• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fourteen: Fit for Failure

The previous conclusion we had to an argument was the studious unicorn giving me the silent treatment. But now: Twilight was full-on avoiding me.

And who can blame her? Especially after our latest argument which had occurred a few days ago. When I returned straight to the library after a quick farewell to Derpy, I was informed by a perplexed Spike that the purple mare locked herself up in her room, saying something about studying for something where there was no time for distractions. But even the dragon wasn't fooled by it, he noticed the leaking of Twilight's eyes and so inquired what exactly happened, to which I answered with a statement I still find hard to believe.

I made Twilight Sparkle cry.

And over the course of the next few days, where the unicorn made it completely clear she was evading my presence whenever possible, as an example by quickly pacing into the next room when I enter the same area, I was struggling myself with coming to grips for what exactly I've done wrong.

It wasn't my intention to make her shed any tears. Hell that's the case with all of these residents. I just desired for her to cease bombing me with all those repetitive questions about how I can use their forbidden language.

I felt empty inside... okay, more like cold. As though the temperature within me cooled down to antarctic degrees for what I'd done to the poor unicorn. I forgot how easily offended ponies were; they would take the slightest jab against them with a sensitive reaction. I didn't expect Twilight to cry over the matter because she was one of the more strong-willed in all of this town.

And now I'm paying the price for it.

But to be fair, the blame wasn't entirely upon myself. If Twilight had just done a repeat of last time where she would stop asking anything about me, then me shouting at her with profanities wouldn't had happened in the first place. Plus I was already stressed enough with another hope of returning home dashed away, and said stress was brought back, having cooled down during the day in Sugarcube Corner, when Twilight walked up to me in hopes I would provide her with a satisfying explanation.

It's her fault just as it was mine.

I've spent the last few days isolated within my own temporary room, regardless. Hopefully that would make it clear I have no intention to be a continuous thorn in the unicorn's side. The only one who visited me then was Spike, who decided to play the part of comforting both sides.

It was kind of him, but unnecessary.

I added another strain to whatever thread of friendship I had with Twilight. As always I mess up no matter where I go. I deserved nothing less than my own isolation.

"C'mon Stardust! You can't stay inside this room forever." Spike complained loudly as I paced around in my frustration, already growing tired of the pestering dragon's presence.

"Challenge accepted." Really my small friend, I didn't need you right now.

Yet the lizard remained firm in his desperate attempts to get me to come out and express regret to the unicorn. "All you've got to do is apologize to Twilight... when she of course starts talking to you again."

Apologize? Tch.

I snorted loudly, keeping my own eyes straight on the walls I walk towards admist my irritated pacing. "Which won't be for a long time, I imagine, considering that mare's stubbornness."

"Huh. Something you two have in common."

I eventually relented and turned to the dragon, who sat on the edge of my bed watching me pace in frustration. "Even if I do apologize," I'll pretend to ignore that comparison Spike made. "Then it has to be two-way; Twilight is as equally guilty as I."

A confused expression. "Wait, why should Twilight say sorry? She wasn't the one who yelled loud enough to become the talk of the town."

"Need I remind you, my friend, that if the unicorn hadn't kept annoying me to no end with her questioning, I wouldn't have yelled at her in the first place-" My mouth paused for a moment as I fully processed Spike's words. "- Wait; 'talk of the town?'"

The dragon folded his arms. "Of course you wouldn't know about it, locking yourself inside the library and all. You put on a show, according to Ponyville's residents. I don't think you were being talked about around the town since you punched Rainbow Dash's friend."

...Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Just what I needed to hear! Twice I've unintentionally made myself the center of attention. Incredible! How do I do it?! It couldn't be magic because that had nothing to with my anger. Yep, I blame my emotions... and the others I became mad towards for making me cause those scenes.

That must also mean the rest of the Mane Six were aware of the argument and the aftermath. well great. I'm surprised neither Applejack or Rainbow Dash have stomped into my room and demanded an explanation for making Twilight shed tears in public.

Something I didn't need too, I feel like the worst human on the planet already. The last thing I desired was Rainbow Dash of all ponies to start scolding me on anything.

My expression changed from enraged to annoyance, as I proceeded to continue walking around the room. "Lovely, and I was getting so use to the quiet life around here as well."

My ears perked up on a hesitant sound from the dragon, who then spoke rather slowly, as though the other occupant in this room was a bomb waiting to tick off. "You know... you shouldn't have yelled at her right?"

"Of course I do!" I snapped to the dragon, ignoring his flinch at my tone. "You think I enjoy raising my voice at Twilight of all people- ponies, or anyone for that matter?" What does he know?

"Well... no but-"

"I know it was wrong." I cut him off firmly, my pace around the room beginning to heaten as I desperately wished to have hands to clench again. If I didn't know better I'd say the book I passed by with quivering a little among my path. "Of all ponies I expected to yell at in anger, Twilight was the least. And now? Now I'm paying for allowing myself to lose my temper so easily. I'm usually a lot more composed as well! But somehow... somehow... that mare makes me get mad quite quickly."

It was amazing, thinking about it really. The only ones who cause me to lose my temper with such ease were students at my college. I held no love for them; the majority I had to deal with were so idiotic I had to do my best to restrain any impulses of inflicting vocal pain on them.

Not physically however. No no, I wasn't a bully.

The only benefit to it was me being top of the class- I'm getting off-track here.

"Maybe it's just natural for you to get mad."

At the claim I raised a heated brow at the wincing lizard, wondering what in God's name he was going on about. "Are you implying... I have anger issues."

Spike's eyes widened dramatically, the dragon quickly waving his arms in denial. "What? No no! I'm just saying that you once told me humans are more ill-tempered than ponies. I just assumed that-."

"So now you're generalizing us?" He dared compare me to the rest of humanity? To many out there who were pure sadistic and cruel? "Well let me make something perfectly clear my small friend: You. Know. Nothing. If all you're going to do is just add a bigger pile upon my plate of regret, then I suggest you just leave right now." That said I turned away from the lizard towards the window, which revealed the outside sunny world. "I don't know why you even bother attempting to cheer me up Spike."

Seriously, what motivation did that dragon have to approach or even comfort me? There was no reason to it. I didn't need him, I didn't need anyone. I've learnt to just bottle up these feelings of guilt and regret and move on, simple as that. Eventually things will cool down, as Twilight will learn sooner than later that avoiding me will provide no benefits to anyone.

I heard the shifting of the bed as Spike jumped down from it after a moment's pass, walking towards the door and then calling out before leaving, sounding then rather reluctant and upset. "I may not know a lot, but I try to help you because you're my friend, Stardust, and Twilight's too, whether you think so or not. One of you will go to the other soon, I'm positive. But right now it's clear you don't want anyone around."

A reminder drifting across my mind that Spike, for all his behaviour and attitude, was still an infant incited me to sigh with even more regret and turn to look at the departing saddened lizard. "Spike wait-"

He slammed the door shut, and I was a little taken aback by the force of it.

...Well great. First Twilight; now Spike. Clearly God hated me.

I released an even bigger sigh, as another plate of guilt was added to the pile, looking around to the window again. Where had I gone wrong... oh, right, when I yelled at Twilight.

Jesus Christ I couldn't get over that, I mean how could I? Out of everyone in this damn world, Twilight Sparkle was the last pony I ever wanted to upset under any circumstance. That scene from days past kept on replaying in my mind, as I easily caused the young student of the misguided monarch to break down, in the middle of the bloody town!

I... I never wanted that. I just wanted to make a point to her how irritating the unicorn was behaving towards me. I forgot how sensitive these damn ponies were to anything. I mean, the way that griffon insulted Fluttershy was a prime example to such-!

A knock on my door, and before I knew it my hoofs were already rushing towards it. Spike? Twilight maybe? Had she finally come to her senses-?

"Hello Stardust. We were hoping to find you here."

My eyes blinked rapidly at the two mares before me. "Y-You two?" Smooth Stardust, ten points for that stutter as well. Lyra nodded enthusiastically, whereas Bon Bon, despite the smile, looked rather hesitant for whatever reason... though I could speculate as to why.

And I guessed correctly.

Somehow the two visiting mares managed to persuade me to exit my room for the moment and follow into the downstairs library's kitchen, taking a seat by one side of the table facing Bon Bon, as Lyra meanwhile searched around the cupboards to make some tea. There was no sign of Spike while we walked to the room, so I assumed he must have left to seek out his mistress.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like any tea?" The creamy Earth Pony inquired politely, beginning whatever conversation was about to occur. "It does wonders for those who are upset."

"That's kind of you," I replied casually, briefly glancing at the back of the limey unicorn for a moment. Time to get to the heart of the matter. "Though curiosity over why you two are here replaces any thirst of mine."

Not to say they weren't a welcome presence but... why were they here?

"Well we're-"

The light green unicorn cut off her friend with that energetic voice. "We're here to help you Stardust!"

"Thank you Lyra. What she said."

At the plain explanation I raised a brow to express my skepticism. Help me? What could they possibly do to assist me? The two barely even know me!

A knowing smile suddenly emerged on the Earth Pony's muzzle. "Judging from your wary expression, I'm guessing you doubt we can do anything to help cheer you up, and give advice on how to make amends with Twilight." ...Alright I'll give her that, save for the latter.

"I have no intention on making any amends with her."

"Oh don't be like that Stardust!" Lyra commented, finally bringing two cups of tea, which I did say they could help themselves to earlier, to the table, passing the other to the grateful Bon Bon. The unicorn added after winking at me, "We know how it is with couples, fighting's a general thing. And you did cause a huge scene yesterday when you yelled at Twilight."

...Oh... not them too!

Bon Bon continued for her friend after taking a sip of her drink, oblivious to the disbelief reflecting off my face, "Delicious, thank you Lyra. Anyway, when we heard what you that day we were honestly surprised, as we had the impression you were a well-mannered stallion. But I suppose even relationships can cause ponies to show sides we would have never seen before."

I was about to reply before Lyra spoke next, "At first my dear Bon Bon here was reluctant to visit you after we've heard of the incident, but I persuaded her in the end. We wanted to see if you and Twilight were alright after your squabble."

...May as well let them finish.

"Of course we waited for a few days of course. But after we checked around the town for any sign of you, since all we see nowadays, especially today, is either Twilight or Spike outside, we concluded that you were at the library and, if you'll pardon me for saying so, wallowing in sadness for that argument." Bon Bon said, releasing a pitying expression towards my tired state,

And if there was anything I didn't need right now, it was pity.

Lyra finished their statements, speaking with a determined tone this time as I rubbed my own forehead. "We decided to check up on you regardless, and hope all is well with you and Twilight. If not, then we're here to help. Oh! Not by getting ourselves involved of course! Just by giving advice." The unicorn concluded by waving her arms nervously, as the look on my face must be quite a sight right now.

I waited for a moment before asking, just to be certain. "Are you two done?" By Lyra's positive and Bon Bon's hesitant nod, the latter obviously taking note of the tone, I sighed deeply before continuing. "Let me start by making things clear to your oblivious minds: Twilight and I are not in a relationship, not in any way that you two clearly assume."

The Earth Pony blinked in surprise. "Oh... really? Because you two seem to be close, since you're not relatives and you live here with her."

"I'm positive." I answered firmly, inwardly tasting the irony of that sentence. "Our 'relationship' is that of acquaintances, nothing more. And while I appreciate your thoughtfulness, I am quite fine, as I am sure Twilight is as well. She's smart enough to know that one argument isn't the end of the world. She'll get over it."

I'm lying, of course. But I didn't require these two to make things more complicated than they already were. The only benefits of them trying to help - however they intended on doing so - was it being these two rather than the other five mares.

"Suuure she will." Lyra replied with clear doubt, taking a gulp of her tea and letting out a gasp of satisfaction. "You sure you don't want tea? It can help with the stress you're obviously going through."

Despite the mood, I allowed myself a small smile at the innocence. "I'm good, thank you Miss Heartstrings."

And to both my and Bon Bon's surprise, the unicorn scoffed. "Alright, enough with the 'Miss' addressing; we're friends aren't we? Just call us Lyra and Bon Bon, alright?"

If it'll get them to leave sooner than later, then I may as well humour them. "Alright then... Lyra."

"See, was that so hard?"

"Now, back to the topic-"

"Yeah hold that thought, Stardust, I could do with some cookies. You don't mind do you?"

"...Second tin to the right."

As the limey mare beamed in gratitude, Bon Bon shook her head exasperatedly at her friend's behaviour. "Forgive her, Lyra can sometimes forget her manners; even when inside someone else's home."

I shrugged indifferently. "At least she asks, unlike another energetic pony I know..."

Bon Bon stared for a moment before it evidently clicked in her mind who I was talking about. "Fair enough." She chuckled lightly, taking another sip of her tea before adopting a serious expression once again. "Speaking of which, have Twilight's best friends spoken to either of you about what happened?"

I shrugged for the second time since their visit, honestly having no clue on the purple mare's side. "I'm not certain if they spoke to her about the ordeal. If they have, it should certainly explain why I got no visits from them these past few days..."

It was considered a blessing admittedly, to me anyway. No Applejack scolding. No Rainbow Dash making empty threats. No Fluttershy trying to soothe things over. No Pinkie Pie planning a surprise party to fix the tension. And no Rarity making a giant fuss over the ordeal.

Or they just all finally decided I wasn't worth talking to, and they managed to convince a depressed Twilight that; hence why she was avoiding me these past days... I'm honestly not sure how to feel about that theory.

"Perhaps... but I don't think they're ignoring you." How did she-? "Your expression is rather easy to read, my friend. Anyway, it's most likely they are just giving you space to calm down, confident you will eventually apologize to Twilight. And we are too."

That was then Lyra returned, a chocolate chip cookie fixed to her mouth with a handful floating next to her via magic. After swallowing the delicious-looking treat whole the unicorn proceeded to pitch in, disregarding my concerned look as Bon Bon simply smiled at her antics. "Say, what did happen anyway? All we know is that you yelled at Twilight, and some ponies said you were somehow beeping from your mouth while doing so."

The Earth Pony then looked as though a thought suddenly struck her, and she interjected before I could reply with a frown. "Wait... you mentioned something last time about Equestria not liking what language you were using..."

Here we go...

"..Did you say anything... very rude to Twilight?"

How I wish I could answer. I wish I could form a response. Yet my mouth shut itself immediately after I attempted to open my mouth to explain. But the mere idea of confirming I yelled profanities at the poor unicorn was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach.

But why... why did I care so much about this whole mess...?

"So I'm right?" Bon Bon then said after my refusal to answer, and there was something reflecting within her dark blue eyes that I didn't like. The Earth Pony sipped her tea again before speaking, as Lyra, who had paused from eating the next cookie after hearing the question, observed us with a curious expression. "Then it's more serious than we thought."

"More than I wish it was." And I could speak again! Thanks alot brain for making things unnecessarily awkward.

"Hmm..." The mare had a then thoughtful look. You know, of all ponies to have this conversation with, Bon Bon and Lyra were two of the least expected. Hell I wasn't anticipating any background characters to try and assist in the slightest. Surely these two had more important things to do than worry over some stallion who they've only interacted with twice, three times now. "Do you regret your actions?"

A similar inquiry from a dragon earlier, but this time I didn't answer with any aggression. I was more tired now than angry over anything. I'll make sure to apologize to Spike when I see him again. "Yes." I answered with all the honesty I could put into my voice.

"And will you try to apologize to Twilight the next time you see her?"

Only if she expresses the same in turn. "Yes."

Bon Bon finally smiled again after hearing those confident words. "That's all I need to know. I don't think Lyra and I will take up any more of your time. The best we can do is offer comfort that eventually Twilight will forgive you."

The limey unicorn added rather happily after downing another of the sugary treats. "And Twilight does seem the forgiving type, right? I'm sure you two will become friends again right away!" Despite my reluctance to concur with the positive mares, I nodded regardless, hoping they would leave me in peace then. "Oh, by the way, there's going to be a fashion show tonight! Are you going to see it?"

My answer was immediate and deadpan. "I have more interesting things worth my time than watch some ponies show off whatever dresses they like." Such as continuing my wallow of self-pity. It was nice of these two to drop by however, but I really needed the quietness then to help me collect my thoughts. "Thank you for stopping by, ladies."

"Thank you again for coming so late in the day; I promise you it won't take long darling." Coming from you Rarity, I expect the complete opposite. "I just have a lot more work ahead of me, so I thought I'd deal with you beforehand."

I currently followed the white hurrying unicorn through where I am presumed was her place, dragging me in a concerning rush while I had my eyes closed as per her curious request. Really I wasn't in the mood to argue, wouldn't want a repeat of my vocal actions against Twilight now, would we?

But I was admittedly intrigued, even though just a little, when Rarity visited the library after finishing showing off her dresses made for each of the mares to a high-and-might pony from Canterlot. Spike, to my surprise, entered my bedroom the next day after my conversation with Bon Bon and Lyra, waving off my sincere apology for my rudeness towards him, instead the dragon went off in excited detail over the events that transpired yesterday and today.

Anyway, Rarity, after first greeting me before glancing at my unkempt hair in clear dismay, requested me to come with her back to her house, and I was instantly on edge,due to the suspicion she and the other girls were planning to bombard me with questions there. But the unicorn promised her intentions were sincere, desiring my company for the evening to assist in something apparently only I can help with.

Doesn't make me any less wary...

Now she asked to keep my eyes closed tight, as I was 'escorted' through the building. Already I'm regretting this, in fact I was regretting saying yes to going to her place back at the library. But Rarity, along with the combined forces of an infatuated Spike, managed to convince me... somehow.

"I didn't see you at the fashion show last night." The white unicorn pulling me with her suddenly said, and to my relief it only sounded like forced indifference in her tone. Rather that than accusation.

"I was... preoccupied." Constantly bashing and cursing myself for allowing Twilight to consider me a friend and paying the price for it, as a start. Followed by the usual depression I've had to deal with for the majority of my life. But I felt no reason to share any of that with the unicorn here, or anyone else in this town.

"Of course you were." Was that relief or suspicion in her classy voice? I then felt my right hoof released from her warm grip. "Alright, when I say now, you may open your eyes." Oh God she wasn't about to show off her line of dresses to me as she did to that fashion pony was she? "And... now!"

May as well get this over with-... huh?

Immediately both my eyebrows were raised at the sight before me, a plain-looking suit fit for any stallion worn by a faceless horse mannequin before my blinking eyes. Is... is that all? A suit?

"I can see why you look surprised, my dear." Rarity then commented, standing next to the clothing, having put on some glasses during my staring at the thing. "It's typical and simple, I'm aware. But that's where you come in, Stardust: I wish to customize the suit to your liking; myself having made the mistake of preparing the girl's dresses without consulting them first. So I thought beginning with a plain suit would assist in our endeavor."

"...I see." I managed to muster out. Why exactly was Rarity even doing this? Was there some special event I wasn't aware about emerging soon?

"We can't have you appear dull and non-special for the Grand Galloping Gala, after all." The unicorn smiled pleasantly. "So, what do you think?"

Ah yes, the gala... honestly forgot that was even a thing.

"It's... generous of you to think about making a suit for me." Did I even still have the tickets? I think I've left them somewhere in my room back at the Golden Oak. That future party was just so unimportant to me I lost memory entirely that I was even going.

Though the big question appeared: WAS I still going, considering the recent events? Did I even deserve to go? I didn't want to, but I must uphold on my deal I made made with this unicorn during my first month in Equestria.

So no choice there...

"Of course." Her smile wavered slightly, as the white mare tilted her head at me with an expression I couldn't quite fathom. "Did you honestly believe I would forget you, or allow recent events to refrain me from making suitable formal clothing for you?"

A sour pause before I stated the obvious. "So you do know..."

A nod, this time followed by narrowed eyes. "Yes. And while I don't approve of your shouting towards Twilight, Celestia forbid that stopping me from leaving out any friend of mine." Rarity's eyes finally softened a little at the wince I inwardly cursed myself for allowing to show. "Now then, why don't we begin?"

If it drops the subject about Twilight, certainly. I nodded in earnest agreement before we returned our attention to the black attire. The only benefit to this I suppose this will distract me from my guilt for a while.

With that in mind, I had no reason to rush.

"So, what do you think?"

What do I think...? I have always been rather picky in terms of fashion; mainly I prefer blue on any part of my daily clothing back home. And I see no such colour of any shade on the garments before us. I stole a quick glance at Rarity, who was observing me with refreshing patience. Well, there wasn't really that much I desired to be done with this suit, just adding some blue here and there will be good enough for me.

A quick thought passed. "You know, Rarity, you don't have to do this for me-"

"Ah ah, now Stardust, don't try and get out of this. You promised you would go to the gala, remember?" Damn, worth a shot. "Would you like any recommendations?" The calm mare inquired politely.

"One moment please my dear I'm-"

Wait. Wait...

My eyes stared fixedly on the white shirt beneath, as an idea popped over what can be done with that. Black and blue was always a great combination, but if I add a rather unorthodox colour to the mix...

Yes... yes I think that might work nicely.

"I've got it." I announced confidently, and then Rarity looked at me from the suit with undivided attention, as though my suggestions were of high priority. Alright then, I'll humour her. "I wish for the outlining of the outside suit to be blue, in any shade you think will fit. As for the shirt, is it possible for you to make it a dark shade of gold?"

Rarity processed my request before nodding positively. "That can be done. But are you sure that's all?"

I nodded.

"Absolutely sure? Surely there must be more imagination than that, considering you are as I was told a writer."

"My creativity is... scarce at the moment." I admitted reluctantly, not wishing to bring the previous topic behind it.

"You are completely sure this is all you have planned out?"

My eyes narrowed, "Rarity..." Why was she acting hesitant? Plus I really didn't need even more repetitive questions right now, especially with the result of such days ago.

She thankfully got the hint, sighing in acceptance. "Very well. One last question: bow tie or regular tie?"

"Regular," I quickly answered. "And make it black." No matter what that Time Lord said; bow ties were not cool.

The unicorn nodded, her horn lighting up in blue. "Very good, now hold still for a moment; I must measure your height before starting on your attire."

"By all means." I replied indifferently, doing as instructed while Rarity proceeded to place the measuring tape over every part of my ponified body. I was in no hurry, and it relieved me that Rarity seemed to hold no grudge for my outburst towards her best friend-

"So, please enlighten me, what precisely happened?"

God dammit. "You mean...?"

An unamused voice to my right replied. "You know precisely what I mean, what occurred between you and Twilight in that part of town that caused you to shut yourself away like this, and cause Twilight such grief?"

I should've know better. "It's... complicated." Not really.

But even Rarity scoffed at the weak claim. "Unlikely. Imagine my surprise when me and the girls noticed something peculiarly off about our distressed dear friend, comforting her as best we could, and she tried to dismiss as 'another heated exchange with 'Stardust.'"

I shrugged after the measuring was concluded, the unicorn then going over to a table with various sewing equipment was neatly placed on. "To be fair, she's not exactly wrong."

That incited a brief fleeting glance in my direction. "I know you and Twilight occasionally... debate in rather agressive terms. But never to the extent that caused the poor equine to leak tears. I also know along with the others she has been avoiding you of late. I mean, what precisely could you have said that created such aftermaths?"

My mouth and brain hesitated on answering, before I found myself looking at the clean light floor. Great; so much regret was already returning. "Some nasty things only she would understand was terrible of me to say..." I confessed quietly, but with ears like ponies, Rarity must have heard those sorrowful words.

"I see..." The exact response as Bon Bon after I admitted such to her yesterday. Yet the white mare remained fixed on her work, lifting items up via magic as though inspecting them. "And do you regret saying such awful things?"

At least she wasn't asking what I specifically yelled at the poor unicorn. "I do." I answered regardless, glancing upwards again. "It wasn't my intention to say such things. I've just been... stressed recently."

Finally the white unicorn looked at me over my shoulder, a raised a brow on her features. I took that moment to point out to myself those small glasses rather fit her; she looked old enough to be a proper fashioner with those things. "I know." The honest blunt reply made m blink in surprise. Okay I wasn't expecting that. A slight smile on her troubled expression. "I know you well enough to know you don't mean those things. You say plenty to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie without ever meaning them, after all?"

You mean like 'Sonic Rip off' and 'Ear-ache Incarnate'? Hate to break it to you love but I was always sincerely honest when addressing them as those.

"And I know for a fact you care about Twilight; enough to never truly mean anything bad you say to her."

You don't know that... "Therein lies the problem." I said instead, a frown on my features. "She, along with the rest of you, my dear, consider me as a friend, when you shouldn't be."

"And why is that?"

I answered hotly while the mare returned her gaze to her work. "Because I am not friend-material, you all know this. I-I don't even understand precisely how friendship works, or comprehend the so-called 'power' behind it. I... You all accept me so easily, despite my clear reluctance to do so in turn.." That last statement was released with a puzzled tone.

Why DO these ponies put up with me anyway? And why Spike too? They should be ignoring me or glaring at me with scorn after what I said to Twilight.

"Do you remember our conversation with all the girls and Spike on that hill after you stormed out when Pinkie Pie threw you a surprise party?"

Clearly, and I can see why she would bring that up. But I shrugged, admitting without any shame. "Honestly my memories are hazy on what was said on that hill." I blame my age. I was nineteen (twenty?) years old, true, but on the inside I always felt over eighty.

But Rarity wasn't fazed by the confession. "Well, allow me to re-jog your memory; we discussed we will do out best to become your friends, for no matter how long it takes. And we already consider ourselves your friends, whether you do so in turn yet or not."

"That just screams of pointlessness."

"Friendship is anything but pointless, Stardust. You will see that soon, I guarantee as much."

God knows why they attempted so hard. I simply sighed and waited for the mare to finish... whatever she was doing.

"Twilight may be avoiding you," Rarity continued while turning to me again, this time fully with various item surrounding her. "But I know you two will make up sooner than later, I guarantee that too." Then she gave an amusing smirk. "All lovers have their spats-"

"We are NOT dating, Rarity." I cut her off through gritted teeth. Jesus Christ will everyone just shut the [BEEP] up about that?! What even gave them such ridiculous nonsensical ideas? The day I date a pony is the day Justin Bieber becomes loved by the entire Earth.

Hell, Bieber would be a better match with Twilight than I anyway.

A sweet giggle behind a hoof. "You know I only tease, darling. No need to present another case of having an anger issue-"

"I do NOT have anger issues!" Really, Rarity? Really? You want me to get mad at you too? Should I just leave before you begin accusing me of things I don't even have?

Okay sure, I've been mad a lot lately, fair enough. But if one sees things from my end they'd understand!

"No need to raise you voice at me deary." I glared to show my irritation at the straight-faced unicorn, who shrugged casually at my outrage. "What precisely did Twilight do to annoy you, anyhow?"

"She wouldn't stop asking questions about some words I knew." I admitted, my anger subsiding a little. I had no intention in swearing at Rarity as well. If I did that then I'd vow never to use profanities again in my entire life.


"I can't say them out loud because they'll be replaced by a large beeping noise."

"You couldn't just write them down then?"

I scoffed at the idea. "And risk allowing Spike to see them? I'm more cautious than that."

"I doubt Twilight would be that careless."

"I'm not taking any chances."

"Hmm, fair enough. But it might have solved everything without you yelling at the poor mare." I highly doubt that. To my gratitude Rarity then changed the topic. "So, would you like see their dresses for the gala?"

"The girls?" She nodded, smiling brightly most likely at the thought of her creations. "Mmm not yet I think. Better to leave me surprised for the gala." I'll cut you a break Rarity; you've already had one pony criticize your work last night I was told; you don't need another today.

"Very well." The white unicorn gestured to a nearby seat. "You may sit there if you wish while you wait for me to design your suit. Please do be patient while I work in the next room."

"My dear," I began, releasing a small smirk. "Patience is my middle name."

"Right next to grumpy I imagine..." My smirk dropped at the playful mutter while the unicorn exited the room with her tools and materials, leaving me on my own for a while.

...Well, at least now I'll gain some peace again during my waiting.

Alone... back to the scene replaying in my mind of how I've caused misery to the poor mare.

Oh sure Twilight over the next few days acted as though nothing happened, but I saw it in her eyes, whenever I got the chance to be in the same room as her for a few seconds. I saw the sadness in her eyes over what I've done to her. And now bringing it all up again with Rarity just made me feel more horrible than ever.

I honestly dread to imagine how it will go for me over the new few days, or weeks, or months possibly- no, no surely Twilight would forgive me by then, and I in turn.

No doubt those dresses and upcoming suit will be suited for appeasing the crowd successfully, and I will continue to fit for failure in my assignment to consider them all as my friends.

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