• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,016 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 5- Clear Mind

A Construction Site

Driving into the site, Connor and Discord arrived with Rainbow Dash riding with Connor. It had been a couple hours since his battle with Brutus. Connor asked had asked Rumble where he had found the fullbottles and decided to go look at the area to see if he could find anything. Rainbow talked her way into coming along while Discord had been forced by Drago to go.

"Is that kid really sure this is where he found the bottles?" Discord asked in a bored tone as they got off their bikes and began going more into the site following Connor as he follows directions on his phone. "Maybe he remembered wrong and the actual area is a theme park."

"Would you stop being such a big baby?" Rainbow said annoyed. "If we could've. we would've brought one of the others with us. But unlucky for us, they were busy leaving only you as our option."

Discord grins. "Is that so? I thought it was because you desperately needed someone to tag along. If that is the case, I wonder if something on her mind is making her nervous to go alone to a place with a friend."

Rainbow stops walking as her face reddens. "W-What?! No! It's nothing like that and you know it!" She yells as she runs a bit to catch up. "The only reason your lazy ass had to come with us is because Drago thought it'd be safer for at least two Riders to be around in case there's trouble."

"Really? Hm. I wonder how true that is." Discord had said pretending to be in thought while laughing on the inside from seeing her reactions.

"Hey guys, over here." The two look ahead having heard Connor's voice come from inside the building under construction.

Not noticing he had walked ahead of them, they ran into the building to catch up, look into some empty rooms before they find him towards the back looking at a hole that's being dug bigger by Rabbit Engine. As the two got next to Connor, a box object is thrown out landing next to them along with three gray switches having the numbers 02, 03 and 04 on them. Jumping out of the hole, Rabbit Engine changes back into tank mode as it launched the rabbit fullbottle back to Connor.

Discord picks up the switches, while Connor and Rainbow look over the box seeing it's a gray with 10 slots on each side. They find 4 fullbottles on one of the sides that Connor takes off the box to look at.

"Wolf, vacuum, phoenix and robot. Didn't think I'd find another best match here." Connor smiles putting the bottles away.

Rainbow eyes the box. "Why does this thing have them though?"

"I think the more important question is, how'd it get here?" Discord pointed out making them wonder the same thing as they look around.

Canterlot High

Drago was outside the school walking in a circle around the statue having been there for 30 minutes. He had stayed back to have a talk with Sunset after having sent her a message to meet him there after school, but she had yet to show up. He sighs as he stops and leans against the statue with his arms crossed.

"Oh. Hey there, Drago." He heard a voice getting his attention. He looks towards the school to see Flash walking towards him with his guitar hanging on his back. "Didn't think you'd still be around. Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yeah. I'm actually waiting for Sunset." Drago stops noticing Flash glare at him. "I'm not waiting for her in that way. It's just I noticed she's been avoiding us lately. So, I wanted to see what's been bugging her. I sent her a message to meet me here, but something tells me she's not going to show up."

Flash walks over to lean against the statue next to Drago "Yeah. Same thing has been happening with me too. Besides the dance, she just keeps avoiding me every time I try talking to her. Besides how the school has been treating her, I guess she hasn't forgiven herself for what she had done, even if it was against her will."

Drago sighs. "I've been noticing the school's attitude too. They're making it hard for her to get back on her feet and start over. Who knows what'll happen if this continues." He looks to Flash after saying this. "I can count on you to have her back if she ever needs it, right?"

Flash smiles as he punched his shoulder. "That's my line. I was watching her back way before you guys showed up." The two laughed for a bit before Flash holds out his knuckle to Drago. "I can keep counting on you to help me have her back, right?

"You have my oath that I will." Drago says bumping his fist to Flash's.

[Cue Opening]

The Dragons Cavern

The cafe was going about its day normally with Emerald and Derpy minding the cafe, along with Blaze giving Derpy a helping hand, while guys were in the garage. It had been two days since they found the bottles and switches. The guys were using Sunday as a chance to relax or work on improving themselves.

In the garage the guys were each doing something different. Connor was continuing with his invention, Ressha was working his homework, Discord and Reiji training in their own way around the garage by playing laser tag against each other, while Drago was working on his bike with Negi assisting him. Drago was adjusting the parts following the instructions Negi gave him as he looked at blueprints in a touch screen tablet that Zea had sent them questionably.

"I still don't get what Zea is planning or thinking by having us do this." Negi said as he flipped looking through the blueprints. "Why have us make this upgrade to the bike? And why only one of the bikes?"

Drago shrugs. "Who knows. I'm just more curious on what will happen by doing this."

"Maybe Zea is planning to upgrade our bikes one by one to make a super robot or mega weapon." Reiji said as he avoided Discord's shots.

'He's been hanging out with Pinkie Pie too much.' Ressha chuckles. "Maybe. Though I think that's all just him plainly thinking it." 'Plus, doesn't he hangout more with a different girl?/Oh yeah. What was that girl's name?'

"Ha!" Discord shouted victoriously as he had got Reiji with his next shot that electrocuted him. "That's why I'm the best there is here in the wild west." He pops a gun holster into existence along with a cowboy hat and badge as he spun his gun and put it into the holster.

Reiji coughs out smoke. "How about toning down the voltage while I still have feeling left in my legs." After saying this, he looked over to Connor and walked over to him. He looks over Connor's shoulder to see that he was working on the programing of three different gadgets. One looked like a lock but the other two still seemed they were missing some parts to tell what they were. "What exactly are you working on? And what's with the lock?"

Connor sighs to the last questions. "The lock was something Rainbow annoyed me into making. I have to admit, it was actually a pretty good idea. That is till I made it better." He chuckled saying that. "As for the other two, they aren't really anything yet. I was just making them to be prepared."

"Prepared?" Reiji questioned raising a brow. "Prepared for-"

The guys suddenly get startled by what sounds like something crashing to the floor. "Miss Emerald!" Hearing Derpy scream they all rushed out of the garage.

The first thing they see running into the library is smoke coming out of the kitchen along with Derpy and Emerald leading everyone out the cafe. Connor immediately jumped down having used his rabbit armor magic and then switches to firetruck armor as he rushed towards the kitchen ready to put out the fire.

Derpy notices him as the last person left. "Connor, wait!" She shouted trying to stop him as he broke down the door.

"Huh?! Blaze?" Connor said confused finding Blaze sending smoke out the door. "Is this a prank from Discord or something?"

"Nope!" Discord spoke out as he ran over with the others. "Today's prank was random books coming to life."

Ressha raised a brow. "Wait. Really?" Curious, he picks up a random book from a table and opens it with a shark head sticking out the next second trying to bite him, making Momo take over to start beating it with the flat side of his magic sword. "Down, down, down you damn stupid fish! Back to the fucking sea!" Momo quickly shuts the book. "Never do that again, Ressha." 'Sorry./We should've kept it for some shark fin soup.' "Hell no! I don't want to deal with Fluttershy."

Drago looks to Emerald and Derpy as they walked over to them. "What exactly is going on? What was all that ruckus we heard? And why was Blaze faking a fire?"

"I'm not really sure either." Derpy answered. "Me and Blaze were just bringing a glass of lemonade to Miss Emerald, but she suddenly fell to the floor while she was reshelving will looking up at the ceiling. When we ran to her, she made Blaze fake a fire in the kitchen and then made me help her get everyone out the building."

Drago and the guys all look to Emerald. "Emerald, what's going on? As far as I remember, you've never once acted or done anything like this." She seemed to not hear him as him as her attention seemed to stay toward the ceiling. Curious, the guys and Derpy all look up to the ceiling and go wide eyed seeing the map of Equestria glowing faintly in a red color with the image of a dragon's head, with fire swirling around it, over a spot in the map where the Everfree Forest is.

"This day has gotten interesting." Reiji says scratching his head.

Blaze roars from over at the library's counter trying to get everyone's attention. Except for Emerald, everyone look to Blaze and notice a globe next to him glowing in a faint blue light while it spins. It stops spinning with the light having gathered at a desert on the map. Before they could question it, the guy's Rider symbols start blinking red and blue.

"What hell is this?" Momo asks.

"It... almost seems like a selection process." Connor says looking between their symbols. "I think something is trying to select on who's going to the areas on the maps."

The blinking stops when their symbols appear on the maps. Connor's and Reiji's appeared on Equestria's map, along a dragon mark. While Discord's and Ressha's appeared on the desert along with the bubble image that was on Derpy's core.

"Wait. Why aren't-" Reiji is cut off as he, Connor, Emerald, Discord, Derpy and Ressha are turned into orbs of light as portals open next to and above both maps. The orbs circle around the library for a second till they separate into two groups of three going into the portals that close as soon as they went into them. Drago and Negi looked around the room speechless.

"I have the feeling something big is about to happen in those locations." Negi said looking towards the globe.

Drago nods agreeing looking to the ceiling map. "Yeah. And that we were left behind for a reason."

Canterlot High

"WHAT?!" Rainbow's voice echoed through the area. Drago, Negi and the girls were all standing next to the school's statue. "What do you mean they disappeared?"

The guys had sent a message to all the girls telling them to meet up in front of the school's statue before school starts. Everyone had gotten there except for Sunset who told them that she wasn't going to be able to make it. Finding this odd, Drago sent Blaze to keep an eye on her.

The moment they all got there; they began to tell them all that happened the other day and that they had to leave a sign saying the cafe was going to be closed for a while. Though now everyone had their ears covered from Rainbow's shouting.

"Rainbow, there's no need ta shout." Applejack lectured her. She then looked to the guys. "Though ah do admit, I'm sure we all want ta know what's goin' on."

"Not really sure ourselves. As far as we can tell, the guys were called to two different places. One place in Equestria and the other at the Empty Quater Desert. Our guess is something is happening there that it needed the Riders help. Just not all the Riders since me and Drago were left behind."

"Oh, I just hope the poor dears are okay. A desert is a horrible place to set unprepared." Rarity said as she started looking through her backpack. "Sunscreen to protect your delicate skin, a hat to provide yourself with shade, clothe to wrap around your head keeping the sand out of your hair, and...what?" She was taking out said things till she noticed everyone's eyes on her.

"There is also the chance they get lost out there." Pinkie spoke out. "Or maybe get buried in a sandstorm, sink in quicksand, get bitten by cobras, attacked by thieves, or maybe-"

"Pinkie!" They all shouted at Pinkie startling her.

Pinkie giggles. "Sorry."

Rainbow sighs frustrated. "It's not just the desert. The others could be in trouble in Equestria too. You guys didn't even look around the castle you mentioned when you guys went over there, right?"

"That is true. Who knows what dangers could be over there." Fluttershy said in a worried tone making everyone start to get worried for their friends safety.

Seeing this, Drago pretends to cough getting their attention. "There's no chance of any of those happening." Drago said trying to reassure them. "For one, Derpy and Ressha have Discord with them. He can create many things for them to use. Plus, he could also summon up their bikes there if they need them. As for the others, Connor and Reiji have Emerald. She used to live there and still travels there from time to time."

Negi leans against the statue. "Meaning we've got nothing to worry about. All we can do is wait and see when they'll get back. What we should worry about is what we're going to do now that we're down four Riders."

Everyone thinks on that thought. "Hm...Maybe yah'll- Incoming." Applejack quietly said the last part.

They look towards the front of the school going surprised seeing Chief Dusk and Shining walking across the street heading their way. They quickly turn back to each other and huddle up a bit.

"Remember, not a word about us being Riders. Got it, Pinkie and Rainbow" Drago said sternly.

The two were about to argue back but stopped seeing all of them give them deadpan looks. "Got it." Pinkie and Rainbow said one looking a bit hurt and the other frowning. Hearing the footsteps, they began a random conversation.

"Excuse me. Can we have a moment of your time?" Shining asked stopping next to them with Dusk standing by his side. "We'd like to ask you about the recent events of kaiju attacks."

"Of course, officers." Rarity responded. "I haven't a clue what we could tell you to help but we'll answer your questions the best we can."

"Don't worry. This won't take long." Dusk reassured them. "We just wanted to find the source of this school's latest newspaper on the Riders." He said holding out their school's newspaper.

In this paper was an article about the latest of the Riders battle. Mentioning Zero-One's battle against the Guardians, Jurassic's new equipment, and the rematch between Build and Brutus.

Rarity pretends to think. "Oh yes. We were surprised by that news too. Everyone here was beginning to think the school was always going to be a target. Glad we were proven wrong."

"Yes. Though unlike the last couple of times, no one knew about this battle till it began the moment the Riders arrived on the scene. And we didn't see or find anyone around at the scene of this battle." Dusk informed.

Shining walks closer with a stern look. "Meaning that a student either got past us without anyone noticing them, they were there already knowing of the battle, or was in the middle of that battle themselves the whole time." Everyone did their best to not let their nevousness be shown.

"We just want to question them on how they came by this information. That is all." Dusk assured them pushing Shining back. "Do you have any idea who the source of this information could be?"

Rainbow and the others mentally slap their heads knowing it was her who spilled on the knowledge of the battle. Everyone tried thinking of a way to avoid the question in their heads while trying their best to act normally. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity were starting to wish a bit that Discord was around.

Dusk notices their hesitation. "Are you-"

"KYAAAA!!" They all turn around having heard the scream to see a girl laying on the sidewalk. "Owie." The girl said as she got up.

The girl has blue eyes with yellow skin and orange hair. She was wearing a white dress with pink flowers lining the edges and collar of the dress, a sleeveless red vest, red and white slip-on shoes, and a camera hanging around her neck.

"Oh. Morning, Rainbow Dash!" The girl shouted shove past Dusk and Shining as she ran over to them. "It's rare to see you here so early with a group. Is there a match coming up soon that I missed hearing about?"

"Hey, Summer. Nah. Me and the gang just decided to meet up early to talk about the musical event." Rainbow came up with as explaination. "What about you? What are doing here so early?"

"Had to come see if today's paper is ready to be put up." Summer answered before turn to Dusk and Shining. "Though what could bring our cities officers here? Oh, is there another kaiju case here? It's easy to get information on attacks here. But it's a bit of a hassle finding the right information."

"I'm guessing that you're in charge of the school's news, am I right?" Dusk asked.

Summer smiles saluting. "That's right! Summer Shine, president of the school news at your service, sir!" She reaches into her pocket pulling out her phone putting the voice record setting on. "What brings you officers here to our school? Is there another kaiju case here? Do the students of CHS need to be afraid of coming to school?"

"No, no, no!" Dusk said holding his hands up. "We only came here to question the source giving you the information on the Riders."

"Oh. That's reasonable. But showing up like this gives others the wrong idea, if you know what I mean." Summer stated with her arms crossed. "Look at my friend and fellow students, you've made them really nervous and afraid of the idea of kaiju being around. If you need more proof, look around you then."

Dusk and Shining look behind themselves to see some students walking up to the school, who slow down once seeing the two and either walk by slowly without a word or walk by whispering to each other. While the two had their backs turned Drago and Negi feel something off as they start looking around but stop hearing a notification coming up on their phones.

"I suggest you take your leave and come back after giving the school a head's up, so we students know there's nothing to be afraid of seeing you here." Summer said in a scolding manner.

"But you haven't-" Shining was saying as he turned back but was stopped by Dusk holding up his hand.

Dusk turns back bowing a bit. "You're right. We should've let the principle know we were coming. Our superiors have just been breathing down our necks lately wanting answers and flipped when news of your school's paper reached them." He straightened himself looking back up to them. "For that we apologize. We'll come back again another time after letting your principle know. Sorry for taking up your time. Let's go, Detective."

Shining sighs. "Yes sir. I better not see any of you skipping out on school anywhere." He said to them before following Dusk.

The girls had held their breath watching the two walking back to their car, get in it and drive off. They all let out a breath of relief as the car left out of sight and then look to Summer who's grinning at them.

"Thanks for the save there, Summer. I owe you one." Rainbow said relaxing a bit.

"Well, I couldn't let one of my informants get caught. Without you three, I wouldn't have any exciting news on the Riders battles. If not for that, I would've gladly given you up." Summer laughs from Rainbow glaring at her. "I'm joking. What are friends for. If you need my help on anything, let me know."

Rainbow smirks. "Me needing help, yeah ri-" She stops seeing Applejack and Rarity deadpan at her. "I mean, yeah. That's good to know. Thanks."

"Well, I've got to go. I still need to check on the papers. Oh, and the school's website. Almost forgot that one." Summer runs to the doors of the school and turns back wave at them before going in.

"Well, that certainly was nerve wrecking." Rarity said holding a hand over her chest.

"A-And scary." Fluttershy added. Through the whole thing she had held her backpack in front of her like a shield and hid her face behind hair.

"Let's just be glad they didn' try pressin' us for answers." Applejack said leaning against the statue.

Rainbow chuckles. "Yeah. You guys are lucky. Imagine how things would've gone if they found out your...What the- Where'd they go?!" She shouted with her and the girls looking around noticing Drago and Negi were gone.

"Who knows. All they told me was that they'd be back, after I asked them where they were going." Pinkie says with the girls turning to look at her while she looks around using her hands like binoculars. "I wonder where they went?" While Fluttershy shakes her head, the other girls slapped a hand to their foreheads.

Everwood Park

Sunset was looks around as she walked around the park. She looks at her phone that shows a message from an unknown number saying for her to meet them at the Everwood park alone without telling anyone. She would've just ignored it and tell the girls but a second message having picks of the girls, guys and Flash saying they would be badly hurt if she didn't agree to meet them now.

She knows the guys would be fine from any danger. But she couldn't say the same for the girls and Flash. Not wanting anything to happen to them, she agreed to go and went straight there without letting anyone know.

"What the hell. Where is this person?" Sunset said looking before looking at the message on her phone. "At first I thought this was from Molten but this isn't his style. He likes to face things in person and wouldn't keep a person waiting and looking for him like this. But if not him, then who- Ugh!"

Sunset was knocked off her feet from someone who appeared behind her. Before her back could hit the floor, the person grabbed the collar of her shirt as they then dragged her a bit across the ground and slammed her against a tree with an arm against her throat.

Keeping Sunset against the tree is girl with brilliant amber eyes, light brown skin, and long fringe white hair with the tips of the fringe being a light grayish heliotrope that cover one of her eyes. Wearing black colored biker outfit with the leather jacket having small spikes lined on both shoulders.

"Hello, hot stuff." The girl says with devilish grin. "I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get here."

"G-Gilda? Is that you?" Sunset asked looking her over. "What happened to you? You just suddenly disappeared after..."

"After Molten had the hell beaten out of me for trying to go against him." Gilda scoffed. "If you were going to back stab me, then you should've at least had the guts do it yourself."

Sunset shakes her head. "No. That wasn't by my choice. Molten for-" Stops gasping for air after Gilda kneed her stomach. Sunset falls to her knees but then is hit to the side onto the floor from Gilda having kicked her across the face.

Gilda chuckles. "You really think I'd believe anything you'd have to say? Believe the person I thought I could trust to stay, only to back stab me for that asshole?" She shouted walking next to Sunset and then places her foot against Sunset's head. "You lost the right for my trust and belief that day."

"So, this is the infamous Sunset Shimmer you kept talking about?" A male voice was heard.

Sunset looks a bit up to see a guy in a red business suit wearing red leather gloves. The guy has light gray skin, black spiky hair, and crimson-colored eyes. Sunset felt a chill go down her back seeing the grin on the guy's face.

"Doesn't seem like much, if you ask me." The guy said as he twirls a strand of her hair around his finger.

"Enough! I didn't wait all this time just for you to make her into a new toy for yourself, Faust." Gilda said in angered voice.

Faust sighs. "Yes, yes, yes. As you wish. Let the game begin." He snaps his finger while getting up.

Seeing him walk to the side of her vision, Sunset follows his direction but goes a bit pale with fright seeing a group of people walk towards her. She tries squirm free from under Gilda's foot who looks down to her with a sad look in her eyes for a second before shaking her head and looking down at her with a smirk.

"Now you'll get to feel what it felt like when Molten had his group beat me around like a toy. You'll suffer that same feeling." Gilda whispered into Sunset's ear after having knelt down close to her without putting more weight on her head. "Have fun, Sun-"

As the group got closer, a trash can comes crash into a couple of them, knocking them over. "Hey! What the fucking hell do you think you're doing?" A guy's voice shouted at them.

Everyone turns towards the direction of the voice and see two guys walking over to them. One of the guys has red eyes, black skin and long white hair. While the other guy's eye color is major blue, with light blue skin and hedgehog like spiky hair that's a mix of blue and purple. Both are wearing uniforms same as Blueblood, except the first guy is without a tie and the second has a black shirt with a cosmic image on it and a moon sown onto his blazer.

"I'm not sure what the girl has done to you but take it somewhere else." The red eye guy said. "I've had to wait days to hang out at my favorite spot. So, I'd rather not have this place closed off again because you assholes are too lazy to find a different place."

The other makes a disappointed look at him. "Come on, Midnight. You can't really be willing to let these guys gang up on one person."

"Unlike you Astral, I don't get myself involved in other's business. As long as they leave me alone and do nothing to bother me." Midnight said before turning to leave.

Astral was about to try to stop him again but stops when two people of the group run past him and go straight for Midnight. Before anyone could say anything, Midnight stops ducking under the first person while elbowing the second person in the stomach.

"What?!" Gilda said surprised while Faust grinned.

He then knees the first person using his right leg as they turned to face him and then thrusted a kick into the second, making them fall flat on their back. Using the momentum of the kick to place himself next to the first, wrapped his arm around the person's neck as he swept his leg under theirs, and then threw them over himself and onto the second.

Faust chuckles. "Now the game has become interesting." He snaps his fingers. The group of people all change into Riotoozes. "Game start." He pointed a finger towards the two, the Riotoozes charged towards them.

"And here I went to the trouble of warning you." Midnight said cracking his neck. He then runs going past Astral and towards the kaiju.

"That works too." Astral says then doing the same charging at them.

Sunset started struggling again. "No! Runaway!" She shouted trying to get out from under Gilda's foot.

"Quit your struggling." Gilda says with an annoyed glare. But then makes a confused look when Sunset stops looking towards the two with a surprised look. "What's with that stupid...What the hell?!" The two were surprised to see Midnight and Astral handling themselves against the Riotoozes.

As the Riotoozes threw themselves at Midnight, either by trying to tackle or swing a punch at him, he went past them as he avoided and ducked under them. The next two to throw a punch he caught their arms, used their momentum to swing them over himself and slammed them into the ground. Without looking he turns swinging his kick high, kicks a kaiju across the face and keeps up the pace as he spun around to not lose speed and rapidly kicks two Riotoozes against their chests as they ran up to him, then sends them flying back into a small group of them. While moving his head to the side to avoid one trying to attack him from behind, Midnight thrusts his left foot to trip it and swings his right fist over his left shoulder making the Riotooze fall into it. As it stumbled back from the pain, Midnight jumps a bit over it, spins once before bringing his knee down into its chest, he lands on one knee as the Riotooze fell to its back.

Astral was getting beaten around a bit but was also getting his own hits in as well. Getting punched by one, he kicks the same Riotooze across the face as he fell to the floor. "Wait, wait, wait!" Two grabbed onto his arms pulling him back up. He pulls along with them to swing himself over them while still holding onto their arms and then slammed his knees into the back of their necks, bringing them to the floor. "I told you to wait. Who's ne-" He quickly gets to his back to hold a Riotooze that tried diving at him by reeling his legs back and then trusts it back making it land on top of others. "Like I was say who's next."

"RAAAHHHH!!" Riotoozes to his right roared at him in response charging at him.

"Now we're talking." Astral says full of excitement as he ran doing the same.

He runs past the first avoiding its claws, then he punches the second across the face and then swings it around shoving it into the first, he gets punched by the third making him hiss a pit. "Now that hurt." He grabs a hold of it, then proceeds to headbutt it, they both reel back feeling a bit dizzy, Astral shakes out of the dizziness before drop kicking it back.

"Interesting." Faust said looking at a tablet showing two separate charts with a meter in both rising slowing. "Are these two candidates?" He chuckles saying that. "If so, level 2." He snaps a different finger making the Riotoozes start charging energy attacks.

Sunset wanted to warn them, but her face pressed into the ground. "Looks like this is the end for your knights." She only gets a couple seconds to watch the scene with smile till she hears a motorcycle. "Who cou-Ah!" She screamed having jumped to the side from having turned to see a wheel in the air getting closer to her.

Hearing the motorcycle sound and Gilda's foot off her head, she looks ahead to see Drago and Negi driving into the group of Riotoozes. They stop sliding sideways into the ones about to blast Astral and Midnight, knocking the kaiju over. The two make a bit of a curious look seeing the guys fight the Riotoozes.

"Huh. And here I though me and the guys were the only crazy ones to face the Riotoozes without magic." Negi said getting off his bike. They see Sunset run over to them but make worried looks seeing a bit of scrapes on her face. "Sunset, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. Just a bit banged up." Sunset said avoiding looking them in the eyes. "It's just something I deserved."

The two get confused by this. "What are you talking about, Sunset? And what are you doing here?" Drago asked.

"To meet me." Sunset and the guys look back to see Gilda glaring at them. "I'm not sure who you are but get lost. This reunion has nothing to do with you."

Drago and Negi place themselves in front of Sunset with the two returning the glare. "I'm not sure what happened between you two, but we aren't going to leave and let you have your way hurting Sunset." Drago states with him and Negi getting into stances. "So, if you want her, you'll have to get through us first."

"Have it your way." Gilda says rolling up her jackets sleeve showing a USB port looking tattoo on her wrist while holding up a USB looking device with a spine skeletal design with a picture of a knife and machine gun against each other making an 'A' shape. (Arms!)

"A Giga Memory?" Negi said see her press the connection part of the USB against the tattoo port.

Gilda begins to glow as the memory went into her and morphs into red looking kaiju with silver armor and a huge great sword with the blade broken at the top on its back with guns around its waist, large bullets going around the bottom part of its chest armor, spike shoulder armor on its right arm, throwing knives hanging on its left should armor, knuckle braces on both hands, and a skull shaped helmet. Now stand ahead of them is the Arms Dopant.

"It's time to pay, Sunset!" The Dopant shouted pointing its left arm towards them as it transformed into into a four barreled gun with a 5th barrel under it and a handle above it making the three along with Astral and Midnight, who were led against them, go wide eyed.

"Take cover!" Negi yells out as they all run in opposite directions.

Arms begins shooting burning bullets at them, changing targets after shooting a couple times at one. These shots were powerful based on how much damaged they saw these cause to the objects they hit. Negi uses his magic to jump high up using the jump ability, the jump ability changes to gatling as the kaiju and him eye each other, then he fired needles from his wrists as it shoots up at him. Arms bullets go through the needles easily and come close to hitting him.

"Gatling didn't work at all." Negi said to himself as he landed and ran from the shots again.

Arms takes notice of Sunset hiding behind a tree and points the gun towards her taking aim.

"Don't even think about it." Drago yells hitting its side with a red aura punch but doesn't do much. "How tough is this thing." He quickly jumps back as Arms changed the gun arm into a huge blade that's divided in the middle. "Okay. Maybe this will work."

Drago summons out the Exacore in sword mode. He begins to concentrate, making a blue aura cover the sword's blade. The two begin exchanging slashes as their blades collide. Arms takes notice that each time Drago's sword hit it left small slash gashes. When their weapons collide, the Dopant sees the sword begin to cut into its blade bit by bit as they pushed each other back.

"Kyah!" Hearing Sunset scream, Drago looks to his left to see hear getting attacked by Riotoozes. Losing some of his concentration the blue aura begins to waver. Arms takes notice of this and takes the chance to grab its broken sword. Drago focus is brought back when Arms shoves him back as it begins to furiously swing its swords at him, making him go on the defense as he blocked each hit. Before he could try anything, the Dopant brings its swords together to do a cross slash that shatters the blue aura and hits the sword out of Drago's hands.

"I'll have your head." Arms shouts bringing down its sword at Drago but is stopped by Negi who has shark fang blades coming out his arms with the word 'Fang' next to 'Ability'. "You little-"

"Maybe some other time." Negi says shoving Arms back and slashing across its chest.

"You piece of shit!" Arms yelled as Negi continued slashing at it. He made sure to stay close so it would use its gun as he avoided its attacks as he kept delivering slashes as he dodged. After a couple hits, Negi swings his arm with all his might delivering a long slash going all the way across the chest diagonally, making fly off it and making it stumble back.

(Full Charge!) Negi was about to run up to Arms again but stops hearing that. Drago and him look across the field to see Faust pointing a black and light blue colored shot gun type weapon towards them. "Ciao." Negi make a confused look towards him hearing that but then goes wide eyed as he pulled the trigger and fires an explosive red blast towards them.. (Dynamaiting Kaban Buster!)

The two brace themselves for the attack but a stream of fire comes flying over them intercepting the blast and causing it to explode in the middle of some Riotoozes. As everyone gets surprised by this, Sunset gets startled falling into a whole in the ground that opens up under her, then a wave of water shows up next to Astral and Midnight. The water crashes into the Riotoozes they were fighting and decide to leave after taking one last look at the battle.

Arms looks to Drago and Negi. "What'd you do? Where'd you hide Sunset?" It shouted at them about to charge but gets surrounded by a green whirl wind that starts doing damaged to the Dopant as slash sparks fly off it. "Arghh!" It shouted in pain.

Drago shakes him head before getting up and running up to Negi. "Come on. We need to go now."

"Alright. But first." Negi brings out the silver progrise key to scan the weapon as Faust just held it in place with a smile. "I'm taking Attache Shotgun's data back with us." They quickly get on their bikes and left the area.

The whirlwind stops, letting Arms look around and seeing no one but Faust left. "RRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" The Dopant screamed out into the sky.

The Dragons Cavern

The moment they got back to the cafe and parked inside the garage; Drago just went straight into the building leaving Negi with a confused look as he watched him leave the garage and then turned to look at the bikes to see an extra bike parked along with theirs and the others. It's a black and emerald green colored offroad bike.

"Whose bike is this?" Negi asks himself looking it over.

After looking it over for a couple of seconds, Negi decides to head in. He looked around the place for Drago and ends up finding him sitting at a table in the cafe near the counter. Negi sees him looking over one of the yet to awaken alpha cores, as he walked over to him.

"Trying to figure out how to wake it up?" Negi asked as he sat down across from him.

Drago nods. "Yeah. But I haven't been able to figure how to awaken both this and the other core yet. I know it involves focus but everything I've tried hasn't done anything. I mean, what exactly do I need? What am I missing?"

"Well judging from what I saw during that battle," Negi says while spinning the silver progrise key on the tip of his finger. "I might have an idea on what kind of focus it's looking for." Negi gets up walking over to a section in the library and begins looking through one of the shelves.

"Really? Alright then. Let's hear what you have in mind." Drago said curious on what he had to say.

After a few seconds, Negi grabs a book, walks back over opening it, and then lays it onto the table after having flipped through some pages. "Okay. I think this is what the alpha core wants."

The Mall

Inside a mall with many people walking around, the girls had entered the mall having driven there with Rainbow caring a guitar case. They had gone there because Rainbow wanted to go to a music store to look for a new guitar. Though it wasn't just the five of them. Along with them were three girls who are part of a club known as the Canterlot Movie Club or the CMC for short. The club's members were Applejack's little sister Apple Bloom, Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo who Rainbow Dash likes to act as a big sister for.

"You three do remember to meet us at the food court after the movie is over, right?" Rarity asked eyeing the three.

"Yes. We know, Rarity." Sweetie Belle says sounding impatient. "Can we go now? We want to get good seats."

Rarity sighs before smiling. "Alright. Go on then. Go enjoy the movie." She then gets a bit surprised by her sister hugging her.

"Thanks again for bringing us with you. You the best big sister ever." Sweetie Belle smiles saying. She then breaks the hug as she and her friend waved bye as they separated from their sisters group. "We'll see you after the movie."

"Yah three better not try watchin' another movie after the first, yah hear." Applejack yelled over to them. "Yah'll still got homework ta do later."

"Don't worry, sis. We won't." Apple Bloom yelled back.

"Have fun, squirts! Try not getting yourselves into any trouble." Rainbow said smiling.

Scootaloo rolls her eyes playfully. "No promises."

While they walked going down in the different direction, Fluttershy takes notice Pinkie trying to figure something out as she goes through an imaginary list.

"Is everything alright, Pinkie? If you don't mind me asking but...is something bothering you?" Fluttershy asked a bit concerned getting her other friends attentions.

Pinkie shakes her head. "No. I'm just trying to figure out what movie they're going to watch. They wouldn't even give me a hint about it. So, I'm trying to figure it out to surprise them on it later but it's really weird."

"What's weird?" Rainbow asks confused along with the others.

"Well as far as I can remember, and I should know because I have a great memory, there shouldn't be any movies out that they've talked about watching." Pinkie says tapping her chin. "So, what could they be up to?"

Rarity raised a brow. "How would you know what movies they're planning to watch?"

"Oh! That's because I'm part of the club" Pinkie showed them a handmade CMC membership card.

While this was happening, the CMC continued walking around the mall as they pass by the theater. They were looking around the area and inside the stores.

"You two see him yet?" Apple Bloom asked looking around.

"Nope." The two said in unison.

Apple Bloom looks to Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, I thought you said Rumble was going to be here today."

"I did. I heard him say so himself." Scootaloo scratches her head confused while looking around. "He said he was planning on coming here today with Connor." Saying this makes Sweetie Belle stop looking and turn to her with a deadpan look.

"Let me guess, he told you this morning when you walked with him to school, right?" Sweetie asked.


"You didn't talk to him throughout the rest of the day in school, right?"

"Yeah. He seemed to be busy thinking about something. So, I left him alone."

"And you said he was still coming here because you saw him get on a bus, right?"

"Exactly. Meaning he should be here somewhere."

Sweetie Belle sighs putting a hand to her face. "No. He's not going to be anywhere around here."

"What makes you say that?" Scootaloo asked confused.

"I overheard Rarity talking to Fluttershy about them being worried for Connor and a couple of the other new guys because they had to leave somewhere for a bit at last minute."

Scootaloo takes a while to take in the new information till it clicks. "Oooohhhh. T-That means-"

"It means he was never here to begin with!" Sweetie shouted making a lot of people look at her. She face turns red from this. "Sorry." She said out load feeling embarrassed as the people continue with their day.

"What should we do now? Rumble is the only person we know that's met a Rider twice." Scootaloo says looking around. "I doubt we'll be lucky enough to find someone else who's met a Rider."

"Why don't we just go watch a movie like we told our sisters?" Apple Bloom suggests. "It'd be better than just sittin' around."

Sweetie nods. "Yeah. We shouldn't just waist the trip having come here."

Scootaloo frowns. "I guess so. Though I would've really liked to have met Build."

"Well then come on. If we hurry, we can-Uh!" Apple Bloom was about to turn to rush to the theater but bumps into someone. She was going to fall over but the person grabs onto her arm in time to pull her up. "Sorry about. I should've-" She stops going wide eyed at who's in front of her, with her friends doing the same behind her.

They were surprised to see the person standing in front of them is Spike. He looked the same, but his clothes were different. He still had a shirt with the image of a dragon on it but the shirt was white with elements spiraling around it, black jeans, the same white sneakers but the color of the flames on it are green, a belt with a claw mark on a silver buckle, a ring with a red gem on his left hand and a black jacket.

"No. It's alright. That was my fault too. I wasn't looking...either." Spike makes a confused look from seeing how they're staring at him. "Um...Is something wrong?"

Apple Bloom's friends point at him. "Aren't you-mhm!" Scootaloo was about to ask but Apple Bloom quickly covered her mouth.

"Sorry about that." Apple Bloom apologized. "Yah just resembled a friend we know that we got confused there for a sec."

"Really? I wonder if I'll meet them at some point then." He said looking around before focusing back on the three. "Also, the names Spike."

Apple Bloom smiles. "Nice ta meet yah. My name is Apple Bloom. And these are my friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle." She had said holding out a hand towards her friends. "So, what brings yah here today?"

"I actually just moved here today and thought it'd be good to go looking around the area to get used to it." Spike puts his hands into his jacket's pockets. "I'll be starting school tomorrow."

"Really? What school are you going to be attending?" Sweetie asked curious.

Spike taps his chin. "If I remember correctly, it's called Canterlot High School." The girls brighten up at hearing this.

Scootaloo shoves Apple Bloom's hand off. "That's the school we go to."

"Huh. I wonder if we'll have some classes with each other." He looks around to the crowd of people. "The place I came from wasn't this lively. I wonder if this place is going to be exciting."

"You have no idea." Scootaloo said smiling.

"We were actually about to go watch a movie. If you want, you can join in and watch it with us." Apple Bloom suggested. "And afterwards our sisters and us can show you around a couple places."

Spike thinks about for a seconds before nodding. "Yeah. Sounds good to me. Mind leading the way then?" He moves to the side saying this, allowing the girls to walk by him a bit till he started walking along with them as they talked while heading to the theater.

Deep in the Everwood Forest

"DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!!" Gilda shouted.

Ever since the battle a few minutes ago, Gilda had been full of rage as she continuously punches one of many trees that surrounds them. Faust was sitting on a boulder that was a couple feet away from her. He watched with a smirk before looking back at a tablet he's holding that's showing data from the battle.

"Not just two but three candidates appeared in that battle. It seems the Riders draw each other in." He looks over to Gilda smiling. "Looks like Sunset has become out of reach now that Jurassic and Zero-One are protecting her."

"Doesn't matter. I can easily get rid of those two." She states with a glare.

Faust hums tapping a finger to his chin. "Maybe Jurassic. But Zero-One is in a different level compared to you. You'd be lucky to last 3 minutes against him."

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

"What I suggest is...for Reaper to make this quick."

Gilda looks at him confused at first but then a look of pain replaces it as she feels her back being filled with pain. Not being able to move and gasping for air, her eyes slowly look to her left to see a person completely covered in a hooded black cloak with their face hidden behind an Oni mask.

As she fell to her knees, Faust walked over to her and pulls out her Gaia Memory from her pocket after uncovering her tattoo port.

(Arms!) "How strong will a Dopant get with a primal core. Lets find out." He then puts the memory into her.

Gilda completely falls to the floor transforming. "Agh!" Arms continuously cried as pain from its body mutating was happening with sparks of energy coming off all around its body.

"So, is the item I requested for ready?" Faust asked looking to Reaper.

"Not yet. Though I'm close to achieving success." Reaper spoke in a distorted voice. "I do have something I'd like for you to test for me." Reaper brings out a suitcase and hands it over to Faust, who opens it to look inside. "Can I count of you for results?"

Faust chuckles. "Is that not already obvious?" Their focus is then drawn to Arms as its body begins to glow brightly as the sounds of skin and bones ripping and breaking could be heard in the light. "Things are about to become exciting."

"KYAAAAA!!" Arms scream with the sound of Gilda's voice echoed throughout the forest.

Dragons Cavern

Drago was walking through the library with books hanging tied to the railings and ceiling, and objects such as plants, statues, and chairs placed on top of tables. These objects were placed and left along the sections of the library. He was holding the Exacore in both hands and blind folded with a bit of sweat dripping down his face.

As Drago walked, Negi and Blaze quickly and quietly moved around the library avoiding him. They had been at this for about close to two hours. Drago stops walking as he got to the center as he begins to put his focus on sensing the two, with blue aura building onto the sword's blade. Negi prepares to strike at the top of a shelf as Drago takes a stance but the two stop as their phones notification alarms go off.

Negi jumps down as they look at their phones. "It's Zea. Looks like Gilda has popped up and Zea decided to track her movements."

"Judging from where she's going, she's heading towards- We need to get there fast." Drago said with Negi nodding in agreement as they ran to the garage.

The Mall

"This is awesome." Rainbow says out load while looking back at her wings. "Man, I wish we were outside already so I could fly around again."

They had first been going around to other stores the others wanted to stop to look around before they got to the music store. There Rainbow ended up having a shred off against a girl named Trixie to win a guitar they were both after but decided on with a guitar she had used during the competition.

During the shred off, Rainbow had gained the wings, ears and ponytail she and the others had gotten during the Fall Formal. People were stopping to stare at her as she and the girls were heading towards the food court to meet the CMC.

"That probably ain't a good idea, Rainbow. Who knows how long them wings will stick around for." Applejack pointed out. "It'd be real messy if they left while yah were in the air."

"Oh. That would be awful." Fluttershy said scared at the thought.

Pinkie turned walking backwards behind Rarity to face them. "But imagine all the things you could do with them. You could get everywhere you want, fly through the sky doing tricks, easily getting any food or snacks you want from the stores. Oh and also"

Everyone laughed as Pinkie continues naming other ideas. Rarity catches sight of their sisters sitting at a table in the distance as they were reaching the food court. She was about to call out to them but stops when Faust appears out of nowhere in front of her. Having stopped causes the girls to crash into her one by one, making them fall to the floor on top of each other.

"What in tarnation. Rarity, why'd yah stop like that?" Applejack asked annoyed.

"Yeah! You almost made me drop my guitar." Rainbow says sounding a bit upset.

Faust laughs at them. "Humans. Whether here or in other worlds, they all do know how to bring entertainment."

"W-What?! But-how-where'd you-" Rarity stammers trying to distinguish how he appeared. "Who are you?"

Faust chuckles. "All I can tell you is that I go by many names and that the game is about to start." He ends pulling out a gun device of sorts with two slots under the barrel and shows them two fullbottles.

"Those are Builds!" Pinkie gasped shouting.

"Now, shall we begin the experiment?" Faust asked in a devilish tone with his eyes glowing. (Spider! Reizoko!) The device announced out loud in a distorted voice of Build's belt making people walking by stop to watch. He then inserts what looks like a playing card into the side of the gun. (Locust Undead! Corruption!!) A distorted version of Build's jingle played after pushing the barrel forward. "Distort summons." He then turns shooting towards the food court with people screaming as they either ran or jumped out of the shot's way.

"What's with all the screaming?" Scootaloo asked curious as they and other looked towards the scene.

"Get down!" Spike shouted ducking down with the girls doing the same as the shot passed by over there.

Spike, the girls and everyone else around watched as the shot hits the center of the food court creating a black vapor around the spot for a few seconds before dispersing to reveal a black and green humanoid Locust kaiju with two wings on its back.

The kaiju changes as glowing images of a spider and Refrigerator hovering over it move into its body. Half of the green on its exoskeleton body turns purple while the other half turns white. The wings on its back melting back into it and 8 spider looking legs replacing them.

The Undead lets out a screeching roar that sends out a dark purple-ish wave throughout the whole building which causes Riotoozes to spawn out of shadows all around. People started to panic and run in different directions as they tried avoiding the grunts. Spike and the girls hid in the hallway leading to the restrooms and watched peeking around the corner as some of the people were hit or thrown around by the grunts with the Undead doing the same.

'Things aren't looking so good. I should get Apple Bloom and her friends out of here.' Spike thought to himself looking at all the chaos. He looks back to the girls. "We should try getting out of here."

Apple Bloom and the girls shook their heads. "No! We have ta wait here for our sisters."

"Yeah. We promised them that we'd stay here." Sweetie Belle said agreeing with her friend.

"I'm sure they'd be hoping to find you three outside." Spike tried persuading them. "So, I say we get going before these things take notice of us and/or decide block off the exits. We should be getting out of here."

Scootaloo frowns at him. "Not a chance. Rainbow Dash knows we would wait here. So, she and others will definitely be coming here to get us."

'They really aren't going to make this easy.' He thought to himself with a sigh. "Look I get that-"

"Hm...What's that thing doing?" The three heard and turn to see Sweetie peeking out again. "I can't really tell from how far it is, but that thing is standing still." She told her friends and Spike as they moved over to her.

Peeking out, they can barely see what the Undead is doing but Rainbow and the girls can clearly see its legs change into locust legs and begin to emit a cold mist that freezes the floor its standing on. The next thing it does makes their eyes go wide with fright as the Undead starts jumping all around the mall. The moment its feet touches the ceiling, walls, and both floor levels, the image of a web appears on them, both objects and people within the image freeze in an instant.

Faust laughs seeing the girls mixed looks of shock and horror then looks back to Locust. "Seems like the update to the experiment is a success." He says chuckling at the end making the girls turn to look back at him with glares except for Fluttershy, who's shaking with fear behind Rarity. "What's with the faces. You and every human here should be grateful for being part of the excitement."

"That's bullshit and you know it!" Rainbow shouted at him. "Who'd be grateful for being a part of this?"

"And who said yah could go doin' whatever the hell yah want to others? Though I'm sure we can guess who you're workin' with." Applejack adds.

"Oh? And who'd that be?" Faust happily said in a sarcastic manner.

Rarity scoffs. "Who else. Brutus, Molten and Scarlet." Rarity says pointing a finger at him. "A horrible hearted brute like you must be with them."

"Yeah! You meanies are on the same team!" Pinkie shouted. Faust laughs at this making the girls a bit confused. "Uhm...Was what I said funny?" Pinkie asked looking at her friends.

Faust smiles to them. "If only you humans knew how close and far you are from the truth. But you five deserve a treat. But we need the main event to arrive first."

Rainbow steps a bit forward. "What's that suppose to-"

"Rainbow, look out!" Sunset shouted surprising Rainbow and the girls.

Sunset came quickly running to them as she tackles Rainbow down. The second she does, saw blades pass by where she had been standing. The railing, bench and potted plants next to the two fell into pieces from having been cleanly sliced through.

"Did someone say Rainbow Dash's name?" Scootaloo asked. They had heard the shout from where they were. They notice Scootaloo beginning to get worried. Before they could say anything, she runs off on her own out of hiding.

"Scootaloo, wait!" Apple Bloom shouted to her as they chase after her.

As Sunset and Rainbow got up with the girls quickly getting to their side to check them, Sunset hissed a bit in pain holding a hand over her right arm as blood trails down it. "Sunset!" All the girls shouted.

"Just like I thought, blood suits your color well, traitor." They turn toward the voice.

While the girls get surprised by another kaiju, Sunset gets shocked by seeing Gilda in her kaiju form again but it had changed. Arms Dopant still had the sword but it had now taken a dino-like appearance with the armor having taken a skeletal look, shiny crimson skin, obsidian claws stabbing out from its boots, the skull helmet had changed into a crimson dimetrodon crystal skull, monstrous looking skulls on the shoulder with a crystal spine fin saw blade coming out through the foreheads.

"G-Gilda? What happened? What'd you do to yourself?" Sunset tried asking with a worried look.

The girls go wide eyed turning to look at Sunset before looking back to the Dopant. "GILDA?!"

Arms chuckles. "Long time no see, Dash. It's been so long since the last time I saw you, I couldn't help but cut my way into the group." The Dopant changes its left arm into a gun and then takes aim at them. "Now, who should I go for next?"

"Rainbow!" The girls went cold having heard Scootaloo's voice as Arms turned to see her and the others running up behind it. She stops as the Dopant points the gun at her.

"What luck. A volunteer."

"Scootaloo, Run!" Rainbow screamed out to her.

Arms fired before Scootaloo could react or do anything. As the bullets got closer with the girls screaming out her, Spike runs in front of her while putting on a silver ring on his right hand's middle finger and then places that same hand over his belt. (DEFEND, PLEASE!) He holds out his right hand as a red magical circle appears and protects them from the attack.

While everyone has a mixture of shock and surprised looks, Spike lets out a sigh of relief. "Did you really have to go running off on your own and almost getting yourself killed?" He asked Scootaloo in a scolding manner. "I mean, I'm sure there are better ways to give me and your friends a heart attack."

Faust chuckles. "Interesting addition. Though how fast can he react." He snaps his finger at the end.

"Spike? What'd you-" Apple Bloom is cut off as a loud screech is heard and the Undead hops above them.

Spike was about use spell again, but Locust moved closer instead of attacking as it moved around the spell and hopped towards him. 'Shit!' Spike thought to himself as he braced for the next hit. (Crushing! Slam!) Jurassic's belt is heard by everyone after he and Zero-One come smashing through the wall on their bikes. A burning tail follows the motion of Jurassic sliding to a stop as it hit Locust on its side and sent it flying into a store on the second floor.

The Riders run over to the CMC and Spike. "Are all of you okay?" Zero-One asked looking the girls over for any injuries. The girls nod their heads answering him. "Good."

"Thanks for the save, bro." Spike says to Jurassic making him sigh slapping a hand to his helmet, while the CMC and girls look back and forth to between the two with shocked looks. "My life flashed before my eyes there for a second. Hm? Where's Discord at? Is he lazing around somewhere?" Spike asks looking around but then gets the back of his head it by Jurassic. "Ow! Do you not know how much that hurts in that form."

"Then how about not exposing a connection between us when I'm fighting as a Rider." Jurassic said summoning out the Exacore and holding it over the belt. (Tyranno Sword!)

"What? Every citizen is either frozen or in hiding, so there's no one to listen in." Spike points out. Jurassic counters motioning towards the CMC. "Well...yeah but they saw me use magic. So, I thought it'd wouldn't hurt if they knew one more secret."

Jurassic looks down shaking his head slowly. "We need to get better at keeping this secret." He mumbles to himself.

"I take it you brothers have some catching up to do." Zero-One said walking to Jurassic's right side as a bit of the Riotoozes began gathering ahead of them. "Though you'll have to save that for later."

"Spike, you stay with the girls and-Hey Spike!" Jurassic yelled the last part as Spike walks past him while switching the ring with one that has a hand shape on it.

"And let the training I was put through go to waste? Not a chance." Spike said placing his right hand over his belt. (Driver on, Please!) His belt changes into a silver belt with the same hand shape as the ring at the front with his left hand's ring changing into a silver ring with the red gem being bigger.

While the girls had a mixture of different looks, Jurassic and Zero-One both have surprised faces under their helmets. "Thats-"

(Shabadoobi, Touch Henshin!) The belt start to repeatedly say along with a jingle after Spike used the sides of the belt to flip the hand to the left side. He then holds up his left hand's ring and flips a visor over it to make the face of a mask. "Henshin!" (FLAME, PLEASE! HI-HI, HI-HI-HI!) Was announced from the belt as Spike held out his left hand to the side for a red magical circle to appear with flame around the edge and moved passing him through it.

With the next second, Spike had transformed into a Rider with the armor mostly being black with silver outlining the edges of the suit. The suit had ruby gem look going around the wrists and ankles with silver outlining the edges, the chest has three square-ish ruby gems on both sides of the chest with a long round one going down the middle, a dragon image on the round silver shoulder guards, two piece robe with the outer part being black and the inside being red, a silver chain going in a loop on the left side of the belt with other similar rings attached to them, and the helmet matching the ring with two silver square shapes on both sides of the helmet to act as the eyes of the visor with a small yellow square gem on the forehead with silver outlining it to also make a square-ish "V" shape. Spike had completed his transformation into...

"Kamen Rider Wizard." Zero-One said as he and Jurassic walked to Wizard's right side. "We're really going to have a lot to talk about later. But for now, as the original Wizard would say." He said cracking his knuckles as they looked him over to Faust, the Dopant and the Riotoozes in front of them. "It's showtime." The Riotoozes charge at them after he said that.

The Riders follow suit with Zero-One jumping up to the second floor landing an elbow on the chest of one and follows it up with using the same arm to punch the Riotooze next to that one. He pulls out the liger progrise key while turning around to kick the faces of two Riotoozes coming up behind him. (Claw! Authorize!) The white transparent mechanical liger appears having smashed its way through a clothing store Zero-One was standing next to and began to attack the grunts with pounces and claw strikes.

(Progrise! Force! Strength! Speed! Striking Liger! Fierce claws that break the enemy with powerful strikes!) With the liger turning into armor on him, Zero-One had changed into his liger form as he started taking down grunts left and right with claw and palm strikes.

While on the first floor, Jurassic leaves Wizard to fight the grunts as he slashes his way through the Riotoozes in front of him to reach Sunset and the others. Arms becomes angered seeing this, turns hitting the girls to the side to grab Sunset by the throut making her gasp for air. "You still need to pay for what you did."

"Let her go, Gilda! Ugh." Rainbow had shouted at the Dopant as she quickly got up to tackle it trying to help Sunset but is hit back to the floor.

"Stay out of this, Dash. I'll get to you eventually." Arms said before running off dragging Sunset along with it.

"Kyah!" Fluttershy screamed after she and the others helped Rainbow up and were about to chase after it but get surrounded by Riotoozes.

Wizard takes notice of this while dodging some grunts. He quickly takes off his right hand's ring, switches it with one of the rings on the chain, and flips the hand back to the right side of the belt after putting the new ring on. (Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Lupa- Teleport, Please!) Wizard's belt said as he held out his right hand towards the girls, sending swirling red magic at them. as the grunts jump at them, they glow for a second from the magic reaching them, then they disappear making the Riotoozes slam into each other and reappear next to the CMC falling on top of each other.

(Tyranno Crushing Fang!!) The Riotoozes heard as they stood back up only to get hit by a burning slash as Jurassic ran by them. "Wizard, I'm leaving the rest to you and Zero-One. I'm going after the kaiju." Jurassic had stopped to say while changing the Exacore to gun mode and then continues running following the direction of the Dopant.

"You can count on us, big bro." Wizard yelled out as he kick two grunts through the window of a store. He switches rings again and flips the belt's hand twice. (Lupachi Magic- Connect, Please!) A magical circle appears next to him, he sticks his hand in and pulls out a silver gun with a closed hand resembling the hand on the belt over the handle and a clear crystal at the barrel of the gun. This is Wizard's main weapon the WizarSwordGun.

Wizard twirls around as he shoots rapid shots at the grunts in front of him with silver bullets and towards the girls a few feet behind him. The girls get startled by this for a second till the bullet curve around them to hit Riotoozes that were sneaking up behind them.

"NICE SHOT, WIZARD!!" Pinkie shouted out to him, to which Wizard bows for a second before continuing to fight.

"Now, that's a surprise you can expect from Riders." Faust said having appeared next to the girls, startling them as they turn to face him. "Now, let me show you that treat I promised the girls." He then makes a clear crystal orb appear in his hand.

“That kinda looks like a core.” Applejack points out as Faust holds out a progrise key, core medal and fullbottle which are all lion type of items.

“Core phase begin.” Faust announced holding the orb and items next to each other.

The orb began to glow which in turn made the items turn into particles that get absorbed into the orb and creates a lion image on it. It then flew out of his hand to the center of the mall where it started to pull anything near it into it.

“Shit.” Zero-One digs his fingers into a pillar on the second floor to keep from being pulled towards the core. (Extend, Please!) A new ring he had switched to let him stretch his right arm out to wrap around a pillar. The girls were safe at their distance from the core as they and Faust watched.

After a bit of Riotoozes, pieces of the floor and random objects wrap around it like a cocoon, the pulling stopped letting the Riders relax but then look towards the cocoon. The cocoon began to shake and crack before breaking into pieces to reveal a huge transparent dark yellow lion with a violet crystal mane. This lion looked like that Zero-one summoned to change forms but was different from having some objects like iron bars and bits of concrete sticking out of it. The mall shakes as it lets out a loud ferocious roar.

"He doesn't seem like a friendly, fluffy, cuddly lion from the zoo." Pinkie behind Rarity with Fluttershy nodding in agreement behind Rainbow.

"What is that thing?" Rarity asked Faust as they all turn to him.

Faust chuckles. "Even I don't know. It still has no name from still being in the experimental phase. A nameless creature unsure of its purpose. Hm...nameless. That doesn't sound half bad." He surprises the girls as he easily jumps up to the 2nd floor's railing looking to the lion. "You shall be Nameless Leo! Explore and test yourself as you look for your purpose!" Faust shouted out to Leo.

(Striking! Kilo! Impact!) Leo looks up seeing Zero-One taking out the grunts around him with a claw slash in a circular motion. The Nameless roars running towards him as it began to glow. The second Zero-One turned to look down at it, Leo unleashes a powerful bright light that blinds him and then gets tackled going through a wall along with it as it had jumped up to the second floor.

"Ouch. That seemed like it hurt." Wizard said to himself as he continued shooting the grunts.

Outside the Mall

Shining drives up to the mall with a couple other officers already waiting there at the front entrance. As he parked along with them and got out of his car, he could hear all the sounds coming from inside the building.

"What the hell is going on in there?" Shining asked as he stood next to a female officer.

Before the officer could answer, a loud crash sound is heard from across the parking lot. They look towards the source of the sound to see the Nameless as it swung Zero-One around by his left arm it was biting down on. Zero-One hits it with a couple of claw strikes across its face as it slammed him around and then tossed him towards the officers.

"Get down!" Shining shouted as he and the other officers ducked down a second before Zero-One flew over them and crashed slamming into Shining's car, crushing the front of the car. "Of course, the damn fucking car." Shining said to himself as he got up and ran over to point his gun at Zero-One. "What the hell is going on here, Rider? Do you have something to do with this?"

"If you have time to question me, then you should run." Shining gets confused for a second till the ground begins to shake. He looks back to see the Nameless charging towards them.

(Rising Hopper!) Shining and the officers run out of Leo's path while Zero-One changed back to hopper form to jump over the Nameless as it completely crushes the rest of the car. He land on top a light pole and summons the Progrise Dagger and Gunner while waiting for Leo's next move. Leo turns around to face Zero-One, then roars as shards come off its mane and fly all around.

"If it's using the abilities of the bottle, key and medal then that means..." Zero-One begins shooting the shards knowing what'll happen next. The shards that weren't shot and managed to come into contact with objects exploded like dynamite. "This thing isn't going to go down without a fight." He said as he continued to shoot and avoid the shards.

Inside the Mall

Having shot through grunts, Jurassic reaches the stairwell with Riotoozes leading all the way to the up to the rooftops door, that's been broken off, blocking him off. "Out of my way. I have a friend to save." (Tyranno Sword!) Switching the Exacore to sword mode, Jurassic proceeds to fight his way up the stairs as he slashed through most of the grunts, while the rest splatter as they're punched or kicked into the wall or off the railing.

A saw blade comes flying at him as soon as he gets to the roof and manages to avoid it seconds as it passes by an inch of his helmet. "I think that's far enough, Jurassic." Jurassic looks ahead past many Riotoozes to see Arms standing next to the edge with a Riotooze holding onto Sunset with a hand over her mouth next to it. "You must really consider this bitch a friend if you were willing to come for her knowing what was coming."

"Knowing what was coming?"

"This dumbass." Arms holds its left arm out as it changes into a buzzsaw, holding it close to Sunset's neck. "Put down your sword and undo your transformation. Or the floor is going to be painted in a new color."

Sunset shoves against the Riotooze making it moves its hand. "Don't do it, Jur- Ugh!" Gasping for air, she falls to her knees but is held up by the grunt after the Dopant had punched her gut.

"Shut your damn mouth. Now, get on with it and undo your transformation." Arms demands turn to Jurassic and sees him only standing still. "Well, what are you waiting for? Do it now!" The Dopant shouts only to see the unexpected as Jurassic take a stance. Jurassic moves forward bit by bit making the Riotoozes begin to attack him as he fights back slashing the first few grunts that came running up to him, then blocks the next couple hits with his sword. (Flaming! Stomp!) He strikes down the grunts attacking him first before stomping his foot down to send a flaming wave to his left hitting to get the ones coming up on his left side in one go. "What are you doing? Don't you care what happens to this bitch!?"

"I've yet to keep my oath to you." Jurassic says confusing the Dopant as he continues fighting. "From how you've been avoiding the others lately, I could tell could tell something was wrong. Even at school, you seem to be holding something in. I kept thinking about till I figured it out. It's because light hasn't fully been brought back to your core. Am I right?" (Slam!) Jurassic deflects the blasts with his red aura tail before hitting them with it. Sunset looks away when he looks towards her for a second. "I thought so. Then my oath to you hasn't been fulfilled. So until I do, you can always can always count on me to have your back. This is my oath to you."

Watching Jurassic fight, Arms sees images of itself in human form doing the same fighting a group of people on her own while Molten and Sunset watched. Seeing these images made the Dopant glowed angerly. "Fine! Then her blood will be on your hands."

Hearing this, Jurassic quickly hits the Riotoozes back to hold the sword against the belt. (B-B-Blaze!) 'Hopefully the little bit of practice was enough to pull this off' (Tyranno Crushing Fang!) He spins around once destroying the grunts around him before sending the burning red aura slash towards the Dopant.

The slash went straight at first going through some Riotoozes along the way but started to move to the Dopant's right as it got closer and then curves. As Arms was about to thrust the buzzsaw into Sunset's neck, the slash hits the arm making it hit the grunt holding Sunset instead while hissing in pain. "Damn Rider! Now I'm-What?!"

Arms attention, along with Sunset's, is drawn by a blue light coming from down below in the ground. Before anything could be asked, something comes shooting out of the ground rolling, then goes straight up the wall towards the Dopant who tries to shoot at this new object. It swerves avoiding the shots as it kept going. The object jumps onto Arms as it reached the roof, rolls moving all around its body making sparks fly off it, it then jumps off after the Dopant falls back and lands on Sunset's shoulder.

On her shoulder is a small dinosaur like Blaze but it's a blue Spinosaurus. "Wow. Um...Hi. Thanks for the help there." Sunset said to the dino as she pets its head with it roaring happily.

Jurassic seeing this, pulls out one of the two black crystals as it glowed turning into a clear blue color with the fang having changed to a Spinosaurus head on one side and the kanji writing for 'Clear Mind' on the other.

"Let's see what this can do." Jurassic said as he takes out the Tyranno core. (Alpha Spino! Infusion!) The red DNA strap side turned blue as a bass tone played along with an obsidian wall with a Spinosaurus fossil coming up behind him. "Core shift." Jurassic having taken a stance and then inserts the core. (Core Splash! Dive! Whirl! Wave! Alpha Spino!) The belt was saying as the obsidian broke into pieces completely engulf and circle Jurassic with a red glow coming from the cracks changing to blue before bursting off with water.

Now having an Egyptian look take the place of the knight armor, the red on his armor had changed to blue along with the silver rex skeleton having been replaced with a Spinosaurus. The transformation finished with a spino skull biting down on the helmet changing the red zig zag line to blue with the silver mouth guard reforming to have a hieroglyphic mold take its place having the image for protection on it with watery wave around it.

As Arms gets up to see Jurassic's new form, he holds the Exacore to the belt. (Spino Khopesh!) Obsidian covers the sword's blade, then breaks to reveal an obsidian black curved sword with a silver spine going up the back and the blade being a clear blue. "There's no reason to hold back now." He said while getting into a stance and running at the grunts.

Middle of the Mall

Wizard's battle with the Riotoozes continued as he swept kicked the grunts, knocking them over and then shoots ones trying to come up behind him. Other grunts come at him swinging, which Wizard rolls to his left avoiding them while pushing himself up onto a bench.

"Come on fellas, you've got to try better than that." Wizard says relaxing on the bench while shooting them. He slides to his right side of the bench avoiding a Roitooze that tried grabbing him from over behind. "Nice try." While raising himself with an arm on the bench, Wizard swings a kick over the bench to hit the grunt across the face.

Using the momentum of the kick to spin himself to the left side of the bench, Wizard held his leg outward to kick Riotoozes that came running up to him and then avoids blasts fired at him by flipping over the bench, he changes the position his weapon's handle making a blade flip out turning it into its sword mode. He brought his feet down on top of a grunt's head making it slam on to the floor, which he then slashes Riotoozes next to him.

Riotoozes standing across the hall fired blasts at Wizard while he had his back turned fighting, but they all miss their shots after Wizard takes notice of them from the first blast having only been inches from hitting him. While avoiding the blasts, he pushes the thumb of the sword up to open the hand that stars a jingle. (Come on a Slash, Shake Hands! Co- Extend, Please!) The sword announced having held his right hand over it with a magic circle then appearing and moves to the center of the blade. The upper part of the sword's blade stretches out and moves around like a whip as Wizard swings slashing the grunts firing at him, then swirls around to destroy all the ones around him.

"Go, Wizard!/Show them varmints who's the boss!/Send them packing, Wizard!" The CMC yelled cheering.

"The kid's moves are pretty good." Rainbow said as she continued to watch.

Applejack nods agreeing. "No doubt. I can see how he and Drago are brothers now."

"His appearance also has a magnific style to it. Do you think he'll let me take a closer look at his suit and those rings?" Rarity asks keeping her eyes on his rings.

"I could really make parties more super-duper fun and amazing with his help." Pinkie says thinking out loud but then goes wide eyed. "Wizard, freezy cricket incoming!"

Even with hearing Pinkie's yell, Wizard turns a second late as Locust comes swinging on a thred of web and kicks him up to the second floor, dropping his weapon. Wizards rolls standing back up as the Undead tried stomping on top of him but then furiously swings its claws, hitting Wizard multiple times across the chest making sparks fly with each hit. He rolls out of its next swing but gets kicked, launching him to the other side of the walkway. As he stands back up, Wizard get hit by web that sticks him to the wall before freezing itself.

"Wizard!" The CMC shouted as the Undead jumped over to Wizard and holds up its hand.

Before it could swing, Wizard kicks its leg making it fall towards him as he headbutts it. "You had to make me use the ring I hate." He holds his breath saying this as he quickly slips one of his rings on it while its still recovering and puts its hand against his belt after activating it. (Smell, Please!) A horrible oder covers Locust, after the spell circle passes through it, that makes it step back waving its arm trying to get rid of the smell. While distracted, Wizard quickly switches rings. (Small, Please!) The Undead begins looking around after it sees him shrink out of the web. "Behind you." Wizard surprises Locust unshrinking behind it as it stood next to a pillar. (Big, Please!) A spell circle appears between them as it turned to face him. Wizard thrusts his hand into the circle with it coming out in a huge size that drags the Undead through pillars in his palm and then lets it drop to the 1st floor after the fourth pillar.

Wizard jumps down a few feet from Locust. "Now for the final move." Wizard anounces switching rings again and activating the belt flipping the hand twice. (Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Lupachi magic- Choine! Kick Strike! Saiko!) Wizard pushes his robe to the side to show his right leg as he gets into a stance with the spell circle appearing under him to channel flames to his leg.

As Locust got up, Wizard leaps forward into a frontward flip, backflips into the air, and then spins himself mid-air for his flaming foot to point towards the Undead as a kick. Going through Locust and landing as he spun forward once, Wizard holds up his hand with the Undead with the spell circle behind him. "That concludes the show!" Locust explodes with him saying that.

Wizard sighs as he walks towards the girls, who are cheering but stops looking to his left as the space next to him seems to warp. "What?" With the warp becoming clear, he's surprised seeing what looks like a blue dragon Rider with a flame design on the other side. Before anything could be said, a light comes out both him and the other Rider that go to the other before the warp disappears with Wizard looking around confused to see no trace of it. "What was that?" He asked himself as he looks at a big clear purple gem that is now in his hands.

Outside the Mall

A car flies into the wall of the mall as Zero-One keeps moving around to avoid the Nameless as it either tries to blind him with a bright flash of light which is followed up with a pounce or launching the dynamite shards around. (Access Charge!) The Progrise Gunner announced being held against the belt, he aims it towards the Nameless for a second but then aims it at the ground. (Beta Blast!) Smoke covers him as the charged shot hit the ground. Leo runs to the spot to find the Rider gone with a hole leading into the sewers in his place.

Zero-One peeks from behind a damaged car, seeing the Nameless look into the hole. "All this running around is going to get me nowhere. At this rate, it'll tire me out before I can end this fight." He quietly says to himself as he reels his head back. "But what can I do?" He thinks for a second before pulling out Gatling Hedgehog. "This could work-"

The car is sent flying that second by Leo hitting to the side surprising Zero-One, who is about move but is pinned to the floor by the Nameless's paw. Zero-One tries to squirm free for a second but stops to put his strength into holding the paw back as Leo starts putting pressure on him. "D-Damn it."

Shining and the other officers watch at a safe distance as the Rider struggles to keep the paw up a bit.

"Shouldn't we help the Rider?" A male officer asked Shining.

A female officer nods agreeing. "He's right. We should back him up. The Rider has a better chance at taking out that thing than us."

"We will. We just have to wait for the cheif and the others to get here first." Shining answers. "They should almost be here. Hopefully he can last till-."

"What's it doing now?" Another female officer yelled getting everyones attention to see the Nameless glow faintly as the light traveled to build up in its mouth.

Slashing a Riotooze in half on the roof, Jurassic takes notice of the light and looks down to see the situation. "Looks like Zea's upgrade gets a test drive." He pulls out his phone while putting it on the keypad setting. He puts in '01King' and then holds it out pushing the trigger button. (Moblize Blaze!) "Your up, Blaze!"

"What is that?" Shining says as he and the officers see something coming from up ahead to Leo's left side.

In the distance, Blaze comes running into the area roaring with Jurassic's motorcycle driving itself out of the mall. He jumps glowing for a second along with the bike as he grows bigger and breaks into five pieces. The bike's wheels fly off, along with the bottom of it to unfold towards the back. Blaze's body extends a bit for the bike to attach on from the back, with the legs connecting under the wheels before also attaching to the sides, and the tail connect to the back of the bike while his head attaches to the front. Blaze's transformation is complete with him now looking like an adult rex. This is Blaze-King Mode.

Blaze comes running in tackling the Nameless off Zero-One making it cancel its charge as the two roll to the side. Zero-One sits up taking a moment to catch his breath while he watches as Blaze gets hit by its claws twice but bites on to its paws as it swung it at him again, then Blaze swings Leo over himself to slam it into the ground and repeats this two more times before throwing it to the side.

Flames begin gathering into Blaze's mouth as he sees Leo get up charging its attack again. The two unleash their attacks towards each other, with one being an orb of light and the other a stream of fire. The attacks collide pushing one another till they create an explosion. Blaze looks around himself as smoke covered the area trying to spot the Nameless. Blaze reacts quick at jumping back as Leo tries pouncing him from the side and spins around slamming his tail into its side sending it flying into the malls wall.

Shining and the officers were left speechless at what they're watching. They never once thought they'd be watching a battle between a huge lion and a t-rex. They continue watching as Blaze walks up to the motionless Leo.

Blaze gets closer till the Nameless roars at him shining a light that blinds him and is blasted smashing into a parking structure. While Blaze recovers, Leo launches shards into the structure that explode all around him causing part of the structure to collapse on top of him. (Gatling Hedgehog!) Needles come down hitting the Nameless as it walked up to the structure and looks to get hit by Zero-One in his hedgehog form rolled up. Leo falls to the ground from the hit as Zero-One comes to a stop and unrolls next a pile of rubble, that Blaze comes bursting out of roaring.

"Zero-One!" Orbital shouts out to him standing next to and startling Shining and the officers. They all look to him seeing him wearing a zebra mask as he holds out showing the Attache Shotgun in case mode. "Special delivery." Zero-One catches the case after Orbital tossed it to him and unfolds it open. (Attache Shotgun!)

"Lets bring this to an end, Blaze." Blaze roars agreeing with Zero-One. He pulls out his phone bringing up the keypad setting, types in '01King-Rider21' and presses enter with Zero-One's standby playing in a loop from the phone. (Zero-One Linkage!) Blaze roars glowing as Zero-One's symbol appears on the screen of Jurassic's bike. He then pushes the trigger button. (Tyranno Impact!) It announced in his belt's voice.

Leo fires a charged shot at them which Blaze hits to the side with his tail before he starts moving and jumping around like Zero-One's hopper form. The Nameless launches shards all around itself causing explosions that Blaze moves through easily as he then launches it into the sky with his tail and starts hitting it around like a pinball.

(Strong!) While this is happening, Zero-One pulls out activating the hercules key. (Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Hercules Beetle's ability. Chargerise! Full Charge!)

Blaze's feet glowed yellow along with being covered in fire as he appears over Leo while the two are high up in the air and hits it down towards the ground. Looking up at the Nameless, Zero-One runs pumping the gun once as he then slips on the ground coming to a stop under, pointing the gun towards it pulling the trigger. (Amazing Kaban Dynamic!) Zero-One is pressed a bit into the ground as a shot shaped like the head of a hercules beetle's, that hits its mark pushing the Nameless a bit up before going through it. Leo roars before exploding with Blaze lands next to Zero-One making a louder roar.

"Ow." Zero-One said in a sarcastic tone as the three Rider items fall hitting his helmet.

Shining lets out a breath of relief with the officers shouting to each other happily. Remembering about Orbital, Shining looks but finds him gone. "Who was that?"

The Roof

Sunset watches silently, from the side with the new dino, as Jurassic effortlessly takes down Riotoozes left and right like a swordsman. (Dive!) Jurassic is covered in layer of water as he jumps splashing straight into the ground as if it was water.

The grunts look around for him but get surprised as he comes jumping out of the ground slashing them. He continued this a couple times before sliding out of the ground sweep kicking a couple grunts knocking them to the ground and then slashed them all in one go as he used his legs to push himself up in a circular motion.

(Whirl! Edge!) After using the belt's slot twice and hammer three times, Jurassic stabbed the ground making water appear before swinging forward towards the last of grunts running at him in a group sending and trapping them in a whirlpool. He jumps into the whirlpool as blue round aura blade formed on the side of his legs and wrists that lets him hit them with many slashes moving while in a spinning motion.

Coming out of the whirlpool, he avoids a blast form his left and turns to see Arms running towards him. "Damn you, Jurassic!" The Dopant shouted angrily pulling the great sword off its back. Jurassic hits its first strike to the side, then jumps back avoiding as it swung its sword behind it. "Why? Why are you going so far protecting that bitch?" Arms yells asking as it continued swinging its sword with Jurassic either hitting it to the side or blocking it as he took steps back. "I've worked too hard to get to this point. I'm not going to let some looser playing hero get in they way of getting revenge. What gives you the right to come between me and what I deserve? Ah...What? Ugh!" The Dopant had stopped from Jurassic ducking under its next swing while slashing it across its waist and then twice across the chest as it turned around to face him. Arms looks at its chest armor seeing a part having been sliced through before looking back to Jurassic who just stands still looking across to it.

"Nothing. I have no say in if your revenge is right or not. I know nothing of the past involving you and her. But I still can't you." Jurassic shouted the last part as he charges forward to go on the offensive swinging his sword at Arms, forcing it to go on defense using its sword to block the strikes. "You aren't the only one who's worked hard. Sunset did and is still working hard to make up for what she's done. Working with the others, she broke free from Molten's control. She stayed to redeem herself instead of leaving back home. She tries bit by bit to make amends with the other students."

Arms changes its left arm into a gun and quickly aimed it at Sunset before shooting with the shots going past Jurassic. (Wave!) Activating his belt, Jurassic swings his sword behind himself, without taking his eyes off the Dopant, sending a wave of water that curves blocking the shot from hitting Sunset. Arms begin getting hit more times as its sword keeps being held down a bit as Jurassic's sword created a wave with each strike.

(Tidal!) Arms is pushed back by a blue aura that Jurassic created from his last hit. "RRAAAHHH!!!" The Dopant screams out full of anger as it changes its left arm into a saw blade charging at Jurassic. He stares at it for a second before holding the Exacore to his belt. (S-S-Splash!) The sword repeatedly says with a bass guitar sound playing as water and a blue aura cover it. (Spino Dividing Fang!) He takes a step forward unleashing a blue water version of the slash but seem to be thinner with the edge seeming like a raging rapid stream of water as soon as Arms was close enough, which cleanly slices through the sword and saw. The Dopant falls flying back a bit with sparks flying from the attack having hit its chest as well.

"I won't stand for anyone holding her past against her when she's trying to make a fresh start." He told the Dopant as it layed on the floor holding its left wrist from felling pain. "I believe those who actually want a chance to make up for their mistakes and to better themselves should be given a chance." He looks to Sunset, who has a tear going down her cheek. "That's why I'm willing to fight for them. And always will."

Jurassic stabs his sword into the ground as he looks back to Arms. "I'll punish those who want to hurt dragging them back into darkness." He then lifts the slot of the belt up and then pushes the hammer making the standby jingle play. "I'm ending the misuse of that core." He picks his sword up and begins twirling it around as water shoots out around him with it following the movement of his sword.

He stops holding his arms crossed and pushes the belt's slot down as he spreads them apart. (Tidal Dividing Edge!) A row of tidal wave like slashes rush at Arms as it stood up with the slashes going through the Dopant cleanly as each hit made a water splash. Arms stays standing for a second till exploding.

Catching the core before holding the sword to the side, Jurassic holds his left hand in claw motion over and ran it across his chest while holding the core. "Extinction." The explosion clears to show Gilda with her eyes darkened with the Arms memory breaking next to her.

Jurassic sees and walks over to Gilda as she stands with a look of anger in her eyes towards him. "It's too soon for this to be game over for her." Faust's voice is heard as Jurassic jumps back while deflect shot with his sword. He looks to Gilda again to find Faust standing next to her with a smile towards him. "The game will have to continue at some other point. Till we meet again Kamen Rider. Ciao." They disappeared in a crimsion mist that appeared engulfing them.

"Gilda!" Sunset shouted as she ran over but stops as the mist quickly faded away leaving no trace of the two.

"Who is- No. What was that thing?" Jurassic said to himself looking around. Almost afraid to find out the answer to the question.

A Few Minutes Later

Everyone had regrouped back inside the mall as the stood in the middle of the building with the girls looking over and hugging Sunset.

"We're so glad you're alright, Darling." Rarity said as they ended the hug.

"I have this little guy to thank for that." Sunset says smiling picking up the Spinosaurus. The dino lets out a roar before jumping into Fluttershy's arms who happily holds petting it.

Applejack chuckles smiling. "Looks like even dino critters take an easy likin' to yah, Flutters."

"Do you mind if I ask what your name is?" Fluttershy asks putting it down.

The Spinosaurus rolls forward and jumps towards a wall next to them as it cuts writing 'Razor'. "Waoh! He's really sharp little guy." Rainbow said amazed.

"Another friend to add to the party planning team!" Pinkie screamed out full of joy.

"The what?" Zero-One looks to Applejack sounding confused.

She shakes her head. "Don't ask. Though we should really get a move on before officers come bargin in."

"But sis, we can't just leave all these folk frozen." Apple Bloom spoke up.

"Yeah! We have to do something." Scootaloo shouted.

"But...what can we do?" Sweetie Belle asked as they all begin thinking.

Wizard sighs moving towards the center. "Leave everything to me." Everyone become confused and curious hearing this as the puts on a ring with a pink gem having an image of two circling dragon heads. Wizard flips the hand twice before putting his hand on his belt. (Restore, Please!)

Outside the Mall

Cheif Dusk had arrived seeing the explosion from the Dopant's defeat. After being informed of what has happened, he had order for the building to be surrounded as they prepare to storm it to arrest the Riders.

"Is everything set before we go in?" Dusk asks checking with Shining.

Before he could answer, they all get surprised as the ground begins to glow. A huge magical circle could be seen from the sky appearing under the whole area of the mall. The light of the circle becomes brighter till everyone is blinded by a flash that lasts for a second. They open their eyes with some of them going speechless while others being at a loss for words seeing the damage done to the place all gone as the place looked normal.

Dusk shakes himself out of his stupor. "Move in now!" He shouted bringing everyone back to reality as they follow Dusk in storming the mall.

They enter the building from all sides only to find the place completely undamaged with everyone there either hugging each other or looking around with a confused looks and no Riders anywhere in sight.

"Where'd they go?" Shining asked as he and the other officers either looked around or checked on the civiliens.

The Dragons Cavern

Rumble was in the middle of the library next to the counter reading an engineering book right before getting startled by a sudden noise. He looks behind himself to see Wizard standing behind the counter along with everyone else. He had used the teleport ring to bring them back to the library.

He watches in silence as Wizard slides over the counter to walk over and lay on a couch that's to his right. A second after laying down, a magical circle passes through him as he fell asleep, undoing his transformation as his suit had change into bits of red gems that disappeared.

"I'm guessing you guys have an interesting story to tell." Rumble said looking back to the other two Riders undoing their transformations with a smile.

Drago lets out an exhausted sigh. "Unless the girls want to explain it to you, we'll explain the whole thing later. For now, I think we need a breather." Except for Pinkie, everyone nods agreeing.

"I'll go make us something to snack on. Onward party planning team!" Pinkie shouts as she raced to the kitchen with Blaze and Razor following behind her.

The CMC take a seat across from Spike as they looked at him full of worry. "Is he gonna be alright?" Apple Bloom asked turning to Drago.

He gives her a reasuring smile. "He'll be fine. I think that restore spell took a huge amount of magic out of him. He just needs some rest and he'll be back on his feet in no time." Saying this helps the girls relax smiling.

The Middle of the Everwoods

Faust is leening against a tree next to a cave. He looks to the inside of the cave with a smile where Gilda is left resting on the ground with a pillow and blanket. Hearing a branch break, he turns looking to the forest seeing Reaper come walking up to him.

"How'd the experiment go?" He asked Faust, who chuckles handing him a glowing yellow core.

"Seems to have turned out well. Your core seems to have kept the memory of Leo in it." He walks past and stands behind Reaper. "Soon you'll be able to recreate your own alpha cores. But I'm sure you have something else in mind. The only question is..." He turns looking to Reaper with his eyes glowing. "What do you have in mind?"

The Dragons Cavern

An hour had past since they got back. After resting for a bit, they all explained to Rumble what had happened while enjoying the snacks and drinks the party planning team had bought out for everyone. The group had stuck around for a while but left after talking and having fun for a while.

Spike was in his now new room setling in till he heard a knock at his down. "It's open." Drago walks into the room. "Hey, bro. What;s up. Did you need something?" He asked him as he continued setting his things in.

"What were you doing here and at the mall? And don't lie to me like you did with the girls." He asked leening against the door.

Spike sighs sitting down on his bed. "I just couldn't stand being there anymore. Without you and Discord there, it just felt so empty and lonely staying there with the family. So after i got my powers and got used to using them, I left wanting to come here."

Drago makes an upset look. "You ran away? Do you know how worried everyone probably is back at home?"

"I know. Don't worry. I did leave mom and dad a note. I wouldn't want them to worry about me." Drago calms down hearing this. "As for the mall, I ended up there after I saved your friend Sunset and followed her here to make sure nothing happened to her." He makes an annoyed look. "Though it was a bit annoying she thought I was the other Spike you told me about. Though, why did you guys never tell them I'm your brother in this world?"

"It slipped our minds. We had a lot going on around that time."

Spike nods. "Yeah. I guess that's understandable. So, I can't really blame Sunset for not knowing. Anyways, after that, I just decided to explore around, bumped into the CMC and decided to hangout with htem since we got along." He shrugs to Drago. "That's about it."

"Alright. Glad to hear your day was full of excitement. And it's good to have you around again, little brother." He had said walking over and ruffling up Spike's hair making him laugh. "With that said, I just need to ask you one last thing." He tells Spike, who motions for him to continue. "Did you find out what grandpa is hiding?"

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

I want to explain the Progrise Dagger and Gunner this time. I had made these weapons the way they are to be just simple to use from how this Zero-One likes to try and be quick in his attacks and easy to hold when fighting enemies up close.

Both weapons can either use a finisher attack separate or connected together when held in front of the belt. 'Beta Blast' and 'Zeta Slash' are the finishers when used separate, while 'Cross Blast' and 'Unison Slash' are the finishers when together.