• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 151: World Enough And Time

What a dreadful sight...

Coming from you, Sombra... That's saying quite something...

Because what greeted our arrival over the edge of a cliff, revealing the majestic kingdom below that was home to peace and prosperity, was something I had absolutely not wanted to see happen to Cadence and Shining's beloved society. The sky covered by horrendous dark clouds, no sun nor moon pouring through, sparks of lightning cackling indicating the storm which has overtaken the beloved kingdom. Imbalance gripping onto the area with enough power to drive anyone mad by close proximity.

Appalling. Came the somber voice of my mentor, sounding quite pained by the terrible sight before us. And the further we delay, the kingdom will fall much faster. Zagreus' hold will only decay the sanctity of the kingdom.

Which will never come to past. The fallen King growled dangerously. No way am I permitting that monster holding any grasp of my Empire with its diseased hoofs. Today, Zagreus will fall.

Somewhat encouraged by Sombra's vow, I nodded, leaning closer over the edge with a furrowed brow. It's not going to be easy, and I imagine Zagreus would be expecting us the moment we venture into the Crystal Empire. And we can't just go rushing in, I've learned from that mistake.

We'll need a plan.

We already have.


Sombra almost sounded smug, and I pictured the smirk on the unicorn's dark features. There are many secrets and passages surrounding the kingdom even its current rulers are blissfully unaware of. It is likely Zagreus would be hiding like the coward he is within the walls of the castle; we shall use that to our great advantage.

And you're gonna guide to a secret passage leading directly to a castle corridor.

Much better, my friend... Directly to the throne room itself.

I couldn't stop the wry grin on my gold muzzle, the chills of the wind brushing my beard and cape. Sounds like a plan, and if Cadence and Shining are held prisoner there, then the three of us could take Zagreus out before he potentially escapes again.

I'm afraid, my student, things shall not be that easy.

Why not... What's wrong Starswirl?

There is a reason behind Zagreus' attack now, while Princess Twilight and her friends are preoccupied. My teacher explained wearily. Zagreus was crafty, sending you to that village the day young Starlight was invited back to hers.

Back to...?

Oh no...

I imagined Starswirl nodding. The finale occurs, and the likelihood of the rulers alongside their child being replaced by Changelings right now is awfully high. It seems Zagreus will not be the sole danger we face today.


My features hardened, unable to believe this. Damn him! Of course he'd lead a false trail to the other side of Equestria in hopes I'd respond and be as far away from my friends and loved ones! So he could strike before I could possibly intervene! That crafty mother[BEEP]er...

...But why here though? Why the Crystal Empire? Not Ponyville? Canterlot? Hell, Manehatten? What could Zagreus be planning all the way out here?

We'll discover such soon. Sombra replied with a hint of apprehensiveness. With this heavy amount of imbalance choking the air, your own sense will be distorted to become unreliable. You must be extra cautious this time around, boy... Otherwise, we will be invited into open doom.

Back to 'boy' again. And here I thought we've progressed beyond that, Sombra.

"Awful, isn't it?" I barely jumped at the voice beside me, having enough Balance at least to sense the unicorn approach. "A beautiful Empire, now threatened to become ruined by a malevolent force... It's tragic."

My hazel eyes glanced from the sight towards the mare hiding beneath the brown cloak. "Radiant." I greeted simply, and the unicorn stiffened beneath the hood, meeting my gaze with gleaming arctic eyes.

"You know who I am." A casual observation.

"In a sense."

"Because you know Sombra."

Again, I nodded. Said King remained quiet in my mind, briefly. Leaving me to reply, "He speaks highly of you." The eyes in the dark blinked, and Radiant was suddenly leaning slightly forward with, pardon the pun, hope shining in those light blue orbs.

"Is... Is he safe?" The question came out as a soft whisper, hesitate, almost afraid to ask. I looked from her to the ground between us, then back to the Crystal Empire, finding myself smiling gently as Sombra continued to remain quiet about the whole event.

"He is." That was the truth. Sombra was as safe as he could possibly at this time... Minus me right now throwing him into danger with me.

Radiant kept quiet herself, but from the corner of my peripheral vision the cloaked unicorn looked from me back to the Crystal Empire. After a long moment, she inquired with faint curiosity. "You're here to stop this danger to the Empire." Proceeding to clarify slowly, "I... I can sense... Something within. Something which shouldn't be there... That's why you're here, Crystal Champion."

"...It is." Was my calm confirmation, gold features braced for whatever was to come. "Countless lives are in danger, here and now. I have to get into the castle itself, and to do that your childhood friend is going to help."

"Though using one of the secret passages into the heart of the kingdom."

I grinned in faint humour. "Correct."

Radiant nodded, looking back to me with resolved eyes. "Then let me help."

Uh, no. And I'm sure Sombra would back me up here. "I'm sure Sombra would rather you don't get yourself killed today-"

"I've committed my own sins a long time ago." Radiant responded with some aggravation, her breath trembling beneath the brown hood. "I failed to be there for my best friend. I doomed him to a thousand years of condemnation when I could've been there, instead, to save him from the self-destructive path he took. I want to make amends... Whether Sombra would like it or not."

...Well, you heard your girlfriend, Sombra. What say you?

After a long moment, the King finally replied, She was always hopelessly stubborn when her mind was made up. You'd be facing a losing battle upon trying to challenge her this way, Jack.

Sighing, I nodded wearily to the mare, "Alright, you can help."

I swore she grinned. "Thank you." Radiant expressed with earnest gratitude, nodding back before looking towards the kingdom again. "Let's waste no further time then. It's time to save my best friend's kingdom." Followed promptly with the Crystal Unicorn leaping off the edge and skidding down the hill with grace.

...Smirking, I followed after the leading mare. Sombra, you know how to pick them.

She's a rarity of her kind. And, it was probably just me, but the Dark King sounded quite fond there.

I half-expected to be greeted by A. Ponies hiding indoors everywhere. B. Ponies pouring out to crowd around their Champion and declaring he'll save them all.

What I wasn't expecting at all was... This.

What the Hell happened here? Even Radiant looked perturbed by the sight judging by body expression, weaving around the still citizens whom were barely moving a muscle. Expressions of joy, calmness and whatever emotions these equines shouldn't really be expressing right now. Just entering the streets of the kingdom, Radiant and I were greeted by the rather unnerving sight of all the pony citizens of the Empire just standing around as though they were...

"Frozen." I frowned, waving a cautious hoof in front of one stallion's face, muttering disbelievingly. "Frozen in place..."

And not just the ponies, even the birds were frozen in mid-flight, as though time has literally stopped for the whole kingdom. Radiant and I shared bewildered and concerned looks, the former inspected a family of three with carefree joy on their faces, circling them carefully before turning back to me.

"This is some powerful magic to have time itself frozen around them." She declared with a hint of anxiety. "Who could possibly do such a thing to them...?"

We had a very good idea who.

"Zagreus." Radiant turned back to me in surprise, and I walked forward with apprehensive features. "He's what's behind all this. And we have to stop him, posthaste."

But before the mare could inquire or lead the way further, a familiar voice called out in shocked relief.

"Stardust! You're here!" Our heads snapped to the yellow Earth Pony with orange mane and facial hair hurriedly approaching, a wide hopeful grin present on his muzzle.

Sunburst, what-?

Be on guard. Sombra somewhat snapped, sounding wary. It could be one of our foes disguised. Recall, your senses through Balance are muddled right now, so don't let anything get to you so quickly.

'Sunburst' moved closer towards us, Radiant, as though sensing the potential danger, now found herself moving behind me as though I was a shield. And the unicorn stallion paused at my unwelcoming expression, frowning worriedly. "Stardust...?"

"Last time we worked together personally, go."

He blinked. "Wha-?"

"You heard me." I snapped, eyes narrowed dangerously. Sunburst looked earnestly nervous, glancing away briefly before responding.

"When we worked together to find a cure for a sickness plaguing the kingdom...?"


Keep yourself guarded regardless.

For now, we should provide this stallion the benefit of the doubt.

Keeping both advice to heart, I straightened myself with a small nod. "Sorry about that, had to make sure you weren't one of them."

His eyes eventually widened in understanding. "Oh!" And Sunburst nodded rapidly with a relieved grin. "I see, yes I comprehend now. Thankfully the Changelings invading the Crystal Empire are only interested in replacing the royal family... For now anyway..." And glanced over my shoulder towards the mare slowly revealing herself. "A friend of yours?"

"Childhood sweetheart of my oldest frienemy." Didn't require Balance to sense the flushed embarrassment from the mare beside me, barely restraining a smirk.

"Ah..." Sunburst looked justifiably confused, before dismissing such with a wide grin. "I'm glad you're here, this kingdom's facing a threat unlike anything it's ever seen before!"

I take offence to that.

"I know about the Changelings." Was my response. "They seek to replace all the rulers of Equestria and make everyone in service to their Queen. She's commanding them from her own kingdom, so three Changelings alone won't be too much to handle." Of course, they can be dealt with after Zagreus is defeated-

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Huh? Sunburst shook his head, a very concerned frown on his face. "It's not just the Changelings who have infiltrated the Empire." So Zagreus made himself known-? "Their Queen is here too. Queen Chrysalis has entered the kingdom."

"What?!" I shared a bewildered look with Radiant. But, that can't be right! Chrysalis should be in the kingdom... Wait, Zagreus is here...


Yes. Starswirl was probably nodding in affirmation. The future iteration of the Changeling Queen must have accompanied him to the Empire. Things will not progress any easier from hereon, if this proves truth.

Just more vermin to cleanse from my throne. Sombra grumbled darkly.

Meaning we can't waste anymore time. "Sunburst." I started, getting the stallion's complete curious attention. "My friend and I are going to infiltrate the castle ourselves using a secret passageway. If you want to help, come with us, although I will stress that the danger today will unlike anything we've faced before."

"Of course I want to help." Something like determination glinted in the stallion's eyes, Sunburst nodding without delay. "Anything I can do. Together we'll be unbeatable!"

That's some confidence.

Let us proceed forward then.

Indeed. At my forward march, the other two ponies followed. Although, did Sunburst seem a little not-too-surprised by seeing me here? Not to mention, how lack of disturbed he was at the sight of the stiff citizens?

Sombra wasn't stressing in advising we stay of guard, Jack.

The secret passage was hidden in... An antique shop. What are the odds?

"Erm... Are you sure we're at the right place?" Sunburst inquired warily to my right, eyeing the structure with slight suspicion and uncertainty. "Why would there possibly be a hidden passage into the castle here?"

"It's one of the least likely places you'd look." Radiant answered to my left, sounding as though she was trying not to roll her eyes at Sunburst's ignorance. That's correct at least, an innocent store that few ponies who were old-fashioned visited.

One of them being Twilight, whom often dragged me to the local antique shop in Ponyville from time to time...

I'm certain she's fine Jack. Starswirl evidently picked up on my troubled disposition. Maintain faith in young Starlight's capabilities.

Right... Alright.

"Let's go." I ordered simply, wanting to get this over with quickly. I couldn't help it, the anxiety knowing Twilight, Spike, Flurry and everyone else was held hostage by the present version of that Changeling made me almost sick to my stomach, grimacing every time I thought about it.

Then don't think about it. Focus on the task at hand. Any further distractions may cost us Zagreus' escape yet again.

The interior looked just like any old antique shop, rows and shelves containing artifacts and works from bygone eras. Except unlike in Ponyville, this store maintained the crystallized features of the Crystal Empire outside. Everything was reflecting light, glittering despite the place frozen in time, emphasized by the store owner by the counter stiff in place with an utterly dull expression on her face.

"Where do we start?" Good question Radiant. Sombra, I assume you can answer your girlfriend's question for us?

Third shelf to your right. A bronze vase that open by the top; place your hoof inside it and the passage will open.

Third shelf... Ah!

Right at the front of the store, not in the back? How terribly convenient and rather risky. Ah well, sparse time to nitpick. Not that that's ever stopped me before. Doing as instructed, the top layer of the small vase did indeed open like a hatch than a regular vase should and, pressing some kind of button hiding inside, I stepped back with an appraising expression, my friends joining me as the bookshelf beside the row the vase rested on opened up by the middle like two doors, granting us sight towards the damp corridor within.

And the torches on the wall immediately lighting up with blue flames, similar to those found in Sombra's little resort. Meaning, we were on the right track. My grin widened at Sunburst's following words.

"Huh. Well that saves a lot of time."

Indeed. The three of us began traversing into the lit stone corridor, which conveniently shut the doors behind us the moment we stepped hoof inside. Guess going back wasn't an option, not that I had any intention of retreating now.

"So... What exactly is the plan?" The stallion eventually asked after a moment's silence. "We infiltrate the castle, and then what?"

"Sneak within all the way to the throne room, where I presume our unwelcomed intruders are, defeat them with either sheer force or a thorough strategy, and restore the Empire before this imbalance destroys us all."

"No pressure then." I imagine Sunburst's wry grin behind me at my simple explanation. "I suppose you and Queen Chrysalis have some kind of personal history, given your battle at Canterlot long ago."

I shrugged. "I have history with almost all the villains in Equestria." And Sunset's world, to an extent. I know my eventual encounter with those campers will be nothing less than personal. Almost pausing, my features frowned. "Though I suppose, with Chrysalis... There's something far deeper there."

Probably because Chrysalis was the first villain intent on genuine harm against me and my friends, who actively sent her Changeling minions after me with malicious plans. The same horrendous Queen who sought my destruction and intended in using my friends to meet those ends. Yes, I suppose concerning her, this 'relationship' was somewhat as meaningful as my own with Sombra, but in a different way.

I looked back to the male unicorn. "Do we have any allies in the castle, suspecting something's wrong?"

Sunburst, unfortunately, shook his head. "Even those within the castle's walls have been affected by this frozen spell. And with the rulers replaced by those Changelings, and myself sending Thorax for help. we're entirely on our own."

Which brings up a curious point. "But you're not affected by this magic."

A small smile. "Ah, well, being surrounded by books has its advantages. Luckily I managed to cast a deflection spell to protect me right before I became like them. Say what you will though, Queen Chrysalis knows her magic." It almost sounded as if he was impressed.

Unfortunately, I had news that would shatter this viewpoint, looking back forward. "This isn't the work of Chrysalis."

"No? But I thought-"

"This raw magic, it's too powerful, even for someone like her." I swore the stallion was grumbling in dissatisfaction behind me, but I added with conviction. "This is the work of a more malevolent force, the one who's here planning something dangerous with Chrysalis."

"Who might that be?"

"You've met him before." I reminded the unicorn, sounding rather weary from the mention to that monster alone. "Atop the mountains after he tried to have me killed. Zagreus."

Which brings up something else. Evidently now Zagreus has gathered enough power to cast this kind of magic over a whole kingdom, which makes him a pushover no longer. In other words, we'll be expecting double the fight against both him and his 'slave.' But if Chrysalis was entirely under Zagreus' influence, that means she'd have a lack of independent thought to coordinated attack and strategy, so obviously dealing with her first is the most ideal approach as to how we'll confront them.

It's a bold tactic, but we may have fewer options to otherwise consider. With everyone else petrified around the kingdom, we must keep our wits about us and heads held high. But something else remains questioned, Jack; are you truly and thoroughly prepared to face this destiny? To fight the storm of imbalance today and decide the fate of everyone in the land?

Jesus. No pressure Starswirl. I cracked a wry grin before the seriousness of the tone, the layer of graveness and conviction beneath it. Looks like my old teacher was as hyped as I was to deal with this matter once and for all. I beat the two into submission, and Starswirl, liked he had with Ahiuztol and the Chimera, can use his magic to take the restored Queen back to her proper place and time, and banish Zagreus eternally.

Y'know thinking about it, occurs to me now how... Accepting I was about banishing Zagreus forever. Like, without hesitation. Was there truly no hope for him, of a creature born by entirely accident? Were we judging too quickly, not giving it a moment's thought? This is something I'll dwell more upon after the matter has been dealt with. It's clear, right now, that Zagreus must be stopped no matter the cost; I could worry about afterwards when he's lying on the ground in submission.

"Actually, thinking about it..." Sunburst's thoughtful voice rose me from my own thoughts. "I swore there was a cloaked pony accompanying the Queen in the throne room upon their arrival."

What now? I immediately halted, twirling around to face the unfazed stallion. "Are you absolutely sure?" I knew Zagreus was here, but I needed real confirmation in case the abomination was hiding anywhere but the throne room.

He nodded after rubbing his short beard. "Yes, I'm certain of it. A cloaked pony with evil black eyes arrived with the Queen, I spotted him shortly before escaping from the castle."

"Did he say anything? Any plans? Intent? Monologues?"

"...I didn't manage to hear anything." Oh. Sunburst took note of my reaction and gave a sympathetic smile. "But I'm sure we'll discover the truth the moment we get there, Stardust. We just have to keep our wits about us, eh?"

"You're awfully eager to confront this supposed danger head-on, Sunburst." I noted with a curious raised brow. The unicorn smirked uneasily in turn.

"Why would I be afraid? We have the Twilight Warrior on our side! Together we'll be unstoppable!" Sunburst claimed with surprising amounts of zeal.

Must be real pumped up, I suppose...

Nodding warily, I continued down, the other two proceeding to follow. Radiant had yet to say a single word during our walk down this corridor, staring straight ahead with evident hardened features regardless of the conversation between Sunburst and I. Focusing entirely on the task at hand? Sombra, your taste is impeccable.

You have absurd layers of disillusionment.

Please, like I haven't noticed the subtle signs on your expression when we talked about your childhood together a short while ago.

Sombra grunted, then spoke after a lase of silence. That said boy... Jack... I have... A request.

The sincerity following that statement almost had me still completely and Sunburst colliding into me, the two oblivious to my jaw-dropping expression. A request Sombra? You? Things must be really dire by now!

This is serious.

I know, I know, no need to snap... I'm listening.

The King sighed, almost bitterly amongst the hesitation. Radiant... Evidently in my current form I am unable to completely shield her from harm. I am asking you, for once, don't let your misjudgment get the better of you and among your battle with Zagreus and Chrysalis, keep her safe at all costs.

My gaze faintly regarded the mare utterly oblivious to this internal conversation, the rawemotionin Sombra's voice almost overwhelming. You really do care for her...

I'm asking you, out of whatever friendship we have... Protect her... Please.

...Well... Now I can't possibly decline. I was going to protect her regardless, old friend, but now? Now it's a promise. You can't really think I'd throw her in harm's way to spite you, do you Sombra? She's important to you, so that also applies to me exclusively. Radiant will be kept away from the fight no matter what.

That, I promise Sombra.

The following response spawned the most sincere words I ever head Sombra softly utter. Thank you... My friend.

The dungeons.

The passage led us into the dungeons.

Sure, why not? They were, thankfully, empty.

Pulling myself out of the rather small hole exiting from the tunnel, I helped Radiant out next, followed with Sunburst, the pair looking around in eye-wide wonder by where exactly we ended up in. Not exactly eye candy, I know. The area was damped in darkness with very few torches lit up, giving the place a sign over how intimidating and dreadful the atmosphere was intentionally meant to be.

Your handiwork I presume, Sombra?

Why provide my prisoners comfort? That would contradict the exact purpose of imprisonment, no?

That casual remark almost threw me off-guard. And now you're telling jokes, without any snark behind it. I should keep Radiant around more often if she's giving you this type of positive behaviour.

"This must be the castle dungeons."

No [BEEP] Sunburst. Master of perception over here.

Still, this gives us the perfect opportunity to draw out the next phase of the plan. I turned from examining some rusty bars to address the two unicorns. "Just so we know, everyone but the intruders have been petrified, yes?"

Sunburst nodded solemnly. "That is correct." Alright, so no allies to turn to. Unless...

"Sunburst." He straightened somewhat. "That spell you used to deflect the freezing magic. Can it be used to cure the ponies affected by it?"

The yellow stallion responded with a simple shake of the head. "Regrettably not." Though he sounded more matter-of-fact than regretful. "It doesn't work both ways, I'm afraid. I was lucky to even defend myself from the spell."

Damn, so much for rallying up the castle guards for reinforcements.

"If the entire staff of the castle are frozen," Radiant spoke up for the first time since we entered through into the castle. "And we're dealing with potentially only a total of five intruders, counting the Changelings masquerading as the current rulers, that means we can infiltrate to the throne room without meeting any resistance."

"Still, we'd have to make sure beforehand..." I muttered, knowing exactly how to accomplish that.

Sombra, I need you to-

Scout ahead? Consider it done. But not before the King added with an edge to his tone. Remember your promise. The torches barely revealed my shadow taking its own form and slithering through to the staircase across the narrow hallway.

The mare, oblivious to her boyfriend's actions, continued with a serious inquiry. "All that's left now, after we've successfully make it there, is to figure out towards dealing with the opposition and removing them from the kingdom."

"Leave that to me." Both heads turned to me curiously, and I smirked knowingly. "The Changelings are no threat, but their Queen and Zagreus are another story entirely. However, Chrysalis would be at a disadvantage due to her unfocused mind being addled by the latter's influence." Almost swore Sunburst faintly winced. "And Zagreus can't be strong enough while his magic is sustaining this spell across the Empire, and will likely try to flee."

"Then what should we do?"

I looked to the stallion's question. "Guard the doors from the outside." And sensing they were about to object, I added with firmness. "Zagreus is far too powerful and can easily corrupt anypony in sight. One look at him and you're a goner. He's my target and mine alone. You'll be safer after he's dealt with."

"Then what makes you so special?" Radiant sounded less insulting about it and more inquisitive. "What's preventing you from falling under this 'Zagreus' magic?"

"The very skills taught to me by a wise old teacher." Was all I replied with, and that's when Sombra decided to make a return to the safety of my mind.

All clear. The pathway towards the throne room shall be swift, I will guide you there.

That was fast. Nodding gratefully, I turned to face the nearby stairway and said with finality, "Let's go." And the other two followed, saving their questions for another time. My nose was beginning to get stuffy by the space down here anyway.

Remember Jack. My teacher added as we traveled up the round staircase. The imbalance here hinders your abilities. You must rely on wits and cunning than sole strength this time around. Zagreus will evidently be expecting you here.

I'll be careful-

My posture stiffened, my friends freezing beside me at almost colliding with a royal guard, the surprising sight nearly had me tumbling back down the stairs into the dungeons below. But on closer inspection, I sighed irritably. Of course. Still, can't help but a feel a little sorry for the frozen guy. Swerving around Sentry, we continued forward, into the brightness of white tall corridors shining as though there was nothing wrong occurring at all, Sombra proceeding to guide me where to go, and allowing me to guide my allies.

It took one turn around a corner for Radiant to briskly move forward until she was side-to-side by me, obviously not wanting Sunburst behind me to hear. Her voice was low, but filled with meaning. "It's Sombra, isn't it? He's the one who helped you up to now."

I almost tripped over my own limbs, but nodded. Radiant sighed in relief at the confirmation, arctic eyes gazing to me from beneath the hood in obvious expectation. Somehow I got the feeling this 'interrogation' was far from over.

"How is he, truly?" She inquired with faint concern colouring her voice. "Is he well...?"

"Oh, he's fine." Well, as fine as can be, all things considered. "In fact, I'd dare say he's better off now than when he was a tyrant." The fact that Sombra was making no attempts of snark right now spoke volumes.

"Does he..." Radiant seemed to hesitate there, briefly regarding the carpet down the hallway as we made another turn. I waited, knowing she needed time to gather her courage. And Radiant did not disappoint. "Did he ever talk about me, outside of... Contempt?"

Contempt? Why would she assume Sombra hated her? "Radiant, contempt? Sombra has always regarded you with fondness and adoration."

But that barely seemed to placate her, the unicorn shaking her head with a depressed leak to her tone. "After I ratted him out to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? I'd understand completely if he utterly despised my guts."

...So THAT'S how they knew! That's why Radiant blames herself for what happened to her old friend! Some questions were being answered here.

"I betrayed my best friend, because I feared what he'd become. What he had become." Radiant was glaring at the ground, sounding as though tears were on the horizon. "When I could've been there for him, helped him see a better path than become a simple coward who turned to others to fix my mistake... I'm as much a monster as he was..."

NO! My body violently shuddered by Sombra's booming outrage, a fury I haven't felt from the dark unicorn for a long time.Don't you ever blame yourself, Radiant! I chose this destiny because I believed it was the only way. You will never be a monster, you have always been my light in a dark place, and I will be damned if you truly think otherwise, you... You...!

"Radiant, Sombra thinks the world of you!" Radiant looked up in pleasant shock, seeing my light smile. Don't worry Sombra, I've got your back on this. "You are everything to him. Ever since he lost everything, even when he was trapped in that wasteland for a thousand years, it was the thought of you who kept his sanity in check. You who always kept him going even today. Sombra loves you, Radiant Hope."

"I... I..." Her light blue eyes were now gleaming with, for lack of a better word, hope behind the brown hood, the light of the hallway revealing a mouth conflicted with what expression to make. "Is that what he told you...?"

I shrugged with a humoured smile. "Well, maybe not so tactlessly, but the implications are there." I added with a playful wink, knowing the mare was blushing in the shadows of the cloak. "Besides, Sombra's my friend too, and I know not a day goes by where he doesn't think about you in all your Goddessness. He told me himself."

Sombra's my friend... It felt a little jarring, yet rather refreshing to finally acknowledge that properly. And judging by Sombra's silence, he too was equally stunned by it as his girlfriend beside me was. A pink muzzle smiled warmly, Radiant now looking forward again with newfound relief and, again, hope to her posture.

A dark King and a maiden of light... Hah. The classic.

The trip to the throne room was, as expected, met with no opposition. Thank God, last thing we needed was anyone warning the temporary intruders that we were here. But as we moved closer to the familiar doors, my breathing slowed somewhat, body almost shaking by the recognizable stench of imbalance from within, a presence I had longed to encounter and deal with once and for all.

Zagreus... He's waiting for us.

This is it, my student. Starswirl never sounded more stern. Zagreus has gathered enough power to be prepared for a fight. Now we put everything you've learnt to the test. The Champion of Balance must prevail, today. Are you ready?

I have to be, don't I? If not, who knows how many more lives are endangered and, I dread to think, extinguished from the world because of that mad pony's sickening ideal world of 'balance.'

Turning back to Sunburst and Radiant, I forced myself to appear composed and nodded. "You two keep these doors shut after I enter. Zagreus mustn't be allowed to escape at all costs."

The former frowned. "And the Queen?"

"Her too." But Zagreus was by far the bigger threat. And seeing Sunburst's expression following my rather dismissive answer, I added. "They'll both be stopped before long. Please, do as I ask, and I promise everyone will be safe again." Then a glance to Radiant. "Your home will be safe again."

But before I turned again completely to face my destiny, a pink hoof grasped my cape and prompted me to meet light blue eyes sparkling behind a brown hood. Radiant's petite voice said, "Are you absolutely sure you must fight them by yourself? From what you've told us, a single pony can't possibly win this battle alone."

Good thing I wasn't a pony then. "I have to, Radiant." Before adding with a wry grin. "Otherwise Sombra would kill me for allowing you to get potentially hurt any longer."

I'd do much worse than that, Jack...

She didn't seem in the mood for playfulness, however. "Then promise me you'll be safe. For your friends, Stardust."

And for a moment, just for a long moment, I was seeing Twilight Sparkle than Radiant Hope, the purple alicorn I loved and held close to my heart above anyone else regarding me with worried but confident sparkling eyes, assuring me that everything will be fine with high expectations for my own safety. My breath hitched briefly, as though I was looking at the same soul inhabiting another body.

The two are more alike than you think...

That alone had me nod with more determination than ever. "Tell you what, after all is said and done and I'm still breathing, I'll help you speak to Sombra himself. Would you like that?" The look of earnest shock, followed with her hoof loosely gripping my cape answered that for me. Sunburst was surprisingly keeping quiet about the whole affair. Must be in shock. With a final nod, I looked back to the doors and approached, gripping the handles and, inhaling deeply, gathered all the magic I had available for this upcoming battle.

It's time...

The second I walked in, I was expecting to be greeted by the ever-repulsive sights of Zagreus, Chrysalis and their minions, followed with a direct ambush or Zagreus' monologue with mockery and false triumph. Being welcomed by none of these things, however, had my posture slow briefly with a wary expression, looking around slowly before my eyes settled on the ponies right near the throne itself.

Cadence, Shining and Flurry. Or rather, their Changeling selves.


Frowning cautiously, I approached with a glowing golden hoof, in case this was some type of deception. And yet, my eyes were not deceiving me, the Changeling counterparts held no expressions of malice and danger, at least towards me. No, the three ponies were...

Frozen. The Changelings were caught in this spell too? But what good would that accomplish...?

But the stallion by the side was what caught my attention the most. A familiar yellow unicorn looking quite terrified in his petrified state, a unicorn who was also currently guarding the doors outside with Radiant. Was Sunburst replaced by a Changeling and the real one managed to escape after dispatching Thorax to gather help...?


Slow clapping had me stiffen, a nasally voice dripping with sickening humour causing me to turn around warily. A pony adorned by a dark cloak stood within the center of the room, a crude smile on burnt features. "Hook, line and sinker. Honestly Jack, you make things far too easy for me."


Without further prompting, I charged, intending on not allowing this abominable creation to get the last laugh and deal with him before-

Two beams from the corners of my eyes forced me back, my limbs reaching up in time to defend me against the onslaught of green and blue magic. My hind hoofs skidded across the marble crystal floor, putting me on the defensive. But the assailants quickly halted their attacks, and my brief moment of respite was heavily interrupted by invisible tons of pressure suddenly keeping my firm to the spot.

Argh! Doesn't help that the strong imbalance was hindering my abilities...!

Eyes hardened, then following with widening shock. What?! Walking between the smirking Zagreus were two ponies meant to be guarding the doors, one with a gleeful expression and the other with somberness. Sunburst's uncharacteristic smile was emphasized by the yellow horn emitting a sickly green hue.

"Well done ladies, in bringing this cretin to me." Zagreus congratulated the two with victorious small applause. "Do hold him there for me. Steady, mind you, I don't want him to watch what occurs next with a damaged brain."

'Sunburst' grinned wickedly. "It would be my pleasure." And a green light enveloped the unicorn, rising upwards to reveal the true form disguised as the yellow stallion all this time. Queen Chrysalis smiled with enthusiastic triumph, green serpentine eyes sharing Zagreus' unending lust for chaos and destruction.

Green eyes... Starswirl suddenly pondered with no hint of nervousness or dread. She seems to have some more semblance of free will under Zagreus' grasp than before.

Oh? Good for her!

My teeth, managing a low growl despite my trapped state. Chrysalis cooed mockingly. "Poor stallion. You know you shouldn't joined my past offer when you had the chance. but now, Stardust Balance, you must suffer for being such a fool."

When I break free I'll...!

Never mind her! Sombra snarled menacingly. What have they done to Radiant?!

Said unicorn refused to meet my gaze, her hood lowered down to reveal the full pink features, long mane and blue sorrowful eyes. As though hearing Sombra's question, Zagreus grinned and clutched the mare's chin, prompting her wince and Sombra's threatening growl. "Young Radiant Hope, so desperate to amend her mistakes that she'd betray her own home in favour of seeing her dearest friend again."

Chrysalis continued with a smirk. "Even as we speak, that unicorn student of your special somepony confronts my past self. And as Zagreus here and yourself have predicted, Stardust, she causes my own kind to betray with the help of that asinine traitor Thorax!"

Despite my disposition, a swell of pride emerged through me at her disgust and Starlight's actions. "For... The better... I assure you..." And flinched as the pressure increased somewhat.

"Now now Chrysalis." Zagreus made no real attempt to soothe the distraught Changeling. "We need him alive... For the moment at least. He must bear witness to his own failures today, as this kingdom falls and everything else follows. Radiant, if you would." The addressed mare reluctantly pulled something out of her own cloak, a small red item that was disturbingly familiar to me...

No... For once, Sombra sounded positively in dread, and I squinted hard to see what Zagreus was now holding-


He surely wouldn't... Starswirl himself sounded grave. But then again, far be it for me to understand what this monster's thinking patterns are...

"Thank you my dear." Zagreus raised up the red horn for me to witness. "Recognize this, Jack? You really should check for loose ends while you have the chance. Your own laziness betrays you." And with his own scarred horn emitting a blackened colour, something appeared right above us, shining down with pure radiance and meant to secure peace and hope for the Crystal Empire's people. "Fortunately, I know when to make good use of something. I must thank you, you know, human; your gullible behaviour has made things far too easier for me. Of course, I could've accomplished all this without your presence..." That muzzle grinned in cold humour. "But I'm feeling very spiteful today."

With little choice, I was forced to watch in fascinated horror by the red horn that once belonged to the Empire's former King magically be raised into the air, heading straight for the floating Crystal Heart. As I could only ponder what happens next, Zagreus' continued words had me flinch in revulsion and hate.

"Was it all coincidence for you, Jack? The griffons? The Diamond Dogs invading that hospital? The dragon's nest near that village? All traces of my power? No, you were meant to 'heal' those imbalances and change history, for the better. Because of you, the griffon's treasure has been returned and the monarchy restored far too early. Diamond Dogs make peace with ponies, yet again, too early. And the dragon? Well, I needed you far away enough for me to make my plans here."

Played me for a fool...

He played us all, Jack...

Zagreus glared upwards with exclaiming triumph. "And now, the pinnacle of your failures is anew! It's time to get this show on the road! Radiant, if you would!"

"No!" But the unicorn barely acknowledged my cry of objection, following the other cloaked pony's gaze up towards the red horn now hovering above the Heart. Radiant, please! Don't do this! I struggled to speak, to protest, even with Zagreus' stronger magic keeping me grounded now with Radiant focused on something else, mixtures of green and black surrounding my vision. "For Sombra's sake... Don't...!"

"But don't you see, Stardust?" Chrysalis cackled victoriously. "This is all for King Sombra's stake!"

But before any questions were asked, any protests were made, statements to say, or triumph to further sprout, Radiant's fired teal magic into the horn made everything stand still, as though time was slowing down from the horror before us.

What followed from Radiant carrying through the monster's request blinding everything with a bright whiteness encompassing the entire throne room, black bolts of lightning striking the wall with darkness mixing with light. My eyes were forced shut, feeling the pressure slowly release me as Zagreus and Chrysalis evidently had to protect themselves from the sheer force of magic they have unleashed. Imbalance roared across the magical stream, my teeth grit and ear hammering in pain by the torrents of anger and rage shredding through my senses.

Sadly, whatever Zagreus planned seemed to be working...!

And as the light was slowly dying out, I felt a new presence, one both strange and familiar to me. Horrifyingly familiar. From within my mind, Sombra gasped sharply, Starswirl released a suffering sigh, and I looked up to see whatever it was that clearly grabbed their attention. A unicorn formed from the combined magic of the horn, Radiant's and power of the Crystal Heart-

And a lump formed in my throat at the sight slowly descending like a dark angel, the Heart itself landing against the carpet floor with all its radiance died out. I vaguely heard Radaint's sigh of weariness and stunned hope, and I couldn't blame her.

For the physical body of the former tyrant landed on all fours, eyes calmly shut as he stood opposite of my wary state, my own limbs shaking by the implications before me. Because, as of now, it wasn't just Chrysalis, Zagreus and Radiant I was going to fight now...

Blood red eyes opened, and I felt petrified, as I had long ago by my first encounter against this fiend, in the snowy landscapes outside the Crystal Empire. My teeth bared, struggling to contain myself from the three malevolent forces now standing together, ready to utterly destroy me for good.

"This has been a long time coming... Jack..." King Sombra grinned victoriously alongside the other sickening villains, his horn lighting up with darkened magic, lifting up the discarded Crystal Heart before me above his head. The tyrannical unicorn looked upwards with a pleased smile. "Albeit stalled a little longer, my rule could never be postponed, not even by a cowardly human or his weakling friends."


Don't go anywhere near him! The mental voice of Sombra roared in his head, outraged by Radiant hesitantly approaching his physical form. But... How is that possible...?

A wry grin sent towards the pink mare. "Yes, my dear Radiant Hope... It is I..."

Zagreus smiled matter-of-factly to King Sombra's left. "You know what? I'd dare call this a genesis, my friend." And those void black eyes glinted with succession. "The Genesis of Imbalance... Begins today... And shall never, ever, conclude."

The laughter of three corrupt monsters echoed throughout the room, and I dare say the whole kingdom.

...I think I'll hold onto Starswirl's advice about keeping my wits about me.

To be continued...

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