• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,015 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 8- Bargaining Sale

Author's Note:

Just a heads up, this chapter will involve some items that were gained in Knights of Harmony. So, sorry if it confuses you a bit from there being forms or attacks that weren't show or explained in this story.

The Dark Realm

"KYAAAAHHHHH!!" Scarlet screamed in pain as she was held mid-air by red lightning coming from Reaper's hand. Brutus and Molten were just standing on the sidelines watching as Reaper was punishing Scarlet for her recent loss against the Riders.

"I believe I warned you what would happen if you failed, griffon. Did I not?" The cloaked being brought up with a annoyed distorted tone. "You were warned and yet you tried to sneak away from your punishment even though it's the master's orders."

Scarlet tries struggled against the hold. "I wasn't trying to run. I was going to prove my worth to the master by destroying the Riders." She spoke through the pain that she was being put through.

Reaper releases her from the hold, letting her drop flat to the floor. "You no longer have the free will to make judgements on your own." Walking up to her, Reaper lifts her head up by her hair after kneeling next to her. "If you're to destroy the Riders, then it will be under my decisions and orders. Do I make myself clear, griffon?"

With a nod, Reaper releases her and snaps their fingers making two Riotoozes appear as they stood up straight. "Take her to the lab. If she wants to face the Riders again, then I'll grant her wish and allow it. But as a tool of my choice." The Riotoozes do as they were told picking her up and walking off with her. "Brutus, the master has a job for you and Molten. And if you fail, you'll share the same fate as the griffon."

"So long as I get to face Zero-One, I'll gladly accept regardless of the cost." "If it's an order by the master, then I have no reason to refuse. " The two accepted without any hesitation. Molten walks up to Reaper. "The only question now is what does the master want us to do."

Reaper taps the air with their finger, making contact with it as if it were a solid object, making a map of Canterlot City appear with different parts of on the map lit up.

"It would seem that more of the Riders powers have surfaced. The master wants you to retrieve them. Or at best, don't allow the Riders to secure them all. This should be simple enough for the two of you." Reaper began to leave in the direction the Riotoozes left in. "Use these the next time you encounter the Riders." Brutus catches four Progrisekey looking items tossed to him.

The moment the cloaked being was gone, Brutus waved his hand over image, making it change and split into two. One is of Applejack's farm where the Apple family were doing early morning chores, minus one Big Mac, before heading to school along with Negi helping them.

The second was of Canterlot's animal shelter where Fluttershy is helping clean the cages and kennels of the animals with Drago and a bit of a tired looking Spike helping out.

"Seems they don't know of the items having surfaced yet." Brutus speculated from how they were going about their day normally. "We'll have to work fast if we want to get to them before the Riders. Either that or-"

"We allow the Riders to find them and then destroy them along with taking the items, all in one go."

Police Station

The station was as lively as always with an annoyed looking Shining Armor at his desk with a newspaper from Canterlot High School.

He slammed the paper onto his desk. "Rah. Once again, the school was informed by the whole events that happened yesterday. Not only that but all the mall's security footage was erased." Shining lets out a frustrated sigh, leaning back in his chair. "The higher ups are really going to let us have it now."

"Doesn't seem like it's going to be that way." Shining sits upright as his uncle walked up to him. "Seems someone is being set from one of the higher ups to assist us with the Riders."

"How exactly can someone within the force be able to go against the Riders?" Shining questioned thinking it sound skeptical. "Last I remembered, we didn't have powered suits like what the Riders use."

"That's absolutely correct." The two along with the other officers turned to the entrance to see a lady that seems to be in her early thirties wearing black pants and blazer, a white T-shirt and black high heels. Making her way towards Dusk and Shining with a suitcase in hand, some of the officers seemed either love struck or amazed by her beautiful gray skin, long dark cerulean hair and light gray eyes. "Or at least it used to be correct."

"Who might you be? I don't think I've seen you around Canterlot City before." Dusk questioned as she hands him a business card. "Hm...Zea Everwood. Wait, isn't that the company that owns the Everwood Forest?"

The woman nods. "Yes. That's correct. My name is Chrysalis. I'm here representing my company." "So, what exactly is your business here?" Shining asked being suspicious of the woman. "Your higher ups were searching on ways to deal with these so-called Riders you're having trouble catching and my company gave them a solution."

"What kind of solution?" Instead of answering Dusk, Chrysalis set the suitcase on Shining's desk and opens it to show them its contents which shocks them. "Wait! Are these-"

Inside the case were what looks like two Drivers. One is a black with a red and silver single slot front. A white transparent Gaia Memory with a gold sword and cape making the letter 'P' on it and 'Paladin' in small letters on the side next to it. And the second is a Driver that's a black and blue gun with a gold Progrisekey called Fighting Jackal.

Chrysalis nods. "Indeed. They're the same as what the Riders use. They are the Lostdriver and Shotriser. With these you should be able to be on equal terms with the Riders." She looks to the chief. "I shall leave the choice of Riders up to you, Chief Dusk."

Dusk looked at her for a second before looking back to the Drivers. Shining Armor reaches and picks up the Gaia Memory and presses the button. (PALADIN!)

[Cue Opening]

Canterlot High School

It was the middle of the afternoon with the students having lunch in the school cafeteria. Drago and the group were all seated at the same table by the windows.

On one side of the table was Applejack, Negi and Drago while the rest of the girls were on the other side. Each were enjoying their lunches. Well, all except for one.

While eating their lunches, Rainbow lets out a sigh. "When are Connor and the others going to be back? You'd think they'd be able to get a job done quickly."

"Oh. Is someone missing her Connor?" Rarity teased with a grin.

"Of course, I-" Rainbow's face reddened. "W-What?! N-No! Rarity! I just mean, that things around here are a bit boring without the whole group around." She tried passing off with an annoyed expression, but the blush on her face was telling them otherwise, causing them to giggle and laugh softly.

Applejack looks to Negi. "Thanks again for the help this mornin'. With the cold Big Mac caught, I thought Apple Bloom and I were gonna be late today."

"Me and the animals were also really grateful to you and Spike for helping at the shelter, Drago." Fluttershy added smiling to her friend. "Thanks to you, we were able to get a lot more done than usual."

"No problem." "Yeah. Don't mention it. Me and Spike were just helping keep Discord's promise to help since he's gone at the moment." Drago said returning the smile.

Pinkie pops up from in between the guys while drumming two spoons against the table. "How is Spike's first day of school going so far?" She then repeatedly ducks out of sight and reappears in different angels around Drago while continuing to drum. "Has he made any friends? Does he have a favorite teacher? What's his favorite class so far? Does he plan on joining any clubs? If so, then he should join the baking club. We're always excepting newer members."

"Well... I'm not sure on any of that. But he does seem to be having fun." "How do you know?" Drago answers Fluttershy's question by motion her to look behind herself with the others following the direction.

They find Spike sitting at a table at the corner of the room with Rumble and the CMC talking with smiles on their faces.

"So, we're going to the cafe today still so you can show us your room, right Spike?" He nods answering Scootaloo's question before she looked to Rumble. "And you can show us what you were going to do yesterday with Connor."

Rumble shook his head. "Nope." "What? Why not?" "I mean I was just going yesterday to help me out with my science homework. But I am helping him work on something. But I promised him I wouldn't show anyone what he's doing."

"Can you at least tell us what he's working on?" Sweetie asked curious on what it could be.

He thought for a second before continuing. "He's working on newer rides that Zea thinks will be needed at some point." "Really? What kind of rides?" Scootaloo asked excited. "Not sure what the two are. But the third is a motorcycle that he said he's making himself in case for someone back in Sunset's old world."

"Really? But everyone in Equestria don't know anything about any of the vehicles here. Who in Equestria would need it?" Rumble shrugs to Spike's question. "Beats me. I'm just happy to help." "Now I'm really curious about it."

Drago smiles at the sight. "They seem to be getting along. It's been a while since I've seen Spike smile so much."

Applejack and Negi turned back to Drago confused from the last part. "What do ya-" "That reminds me, why didn't you or Discord say anything before about Spike being your brother? Especially when you guys first showed up." Rainbow asked with the rest of the girls just as curious.

He shrugs after taking a bit from his sandwich. "Honestly, so much was going on that it slipped our minds after the whole incident we had to go through along with the enemies and new kaiju that keep showing up."

"Yeah. Like that asshole yesterday who Gilda was working with." Rainbow became pissed thinking back to yesterday's events. "I won't forgive her for trying to kill Scootaloo and the girls."

"I'm with yah there." "Well, it could've just been the side effect from her having used the Gaia Memory." Negi added in after Applejack. "In W's world, using that type of Memory makes the user addictive to its power or go insane at some point. At least that'd be my guess from how she acted. Especially towards Sunset."

She raises a brow to that. "And this W uses these even with those side effects?"

"The Gaia Memories that W uses are different from how Arm's was. Plus, his Driver helped prevent any side effects from appearing on the user."

"Speaking of," Rarity paused looking around. "Where is Sunset? I don't believe I've seen her around today." "I hope she isn't in trouble."

Hearing Fluttershy say this made the group begin to wonder and worry for their friend until they hear "I'm sure she's fine."

The group look back to Drago. "What makes you so sure of that?" Negi asked curiously. "Because we aren't the only ones worried." While the others were confused by this answer, Drago looked around the cafeteria smiling from not seeing someone who clearly answers his question.

Drago sighs looking to Rainbow. "By the way, Rainbow can I ask you something?" "Sure, Drago. What's up?" "Have you found a drummer for your band yet?" He asked while Pinkie used his head as a drum.

Outside the School

Within the trees behind the parking lot, Sunset was sitting on a log with the trees surrounding her. Having a depressed expression as she looks through a yearbook.

She stops on a page listed as 'Biggest Meanie' with pictures of her and Molten together or by themselves. One in particular she kept her eyes on is a picture of her and Flash in the school hallways where she seems to be shoving Flash out of her way.

"You know I never blamed you for that, right?" Sunset almost falls off the log from having been startled. Hearing a laugh, she looks to her left, back towards the school to see Flash. "You don't have to be that surprised to hear me. Mind if I sit here?" He asked having walked up to her.

"Um...Sure. Go ahead." Sunset looks away as he sat down. "So, what are you doing all the way out here?" "I...I just didn't feel like being around everyone's gaze today and thought I could think of what I could do to change their opinion on me while I'm out her. But I just can't think of anything." Flash's heart aches seeing her eyes water up before curling up to hide her face. "Maybe I should just find a way back to Equestria and never come back."

She uncurls when she feels a hand on her right shoulder and gets pulled to her left. She sees that Flash had scooted closer to reach over to place his hand on her shoulder and pulled her close to rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'd be really sad if you were gone. But I wouldn't make you stay somewhere that's hurting you either." The two turn to face each other at the same moment that their faces came close to each other. A few seconds passed staring into each other's eyes before noticing what's happening and looked away from each other with their faces having reddened. Flash clears his throat. "I just wanted to let you know that no matter what you decide to do, you can count on my support. If you stay, I'll do all I can to help you make a new start. And if you go,...I'll-"

Flash freezes from Sunset suddenly hugging him. "I get it. Thanks Flash. I'm really glad to have you back in my life." She said with a grateful smile and then giggles after breaking the hug and seeing Flash still frozen by the sudden hug. "Hello? Flash? Anybody still awake in there?" She teased waving a hand in front of his face.

"Hm? Oh! Um...Sorry about that. Uh-" He had quickly stood up causing him to stumble a bit, making Sunset giggle at him. "I meant to do that." "Whatever you say, Mr. Cool Guy." "So...Maybe we should head back now. Our friends are probably wonder where we are."

Sunset didn't say anything and just stood up to begin walking back to the school with Flash. The two stayed quiet while walking back being stuck in their thoughts. Sunset was happy to know that besides her friends, Flash was around for support. But inside she also wondered if she really deserved this second chance and their support.

Flash on the other hand, seeing her from the corner of his eyes, could tell she was a bit happy but still bothered by the whole event. His fist tightened a bit as he thought back on how he wasn't able to do anything to Molten and could only watched as the guy did whatever he wanted. He never wants to see anyone he cares about get hurt that way again. Looking ahead to the school, an idea came to his mind.

The Dragons Cavern

Spike was in his with Rumble and the CMC. Once school had ended, the group had decided to head to the cafe to show them his room and his Wizard rings.

His room is on the first floor at the back left side of the building. Having a window on two of the walls, the room was furnished with a regular sized bed and a two-drawer nightstand next to it, a desk next to a bookshelf filled with mostly comic books and a few books, and a tv hanging on the wall with a rotating shelf of movies under it.

"Your room is pretty cool, Spike." Scootaloo commented. She and her friends were seated on the bed while Rumble sat on the desk's chair with Spike seated to his right on an extra chair he brought in.

"Didn't you just move here yesterday?" Rumble curiously asked. "How'd you get your room done so quickly?"

Spike smirks holding up his left has that has a silver ring that changes into the Wizard flame ring. "Hey, when you're a Rider of magic, things like moving stuff around is simple."

"So Spike, when did yah become a Rider? And where were yah this whole time?" Apple Bloom asked with Sweetie Belle nodding. "Yeah. There hasn't been any news about a Rider appearing anywhere else."

Spike sighs leaning back against his chair. "Well, technically I got my powers the same day as my brothers. As for why I wasn't around, let's just say my family is a bit secretive about anyone finding out about the Riders and the history behind them. Which is why they didn't want me leaving home until I had mastered my magic. But I got tired of waiting and staying on the sidelines while my brothers fought. So, I ran away from home to be here."

The girls gasped. "Spike, that horrible!" "Yeah. I mean it must be awesome to be a hero but that shouldn't mean it's okay to ditch your family." "They're right, Spike. Your family is probably worried ta the bone about yah." The CMC felt bad for how his family must be feeling.

"It's fine." He said waving off the thought. "My parents figured I was going to do this. So, about a day before I left, my mom warned me what would happen if I snuck off. She actually sent me a message last night saying that she and my dad are happy I'm trying to make my own path but to be prepared for the consequences the next time I see them."

Rumble's eyebrow raised. "What kind of consequences? And what are you doing?" He asked seeing him bring out a copy of the silver chain he wears as Wizard from the desk, along with a pouch full of rings.

"Who knows. It's scary what kind of things my mom can think of as punishments." Spike answered while shivering at the thought. "And Drago told me to put my rings into this chain. He said that Discord helped you friend Connor make items like these to store or Rider powers and items in."

"Oh yeah. I think Connor told me about that before when I asked him how he and the others are able to hide their belts." Rumble scratched his head for a second trying to remember. "He said that they enchanted the holders so that they switch in the power they need."

Curious, the CMC stood up and walked over to watch along with Rumble as Spike aligned all his rings into a circle around the chair. They all watched as the rings glowed along with the chain. The rings the flew placing themselves onto the chain with the last of the rings turning into light that went all into the last empty slot.

"Now to see if it worked." Spike mostly said to himself. Holding his hand over the empty slot, a ring with the image of a dragon head and wings at the top of a spinning twister-looking image. "Yup. That's the drill ring. it definitely works."

"That's so cool!" Scootaloo feeling excited from getting to see the Riders powers firsthand. "Hey Spike, do you have awesome forms like Connor and the others do?"

Spike takes three rings off the chain. "My suit doesn't really change much but the gem of the suit and element I use does change." He holds out the rings for his friends to see. Each were the same as the Flame Ring on having a visor the flips over them. The first is a blue diamond shaped gem. The second is a green upside-down triangle shaped gem. And the last is a yellow square shaped gem. "From what the belt said when I first used them, these are the Water, Hurricane, and Land Rings."

While the girls looked over the rings, a thought came to Rumble. "Where's everyone else? I thought they had gone ahead of us since they didn't come back with us."

"Applejack went back home with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset ta see if her bass guitar is still good ta play with in the band." Apple Bloom answered with Spike continuing. "My brother and Negi are at a park helping their friend Flash with something."

"Helping Flash with what?" Spike shrugs to Rumble. "I wonder what they could be doing."

"Who knows. Say," (Connect, Please!) Having paused to use his ring, Spike sticks his hand into the spell circle to pull out the Wizswordgun. "do you guys want to play a game?"

Everwood Park

"Ugh!" Flash had been knocked flat onto his back. They were in the middle of the park with Drago across from Flash with his leg up having done a side kick and then lowers. Negi was just on the side watching from next to a bench with his two friend's jackets lying on it.

Negi walks up to Flash as he stood up. "Are you really sure you want to do this? You may be able to face grunts by learning to fight, but kaiju would still be out of the question." "Yes. I can't let the same thing happen again. I don't want to be on the sidelines ever again if someone tries hurting Sunset or any of my friends."

Negi didn't say anything, but instead goes back to the bench as Drago got into a fighting stance. "Then let's continue." Flash does as he says and runs up to him throwing punches. Drago stood his ground holding up both his arms to block each of the punches.

"When facing actual opponents, your punches and kick need to have power to back them up. So, make sure to rotate your torso when throwing punches. Like this." Following his own words and ducking under Flash's next punch, Drago lands a powerful punch in his friend's gut and knocks the air out of him as the guy fell to his knees gasping for air. "Punches like these will help leave an opponent open for another hit. But it's best to save that for when the enemy has an opening."

"C-Can't you teach me this in a different way?" Flash requested between breaths.

Drago shook his head while taking a few steps back. "Sorry Flash, but this is the way I was taught." "And I can't teach you until I've seen what you can do and the limits of your body." Drago and Negi answered him. "Meaning you can quit now or prepare for some hurt. But just know, this is more about getting you used to fighting first. The real learning comes after that."

Not sure of what to do, Flash thought on the idea for a moment before remembering about earlier when he had talked to Sunset. He had been happy to see her smile at him again and the hug from her he swore he could still feel.

Now with a determination filling his spirit, Flash stands after regaining his breath and holds up his fists. "I'm not quitting until I at least land one punch on you."

Drago grins preparing himself along with Flash before the two ran charging at each other with fists at the ready.

Within the City

Walking down the lively streets of Canterlot City, Applejack and her friends seemed to be in search of something or a place from how they looked up or straight at shop signs as they moved along the sidewalk.

Leading the head of the group is Applejack with Rainbow Dash next to her, Fluttershy and Rarity in the middle, and Sunset following from the back with Pinkie Pie.

"I still can't believe granny sold off my bass fer two dollars without so much as askin' me if it was alright. And to them swindlin' snakes, the Flim Flam Brothers none the less." Applejack spoke in an irritated tone. "Knowin' them, they ain't gonna make gettin' my bass back easy as bakin' apple pie."

"I'm sure you'll be able to reason with them darling." "And if they don't then at least you've got us to back you up." Rainbow spoke out after Rarity tried reassuring their friend.

Applejack deadpans at Rainbow with an eyebrow raised. "Didn't yah say once that they conned yah inta buying an autographed limited-edition Daring Do book that turned out ta be a regular Daring Do book with ah forged signature?"

Rainbow said nothing but frowned with a blush and looks away crossing her arms. "I'll get those assholes back for that one day." She mumbled under her breath.

"What was the name of the shop again?" Sunset asked while looking at stores.

"The Flim Flam Brothers' Everything-Under-The-Sun Emporium." Pinkie spoke out answering. "You can actually remember such a long ridicules name?" "Of course. It even says so itself."

Having answered Sunset's question, Pinkie points across the street making the others follow the direction. It led to a pawn shop with the name on a sign in front of the store in huge red letters. Finally finding the shop, the group made their way across the street and entered the shop. The first thing they hear upon entering is the sound of the bell hanging above the door.

The pawn shop is filled with an assortment of different objects such as a golf club, a suit, pogo stick, musical instruments, and many more things. They stood at the entrance while looking around for a second before two identical men jumped out from across the shop with one shouting "Welcome to the grand opening of the Flim Flam Brothers' Everything Under the Sun Emporium!"

Their outfits being the same white shirts with blue stripes, a black bow tie, and white pants but with the exception of their shoes being different colors. Flim wore white and blue shoes while flam had red and white shoes.

"If you want it...we've got it!" Flam had continued their sale pitch with Flim having joined in at the end jumping into his brother's arms. "Need a pogo stick?" "A bowling ball?" "A stuffed clown?" "Whatever this is?" The brothers had shown said object with the last being a strainer with lights and wires attached to it.

"I'd like that bass." Applejack with a smile motioned towards a bass guitar rested on a stand with a saxophone and electrical keyboard next to it with a disco ball above between them.

While Flim quickly brought the bass over, Sunset and Fluttershy decided to look around while their friends got Applejack's bass back.

"I can give you this base for a non-negotiable price of one thousand dollars." Flim stated the price holding the bass out with him and his brother both showing toothy grins.

Sunset and Fluttershy could hear their friends behind them begin to argue with the swindling brothers about the outrageous price. Fluttershy was looking at items on the walls while Sunset looked at the display cases. She didn't find anything of interest to her until getting to the middle of the top shelf and goes wide eyed.

"Um...Sunset." She spoke out as a whisper to Sunset who makes a confused look at a toy doll of what looks like a kaiju made of many eyes with a single giant eye acting as the face. "Someone had a weird taste to make th- Wha?!" Sunset said mostly to herself before continuing looking through the display but goes wide eyed at the section below the doll.

In the display case are three Fullbottles and a Core Medal. The Fullbottles consisted of a brown dog, a gray mic, and a red dryer with a purple scorpion medal in front of the three. "What in the hell are these doing here?" "Sunset." Fluttershy forces her head to turn towards what has her shock which helps Sunset understand her friend without arguing or asking.

On the top shelf lying next to a black card case, sat a holder with four Progrisekeys attached in a row. From top to bottom they see a red tiger, orange cheetah, blue wolf, and a cyan penguin.

The two looked to each other and turned about to rush back to their friends until a bass sound burst knocked them over. Recovering from the sudden burst, they looked to the source to find that Applejack had ponied up with the bass having gained new linings in the front and a red apple marks.

The brothers had been left standing speechless with their hair blown back by the sound burst. "Perhaps this is her bass." Is all Flim says as Applejack holds out 2 dollars with a grin. But the two recover from their stupor as Flim and his brother proceed to say, "But there are still the transportation costs and overhead." "Don't forget the stocking fees." "Wouldn't dream of it, brother."

Applejack sighs in defeat with her pony ears flopping down as she looked to the floor. Seeing their friend down, the three looked to the brothers with angered expressions and are about to tell them off, but Sunset and Fluttershy covered their mouths with their hands.

"Will you excuse us for a moment?" Sunset asked with a nervous smile as she and Fluttershy took steps moving past Flim and Flam to go towards the display case after handing them back the bass, pulling their friends along with them. "We need a moment to think the offer over." She didn't wait for the brothers to respond and just left back over to the display.

"What the hell Sunset!" Rainbow nearly shouted pissed. "I was about to give those assholes a piece of my mind."

Rarity nodded agreeing with their rainbow haired friend. "Yes. Those crooks need to be taught a lesson."

"I'm sorry about that, but we found something equally important that we need to do something about." "What do yah mean?" Sunset and Fluttershy gestured to the display case and shelf to answer the question.

"What could possibly be...just as...Oh." Rainbow voice trailed off. She and the others became just as surprised as their friends had been from the sight of the Rider powers. As well as hear Pinkie gasp. "IT'S-" The Rainbow and the group quickly covered her mouth before looking back to Sunset. "Why are these here?!" "And why in the den of the slimiest of snakes in the city of all the gosh darn places?" Rainbow and Applejack questioned.

"I don't know." Sunset answered. "But we need to get them out of here before they figure out what they've gotten their hands on."

"Maybe we should call Drago and Negi." Rarity suggested. "Maybe they could help us come up with a plan to get their powers back."

Applejack shook her head while crossing her arms. "Nah. The second them snakes think someone's taken an interest in them, they'll start puttin' up a high price more faster than Rainbow can win a race." "Hey!"

"Oh!Oh!Oh! I know!" Pinkie shouted hopping in place. "The guys can just come transformed and take the powers without a problem." Fluttershy felt a bit of guilt just of the thought. "That wouldn't be a nice thing to do." "But they're big meanie pants."

Sunset ceases Pinkie's hopping, having place a hand on her shoulder. "No. Fluttershy is right. They already have enough trouble with the police. If they were to do that, the public would just start thinking of them as dangerous."

Rainbow sighs with an annoyed expression. "Then what can we do?"

As if on cue they all receive messages. They open the message to see it's from Zea only saying, 'Danger'. Maps then opens up to show them a dot moving quickly towards their direction from the other side of the city.

"Are we getting pizza?" Pinkie asked smiling. "If we're using it to distract them, I have whip cream and gummies we can use to make it taste even better. What?" She asked when her friends gave her confused looks with the exception of Rarity who seems grossed out.

"So, now we have a bad guy coming here. I was hoping to beat the hell out of Molten or Gilda." Rainbow eagerly spoke cracking her knuckles.

Aside from the two, Rarity and the rest of the group grew worried. "Maybe it'd be best if we just leave. I'd rather not run into either of those two when we're on our own."

"But we can't just let the get the powers." "Um...girls." Fluttershy tried speaking up as Rainbow argued with the fashionista.

Applejack nods agreeing. "That would also mean more kaiju ta be created. Like the lion yesterday."

"The dot-" "And do what exactly?" Sunset interrupted Fluttershy crossing her arms with a brow raised. "We can't exactly just steal them. And we don't have any way of facing whoever is heading here."

"I think we should-" "Maybe they'd be willing to give us one or two of the Fullbottles or Progrisekeys if I give them some helpful opinions on how to make their shop more welcoming." Once again, the shy girl is interrupted. This time by Rarity trying to suggest an idea.

Aside from Pinkie, the group began arguing while Fluttershy begins to tremble looking back and forth between the shop's windows and her phone seeing the dot about to arrive. Though once it reached them, nothing and/or no one could be seen anywhere in front of the shop which helped calm her a bit after a moment but also confused her.

"Um...Girls, there isn't-" "Look all I'm say is that we can just have someone distract the two while the rest of us snatch the bottles, medal, and keys." Rainbow spoke over Fluttershy. Annoyed by this, she gives an annoyed frown to the rainbow haired girl.

While Applejack argued back saying "Rainbow, they'd easily figure out it's us that stole them. I pretty sure we're the only souls that even bothered ta come in here today.", someone takes the Progrisekeys from the self and then grabs the medal and Fullbottles from the display case.

The same person taps Pinkie's shoulder and hands her the items the second she turned to face them. "Hold these for me, please." "Okie dokie loki." She responds happily without looking at the person who sounded like a man. She turns back to face her friends while the man moved next to Fluttershy without her noticing, wraps an arm around on her shoulder and pulled her into himself causing her to squeak.

"Now girls, don't you know it's not nice to ignore a friend."

All the girls freeze with fear at the familiar voice. They all turn to the source of the voice to find Fluttershy trembling with fear as she's being held close by Faust who's facing towards them with a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"What's the matter? I thought you'd all be happy to see me?" He spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Faust takes notice of Applejack, Rainbow and Sunset readying themselves to jump him all at once but are interrupted by the Flim and Flam Brothers suddenly sliding in between him and the girls.

"Welcome to the Flim Flam Brothers'-" "Ah. So, you're the brothers I've heard so greatly about." Faust spoke up cutting off Flim while releasing Fluttershy and letting Rainbow quickly get her. "I actually came here to suggest an offer a friend of mine wanted to pitch."

"Oh really?" Flam and his brother were intrigued and curious by this. "So, what is this offer your friend is wanting to talk about?" Faust answers the question by holding out two Gaia Memories. One had an 'M' in the shape of a volcano with the magma inside making the middle and the other is a 'V' in the shape of an arm. (MAGMA!) (VIOLENCE!) "What are you-"

Faust throws the Memories at the two, cutting Flam off as the Memories landed and fused into their necks. Flim's body began to morph, changing shape while his brother Flam became covered in flames.

Flim transforms into a big gray muscley Dopant with bits of metal sticking out of his body and round metal head. His left arm is what looks to be a wrecking ball. And Flam had become a Dopant's arms, legs, chest and skull face being made of molten rock and the rest of magma flames.

"Well, truthfully you're all part of an offer for the Riders." Faust said looking to the girls. "Now if you'll be so kind as to divide into three groups along with the Riders powers."

"And why would we listen to a cruel fiend like you?" Rarity questioned with her and her friends glaring at him. Except for Fluttershy who's hiding behind Rainbow.

"It's either that or face my two new friends here." Faust motioned towards the two Dopants who are standing in place like mindless drones.

Sunset takes a step forward. "Alright then, we'll bite. What exactly do you want?"

The question causes him to chuckle darkly. "Nothing much. I just want to see how good of heroes your dear Riders are. And to do that, each of your groups will be chased by a kaiju that'll be trying to retrieve the Rider powers." Faust instructed making Rainbow raise a brow.

"You must be missing something in that head of yours. Two kaiju can't chase three groups. You're one kaiju short."

"You're completely right." In his left hand, Faust holds up his hand to show the girls the scorpion Core Medal, a red scorpion Fullbottle, and a purple scorpion Progrisekey. "Which is why two of you lucky girls will get to meet the next Nameless."

A chill runs down the girls spines as they recall yesterday's events. Remembering how dangerous Nameless Leo was from the destruction it caused and how difficult it was for Zero-One to defeat. They could only how a scorpion will be and what it'll be able to do.

"I'm giving you a 2-minute head start. Be sure each of you holds a bottle or key. Or you won't believe how quickly they'll kill you without the power." He warned before his smile turned into a veil grin. "Now...run."

The girls don't even waist time, running out the building and quickly hand each other one of the Riders powers while in front of the shop before running in three different directions.

Faust walked out of the shop a second later to watch the girls run with a devilish smile. He watched Sunset and Applejack run after having gone across the street with the tiger and penguin Progrisekeys at hand, Rainbow and Pinkie had left to his right with the three Fullbottles, while Fluttershy and Rarity went to the left with the wolf and cheetah Progrisekeys.

Seeming to make a decision, Faust banishes the gun and then brings out an orb like the one from the mall. "May the game begin." He looks back to the shop. "Now for the real prize."

While they ran, Sunset pulled out her phone and started typing a message.

The Dragons Cavern

Spread all around the cafe, sets of five books were left standing on top shelves, chairs, tables and anywhere else they could be left standing away from the cafe's entrance.

Spike and his friends are standing at the entrance where he pushes up the thumb of the WizarSwordGun's hand to open it making it start a jingle that continuously says (Come on a Shooting, Shake Hands!) until he holds his right hand wearing a ring, having an image of dragon's head with a row heads, over the hand. (Copy, Please!)

Two red spell circles appear, one passing through the gun while the other makes a copy of the weapon that Spike took ahold of in his right hand. He spins the copy gun in his hand.

"Okay, so the objective of the game will be whoever can gain the most points by shooting down the targets." Spike points over to the books. "The first two are 1 point, the second ones are worth 3 points and the middle is 5 points. We each get ten shots. The one with the highest score will be the winner. So, who wants to go first?"

"I'm up for it." Scootaloo immediately answered saying. "I've been wanting to see what it's like to use your guy's weapons." She takes ahold of the copy feeling the weight of it. "Wow. It's kind of heavy."

"Well yeah. Even I've hardly ever seen and used any weapon this size that didn't have some weight to them. Oh well. Let's get started." In three seconds, Spike aims and shoots down the center book on the farthest shelf at the back which both amazed and shocked his friends. "Do you think you can keep up?"

Scootaloo looked back to him with a blank expression for a second before she shook herself out of the daze and gave him a confident grin. "Bring. It. On."

As they began to play their game, Spike's phone that was left on silent and under his jacket onto of a table behind them lit up and vibrates from receiving a message.

Everwood Park

Still at the same spot, Negi was watching Flash still trying to land a punch on Drago. He was getting close at times on landing the hit, but Drago managed to block or counter the hits.

Flash brings his arms up and close to himself to guard against his friend's kick that was aimed to the side of his head. He tries to go for punch right then only for Drago to catch his wrist and pulls on it to bring Flash into a headbutt. The pain from their foreheads having slammed into each other makes Flash take a step back, which his friend takes advantage of to pull him in again and deliver an elbow to the chest. Drago then turned and threw Flash over his shoulder, making him land flat on his back.

"If that's the best you can manage Flash, then I think it'd be better if you just stayed on the sidelines." Drago said crossing his arms. "You'll just be throwing away your life. And that's something Sunset doesn't need to bring her down more."

He watched as Flash shankingly stood back onto his feet and is surprised when his friend instantly sprints towards him. Taking steps back, Drago kept block the hits with his arms as Flash swings his fists wildly. He had to admit that Flash has a burning spirit from how he hasn't given up on landing the punch and could swear he could feel the heat from it.

Drago thought this until he realized he was actually feeling heat as Flash's fists hit against his arms. Jumping back from the next swings, Drago took a few steps back waving both his arms to cool them down.

"Are you okay there, Drago?" He looks unsure at his arms and then to Flash, who seems confused by his actions. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?"

"Flash, are you-" Drago cuts himself off and begins looking around with Negi doing the same. "Did you feel that?" "Yeah. Something is wrong."

Negi's Primal Cell makes an emergency ring from his pocket with Drago's doing the same from his jacket. He pulls it out of his pocket to see it's an emergency message from Sunset. "The girls are in trouble."

Tossing Drago's jacket to him, the two are about to run to their bikes but stop finding Brutus standing across from them.

"Brutus, get out of our way." Drago spoke out loud. "We don't have time to deal with you right now."

"You make it sound like you have a choice, Jurassic." The strong man said while holding out the strawberry lock and pushes the trigger on the side. (Ichigo!) The lock called out with a zipper appearing and opening up next to Brutus.

"A Lockseed." Pointing out the name, Negi could see a different forest within the zipper. "The Helheim Forest? It exists in this world?"

Brutus chuckles at their surprise while six Riotoozes spawned from the ground. "You wouldn't believe what realms became connected once the Riders powers entered this world." He then shoves the Lockseed into one of the Riotoozes. "These shall be your opponent, Jurassic."

A deformed strawberry looking ninja armor formed on the Riotooze's shoulders and chest. The Riotooze then summons two kunai with a strawberry design on them. Brutus brings out 5 other Lockseeds and throws them into the rest of the grunts as they announced themselves. (Banana!) (Mango!) (Donguri!) (Budou!) (Durian!)

Each of them gained different types of deformed armors like the first. The firsts are a banana and mango looking armors resembling European knights with one having a banana spear and the other a diced mango long-handled mace. The third is an acorn medieval squire armed with a stylized acorn war hammer. Another is a grape Chinese soldier's armor with a grape gun that seems like a mix of a revolver and gatling gun. The last is a durian Roman gladiator armor with twin broadswords having serrated edges.

"What are those?" "Armors that Riders from Gaim's world uses." Negi spoke out answering Flash's question. "I'm guessing this is the only way you could use the Lockseeds, Brutus."

"For now, at least. Though I have a different surprise for you, Zero-One."

Negi notices right then a second too late as white tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs from behind him. Before Drago could help him, Negi is dragged off.

"Negi!" Drago wanted to chase after him but gets blocked off by the Riotoozes. "Damn it. Flash, you're gonna have to go ahead of us." "But the others." "Brutus, isn't really leaving us a choice here. You and Spike will have to try dealing with it on your own."

Flash wants to argue against him but knows he's right. The girls might not last until Drago and Negi are able to defeat this many enemies.

"Go now." Drago told him in an ordering tone as he brought out his Driver. (Alpha Tyranno! Infusion!) "Henshin!" (Core Blaze! Stomp! Slam! Roar! Alpha Tyranno!) Flash runs off while the obsidian wall came up and crumbles around Drago to transform him into Jurassic.

"I have to admit, I'm interested to see what you can do now." (Tyranno Sword!) Jurassic summons out his weapon hit the Banana Riotooze's spear to the side as it tried striking at him. He tries swinging at it, but Banana ducks under it.

He was about to try again but jumps back avoiding the Grape Riotooze's gun shots. Jurassic doesn't get much time to react the moment he lands as the Durian Riotooze shoves his sword out of the way to hit him with two strikes from its swords. (Slam!) The Rider blocks and shoves the Riotooze's next hit back before hitting it to the side with a red aura tail.

(Stomp!) With an aura rex leg, Jurassic runs up to the Mango Riotooze and jumps kicks it making it stumble back. Taking notice of the Strawberry Riotooze to his left, Jurassic hits the kunais to the side until Acorn Riotooze hit his sword out of his hand and beats its hammer against the Rider's chest with sparks flying off from each hit. Jurassic doesn't get the chance to recover after the Mango Riotooze lands a hit with its mace on him as he stumbled back and was sent flying into a tree.

"You guys aren't going to make this easy, are you." While speaking to the grunts, he brings out his Primal Cell and inputs the codes for armaments. (Ceratosaurus! Arcocanthosaurus! Dail in! Core Armament! Cerato Blade! Arcocan Burner!) The armaments appeared with Cerato attaching to the right and Arcocan to the left. "But this is far from over."


Not that far from Jurassic, Negi is dragged to another part of the park with the tentacles releasing him and retracting into a lake.

"If I'm guessing right, I'm facing my type of enemies." (Zero-One Driver) Negi spoke to himself while putting on the Zero-One Driver.

Then what looks similar to a Humagear bursts out of the water. Its wearing a belt with a white looking Progrisekey having image of a creature that looks similar to a squid and 'NEOHI MAGIA' and 'TYPE:ZETSUMETSU' on it and red wires jamming into it. The upper part of its body matches the key's image and color from the face being white with yellow round eyes and two tentacles hanging from its head like antenna. On the back are six tentacles acting like a cape with silver pointed tips.

"Magia." Negi looks around as three other Magia walk up and surrounding him. "Should've guessed they'd even have the Zetsumetsukeys."

The right Magia with a blue key saying 'ARSINO MAGIA' has blue tough looking armor and a split horn on its head. Behind him is a Magia with a brown key saying 'MAMMOTH MAGIA' has its upper body covered in a bronze armor. The chest has a mammoth face with the trunk and tusks sticking out. The left with a green key having 'BEROTHA MAGIA' has a green mantis looking head and twin daggers that are being held downward.

Looking back to Mammoth, he sees Molten walking up to them. "I hope you don't mind returning what I lent you." Knowing what he means, Negi pulls the hedgehog Progrisekey from his pocket and tosses it over to the magma haired villain, who sets his own belt. (Raidriser!) "Ready to begin?"

(Jump! Authorize!) (Revolver!) "Henshin!" Negi shouted after hopper appeared and they both set the Progrisekeys into the Drivers. The Zero-One suit forms onto Negi with hopper forming into armor on him while pipes and a green DNA strap covered Molten, transforming him into a Raider. (Progrise! To-bia ga rise! Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick.) (Raid Rise! Gatling Hedgehog! Infinite spines shoot towards the enemy.)

He was a Raider with most of his mechanical body being white. On his shoulders are long green shoulder pads with spikes. The back of the wrists and his back also had green spikes coming out of them. And the upper part of the head is green and shaped like a hedgehog with spikes pointed back.

(Blade Rise!) The Attache Calibur called out as Zero-One grabbed and opened it after his Driver summoned it out. Holding the sword to his side, the Rider remains still, waiting for them to make the first move.

Arsino and Mammoth are the first to charge at him. Arsino aims its horns down at Zero-One while energy built up in Mammoth's tusks. The Rider moves to the side at last second, avoiding the Arsino and slashing at its back causing it to stumble to the floor.

Turning to face towards Mammoth, Zero-One holds up the sword in defense as the Magia rammed into him. (Strong! Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Hercules beetle's ability.) He had quickly inserted the key into the sword while being dragged back. Zero-One then grabs onto the tusk before he lets himself drop to the floor while using the Magia's own strength throw it into the air. (Amazing! Kaban Strash!) Zero-One launched the attack after quickly rolling back to his feet, hitting Mammoth down towards the ground with a huge beetle horn.

"Zero-One!" Hedgehog shout running up to the Rider with the spikes on his wrists extending. Seeing this, Zero-One does the same with having his sword ready. The two jump up at each other and slashed each other as they pass by one another causing sparks to fly off them.

"Not good enough." They turned to face each other after landing but the Raider is quicker and hit the Rider across the chest with spikes. Though as Zero-One rolled to the ground, he summons out his Progrise Gunner and shot at the Raider 5 times while rolling. "Gah!"

Each shot made Hedgehog take a step back, but he still remained standing. He looks back with a low growl to see the other two Magia with Neohi holding two of its tentacle's tips like daggers attacking Zero-One. The Rider does well on fending off and countering the two. "Ill be the one to defeat you, Zero-One." Hedgehog said mostly to himself before running up to them.

Within the City

Rainbow and Pinkie were running, making their way down the sidewalk either running around or through some people while shouting "Run!" and "It's a kaiju!" at the top of their lungs.

Pinkie stops shouting to ask "Do you think we'll be lucky enough to get the scorpion?"

"Why in the hell would you want that thing to come after us?"

"Because the big scary scorpion is probably gonna be really really fast at moving. And since we're faster than the others, it'd be better for it to come after us. Plus"

Rainbow was giving her a questionable look. "Plus what?"

"I was thinking maybe Spike could make it smaller with his magic so I could keep it as a pet." She admitted with a smile.

"Pinkie, you can't be-" Rainbow is cut off by the screams of people behind them. "Please tell me that isn't the scorpion."

Pinkie turns running backwards with her eye squinted to see what's happening behind them. Her eyes shoot open and turns back around to run normally but at a faster pace. "Never mind! Too scary!"

Curiosity getting the better of her, Rainbow looks back and sees, aside from people running away and out of their cars, a huge transparent dark purple scorpion with red markings ramming and hitting cars out of its way. Like leo it has bits of concrete sticking out, along with car parts. What makes it different from regular scorpions is the three tail stingers that extend to stab through some cars to fling them to the side.

Seeing this, she decides to follow Pinkie's lead and speeds up to match her. "Are you happy now, Pinkie?"

"Kinda. At least it's not after Fluttershy. She would've been scared beyond belief seeing that big guy." "Just shut up and run faster, Pinkie!"

The two look back for a second and notice Scorpion gaining on them. Rainbow quickly looks around with the only option she sees being an alleyway.

"This way." They run into the alleyway with Scorpion stopping at it not being able to fit. "Ha! How's that, bumble bee?" Rainbow shouted mocking it.

The Nameless tries squeezing into the alley but quickly gives up on the attempt and instead climbs onto the buildings to continue its pursuit. Scorpion ran across or climbed over some of the buildings while smashing its way through taller ones. It takes Scorpion less then seconds to have caught up with Rainbow and Pinkie which it then proceeds to try attacking them with its tails.

"Can't this asshole take a hint!" Rainbow ducks while running as the stinger passed over her head, stabbing into the wall. "Pinkie, do you know how to get rid of scorpions? Or maybe a huge boot."

Her friend actually seemed to think of it despite the sarcasm behind it while ducking and jumping over the stingers. "Nopie. Nada."

Looking ahead, Scorpion lifts its three tails and shoots a purple liquid from them as the girls were about to reach the end of the alley. Two of the shots hit the ground around Rainbow and Pinkie who make it to the sidewalk and the third shot hit the ground behind them leading back to the alley.

The two watched as the ground, walls, light pole, power line and other objects around them turn purple with a black mist emitting off them.

Pinkie was about to gasp but stopped herself by covering her mouth with her shit. "Rainbow, I think this is poison! Don't breathe it any of it!" Rainbow took to the warning and covered her mouth as well.

The Nameless jumps off the buildings, landing in front of the girls and makes a type of hiss noise at them. Not seeing any way out, the two hug closing their eyes, waiting for the inevitable as Scorpion reaches for them with its pincers.

But it never comes. Instead, they hear Scorpion screech in pain. They open their eyes to see a stream of fire being shot at it from above them. Looking up, they are happy to find Build hovering above them with his form being phoenix on one side to shoot the fire. While the other side is a teal armor with left arm being a vacuum with long pole head, a tube leading to a trash converter on the shoulder, and visor shaped as a vacuum.

"BUILD!!" The two shouted happily. They covered their faces when he uses the vacuum arm to suck up all the liquid poison and poisoned air with the objects around returning to their normal color. Build ceases shooting fire right when he hears a lion's roar. Not needing to defend itself anymore, Scorpion readies to attack Build but OOO comes jumping into the air on his bike and ramming the Nameless from the side. "OOO!"

"We leave you guys alone for a day and already you guys are getting yourselves into trouble." Build says while landing next to them.

OOO drives up stopping next to them. "But we're glad to see you both are alright."

"You would not believe what happened since you've been gone." Rainbow and Pinkie said at the same time and began speaking over one another. "There was this asshole yesterday that created a kaiju with a gun!/Our world's Spike is a Kamen Rider too named Wizard!"

"One at a time!" Build shouted agitated by the two before their focus turns back to Scorpion making noises as it recovered. "But that can can wait." (RabbitTank! Yeah!) Having switched back to his base form, summons his bike. "Get on."

Not wasting anytime, Rainbow hops onto Build's bike along with him while Pinkie got on OOO's. The Riders make tracks racing down the street with Scorpion chasing after them.

"Anyone mind explaining what that thing is."

"Short version, that thing was created using your guys powers related to scorpions." Rainbow answered with Pinkie shouting over to add "It's called Nameless Scorpion."

Build turning to look at Scorpion and then to Rainbow from the corner of his eyes before looking back forward. "Never a dull day around here. Know of any places we can lure it to?"

Rainbow and Pinkie brainstormed on the best place they could think of that would be the best place to lure the Nameless and confront it without getting people caught in the crossfire.

"Ohohoh! I know where we can go!" Pinkie exclaimed. "We can take Scorpion to an amusement park that's still being built." "Won't the people working on it get dragged into the mess?" "Nope. The park is on hold until the final plans for it are made. So, it's completely deserted."

"Then that's wh ere we'll go." Build pulls out his Primal Cell and quickly looks up the direction of said park. "Alright. OOO, follow me."

With a nod from his fellow Rider, Build takes lead as they made their way through the streets with people in cars swerving out of the way in fear of Scorpion.


The sounds of screaming filled the area around as people ran away from an open spaced shopping center plaza as balls of fire raining down smashing into objects, either setting them aflame or destroying them. The source of the destruction being Magma Dopant with fireballs being shot out from its body.

Magma suddenly stopped in his tracks, along with ceasing his attack. He looked around the area trying to locate targets he was tasked to destroy. Walking around in search, the Dopant didn't notice of Sunset and Applejack next him to the left, peeking out from inside a spa and salon called La Ti Da Spa.

"Okay, not that I'm not glad everybody is able to get away safely but" Sunset said while they watched Magma look around for them before hiding again. "why isn't that thing leaving? I'm pretty sure he didn't see us stop around here."

"Beats me. That thing is more persistent than Pinkie is fer throwin' parties fer everyone." Sunset pondered on the thought as Applejack spoke until she remembered what they have.

She pulls out the penguin key. "The Progrisekeys. He must be able to feel them close by."

"Why that no good snake. He knows we wouldn't leave the keys and bottles fer him ta take. And I'm sure hothead out there would roast us alive if we tried leavin' without the keys." Applejack spoke in annoyed tone while pulling out the tiger key, being both ticked off and worried about the situation they're in. "Have any of the guys answered back yet?"

"Flash said Drago and Negi have their hands full on their end but that he's on his way to lend a hand. As for Spike, he hasn't responded back at all. What could he be doing at a time like this?" She was about to try send another message but stops when the building shakes along with an explosive sound coming from outside.

Curious and a bit scared, the two peek back out finding Magma facing towards a destroyed building with a magma trail leading to it. Before they could figure out what happened, the Dopant looks to the next building while his body became engulfed by fire, then launches an eruption blast towards the build, and destroys it completely with a magma trail leading to it. They get worried seeing Magma continues this process from their building being the fifth if it continues down the row.

"We got ta think of somethin' fast or we'll be next on the BBQ." Sunset thought for a moment with an explosion sound in the background. She then hands her friend the penguin key. "Hey, what are yah-"

"I'm going to distract him. Once I do, run and get the keys to Zero-One. He'll probably need one of these." "And how yah plan on distractin' that movin' volcano?" Another explosive sound could be heard. "I'm not sure. Maybe I could use a fire extinguisher."

"That ain't even a plan. Plus, I doubt an extinguisher will work on that. And I did literally say it's a walkin' volcano." She sighs in frustration. "We oughta get Connor ta make somethin' fer situations like these."

A third explosion is heard along with the building shaking. "Seems like you girls are in a pickle." The two jumped, startled by the Faust's voice and turn to find him laying sideways on the counter with his head resting on his right hand. "That's pretty rude. Is that how you treat friends?"

"Friends? I'd rather befriend the volcano out there then be yer friend." "What do you want? Are you going to add another kaiju?" He answers Sunset by tossing a Raidriser in front of their feet which confuses the two. "What are yah playin' at here?" Applejack questioned not liking how things are going.

"Nothing at all." With a smile, Faust sits up and hop off the counter. "Just thought I should give you a fighting chance. Especially since you've been following the rules so well."

They glare at him. "By one of us becoming a kaiju like Molten? No thanks." Sunset ends kicking the Raidriser back to him. "We'll take our chances without your help."

"Suit yourselves. Don't worry. The soundproof barrier took itself down."

The girls eyes go wide with dread hearing the last part while Faust picks up the belt. They take notice of a light coming from behind them and turn to the window to see Magma outside with his attack charged and ready.

They look to Faust. "You get a ten second head start the moment you walk out. Ciao." With a wave goodbye, he disappears into darkness.

Turing back to see the Dopant actually not do nothing. Not needing to say anything, the two run out the building and away from the plaza as fast as they could. They manage to make it to the parking lot hoping that the Dopant wouldn't be as fast as them. Unfortunately for them, Magma doesn't need to be as fast. Getting to the parking lot, Magma launches fireballs that fly over the girls and hits destroying multiple cars in front of the two, with the explosions knocking them to the floor.

Sunset groaned. "Applejack? Are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Raaahhh!" Remembering, they turned to Magma who's standing a couple feet away from them with flames building up around it. "Come on. We have to-" Helping Applejack up, Sunset was about to run with her but everywhere aside towards Magma was covered in fire and burning cars. Looking back, they brace themselves after seeing the Dopant about to launch its attack.

*Car honk* Magma stops to look to his left, with the girls look in the same direction, to see Flash drive into the parking lot and head straight towards him at full speed. He turns launching the attack towards the car. Flash jumps out of the car at last second, rolling onto the ground and into a car while his car gets destroyed by the attack. But from its speed, lets the wreckage flip, rolling forward and into the Dopant, slamming him into another car along with it.

"Flash!" Sunset called out worried. She and Applejack ran over to their friend and helped him back to his feet. "What were you thinking? Do you realize how dangerous that was?"

"Not really." He admitted scratching the back of his head. "The only thing that came to mind besides saving you was ramming into the kaiju."

"Simple but it certainly was effective." Applejack complimented.

Sunset sighs before giving Flash a smile and hugs him. "Thanks for the help."

"Anytime." He said returning the smile. "We should get going before that guy wakes up." Nodding in agreement, they all decide to run back towards the direction Flash had come from.

They don't get very far as flames bursts pushes the two cars off of Magma, with the Dopant standing up and launching fireballs towards the group. Magma watched them notice the attack too late and disappear in a fiery explosion. With his job done, Magma walks up to the flames to collect the Progrisekeys.

(FLAME, PLEASE!) The Dopant froze in his tracks as the flame from the attack began to get swallowed up by something inside. (HI-HI, HI-HI, HI!) It's revealed to be Wizard with WizarSwordGun at hand. He had used his transformation to save his friends by using the spell circle to swallow up the fire before they could get hurt. "Ra-ugh!" Magma was about to change at them but is knocked to his back from Wizard having shot him.

"Sorry for the being last." Wizard turned looking to his friends. "Are you guys okay?"

"Where in the darn heck have yah been?" Applejack questioned in a scolding tone. "Sunset's been tryin' ta get ahold of yah this whole time."

Wizard rubbed the back of his head. "Long story short, I had my phone charging while practicing using the WizarSwordGun with Rumble and the girls."

The Rider felt a bit uneasy when Applejack had a shocked expression at first from what he just said but then charged to a mad one the next second. "What exactly were yah havin' them do?"

"It's okay. They were actually practicing with me. You see, I made copies of my weapon and we-" He stopped himself when he saw her expression harden. "I-I should focus back on the kaiju." Wizard looks back to Magma in time as it stood up. "Well, shall we get started?"

"Raahhh!" The Dopant roared before the two charged towards each other with Wizard changing his weapon to sword mode. Getting close, the Rider jumps flipping over Magma and lands a slash across his back causing him to stumble a bit. "Ugh!"

Flash leans over to Sunset. "Hey, I know Drago and the guys are the other Riders, but who is this one?" He asked while watching Wizard land multiple slashes on Magma.

"Oh, that's right. You weren't at the mall yesterday. That's Drago's little brother Spike. Also know to us as Kamen Rider Wizard." Sunset answered as Wizard switched his right hand's ring and flipped the belt's hand. (Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Lupachi- Extend, Please!)

Putting his arm through the spell circle, it stretches towards Magma and wraps around him. Wizard then begins slamming the Dopant around against a couple buildings before tossing him to the side.

"How about we change the stage." Wizard switched his right ring again before flipping the belt's hand twice. (Lupachi Magic- Teleport, Please!) He has the spell teleport himself, Magma and his friends to a different location.

In Another Part of the City

Parents carrying their children came running out of a public park. Within the park, Violence was searching around a playground area for his targets as he smashed into splinters before continuing his search. Though he failed to hear a squeak of fear come from a nearby bush behind him.

Rarity was covering Fluttershy's mouth from the other side of a row of bushes. Fluttershy had gotten scared by the loud noise of the bench being crushed. Rarity had noticed in time to cover her mouth to keep the Dopant from hearing her.

"Why doesn't he just leave? He didn't see us jump into the bushes." Rarity quietly complained while removing her hand from her friend's mouth. "You'd think from being a brute, he'd be simple minded enough to look somewhere else."

"Maybe he can smell our fear." Fluttershy curls up and holds in a cry. "I know I am."

"I doubt it, Fluttershy. The brute doesn't even have a nose from what I can see." She tried assuring her friend. "Maybe we should try sneaking off. It probably won't follow if he's set on looking here."

Right then the sound of something getting destroyed was heard before the girls get startled by a tic-tac-toe square in between them. "Raahhh!" The two peek over to see the whole playground was left in pieces with Violence in the middle of it all. "Rah!" Letting out another frustrated roar, the girls watched as the Dopant jumped curling up to compress his entire body into a ball except of his round arm.

Rarity covers her mouth. "Why does this kaiju have to be so revolting? Why would it need to do something like that?" She questioned feeling sick from just looking at him.

Violence slams its arm onto the ground, launching himself forward and smashes his way through two trees before crushing the ground underneath himself when landing. He repeats this act, smashing his way through anything around in his path.

"We should leave while he's having a hissy fit."

Fluttershy nods agreeing. They stayed hidden behind the bushes as they crawled away in the opposite direction. Though before they could get far, the sounds of chirping made Fluttershy stop to stand up and look over to one of the fallen trees. Next to the trunk of the tree is a ruined nest with three baby birds.

Rarity kept moving forward until she heard her friend gasp and then turns to see Fluttershy run out of bushes. "Fluttershy, where are you going?! He'll see you."

"Hm?" Violence turned from hearing the bushes rustle to find one of his targets run up to a fallen tree. "Rah!" The Dopant launches himself towards her.

Fluttershy rushes having heard the Dopant's roar, knowing it means he's spotted her and is probably shooting towards her. Reaching the baby birds, she quickly picked them up to jump out of the way in time as Violence crushed the spot she had been at. She lands on her back, keeping the birds safe but doesn't notice she dropped the cheetah key.

"Are you okay?" She asked the baby birds, who chirp happily. "Glad to see you're all okay." "FLUTTERSHY RUN!!" Fluttershy looks back to see Violence already in the air headed towards her. She braces herself while keeping the birds close to try to shield them.

A second before the Dopant was about to hit, Fluttershy hears a familiar roar. She looks in time to see Blaze and Razor ran past her and jump ramming into the Dopant. They manage to change Violence's course, sending him flying onto his back across from Fluttershy's left. But the two are sent flying into the wreckage of the playground.

"Blaze! Razor!" She cried out worried about her little friends.

"Fluttershy, are you alright?" Rarity asked having ran to her side. "I'm fine. But Blaze and Razor-"

"Rah!" Violence interrupted Fluttershy as he hit the ground out of anger and stood moving towards them. "Ugh!" He gets hit by multiple shots that knocks him back onto the ground.

Surprised, the girls looked behind them expecting to see one of the Riders but find Detective Shining and a woman they hadn't seen before holding the Shotriser at the ready with the barrel aimed at Magma.

The woman seemed to be a bit younger than Shining, with light goldish gray skin, moderate gold eyes and tangelo curly hair. Her black jacket has a crimson color around the edges with a green shirt under it and jeans matching the jacket's colors with a silver belt having a black strange looking buckle. A vine image ran along her black knee-high boots.

The two ran in front of the girls. "Are you two alright?" The woman asked looking back to them. Rarity and Fluttershy couldn't answer from their attention being drawn to the gun that they think seems similar to the Rider's belts in some way. "You should get to safety."

"Ready, Autumn?" Shining asked with the Lost Driver ready in his left hand. "You know I am." Autumn said with excitement while pulling out the jackal Progrisekey.

While Autumn sets the Shotriser onto the buckle, Shining pressed the Driver against his waist as a silver belt strap with a black slot on the right-side form around him and follows with holding up the Gaia Memory. (PALADIN!) (Hunt!) Shining's belt makes a confirmation noise after inserting the memory into the front slot causing it to make a standby noise along with a yellow ring pulsing in front of him. While Autumn's says (Authorize!) after inserting the key with the front flipped open into the back of the gun.

(Kamen Rider! Kamen Rider! Kamen-) The Shotriser's repeat ends when she pulls the trigger and Shining's ends when he tilts the slot to the right. (PALADIN!) (Shotrise!) A glowing bullet is shot out of the Shotriser while playing a jingle. The bullet flies around Autumn before hitting into her to spread into bits that forms into an armor around her. As for Shining, a medieval theme played as ring appeared around him to form armor around him.

(Hunting Jackal! Deciding the fate of a battle like a Valkyrie.) Autumn's armor was mostly white with a bit of gray. The chest and upper part of the arms has a black armor with gold tracing around and within the openings, along with a gold 3 ringed chest armor. A gold jackal-claw shaped foot was at the front of her feet. The white helmet had yellow round visor eyes with a line going down from them and a black jackal head shaped piece going around the face with the inner part of the ears at the top having a gold color.

Shining's armor was mostly all white with the wrists, shoulder pads and lower legs having a knight armor shape. Silver ran along the edges of armor. His white helmet has red round visor eyes and a silver 'V' on the forehead with a red diamond at the center of it.

Rarity and Fluttershy stared in shock having seen the two transform into Riders. A white and gold knight shield with a gray and white sword going through down the middle appeared in Shining's left hand. While a jackal ear shaped tipped gold and black scythe formed in Autumn's hands.

"Take it down." Shining runs up to Violence pulling the sword out of the shield. It's mostly gray with white on the handle and a transparent red edged blade.

"Rah!" Violence charges swinging his wrecking ball arm the moment he got close to the Rider. Despite his strength, Shining just holds up his shield, blocking the hit with little effort. "Uh?! Gah!" Sparks flew off the Dopant after Shining shoved him back and held up his sword to bring it down on the kaiju.

With Violence stumbling back, Shining holds his arms out wide apart to allow Autumn to jump onto and off of him towards the Dopant. She manages to get a hit across Violence's chest when she brought her scythe down him and again from swinging it back upward, sending the Dopant flying back.

"This is so amazing! Never thought I'd ever get to be a superhero. Or fight weird looking monsters." "Focus, Autumn." Shining lectured running past her to get ahead to fight Violence. "I am. But you have to admit this is so cool." She said before running to help.

While they fought the Dopant, Rarity and Fluttershy ran over to look for their little friends in the playground's wreckage. While searching through the wreckage, Rarity to a second to look over at the new Riders. "I really hope they aren't bad news for the boys."

Everwood Park

Zero-One comes down kneeing Mammoth's chest from the air, knocking the Magia onto the floor. Ekal and Arsino try running, sneaking up behind him.

Taking notice of them, Zero-One waits until they're close enough to hold his dagger up against the belt. (Access Charge! Zeta Slash!) He aims the slash at the ground in front of him causing a cloud of dirt to blind their view of him. The Magia stop trying to spot the Rider in the smoke.

Zero-One's sword and dagger suddenly come thrusting out of the smoke. Arsino reacts in time to catch while Berotha fired lasers from both sides of its head into the smoke but only hits air. They look around confused trying to find their enemy. They look up in time for Zero-One come down on them, getting Berotha in a head lock while locking his legs around Arsino's head and used his momentum to drag them along with him, slamming them to the ground.

While the two Magia stood up, Hedgehog watched from across as Zero-One rolls to pick up his weapons before getting back on his feet and runs slashing the two as he past them. He then quickly turns back to kick Arsino in the chest and reels it back to thrust his foot into Berotha, sending the flying back.

"Zero-One!" The Rider turns to face the Raider. "I'm sure you remember that I'll be the one to destroy you." Hedgehog gets into a crouched stance with Zero-One also taking a stance with his sword and dagger ready.

While the two waited for the other to make the first move, Neohi's tentacles slowly came out of the lake and made their way toward's Zero-One from behind.

Right then, Wizard and the others appeared next to the lake. "Knew the fun would be around here. Now what do you say-" He turns to Magma only for the Dopant to tackle and drag the Rider away along with him. "Yeah. Should've guessed that'd happen."

Flash and the girls were about to chase after them, but Applejack stops seeing Zero-One on the other side of the lake facing a Raider that she knew could only be Molten. She also takes notice the tentacles.

"Zero-One, behind yah!" She shouted loudly.

Seeing the Rider turn his head a bit to see her, Hedgehog launches needles at him. Zero-One quickly throws his dagger up into the air while dropping to the floor to avoid the needles and let them hit the tentacles away.

"What?!" As the dagger came falling back down, Zero-One thrusts his foot into it and launches it straight into the Raider's chest. "Ugh!"

Neohi bursts out of the water and turns to look at Applejack to send its tentacles at her. Zero-One takes the shark key out seeing this. (Fang! Authorize!) Before the tentacles could reach her, a mechanical transparent teal shark came down from the sky and into the water while ripping them to bits. It swims straight towards Neohi to hit the Magia three times before going over to Zero-One who tosses the Attache Calibur to the side.

"Should've stayed focus on me." (Progrise! Kirikiribai! Kirikiribai! Biting Shark!) Zero-One's chest armor and back shifted to both wrists to form a fin blade. The leg's shifted to the bottom back sides while his face splits in half to move to the sides of the head while rotating downward. The shark jumped into the sky splitting into 6 pieces and changes into armor on the chest, shoulders, legs and face. On the bottom sides of the legs were teal armor with a fin sticking out and gills above them. Both the shoulders and chest armor have a gill shape to them. The helmet's face now has a shark shape with 3 fins, a jagged mold to seem like teeth, and raspberry-colored eyes. (Fangs that can chomp through concrete.)

With his new form completed, Zero-One charges towards Neohi running into the water. The Magia sends its regrown tentacles at him, but Zero-One swings his arms using the fin blades to cut his way through them. (Biting Impact!) Activating his finisher, Zero-One speeds up to Neohi with his fin blades and kicks launching energy slashes and then sends it flying into the air with an upper cut slash.

A row of energy fin blades were created from both arms that Zero-One uses when he jumps up and slashes Neohi with both at the same time, destroying the Magia.

Landing back on the ground, he looks to Applejack giving her a thumbs up. She smiled for a moment before remembering what she had. "I think these are your." Applejack shouted tossing the tiger and penguin keys over to him.

The Rider looked them over before looking back to Applejack. "Where'd you-" (Gatling Bolide!) His attention is drawn back to Hedgehog who is now in the air, rolls into a ball, and shoots down a barrage of needles. (Hurricane! Authorize!) Zero-One closes the Driver to switch keys. (Progrise! Spinning cyclone! Storming Penguin!) A big sky-blue penguin came down and slid around Zero-One creating powerful winds that protect him from the needles.

Applejack watched with one hand keeping her hat from flying off her head as the hopper armor shifting again and the penguin split into 5 pieces. Along with the back pieces, the lower and middle part of the hopper chest moved back with the rest of it staying on the elbow. Webbed feet form in front of his feet, flippers hung from his shoulders, and lastly a penguin face with crest feathers formed over his face, along with now having green eyes. (The winds are at his command.)

Hedgehog lands with the three Magia regrouping around him as they watch Zero-One walk out of the water. He motions for them to continue with his hand. "Gladly." The Rider charges at them the second they do.

Meanwhile Close By

"Gah." Jurassic had blocked Mango's mace and is now struggling to shove the kaiju back. Acorn then comes in swinging his hammer upward, knocking the Rider's sword out of his hand and stabbing into the ground a couple feet behind him. He then braces himself as he gets shot and hit from his left and right by Grape and Strawberry, and then gets hit square in the chest by Banana's spear sending him slide on his back into his sword. "These guys are a bit tougher than I thought."

(Attack Ride! Blast!) The five Riotoozes advanced slowly towards Jurassic but stop when they heard this and then they all get hit with multiple energy blasts. Jurassic was surprised by this at first but then lets out a sigh.

"You sure took your time getting back here."

With a silver veil passing by next to him, Decade appeared standing to Jurassic's right with his Ride Booker in gun mode. "What can I say, the star loves to show up late."A slash sound was heard before Magma came flying over the two and crashing into the armored grunts.

"Guess that makes me the star here then." They look to Jurassic's left to see Wizard wake up and stand next to them. "Sorry but little brothers don't count." "What? Are you jealous that I'm more cooler than you?" "Please. You're a lifetime away from ever besting me at coolness." "Surprised you could say that after how our last practice match went." Wizard mumbled to himself but Decade still heard him. "First of all, I went easy on you in that. Secondly, if I could've gone all out I would've had you dancing around like a monkey." "Doubt it." "Oh yeah, you little-"

Jurassic stops their bickering by smacking the back of their heads, hearing them both say "Wow!" as he took a step past them. "Save it for later. For now let's show them how well we brothers can work together."

"Fine. If we must." "Sorry about that, bro. You can count on me." Decade and Wizard said moving to beside him and each take out a different item.

(Alpha Spino!) (Form Ride.) (Lupachi Magic Touch Go!) "Core shift." "Henshin." (Core Splash! Dive! Whirl! Wave! Alpha Spino!) (Agito Storm!) (Shaba- Water, Please!)

While a blue swirl covered Decade, an obsidian wall with a spinosaurus fossil in it rose out of the ground behind Jurassic and then crumbles covering him with a blue light shining through the cracks.

Wizard holds up his left hand with the blue diamond ring making a blue spell circle appear over him. The edges of the circle waved around like liquid. (Sui-Sui, Sui-Sui!) Making a splash as it passed down through him, Wizard's color changed to blue, along with the round gem abs and face changing into diamond shapes. This is Wizard's Water Style.

The kaiju got back onto their feet as the Riders finished changing forms. "Let the show begin." Wizard said holding out his ring. Decade holds up his right hand and snaps his finger. "Chaos will be your end." Jurassic holds his hand out towards his weapon that launches itself off the sword attachment and lands into his hand while adding the new attachment. (Spino Khopesh!) "There's no reason to hold back now." He said out loud while taking a swordsman stance.

From the sidelines, Sunset and Flash had managed to catch up but stopped still being a good distance away from the fight. "We should stay here. Better to not get in their way." Flash nods agreeing with Sunset as they stood and watched as their friends charged forward.

Somewhere Around the City

The sounds of cars honking filled a part of the city. Certain streets leading to one that heads out of the city was packed with traffic as people were stuck waiting for the light to change out of red.

One person at the front seemed to be getting annoyed with all the honking. A dark and light striped greenish gray-haired middle-aged man with grayish cerulean skin in an old sports car was tapping on his steering wheel with an annoyed and angered expression.

"When is this damn fucking light going to change?" He asked out in anger. "I never had to deal with this crap back in my stunt flying days." Looking back and forth down the empty street and doesn't see anyone. "That's it. I'm going whether or not this damn light likes it."

He moves his car a bit forward but stops when he hears someone yell out "Can't you see the damn light!"

Looks down to the left he sees Build and OOO drive past going down the street with Rainbow and Pinkie. A second later Scorpion charges by, still chasing after them. One of its legs stabs through the front of the man's car causing the air bag to pop out.

Parked car, light poles, and many other things get wrecked as Scorpion smashed its way through, chasing after the Riders who are reaching the freeway with the light in front of it filled traffic.

Rainbow looked back at the Nameless with concern. "There's no way all those people will get out of the way in time" "We're not going on the freeway. We just needed to buy time." She looks back at him confused. "What do you mean?"

Build removes his bottles from the belt and brings out unicorn and magnet. (Unicorn! Magnet! Are you ready?) Build's form changed as funky music played. Rabbit was replaced by a blue armor with a horse tail on the shoulder, a unicorn head piece on the wrist with the horn going over his hand, and a blue unicorn head shaped visor. Tank had been replaced with a different blue armor with a magnet on the wrist, bolts on the shoulder pad, the chest has a single magnet stripe and a single white stripe, and the visor was shaped like curved magnet.

He holds up his right arm with the unicorn horn lighting up and then points it ahead, having it fire magic. The blast only goes a bit ahead before opening a portal in front of them with what looks like stands and amusement rides on the other side.

"Here we go." "Full speed ahead!" Pinkie shouted as they go full speed through the portal with Scorpion following them.

The portal closes behind the Nameless that smashes its way through stands that the Riders drive around. It lunges its three tails at them forcing both Riders to swerve around to avoid them.

"That's it. Hold on tight." Build spoke out annoyed.

He has his bike jump up high, landing onto a roller coaster rail and then turns the belts crank. (Ready? Go!) While his magnet arm is used to lift up metal grates that are laying below, Build has the unicorn arm to reshape them all into battering rams before launching them straight at Scorpion. (Vortex Attack!)

The Nameless is stopped in its tracks as the battering rams hit, beating it into the ground. From above, Build and Rainbow looked down below to see what happened to the Nameless as the spot was covered in dust. A second later, Scorpion bursts out of the smoke screeching angrily looking up at them and begins climbing its way up the ride.

"That didn't work. You just pissed it off." "That was the plan. Now for the next part that you'll probably love." "What do you-" Rainbow cuts herself off when she notices that they at the top of a really high slope that make her a bit nervous. "C-Can we talk about THIIIIIIS!!" She screamed the last part as Build drove them down the slope with Scorpion hanging from the side chasing after them.

Rainbow continued screaming Build rode following the rails going up and down, in zigzags, and swerves with Scorpion launching its tails at them, along with reaching a few times with its pincers. Build had even summoned the Vortex Saber to knock the stingers away a few times.

"Hm? Uh!" "'Uh'? 'Uh' what?" She looks ahead to see spiraling loop with the tracks still being built at the end. "What do we do now?" "Simple. We improvise." Build takes out magnet and insert comic. (Comic! Are you ready?) The magnet half changes into comic.

Going into the loop, Build lets go of the steering wheel to put his hands together and has unicorn's horn build up magic into the pen tip of the left arm. "Unicorn magic is so useful, yet so waisted in Equestria." He fires a beam of yellow magic at end of the track, making it glow before a track made of magic that goes up and then curves back down going over Scorpion.

Driving onto the magic track after exiting the loop, Build takes two bottles out that he inserts into his weapon. (Sai! Robot! Cross Combo!) Going down towards the Nameless, a big metal rhino horns formed around the saber, spinning along with it. Scorpion lunges its tails at them to intercept. Build uses the attack to knock the stingers away and then hits, swatting the Nameless off the coaster as they passed over it. Scorpion lands sliding on its back across the ground until crashing into a section of the park that's meant to have many different shops based on the number of buildings around, along with a big street in between them.

The Nameless stood up shaking its head still recovering from the fall while not taking notice of OOO driving up with his sword at hand behind it. "Are you ready, Pinkie?" "Let's light'em up!" She said enthusiastically shouted with the Metabuster at hand. Hitting the brakes, OOO turned the bike sideways to have the bike slide under Scorpion.

Seconds before going under the Nameless, OOO inserts the eel medal into the sword while Pinkie put the stag beetle in hers. (Unagi! Unagi Whip!) (Core Charge!) Pinkie shot up at Scorpion's belly with a green electrical shot while OOO's sword creates a blue whip made of water with electric running through it and uses it to hit the legs as they slid by.

Scorpion crumbled falling flat on its belly with the two getting out from under it in time and drive until they stop at the end of the street. Build and Rainbow drive up and stop next to them, watching from a distance as Scorpion was having difficulty standing from the electricity running through it.

Build and OOO got off their bikes and look straight towards Scorpion. "Now! Le't hit it hard." "On it. And I think I've got a set in mind to use." OOO flips the bat medal before they switch out a bottle and medals. (Ninja! Best Match! Are you ready?) "Build up." (Shinobi no entertainer! NinninComic! Yeah!) (Unicorn! Komori! Cheetah!) Build's unicorn side changed to ninja, while OOO's head and legs changed to unicorn and cheetah but bat had been used as the arms with the shoulder pads being shaped like ears and the wrists having bat wing blades attached to them.

(4Koma Ninpoutou!) Taking ahold of the sword, Build dashes forward along with OOO towards Scorpion. Not being able to stand, the Nameless decides to lung its tail towards them which the Rider weren't having much trouble with thanks to their speed. OOO ran side to side avoiding the tails while occasionally using unicorn to create a barrier shield. While Build jumped and slide under the strikes along with hitting them away with the sword.

"I'll go high. And you go low." "I'm on it." Build jumps up from building wall to wall advancing forward towards the Nameless. OOO is the first to reach Scorpion. He jumps up rapidly kicks its face before teleporting away when the Nameless tried getting with its pincers, then continues by moving fast around the kaiju and slashing at its legs and pincers with sonic slashes from the wing blades.

Landing on top of Scorpion, Build slashes at its back a couple times but then jumps back to avoid the stingers. Using his pen arm to draw bombs that he throws down at the Nameless, he runs along the walls avoiding the stingers as they stabbed into the walls chasing after him. Build notices the tails stop for a second to all converge on him from three different angles. He avoids them by jumping straight into the air but the tails curve at last second and chase after him.

"shit!" (Kakuremi no Justsu! Doron!) Build conceals himself completely in smoke. The stingers shoot through the smoke, but they hit nothing. Scorpion screeches out angrily with its stingers wave around randomly while shooting poison.

"This guy is really getting pissed now." OOO said to himself as running around was beginning to become more difficult with the poison spreading around. "OOO!!" Hearing Pinkie scream his name, he looks back to see her and Rainbow losing room to run from the poison. OOO builds up magic in his horn before firing it towards his friends where it creates a barrier around them. "That should do for now."

Build appears next to OOO. "Can you create a freezing mist?" "One freezing wind coming up." As he begins to build up magic, Scorpion takes notice of them and aims to shoot poison towards them. "That's enoughout of you." (Bunshin no Jutsu!) The sword announced from the trigger being pushed once. Five Build clones appeared from yellow and purple swirls along with the word 'BOOM' in comic lettering. (Katon no Jutsu! Kaen Giri!) Pushing the trigger twice, all six Builds launch fire slashes at and into the Nameless's tail.

"Let's hope this works." Taking a deep breath and exhales slowly with his horn releasing a pink aura around himself and Build, turning into a blue mist that freezes the poison around it. "I don't know about you, but that trip to Equestria really helped me out."

"I'd rather have both my hands at all times." (Fuuton no Jutsu! Tatsumaki Giri!) Circling around, all the Builds launched tornado slashes that each take in some of the mist, making themselves into freezing tornados that move around freezing the poison. Scorpion gets frozen by one but breaks out of the ice instantly screeching in anger.

"What the hell is it going to take to bring that thing down?" Rainbow asked out loud with Pinkie thinking next to her. "Maybe a giant bug spray." "Pinkie, be serious about this."

Build and OOO look to each other nodding and look back to Scorpion while taking out the bottles and medals to switch out. The Nameless takes advantage of the opportunity to shoot poison at them. Rainbow and Pinkie watched their friends disappear into the poison liquid and gas. "Build!/OOO!" The two shouted worried.

(Mukade! Hachi! Ari! Mukachiri! Chiri! Mukachiri! Chiri!) OOO runs out of the poison in his poison combo form. Scorpion is about to attack with its stingers, but stops hearing (Ready? Go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!) and sees flames going upward.

It follows the flames trail only to see Build dive bombing it in his PhoenixRobo form with his robot arm having an enlarged version of the claw made of energy with fire covering the end of it. Thrusting forward, Build hits slamming the claw ontop the Nameless's head and into the ground.

"Next one." He proceeds to switch bottles again. (Same! Bike! Best Match! Are you ready?) "Build up." (Dokusou hunter! SameBike! Yaah!) (Samethrottler!) Revving the weapon's throttle, the Rider runs onto Scorpion's back before it pulled its head out of the ground.

Though the moment it did, OOO was in front of it already hitting its face with his honeycomb shield and then followed with a couple jabs with his stinger arm. "I'm still here too, you know." He kicks the Nameless across the face making it stumble back from the strength in the kick.

(Jawsome Frenzy!) With water circling around him, Build spun around the tails, hitting them with multiple slashes. Scorpion screeches in pain before throwing him off. Angered, the Nameless launches its damaged tails at the Rider, who proceeds to rev the throttle twice. (Jawsome Requiem!) Build launches the energy saw blade that cuts through all the tails.

Both Riders back away from Scorpion when the Nameless begins thrashing around randomly while screeching. Build and OOO look themselves over when a golden glow appears around them for a moment before fading.

"Seems like the boost Guardie gave us is starting to wear off." OOO said looking to Build. "Then we should end this now." Build switches bottles once more. (Manticore! Gashapon! Best Match! Are you ready?) "Build up." (The capsule filled mystic beast! MantiPon! Yeah!)

"What'd these guys do in Equestria that they got all these new forms?" "Maybe the other me forgot she had some of OOO medals and was able to give them to him before the town was attacked by a different type of kaiju that different heroes had to fight against that they fought off. But then they had to deal with a huge kaiju problem that's actually a good guy, so they had to work together with other heroes to help free him and save the day." Rainbow was staring at her friend with a brow raised from how fast she had said everything in one breath. "Pinkie, you really have the weirdest imagination."

Build turns the crank of his belt, activating his finisher. (Ready? Go!) Build's gashapon shoulder creates many capsule balls all around them that OOO uses to jump up higher and higher before running the scanner over his belt. (Vortex Finish! Yeah!) (Scanning Charge!) Build swings a fist forward making all except for 4 of the capsules launch towards, ramming into Scorpion causing parts of its body to crack.

OOO has a centipede body circle around him from his helmet with the end positioning itself next to the kick. The other four capsules open with the pieces flying and attaching to OOO. His helmet has bull horns, dragon wings on his, a scorpion stinger attaches to the centipede and a lion head placing itself at the bottom of the kick.

"Seiya!" OOO goes straight through Scorpion, sliding across the to the other side with the Nameless exploding the moment he came to a stop. The two Riders walk up to where Scorpion had exploded with Rainbow and Pinkie following behind Build. They find the scorpion items laying there along with a glowing orb. "And that's the end of him." He said picking up the scorpion medal and key.

"What's this?" Build questioned picking up the orb along with scorpion bottle.

(Elek Steam!) Both Riders are caught off guard by a red blur that sped towards them and stops in front of them with it being Faust. He hits them with an electrical steam slash from a black and red dagger weapon with a scope on the back, silver tip, yellow blade and a nozzle on the left side. It sends them both rolling across the ground and out of their transformations. A couple of their bottles and medals fell landing next to the orb.

"Connor!/Reiji!" The two run over to check on their friends while Faust walked over to the orb. "Didn't think I'd get lucky enough to take some of your powers while coming back for the core." After the orb, he picks up the condor, turtle, rhino, and kangaroo medals. While also getting the shark, robot, phoenix, unicorn, eraser, ghost, and magnet bottles. "Don't worry. We'll put these to good use." They had heard him say before seeing him dash of as a red blur.

"That could've gone better- Ugh!" Connor tried standing but stops to hold his side with Rainbow helping him stay standing. "Are you okay? He hit you guys pretty hard." "We're fine. But mind telling us how this whole thing started."

Back at the Playground

Fluttershy and Rarity were still searching through the wreckage trying to find Blaze and Razor, with Shining and Autumn fighting Violence in the background behind them. Sparks flew off the Dopant as Shining slashed him across the chest and then follows with slamming his shield into Violence's chest to make him stumble back enough for Autumn over her partner to bring down her scythe on the Dopant.

From a distance, Faust ran up to and leans on a tree to see how the kaiju is doing. "What do we have here? New Riders." Faust spoke with an amused tone. "But not any of the important ones."

He watched Autumn duck under Violence's swing while slashing his waist. She stays on her hands and knees for Shining to ram his shoulder into the Dopant causing him to fall over when he stumbles back into Autumn. Shining ran up next her as she stood, and both swung upward to hit Violence, sending him rolling back with sparks flying off him.

"This isn't that amusing." Faust said sounding bored. "Time to raise the level." He snaps his fingers making some Riotoozes appear behind him and then points towards the Riders. "Attack." The grunts charge running in with some shooting blasts of energy towards them.

"Whoa!" Autumn shouted surprised from a blast passing by her and rolls out of the way of a couple more. "When'd these guys get here?" She removes the Shotriser from the belt to use as a gun to shoot at the grunts.

Shining ran up to a couple of Riotoozes, cutting three down while blocking two others with his shield and shoves them back to get them both with one slash. He cuts down another couple before hearing "Cyah!" and stops to look back. He sees some grunts surrounding Rarity and Fluttershy.

"You handle the ones here. I'm going to get the ones attacking those teens." Shining tells his partner before making his way slashing through grunts.

"On my own? How will I-" Autumn gets surprised when her armor glows shooting a light onto the ground that creates three black and gold colored mechanical jackals. "Wow! You're so awesome looking!" Excited, she kneels down to pet them. Six Riotoozes charge up to them to attack but with a growl, the jackals attacked and ripped the grunts apart. "Oh! thank you, sweeties." Autumn pets them once more. "Now sick them!"

Hearing the command, the jackals dash off and begin attacking the grunts along with Autumn. The jackals attacked in a couple different way. They would either ram straight through a grunt, or use their fangs and claws to rip them apart.

"Let go of us." Rarity demanded to the grunts who are forcing her and Fluttershy by holding onto their wrists. They and the two Riotoozes freeze for a second when they hear the sounds of slashing. The grunts turn to look behind themselves in time for Shining to cut them down with two slashes. "Officer."

"What are you two still doing here? Weren't you told to run to safety?" He questioned them while fighting off grunts that run up to him.

The two get nervous not sure how to answer the question. Knowing they can't tell the truth on who they're looking for. The police already or would be able to figure out that Blaze and Razor are with the Riders, which would lead to Shining wanting to question how they're connected to them. They tried of thinking of how they could avoid answering the truth but coming up with nothing.

Rarity's thoughts come to a halt when she feels something tap the tip of her right hand's finger. With Shining's back turned to them, she takes the opportunity to see what touched her hand and finds the cheetah key with Blaze and Razor a few feet away hidden in the wreckage.

"We...wanted to help by giving you this." Rarity said holding out the cheetah key to him. Destroy the last of the grunts around them, Shining takes the key after sheathing the sword back into the shield. "Where'd you find this?" "A strange man gave it to us at a pawn shop and made us run from kaiju he created using the pawn shop owners."

"Created?" He looks back at the Dopant. "Then, that thing is a human?"

"Yes. But he should change back if you defeat it. O-Or at least that's what the man told us. Though, I'm not sure if it's true." She panicked on the last part from having let the knowledge on the Dopants slip.

Shining looks back to them. "Thanks for the thought. But it's too dangerous to stay here."

"We understand. Let's go, Fluttershy." Rarity runs tugging Fluttershy along with her, turning around a corner and out of sight. But stops to take out her phone.

"Rarity, what about Blaze and Razor?" "I saw them. They're alright." "Oh, that's great. Then why aren't we running away?" Fluttershy asked a bit confused.

Rarity looks back out from the corner. "I'm sure Negi and the others are going to want to see all this." Rarity ends setting her phone to record after aiming it towards the fight.

"This is the most amazing moment in my life!" Autumn had shouted with excitement while running, shooting the grunts. She stops cutting down three grunts in one go with the scythe in her left hand. "Though I wonder, are we Riders too? Or are the higher ups planning to call us something- AH!" She jumps forward having heard a slash behind her.

Behind her is a Riotooze in a grabbing position. She about to shoot it, until it falls flat with Shining standing behind it.

"Keep your guard up, Autumn. Stop goofing around." "I am. He just snuck up on me." While his partner began shooting grunts again, Shining smacked one to the side with his shield and turns to slash down two running up behind him. "Those girls told me that the kaiju is a citizen."

She looked back to him for a second with a shocked face under her helmet before getting back to shooting and slashing the grunts. "What!? Does that mean we have to kill someone?"

"I'm not sure. They did say that the man who turned this person into thing said that he'll change back if we defeat him." He had said while fighting grunts. "Though there's no tell if the was telling them the truth. Even so, we need to stop this thing before any more lives are hurt."

"You're right. I just really hope it's true." "Rah!" Through the grunts, the two see Violence roaring in anger. He then changes into his ball form again. "Seems like he's tired of waiting."

Shining cuts down two grunts. "Then let's not keep it waiting." He and Autumn fight their way through the grunts as they made their way towards Violence.

Faust chuckles. "Seems like Violence will need another handy cap."

He snaps his fingers making the remaining Riotoozes change back into ooze. The oozes all rushed, converging around the Riders, where they wrap around Shining and Autumn leaving them binded and defenseless.

"What?! Hey, let go!" Autumn yells out as she and Shining try to break free, but fail do to the ooze acting like rubber from how it stretches and pulls back into place. "Damn it. Maybe those dog thingies can he-" She stops when she sees the same thing had been done to the jackals. "Nevermind."

Violence slams the ground to launch himself towards the Rider. The Dopant rams into them, sending flying to opposite side but the Riders get rammed back into each other thanks to the ooze. Violence continues bashing into them and having them slam back into each other with sparks flying off them.

"Ugh...Damn it." "S-Shining, what do we do?" Instead of launching towards them, Violence launches himself into the air directly over the two and descends down towards them. They brace themselves. (Moblize Blaze!) Before Violence could crush the two, Blaze comes in his king mode and catches the Dopant his mouth. "Ah. Jurassic's machine."

"Grah!" Violence shouts in pain from Blaze chomping down on him until he reverts out of his ball form and then tosses the Dopant to the side.

Razor comes running up to Shining and Autumn before rolling up and moving against all around them, cutting the ooze to bits. "Wow. Thanks for the help little guy." She tries to pet him but Razor moves away from her hand, letting out a small roar at her and runs to Blaze. The rex separates from the cycle and uses it along with the spino to drive off.

"Should I go after them?" "No. That can wait for another day. For now," Autumn turns along with him to face towards Violence. "let's end this." "Yes sir!"

(Hunt!) The Shotriser announced after she had reattached it to the belt and pushed the Progrisekey's button which starts a charge up jingle. Sheathing his sword, Shining removes the Gaia Memory from the belt without moving the slot and inserts it into a slot from the sword's hilt. (PALADIN! MAXIMUM DRIVE!)

Taking the sword back out, both Riders push their weapons triggers. (Fighting! Blast Fever!) Energy builds up around Shining's sword before he launches a powerful slash that travels across the field and goes straight through Violence. Cracks of light spread across the Dopant's body that keeps him from moving.

Autumn dashes towards Violence at high speed, leaving after images of herself as she moved circling around the Dopant, hitting him with 4 slashes and then appears above him, bringing down her scythe in a vertical slash that goes through, across his chest. Turning her back to him, Violence falls flat on his back before exploding.

Turning back to find Flim, she kneels down to check his pulse with Shining running up to them. "He's banged up, but he'll be fine."

"That's good to hear. Hm?" On the grassy floor next to Flim, he finds the Violence memory before it shatters but then to his surprise, it restores itself, now being a transparent light brown Memory like his own with a letter 'B' with horns on it and the word 'BUFFALO' in yellow letters on the side. "What exactly is this?" Right then, the memory is taken from him by a red blur that stops a few feet away from them for Faust to reveal himself. He and Autumn readied themselves for the unknown man. "I'm guessing you're the one who did all this. Who are you?"

"You may call me Faust. But that's all I'm willing to tell you for now. Ciao." With grin, he dashes off as a red blur and is gone within a second.

"I don't know why, but that guy gave me a chilly feeling." "Yeah. There's something dangerous about that one." Autumn looks back to Flim. "We should call in an ambulance for him."

Shining nods in agreement before undoing his transformation along with his partner. "Yeah. You call for an ambulance while I report to the chief what happened." "Got it." Autumn kneels down next to Flim while calling for an ambulance. Shining was about to make his call to the chief but hesitates for a moment to look at his Gaia Memory. "What exactly is going on?"

Everwood Park

Brutus appears standing at the tip of a tall tree that's close to the same area where the Raider and Magia are battling the Rider. He watched Zero-One's battle from a far distance as he sees the Rider take on four enemies at once. He could also see Applejack running around the lake to get to the fight.

"Now, show me what you're capable of Zero-One."

Zero-One is parrying and dodging each of the four's hits. He ducks as Hedgehog's elbow passed over him, ramming into Mammoth causing it to stumble back. "Hold still- Ugh!" Berotha accidently hits the Raider with its blade from Zero-One having stepping to the side.

Arsino is about to headbutt him which the Rider avoids by twisting around to Berotha's front and elbows the Magia into the attack. (Hurricane! Impact!) Activating the finisher, Zero-One stays in place spinning to create a small hurricane twister that knocks the 4 kaiju away from him.

Arsino and Berotha are the first to stand to dash towards the Rider. Zero-One ducks under Berotha's blade and then hits Arsino with four spin kicks across the face, moving forward with each kick. The Magia falls to the floor while Zero-One and Berotha turn to face each other.

Zero-One runs towards the Magia who fires lasers at him. He dodges moving side to side, sliding, and jumping over the shots. Getting closer, Berotha launches energy scythes from its blades at the Rider. Zero-One stops to spin, creating a cyclone that pulls the scythes into its current, sends them back when he stops with one leg knelt forward and has an arm pointed towards the Magia while they're spread wide apart.

Mammoth comes up charging behind the Rider. Taking notice of this, Zero-One spun around to face it along with wind around himself and jumps back as Mammoth is about to ram into him. But his feet don't touch the ground after jumping thanks to the wind carrying back. Floating and following Mammoth, Zero-One strikes multiple hits on the Magia's chest with wind flowing around the tips of his fingers that are pointed out like a beak. He stops along with Mammoth and delivers a two-handed palm strike to its chest sending the Magia flying into Berotha.

(Strong! Authorize! Progrise! Arai!! Tsuyoi! Katai! Amazing Hercules! With mighty horn-like pincers that flip the opponent helpless.) Zero-One runs up to the two after having switched forms. Getting back up, Berotha shoots lasers and energy scythes towards the Rider while Mammoth shoots out a powerful gust of wind from its trunk.

The gust makes him lose his footing and to get hit by the attacks along with cause a dust cloud. The two Magia stop to see if they've succeeded. The cloud clears to reveal he has taken a sideways stance with his right leg in the front and both arms tucked to his side. Enraged, both Magia resume launching their attacks towards the Rider. Zero-One fights his way through the powerful gust by advancing one step at a time, while taking the laser shots easily and punching through the scythes.

Mammoth ceases its attack charges towards the Rider. Zero-One just continues hitting and taking Berotha's attacks until Mammoth got really close. He reels back his left arm to his side while holding the right arm above it. At last second, he lunges both arms forward with fists and hits Mammoth directly in its face and chest, crushing the trunk in the process.

"The original Zero-One never had this key when he went against one of you." (Amazing! Impact!) "Which gives me a better chance in close range." Zero-One rams his head into Mammoth's chest with an energy hercules pincer horn clamping down on it. It extends, ramming into Berotha, knocking it on its back while Zero-One raised Mammoth into the air and down onto its fellow Magia, destroying them both.

"Don't think it's over just yet!" Hedgehog shouted swinging his needle blades at him. Applejack stops from a close distance to watch as Zero-One leans side to side and backs away avoiding the swings. While still dodging, Zero-One closes his belt to switch keys. (Fire! Authorize!) "What?" Right then, Hedgehog backs up as a red mechanical tiger landed in between them and swipes him to the side.

(Progrise! Gigant flare! Flaming Tiger! Explosive power of 100 bombs.) Hercules armor disappears with the hopper armor shifting around. The pieces from the chest moved to the sides of the abs and to both shoulders while both halves of the face moved to the wrists. Tiger runs around him before separating into six pieces. Red armor forms on the chest, shoulders, and upper legs, having open gaps to give the impression of tiger stripes. A tiger face shaped formed over the face with light blue eyes. Red gauntlets materialized over the hands.

Zero-One holds out his hands towards Hedgehog, shooting out burning flames from the palm of his hands at the Raider. "AAAHHHH!!" Hitting to the floor after a moment from the blast of fire, Hedgehog rolls around feeling burning hot before jumping into the lake. He charges towards where the Raider had jumped but stops when Arsino tries swinging at him from his left and misses by an inch.

Arsino swings punches at him that he just parries and blocks each hit while delivering claw palm strikes to its chest. "Wow." Applejack says to herself impressed by how he's handled so many kaiju at once and the number of hits he's landing on the Magia while easily keeping himself from taking any hits. Arsino tries going for a headbutt, which Zero-One easily moves to the side. He goes into a forward knelt position to hit the Magia's horns with a claw palm strike, shattering them.

Something on the ground catches Applejack's eye to her right. "That's"

"Hm?" Sensing someone, Zero-One uses Arsino's knee to jump up and flip kick under its chin causing the Magia to topple over. The moment he had jumped. Hedgehog had came in having tried taking a swing at him. "Damn you. How'd you know I was coming?" "Can't say. Maybe you should just try hiding yourself better." They spoke while he countered the Raider's needle blades with fire claws from the tips of his fingers. This lasted a moment until they lock arms and struggle to push each other back.

"Zero-One!" He looks far to his left to see Applejack run up with the Attache Calibur at hand. "Catch!" She shouted tossing it over to her friend.

Zero-One shoves Hedgehog back before jumping, lunging forward bringing downs his hands in a claw motion across the Raider's chest and thrusts a kick into his gut the moment he touched ground. Zero-One catches the sword while bringing out the shark key.

(Fang! Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Shark's ability.) Shark's energy fin blades appear over the sword's blade, following its motion. (Biting! Kaban Strash!) Hedgehog rolls out of the way as Zero-One spun with the fin blade slash reaching and going through Arsino twice. The Magia falls to the ground exploding.

"It was a nice try." Zero-One said looking to Hedgehog. "Smart to try to out number me. But I far exceed you all. And that's because there's only one who can stop you." Hedgehog growled as the Rider takes the shark key out of the sword and bringing out penguin. (Hurricane! Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Penguin's ability.) "And that's me!" Zero-One closes and opens the sword. (Chargerise! Full Charge! Storming Kaban Dynamic!) He launches a hurricane slash at Hedgehog the moment the Raider decided to charge at him and traps the kaiju in a hurricane as the slash circled around him.

"Now for the real finish." Zero-One said taking Penguin out the sword and holds it against the belt after tossing the sword to the side again. (Bit-Byte-Kilo-Mega-Giga Rise! Flaming Giga Impact!) Activating the finisher, Zero-One crosses his arms with his hands open with powerful streams of flames being shot out and aims them towards the hurricane, turning it into a hurricane of fire.

Hedgehog looked around at the huge walls of fire circling him, feeling the heat surrounding him build up. "I will not be caged!" (Gatling Bolide!) He jumps up to the middle of the hurricane as a spike ball and spins launching needles all around. The needles hit the walls but are dragged along with the winds current and get burnt to ash. Hedgehog lands growling in frustration from his attack having no effect. "Uh?"

Zero-One comes jumping through into the hurricane with his body covered in fire. Catching the Raider by surprise, he hits the kaiju with multiple combinations of flaming claws and palm strikes to the chest. "Ring out." "RAH!!" Hedgehog painfully screamed when Zero-One ends the attack with an upward flame claw slash that sends the Raider out of the hurricane and exploding.

Molten rolled across the ground with the hedgehog key landing in front of the burning hurricane that clears. Zero-One walks up, picking up the Progrisekey as Applejack ran to his side.

"Thanks for the keys." He thanked her while holding up the penguin key. "Anytime." The two then look back to Molten who is struggling to stand. Zero-One sighs turning away. "Let's get back to the others."

Applejack turns to him surprised that he's just letting Molten go when he isn't able to escape at the moment. She just watches as Zero-One picks up his sword before running towards where Jurassic was fighting. She looks back to glare at Molten for a second before turning to follow after her friend.

Watching as they left out of sight, Molten tightly grips the grass with rage covering his face completely feeling so much anger and frustration having lost despite having had the upper hand on out numbering. "I promise you Zero-One, next time will be different."

Other side of the Park

"Gah!" Magma was sent rolling across the ground from where Jurassic is blocking Durian's swords. The Rider takes a step back on Durian's next swing and then spins pasts it while delivering a slash to its waist. With its back still turned, Jurassic hits the Riotooze's back with two slashes.

"Rah!" Standing up, the Dopant launches fireballs towards Jurassic, who sees the incoming attack after side kicking Durian and pushes the belt's hammer. "Cool it." (Tidal!) He kicks a blue aura tidal wave that swallows the fireballs and hits Magma.

"Next." (Edge!) Blue aura blades formed on Jurassic's arms and legs as he turned to face Durian, who stand back up and charges towards him. Jurassic first parries the Riotoozes's swords twice before using the hilt of his sword to hit Durian back and gets it with three slashes. The first two were high kick slashes going across its face and the chest, and the third being a downward arm slash diagonally across the chest.

Across the field ahead to his right, Decade, still transformed as Agito Storm, uses the Storm Halberd to block Banana's lance and the forces of the strike to force the weapon's tip into the ground, along with twirling it the rest of the way around to slash the Riotooze across the chest. "Didn't enjoy that?"

"Maybe your friend here will." Decade had said while turning with the staff spinning over his head and brings one of the bladed ends across Mango's chest making sparks fly off its chest. He flips the blade to pull it back upward getting another slash in on the Riotooze.

Across the field to Jurassic's left, Wizard is facing against Strawberry, Budou, and Donguri. Donguri tries swinging its hammer at the Rider, but he kicks its arm, forcing the weapon to slam against the floor next to him. "My turn." Wizard swings, slashing his sword wildly against the Riotooze's chest and ends thrusting the sword into it, sending Donguri falling onto its back. "Now where'd those- Whoa!"

Wizard jumps back and runs from gun shots for a moment before rolling behind a tree. He looks from behind the tree to see Budou pointing its gun towards him. "Two can play that game." He waits for the Riotooze to begin shooting again and then jumps rolls out while firing back with six shots hitting their marks. He stands to shoot again but his weapon gets knocked out of his hands by a strawberry kunai. "Shit." Looking up to see Strawberry jump down onto him, Wizard ducks rolling out of the way with the Riotooze missing him by a second and stabbing two kunai into the ground.

"Hold on for a second." He tells Strawberry as he kicked it against a tree to switch his right hand's ring with one having the image of a dragon with a liquid drop bottom. (Lupachi- Liquid, Please!) Strawberry tries stabbing Wizard again as he turned to it, though to its surprise its kunais and arms go through him.

The Rider turns completely into water that wraps around it with him changing back holding the Riotooze in a headlock. "How do you like this?" He changes to water and changes back again with him now holding Strawberry's arm and his legs locked around its neck. "Or this. Uh!" Wizard takes notice of Budou about to shoot again. He changes into water again causing Budou to shoot its ally while he moves as water to pick up his weapon and shoots the Riotooze the moment he changed back.

Wizard looks towards Jurassic's battle. "Time to lend a hand." He pushes the thumb on the gun up causing the hand to fully open and starts a jingle while repeatedly saying '(Come on a Shooting, Shake Hands!)'. The jingle stops when Wizard holds his left hand against it. (Water Shooting Strike! Sui Sui Sui!) The ending chant continued until he pushes the trigger, shooting a blue stream of water.

Holding Magma and Dorian back from both his sides, Jurassic sees the attack coming from behind the Dopant. He shoves the two back to duck down as the water stream passed by hitting the two kaiju with sparks flying and rolling to the side.

"Water for water." Standing, he switches his weapon to gun mode before holding it against his belt. (S-S-Splash!) The gun continued to say while he turned looking towards Decade's fight.

"Hm? Ah I see." Decade spoke to himself seeing Jurassic aim the gun towards them. "Right behind ya." He jumps back from Banana and Mango's next strikes and takes out a card. (Spino Aqua Splash!) (Attack Ride. Halberd Spin!) Jurassic shoots a water stream blast, hitting the two Riotoozes from behind. Decade begins spinning the Storm Halberd side to side as the slash is about to collide into him and uses the wind created from the spin to mix the water into the it. Turning towards the kaiju Wizard is facing, Decade launches a spinning water slash the hits all three at once, knocking back onto the ground.

"Now to round them up." The Rider proceeds to pull out two cards. (Kamen Ride. Kabuto! Attack Ride. Clock Up!) Transforming into Kabuto and using the attack card to move at high speed that everything around is moving slowly, Decade runs past, hitting the two Riotoozes towards the center of them three Riders before going towards the other kaijus and knocking them all towards the center. He stops next to Wizard. "You're up, little bro."

With a nod, Wizard switches his left ring with the green triangle, flipping the visor over it. "On it." (Sha- Hurricane, Please! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!) Holding the ring up, a green spell circle appears over him with the same-colored wind swirling around the edge and moves down through him, changing his form. The suit's blue changed to green with the diamond shapes changing to triangles. This is Wizard's Hurricane Style.

As the mage Rider switches his right ring, Jurassic sees Magma stand and lights up in flames before launching fireballs towards his brothers. "No you don't." (Wave! Edge!) In a sweeping kick, a wave of water with a blue aura edge moves in a curved motion around the kaiju, passing in front of his brothers shielding them from the fireballs, and curves again to hit Magma, knocking him away from the group.

"Now for the next act." Wizard said with the copy ring on. (Lupachi Touch- Copy, Please!) Holding his hand to the side, the two red spell circles appear with one next to him. Following the motion of the first as it passes through Wizard, the second creates an exact copy of him. (Copy, Please!) Using spell again, the two Wizards create two more copies.

Switching their weapons to sword mode, all four Wizards are lifted off the ground by green winds. "Maybe they'd appreciate an air dry." All four mages flew towards the Riotoozes and circle around them while hitting them with multiple slashes as the spun around. The copies merge back into him after he stops and lands away from his brothers, leaving them in a triangular position surrounding the Riotoozes. "The finale!"

Changing back to his original form, Decade pulls out a card from the Ride Booker while it's in sword mode. "I agree. Time for the photo finish." (Spino Khopesh!) Changing his weapon back into its Khopesh mode, Jurassic holds out his hand before tightening it into a fist. "We're ending the misuse of those powers."

(Come on a Slash, Shake Hands! Hurricane Slash Strike! Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!) Green spell circles appeared around the sword's blade with green wind circling it. (Final Attack Ride. D-D-D-Decade!) The row of large energy cards formed in front of Decade. (S-S-Splash! Spino Dividing Fang!) The two Riders launch slashing finishers, along with Wizard unleashing a green wind slash.

Magma stood up as its allies got hit with slashes from three different angles, ending with them all exploding after a large green spell circle appeared around them. When the explosions flash died down, the Dopant noticed the Riders are gone as it looked around.

(Final Attack Ride. D-D-D-Decade!) (Choine! Kick Strike! Saiko!) (Flaming Crushing Bite!!)

Magma looks up in time to see Decade along with his brothers back in their base forms come down on him from the sky with all threes Rider Kicks going straight through him. All three of them stood up straight as Magma fell to his back couple feet behind them exploding.

They look back with Jurassic doing a claw motion over his chest. "Extinct." "YES!!" Sunset and Flash high five each other happy from seeing their friends being victorious.

"Seems like things have finished off here as well." The two turn to see Zero-One in his base form and Applejack run up to them. "Sorry fer bein' late." "But good to see no one is hurt." He looks over to where Magma had exploded. "So, who exactly was it that turned into Magma?"

Sunset's eyes go wide. "That's right! I forgot to let them know Magma was a citizen that was forced to become a kaiju!"

She and Applejack ran over to Magma with Zero-One and Flash following. Flam was laying where Magma had exploded looking a little beat up, along with one tip end of his mustache being on fire. The four circled around him along with the three brother Riders who had walked up to him.

They find the Magma Memory next to Flam before it shatters and restores itself. It's now a transparent orange memory with a molten rock shaped in a 'V' with 'VOLCANO' in black letters on the side.

"Do Gaia Memorys normally do that?" Jurassic asked Zero-One who picks it up.

"No. The Memorys just shatter when defeated. This is the first I've seen this happen." He answered looking over the Memory for a moment before he stops what he's doing along with Jurassic and Decade. "GET DOWN!!" (Elek Steam!) The three Riders immediately put themselves in front of Wizard and their three friends a second before the electrical steam slash hits them, causing a small explosion that knocks them all to the ground.

Their transformations come undone as the Gaia Memory and a couple other items fell a few feet ahead of them. Lying next to the Memory are the penguin, shark and beetle keys. As well as the shark and whale medals that Discord had brought back with him.

"What a coincidence running into all of you here." Faust spoke out to them as he walked up and stopped in front of the items. "How nice. You even brought me some gifts. You shouldn't have."

His hand glowed crimson with the same glow appearing around the items as they lifted into the air in front of him along with the others he had taken from their friends.

"Seems today's haul is great." Faust chuckled before looking to Drago and the others. "Thanks for the entertainment, Riders. Let me give you a reward." Holding up his dagger, he twists the nozzle three times. (Devil Steam!) He aims towards Sunset before launching steam slash at her with the weapon making an evil laugh, followed by a blood curdling scream.

"NO!!" Flash screamed out holding his hand out towards Sunset wanting to protect her. A glowing blurred symbol appeared on the back of his hand surprising everyone, including himself and Faust.

A strange roar is heard echoing around them before a fireball comes flying into the steam slash as it came close to getting her. The group looked up in the air behind them to see what looks like a mirror with cracked edges floating. But shatters and disappears a second after.

"Interesting." Faust said to himself looking down at Flash. "Seems what the master predicted was right. It won't be long till the rest of the Riders awaken. That's when the real fun will begin. Until next time, Riders. Ciao." He said turning around and walking away from them as darkness covered him making him disappear.

Drago lets out a tired sigh before standing up along with the others. "Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." Sunset answered as she and the others stood up. "But I'd really like it if we didn't make getting chased around by Kaiju a daily thing." "I'm with yah there." Applejack said agreeing.

"If you're always around us, then I wouldn't bet on that." Discord looks to Drago. "By the way, does anyone know who that guy was? And why'd he tried to kill Sunny here?"

He shrugs to his brother. "Not really sure. We barely met the guy yesterday." "And he wasn't trying to kill Sunset." Negi spoke up. "What he had was a weapon known as the Steam Blade. And it was a weapon mostly used by the villains of Build's world."

"Evil weapon ta go with an evil villain. Makes sense." Applejack said tapping her chin for a second. "Though what do yah mean he wasn't tryin' ta kill Sunset?"

"The attack he used, Devil Steam, is a gas known as Nebula Gas which can change people into the kaijus known as Smash. He was probably planning to have Sunset attack us."

"I would've hated becoming a kaiju again." Sunset looks down with a sad look. "God only knows what everyone at school would think if I became one again."

Negi puts a hand on her shoulder. "But everything is alright now. We were lucky Dragreder came and saved her in time." "Dragreder?" He nods to Spike. "Yes. It's the name of Kamen Rider Ryuki's partner. A red dragon."

Everyone looks to Flash with a shocked, surprised look. "Does that mean-" Drago nods without looking to Spike. "Yup. Flash is now a candidate to become Ryuki."

Flash puts his hands in his jacket's pockets while trying to take in on how he's a candidate to becoming a Rider. Though the second he did, he feels and pulls out a grayed card. On the card is only a picture of a Chinese dragon with what looks like flames in the background.

Dark Realm

"You've done well." Reaper congratulated Brutus, Faust and Molten while having the Riders items and core floating in between them. "You did lose most of the original ones that were intended. But you did bring more than what was expected."

Molten walks away to the side and up to one of the crystal spikes. "You may consider this a success. But not me." With anger flooding him, Molten thrusts his fist into the spike and shatters a chunk of it off. "Despite having him out numbered, I still lost to Zero-One again. Someone who should've been defeated easily."

"Yes. It was absolutely pathetic." Faust spoke up walking into the middle between Molten and his other two allies. "To think you lost so poorly to Zero-One not once but twice. He defeated you so badly that he didn't even bother to capture you. Definitely proved how weak and sad you are."

Molten had just stood there taking in each word as his fist tightened. When Faust had finished, Molten turns to swing his fist at him. But he halts the moment his ally holds up the deck box from the shop.

"But maybe you just need something the Riders have never faced before." Tossing the box to Reaper, Faust begins to walk away. "I'm sure you can make something interesting out of those."

They watched as Faust disappeared into darkness. Reaper slides the front of the box to find a card at the front of the deck of a robotic looking dinosaur-like creature with a name at the bottom saying 'CYBER GOMORA'

Police Station

Hours after, Autumn and Shining were standing inside the chief's office where they had just finished reporting on everything that had happened with them and what they were told by the other girls on what happened with them.

"Faust, huh?" "Yes sir. From what we learned; this man was responsible for today's monster attack." Dusk leaned back in his chair as Shining spoke. "Did you learn anything else about this man?" "Other than he's in possession of items that create these monsters. And the possibility that he isn't human."

"What do you mean he isn't human?" "We don't actually have any proof, sir. But from what this man was able to do, there just wasn't something normal about him." Autumn had answered their chief's question.

Dusk seemed to be in his thoughts about something. "If what you're saying is true, then we might need more than just you two if hell breaks loose from this man creating a large number of monsters." He looks down at two folders on his desk with one having 'BIRTH' and the other 'IXA'. "Seems we might need these after all."

Next to the folder are three Rider items. One is the cheetah key that Shining had been given. The other two are the wolf Fullbottle and wolf fish Core Medal.

The Dragons Cavern

Aside from Rainbow's group, the rest of the gang had gathered back at the cafe where they're seated close to the cafe's counter. They were all seated close to each other as they watch the video recording of Autumn and Shining's battle.

Emerald comes walking out of the cafe's kitchen with cups of water on a tray along with Derpy and Turner following behind her with a tray of muffins and fruits in their hands.

"Now I hope you five will be finishing on cleaning up the cafe and library before needing to leave home, right?" Emerald questioned Spike and his friends while placing down the trays. "Yes, Miss Emerald." "Good."

Applejack and the others raised a brow at this. "Emerald if you don't mind, why are yah makin' them clean everything?"

"Oh. They haven't told you what they did?"


Within the library, book by book in the middle gets shot down by Spike and Sweetie Belle. From how the game has gone, Spike had won the last three matches against Scootaloo, Rumble and Apple Bloom.

Spike kept having the highest score when it came to the three matches. But as for the fourth, Sweetie was surprisingly a great shot from how she kept getting every five pointers she aimed at. This was actually her and Spike's fifth round from how they kept ending on a draw.

"Another draw." Apple Bloom declared.

"Damn it. Sweetie Belle, how are you so good at shooting?" Spike asked her with a smile. "It's not every day you meet a natural with a gun."

She shrugs. "I don't know. I've never even played any gun arcade games. It just feels so simple." Sweetie looks around the room seeing a bit of the books damaged. "Is Miss Emerald going to be alright with all this?"

Rumble tapped his chin in thought. "That is true. Emerald usually got really mad whenever Blaze damaged the books and cafe itself. Or even when Discord caused trouble when pulling pranks."

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Scootaloo spoke out with Apple Bloom looking at her confused. "What makes yah so sure about that?" "Well, Spike does have that spell to restore everything, right Spike?"

"Yup, exactly." Spike answered confidently. None of them take notice of a flash of light behind them. "Normally, aunt Emerald would still kill me for even messing with her cafe, but since she isn't here right now. So, what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

"What exactly are you guys doing?" They jump to their left from having been startled and quickly look to their right to find Build and OOO standing next to them. "BUILD!! OOO!!" The CMC hug the two Riders. "I thought they would've found it weird to find us here, right?" He asked looking to OOO.

Rumble moves to stand in front of them. "It's alright guys. They found out thanks to magic boy over here." He shrugged towards Spike.

"Wait. Is he this world's Spike?" "Yes I am. I'm Spike Drake. Discord and Drago's little brother." From underneath their masks, both Riders were a bit shocked to hear this. "Huh. You learn something new every day. Hey Emerald, did you-" OOO goes silent the moment he looked behind them.

Having heard the name, Spike and his friends froze. They slowly turned towards the same direction as OOO. There they find Emerald just standing there giving them a nice, warm smile. But they could tell underneath that she was feeling the opposite of what she's showing.

"Spike, my dear nephew of this world, why is my cafe a mess?" They all feel the chill of the voice despite it sounding nice and caring. "W-Well, y-you see I-I was going to fix everything using my-" "Oh my Spike, do you think that still gets you out of what you've done?" She questioned him with a smile. Yet Spike could swear he could see an angry aura surrounding her.

Both Riders step aside and walk away as she walked slowly up to Spike and his friends. "Hm?" Build barely caught a glimpse of a light under Spike's jacket. He walks over to it while Emerald began scolding the five in the background.

End of Flashback

"After Connor saw there was an emergency, he, Spike and Reiji left to go help." Emerald finished explaining.

"So, which Riders are these?" "Not sure." Negi answered Sunset while Apple Bloom, Spike and Sweetie began to be lectured by their older siblings. "How do you not know? I thought you guys know everything about the Riders."

"The only one of us who'd probably know everything about the Riders would probably be Connor. As for these Riders," He pauses to look back at the video. "None of them is a main Rider like us and unless any of them know about the Riders, then they'll most likely come up with the names on their own. If we give them a name that's different from what they chose, it'd just confuse them."

"So, in short, they're useless to us." Discord said taking a muffin from the tray.

Applejack looks up to Rarity. "I still can't believe yah gave them one of Negi's keys."

"I'm sorry. They caught us at a bad moment trying to look for Blaze and Razor. Besides it was their idea to hand over the key." They all look to said small dinosaurs who are being petted in Fluttershy's lap. "I'm sure they did it because they saw we were in trouble."

"We aren't much different." Drago spoke up. "Discord gave Sunset the wolf fish medal he had to give the police so they wouldn't question them on why the kaiju were after them."

"Glad to see we all came up with the same idea." They turn to the entrance to see Rainbow's group walk in with Connor holding Applejack's bass guitar. "Sorry we took so long. Had to stop by to pick something up." He walks over to Applejack and holds out her bass to her. "I believe this is yours."

Despite being shocked, she gladly took her guitar. "My- My bass. H-How- How'd you-"

He points to Pinkie and Rainbow with a smile. "They filled me in on what happened. So, after doing some quick studying with Zea's help, I went to go pay a visit to Flim and Flam at the hospital. We had a little talk about how a group of people were searching for them because their boss wanted to discuss about a product they had sold them a while back. After that, they were happy to lower the price to a penny that was there on the floor."

"It's good to see we're all back together again." Reiji said as he sat down in between Flash and Negi. "You would not believe everything that happened in Equestria. Though it was a surprise to hear we have a Wizard Spike here now." He looks over to Spike with his friends sitting next to him. "The you in Equestria actually became a Rider too."

Spike smiled at this news. "Really? That's so cool. Hm? I wonder if our belts would still work if we switched."

"It's pretty cool to see how many Riders are here." Rumble had said with Scootaloo taking over. "Yeah. In total we have eight Riders here if you include Flash."

Derpy pulls out her Ridewatch. "Actually, it's nine. Or is it ten? Because Turner is one too but is the same one as me."

Being brought up, Turner brings out his as well. "We're both Zi-O."

"What?!" Rainbow and all the others, aside from Ressha and Discord, shouted surprised. "No way! You two are Riders?!" Rainbow runs over to Derpy's side to take a closer look at the watch.

Connor sighs. "Seems we all have a lot of fill in to do."

To Be Continued