• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,016 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 3- Primevals and Desires

Author's Note:

I forgot to put the name for Jurassic's weapon. Even though I do put it in this chapter, I thought I should just say it now just to not confuse anyone.

The weapon is called the Excacore. 'Exca' is short for excavation.

And sorry for this taking a while. Small things kept happening around here.

The Dragons Cavern

It had been 2 days since the battle the kaiju, the guys were working around the cafe on a Sunday as a way to repay Emerald. While Discord and Reiji are working at the library counter, Drago and the rest were cleaning tables, taking orders and working the register.

Things had been going well at first but every now and then, Connor and Ressha would see a table clean but then have things on it again, Negi would find that the order would come out wrong and have to apologize, or Drago would see that the register add up the amount wrong. After this continued, Drago decided to write the amount instead on a notepad, only for the same thing to happen. He ends up getting fed up with it and slams the notepad onto the counter.

"Discord! Enough!" Drago shouted looking to him. "I get you're bored, but it doesn't mean you have to take it out on us. Besides you agreed to this too when we decided to live here." Discord just waves him off with a bored look. "I'm serious Discord, you continue this, then we'll settle this the way we always do outside."

"What's going on? Did Discord do something?" Negi asks as he, Connor and Ressha walks up Drago.

"Yes." Drago said with a hiss as he cracked his knuckles seeing Discord not taking him seriously. "Discord messing with us is my problem."

"Wait. You mean the trouble we've been having is because of him?" Connor asked with an annoyed look.

Drago sighs nodding. "Yes. Which is why-" He's interrupted by the sounds of things crashing and falling. "Looks like someone else beat me to the punch." Drago said as they turned to see Ressha who's now Momo fighting with Discord.

Momo throws him over the counter and jumps onto the counter. "I should've guessed you were the one being a pain in my ass, you scrambled bastard!" 'Momo calm down.' "Hell no, Ressha! I'm gonna beat that asshole's scrambled brain into order!" Momo shouted as he jumped at him.

"Oh yeah?" Discord said as he caught, rolled himself along with and threw Momo into a table that had customers. "Then bring it!" Discord shouted smiling as Momo got up and the customers were either moved or left.

"Why you- Uh!" Momo stopped moving. 'Momo?'

The guys got confused. "Momo? You alright up there, bud?" Connor called out.

A yellow aura flows over Momo as his red spikey tipped black hair turned long being tied back into a ponytail with a yellow streak going down the left side of his hair and eye color changing to yellow too. The guys go speechless seeing this till this new Ressha lifts up his leg and slams his foot onto the floor, making the whole building shake with books, shelves and other things falling over.

"Ah." Ressha says softly as he starts stretching. "It's good to finally be out," 'Who the hell is this?!/Momo? If you're here, who's in control?'

Drago and the guys were about to question him till they stopped upon feeling a killing intent. All the guys slowly turned to the cafe's counter and started sweating seeing Emerald smiling at them, but they could easily feel the anger emanating off from her.

"We're so dead." Connor says out loud.

"I'm killing you later for this." Drago hissed to Discord.

Discord smiles. "Worth it."

Mean While

The sounds of things falling, crashing and toppling over could be heard coming from inside a post office. A couple seconds later a female post office work came walking out with a light bluish gray skinned girl with light grayish olive long hair and crossed eyes color were a gold color, wearing a light blue dress shirt with the collar and end of the sleeves being a darker color with a white under shirt and yellow tie, green skirt, white socks with yellow circling the top, and green wedge sandals with an orange strap.

"Sorry, kid. But I don't think it'd be good to have working here." The female worker told her. "Well...Your name is Derpy, right? Maybe you'll have better luck looking somewhere else for a job."

Derpy sighs sadly. "I don't know. I've already tried and gotten rejected or let go at a couple of other places."

"Oh. Sorry. I wish we could help but" The worker pauses to look away. "we can't have someone who wrecks the place and gets the letters scattered around. I wish you luck on finding a job." The lady said as she went back into the building.

"Thanks." Derpy mumbled sadly as she started walking off. "I guess I'll go home. What am I going to do? At this rate I'm not going be able to be of any help. Huh?" She continued walking till someone in a long black cloak walked in her path. "Um...Hello. Do I know you? Or is there something I can do for you?"

"No. But I could help you." The mysterious person.

Derpy tilts her head sideways confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm glad you asked." The mysterious person said smiling under their hood as they held out a primal core and Derpy looks like she goes into a trance along with a glowing orb with a small hole in the middle appearing on her chest. "Become complete with this and feel whole again." The person said as they place the core into the orb's hole, darkening the color of the glow and a symbol of a fan appearing in it. "Be reawakened anew."

"W-what's going on?" Derpy asks feeling dizzy as the orb flies off her and starts forming into something landing on the ground next to the mysterious person. "Why's everything spinning?"

"Nothing to worry about." The person said watching the orb taking the shape of a girl and then turns back to Derpy with a smile in view. "We should put that desire of yours to use as well." They said flipping an orange medal with the image of a shrimp.

[Cue Opening]

Canterlot High

It had been three days since the guys almost got roasted alive by Emerald. Everyone was in separate classes as Applejack, Drago and Negi are in P.E. class running laps around the soccer field as she laughed at the story, they had just told her.

"So, Emerald must've given all ya a hard time for that mess."

"You don't know the half of it." Negi replied. "It's especially been hard on Ressha. He's been trying his best keeping Momo and Griz from taking over him."

"Griz is the new magic...mind thing of Ressha's right?" Applejack asked.

Drago nodded. "Yup. Short for Grizzly. It was the only passable name we could think of."

Applejack raised a brow. "Ah see. Though why is he tryin' ta keep them reeled in? Wouldn't that just agitate Momo?"

"Yes. But he has no choice." Negi answers. "Momo is still mad at Discord. So, every time he's out, he starts a fight with Discord. And Griz likes to test out his strength and body. Meaning he'll break, bend, smash, lift, throw and anything else strength can be used on. When they do manage to take over, we had to deal with them."

"Along with the aftermath of either of the two's fiascos." Drago added.

"Sounds like a real handful." Applejack and the two paused as they finished their laps and took a small breather. "Ya know," She pauses pondering a thought. "Why not let them blow off the steam instead?" She suggests making the guys freezing to a stop and then smacking their hands to their heads. She chuckles and smiles at their reactions. "I'm guessin' they've been annoying ya so much the thought slipped your mind." The two just answered by nodding.

Meanwhile in the School

Ressha makes an exhausted sigh. "What am I gonna do with these two." He said to himself as he walked through the halls. He'd been dealing with his other selves arguing in his head and keeping either one from possessing him. Right now, he was blocking out the two voices. "Maybe I should try talking some reason into those two. Hm?"

Ressha gets pulled from his thoughts when he hears a lot of noises coming from a classroom with the door open. Being curious, he walked closer and peaks into the room the science classroom with every student was wearing lab coats from having done an experiment.

Everyone seemed to be circled around someone who he believes the name of was Derpy. She introduced herself when he first met her and always says hi to him every day. But he noticed something different. Besides her hair looking a bit lighter to him and tied into a ponytail, her eyes weren't cross eyed, but no one seemed to notice. He sees Rarity and walks over to her.

"What's going on here?" Ressha asks. 'Finally I'm back in!'

"Oh. Hi Ressha." Rarity happily greeted. "Everyone is praising Derpy for having done so well without blowing anything up or filling the room with smoke. She's actually been doing really well lately with everyone on projects and schoolwork. Making everyone happy and grateful, including myself as well." She had said while putting away a full-face mask.

'I can see what she's grateful for.' Ressha smiles. "I can see tell." He then looks curiously at Derpy. "Does something seem strange about her?" 'Yeah. Something seems fishy about the bubble head.'

Rarity raised a brow. "What do you mean?" She asked earning her a questioning look from him.

"Didn't you notice her hair and eyes?" 'Wait! What's that?' "What's what?" Ressha asks himself confused as he looks Rarity over till he notices a feather on her. He takes it off and looks it over not noticing Rarity seem dizzy for a second. "What's this?" 'Not sure. But it's definitely giving off magic.'

After the dizziness passes, Rarity looks at Derpy questioningly. "What happened to Derpy's eyes and hair?"

Ressha looks as the feather disappeared and then looked to Derpy. "I'm curious about that too."

Later That Day

After school Drago had gone to a park near the cafe to train and practice magic with the guys. It was mostly to let Momo blow off steam and let Griz use his strength. Though it was actually only Drago, Discord and Ressha. Negi had gone to help Applejack at her farm as a way to repay her for his bike. While Connor and Reiji had gotten dragged away by Pinkie Pie to help her get multiple parties planned and ready for the next upcoming week.

Rarity and Rainbow had gone along with them. Rainbow had gone wanting to practice along with the guys. Rarity only tagged along because she and Ressha wanted to tell the group about the feather and Derpy. Though for now Rarity was just sitting to the sidelines thinking and sketching new design ideas, Drago was sparring normally with Rainbow, while Discord and Momo were using magic against each other.

"Don't just attack. Think and improvise depending on how the fight goes." Instructed Drago as he kept avoiding Rainbow's attacks with ease.

Rainbow frowns. "How about you stop running you mouth and actually try fighting." She said as she tries a sweep kick and then a right hook that Drago catches with a grin. "Uh-oh."

"As you wish." He responded quickly used his strength to flip her over him slamming onto the grass floor, Rainbow tried to quickly get up but he tripped her by returning the sweep kick, pins her down, and then brings down his fist but stops an inch from her neck. "You got a long way to go before you can actually fight anyone." He held out a hand to help her up, after getting off her, which she accepted.

"Dang. I'll get you back for that next time." Rainbow says annoyed. "You have to teach me how you did that?"

"Years of practice and training. It's not something you can learn in a day." Drago then looks to Discord and Momo who are leaving holes everywhere their attacks either landed or collided. "Which is probably how long it's going to take these two to get along again."

"Stand still, you mismatch bastard!" Momo yelled as he sent a red slash at Discord, who just uses his magic to flick it back. 'Momo, calm down.' "Fight me head on already!" He shouted as he charged at Discord running through the slash by smashing it to bits with his sword.

Discord smirks. "Are you sure that's what you want?" He teleported saying this and appeared a good distance behind Momo with his belt on. (Kamen Ride! Decade!) "Then don't expect any mercy."

"Two can play that game." Momo responded putting on his belt and pushes the red button. 'Don't you think you two are taking this too far?' "Henshin!" (Sword Form!) The belt said as the pass went by it. "I'm gonna enjoy beating the hell out of you."

Rarity walks over next to Drago and Rainbow. "Shouldn't you stop them?" She asked as they watched the two Riders start circling around each other making their swords. "I can't imagine this ending well."

"No way! This will be awesome to watch!" Rainbow smiles watching eagerly.

"Plus, would you want to get in between them?" Drago pointed out as he leans against a tree.

"Most definitely not." Rarity answered watching as well.

'Please think this through.' The two stopped getting into stances and waited a few seconds before charging at each other. "Let's g- Ah!" Den-o is cut off as someone rams into him and Decade as they were about to clash. Drago and the girls run over to the two as Den-o turns the person over.

"Hey! watch where you're- What?!" Den-o shouted angrily till he was surprised to find Derpy on them breathing heavily and looking a bit pale. 'Derby!' Ressha takes back control, as his transformation comes undone. "Derpy! Derpy! What's wrong?" Ressha shouted to her as the others ran over to them.

Rarity gasped seeing the state she's in. "My goodness! What happened to her?"

"Did a kaiju do this?" Ressha asked as Drago looked her over.

"Blaze!" Drago called out making the little rex jumping out of his bag and running over to them. "Please check her over for us." The little rex roars in confirmation as it looked her over.

Rainbow raised a brow. "Why are you having Blaze check her over instead of taking her home or to the hospital?"

"Because if I'm right, we'll need to hurry to save her." As Blaze was checking her, Drago felt a presence and started looking around. "Heads up, Decade. I think we have company." Saying this, a bunch of Riotoozes spawned in front of them.

"Look's like the game has changed." Decade looks to the others. "Ressha, you and the girls get Derpy back to the cafe. She should be safe there. Me and Drago will deal with them." He brought up his sword again and Drago brings out his Excacore in gun mode.

Ressha nods. "Got it le-" He was telling the girls till he's cut off and possessed by Griz. "I won't turn my back on any enemy." Griz stated as he creates a weapon like Momo, but the magic was yellow and became the shape of an axe. 'What the hell?! If we're gonna fight, I should be the one in control, Griz!/Griz? What are you doing?' "I'll crush them with my strength."

He then went charging in attacking the Riotoozes. Griz swung his axe cutting cleanly through a couple of them, as one came charging at him, he slammed his left palm into its chest and sends it flying into a group of them.

"Damn it." Drago said to himself. "We need to get Derpy to safety. So, you're gonna have to deal with them without me." He said to Decade.

"Please. They're just goo. I doubt they'll be much of a challenge." Decade then joined the fight slashing them down as he blocked or dodged their attacks.

"I'll leave it to you then." Drago then looks to Rainbow and Rarity who are helping Derpy stand. "Let's go."

The mysterious person in the cloak was watching Decade and Griz fighting the Riotoozes as Dargo and the girls ran off with Derpy. "I underestimated the girl's strength. No one should still be able to move in that condition. I doubt going after Jurassic would be in my best interest." The person notices how the two fighting were their own fights. "Hm. Those two don't seem to be much of a team."

Decade used the slash card to destroy a whole group of Riotoozes as the went running through and slashing them down. He then switched his case to gun mode and begins shooting each one down till he noticed Griz handling a whole group.

"Hey, Griz. If you're so strong, shouldn't you already had been able to defeat them?" Decade mockingly asked.

Griz answered by taking down a whole group circled around him by stomping down on the ground making a yellow aura wave that knock the Riotoozes into the air and then cut through them in one swing of his axe as they fell back down.

"Show off." Decade said in a bored tone. "Hm?" He notices large bubbles start floating into the area. The bubbles start getting closer to them. "Great. Now the villains are now using bubble machines. Better take care of this before it becomes a problem. Uh?" Decade was about to use a card till he noticed Griz.

'Is Pinkie Pie nearby?' Griz looks at the bubbles annoyed. "These things aren't taking us seriously if they're resorted to using bubbles on me." 'I don't think you should take the bubbles lightly.'

"Griz. Don't think about it." Decade warns but Griz ignores him. "Griz!" He still doesn't listen as he lifts his axe. "GRIZ! NO!" Decade yells out running as quick as he could avoiding the bubbles and takes out two cards. He switched the case to gun mode again to shoot the axe out of Griz's hand and quickly uses the cards after he shoved Griz to the ground. (Attack Ride! Illusion!/Attack Ride! Blast!) Decade split into three and then they all shot every bubble around them, which each caused a big explosion. "AAAHHH!!"

"Decade!" Momo shouted. Ressha had suppressed Griz for Momo to take over. He slowly got up from his body hurting a bit with Decade doing the same but had taken most of the explosion. "Are you alright?"

"Fine as a jigsaw puzzle." Decade said as he looks ahead of them. "Though I think they have the advantage now." Saying that the two then see two kaiju walking up to them.

One kaiju looks similar to Molten and Scarlet's lizard humanoid forms. This one looked female with blueish gray colored scales with some looking as if they're in the shape of a kimono and yellow feather looking crystals going along the back of its arms and legs, also black colored crystals going around its waist acting like a skirt, a combination of both going around the head, and a large sized black crystal feather attached sideways on its back.

The second was what looked like a humanoid kaiju being a fusion of a pegasus and what looks like a shrimp. It mostly had a pegasus like body with wings, hoof shaped feet and knuckles, along with a short yellow mane on the head. It had shrimp shell shaped armor on its legs, shoulders, and waist, with shrimp legs acting as clawed fingers and has huge shrimp eyes on the sides of the human shaped head and antennas coming out the forehead.

Momo transforms again. (Sword Form) "You think you can handle the ugly one while I go for the other?" Asked Den-o as he got his sword ready.

"Not sure about the seafood but the primeval is a different matter." Decade answered trying his best to stay standing.

Den-o turns to Decade. "Priwhat? I'll just call it feather bastard. Let's just get them!" Shouted Den-o charging at the kaiju. 'Maybe charging at them isn't a good idea.'

The first kaiju summons out two black feathers holding them like daggers and runs to meet Den-o head on but it slides past him dodging his sword. "Uh?!" Den-o said surprised and the got hit across the chest before he could get a chance to react. "Ah! What was that?" Den-o looks at his chest before looking back to the kaiju. 'Its quick.' He sees the kaiju opens the black feathers like folding fan to show sharp yellow crystal feathers. "So that's how you want to play."

Decade was about to shoot it from behind but then notices bubbles and rolls out of way in time as they explode touching the ground. "I guess I'll need to get rid of you first."

"Sadly, we don't have time for that." The two turned to the voice and see the mysterious person.

"Who the hell are you?" Den-o asks pointing his sword towards them.

"None of your concern. Microraptor! Desire! Enough toying with them!" Yelled out the person.

The Shrimp Desire inhales deeply before blowing out bubbles all around the Riders. "Shit!" Den-o and Decade both said as Microraptor created two cyclones with its fans. The cyclones begin circling the Riders making the fly into them and exploding upon impact. "AAAHHHH!!" The two screamed out in pain falling to the floor.

The mysterious person chuckles seeing the Riders try to stand. "Pathetic. Finish them." The kaiju advance towards the Riders hearing the order. (Tyranno Crushing Fang!) The Shrimp Desire turns hearing this and get slashed across the face as Jurassic went driving by it and headed straight towards Microraptor.

As Microraptor created and sent cyclones at Jurassic, he canceled the sword attachment to change his weapon to gun mode, used his bike to jump over the cyclones and placed the screen of the gun in front of the alpha core. (B-B-Blaze!) Jurassic landed rolling in front of the kaiju putting his weapon point blank against it and then pulled the trigger. (Tyranno Burning Burst!) Microraptor is sent flying through a couple trees by a powerful red aura shot of fire.

"Hm." The mysterious person had watched the whole thing with interest. "Impressive."

Jurassic looked to his friends before looking back to the kaiju. "We're getting out of here." He announced as he used his belt. (Flaming!)

Jurassic slammed his fist into the ground surrounding them in flames. Microraptor uses cyclones to get rid of the flames only to find the Riders gone with a hole in the ground. The two kaiju run to the hole to chase after them.

"Leave them!" The two kaiju stop and look to the person. "We have other matters to attend to." Microraptor changes into the Derpy that Ressha and Rarity saw at school.

"Yes. Of course, Alpha." The fake Derpy said following the command.

The Dragons Cavern

It had been a while after the battle. Derpy woke up in an empty bedroom with only a bed and a wooden desk in it. Confused and wondering how she got there, she got up and walked slowly to the door. Derpy ended up outside in a hallway, went walking through it a bit and found the library and cafe part of the building.

She looked around seeing a bit of customers till she set her sights on Drago and the group. Mostly just from noticing Rainbow Dash. They've been friends since elementary school and was one of the few who didn't make fun of her eyes. She sees Rainbow with the group talking about something. She was reluctant to go see if they knew how she got here and how long she's been here. She couldn't remember what had happened during her talk with that stranger. Wanting at least a bit of answers, she decides to go talk to the group.

After getting back, Drago had patched up Ressha a bit before helping Emerald with Discord who had been a bit more hurt. Drago was sitting at a table with Rainbow, Discord, Applejack, Negi, Rarity, and Ressha. They called the others, though Fluttershy and Sunset said they were busy, while Connor, Pinkie or Reiji hadn't answered their calls. So, they decided to just continue without them. They had just finished talking about what happened and were trying to think of what to do, except for Rainbow and Discord at the moment.

Rainbow laughed at Discord. "Some hero you are, Discord. How is it that you're the one always getting hurt?"

"Oh, I don't know. It's such a mystery." Discord talked in a sarcastic tone.

Rarity rolled her eyes annoyed and notices Derpy walking over to them. "Derpy!" She got up to walk over to her. "Are you okay? You seemed really ill when you found us."

"I found you?" Asked Derpy confused.

"Yeah. You ran into us while we were at the park." Answered Ressha. "You seemed like you had been working yourself to death. You don't remember any of that?"

Derpy shakes her head. "No. The last thing I remembered, I was leaving the post office and then everything went dark while I was talking to someone in a black cloak."

Drago walks up to Derpy. "That person was probably another ally of Moltens." Derpy raised a brow while tilting her head in confusion. "Molten. Our classmate that tried destroying the school as a kaiju and got expelled."

"Oh!" Derpy nodded remembering. "Then that person was trying to attack me?"

"No. They used you to create two kaiju." Drago said making Derpy looked shocked with fear. "You most likely got away from them as the kaiju were trying to do something to you."

"Like what?" Rainbow asked.

Reiji ponders a thought. "Well from what you guys described, they used the shrimp medal to create a create like a Yummy. Though instead of using a cell medal, they used a core medal. Though a core medal inside a person should mutate them slowly into a Greed."

"Well maybe they added something that changed the outcome." Connor added in. "That would explain why this kaiju is different from Greeds and Yummies. Judging from the name, this one is probably born from those who've already fulfilled their greed or desires. Which this world is full of. Which would explain the name.

Derpy gasps. "You mean like my love for muffins or how I always like singing or humming to myself?"

"Maybe." Replied Connor with a shrug.

"What makes you think it was that kaiju and not the other?" Rarity asked. Drago knowing, motioned for Discord to continue who was wearing a professor outfit with a board behind him with a bunch of different doodles on it.

"You see my poor minded Rarity" She scoffed looking away with her head held up high. "the reason we know is because we know what a Primeval is and what they do." Discord said tapping a ruler on Rarity's head. Rainbow was about to speak but Discord took out a tv control and muted her making her soundless. "Save the questions for after class, Miss Dashie." He ended earning him a glare from Rainbow.

"You see class there are two different types of Primevals. One that we've seen our dear moldy and drama devil become are Primevals that come into existence by them overpowering the core to have complete control when transforming." Informed Discord as he made the doodles copy his explanation. "The second type are more different. Because they're just shards, they seek out the core of others that are damaged."

"What do ya mean by the core of others? And damaged in what way?" Applejack asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Discord replied. Rainbow was shouting soundlessly at Discord, who he completely ignores. "A person's core is what our families use to describe the heart of what makes someone who they are. Like how Dash loves to be athletic, courageous and loyal. You being a hard worker, a family person and honest. Or me being mischievous and chaotic. And what I mean by damaged is when the person's core is weakened by them feeling like what they are isn't good enough, thinking they need to be their opposite to do better, or other negative emotions like that."

Applejack looked to Derpy. "Were yah really feelin' like that, Sugarcube?" Derby just nods with a sad look.

"Why? You're great the way you are." Stated Rainbow. "I mean sure you're clumsy and tend to break things but there's good things to go along with those to make up for it. What would make you want to change?"

Derpy sighed sadly while facing the ground. "I've been trying to get a job. I've already gone to many interviews, but none of them wanted to hire me because of how I am. I started thinking maybe if I was different then maybe they'd hire me, and then I'd be able to get my friend something nice before they got back."

"Before who gets back?" Rainbow asked a bit confused. "Oh! You mean Time Turner, right? I forgot he left for a while to go study something with his grandpa, right?

Derpy smiled. "Yeah. He left to go study a temple that was discovered in the Empty Quarter desert. I still remember how excited he got when his grandpa invited him along to help him study it." Her smile was growing as she recalled the memory. "Though he mostly wanted to study an object grandfather said seemed out of place." Negi starts thinking about something hearing that.

Rarity grins. "Oh? So, you wanted to do something special for your friend Time Turner, hm?" She said making Derpy blush knowing what she means.

"W-What!? N-No. I-it's nothing like that." Derpy face gets more reddish the longer she speaks. "I-I mean n-not that I would p-probably mind t-that. B-But we're just friends."

"For now." Discord whispered next to her.

"Yes! For now." Stated Derpy holding her head high till she goes wide eyed from what she said and then covers her now red embarrassed face.

"Okay. Stop tormentin' the poor girl. We should be focusin' on how ta help her." Applejack pointed out before turning to Discord. "What is that Primeval goin' ta do with Derpy's core?"

"Oh right. I almost forgot. The reason Drago wanted to finish this quickly is because if the Primeval convinces enough people, along with the original, that they're the better version, the original will disappear with the Primeval taking their place permanently."

"What?!" Rainbow and the others except Drago shouted. "Then go take care of that overgrown lizard already." Rainbow demanded.

"They're actually dinosaurs. And that's not enough." Said Drago stepping in getting everyone's attention. "Derpy has basically already admitted that the fake is better. We got to change that before anything else." Everyone nods agreeing after thinking about it. "Now the question is what should we do to change her thoughts on that."

They started pondering on what they could do since they knew they couldn't just help get her a job. They needed to do something that'd cheer her up and make her like herself again. Derpy was just lost in her own thoughts thinking about what the others said.

"Well, Derpy is definitely a hard worker." Said Applejack.

"She has a great personality." Rarity added

"She's surprisingly great at baking." Rainbow also threw in.

Discord looks to the side and notices Emerald coming out of the cafe's kitchen to bring them drinks that they had ordered and then gets a devilish idea from the mischievous smile that spreads across his face. He gets up and moves past Emerald as she got there. She immediately took notice of Derpy covering her face while mumbling something about something being nice thought but too embarrassing.

"What's on your guy's agendas today?" Emerald then turns smiling to Derpy. "And I see your friend is having romance troubles." She chuckles seeing Derpy trying even harder to hide her face.

Drago leans back against his chair. "We're trying to solve a Primeval problem. One of the ways we're trying to do this is by finding her a job."

"I see." Said Emerald pondering the thought. "I wish I could help but I can't think of any places around that are hiring and I'm pretty sure I have enough-"

Right that second, a small explosion was heard, everyone in the group and in the place turn to the cafe's kitchen to see pink sticky substance sticking out from the door and window. A lady then tries coming out of the kitchen with the pink substance sticking to her back only to be flung back into the kitchen. After some struggling, the lady broke herself free and then went marching up to Emerald.

"Miss-" Is all Emerald gets to say.

"I'm tired of that damn freak. I've had it with his pranks. I QUIT!!" The lady shouted at Emerald and then leaves the cafe.

The group turns to see Discord back in his seat with a huge grin while eating from a popcorn bucket full of cotton candy. Everyone in the group and the place can literally feel an angered aura and slowly turn to Emerald who is crushing the tray she is holding between her hands while looking at Discord with a smile, even though you can tell she is anything but happy from the veins appearing on her forehead.

"Part one of the plan complete." Discord said as he continues eating while Drago and Negi struggle keeping Emerald from using the crushed tray on him.

Canterlot High

"Are you sure this is okay, Pinkie?" Reiji asked as the three of them were rigging balloons and confetti into lockers.

"Yes siree, Silvy!" Replied Pinkie. "I kept having to ask vice principal Luna. She said to ask her later because she was busy. But she didn't say when. So, I kept asking her every time she was finished doing something. Like when she finished filing some papers that she had to redo after I popped out of the filing cabinet, setting up a schedule for a meeting, startled her during lunch, and other things. I guess her schedule was over when she went to use the bathroom after school ended today and found me behind the other side of the door."

Connor turns to Pinkie. "Remind me to always give you an answer right away."

Pinkie saluted to him. "Yes sir, Matchie sir."

Connor raises a brow at that. "Matchie? Why Matchie? Is it because of my belt?"

Pinkie shakes her head. "No, silly Matchie." Connor sighs to that. "It's because of your name. It's Connor Match, right?" Connor goes confused and is about to ask her about it till she talks first. "Huh? That's weird. Is it normal to find Riotoozes in the halls?"

The guys look at each other before looking down the hall to see the Riotoozes who turn to look at them. The two groups stand still staring at each other.

"Pinkie, is anyone still here at the school?" Connor leaned over a bit to ask.

"Well, there's clubs, students who stay behind to study, the teachers, the principal and vice principal, also-" Pinkie's mouth gets covered by Connor's hand.

"I'm sorry I asked." He said with a deadpan look. "So, no henshin. Magic it is." The Riotoozes charge at them as the guys activate their magic. "Pinkie, please go warn the others for us." Pinkie salutes with a serious face before leaving in the opposite direction as Connor makes a blue dragon armor around himself.

The lines on Reiji's glow as he gets into a pose while three claw blades appear over his arms. "Who knew the party was gonna be starting so soon." He said with a smile.

The Dragons Cavern

Derpy and the group were standing in the cafe's kitchen after having cleaned it which took a long while. During that time, the girls had to leave. Rarity went to her job, Applejack had to go finish her chores, and Rainbow left to go help Fluttershy who had called asking if someone could help her.

The kitchen is a pretty good size looking like it'd be able to fit the whole group in it, having hardwood flooring, a sink, long center counter, a silver stove with 9 burners and two ovens. a three-door fridge on the other side of the stove, also cabinets and drawers.

"Okay Derpy, all you have to do is bake something that'll taste great and attract customers attentions. I hope you don't waste the shot Discord gave you." Emerald said while glaring at Discord before sighing and then looking to Derpy with a smirk. "I'm hoping you do well as well, so I won't have to go through the trouble of looking for someone new."

"I-I hope so too." Said Derpy looking nervous.

Emerald gives her a comforting smile. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do well. Plus, the others will most likely help you." They turned looking to the guys.

Derpy makes a small smile. "That is a bit reassuring." Ressha's cell begins ringing.

"Hello?" He asked answering it. "Pinkie? Where are you-" [HURRY TO THE SCHOOL!! THERE'S KAIJU HERE!!] Ressha had been cut off from her yelling. She had yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. "What? What's happening right now?" [Not sure. I had to go to a phone in a classroom.]

Negi has Ressha pass the phone to him. "Pinkie, why'd you go to a phone? What happened to your guys phones?" [Well, our phones got drowned along with us when the guys fell into a pool of chocolate milk with whip cream.] Negi slaps his hand to his head knowing who did that. "Wait. What about yours?" [I willingly jumped into it.]

"We all shouldn't go. Just in case they try coming for Derpy." Discord pointed out.

Drago sighs. "You're right. Then me and Ne-"

"Wait!" Ressha shouted cutting in. "Please let me go instead." Drago and the others look to him. "Please. I...We want to make something clear."

"Are you sure?" Drago asked getting a nod from Ressha as a response with determined look. He then looks to the other two who nod to him. "Alright then. Let's go." The two were about to leave till Drago see's Derpy look at them both confused and look worried.

"Are you two really gonna go face those kaiju?" Derpy asked with concern. "Why? I know your friends are in trouble but shouldn't you leave that to the police or those heroes the...Kamen Riders." Derpy paused from seeing the guys pull out their drivers.

"We are the Riders." Drago said. "So are Connor and Reiji. Though we're trying not to let others know about us. Which is why they've probably haven't transformed."

Derpy looks at him confused. "Then why are you telling me? How do you know I won't betray your trust? Or accidently tell your secret to someone?"

Drago gives her a warm slime. "Because I know I can trust you."

"What? How would you know that?"

"You know you're pretty hard not to notice at school, right? Like those days you kept blowing up the science club's room." Drago smile grew seeing Derpy look away embarrassed. "Then there's also how you have other's backs when they feel down and do your best to cheer them up. You also brighten up other's days just by being the cheerful usual self. With a core as bright as yours, I'd easily trust you with our secret. I bet Time Turner feels the same."

"D-Do you really think so? Especially that last one?" Derpy mumbled the last part looking away.

"You have my oath that what I'm saying is true." Says Drago holding out his fist to her.

Derpy looks between his fist and him for a bit till she smiles and bumps her fist with his. "Thank you. Then you two better make quick work of those kaiju and get back to taste the muffins I'm gonna bake."

Drago and Ressha nod. "You got it, ma'am." He responded and then left to the garage with Ressha following him. Ressha gets a notification on his phone. "What's up?"

Ressha looked at a message on his. "I think it's Zea. It's telling me where the Desire is. It also confirmed the fake Derpy is at the school." He then looks to Drago. "I want to handle the Desire. I'll leave Microraptor to you." Drago nods as they got on their bikes after putting on their helmets.

They rode off and go in different directions. As Drago was driving down the street, he put on his belt and then brought out the rex core. (Alpha Tyranno! Infusion!) The belt announced the adapter key part of the core to top of the belt making the other half DNA strand in the middle part of the belt turn red. Instead of the fossil in a wall appearing behind him, the rex fossil came popping out of the ground with the inside of it being filled with obsidian and ran along following him. "Henshin!"

Down the road, Detective Shining was waiting for the light to change to green, while also looking at the news of the Riders. "I'll definitely find out what you're after and what your relation to the kaiju is." He said to himself with a determined frown. (Core Blaze! Stomp! Slam! Roar! Alpha Tryranno!) Hearing this and seeing the bits of obsidian fly past him, Detective Shining sees Jurassic speeding past him the next second surprising him. "Kamen Rider! I'm not letting you get away this time." Detective Shining said mostly to himself as he went gunning after him.

Canterlot High

The guys had taken their fight with grunts to the roof. Three Riotoozes get sent splattering into the wall. The guys were easily taking down the Riotoozes, especially with Connor's training showing it was paying off. Though that was probably also because of the dragon armor that his magic was more easily accessing using the dragon fullbottle.

Blue flames build up into Connor's fist and then sends a small group of Riotoozes flying when he sent one that he punched crashing into others. He changes to the rabbit armor when a couple of others charge at him, then jumps stomping a foot on each of their heads, then lands turning to face them with the tank armor and taking half of them out in one shot. He then turns towards Reiji's fight.

"Hey Reiji!" Connor called out while still fighting, getting his attention. "Something about how you use your magic keeps bugging me."

Reiji raised a brow. "What do you mean?" He asked as he kicked two off the roof.

"The way it activates just seems familiar to me." Reiji crossed his arms over his forehead to show Connor. "Yeah. That. It reminds me of something that's at the tip of my tongue." Said Connor pondering making Reiji do the same till he realizes something snapping his fingers.

"Tiga!" After slash some Riotoozes with the claw blades, he does the same motion again and consecrates. "Hm...Ha!" He swings his arms apart with his clothes colored lines changing too. While the green on his pants and shoes stay the same while the yellow on his jacket and the red on his goggles change to green. "I should've seen that sooner. This is awesome! Hm...I wonder."

Right as Riotoozes fired blasts at him, Reiji jumps rolling out of the way and then multiplies into ten copies of himself. "I was right! I can use the combo abilities!" All the Reiji said pointing at each other before charging at the Riotoozes and beat some of them down. He then changes his ability again by changing the lines colors to yellow. "Yellow combo next." He happily shouted as he moved at high-speed mowing down Riotoozes with the claw blades.

Reiji quickly stops and jumps back avoiding green lightning that hits directly where he was. Reiji looks in the direction that the lightning came from and sees the mysterious person in the black cloak standing on top of the tip of the castle tower's flagpole. The person then sends lightning all around that hits all the Riotoozes along with avoiding the guys. The two look at each other confused before looking back to the person.

"Don't misunderstand Riders." The person said as several elements circle around the person. "I merely wanted to see your strength personally."

While at the front of the school, Pinkie had informed principle Celestia about kaiju being in the school and had helped her get everyone outside to the parking lot of the school. They couldn't tell what was happening, but they could see shots, fire and other attacks either hit the sides of the roof or go flying to the sides. Among the students there, the fake Derpy was also watching with a wicked smile. (Crushing! Roar!)

Jurassic comes to a drifting stop close to them and lets out a powerful red aura roar before the crowd could turn to him. As the roar went by hurting their ears, a thin red transparent crystal layer forms over everyone in a second and shatters the next second with the feathers on everyone breaking along with it. The fake Derpy looks at the sight in shock after having recovered from the roar and turns to Jurassic with a glare of rage.

"You'll regret that." The fake said with hiss as changes into her kaiju form. "I do not intend to fail my alpha." Everyone quickly run or back away from the kaiju after screaming or recovering from the dizziness.

"I don't care about your alpha or any of that." Said Jurassic as he got off his bike and brought out the Excacore. "All I'm here for is to return the core to its original owner." (Tyranno Sword!) The Excacore announced as it was changed into sword mode.

Microraptor scoffed. "Return it and go back to being a shard? Not a chance." Snapped its fingers and made Riotoozes spawn around it.

"Then I'll stop the misuse of that core." Jurassic said as he dashed towards the Riotoozes and Microraptor. Shining arrived to see Jurassic fighting the kaiju and Riotoozes as he clashed weapons with Microraptor, also blocking and slashing down Riotoozes. He runs over to Principle Celestia and the others. "You all need to move to safety." He informed them.

"Yes. Of course." Principle Celestia said. "But we're not sure if everyone made it out. Please keep an eye out just in case please."

Shining nods. "You have my word. Now get moving." As they left, Shining ran over to the battle and hid behind a car.

In the Middle of City

The Desire was standing on top a building as it kept blowing bubbles out, spreading them into the air which caused many explosions everywhere the bubbles landed. The police and swat tried getting close but were unable to because of the Desire was protected by Kuzu yummies, which are black humanoid creatures wrapped in a bit of worn bandages with an open circle where the face would be.

Ressha stops a good distance away with no one around insight. "You're up, Momo. Henshin!" He shouted pushing the red button and passing the pass over the belt. (Sword Form!) He drove towards the battle while transforming into Den-o. "Let's go! Let's go! Out of the way!" Den-o yelled out to both sides getting the officers attentions and quickly run or jump out of the way as he smashed his way through the yummy.

Some went flying to the side, while others just got instantly destroyed by the blades on Denrailer. (FULL CHARGE!) The belt called out after Den-o passed the pass over it again and the blade from his sword flies off. "I'm getting rid of the garbage in one special move. Twist Version!" Den-o shouted out as he began spinning in a circle using Denrailer, the blade rotated around with Den-o following the sword's handle and destroy all the yummies as it cut or slashed through them. Den-o stopped feeling a bit dizzy but shook if off as he looked up the building chuckling. "Now time for the big fish."

The Desire was about to make more bubbles till it noticed train tracks appear next to it coming over the ledge. "Ore Sanjou!" The kaiju heard the second it looked over the ledge. Den-o came driving up and kicks the Desire while passing by it causing the kaiju to lose balance and fall off the building. Though it uses its pegasus wings to fly back up next to the building and see Den-o point his sword at it from where he's parked on the roof. "From start to finish, I'm at a climax."

The kaiju responds by just turning and flying off. "Hey! Don't ignore me! He shouted as he got back on his bike and chased after it as Denrailer made tracks following after the kaiju in the air. "Get your ass back here and face me, shrimp bastard!" The Desire turned to face him while flying backwards. "Uh-oh." The Desire shot out bubbles making Den-o maneuver around to avoid and dodge them. He wanted to close the distance, but the bubbles kept him from doing this.

"This bastard is starting to get on my nerves!" He shouted to himself annoyed. 'This is pathetic. Switch with me already./No. Keep going, Momo./Why are you allowing him to continue? He's no match against the shrimp./You're wrong! The way you judge others on strength alone is a small, minded way to judge others. Strength can be judged in many ways. That's what I believe and Momo will prove it.' Den-o smirks under his helmet hearing Ressha's words in his head. "You got that right! Now sit back as I break the limit that Winnie the Pooh has set and bring down this shrimp."

Say this, Den-o speeds up towards the bubbles surprising the kaiju. "Let's go! Let's go!" He braced and endured as he took the explosions from the bubbles as he drove through them. As Den-o was getting closer, the Desire stopped attacking for a second to take in a huge amount of air. When it shot the bubbles again, the bubbles seemed to be smaller and misshaped along with looking a bit grayish.

"What?" He was confused by this till he got surprised by the new bubbles' explosions being smaller but packing a stronger punch. "Ugh!" Den-o almost fell off Denrailer but fought through the pain and held on as he continued to try to strive through the new explosions. 'Momo!' "Don't worry about me! I'm not gonna let us lose to this damn bastard again!" '...Let me take over./But-/It's alright, Ressha. This isn't about strength. I want to help you and Momo. At the rate Momo is going, your body will be broken. Please let me do this.' Den-o stayed silent for a second before pushing the yellow button on the belt that started a different jingle. "You better not lose then,"

(Axe Form!) Den-o's belt announced as he then swept the pass over the belt again. A red aura appeared around Den-o for a second before disappearing and being replaced by a yellow aura. As sword forms face closed up and disappeared, Den-o's armor came off and repositioned itself in reverse along with a new piece ride over the head and unfolds over the face.

The two front pieces that made sword forms chest were now on the back, with the two back pieces now acting as the chest. The chest has a black color in the front middle, while a golden yellow covering the sides. It has a six silver exhaust vent looking design on it, four in the front and two on both sides between the head and shoulders, a small silver pipe design went from the front of the chest to running along the side of shoulders. The shoulders also had a golden yellow color covering most of it but the center sides of them had a red circle, while the center of the chest still had a silver rail going down the middle the red pieces on the knees changed to yellow. The face piece was in the shape of a circler diamond with both the corner edges pointing out, with three open lines going to the side on both sides of the face that goes smaller going up and an axe like horn blade going through the middle.

As axe form completed, Denrailer's parts also shifted around. The front parts on the side of the wheel both retrack their blades before splitting in half showing a golden yellow on the inside and then two pieces placed themselves on the sides of the back wheel while the other two pieces that had the blades placed themselves on the sides of the bike's tail end, the booster parts attached themselves to the front with the booster end still facing backwards and the fin piece that was on the tail split down the middle before connecting to the front part of the booster making them look like axe blades, and the front piece of the bike disappeared with a new one resembling axe form's face appearing to take its place.

The new formation of Denrailer was easily taking the hits alongside Den-o without being damaged or slowed down. As Den-o rode through the explosions getting closer to the kaiju, the axe blades in the front started to glow yellow. The Desire turned around to get distance again but before it could, Den-o got through the explosions and rammed the axe blades into the back of the kaiju, which cuts off the wings sending sparks flying off its back as it fell crashing into the ground.

Den-o parks across from the kaiju. "May our match begin." Said Den-o as he got off his bike. He picks up a rock, crushes it to dust and throws it into the air before getting into a sumo stance. The kaiju brought out cell medals, breaks them all in half, and tosses them to the side which transformed into more Kuzu yummies along with Riotoozes spawning as well. "Te wo tsuite!" He shouted as the kaiju charge at him.

The second the grunts got close; Den-o started palm striking them in their chests making them fall back into each other as they were pushed back. After striking multiple times, the final strike toppled a whole group down. Riotoozes tried coming in from his sides which he just stomped on the ground making it shake. While they were unbalanced from the small quake, Den-o took ahold of the Dengasher pieces and put them into a new formation which made an axe. The blade of the axe was small till it enlarged.

Den-o proceeded to swing his axe and knocked the Riotoozes around him down in one strike. He started walking forward towards the Desire and was striking down the grunts as they tried attacking him. Two Kuzu yummies grabbed a hold of him from behind and held on to him.

"Hold this." Den-o said as he tossed his axe to a Riotooze that was running up to him. As it was confused from this, Den-o easily broke out of the Kuzu's hold and then turned to send them flying into the wall by shoving them back. He turned back to the Riotooze, grabbed onto it after taking back his axe, then swung it around and threw it into another group of grunts. Den-o swipes the pass over belt. (FULL CHARGE!)

Yellow energy is sent from the belt to the axe's blade. Den-o swings his axe widely hitting and destroying the rest of the grunts. He turns back towards the Desire and begins walking towards it again. The kaiju backs up a bit as it shoots grayish bubbles at Den-o, who just keeps walking into them with sparks flying off him being unfazed by the explosions.

The Desire started using its claws to hit Den-o as it kept backing up. Den-o let it hit him a couple times before attacking it the same number of times it hit him. Sparks coming off both of them as they continued this exchange but only the Desire seemed to be feeling the damage as parts of its shell breaks off. The Desire has enough with the exchange as it grabbed on both of Den-o's arms as it inhales to shoot bubbles.

The second it was about shoot, Den-o thrusted his head forward using the axe horn to make the bubbles explode as it was going to leave out its mouth causing them to explode in its mouth. "This will decide the match." He said as the Desire stumbled back. (FULL CHARGE!) The belt announced again as it sent energy into the axe again. Den-o throws the axe into the air before kneeling a bit putting strength into his legs and then hopped high up into the air.

As the Desire recovered, Den-o grabbed ahold of the axe bringing it down along with him and chopped the kaiju down the middle. "Dynamic Chop!" 'So, you name your attacks too.' He pulls tissues out of nowhere and throws them into the air towards the Desire. "Wipe your tears of shame with these." The Desire fell to its knees as sparks fly off from the chop before it fell over and exploded as Den-o walked away. 'Where'd this idiot get tissues from?!' He caught the core medal without turning back to look as he continued to walk.

Canterlot High's Roof

The battle on the roof had been going on for a while now. The mysterious person had not moved from their spot at all during the whole battle while Connor and Reiji were panting a bit close to the edge. Connor used water cannons from his firetruck armor to get rid of fireballs the person shot towards them. The person then gets blinded by a bright light that Reiji had used from his googles as he then charged at her in high speed but stops when icicles spring out of the ground towards him and uses the claw blades to break them before retreating back next to Connor.

"I think we're starting to run a little low." Reiji said feeling a bit weak in his legs.

"Geez you don't say." Connor said sarcastically annoyed. "Though with that being the case, I say we bring the witch down in one go." He gave a determined glare at the person.

Reiji agreed with a nod. "Right behind you on that."

"I have to admit, your magical abilities are impressive." The person said intrigued while also lost in thought. "I wonder..." The person held out their hand towards the guys making a magical aura appear around them. They try to break out of the magical hold as they were lifted into the air. "Will you grow stronger if I break your bodies."

"AAAHH!!" Connor and Reiji were shouting in pain as the person started to twist their bodies a bit. (Biting Kaban Strash!) The person hears at last second turning to see a row of teal shark teeth. They barely move out of the way as the teeth brushed against the person's coat. Losing the concertation, Connor and Reiji were freed from the hold. The two and the person look in time for Negi to land next to them.

"You guys okay?" Negi asked as he helped them up.

Connor made a deadpan look. "Did it look like we were okay?"

"None the less, we're happy with the save." Reiji said with a smile.

"So, you're the third who isn't of this world as well." The guys had turned hearing the person and get into fighting stances. "What are your capabilities?" Asked the person as sirens are heard in the distance getting closer.

Negi looked towards the direction of the sirens before looking back to the person. "Maybe another time. We're gonna have to end this for now." He said then looking to the guys, while taking out the liger progrize key, who nod knowing what he was thinking and brought summoned out their weapons. Reiji summoned his sword and brought out the mantis medal while Connor summoned the Vortex Saber, switched it to gun mode and pulled out the hedgehog and firetruck fullbottles.

(Claw! Progrizekay confirmed! Ready to utilize! Liger's Ability! Chargerize! Full Charge!) (Harinezumi! Syoubousya!) (Kamakiri!) Their weapons said as they activated their finishers with teal shark teeth appearing over the Attache Calibur, the Medajaribur's blade turning light green along with creating multiple mantis blades on it, and the Vortex Saber's drill spinning with white and red energy mixing into the spin.

"Very well." The person said as they began to build their magic into one point. (Striking Kaban Dynamic!) (Vortex Match!) (Kamakiri Swords!) The weapons announced as the person unleashed their magic into a swirling black and purple blast. The Attache Calibur sent the teal teeth in a forward slash motion, the Medajaribur sent the mantis blades into a spinning motion, and the Vortex Saber shooting out a barrage of quills made a mix of fire and water.

The attacks collide and struggle for a while till the blast started pushing the guys attack back. The guys were struggling to keep their footing as the attacks struggle was pushing them back as well. The person sighs in disappointment. "Seems all you-" (Final Attack Ride! D-D-Decade!) The person is cut off by the announcement. They quickly turn to use their magic to block a red blast from the opposite side and sees Decade waving hi to them.

Both attacks start breaking the blast and shield. "Till next time Riders." The person said in a happy tone disappearing before the attacks breaks through and collide exploding. The guys relax for a second before turning towards Decade who whose armor disappears after turning into transparent after images as he undid his transformation.

"You owe me big time." Discord says with a smirk.

"I'll happily pay you back anything." Reiji said with a smile.

Connor sighs. "Yeah. I'll pay you back by forgiving you for the pranks."

Negi takes notice of police cars coming up. "We need to get out of here."

"I can easily do that." Reiji said as he changed the lines on his clothes to yellow and was gone the next second as he ran at a super-fast speed. Discord and Negi look to Connor confused.

"Let's just say he learned more about his magic. Let's just go for now." Connor said with Negi nodding and then used their magic to leave the area as Chief Dusk arrived at the front of the school with other officers.

Chief Dusked eyed the area. "Surround the area! I don't want this vigilante escaping on us again!" He could hear the battle going on at the back of the school. "Stick in groups. Don't take any risks and proceed with caution." He ordered as he and other officers split into small groups proceeded towards the battle going along the left side of the school.

In the parking lot of school, Shining was hiding behind a car as he watched Jurassic battle with both Microraptor and the Riotoozes. Jurassic used his left leg to kick two Riotooze's chests. While dodging their attacks, he slashed down some grunts and either punched or kicked others. (Slam!) Jurassic's belt said as he swung a red aura tail under the Riotoozes feet tripping them and then slammed it onto them.

Microraptor tries attacking Jurassic while his back was turn with its folding fans by sending them flying like spinning buzzsaws. "Who are you to decide what's right or wrong of me to do?" Jurassic senses the attack and quickly turns to deflect them with his sword. "The girl causes nothing but havoc to others. While I was a brave warrior that died defending this world. What's so wrong for me to take the place of someone who wants to disappear?" Microraptor ran up to Jurassic while catching her fans and then proceeds to swing attacking him with them. "I deserve this! That's why I won't fail the chance my alpha gave me!" It shouted as Jurassic blocked its strikes with his sword.

"You don't know anything!" Jurassic responded with a bit of anger as he hit Microraptor's fans out of its hands and then strikes slashing it twice across the chest making sparks fly. It brought out its huge folding fan, from its back, blocking Jurassic's next strike and then stay in place as they try pushing each other back. "You don't understand anything about her." They both shoved and then punched each other's chests making them stumble back. He points his sword towards it. "Just like me, all you've done is scratched the surface of who she is."

The Dragons Cavern

In the cafe's kitchen, Derpy had been trying to get batter ready to bake muffins. She had been thinking for a while on what to bake. While she was thinking before, she had looked over all the ingredients that the kitchen could provide.

When she finally decided what to make, she kept having to start over because of small mistakes she had been making either from being really nervous about messing up or being clumsy by tripping or dropping things. Like adding too much sugar, dropping some butter, accidently putting coffee powder mistaking it for chocolate.

She began to start feeling a bit down again because of the mistakes and thinking of her chances of being hired were too low now. Derpy sighed sadly. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Drago and Discord are gonna be so disappointed in me for wasting the chance they gave me. Maybe I should just quit. Huh?" She was about to give up till Blaze jumped onto the counter.

"Oh. Hello. My name is Derpy." She introduced herself to him. "What's your name?" Blaze answered her with some growls and roars. Derpy smiles to him. "I see. Nice to meet you, Blaze. And yeah. I was thinking it would probably be better to quit before I waste anymore of Miss Emerald's ingredients." The little rex responded to this by leaving out the door. "I guess he agrees." She said in a sad tone.

"BLAZE!!" Derpy got startled hearing Emerald yell out as the little rex returned with two different things. One was a newspaper article and a torn page of a map. Blaze drops them in front of her and then has her look at them. Derpy picks up the newspaper was on the page taking about the Riders and the map piece looked like it came a book. It was a map of the Empty Quarter desert. She looked at the two items confused for a second before understanding what he was trying to tell her.

"You're trying to show me how Turner and the Riders don't give up on what they work to do, right?" Derpy asked looking to Blaze who nods with a growl. Derpy looks to the items already knowing how hard the Riders probably work to help or save others. She then smiles remembering how her best friend has never given up on any of his experiments no matter how many times they failed. She even remembers how one of those experiments led to him blowing a huge hole in the center of the soccer field.

Derpy picks Blaze up and gives the little rex a hug. "Thank you." She said smiling. After a second, her eyes go wide with her smile getting bigger. "I've got an idea, Blaze! Can you help me with it?" The rex roars jumping around as confirmation. She looks back to the batter with a determined look.

Canterlot High

Chief Dusk and his men approach the battle from the left side of the school to see Jurassic pointing his sword at the kaiju. "Chief!" He and the others heard Shining call to him. They look a bit to their left to see Shining hiding behind a car waving over to them.

As they walk over to him, proceeding with caution, Jurassic gets into a stance to charge at Microraptor and the Riotoozes. "Under my oath, I'll restore the light of the core." He then dashed forward. "There's no reason to hold back now!" He shouted as he slashed through the Riotoozes in front of him before stopping in the middle of them.

Microraptor opens its huge folding fan. "Then let us see which is stronger. My will to exist or your oath." She then creates powerful winds all around them which also blocks off Chief Dusk and the other officers from getting to them.

"Damn it!" Shining shouted. He looks over the car to watch the battle. Microraptor swings its fan again making two twisting winds that move and pick up the two other fans.

The fans spin in the winds as saw blades again as they move towards Jurassic. After slashing down three Riotoozes that were attacking him, Jurassic takes notice of them at last second and knocks them away with his sword only for them to stay in the air to circle back. Seeing this, he gets rid of the sword attachment to change the Excacore to gun mode.

Jurassic shoots and hits Riotoozes as he avoids the fan by jumping over them or ducking under them or deflects them by shooting them. (Crushing!) Jurassic clawed two Riotoozes next to him with red crystal rex claws, then kneed one in the gut making it fall to its knees and then shoots others from behind that grunt. He then kicked the Riotooze up a bit and then into the other side of the car Shining was hiding behind making him jump out of hiding.

"Shit." Shining said as the Riotoozes took notice of him. He shot at them as they ran up to him but was having no effect on them. "What the hell are these things? Ah! Shit!" He had avoided the swipe of one and tired punching another only for his hand to feel he had punched a brick wall instead.

Another was about to attack him from behind till it got shot from the side. "What?" Shining got surprised like the other two Riotoozes who also got shot when they turned towards the direction of the shot. Shining looked towards the source also to see Jurassic had save him. "Don't expect me to thank you, Rider. I'm going to bring you in for questioning."

"Might want to duck down first then." Jurassic informed him as he shot all the Riotoozes while spinning twice destroying all them. Shining had complied as he had quickly ducked from the shots. (B-B-Blaze!) The Excacore announced as he activated the finisher, immediately aimed it at the kaiju and fired a powerful red aura of fire at it. (Tyranno Burning Burst!)

Microraptor started focusing most of its wind on his attack while using the rest on send the fan buzzsaws at Jurassic. (Crushing! Stomp!) Jurassic times his attack as he braces for the fans and then swung his leg into a kick, as it was crystalized into a rex foot with red aura around it, shattering the fans into pieces. Jurassic looks back to see the kaiju started turning his attack around. "You lost the second you chose to face an alpha."

(Tyranno Sword!) After switching it backed to sword mode he activates the finisher again. (B-B-Blaze! Tyranno Crushing Fang!) Jurassic launched the sword finisher towards the first finisher, both attacks combine as they break through the wind, and Microraptor's huge fan gets destroyed as it tried using it as a shield. "You're nothing but a shard of what it originally used to be. A brave selfless warrior who helped those who couldn't protect themselves and wanted others who have potential to shine like Derpy the chance to achieve their dreams. But you have none of the light the original had. That's why I'll never lose to a being willing to corrupt or crush the cores of others."

Jurassic then activates his belt's finisher as a guitar standby jingle plays from him lifting up the slot and pushed the hammer. "Not now. Not ever." He shouted to Microraptor that's still recovering from the last attack as he stabbed his sword into the ground before jumping up and pushing his belt's slot back down. (Flaming Crushing Bite!!) The belt announced as fire had built up around his leg as he went down towards the kaiju with a kick. Kick hits, drags Microraptor back as the fire formed a rex head, the head bit down on the kaiju as soon as it hit against the wall of wind and exploded. "Extinction." He said making a claw motion across his chest.

After the explosion Shining look to see as the wind around them disappeared and then to Jurassic who has his sights set towards the explosion as the orb of light with the image folding fan cracked breaking the outer layer like a shell being back to its original state. The shards form back into the primal core as it falls into Jurassic's open hand and then him and Shining watch as the orb flies off into the sky.

Shining was left speechless from the sight. Being so lost in his thoughts, he didn't take notice of Jurassic grabbing his sword and about to walk away till they were surrounded by Chief Dusk and other officers with their guns aimed at him. He refocuses on reality before pointing his gun at Jurassic.

"Freeze! Put your weapon down on the ground now, Kamen Rider!" Jurassic looks to the Dusk who shouted to him. He takes notice of a cotton candy bush behind Dusk which could only mean one thing. "We have you surrounded. It'd be best if you just surrendered and came back with us to the station for some questioning."

Jurassic made an exhausted sigh. "Sorry Chief. No can do. Just like you all, I have a job to do on keeping the peace of this world."

"That doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands."

"Well unfortunately for us, kaiju don't follow your laws and are capable of causing so much harm that you won't be able to stop. So, I can't let you take me in."

"It's not a request, Rider!" Shining shouted.

"Neither was mine. And the name is Jurassic." Jurassic said as a silver veil appeared behind him and made him disappear as it passed itself over him. They all look around in confusion wondering where Jurassic had disappeared.

"Weapons down." Dusk order everyone. "The higher up aren't going to like this." He said to himself.

The Dragons Cavern

Jurassic had reappeared in the living room and then undoes his transformation by taking off his belt. His armor shattered into small shards like stone and disappeared. Drago looks to the couch finding Discord there just filing his nails.

Drago smiles. "Thanks for the save. I almost thought I was gonna have to hurt them a bit to get out of there."

"Yup. You owe me big time." Discord said with a smirk. "And to answer the question you're going to ask, yes. Derpy's core made it back to her."

"That's good to hear. So, how'd she do on baking? Did she pass Emerald's test?"

"Why not head down to the cafe and find out? Everyone is mostly just waiting on you."

Interest in seeing what Derpy had made, Drago does as Discord said leaving out into the library, with Discord following behind him, and walked over to the cafe. He spots the guys including Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sitting at the tables talking. As he got close, he took notice of Ressha having several heating pads around his body.

"Finally! What took you so long?" Rainbow shouted out to him with a grin.

"Well, I had to stop kaiju, save people, and other things. You know. Just the same as any day." Drago said with a grin. He then takes notice of Ressha with small burses that could be seen. "What happened to you?"

"Griz might be strong but as soon as we switched back, my body got filled with sores and a bit of pain as an after effect." Ressha explained as he slowly scratched the back of his head with a hiss from feeling sore.

Applejack and the others laugh and chuckle at. "Well, now that you're here, Derpy will let us see what she baked."

"Why'd she make you guys wait?" Drago asked being curious.

Rarity scoffed playfully. "Darling, for you of course." She said confusing him. "She really wanted you to keep your oath."


"Yup siree!" Pinkie answered. "She said she was going to wait for everyone to get back before she'd presented what she made to Emerald. Blaze actually left to the kitchen as soon as Discord left to bring you back. So, she's most likely getting those bad boys ready right this second." She ends with a grin rubbing her hands together while liking her lips.

"I'm sure it's also because she's really grateful that you'd trust her with your secret." Fluttershy added.

"Thanks for waiting everyone." Everyone turns to see Derpy walking up to them carrying two trays with a cover over them along with Blaze next to her also carrying a tray. They placed the trays on separate tables. " We worked hard making these. Hopefully they'll be to your liking."

She removes the covers to reveal not just muffins with white drizzles but also pink cupcakes and a cake that was covered in a white frosting with red lining the sides and center in the shape of a rex skull. Everyone was surprised by these because they were expecting only muffins but to see all this amazed them.

Without hesitation they each tried something different. Discord, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Reiji tried the cupcakes. Applejack, Negi, Rainbow, and Ressha went for the muffins. While Connor, Drago, Emerald, and Rarity tried the cake. Their eyes shoot wide open as Discord and Pinkie scarfed down their cupcakes before getting another one.

"Cotton candy cupcakes with marshmallow filling!" Pinkie shouted with a huge smile. "THESE ARE AMAZERIFIC!!"

Discord nods. "No arguments here."

"Same with these apple muffins." Negi added. "They're the best I've ever tasted."

Applejack smirks. "Then yah should give my families pastries a try, sugarcube. Your taste buds will be runnin' for the hills and back wantin' more."

Negi returns the smirk. "I'll hold you to that then."

"This is a coffee cake, right?" Rarity asked. "I must say darling, you did an splendid job balancing out the tastes of the coffee and cinnamin. Plus you didn't add too much frosting. I'm surprised you haven't caught Time Turner's attention with skills like this." She said with a playful smile and then chuckles seeing Derpy becoming red and getting flustered. Derpy was brought out of it when Emerald walked up to her and shook her hand.

Emerald gave her a happy, kind smile. "We can talk about your schedule some other time but I'll be looking forward to you working here, Derpy." She said making Derpy go wide eyed from shock for a second but then the biggest smile she's ever made spread across her lips.

"Thank you so much, Miss Emerald. I'll do my best to not let you down." Derpy shouted happily.

"Did you and Blaze really make all this yourselves?" Connor asked.

Derpy nodded to him with a smile. "Yup. Blaze is a really great helper. I was scared that we weren't going to finish in time but Blaze's speed, strength and fire is really helpful."

Everyone's attention was drawn towards Derpy when the light of her core appeared on her chest again to show the small hole being filled, completing it with the image of bubbles appearing on it. As the light faded, Derpy looked to Drago who gave her a warm smile.

"Looks like you feel whole again." Drago then gets surprised when she hugs him and hears it sniffle as tears fall down her face. "Are you okay-"

"Thank you." Derpy said with a tear going down her face. "Thank you so much." Hearing this brought a smile to Drago as he returned the hug.

"Anytime, Derpy." Drago told her. "You can always count on me and the others when you need us. How about we keep trying the rest of these? I'd like to taste a cupcake before Discord and Pinkie finish them." She nods to his suggestion as they move to try the other treats.

"By the way, Pinkie." Connor getting her attention. "What made you think my full name was Connor Match?"

Pinkie looks at him confused tilting her head till she giggles at him. "What are you talking about? That's easy. It says so on your ID cards. See? It says it right here?" She said as she pulled out their ID card as she read off their names. "Connor Match, Negi Data and Reiji Silver."

The guys take back their cards. "Huh. So, not just new looks and new clothes but I guess new names were on the list too." Reiji said with a smile. "Though if you want to call me by a nickname, I was called Ray by family, friends and people I knew."

Negi looks at Pinkie confused. "How or why did you have our ID cards?"

"Oh! That's easy." Pinkie stated. "I secretly took them while you guys were busy since I haven't been able to get to know you much. You see, I gather info on my family, friends and everyone I meet. I ask them questions without them realising or secretly get look into them so I can plan and throw the best parties I can that'll always bring a smile to them."

"That's a really great thing of you to want to do." Connor says with a smile but then deadpans. "But please don't take our stuff without asking. Or at least don't do that to me." Everyone laughs at the last sentence.

Within the Dark Realm

Within the dark realm at the same crystal area, Molten and Scarlet were there sitting and leaning on different spikes. Scarlet was reading a magazine while Molten was staring at the unicorn progrize key with a glare that he's gripping tightly on to. Molten slammed a fist into a spike next to him.

"How long are we going to be waiting here?" Molten asked with anger in his voice

Scarlet scoffs annoyed. "You and I both know how long we have to wait." Answering she looks around. "Though the others seem to be taking their sweet time. I wonder if they went to challenge the Riders. It'd be great to hear they got defeated by the Riders."

"Sorry to disappoint you but we aren't foolish enough to try our hands against the Riders like you." Said a guy that's their age appear behind her with two others appearing across them. "Some of us would rather wait till we had more options." The guy said as he walked over to the two that appeared.

The guy placing himself to the two's left had white skin, same as Rarity, with light brilliant blue eyes and long light amber hair, wearing a reddish-purple blazer, a white under shirt, dark blue tie, dark blue slacks, and black shoes. The person to the right is a tall light green skinned muscular guy with red eyes and short teal hair, wearing black shirt a green outline image of a dragon, blue jeans, and black boots. The last is a dark orchid skinned teen girl with moderate opal eyes and rose-colored hair that's lighter at the edges and goes up to her shoulders, wearing red shirt, a reddish-purple blazer with the buttons undone, a dark blue tie, a reddish-purple tartan skirt, and black shoes.

Scarlet grins. "Well, if it isn't our dear, Tempest Shadow. Along with the supposed king, Blueblood. And the undefeated Brutus. You all sure know how to keep a lady waiting."

"If there was a lady here." Tempest smirks at the glare Scarlet sends her.

Blueblood chuckles. "Well unlike you, we're busy trying to setup another event to destroy the seal. It's not something that can be easily set."

"Not that it should be any of your concern." Tempest added. "It's not our fault the master saw you as unstable to add into his plans." Scarlet scoffed looking away.

"So, can we go fight already? I have a score to settle with Zero-One." Molten said while cracking his knuckles.

"Soon enough." They heard and looked up to see the mysterious cloaked person floating in the air above them. "But for now, we must continue to distract the Riders while the next plan is being set." The person then sent a speck of light to the crystal floor that makes an image of the boy, Rumble, that Build saved at the mall. They all looked to the image showing the boy at what looks like a construction site holding a couple fullbottles. "Along with getting those before the Riders do."

Canterlot High

It was the next day, school was going normally as always till the school started rumbling a bit. Then a party pop sound echoed through the whole school as balloons, party streamers and confetti flew out every window. [Connor Match, Pinkie Pie and Reiji Silver please report to my office.] Vice principle Luna said through the PA.

To Be Continue