• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,016 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 0 - The Starting Point

Author's Note:

Sorry if I didn't give much detail on some things. If that's true, then I'll try get better at it.

An Airport in LA

It's morning with the sun shining bright with many people moving around inside the airport. A boy with short black hair and brown eyes, wearing a red shirt with a grey sweater. dark blue pants and shoes that are gray and black, is standing at the entrance with two others who look like his parents.

The mother has long black curly hair and light blue eyes, is wearing coveralls because of being mechanic. His father's hair is also black but short and combed up, with same eye color as his son, while wearing a dentist uniform with white shoes.

"Are you sure you have everything? Because I don't want to hear later on something like, "Hey mom, it's Connor, I forgot my exclusive figure in the car. Can you make sure to carefully but it back in my room", I would really not want to deal with that when I'm on my way back home." she says with a smile to her son.

"Yes. I made sure to check and see if everything is all accounted for. Which it is." Connor says

"Sorry kiddo. We're just really nervous about letting you go off to another country on your own. Even you have to admit that's not easy for us." His dad says putting a hand on Connor's shoulder.

Connor sighs and smiles "I know. And I'm sorry about that. But I just really need to be at that event."

"Just let us know when you get there, okay? And send us a message now and then on what you're up to." his mom says with a sadden smile.

Connor walks up and hugs his parents, who gladly return the embrace and hold it for a good while. After they broke the hug, Conner's dad takes a look at his phone to check the time.

"We should get going. It's almost time for us to start work."

"Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone." Connor says after he sighs.

His mom gives him a light smack to the head "Please. Some peace and quiet from your mechanical inventions, that's like a miracle from the heavens." she says with a smile.

"Then enjoy the peace while you can." Connor says as he begins to walk off. He turns around and waves goodbye to them. They wave back to him before he turns back around and continues going toward the security check point. They watch him as he's going through the check point.

"I know he has other reasons why he has to go but is he really going to be alright on his own?" his mom asks in a worried tone.

"I'm...not sure." he says with reluctance "We're just gonna have to believe he'll be alright and figure it out on his own."

"I hope you're right."

"You and me both." he says as they see their son go out of sight and turn to leave the airport.

After the check point and having waited for people to start boarding the plane, Connor has now taken his seat and stays looking out the window till the plane has taken off. Connor takes out a pin, with an image of a blue tank on it, keeping a sad look on it. I'm so sorry. was a thought went through his head with a tear escaping him.

While in Tokyo, Japan

A boy by the name Reiji is laying down in a hammock outside a mansion in the middle of the night. His light brown hair is a bit grown out hanging down to his neck, with emerald eyes, wearing an orange muscle shirt with black outlines that make an image of a tiger head, along with black and white shorts, and black socks.

He sways back and forth on the hammock petting a white mouse, while reading a message on his phone. The message is from his father which says Don't bother waiting up for us. An emergency came up that can't be put off. Me and your mother are goanna have to stay in London a while longer till we get everything all sorted out. Sorry we won't be able to go watch how your Kamen Rider event goes. Maybe next time?

Reiji makes an amused look "I told ya it was going to happen. You owe me a penny, Ankh." he says after he puts his phone in his pocket and holds the mouse up a bit close to his face.

"Can't really blame them for wanting to make sure everyone stays happy." Reiji sits up "I guess we should get some rest if we're gonna have everything ready by time of the event." he says getting up holding Ankh with both hands and heading back inside the mansion.

In the Middle of Tokyo

Inside a dojo in the beginning of the afternoon, two brothers named Negi and Tsubasa are sparing with each other as their grandfather is watching and judging the two's skills. Both brothers are wearing white gi. Negi being the older brother, having black spikey hair with light brown eyes, is effortlessly dodging and blocking Tsubasa's every hit. Tsubasa, having black short hair with blue eyes, stops his assault and is planning his next move while catching his breath.

The grandfather. having white short beard and mustache with dark brown eyes, wearing a black gi. He raises an eyebrow having taken a notice from Negi's lack of spirit in his movement that he's allowing something to bother him. He closes his eyes, which the brothers take immediate notice of and cease their sparring to stand in front of him after bowing.

Turning to look Negi eye to eye "What is on your mind, my boy? Your focus seems to be elsewhere." the grandfather say.

"I'm sorry, Sensei," Negi ends with an exhausted sigh "I've just had my mind occupied."

"What could have...Oh. This is about what happened between you and your friends, right?" Tsubasa asked.

"That's also a part of the reason," Negi looks down at the floor "but I'm not completely sure. Something just doesn't feel right to me. Like something or someone is calling."

Hearing this causes the grandfather to chuckle a bit "You have always had great senses, ever since you were born." he says with a smile and puts a hand on Negi's shoulder "Though those senses really made your parents restless when they tried to keep you asleep during nap times. I'm sure you'll figure out what you're sensing, when the time is right."

He starts leading his grandsons out of the dojo "For now, let's get back to the house before your grandmother and parents give us an ear full."

"I'm not so sure I'm supposed to figure it out." Negi mumbles to himself.

2 Days Later in Tokyo

In the middle of the morning, Connor was running down the street, stopping every now and then to catch his breath while at a stop light, in a rush to get to the Kamen Rider event. Still wearing the same gray sweater and shoes but is now in a black shirt and a lighter blue pants.

"I knew I should've gone to sleep early." he was telling himself "But no. I had to be tempted to squeeze in some late-night episodes of Den-o."

Something catches Connor's attention from the corner of his eye, which causes him to stop and turn to see two teen girls, who seem to be here for the event, are arguing about something. Something about the girls seem strangely familiar, even though he's sure he has never meet them before. First girl has long curled blond hair with blue eyes, wearing purple shorts, purple and white shoes, and a white shirt that seems to have the symbol of Kamen Rider Kiva on it. The second girl is tanned with long messy black hair and green eyes, wearing blue ripped jeans, black sneakers and a black shirt which also has a rider symbol. But this symbol was of Kamen Rider Build.

Connor thinks of ignoring the two at first but decides against it and then approaches the two after waiting a moment of collecting his nerves.

"Excuse me?" Connor asks. The girls turn to face him, with the girl with the build shirt eyeing him suspiciously.

"What do you want?" the Kiva girl gets in front of her friend.

"Sorry about my friend. You've just caught us at a bad time."

Connor waves it off "It's alright. Can't really blame her. Sorry if I'm being nosey but I was wondering what was going on. By the way, name is Connor."

"My name is Jen. This here," Jen says motioning to her friend "is my friend Ran. I was giving her an earful because she lost our tickets for the event." Jen says with an upset look.

"I told you, I didn't lose them." Ran say angerly "I ... just can't remember where I left them" she ends scratching the back of her head.

"This is why I always tell you to double check your things."

"I did."

"I left you with our stuff when I went back for...my phone." Jen paused a second taking notice Ran looking away "What happened?"

"I'm sorry, Jen." Ran said with a sigh. She takes off her backpack and pulls out a folder.

Jen and Connor watch as she takes out a card from the folder and shows it to them. The card is of Kamen Rider Cross-Z Build from an arcade game called Ganbarizing.

"This guy showed up while you were gone and wanted see if I was interested in buying this card. I guess he had someone take our tickets while he distracted me." Ran says with regret in her voice "I'm really sorry, Jen. This is all my fault."

"It's not your fault, Ran. Don't blame yourself for what those jerks did." she says putting a reassuring smile. "Just forget about it. We can just go enjoy the sights."

"How do expect me to forget it? Didn't you really want to meet your favorite actor?" Ran says with a sad look. Connor starts thinking about something.

"There's always next time. Let's just en-" Jen is cut off as Connor holds out two tickets in front of them.

"Take these." Connor says handing them to Ran.

"W-what? We can't take these. You came far for the event too, didn't you?" Jen tries to protest.

"It's alright. I was mostly just here to fulfill a promise. As long as I'm in front of the building before the event ends, I'll have fulfilled it." he says.

Before he could continue, he hears his phone get a message notification.

Ran looks at tickets and then holds them out. "But there's two. Weren't you planning to do something with it?"

Connor looks back to her after having checked the message "I was going to give it to a friend that lives here. But he just let me know right now that he wasn't gonna be able to make it. So, everything is good." Connor takes a step back "Well I better get going."

"Wait. If you're going to the event still, why not go with us?" Ran asks.

"She's right. That way we can think of a way to repay you." Jen says.

"Nah I don't need anything to be thanked. Just happy to help. Plus, I was thinking going to help out my friend. Something tells me he might need help."

"Then we wish you luck on helping your friend." Jen says. Connor waves bye and turns to start walking off.

"Hey Connor!" Ran shouts. As he turns to look back, he quickly catches something Ran throws to him.

He looks and sees she through him two clear bottles that fit into the palm of his hand. He takes immediate notice that they're bottles that Kamen Rider Build uses to transform but don't have an image and is blank at the top. Connor gives her a confused look.

"Just my way of saying thanks." Ran says holding out her fist with a smile. Connor just nods with a smile and continues on his way. "I think we just found another one." she says after Connor is too far to hear.

"I think you may be right."

A Few Minutes Before

Negi is sitting on a bench in a park. He's wearing a green shirt with the image of a grasshopper on it, black jeans, and black shoes with a bit of white on small parts. The park is nice with many people and families walking and hanging around the area. He looks around thinking of what he has been feeling till his he takes notice of 2 teen girls, who look his age, with a younger girl looking around random spots looking for something.

One of the girls has long beautiful red hair with light brown eyes, wearing a light tan-colored jeans, yellow high heels and a pink shirt. The second, who is a bit taller, has long braided black hair with light blue eyes, wearing black shorts, gray shoes and a red shirt. The younger girl also has long black hair and blue eyes, wearing light green shorts, red and black sneakers, and a red shirt with the symbol of Kamen Rider Agito. Being curious, Negi gets up and walks over to them.

"Do you girls need help with something?" he asks them, while also taking notice of something else.

Both girls have hair pins with rider symbols on it. The red haired girl's hair pin has Kamen Rider Zi-o's symbol on it. While the black haired girl's pin has Kamen Rider Zero-One.

"Oh...well, I'm helping my friend and her little sister look for their puppy. He got loose while we were talking and was gone by the time we noticed." says the red haired girl. The younger girl walks up to Negi.

"Can you help us find Jack?"

Negi smiles "Of course. You can count on me." The girl smiles as the other girl walks up to him.

"Sorry for my sister asking like that. But we really apricate the help. My name is Rose" The girl pats her little sister's head. "This girl here is Lily. Jack is our germen-shepherd pup."

"Nice to meet you." Lily says as the red hair girl stand next to Rose.

"And I'm Sky. What's your name?"

"I'm Negi. I can definitely find Jack."

"Really? How?" Rose asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I just need something that belongs to him." The girls stare at him confused. "Look let's just say I have great senses that can help me find Jack." Rose makes a suspicious face.

"How do we know you didn't just take him or are just wasting our time trying to seem like some kind of knight in shining armor." Rose reacts quickly and catches a wallet. "What are you doing?"

"You can hold on to my wallet as my word that I'll find your dog in no time. I just need something that belongs to him to pull it off."

Rose is reluctant at first but then hands him a leash, that Negi takes without question. "This is Jake's leash. You better not make me regret this."

"I promise I won't." Negi holds the leash close to his chest as he closes his eyes. After a minute of focusing, Negi's eyes shoot open. "I got him. You girls wait here while I go get him." Negi takes out his phone and quickly sends a message.

"Why? What's wrong?" Shy asks.

"Is something wrong with, Jack? Is he in trouble?" Lily asks with worry in his eyes.

"Not really. I just think it'd be faster if I went to get him." Negi ends giving her a reassuring smile.

Before Lily could reply, her sister puts a hand on her shoulder while looking at Negi "Okay. We'll trust you and wait here."

"Got it. I'll be back as fast as I can." Negi says as he runs off to their left down a street.

Lily looks to her sister and Sky after Negi is gone. "What do the two of you think about him?"

"I think he has potential." Sky says with a smile.

Rose shakes her head. "I'm not sure yet. But we'll know soon enough."

After a few minutes, he was hiding behind a corner as he looks around it and looks down the street to the front of a museum, where a group was sitting at the steps with one of the holding a germen shepherd pup.

I'm gonna have to go about this carefully if I don't want Jack to get hurt. Maybe I can Negi thoughts were interrupted when a hand taps his shoulder. He turns to see Connor next to him. "Connor? You're Connor, right?"

"It's good to finally meet you in person, Negi." Connor says with a smile.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go to the event without me."

"I had to give away the tickets to help someone out. Plus, I figured you were gonna need help with this." He says looking around the corner. "So, what are we doing?"

Negi looks back. "We need to get that pup back. His owners have been looking around for him."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"I think we should try to talk it out and see where it goes from there." Negi says with a shrug.

Mean While On A Street

Reiji is on a white and orange motorcycle wearing a black motorcycle jacket, black gloves with orange, blue jeans, black boots and an orange helmet. He's riding down till he stops at a red stoplight and looks around a bit, waiting for the light to change. He eyes comes to a stop seeing Two teens his age, from the looks of it, with two young girls, one who is trying to comfort the other who is crying.

One of the teens is a girl with white hair braided into a bun with the top of it being puffy and has red eyes, wearing pink short shorts, light blue shoes and a red shirt. The second is boy with black short hair and has blue eyes, wears brown pants, black and gray shoes, and a white shirt. One of the younger girls has long blond hair and purple eyes, wearing black skinny jeans, purple and white sneakers, and a purple shirt with a symbol of Kamen Rider Blade. The last girl who is crying has short black hair that's tied back and has light brown eyes, wearing white short shorts, white shoes and a red sleeveless shirt with symbol of Kamen Rider Drive.

Reiji decides to move and park to the side with a truck doing the same right behind him. He places his helmet on his motorcycle handle as he got off and took off his gloves and put them into his pocket as he walked over to them. The two teens take notice of him as got close.

"Is something wrong?" Reiji asks with a curious look.

"One of our friends here lost a card of hers that meant a lot to her." The teen boy says.

"Sorry to hear." Reiji moves a bit closer to the two younger girls. "Hey, my name is Reiji. What's your guy's name?"

The Blade girl looks to him. "My name is Crystal. My friend here is Sarah." She looks to the other two. "She's Kim and he's Adam." Reiji focusses on Sarah.

"So, what card did you lose?" He asked making Sarah look to him with eyes still watery.

"I-It was a K-Kamen Rider...Drive Type F-Formula card."

"Ouch. I'd be crying too." Reiji ponders something for second. "I think I might have something that could cheer you up." He said with a smile.

"What do you have in mind?" Kim asks as they watch him go.

Reiji walks away from them and goes over to the truck that rolled down a window as he got close to it. The four watched as he started talking to someone. They were curious what he was doping for a while till he was handed something and then started walking back to them.

Reiji walked back to them with a deck of cards in hand, that he started to shuffle around like a magician, like having the cards launch from one hand to the other, like from side to side or up and down going sideways. He stopped as he reached them and held out the cards to Sarah like a magician would with a grin on his face.

"Pick a card. Any card."

Sarah is reluctant at first but then reaches and pulls out a card. She gets surprised by the card seeing it as a card that read Kamen Rider OOO Super Tatoba.

"No way!" She shouts loudly.

"Is that your card?"

Sarah smiles "No. But this is still an awesome card."

"Then continue till you find your card."

Sarah gives a guilt look at first but continues when Reiji encourages to. She ends up pulling out 5 cards in total. All being Rider cards, that starting and ending with Ghost Mugan, Ex-aid Mighty Brothers XX, Gaim Kachidoki Arms, Build Rabbit Dragon, and Drive Type Tridoron. Reiji makes a confused look.

"Strange. I thought for sure it'd be there." Sarah was about to say something, but Reiji cuts her off. "Oh. Now I remember." He reaches out to her and pulls out a card from what looked like to everyone was her eye. "Is this your card." He asks with a smirk.

After Sarah shakes her head clear, she gasps from the shock of seeing the exact same card she lost. Reiji gladly hands it over to her seeing the smile spreading on her face. She looks at the card for a while, then reaches out and wraps her arms Reiji giving him a hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She cheerfully shouts. Reiji says nothing and accepts the hug with a smile. "I can't thank you enough for this." After she finishes the hug, she looks at and then holds out the other cards to him. "What do you want for the card?"

Reiji waves it off. "Nothing. They're all yours now" he says loving the shocked face she's making.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yup. With no strings or favors included."

"Cool! Thanks!" Sarah and Crystal say in unison.

Reiji chuckles seeing the two now start looking over the cards and talking to each other. Kim and Adam come next to him.

"That was really sweet of you." Kim says giggling from the sight of the two girls now arguing about what cards the other should get. "You really made their day, even before the Kamen Rider event."

"What can I say, I always like see everyone at the event happy." Reiji says as he claps his hands together and petals start shooting out his sleeves that he points upward. Causing both the girls and Kim to be surprised and laugh.

"You must really love making others happy?" Adam says as he holds out his hand to Reiji after having waited for the petals to stop. "Someone I can fully respect."

Reiji smiles and shakes Adam's hand which leads him to take notice of two things by chance. The first is Adam has a ring on his right hand that has the symbol of Kamen Rider Gaim. The second is the symbol of Kamen Rider OOO on a keychain hanging on the side of Kim's shorts. The two notice Reiji was about to ask them something but stopped as something caught his attention.

"Sorry fellas, it's been fun but...I gotta go." Reiji snapped his fingers in front of Kim when he had paused a bit, which caused flowers to appear in his hand and hands them to her. Kim giggled at the act and gladly took them. "I really hope I'll get to see you guys again."

Adam smiles "I'm sure we will at some point."

"Then I shall be off." Reiji says as he's about to run.

"Hold on, Reiji!" Kim shouts. Reiji turns as she runs up to him and hands him what looks like three coins. He recognized these as core metals that OOO's uses to transform. But these core metals were clear and colorless with only a gold color going around the edge of the ring being the same as the original. "A gift for making my friends happy."

Reiji gives a confused look at the core metals but then shrugs it off and gives her smile with a nod before he continued to go. All of Kim's friends gather around her as soon as Reiji is far enough.

"Looks like another was found." Crystal says

"Isn't strange that three have been found on the same day?" Sarah asks

"Nope. Just means fate has plans for them." Adam says crossing his arms.

Kim smiles. "Something special is going to happen. I can feel it."

Minutes Later

Rose, Lily and Sky are still waiting at the park sitting down on the same bench Negi had been on. Rose is looking at a picture of Negi and his family that's in his wallet. She smiles seeing them look happy. She gets interrupted from her thoughts when they hear a pup barking and looks up along with her sister and friend to see their pup Jack running up to them with Negi, Connor and Reiji come walking up behind him. Lily runs up to her pup as they got up and picks him up.

"Jack. Where've you been? We've been looking for you." She said scolding the pup.

Rose and Sky look toward the three. "I was wrong. You really were being honest with your promise. Sorry for having accused you like that." Rose said apologizing.

Negi smirks playfully "Nah. Think nothing of it. Just glad I was able to help."

Sky looks at the other two. "Who are you two?"

"Just friends of Negi. I went looking for him after he sent me a message says he wasn't gonna be able to meet up with me. I figured he needed help." Connor says

"I just happen to be close by when I saw the argument these two were in." Reiji says smiling

The girls make confused looks. Negi sighs "Okay. Here's what happened."

Negi and his friends start explaining about how they found Jack being held by someone in a group of teens. Connor and Negi tried explaining to them about needing to take Jack back to his owners. The guy holding Jack refused, saying that his little sister has been feeling depressed and wanted to cheer her up with the pup. They tried persuading or giving him alternatives, but he refused and then him and the group started arguing with them.

As the argument was getting heated and Negi was thinking a fight was gonna start, all of a sudden, he sees something roll in between them that burst into smoke in the middle of them and Reiji appeared bowing. He gets caught up on the whole situation and after talking to the one holding Jack, Reiji then makes a call which leads to a truck parking close by. A man comes out of the truck with an akita pup and after explaining everything for the akita pup is all sorted out, Negi gets handed Jack, and the guy takes the akita pup.

"And that's all we had to go through." Negi says.

Connor sighs "You think they would've been more cooperative, but they were really being stubborn about it."

"Sorry we had you go through that." Lily says with regret, but he waves it off.

"Nah. That was our choice."

Rose looks to Negi. "You really kept your word. I have to admit, I really doubted that ability of yours, but you proved me wrong."

She tosses him his wallet and a rectangular like box that was the same size as the wallet. Negi moves his wallet out of the way to take a closer look and notices, along with his two friends, that it's a progrise key from Kamen Rider Zero One but that the front is clear and see through, and the inside is blank.

"Interesting. Just like mine." Reiji says taking out his clear core metals.

"Wait. You too?" Connor says taking out his full bottles. "Strange. Are they new special items for fans?"

Negi out the key. "What's this for?"

"Just my way of apologizing for doubting you." Rose said. Negi is about to say something, but Reiji stops him.

"Hey, I say it's a fair trade. Let's just be glad at least everyone got what they wanted at the end and that everyone is happy." Reiji says smiling.

"Not everyone just yet." A new voice said.

The guys get startled by surprise and turn around quickly. Now in front of their sight is a teenage girl with magenta colored eyes in a long sleeveless lavender dress lined with gold colored stars on the trim and a red ribbon going around the waist and tied into a bow on the back, with black high heels and a silver pendant with a bright clear orange crystal in the shape of a sun and a purple crescent moon in the middle of it.

Right now, besides every other person being gone from the area, three things were unnatural in the sight of the guys. The first being the sky. The second they turned their sights to this girl; the sky was completely different by both the sun and moon being out on different sides of the sky. With many stars filling the dark parts of the sky. The last two strange things were both from the girl. One being her hair flowing around with nonexistent breeze of wind. The second was a large glowing symbol of Kamen Rider Decade floating behind her.

Connor put a hand to his head. "I either think something is wrong with my head or I don't think we're home anymore."

"You're partly right. Right now, we're on the edge of your dimension." The girl says with a smile as she and all the others the guys helped appear out of no wear from behind the girl and circle around the guys. The guys were about to speak but she held up her hand to stop them. "Sorry but we don't have much time. First, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Dawn. And I'm sure you already know everyone's names, just like we know yours."

"What's going on here? And what do you mean we're at the edge of the dimension?" Negi asks looking around both confused and curious along with the other two.

Sky makes a sorrowful look. "We're sorry but we really need your help."

"Well to be exact, all worlds and dimensions need your help." Ran says butting in.

This info just confuses the three. "I'm sorry, but you've lost us on this." Reiji says

"A horrible, sickening dark presence is making the worlds frightened." Kim with a scared look.

Adam frowns "It's not even awaked and yet it's mere spark is echoing through the worlds."

"If this darkness awakens and is allowed to fully grow, every world will be in danger." Jen says

"And what are we supposed to do?" Connor asks looking around.

Dawn makes a sadden smile "You'll need grow to be able to face it. The rest, you'll find out soon enough." She snaps her fingers before the guys could question her. In an instant, the Decade make disappeared and reappeared both underneath and above them, with six large cards with a silver looks wave moving inside it. The center of the cards each had a different image in it. The first is a pink butterfly, second is a red lightning bolt. third being a blue balloon, fourth a purple diamond, fifth an orange apple, and a magenta six-pointed star. "We're really sorry for forcing this decision on you. But too much is at stake."

"What do you mean?!" Negi demands

"There's no time left." Dawn states

Dawn holds out both her hands. As her hands start to glow, the giant cards start to spin going faster and faster while circling around the guys causing the Decade symbols to glow brighter. All three friends start covering their eyes from the blinding light.

"Please protect and save every world!" Crystal, Lily and Sarah shout in unison.

"Wait. How will we get back? We have family waiting for us." Connor says.

"You won't. Sorry but this is a one-way trip." Rose says sadly. "Just know you're not sacrificing leaving your old world behind for nothing."

"But-" Reiji is cut off when the cards converge at the center of them with the six images now circling them from different angles. Before they could say anything else, the Decade symbol above starts coming down on them which causes them to disappear as it goes through them. By the time both symbols meet and merge, the three are gone and the Decade symbol fades out.

Jen looks to Dawn. "Do you really think they'll be able to stop this evil?"

"Stop it, no. What they'll need to do is defeat on equal terms at best. But that'll take a miracle." Dawn says.

Rose smirks. "I'm sure they'll pull it off. After all, they won't be on their own like the owners of the gifts they'll receive."

Within the Dimensional Wormhole

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" the three scream.

They're falling through a wormhole made of the same silver wave that the cards had with the six images still circling them.

"What exactly is going on? Where are they sending us?!" Connor asks freaking out a bit.

"I'm pretty sure that's what we'd all want to know. I think we should focus more on that weird feeling." Negi says

Reiji sighs "What weird feeling? I'm pretty sure we've reached the limit of weird today."

"Um...I think I know what he's talking about." Connor says

"What do yo-" Reiji stops as he notices his hands and feet start to glow. "Something tells me the weirdness is just beginning."

The six images start spinning faster, turning into rings of energy that consume the three in a rainbow light. The light starts spreading turning the silver waves into gold. The rainbow orb starts racing down the path with the light doing something to the three inside.