate times.

She laughed a little, grinning while looking upwards in reminisce the whole time she recalled her past. "Understatement of the century my friend. In the end, Princess Celestia helped me calm down and restore everything back to their natural forms and state. Hence I was lucky enough to then become the Princess's student, and I spent the rest of my life as a filly studying to one of the greatest rulers of Equestria."

...No comment.

As Twilight then sighed blissfully, memory lane evidently taking a pleasant toll on her, there was silence for a long moment.

Long enough for me to process everything I just heard. It was a fascinating story, that's for sure, though I'm completely uncertain why the intelligent mare told me about it. I especially loved the parts where her older sibling took care of some bullies who were targeting her. And how she spoke of her family, and Spike, with such love and care brought a pleasant smile on my own face whenever she mentioned them.

It must be nice... to have parents who one-hundred percent support you, despite you rarely ever seeing them, I imagined.

Still, those teachers who were waiting for the younger Twilight to hatch that egg sounded like expectant arseholes. She was just a filly for God's sake!

"So, what about you?"

The sudden question caused me to look at her. "Me?"

Twilight nodded, looking back at me in turn as we neared the entrance to the forest. "I remember you mentioning once you had siblings of your own. I'm curious about them... that's if you want to tell me."

I can guess why she was hesitant just then; no doubt afraid I might blow up on her again. I smiled slightly, being completely honest. "I don't know Twilight; my family isn't the most interesting in the world, plus any tales of them would sound dull and underwhelming compared to your stories about yours."

"Humour me then."

...Well it was a long walk. Plus no there else was around or in hearing distance. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell the inquisitive mare about my family; though some details will have to be either changed or left out so as to not give away the truth of my origins.

So humoured the curious unicorn I did.

"The cheeky bugger only got worse overtime, growing up from a sweet little angel to a horrifying nightmare." I exaggerated in my detail of the childhood of my youngest sibling as Twilight chuckled. "Always whining to get what she wants. Always throwing a tantrum whenever someone says no; which to be fair is the case of the majority of colts and fillies, but I don't recall myself or my other two siblings acting so spoiled... before we gained our cutie marks." I added that last bit to authenticate my story even more to the listening unicorn.

Turns out I was more prepared to delve into describing my siblings more than I thought. My mouth kept yammering on about them, yet Twilight didn't appear to mind me talking about them. Not once during our trek into the damp forest had she even slightly flinched at how I was still talking, often asking questions or making comment while I paused for breath.

Such as now. "She sounds like a hoofful."

"She's a pain in the arse." I admitted with no regret, smiling while she raised an amused brow. "So ungrateful. So demanding. Often times she likes to hit peo- ponies - by 'ponies' I mean me exclusively - if she doesn't get what she wants. But you know what?"


"I wouldn't have it any other way."

At the truthful statement Twilight's expression softened lightly, smiling at the affection I was unashamed to show when talking about my trouble making younger sister. "You must miss her very much then, having been away from her for so long."

"Not a day goes by where I don't think of her." I stared at the ground for a moment, as the image of a smiling little girl flashed in my mind. "Truth be told, Twilight... she's the only reason I keep on living."

...Why did I just tell her that?

From the corner of my downcast eyes I noticed the close mare's hooves halted, the unicorn sounding surprised. "Wait, 'the only reason'? What do you mean by that?"

I was a few steps ahead before stopping myself. "That little demon is the sole reason I ever even bother getting out of the bed every morning. My only motivation in life is in the han- hooves of that little oblivious child."

Shut up. Just shut up Stardust.

"But... what about the rest of your family?"

Yet some impulse to confide in that intent listening unicorn behind compelled me to respond. At the puzzled question I scoffed, though not unkindly, glancing over my shoulder to the approaching mare. "They do fine without me. I may be the oldest sibling, Twilight... but honestly that doesn't truly mean anything; they don't look up to me, they're more competent in life than I am and ever will be. Plus my mother and father, despite their insistence otherwise, don't really require my presence for anything; not before or after their divorce."

Why was I even telling her any of this? It was as if some sort of force caused me to spill some things I've never really told anyone before. But why Twilight of all people, or ponies? Perhaps my brain just had enough with me keeping my thoughts and emotions on such matters to myself and wanted to inform the nearest living creature since we're alone as the eye can see.

Well, you can quit making me spill the beans now, brain.

Twilight was beside me before she spoke in quiet disbelief. "You don't actually believe that... do you?"

I shrugged indifferently. "What else can I believe? Honestly they take care of me more than I do with them. A heavy price to pay when one is born... unique shall we say."

"...Oh right, I recall you telling me you were the victim of bullies because you were born different."

...Oh yeah; during the whole griffon incident.

"But Stardust..." Ah, speech incoming. I sighed and turned to the unicorn, who feigned ignorance to my exasperation. "Just because you think that, doesn't mean it's true. Everyone in a family always loves and needs one another; no matter how unique they are. I'm more than certain your brother and sisters need you for many things, and they look up to you, you just don't know that yet. I always looked up to my big brother, and I still do to this day, so I'm sure you've inspired your siblings one way or another, whether you realize it or not."

You're lucky I enjoy listening to you, Twilight.

The unicorn continued after I chose to say nothing. "Besides, I've seen you do some independent things. For example; the brownies this morning. You've been baking them all by yourself ever since you arrived in Ponyville, correct?"

"Well, yes."

"See? Plus you once said you were a writer. Speaking of which, how's that coming along? Have you started doing that since coming here?"

I shook my head. "I've had no... recent inspiration." A lie, of course. But it was either that or admitting to the shrugging unicorn my recent limbs refuse to cooperate with my writing style; always making a botch mess on the paper with that quill in my room.

We then proceeded down the pathway before I spoke again, to express some gratitude towards the mare. "Thank you for your words though, Twilight." However useless they were. "Even though I am unworthy of your wisdom."

I suspect that slight redness on her cheeks was from the wisdom compliment, but she threw me a bright grin regardless. "What are friends for?"

What indeed...

And then Twilight directed the conversation back to that of my younger sibling. "Anyway, what was your little sister's name again?"

I couldn't lie there. Just saying the name brings a smile to my face. "Cerys."

"That's a lovely name."

I nodded in pure agreement. "Lovely name... for a sinister child."

Twilight chuckled at the joking tone. "I imagine I was quite the same to my own brother when I was a filly."

I had a quip response prepared. "Hard to imagine, unless you were asking him repetitive questions about some words he knew." It was a jest, really, but I frowned as the mare's posture shifted, looking at the dirty ground in clear guilt. Oh no... "Twilight, I didn't mean that-"

"Well, at least he doesn't use such foul-mouthed words like there's no tomorrow." Was she... was she smirking? I blinked in genuine confusion as Twilight looked back at me-

You little...

My mouth chuckled at the trick. Play on my emotions why don't you? "Fair enough, my dear. Fair enough."

Twilight laughed alongside me, before speaking again with honesty. "You know, you should laugh more often."

I raised a brow. 'Laugh more often'? "And why is that?" That's kind of hard to do with someone when Pinkie Pie can't even get a chuckle out of me.

"It's a wonderful sound."

I blinked at the confession while she shrugged humouredly, continuing to walk while I stared after for a few seconds before following. Okay, I was befuddled there. Who on Earth describes my laughter as 'wonderful'? Twilight apparently. But why? I've heard my own laughter before.

It makes Spongebob's sound tolerable-

"Did you hear that?" Huh? I halted beside Twilight, whose ears pricked up and she appeared to be looking around us. I focused on my hearing in turn.

...Nothing. "Not really-"

"Shh." Well, she was certainly concentrating. I let the interruption slide while the mare frowned in confusion while still turned her head in every direction of the dark depressed-looking forest-

My head started doing so too at an unfamiliar sound. Okay I've heard that. I shared a puzzled glance with Twilight, before she mouthed something I could only decipher as 'Keep your guard up'. I nodded; don't need to tell me twice my dear.

The sound only increased in volume as we stood back to back, the sun was still out and leaking into the forest, so it should be easier to spot any close opponents. But while the mare wasn't looking I raised a brow at the realization of it all.

Twilight and I. Facing some potential danger and standing back to back, both ready to defend the other. I allowed myself a small smirk. Perhaps this time we could work together instead of one sacrificing their self for the other - by that I mean myself risking my own neck out fully for the powerful unicorn behind me.

I can't help it. Twilight Sparkle or not, there was a driven urge within me to defend the mare, Spike and the others, at all times and any cost-


My head immediately snapped to the direction Twilight was pointing at... the result? A chicken's head popping out of the bush, staring at us with innocence.

Immediately I felt nothing but utter disappointment. And here I believed we were going to face another dangeour foe. But nope, instead before us was a chicken. I sighed as Twilight walked towards the blinking animal.

Well, I suppose at least there's no threat against Twilight-

Wait a minute...

Cautiously I moved towards the two as Twilight spoke to the smaller creature. For all we know the animal before us was bait to a more dangerous predator. "Hello my feathery friend, what are you doing all the way out here."

At the question I raised a brow. "Well else would it be?" It's an animal in a wild habitat, albeit a life-threatening environment.

By the way, did I mention how much I missed the taste of meat?

"Fluttershy owns a chicken coop outside her house near the edge of the Everfree Forest. I wonder if this poor guy somehow escaped." Sounds like something the kind pegasus would have, so I shrugged. That might be the case, but it still doesn't explain what that sound we heard earlier was. It was definitely a animal sound, but it couldn't have come from this chicken...


As Twilight then reached out to pet the bird, some instinct incited my own hoof to stop her own, shaking my head at the confused mare. She then smiled slightly. "It's just a chicken, Stardust, what harm can he possibly... do?"

We both stared down at the growing shadow blocking the pair of us from the sunlight, and danger was flashing in my mind like a Las Vegas sign. And what was worse was that the shadow originated from... right in front of us.

Slowly our heads turned upwards to the grinning abomination of hell staring down at us. The head being that of a chicken's, and the rest being some sort of lizard's. What was I even looking at, a hybrid?

Whatever it was, the giant red eyes made it clear it had sinister intentions. And I was just having a pleasant day as well-

My instincts kicked up; pushing the yelping Twilight our of the way, raising my other hoof to the lunging hybrid's neck, preventing it from snapping its growling teeth into my face. My admittedly frightened eyes stared back at its glowing red orbs, and the creature seemed to be... smirking.

...Why was my body suddenly feeling stiff?

Carefully I glanced behind me and- Jesus! The back of my pony body was turning to stone. The growl of the predator I kept at bay grew louder, and I felt my features grabbed onto and twisted to face the abomination straight in the eyes again.

I... I don't feel too good...


As I felt an approximate eighty percent of my body turn rocky, I made a last ditched effort, both my front hoofs reaching out to grab the monster by the neck tightly, taking some cruel delight as it choked in displeasure, clawing at my own stone-turning hoofs. It was painful, but I wasn't going down alone, expressing as much to the enraged animal.

"If I'm going down my hybrid friend, I'm taking you with me." I smirked until there was nothing left to see, only hearing one last cry of terror.



Blue and green sky. That was all I saw upon awakening in this... wherever the hell I was. Quickly I adjusted my position from lying down to standing on all fours, eyes looking around me at the blended colour sky and the white smoke covering the ground I stood on-

Hey wait a minute... wasn't I turned to stone?

Let's see, after careful inspection of every part the body I could see, it appears that was no longer the case. Plus I didn't feel anything unusual about my new body... in fact I didn't feel anything right now at all. It's as if everything's gone numb, even my mane and tail when touching them. Clearly to my eyes I was no longer encased in rock, so what the hell was with all the numbness?

And where was I even?

...Was I dreaming? Was this the afterlife? Purgatory? This doesn't quite match the description of heaven, or hell, at all. Plus you'd think being dead my body would have returned to that of my original. But nope, I still appear to be in the form of a pony.

Maybe God's just messing with me...

This is unexpected.

The echoing voice caused my body to stiffen, as I literally felt the humoured tone pass through me like a chill. "Who's there?" I asked loudly, immediately preparing myself for an assault of any kind from the voice- wait... "Hang on... are you God?"

The voice sounded even more amused. I am no deity, and you haven't met your end just still have so much to accomplish beforehand, Jack.

My eyes widened; it's been so long since anyone's addressed me as... How did he know my-? Wait... "Specter...?"

It's been a while, my friend. The voice confirmed with comfort in the tone... and I recognized it then.

But that just added more to my already confused state. "But... how... what...?"

At ease. You are quite safe.

"...Where am I?" Really, Stardust? Out of all the questions my mind could conjure up for this situation right now, while a legitimate inquiry, there were far more important things to ask. Yet I felt compelled to await the mysterious voice's answer.

A pocket of your own subconscious. A small retreat as you await your friends to aid in freeing you.

"So... we're in my mind?"

Indeed... you anticipated something else?

"Honestly death but- hey hang on a minute! If we're in my own mind, then what are you doing here? For that matter; who are you and where did you come from? How come I can't see you, even when in my own subconscious, but only hear your voice? And why, in the name of our Lord, did you send me to Equestria in the first place?"

Since I'm here, apparently waiting to be rescued by the others as Specter claimed, there was never a seemingly more appropriate time to get these questions answered. Because, I suppose like Twilight in that regard, I despised not having my curiosity satisfied. Plus, this was a corner of my mind? I didn't expect one part of me to be so... dull.

I see you have been befriending them well.

Oh... oh we're doing this again are we? "Yes, now answer my questions."

Have you already forgotten what I stated last time we spoke? Your inquires will be answered when you accept those six ponies wholly as friends.

"I was hoping you'd forget..." Screw you Specter...

I heard that. Regardless, I had not anticipated your arrival within your own mind at all, my young friend.

I'm not sure whether to take that as an implication he was inside my mind this whole time. "You'll find I'm full of surprises."

A deep chuckle, indicating how aged the owner of the voice truly was. I concur, considering your activities ever since you've been transported to Equestria; battling an ursaminor, a dragon and a hydra. Even now you risked your own life for the safety of another. Miss Sparkle I believe.

"Yes well..." I shrugged. "Rather me than her, after all."

If he had any thoughts against that statement, he kept it to himself. Wise move. Rest assured, you will return to the real world soon. Beforehand, I must commend you on how progressive you are being with the task I have set before you. I'm amazed he has yet to even call out, if he knew so much, about my own attempts to return to my true home. May I inquire, however, as to why you confided in Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of your origins?

Curious huh? "Wouldn't you like to know." I answered casually. Two can play this game my friend; why should I indulge you when you do not do so in turn?

Yet the voice was unfazed, and I had the brief image of the unknown person shrugging. Fair enough. I shall find out sooner or later. Hopefully never. I then raised a brow as the voice suddenly spoke up again. Ah, it appears you are being revived from your subconscious my friend. We shall speak again at the appropriate time.

What? "That was quick!"

You were out, even within your own subconscious, for quite a while. Until we speak again, Jack.

I noticed then around everything was becoming more brighter. Oh no he doesn't! "Hang on; you can't-"


"-dust! Can you hear me? Stardust!"

My awakening eyes blinked rapidly as reality returned to me, shaking my head as a small headache appeared out of nowhere. Where... what...?

...Oh yes. I recall everything now. God damn you Specter. You bloody troll...

"Stardust. Are you alright?"

I knew that voice from anywhere. "Twilight...?" I asked rather weakly before my blurry vision returned to clear as crystal, the smiling relieved unicorn standing before me as I slowly stood up, the forest area spotted from the rest of my eyes. Was that it then? Did I return to normal? Well by 'normal' I meant by not becoming a statue-

Before I was even aware of it, the purple mare was already embracing me, two wrapped hoofs around my rather stiff neck. Oh right... I was standing when I was encased- oh never mind that, Twilight Sparkle was hugging me... again.

And like last time it felt... good.

"I'm so glad you're okay." The unicorn said after releasing me before I was even given the opportunity to return the favour, her tone nothing but happy and pleased to see I was in an alright state. "Oh, sorry." Her expression turned apologetic and shy as I flinched at the stiffness of my neck.

"Not your fault... Did you...?" Tch, my throat felt a little dry.

Though the intelligent mare seemed to get what I was thinking about, shaking her head and nodding to beside her. "No. It was Fluttershy who helped restore you." Fluttershy...? I slowly turned my recovering head around to the observing pegasus and the three fillies, all smiling at us happily, evidently just as glad that I'm alive. "She got the creature to turn you back from stone."

"...I see." Well then, time to thank the shy mare the only way I currently could, slowly walking up to her while the rest of the stiffness disappeared. I bowed gratefully to the blinking Fluttershy. "You have my gratitude, my dear."

"Oh. It was nothing, really. We're all just glad you're okay, Stardust."

"'It was nothing'?!" One of the three fillies exclaimed. I imagine this one was... oh dear lord, I've forgotten their names. The light brown pegasus proceeded to gesture wildly. "Fluttershy showed that thing true terror when she gave it the Stare!" The what...? I frowned in confusion while Fluttershy shrugged sheepishly, and a clucking sound attracted our attention to an approaching full chicken, to which the yellow pegasus walked towards to comfort the evidently frightened bird-

Wait... that creature.

Immediately I focused squinting into the night for the fleeing hybrid. There you are you son of a [BEEP]; I spotted a slithery tail retreating to a nearby bush. I walked in pursuit, mustering up the hardest glare I could manage before preparing to exact my vengeance on the creature-

I felt a soft hoof on my shoulder to make me abruptly pause, followed by a comforting voice. "Let it go, Stardust. Fluttershy's made sure it will never harm another pony again."

Good for her, but my pride demanded retribution for encasing me in stone. But glancing at the pleading violet eyes brought up an immense feeling of hesitation.

"Please, do it for me."

...I sighed to express my reluctance, slowly nodding while allowing the beast to get away. "Alright, just this once." But if the abomination goes near anyone else I knew again, I'll have it as an appetizer.

Twilight smiled in relief before quickly withdrawing her hoof, another voice popping up. "Um... excuse me." Our attention turned to the approaching yellow Earth Pony, who was looking at me with curiosity. "I don't think we've ever met. My name is Apple Bloom. And those two there are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo." Said fillies joined her.

Ah, kids... one of my many weaknesses. I bowed politely. "It is a pleasure to meet you young ones. My name is Stardust Balance." I stood up straight while Fluttershy walked towards us with a chicken on her backside, a sudden thought causing me to frown. "So... ladies, why exactly are three children here are in the middle of the Everfree Forest?"

The two teenage mares shrugged, Twilight answering. "It's a long story. Why don't we tell you while taking these three girls back to Fluttershy's cottage?"

I nodded along with the others, noticing one of the three children yawn tiredly. Fluttershy appeared to note that as well, smiling brightly. "Come along then girls. We've had enough excitement for one night."

As the pegasus took the lead, guiding the three ecstatic fillies, something popped in my mind which prompted me to call out. "Fluttershy." I waited for her to glance over her shoulder. "Thank you again; that's twice you've saved my life now."

"Oh, you're welcome." She beamed at my gratefulness before continuing escorting the three small ponies.

"Shall we?" I heard Twilight ask next to me.

I smirked and gestured forward formally. "After you my dear."

"Thank you, but I'd prefer you walk right beside me."

"...As you wish." I obliged while raising a brow.

"And an additional thank you, Stardust. It's twice now you've saved my life." Twilight began as we trailed behind the others.

And holy hell did her voice become more quiet and somber with each passing word. "I was afraid when you pushed me out of the way like that, turning to stone in my stead. I honestly didn't know what to do. After I used magic to chase the creature off, I immediately wen to Zecora's place for help. Turns out she wasn't even there; I knew I should have awaited a replied letter beforehand. And... well I sorta panicked, you know. Because I wasn't aware of any spell to transform you back from stone! And the idea of you becoming a stone forever just-!"

"Twilight, Twilight." I interjected before she could continue one with her guilt, reaching out to do something incredibly uncharacteristic of me as we halted: I placed a gently hoof under her chin so she didn't turn away. I'm work out what's wrong with me today after reassuring the mare before me. "It's alright, my dear. I'm here and still breathing now. What you could have done previously is irrelevant now. I'm just glad you're alright."

"But... I could have done something..."

"You're not all-powerful nor omniscient." I reminded her, having adopted a softer tone to help lift this stubborn unicorn's spirits. And I think that was enough of holding her. I released her chin, glad she didn't immediately look away. "Sometimes there are things neither you nor anyone else but a specific being has to accomplish. Exhibit A: Fluttershy." I nodded to the distant pegasus, who with the small fillies paused in their walk to wait for us, having a conversation of their own; most likely a lecture. "But the fact you were concerned for me, while unneeded, is appreciated."

"Of course my worrying was necessary. You're my friend." A purple hoof placed on my chest. What was with this personal touching? And why was it so welcoming...? Must be still disoriented.

I chose then to say nothing, simply walking towards the other while Twilight followed beside me. It was late anyway; we can save this discussion for tomorrow. But before then. "Well, in relation to our conversation earlier today, I suppose there is one thing I should be grateful to Celestia for also."

I glanced to my left at the blinking Twilight, who was surprised either by this sudden shift of tone, or the fact I was willingly thanking her mentor for anything. "And what might that be?"

"Having me interact with some fantastic ponies... and dragon."

While we were enjoying listening to the playful laughter of the Cutie Mark Crusaders nearby, Twilight, Fluttershy and I were currently content around a table outside the cottage. The only difference between our drinks is mine simply being a glass of water, having declined the offer of tea multiple times.

Last night I was informed of what occurred during my statue state. After seeing that Zecora wasn't home, Twilight returned to check on me before returning to the library for any spell in the books that would revive me, worried that taking me with her would damage my fragile state. It turned out the hybrid managed to escape from my stone grip, targeting a chicken that left Fluttershy's coop nearby after freeing itself from my clutch.

The three troublesome fillies, meanwhile, snuck out of the house during night and into the Everfree Forest, pursuing some sort of danger they could face and capture, earning the tattoos they so crave. I was shaking my head the whole time, exasperated and humoured over the lengths the youthful three would go to, all to get those accursed cutie marks of their own.

Twilight had then returned after finding out only the creature which encased me in the first place can reverse the process, running into a distraught Fluttershy who was seeking out the three lost fillies. Eventually they caught up with the frightened crusaders after hearing screams from near them, Fluttershy utilizing this 'Stare' that halted the abomination - its named revealed to me as a "Cockatree" or something like that - from trapping her in stone and ordered it to release me and the chicken.

Suffice to say, all I said at the end of the tale was that if Fluttershy wasn't telling off the three crusaders, I would have.

"This tea is delicious. Thank you again for letting us stay over and join you for morning tea, Fluttershy."

"You're quite welcome Twilight, it's a special recipe of mine."

"I'd love for you to share it with me sometime."

"Okay. Stardust, are you sure you don't want any?"

Oh, no need to invite me into the conversation ladies. "Need I sound like a broken record?" I smirked, finally looking away from the kids to the confused mares, shaking my head politely. "No thank you, Fluttershy."

"You seem to enjoy watching the fillies play." Twilight pointed out, while a letter and ink above her was being filled out. I assume it must be for her mentor.

"I like kids." I shrugged, the image of my little sister appearing within my mind as I spoke. "Plus

they remind me of Cerys."


"Stardust's younger sister."

The unicorn's explanation caused Fluttershy to blink in surprise, before her smile brightened even more. "Oh! I didn't know you had a little sister. That's a beautiful name she has."

Yes, it contrasts quite perfectly with that little devil's attitude. "Thank you. I'll tell her you said that."

The yellow pegasus nodded, sipping her tea. "A little sister along with a puppy. That must be nice."

"Well a pain in the arse more than anything."

"I wasn't aware you have a puppy back in England." I shrugged at Twilight's discovery. "And I was wrong about you Fluttershy, you do know what you're doing with the girls."

I nodded in agreement, adding in my two cents. "Plus last night you've displayed a vast among of courage against that hybrid. Good job Fluttershy."

The pegasus dismissed the praise. "Oh I wouldn't go that far. I mean, I assumed I'd just be as good with kids as I am with animals, Boy was I wrong. I really learnt the hard way not to bite off more than I can chew."

Oh I see, so it's Fluttershy who was taught a valuable lesson today. Good for her. I simply smiled while sipping the clean water.

"You and Rarity both." Twilight then pointed out, before glancing somewhere behind me. "Good morning Rarity." I looked behind me to the tired-looking white unicorn, nodding in greeting.

"Did you finish with those capes?" Fluttershy inquired.

The mare blew out a breath, walking towards us. "Just delivered them. I have to admit, if you hadn't come along I might not have. Thanks again." She nudged the pegasus' cheek, and I'm amazed her horn didn't poke the other mare's eye out.

"Won't you stay for some tea?"

"I really must get back to the shop and clean up. Girls! Get your things! Time to go!" Rarity ordered the three... before continuing doing so while the three fillies disobeyed.

There was nothing but a smile on my face. Yep... exactly like my trouble making sister.

Fluttershy sighed beside me and said. "Excuse me for one moment." And my smile changed to a smirk as the energetic children immediately obeyed the kind pegasus.

"Kids can be quite a handful, can't they?"

I concurred. "But you can't help but find their behaviour endearing."

"Indeed." Twilight nodded while sipping her tea as I looked back to the table, before adding casually while the fillies said their goodbyes. "Oh by the way, your cape's been stolen."

Wait what?

My head instantly looked at my back, seeing nothing but the bright gold fur and insulting cutie mark I usually cover up. What the-? Where did it-? "Hey!" I called in annoyance as Twilight laughed lightly at my indignation towards the three fleeing gleeful fillies escaping with my clothing worn by one of them. "One moment my dear. Get back here you three!"

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