• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,015 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 9 Edited- The Depths One Would Go

Author's Note:

Not sure if any of the changes made it better, but I feel more satisfied with how it is now. I also made some corrections to a few mistakes I found. Though sorry if I didn't get all of them. Hope everyone likes or at least don't mind the changes I made.

The Police Station

"TRANSFERED?!" An enraged Shining Armor yelled slamming his hands onto Dusk's desk. He and Autumn were in the chief's office, standing in front of the desk where Dusk is looking over some files. "What the hell do you mean by we're being transferred?"

"Does this have to do with us having the Drivers?" Autumn asked with a sadden expression. "Are we not welcomed here anymore?"

Dusk sighs rubbing the bridge of his nose while setting the file he's reading over down. "Look, Miss Chrysalis thinks it'd better if the two of you work alongside them in special defense force that Zea Everwood company will be forming to face off against both the kaiju and the Riders."

Shining crosses his arms. "And you expect us to just go along with this?"

"No, detective. I expect you to follow orders. This order isn't just come from me and Chrysalis, even the mayor wants you both to join the new force. Your things have already been sent over the Zea's company building. All that's left now is for you to head there to meet your captain."

"But chief-" "Enough, Detective Shining! This is not up for discussion. I advise you both to head there now. From what me and your captain discussed, she won't be happy if you're late on the first day of the job."

Shining seemed to have wanted to continue arguing but while picking the file backup, the chief silents him by lifting up a finger and then points it towards the door for them to leave. The two stood there for a second before walking out of the office and to their now empty desks.

Autumn checks over and inside her desk to make sure nothing was forgotten. "I'm a bit sad I have to leave this desk so soon after I got it but I'm really curious on what our new station will look like. And from what the chief said, do you think our captain is going to be someone tough and scary?"

"If the chief was fine with sending us over after speaking to her, then she must be trustworthy. That's all that matters in my book." Shining answered leaning against his desk. "What I'm more curious about is what the Riders are up to."

Canterlot High

The time hits 10:21am with the school's bell ringing. The hallways become filled with students leaving their classrooms.
as they make their way towards their next classes. Amongst all the students is Reiji who is walking beside Wallflower Blush.

"So, where exactly were you yesterday?" Wallflower asked as they walked. "I almost thought you had forgotten about like everyone else. But then I overheard some other students talk about how you and a couple others were absent."

"I'm not sure about everyone else but there were some things I had to take care off." "Which was?" Reiji chuckles nervously trying to think of a quick excuse. "Um...Well, you see"

Wallflower sadly sighs. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me. We aren't exactly close friends. I can get why you wouldn't want to talk about everything." Reiji seemed to want to say something after thinking for a few seconds, but she cuts him off by changing the subject. "Can I ask you for a favor? I was planning to head to the hardware store to get new seeds to add into my garden at home, along with maybe getting some new tools. Would you like to come along and help me out?"

"O-Oh, you like to garden?"

Wallflower nods with a smile. "I loved it ever since an old neighbor of ours first showed me how to. She and her husband taught me how wonderful and rewarding it is to help plants grow. Which also adds more beauty to nature."

As she continued speaking, they passed by the side windows of the school that faced towards the soccer field. Reiji takes a moment to look outside at what looks like a beautiful day to him. He was about to face back when he catches a glimpse of someone in a red business suit leaning against a tree giving him a smirk. Knowing instantly who it was, Reiji stops in his tracks to look back but finds the person gone.

"I was thinking of maybe getting some Cosmos seeds to add to my garden. Although maybe...Hm?" Wallflower notices Reiji isn't next to her anymore. She looks back seeing him stare outside, noticing he seems to be searching around outside. "Reiji? Is something wrong?" She asked after walking back to him.

Shaking his head, Reiji faces back to her smiling. "No. It was nothing. I just thought I saw someone I knew."

Wallflower could tell he wasn't being completely truthful to her but decided not to try pushing him for an answer and instead say, "Well, we should hurry to class before Mr. Cranky gets upset with you being late." Reiji nodded before they continued on towards class. "Wait. Why would he only get upset with me?" "Because he never remembers about me."

"One of the perks of that curse I presume." Reiji spoke in a joking matter causing his friend to smile. "Maybe. Sucks to be you now, isn't it." "You can say that again." He sarcastically said before the two laughed.

While laughing, the thought of who he thinks he saw still stuck in his mind. 'If that really was that Faust guy, then trouble might just be around the corner again.'

[Cue Opening]

Zea's Company Building

Shining and Autumn had walked into a large building with 20 floor levels and a 'Z' in the middle of a green forest looking logo at the top of the building. Inside the two find Chrysalis waiting for them next to the front desk.

After greeting each other, she leads them into one of the elevators where she holds her company ID in front of a scanner and then uses the elevator's buttons to punch in a number keycode. Instead of going up, the elevator began to descend for a few moments before opening into a large control room filled with people stationed at computers with fit looking woman in a blue uniform, with the company's logo on the sides of the shoulders, standing in front of a large monitor.

The image of a different Driver is being displayed on the large monitor as it's analyzed. The black strapped belt's buckle seemed to be missing its right half. The buckle is silver with a bit of blue on the sides while the middle had a red circle with black and gold colors around it. On the sides of the belt were two silver holders with both having three objects in the slots. The screen then changed to a knuckle weapon looking item with the same design as the belt's buckle.

The three walk up to the orange-ish woman, who turns to face them with her arms crossed and her light orange eyes giving them off a serious stare. Her long black hair was held up in a ponytail with a red hair tie that has a sun attached to it.

"Shining Armor, Autumn Blaze, I'd like you to meet Elanor Solar. As captain, you'll be following her orders both here and out in the field."

Autumn and Shining looked at each other for a moment before Shining steps up. "Detective Shining Armor, reporting for duty, ma'am. It's nice to meet y-" He holds out his hand to shake but next thing Shining knew, he is getting flipped by Elanor and slammed onto the floor. "Shining!" Autumn runs to her friend's side to help him up. "Argh! Thanks. Shit. Ugh...What the hell was that for?"

"That's disappointing." Elanor's action had startled everyone in the room. "To think you're my mentor's nephew. Seems like yesterday's battle really was just all the Driver's power."

Shining is taken aback by her words. "You've worked with my uncle before?"

She smirks at the question. "Yup. Learned just about everything I know from him. He was one hell of a strict mentor that pushed me to my limits in training and when on cases bringing down crooks. But he also knew when to be kind and supportive." Her smirk then changes into a frown. "Sad to see he didn't teach you anything."

"He did offer but I wanted to try learning and gaining experience on my own. When you're related to a great officer like my uncle, others tend to judge you for the wrong reasons. That's why I want to become as great as him on my own."

Elanor stared at him for a moment before smiling and walking to one of the nearby tables. "Then you have a long way to work up to. Here put these on." She had said while picking up two uniforms that on the desk and tosses them to the two. "We may still be part of the police force but these uniforms will help people know what department we're part of."

"What is this department's force called?" Elanor grins at Autumn's question.

"Oh, that's right. No one has told you yet, right? Then let me be the first to welcome you both to the Everfree Guardians."

Within the Dark Realm

Brutus sat onto tipped crystal tower while leaning his back against another. He was lost in thought as he thought back on his tests against Build and Zero-One. First was Build's full use of the Fullbottles both as forms and attacks with his weapon. Then there was Zero-One's different fighting styles used to defeat Molten and the Magias.

Brutus chuckles. "Now, who should be next."

"I suggest OOO."

Faust came walking up from the right with a huge grin. Following behind him was Gilda who could easily be seen to be in a foul mood from her expression alone. As the two got closer, Brutus could see Faust tossing the shark and whale medals up and down in his left hand.

"Why OOO?" Brutus questioned crossing his arms. "Den-O, Decade and Wizard seem like they'd be worth testing."

"No reason. Just seems like he'd be interesting enough to provide some entertainment." He catches the medals mid-air. "Just leave him to me. Maybe you'll find the answer you want from him by this method."

"Nothing I say matters. Only the master and Reaper can control you. So, do as you wish." Is all he answers to Faust before standing up and walking past him. He stop for a moment to say, "You did hear of the master's order to cease using the Primal Cores for the moment, right?"

Faust waves it off. "Of course. Which is what I plan to do. Even I wouldn't be crazy enough to go against orders." Hearing the answer, Brutus says nothing else as he continues walking off. Faust looks back at him with a smug grin as he walked away. "True. But it wouldn't be fun if I at least didn't ruin your plans by getting on your nerves." He snaps his fingers looking towards a crystal pillar with an image of Reiji sitting in the middle of class appear on it. "Now all that's left is to set the game."

Hours Later

Reiji and Wallflower were now walking alongside each other again on the sidewalk as they made their way to the hardware store. The two had met up right after school and took a bus into the city.

He tried seeing if any of his friends would want to join in but unfortunately the others seemed to already have other plans. Such as Negi who had left with Applejack to help out at her farm since they were short at hand with workers. He also saw it as an opportunity to do some training by using the apple trees. Or like Rarity, Ressha and Discord who'd gone to volunteer with Fluttershy at the shelter.

Drago went to the cafe to help Emerald. To his surprise, Sunset asked if she could go along with to help out. Spike and his friends were with them at the cafe as well. But they were there to help Connor in the garage to assist him in a new invention and with eliminating residue that could've remained from Scorpion's poison on the bikes and weapons.

"Wish my bike didn't need a tune up. We could've been done quicker that way." Reiji had lied about the reason, since he couldn't tell her the truth.

She had peaked at him a few times while spoke. The reason for this is because as Reiji walked, he'd be picking up any litter and trash that he came upon.

Wallflower sighs, frowning. "You know, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to."

He panics raising his hands up. "No! It's nothing like that! I just thought I could maybe see your garden if we-" Reiji stops and smiles when Wallflower starts giggling. "Oh, hardie har. Laugh it up why don't cha'. Should've guessed I was being played."

"Sorry. It's just fun to see your reactions." She spoke between her laughing before calming down. "You really care about what you say to others."

"Yeah, I guess I got that from having been part many fund raisers, volunteer help my parents had me be a part of with them, and- Wait. Hold on a sec. I'll be right back."


Wallflower watched her friend run across the street to a fast-food restaurant. He comes back out after a few minutes with four full bags. She was confused by this, wondering what he plans to do with all that food. Coming back across, he walks past her and into an alleyway where she watches him hand over the food to some homeless people. They all begin crowding around to thank him. Wallflower holds back a laugh from seeing Reiji struggle for a moment to excuse himself and break free to rejoin her.

"That was nice of you to do." Reiji looks away feeling a bit embarrassed which makes her giggles.

"Anyways, where were we? Oh, that's right. Well being a part of all those events, I learned some people can get hurt by what you say. Which happened to me a few times. Especially love stuck girls." He embarrassingly mumbled the last part before clearing his throat to continue. "So, I always panic a bit when someone takes what I say the wrong way."

"Does that mean your parent's run a company or something? Is that why you go to so many events?"

Reiji cursed himself mentally when he realized his mistake. He keeps forgetting he's not in his original world and the probability of a company with the same name as his family's is low. Especially the part with them taking part in many events would most likely be impossible to find.

"Well...They used to. But they...uh...had to...sell the company when they weren't able to spend much time with everyone they cared about. So, they thought living a more peaceful life would be more enjoyable if it meant they wouldn't be so busy anymore. Now they just run a small bakery back over in Japan."

Wallflower almost trips herself from the shock. "Japan!? If they're in Japan, what are you doing all the way out here in the US?" She questioned after having been shocked.

Reiji stayed silent for a moment while scratching the back of his head before he answered saying, "Let's just say things happened that lead me to this point."

Hearing that, she stares down at the floor felling like she asked a question she shouldn't have. "Sorry if I crossed a line."

"Crossed a line? Huh. Hey, do you need help?" Quickening his pace, Reiji rushes ahead to a little girl who's looking up a tree with tears. He crouches next to her while asking, "What's the matter?"

"M-My kitty won't come down." The girl said between sniffles.

Having caught up, Wallflower looks up the tall tree along with him to find a black and white kitten at the top. Not showing any hesitation, Reiji climbing up the tree without saying a word. He reached the top in no time, safely tucked the kitten into his jacket, and held it close until reaching the bottom.

"Marble!" The little girl shouts with joy. Wallflower feels happy for the girl of getting her kitten back. Though what fills her heart with warmth is seeing the kindness in Reiji's smile. "Thank you for saving Marble."

"No problem. I'm just happy to be helpful." He then pets Marble. "And you should try not to worry your owner so much."

The girl shouts, "Bye!" with a smile as the two continue off on their way. After walking for a bit, Wallflower looks down with a saddened frown. "Sorry again if I crossed a line by asking that question before."

Wallflower looks back to see Reiji wave it off while saying, "Nah. It's fine. It's nothing that big a deal. Just something I'm still trying to- Oh. Hold that thought."

Without another word, Wallflower watched him go into a clothing store where two female workers could be seen through the window. They seemed to be arguing about something until Reiji interrupts them. He talks to them while pointing to different parts of the store. By the end the two were smiling and shaking his hand before waving him off.

"Do you know them?" She questions him as they resume walking. "Nope. Just gave them a helping hand." "I saw you pointing around the store. What exactly did you help them with?"

"They were having trouble deciding on how to redesign the store. I just gave them my opinion and pointed out what they could change to draw in more customers. It was enough to help them figure the rest out."

"You're really amazing, Reiji. You help solve disputes, pick up litter as you walk, spend so much to feed a group of homeless people and a place to stay, helped a little girl get her kitten down from a tree. I've never heard of anyone who'd go so far out of their way to help others like how you're doing."

He blushes a bit from the prese. "Haha nah. What I did is nothing special."

"No, that's not true. What you do really is amazing. Compared to me and a few others, your-" Not finding Reiji next to her, Wallflower looks back to find him having stopped in his tracks again. He had spotted Faust walking ahead from across the street. Wallflower tried following his line of sight but missed Faust as he turned around a corner.

"Reiji? What's the matter? Did you see someone you know?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure." 'He's purposely doing this. What could he be up to? If he's anything like Evolt, then it could be something dangerous.' After thinking this, he turns back to Wallflower. "Sorry, can you go ahead of me? I know it's most likely the wrong person, but I want to make sure. I promise to rush back over after checking."

She stays silent for a few seconds before answering. "Yeah. It's fine. Just don't rush yourself."

Reiji smiles. "No can do. My life is all about rushing around." Is all he says before rushing off and shouting back, "I'll meet you there as soon as I can."

Wallflower watched as her friend rushed on ahead before running across the street and disappearing from sight after turning around the corner.

"I hope he'll be okay." She said to herself and then continues her walk to the hardware store.

The Dragons Cavern

Business was going as well as usual. People of all ages were enjoying day. Some were searching out books, others seated enjoying the book they were either reading or using for studying, and the rest talking to each other in the cafe section.

Emerald was at the cafe's library counter, helping some people check out books. Over in the cafe's area, Sunset just finishes cleaning off a table at the moment. She then walks into the kitchen where Drago is preparing a latte for a customer. The two stop what they're doing for a moment when a faint rumble sound could be heard from a vent.

"What was that?"

Drago sighs with a grin. "Sounds like another one of Connor's tests gone wrong. He usually doesn't get to that until closing time. I'm sure from the help Spike and his friends are helping him along faster than usual."

"It'd be nice if they were helping around here instead." "Can't be helped. Unlike the rest of us, Spike's friends don't trust you yet." She knew full well that just about everyone in the school still doesn't see her in a good light and that it would take some time for her wrong doings to be forgiven. "I really wish Flash wasn't grounded for having recked his car. Then he could've been helping out too."

"Hopefully that changes soon. Connor he would do something to fix that."

Inside the garage, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle peak out from behind Spike who had used the Defend ring. The three were by Connor and Reiji's bikes, wearing protective suits and have a spray gun-like tool in their hands. They looked to the table counter that has what looks to be the remains of a gun. An annoyed looking Connor stood up from behind the table. He then reaches down and pulls up Rumble and Scootaloo.

"What was it about "Do not touch" that you two didn't understand?"

Scootaloo and Rumble point at each other. "It was him./It was her." They then glare at each other before both saying, "It wasn't me. It was you! No, you!"

Deciding to ignore the two arguing, Connor picks up the gun to examine. Most of the circuits were fried along with the gun's barrel completely burnt up. He sighs tossing it into a bin of other failed protypes of the gun before ending the argument between Scootaloo and Rumble by forcefully dragging them over to a table against the wall.

An unframed weapon was already set on a workbench with a screen on the wall showing the schematics for it. The completed design to be wrist piledrive-looking weapon. Having a mostly grey and red color scheme with a bit of silver, the front of weapon is shaped like the head of a rhino while the sides seem to have a hair dryer like design.

"You want to help?" He forces them to take a seat. "Then finish the final adjustments to this. But if you mess this up, you two aren't allowed in the garage for a week." Not wanting to be banned from the garage, Scootaloo and Rumble carefully begin working on the weapon.

Connor left them to work on the task while he went back to the center table. He knew Scootaloo and Rumble would not want to be left out of any new experiments or inventions and work well to not fail. Reaching the table, a digital keyboard and screen appear with the data of the gun on it. He begins typing rapidly, entering new data with eyes never leaving the screen. The gun's design comes apart before reconfiguring back together into the design of a blaster with a hand guard.

"This new system should help prevent the energy feedback. Zea, I'll leave the design to you if it succeeds." Entering the new design, the faint sounds of machinery moving could be heard for a moment from underneath them. "Hm?"

A message indicator appeared on the screen. This was bizarre to Connor since no one from the outside should be able to access their system. With curiosity getting the best of him, Connor opens the message to read. Spike, Apple Bloom and Sweetie were in the middle of spraying down Reiji's Ride Machine. But their attention is drawn away when an engine starting up spooks them from behind. They turn to find Connor having mounted onto his own bike.

Apple Bloom is the first to speak. "Um...Sorry, Connor, but we haven't cleaned off your bike yet."

"It's fine. I need to use it. Rainbow Dash just sent me a message to meet her at the school." "But you said- Eep!" Sweetie hid behind Spike when Connor shoots them a glare. "I said it's fine." The three stay silent and watch as Connor drives out the garage.

"That was a bit scary." Sweetie commented while Apple Bloom looked to Spike. "What do yah think was the matter with him?"

He shrugs crossing his arms. "No clue. Maybe Rainbow did something to piss him off."

Within the City

"Turner, how many more places do we have to go to?"

Turner comes to a stop at a red light in a jeep with Derpy sitting in the passenger seat. The jeep is a blue two door Jeep Wrangler with a back seat and retractable roof that was down at the moment, leaving the jeep roofless. While Turner is at the wheel, Derpy is holding onto a tablet with a map of the city on the screen.

"There should only be two more areas we need to go to. After that, we should be able to head back." He said answering Derpy's question while tapping his chin. With the light changing to green, he continues going forward down the street.

"That's good to hear." She takes a moment to take in the inside of the jeep. "I still can't believe Zea would make us this jeep to use. I thought we would've been given bikes just like Drago and the others."

Turner chuckled at the thought. "I think Zea made the right choice in giving us this jeep to use. I doubt either of us would be able to drive a motorcycle well." He smiles when he hears his friend chuckle, knowing she was feeling embarrassed.

"That's true. I never was able to keep my balance on my bike." She admitted while rubbing the side of her arm. "Though I do wonder what else uh...the um...the..." "The Millenia Cruser." "Right, the Millenia Cruser! I'm curious what the Millenia is able to do. You know, like how the other's bikes can do those cool amazing things. Maybe it can- huh? Isn't that Reiji?"

Lucky coming to halt at a stop sign, Turner got the chance to see Derpy point across the street to their right. Following the direction, he catches sight of Reiji running down the sidewalk while making sure to avoid crashing into other people he ran by.

"Is he chasing after someone?" Derpy asked, curious to what could be happening.

"I don't know. But there's one way to find out." Turner proceeds to the right of the street to follow after their friend.

Reiji on the other hand continued his chase on Faust. Every time he managed to catch up to him but the moment he turned a corner after Faust, he'd find the villain either far down the street or was already across the street. No matter what he'd do, Faust would've gained some distance between them but not to far to lose sight of him.

"I was right. He's leading me somewhere." After crossing the street and taking a right, he spots the villain not that far ahead of him. "But what's his game? What's he trying to accomplish by doing this? Shit!"

Seeing Faust turn early into an alleyway, he rushes after him. Though he finds no one when entering the alleyway. He slowly proceeds further in with his guard him. No signs of Faust could be seen anywhere. But next thing Reiji knows, he gets blindsided by a kick phasing through a wall. sending into a building's door, breaking it off its hinges and sliding into the middle of what seems like a gym with him onto of it. It still seems to be in the middle of being built judging by how the windows are boarded up and how the room is only part ways finished.

While standing back up, Faust comes walking in with his hands in his pockets. "What's the matter, OOO? Didn't you see me standing there?" He spoke sarcastically with a smile. From his left pocket, he pulls out the ghost Fullbottle. "I'll have to thank Build for his generous donations."

"You really caught me by surprise there." Dusting himself off, Reiji finds a tear on his jacket's right sleeve. "And now I'll have to ask Rarity to repair this. So, what exactly would you want from little old me, Faust?"

"Just a bit bored and thought I'd come entertain myself. Simple as that." He tosses up and catches the bottle. "What do you say, OOO? Are you game?"

Before Reiji could respond, Faust dashes forward as a red blur and knocks him down but uses the momentum to stand back up. "Speeds huh? Fine by me."

After crossing his arms and changing the red and green on his clothes to yellow, Reiji as a yellow blur runs after Faust. The two run all around the floor and walls of the gym. The chase comes to an end after a moment near the entrance with Faust slamming Reiji down through what was the front desk.

Reiji is being held down by his throat. "You call that entertainment? That wasn't even much of a chase."

"Then how about this." Changing the yellow to green, he shocks Faust off with green electricity. While stumbling back, two Reiji clones grab onto both his arms. "Good enough for you now?" He said pouncing at the villain.

Reacting quickly, Faust takes a step to the side with what little movement he has to avoid Reiji and kicks him to the side. "Not even close." Pulling his arms inward, he slams the two clones into each other and tosses them off him. "I doubt you could defeat any experience users in magic, let alone be a challenge with magic that's yet to be molded properly."

"Oh, really? Then what do these say about you?" Reiji holds up yellow energy claw blades with a grin.

Looking at the teen, his eyes grew wide when they set onto items in his hands and between the claws. In Reiji's hands are a light blue bear and yellow giraffe Progrise Keys. While four Astro Switches and seven Fullbottles being held in the claws. The numbers 12, 19, 24, and 37 are on the switches. The Fullbottles are magnet, ghost, an azure bottle with a skull in front of two crossed swords, lime green train, purple spider, green skateboard, and scarlet engine.

He barely takes notice of Reiji's colors having gone back to three colors. Looking down at his pants left pocket, he finds it had been torn with a scarlet red void on the inside. Faust was speechless by how quick the teen had changed back to the three colors and managed to not only tear into his pocket but also take some of the Rider items out of them.

"Not bad, huh? Just a little trick I picked up from a reformed pickpocket friend back in my old world." He smiles softly at a memory of a black-haired middle-aged woman. "She always told me it's a skill that could come in handy one day." He brought out of his memories upon hearing a soft chuckle.

Looking back to his enemy, he watched small chuckles escape his mouth. Faust had been silent up until this moment. At first, he's chuckling with a small grin, but he then begins laughing hysterically like a lunatic with a huge, wicked smile.

"It's been a while since I've been filled with so many emotions at once. So much rage, frustration, joy, embarrassment, interest, and" He pauses to reach into the torn pocket and pulls out the (Steam Blade!) "some bloodlust."

Faust charges up to Reiji, barely giving him a chance to roll to the side to avoid the first swing and then ducks rolling forward under the next. He quickly puts the items away before turning to face the villain. Reiji moves side to side jumps back to avoid the swings and strikes. He catches the next strike, holding onto Faust's right arm and tries elbowing his enemy with his other arm. Faust catches the hit with his free hand, then follows with sweeping his foot under Reiji to knock him to the floor.

"Ugh. Ah!" Reiji quickly creates the claw blades to stop the Steam Blade that was coming down on him. Feeling Faust trying to press the blade down on him, he kicks the villain off and rolls onto one knee. (Ice Steam!) The weapon announced after Faust turned the nozzle. "Oh shit."

Faust swings sending freezing slashes, trying to hit the teen as he ran and jumped around to avoid becoming a popsicle. Outside people began screaming and running away from the scene when some of the slashes go through the wall and freeze random objects they hit.

Everfree Guardians

From a staircase located on either side of the front of the control room, Elanor led her subordinates down the steps to an open space with two vehicles parked on it. One being a motorcycle and the other being police car.

The cycle is a black and white Suzuki RF model with gold lining the edges. Siren lights are built into the front and back of the bike. Twin pulsar laser cannons are equipped at the front of the bike and thruster vents on the back sides. The car is a bright blue Dodge Charger Pursuit with curved siren lights on the roof. The hood, trunk, and side doors have red streaks with silver lining the sides of it.

"WOW!! Are these for us?" Autumn runs over to the vehicles the moment they reached the bottom of the stairs and began to look them over with excitement while Shining holds a hand over his face feeling embarrassed by his partner's behavior.

Elanor smiles at the act. "Yes. These, along with maybe more to come, will be for us to use while out on the field. Or on patrol." She looks to the car Autumn is looking into. "The first here is the Siren Hunter. The armored frame is strong enough to take explosive hits, along with speed that can easily keep up with Riders. Its equipped twin grappling hooks that unfold from the front bumper, twin plasma cannons that are hidden as part of the car's siren, and capture nets that are stored on the inside of the front doors."

"And this over here is the Command Chaser." She said holding out her hand to a motorcycle. "Being built for speed and maneuverability, it's the ideal machine for chasing down criminals and kaiju. The front is equipped with twin pulsar laser cannons, acceleration boosters in the back, the siren lights also act as scanner to assist with hunting targets, and an autopilot to drive itself in case the driver's hands are occupied."

"They can really do all that? That's so cool! Don't you think so too, Shining?" Autumn turned asking Shining who nods.

"Yeah, they are." He looks to the captain. "But captain, why haven't these been used before if they're so amazing? Seems like they would've been a waist just sitting around."

Elanor shakes her head. "That's because they were created by the company for our personal use only. Plus, who know what criminals or other companies would do if they could get their hands on a model like these. The CEO also-"

A small alarm goes off right then. The three look up the steps to the control room where one of the female personnel looked down at them from the top of the steps. She shouts down to them saying, "There's an emergency in one of the shopping districts. There seems to be a commotion coming from within a gym that's still in the process of being built. Attacks come out from it that are freezing everything they hit."

"Sounds the Riders fighting a kaiju." Elanor turns to Shining and Autumn. "Shining, you and Autumn are to follow me to the scene in the Siren Hunter while I take the Command Chaser." "Yes, ma'am!!" The two shouted saluting her. "Alright then. Let's me out!"

Elanor mounted onto the bike while Shining and his partner got into the Hunter. "Raise up the platform." The female personnel ordered with one of the others. Activate the system, the platform the vehicles are parked on begins lifting diagonally uphill ward.

One of the entrances/exits of a parking structure closes itself off to keeps other from entering and exiting from that section as the floor opens outward into two halves. The layer under it opens up moving to the sides to reveal the tunnel's path. Once the platform reached the top and locked into place, both parties raced out of the parking structure with the Hunter following behind the Chaser.


From outside on the streets, Turner quickly stops the jeep when panicking citizens began running in the opposite direction past them. He and Derpy looked on in confusion as people either ran or drove past them, along with some others both ahead and behind them turning to rush to safety. Though this resulted in a few of the cars crashing into each other.

Derpy looked worried at the scene. "That's dangerous. Why is everyone running?"

"I'm sure that's the cause to all of this." Following where he's pointing towards, she sees ice beginning to stick out from over some buildings a couple streets down from them. "My certain that's where Reiji is at."

Back inside the gym, Reiji continues running and jumping from wall to wall to avoid the ice slashes. "Ugh?!" Though he slips when landing from his next jump. Reiji finds just about the whole room has been frozen.

(Devil Steam!) The blade had announced after turning the nozzle twice and launching a steam slash towards the teen. Using the ice to his advantage, Reiji uses a piece of that's sticking out to thrust himself out of the path of the slash. Faust sends another slash towards the other side of a desk that Reiji slid behind. But the attack misses when the teen doesn't come out the other side. Faust quickly looks back to see him come flipping over the desk. Landing on the other side of the desk, Reiji uses it to jump, thrusting himself towards Faust with the energy claws at the ready.

Faust reacts quickly and swings the Steam Blade at the teen at last moment. Having swung the right claw, Reiji winces in pain as the blade shatters the claw and leaves a long cut along his right arm and leg. He lands rolling across the floor behind the villain until his back hits the wall. "Er!" Faust chuckles after turning to face the teen and finds him trying to stand on his hurt leg.

"Seems this is where the game ends." (Electric Steam!)

Right as he was launching the electrical slash, the Millennia Cruser comes busting through the wall at the back of the building. It transforms into a silver and black Humvee with pink lining along the doors with Zi-O's mark and the kanji saying 'Millennia Cruser' on the front and back bumpers. Now having a roof, a tire case having the same colors is mounted on the top.

Stopping in front of Reiji, the pink on the Cruser lights up, creating a domed barrier that shields them from the slash. "What?" While Faust was surprised, the tire case opens in half, becoming a sentry gun with a long and short clock arm looking cannon barrels extending out.

"Ciao." Turner fires a shock waves blast that sends the villain slamming into the wall.

"Reiji!" Derpy rushes off the jeep to run to her friend's side. "Are you okay? Those cuts look bad."

With a grin he holds up his left claw. "I'm fine. You should see how the other guy is going to be." in his claw are eight Core Medals. The medals are cheetah, lion, mantis, turtle, an orange cobra, blue orca, sky blue hermit crab and salmon pink crab. "Seems turtle wanted to return."

Faust slowly stands with a smile before holding up both his hands which both held two of Fullbottles, Core Medals, and Progrisekeys. In his left are a whale set of items while shark items were in his right. "If you want your items, then allow me to help further it along." After tossing the items upward, he brings out two stones. "Core phase begin."

Turner's eyes go wide. "Hurry and get in you two." He shouted looking to his friends while getting off the jeep, knowing what's coming next.

Not wasting any time, he rushed over to help Derpy bring Reiji into the backseat along with her and then quickly getting back into the driver's seat. While the two sets of items are absorbed into the orbs, the Millennia smashed its way out through the front and out into the now empty street, driving off at top speed.

Faust leave one orb floating inside the building while tossing the other into the street where it sank through the ground. The whole building crumbles being pulled into the orb along with everything inside. While a huge sinkhole formed from the second orb's suction. The two continued until two huge cocoons were formed.

"If you want a real challenge OOO, then let me provide one for you." Bringing out the gun device, he attaches an Astro Switch with the number 21 onto the bottom of the handle. (Stealth On!) The gun announces in a distorted robotic voice after he twist the top and then inserts two playing cards into the side. (Lizard Undead! Jaguar Undead! Corruption!!) "Distortion summons." Firing the shot upward, it splits into two before coming back down and landing in front of him.

While one formed into the kaiju Undead Lizard, the other forms into a jaguar type of Undead with silver armor on its upper body and leather covering mostly the lower. A few skull heads in its spots could be seen. A black claw blade weapon is attached to the left hand.

"And since you've already taken so many prizes, we can add more to the table." With a wicked smile, Faust brings out a cyan jet Fullbottle and a transparent yellow Astro Switch with the number '10' on it. He phases the switch into Jaguar, causing sparks of electricity to spark around it before changing the silver of its armor into golden yellow color, and the bottle into Lizard which creates a jet armor around its chest and back. "Now here's how the game works you two. While Nameless Whale keeps the other Riders busy, you two will be keeping OOO and both Zi-Os away from Nameless Shark while it tries to end the game for OOO." He explained as both cocoons broke apart to reveal both Nameless kaijus.

Emerging as a transparent dark cyan mechanical shark, with bits and pieces of what was the gym sticking out from the body, navy tooth shaped fins and tail, and razor-sharp teeth looking like they're made of ice. A transparent navy-blue mechanical whale, with many sewer pipes sticking out from its face, raised its head out the hole. Most of its body has pieces of the asphalt sticking out with some pipes and having a large tail made of ice.

Faust turns to Shark while making a picture of Wallflower appear. "This will be OOO's loss. Now go rip her to bits." Not wasting anytime, Shark dives into the street and then races off with its top fin dragging through the street. The two Undead follow the Nameless before turning invisible. "Now for our fun." Faust jumps onto the remaining Nameless before it begins advancing forward as if the street and ground is made of water.

"I'm dying to see the outcome of today's game." The villain spoke to himself after laughing in a psychotic manner.

Not Far Off

The Millennia was rushing down empty streets from Turner trying to rush away from what he knew would soon emerge from the area. He takes a quick peek at his left side mirror to see if anything is coming after them but finds nothing out of the ordinary.

"Seems like we're in the clear for now. Is everyone alright back there?" Turner asked taking a quick glance at the rearview mirror before focusing back on the road.

Reiji hissed as Derpy finishes tying a bandage around his arm. "Sorry! I didn't mean to make it too tight."

"No. You did a good job." He reassured her with a warm smile. "Trust me, you did a whole lot better job than I did when I treated someone's injuries."

"You've bandaged someone before? Who? Was it a friend?" She asked as Reiji winces from having adjusted the knot of the bandage on his leg.

He smiles softly at his arm's bandage. "Nope. It just reminds me of a lady I misjudged." "A lady?" He looked up to Derpy. "Yup. Giulia was her name." The memory began playing as he remembered. "I met her when my parents took me along with them to a charity event in Florence, Italy when I was 10 years old. At that age, I really liked to sneak off and explore around cities or towns I visited. But this time was different. I was enjoying the sights until a lady bumped into me. I apologized but then found her waving my wallet at me and had me chase her around the city for a while until she led me to a police station. She had tricked me into getting caught and left there to be picked up by my dad's personal guards. Personally, I was upset from her having ruined my fun."

"Why would she had gone through all that trouble?" "I didn't find that out until later. I just watched from the window as the lady left but then was surprised by some guy having jumped out from an ally and held her from behind. The guy forced her into a van that drove up next to them and left with her." "What?!" "Yeah, I know. I was just as shocked as you, Derpy. I was about to quickly tell someone until my dad's head guard, Vincent an ex special forces leader, showed up with some others. He told me about how upset my parents were that I snuck off and was ordered to take me back. I quickly told him about all that happened and what I just saw and begged him so much to help her. It took a moment, but I convinced him. He had two of his men take me back while he and the rest went after the van."

"What happened then? Were they able to find the van?" She asked worried about what happened.

"Well, after getting an hours' worth of lecturing from my mom, I didn't hear anything back from Vincent until the next morning when my dad receives a call saying he was at the hospital. We rushed over finding Vincent and his group a little beaten up but mostly fine outside of the room Giulia was resting in. Vincent informed my parents what had happened. From what he found out; Giulia had led me to the police station because a dangerous was after me to hold for ransom and didn't want to give away that she was helping me out so they wouldn't act sooner. But after they figured out what she had done, they took her under their boss's orders to punish her. They had, beaten, broken a few of her bones and the boss even chopped off her right hand."

Derpy had a horrified face. "That's horrible."

Reiji nods agreeing. "But before they could kill her, Vincent and his men stormed the building with some police officers and fought killing their way to Giulia. Once the group had been taken down, Vincent rushed Giulia over to the hospital where she was treated after they gotten her out of critical condition. My parents thanked her over and over once she woke up and had even already paid for her medical bill. Though when they heard she was going to have a hard life with her condition, they offered for her to come back home with us and work in the mansion." "Wait, she works for your family?" He nods at his surprised friend. "Yup. She had been assigned to watch over me when I helped out at events."

"Then what about the bandage reminds of you of that time?" Turner asked looking back to them from the rearview mirror for a second.

"That's because after 5 years, Vincent showed up while she was patching me up and proposed to her." Derpy gasped at the news. "He did?" "Yup. The two had apparently been dating for a long while and he decided to ask the question right then and there. Bandages have always reminded me of that great memory since then."

"MY LORDS!!" The two in the back get startled by the sudden shout and find Wiz climbing out of Derpy's backpack with a glowing watch. They watched as the watch changes into a green Ridewatch with a yellow ring and part of a red face in the middle. Like Zi-O's watch, the top inside has OOO's Tatoba mark and the year 2010 on the bottom.

Watching her take ahold of the watch, Reiji looks as Derpy turns the front of the watch to reveal OOO's face. "The OOO Ridewatch. Wait, does that mean..." He quickly looks into his jacket in search for his Driver and lets out a sigh of relief when he finds it. "Good. I thought that meant my powers were gone. Hm?" Hearing his phone ring, Reiji pulls it out of his pocket. "It's Wallflower."

A Few Seconds Before

Wallflower is standing in one of the aisles of the hardware store. She had arrived a few minutes ago and began her shopping. Now she was standing in front of a section with different flower seed packets. A basket hung from one of her arms with a trowel, digging fork, gloves, and pruners in it.

Being in the middle of a hard decision, Wallflower picks up two packs from the rack. In one hand was a pack of cosmos and in the other is celosia seeds packet. She looked back and forth between the two before taking a quick look at the other seeds and then focusing back on the two.

She sighs setting the packets back. "What could be taking Reiji so long? I hope nothing bad has happened to him. Maybe I should call him." Taking out her phone and she goes to Reiji in her contacts.

Right as she pressed the call button, a loud crash sound startled her along with other customers. "CYAAAHHHHH!!" The scream of people could be heard at the front of the store. Hearing this made Wallflower both frightened and unsettling just from the thought of what's most likely causing it. Her fears are answered when she takes a peek out of the aisle, only for Nameless Shark to burst out of the ground next to her and bites down onto one of the shelves in the aisle across from hers.


Back on the Other End

[Aaahhhhh!!] Wallflower's scream was heard a second after Reiji answered his phone. "Wallflower? Wallflower!?" [~CLICK~] The call cut off with only the sound of some creature.

"What could've happened? Wha... Reiji!" After seeing her friend put his Driver on, Derpy tries stopping him from setting the medals into his belt. "No! You shouldn't go. You can't fight well with how your arm and leg are."

"That doesn't matter. There's no time to think. Wallflower needs my help." Setting the last medal, he runs the scanner over them.

(Taka! Pegasus! Ari!) Sensing OOO's wings, the Millenia opens its roof to allow the Rider to jump out and fly off. "OOO, WAIT!" He could hear Derpy shout out to him but ignores it as he flies towards the hardware store.

"Hold on, Wallflower. I'm on my way."

The Dragons Cavern

Like Sunset, Drago was in the middle of bring a customer their order. It was right then that his phone's alarm goes off.

"Sorry, Sunset. But I have to leave the rest to you."

"What?! Hold on, Drago." She turns to face him as he ran past her. "You can't be serious. How am I supposed to do this on my own?"

Her words didn't seem to reach from how he just dashes through the library and towards the garage. There, Spike, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were finishing off the cleaning of the weapons while Scootaloo and Rumble still worked on making the weapon's adjustments.

"Man, being a Rider must be so awesome if you get to use cool stuff like these." Scootaloo spoke out loud, picking up the weapon.

"Hey!" Rumble quickly stops her from swinging it around. "Watch it, Scoots. We don't want it going off like the gun. I'm sure you'd hate being left out the fun too if Connor kicked us out." He scolded while forcing her to put it back down.

Drago comes rushing into the room right then, startling them. "Spike, there's trouble. We need to go." He takes a look around before focusing back on his brother. "Where's Connor? Wasn't he with all you?"

"He left after going to the school to meet up with Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo answered,

"Hey guys. What are you all up to?" Surprised by the known voice, everyone looks back to the door and are shocked to find Rainbow Dash standing there. She goes from smiling to being confused because of the looks they were giving her. "What's up? Did I say something weird?"

"If she's here, then who did Connor go meet?" Spike questioned.

Setting his Driver on, Drago brings out the tyranno Alpha Core. "We'll have to worry about that later. Right now, we're needed out there." (Alpha Tyranno!) His brother nods in understanding. (Driver on, Please!) Spike pushes the visor down on the Flame ring.

(Infusion!/Shabadoobi, Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi, Touch Henshin!) "Henshin!" (Core Blaze! Slam! Stomp! Roar! Alpha Tyranno!/Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!) With obsidian covering Drago and a spell circle passing through Spike, the two transform into Jurassic and Wizard.

"Let's go." Jurassic order.

The two climbed onto their motorcycles, transforming them into their Ride Machine forms. Wizard's bike, the Machinewinger, resembles a Honda CRF250R mostly being silver with gold on the sides and back wheel. A red magic stone in the front is shaped the same his helmet.

"See you guys later." Wizard said giving his friends a thumbs up. "Go get'em, you two!/Good luck!/Come back safe!/Better not get your asses kicked." He and Jurassic heard as they drove out of the garage.

"Can someone please fill me in on what's going on?" Rainbow shouted out as the map of Equestria back in the library lights up but goes unnoticed by everyone because of the sunlight.


Connor comes to a stop, parking within a construction site. He had came here once before with Rainbow and Discord in search for the spot Rumble found the Fullbottles at. The building now seemed close to being completed before the inside could be started on.

He had done research on the place and found the building to be a factory owned by a man named Filthy Rich. Walking through the building, he found it strange there weren't any signs of workers of the site but figured it must be the work of the person who sent him the message.

"Are you planning to show yourself?" He shouted from the middle of the building. "Or are you going to waste my time? You already caught my attention with that message of yours. Especially from that hidden message from within the message's data."

Remembering back to the message, he had opened it to find an image of their school, Canterlot High. It'd look like a regular picture to anyone normal. But for someone like him, he could see something strange within the image. Rapidly typing and breaking down the image's data, he finds the shape of his rabbit and tank pins.

"You and I both know there's no point in hiding yourself. Come out before I drag you out!! Show yourself, Clara!!"

"Be careful what you wish for, Connor." A girl's voice could be heard from all around.

The Smashes, Burn and Needle, materialized a few feet in front of him. Connor immediately jumps and rolls to his right to avoid the fire and needles shot towards him. He set his belt while rolling and brings out the turtle and vacuum Fullbottles. (Turtle! Soujiki! Are you ready?) The constructs close to transform Connor into Build. One side was vacuum while on rabbit's side was a green armor with a turtle skin design on the chest, a shell on the on the right shoulder, and the visor molded as a turtle swimming diagonally upward.

(Vortex Saber!) Taking ahold of the weapon, Build dashes towards the two kaiju. He used the saber to knock the needles away while also using vacuum to suck up the fire Burn shoots at him with. He jousts the vacuum arm into Burnt's chest causing the Smash to stumble back. Needle takes a swing at him but Build first ducks under the swing and then slams the shoulder shell into it. He used the opportunity to hit Needle with an upward slash, sending the Smash falling on to its back with sparks.

Burn shoots fireballs from its cannons at the Rider who just uses his vacuum arms to suck them up. While still using the vacuum, Build tosses his weapon up to bring out ninja, lion and lock Fullbottles out, then holds out only the last two to slide into his weapon that switched to gun mode while coming back down. (Lion! Lock! Cross Combo!) Shot towards Burn, the shot changes into an energy lion head shaped lock that bites down on the Smash and held it in place.

(Ninja!) As Needle stood up, Build turned the switch on the trash converter shoulder to have it release the fire it had collected and holds up his weapon in sword mode for the flames to spiral along with it. (Solo Attack!) The Smash fires needles at the same time Build's slash launches flame covered energy shuriken. The Rider's attack easily broke through the needles. Needle wanted to avoid them but the shuriken curve around, coming at it from all directions and each hit their mark.

(Lion! Best Match! Are you Ready?) "Build up." (Tategami cyclone! LionCleaner! Yeah!) Having switched bottles, the belt announced in a techno rock music jingle as the construct closes to change turtle into a marigold armor with his hand coming out a lion head on the wrist, a tail shoulder pad and a visor having a lion face mold. Build doesn't waist any time activating the finisher as Burn breaks free. (Ready? Go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!) He first uses the vacuum arm to pull the smash closer to him. The Smash tries to resist the suction and shoots fire at the Rider but to avail on both ends. Build readies his other arm that builds up with yellow energy and then fires a lion head from it. Burn gets dragged by the attack until exploding the moment it gets rammed into a wall.

"What's the matter, "Build"? You aren't even talking at all. Not even the little amount you usually speak." The voice spoke out to him while he pulls the tail from his shoulder. "Are you really so upset to hear my voice? Even considering how much history we have?" Now armed with a tail whip, Build just ignores her as he uses it to hit Needle from a distance a few times. He has the whip wrap around the Smash's leg before pulling it back, tripping it onto its back.

The two bottles are removed from the belt to switch out with two others. (Manticore! Gashapon! Best Match! Are you ready?) "Build up." (The capsuled filled mystic beast! Mantipon! Yeah!/Manti-staff!) Build takes ahold of the weapon, charging at Needle.

Build runs his way through needle that are shot at him. (Capsule Charge!) Having inserted tank while the dial is on blue, he jabs Needle with the staff. (Manti-Mix!) A tank barrel lifts it up before a bull head is shot out and brings the Smash crashing through the floor of the second level and landing on its back. Build comes jumping through the hole after the Smash. Landing a few feet from the kaiju, he runs up to Needle while inserting firetruck with the weapon's dial on green. (Capsule Charge!) Needle stands firing its needles at the Rider, who spins his staff to knock them away as the manticore wings enlarged with fire and water.

(Manti-Mix!) "Why won't you talk to me, Connor? I may not be showing myself, but I can hear you well despite that." Build slashed the Smash as she spoke to him. He side kicks the kaiju on the last slash, sending it rolling across the ground. "What happened between us? We used to be so close." Build turned the crank while continuing to ignore her. (Ready? Go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!) Needle gets hit by multiple different colored capsules. Four open up to reveal four pieces that combine into a manticore. The mythical beast tackles the Smash through the floor and into the ground where it explodes.

"Well done. I'm sure even Daichi would've agreed."

At the mention of the name, his fists tighten. "Enough of this game, Clara. I know you have a reason for calling me here. So, what is it?"

"Seems someone doesn't want to catch up. But you are right. I just wanted to see the difference between two things and to bring about a reunion."

Build rage was about to burst until something comes bursting from underneath him. "Uh?!" He is brought dropping back down to the first floor. The Rider only searches around for his enemy only for a moment before setting his eyes on it. "It can't be?"

Standing a few feet away from him is someone or something that looks like a Smash with a Rider-like body. They were covered in a bulky armor with thruster vents all around their black and metallic silver body, having a hammer right and a single 'V' shaped visor with a red glowing eye in the center. The left wrist has what looks like a silver Fullbottle with the same-colored image of a hammer and transparent purple around it.

"Indeed. Your discarded mechanical child has returned. Though you can see I made some changes. It's now an Eon Smash. Or in this case, Hammer Eon."

Steam comes out Hammer's vents the moment it slammed its hammer into its open palm.

"We already saw the strength of two ordinary Smash. Now to see what an Eon Smash is capable of. So...Ready..." Not having a choice but to fight, Build charges at Hammer the moment it did the same. "Fight!"

At the same Time

Completely full of fear, Wallflower peeks out from an aisle she's in. "Reiji, where are you?" She quietly whispered while clenching her broken cell phone. Her left sleeve is ripped off with a cut near her shoulder. "Please, help me. Ah!"

She quickly retracted her head back as Nameless Shark's fin was slowly passed, dragging through the ground. Her heart feels as if it freezes when the fin stops in its tracks. Wallflower keeps completely still as the fin remains motionless for what seems like hours to her but to her relief, it continues on its way down the store.

Letting out a sigh of relief, she peeks back out to see where it's going but she becomes frightened again when she finds the fin gone. "Wha...Where'd it-" She looks around in a panic until her eyes focused behind herself. "CYAH!!" Wallflower screamed finding the fin coming towards her from behind until the Nameless jumps, bursting out of the ground at her. She manages to jump out of the aisle and out of the way of Shark's jaws biting into the ground where she had just stood. Wallflower runs off and out of the store with Nameless Shark chasing after her. "Reiji!" She screamed out for help as she runs for her life.

"Wallflower?" Having heard her voice as he was closing in on the store, OOO uses hawk's ability to look down in search of the source of the scream. He immediately spots Wallflower running for her life with the Nameless on her tail. "Wallflower!Wha?" He was about to rush diving down to save her but is late in noticing the sounds of thrusters which results in him getting slashed across the chest.

After fixing his positioning in the sky, he searches around for what just attacked. He searches around until looking straight up where Lizard appears and tackles him all the way down into the street. "Er...Huh? Ugh!" The moment he stood up, something invisible comes speeding in, striking OOO with multiple hits from different sides and angels before Jaguar appears with one last hit that sends the Rider sliding down the street.

Lizard Undead lands on top of OOO about to jab its blade into him. As it brought its blade down, the Undead gets blasted off him. The Millenia comes to a stop behind OOO with both Zi-Os rushing over to his side.

"OOO, are you okay?" Derpy asked as they helped their friend to his feet. Turner then says, "You really shouldn't have gone off alone."

"Sorry about that. But Wallflower is in trouble." He gave a small explanation while switching his three medals. "I'm sorry but, I'm going to leave Lizard to both of you."

"Wait, OOO." (Komori! Kami! Cheetah!) The moment his form changed, OOO dashes off at high speed before Turner could stop him. Jaguar chases after him while turning invisible. "Damn it." The two Zi-Os focus on Lizard after stands. "Guess we have no choice. Are you ready?" He asked Derpy while they kept their sights on the Undead.

(Zikan Girade! Ken!) (Zikan Zepter!) "Ready!" She responded after their weapons are summoned.


"Now where could flood patrol be when you need them."

A sarcastic Faust shouted out as Nameless Whale was moving down the streets. The Nameless shot out high-pressured streams of water from the pipes sticking out from its body. Each stream smashing its way through walls, poles and cars easily.

People who saw the explosions and heard the sounds of destruction from the distance, all began running away with screams of terror. Those that were in the middle of the destruction either tried running away or took cover where they could, hoping what they hid behind would be enough to protect them.

"Drink up, people. There's plenty for everyone. Hm?" Faust shields himself as shots of energy and laser hit Whale causing it to halt its attack. Looking ahead, he spots Elanor and her team drive to a stop a few feet away. "Oh, now this should be interesting. What can I do for you, officers?" He shouted before jumping down to face the three upon seeing them get off their vehicles.

"We're the Everfree Guardians." Elanor holds out a badge with their emblem on it. "By order of the city and the law, Faust, you are hereby ordered to surrender and turn yourself in."

"And if I refuse?" He questioned tapping his chin with grin. The Everfree Guardians respond by putting on their Drivers, along with Elanor putting on the belt that was being analyzed before and says, "Or we'll take you down by force." Faust holds out his arms open to them. He then snaps his fingers making Riotoozes, Humagearas, and Yummies appear. "Then by all means, be my guest."

While Shining and Autumn brought out their items, their captain also brings out the knuckle that was on the screen and uses the palm of her left hand to press the front to make an activation noise and then says in a robotic voice, (READY!) "Henshin." She then slides the knuckle into the empty half of the belt. (FIST ON!) An energy cross forms before launching forward to make the image of the suit and a sun-like mark in front of it before moving back to transform her into Kamen Rider IXA. Her suit is mostly white and black with silver around the chest and legs. The top of the gold Cross Shield with a black long side 'V' visor and head have blue at the top.

(PALADIN!) (Hunt! Authorize! Kamen Rider! Kamen Rider!) "Henshin." (PALADIN!) (Shotrise!) Shining and Autumn transform into Paladin and Valkyrie. Bringing out their weapons, the two follow IXA in charging forward into the group of grunts. Faust just grinned as he watched the Guardians battle with the grunts.

"Well officers, I'll leave you to entertain yourselves. I have my own enjoyment to resume." "I don't know about you, but I prefer my entertainment to be a bit more chaotic." Turning, Faust is surprised by Decade becoming visible and punches him across the face. "Ugh. What? Decade?" "And" He stops pointing to Faust's left. (Rising Impact!) He turns guarding with his arms crossed as Zero-One's kick lands and sends him flying through a buildings wall. "You should've known there'd be more than one of us."

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Coming out of the hole, Faust heard finding Den-O running up from his right. The villain easily avoids the Rider's wild swings by mostly moving side to side, ducking under some swings, and jumping back. "Hold still you damn bastard."

Faust dusts himself off while avoiding the swings. "And why would I do that when I have other things to do." He said while backing up against a wall. "Until next time, Riders. Ciao." As Den-O was about to get him, the villain sinked into his own shadow.

"Damn that bastard! He got away." The Rider spoke out in frustration.

Whale lets out a cry before charging forward. The three Rider move out of its path before the huge whale resumed its rampage. "Forget about him. You two go after the Nameless. I'll stick here to help them with the grunts." He ends pointing towards the Guardians.

"Yeah, I'd rather not deal with them. Good luck with that." With a snap of his finger, Decade has his silver veil bring out his and Den-O's Ride Machine.

"Let's get to hunting that overgrown tuna." 'If it's fishing, then I'm up.' "What? No, Kame! I was here first." 'I think I should be the one. Strength for strength./Please don't fight, guys.' Den-O had been saying while he struggled with his hands. His left hand slowly pressed the blue button and his right then swiped the pass. (Rod Form!) "Damn it!" Being forced to switch, Den-O's visor disappeared with the armor flying of and rearranging into Rod form as the turtle changed into the visor. "Now to see what Denrailer will give me."

Denrailer's front disappears with the bike's armor flying off. With a hop, the wheels split down the middle and unfolded to the sides before rotating inward, changing the Ride Machine into a hover bike. With the axe folding out, the four armor pieces rotate around before reconnecting back onto the wheels. The last two unfold before connecting to the sides of the seat with the top of all six pieces showing blue with orange linings and ends with the face of the bike gaining a piece that matches Rod's visor.

Den-O assembles his weapon into a rod. "What are you waiting for, Decade? Let's go."

"Just try to keep up." Den-O jumps onto his now hover board/bike as Decade mounted his bike. Reving the engine, the two race after the Nameless.

Zero-One turned to the Guardian's battle. "So, they had IXA's belt too. Just where is that group getting these belts." He brings out the lion key. "This will be the best way to mow them down." (Burst! Authorize! Progrise!) With a huge cybernetic magenta lion lands, roaring in front of him before splitting into six pieces. Zero-One's face split in half with the armor on the legs moving to the side, and the upper part of the chest moving to the shoulders while the lower moved to sides of his waist. (Fierce bombing animal! Dynamaiting Lion! A beautiful explosive force like fireworks.) Changing into magenta armor on the now open spaces, his chest and shoulder armor were shaped like a lion's mane with the front of his helmet resembling a lion's. The visor's eyes were now light green with the tips of his fingers having become pointed.

The grunts take notice of him because of the transformation and make a dash for him. Zero-One just walks towards the charging enemies. Riotooze him tries taking a swipe at him, but he easily avoids it by leaning his head the side and counters thrusting a fist into its chest that sends the flying back when the fist creates an explosion.

With each hit creating an explosion, Zero-One avoids and guards against the grunts while countering with his own hits. Moving past a Yummy's swipe, the Rider elbows its back before then thrusting his fist straight through a Humagear's chest. He catches and holds onto a Riotooze's arm, he follows with kneeing a Yummy and then sidekicks another Riotooze before flipping the grunt onto the ground and stomping it.

"What?" Paladin spots Zero-One as the Rider parries two grunt hits and thrusts his fist into their chest. "A Rider." The Guardian battles his way through the grunts to reach Zero-One and takes a swing at him, but he reacts in time to block by summoning his sword.

"What are you doing?" Shoving him back, the two slashed down a few grunts before facing back to each other. "This is no time to be fighting each other."

"That's what you think, Rider. You Riders won't be getting away this time." Both run at each other and began clashing blades until trying to push each other on the last strike. "You'll be brought in to be judged for crimes, vigilante."

Zero-One and Paladin both back off to deal with grunts closing in around them before facing towards each other again. "Have it your way then." The two continued battling each other while also fighting off grunts when they tried attacking them.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Valkyrie questioned to IXA while looking at the two fighting.

"It's fine. Our main priority is neutralizing all hostiles before they cause any harm to citizens or the area." She puts a Riotooze into an armlock before swinging a kick at a grunt both in front and behind her and then flips the Riotooze she had in a lock over herself. "He seems to be doing just that. Just stay focused." IXA reels her fist back before thrusting it into a Yummy's chest, sending it flying into a group of grunts. (Alpha Spino!) "Huh?"

On the opposite side of the street, they see Jurassic rushing in battle in his spino form, using his sword to deflect bullets and blasts of energy being shot at him by the Humagears and Riotoozes. He begins slashing them down the moment he reached them.

"I have a great way to make short of you all." Cutting down two Riotooze, Jurassic banishes his weapon and brings out his phone. (Wave!) Knocking over in coming grunts, he holds the three new Primal Cores under the phone, gaining the codes '729, 354, and 160' and dials them in. (Therizinosaur. Dimetrodon. Stegosaurus.) With lines of light going into the ground, armaments of said dinosaurs burst from the ground and began attacking the grunts until he pressed the phone's trigger. (Dial in! Core Armament! Therizino Claw! Dimetro Saw! Stego Greave!)

Therizino separated in two with the upper half attaching onto the left shoulder and the tail end onto the arm. The tail opens into three bladed claw. Dimetro also splits in half, which reveals the fin on its back to be a saw. The tail end attaches onto the right shoulder while the saw unfolds to the front of the face before connecting to the arm. Stego splits down the middle, the head and tail folding to the sides before attaching onto the legs with the spine plates pointing upward at the front of the legs.

"Now how many little bits can I cut you all into?" Jurassic shouts as he ran into the grunts. The claw and saw blade cleanly cut through them, such as the claw ripping a Humagear apart and the saw blade slicing a Riotooze down the middle. When he swung kicks, an energy sansetukon formed on the side, crushing into the grunts they slammed into.

"So, that's Jurassic." IXA ducks under a Riotooze's swing and then side kicks it.

Up Ahead

Not far behind Nameless Whale, Decade and Den-O were maneuvering around, over, and/or through the kaiju's destruction.

"This kaiju must've never heard of settlety." Den-O spoke over to Decade while maneuvering past the streams of water.

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't know much of anything." He swerves avoiding the water streams and chunks of the building. "Now the only question is how to deal with this guy."

"Den-O! Decade!" They look behind to find Wizard racing up to their side. "Having trouble dealing with this guy?"

Decade smirks under his helmet. "Not anymore." Opening his belt, he reaches into his Booker and brings out a card with having the image of Wizard and of a silver dragon, that he then tosses into the belt. (Final Form Ride.)

He drives up next to his little brother. "Decade, what are you-" (W-W-Wizard!) Placing his hand on Wizard's head, Decade shoves it back, causing him to fly off his bike and transform into Wizard's Phantom dragon, the Wizardragon.

"Let's let him have it, little brother." Decade jumps onto Wizard's back with their bikes teleporting away.

Wizard roars flying towards the Nameless with Den-O following behind them. Some water streams hit but are ineffective against his tough skin. (Attack Ride. Blast!) Decade shoots multiple shots at Whale as his brother breathed fire up along its back. Den-O moves along the kaiju's left side with his Ride Machine firing cannon shots from the parts on the side of the seat and laser stream from the tips of the front blades.

Whale lets out a cry, ceasing its attacks to jump and dive down into the ground. "No you don't." With his rod's tip changing into a hook, Den-O launches the hook and has it wrap, hooking onto the Nameless's tail as it dove into the ground like water. "Now to reel him- Woah!" He begins to be dragged through the street while in the air.

"And the chase resumes." Decade held on as Wizard flies after them.

Back With OOO

The Rider was still chasing after Wallflower and Nameless Shark. He followed along the trail Shark left behind. Though every time he felt he was getting close, a nuisance kept getting in his way.

"Uh?" OOO stops in his tracks. With bat's ability, he's able to tell from what direction the Undead is coming from and uses the shell guards on his arms to block the kaiju's attack before he runs past it to continue after Wallflower.

"I need to do something about about this guy before it's too late to save Wallflower." He thinks for a second. "I've got it."

He stops to switch out the middle medal. (Komori! Unagi! Cheetah!) The middle changed into a blue coiled eel with the lining on the shoulder pad and back hand being blue, while the arm has a white volt shaped line. Attached from the shoulders to his wrists is a white whips.

OOO readied himself as he sensed Jaguar approaching. "Now!" Stepping to the side to have Jaguar dash forward past him. Unattaching the whips from his shoulders, OOO swings having them wrap around the Undead and begins electrocuting it. "Now to- Wha?" He thought he'd get a chance to run ahead but to his surprise, Jaguar seemed to be absorbing the electricity.

Breaking free from the whip's grasps, the Undead transfers the power to its claw. It then runs up to OOO and swipes its claw across his chest causing sparks to fly off him. "Gah!" The Undead continues its assault after OOO stood back up by with multiple swipes across the chest with each hit making him take steps back. Jaguar then passes him slashing its claw across his chest and then jabbed its claw into him the moment they turned to face each other sending him falling onto his back a couple feet away.

"Er....Ugh!" He tried to stand but fell onto one knee, having felt a sting from his right leg. Seeing an opening, Jaguar dashes ramming into him, dragging the Rider through a wall.

While this was happening, Shark was still smashing its way through anything in its way of chasing after Wallflower and biting random objects when it jumped out of the ground after her. Everyone ran in the opposite direction of where the Nameless is chasing after her.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed from Shark having tried jumped out and comes chomping down on a truck next to her. "What do you want? Why are you only coming after me?" She questioned the kaiju. "What did I ever do to you? Ugh!" The Nameless misses her once again, smashing into the ground next to her but its tail manages to hit her to the side, slamming into a car and falls unconscious.

A couple feet, OOO comes breaking out of a building with Jaguar still dragging him along. The Undead dragged him across the street and slams his back against the wall of a bowling alley with its claw weapon pressed against him. Sparks of electricity came off the claw before it began electrocuting the Rider.

"Gaaahhhh!!" OOO screamed out. While still being shocked, he catches a glimpse of the Nameless's tail. He manages to turn his head its way to see Shark half ways out of the ground as it moved slowly towards "Wallflower..." Quick flashbacks of his first-time meeting Giulia went through his mind. "I'm not... I'm not the same powerless child I used to be." OOO spoke out while getting a grip on Jaguar's claw and managing to push it a bit off.

"I won't ever allow those close to me to ever be" He pauses taking a deep breath while still being electrocuted. "put in harms wayAGAIN!!" OOO lets out a sonic screech at the end. Jaguar backs away before dropping to the floor covering its ears. Now having the chance, he quickly takes out the bat and eel medals to replace them with lion and tiger, and runs the scanner over them as Shark dives into the ground and bursts out into the sky.

(Lion! Tora! Cheetah! La-ta La-ta, La-tora-tar!) Was announced with a roar sound as OOO's arms changed to tiger and the top of the images on the chest changed to the image of the lion medal. His helmet now had a gold lion mane shape going around the face, whisker lines on the sides of the mouth, and the color of the visor eyes was now light blue. "RAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" OOO roared out as Jaguar stood up. His helmet emits an infrared light that not only blinds the two kaiju, but also does burning damage on them. Shark misses Wallflower from the light, lands crushing the car she had been slammed into.

In high speed, OOO dashes to Wallflower, picks her up, and runs off with her. With the Toraclaws folding out, he claws the back of the Undead as it was still blinded, sending it rolling to the side. He kept running until getting a good distance away from them, he sets her down on a bench.

"Mmm.... Hm? Kamen Rider? Uh!" Shooting to her feet, Wallflower looks around in a panic expecting the Nameless to be around but finds no signs of it. She was also surprised to find herself now in a park. "What happened? Where's the kaiju?"

"It's alright, Wallflower. You'll be safe here." He has her sit back down on the bench while kneeling down.

"You... You know me?" He smiles under his helmet, seeing her try to figure out how he'd know about her or even remembers her.

OOO holds up a peace sign. "Hey, I did promise I'd rush back, didn't I?" He holds in a laugh seeing her shocked expression. "Rei-" "We can about this later. I have two problems to go take care of."

He doesn't give her a chance to respond as he stood to give her a small salute while walking backwards and then turns running off at high speed. Watching him disappear in the distance, she says "Be careful." softly.

OOO closed in back on the scene as the two kaiju begin to recover. Not given time to react, Shark's lower jaw gets flip kicked by the Rider who then rapidly kicks against the Nameless's underbelly without touching the ground as it fell back and ends with one last flip that then follows with him bringing down both his claws crossing against its belly.

"Next up." OOO said turning to face Jaguar before the two run at each other. They run back and forth colliding each time they met. In each collision, sparks would fly off Jaguar when the Undead would try swiping at the Rider, only for OOO to dodge and counter with his own claw blades. The clashing ends when they run up buildings that are on opposite sides of the street and then leap towards each other. OOO lands the hit with sparks flying off Jaguar and it landing flat on its back while he slid to a stop.

"Uh!" About to charge towards Jaguar again, OOO jumps to the side in time to avoid Shark's bite, which leads to it crashing into its fellow kaiju. "HAAAA!!" Seeing the chance, OOO hits them with the burning light from his mane.

Back with Zi-O

"Gah!" Turner and Derpy cried out as the invisible Undead kept flying circles around them. Lizard kept hitting them with multiple slashes from different sides and angles with sparks flying off them. The kaiju ends with stopping in the air and fires out two missiles that open, spreading to many smaller missiles. "Ugh/Ah"

The two dropped their weapons before falling flat onto the ground. Lizard chuckled at its work and then began building up energy into its blade to finish them. Though unbeknownst to the Undead, Turner dials in a code into a Primal Cell matching their suit's design and color.


Back a few moments while the two Riders were being attacked by Lizard from multiple angles,

'T;This is bad. Unless we do something soon, it'll only be a matter of time till we're finished. But what can we do? He's too quick for either of us to stop or counter.' 'D;I'm scared. We should try to run away. Or we might die. But... Reiji was counting on us to win. I don't want to let everyone down. But he's flying around so fast. There's no way we could catch him.' 'T;My ability can only slow down things around me./D;I can only make myself go fast. I'm not sure if I can do anything else.' The two are backed up into each other. 'T;If only I could just.../D;I just wish my magic could...' Their hands touch one another just as the two shouted in their minds, 'FREEZE HIM PLACE!!'

With their hands glowing, a giant ticking clockface appears hanging high over them covering the whole area around them. The clock's arms stop moving the moment the ticking stops. Everything moving around the two suddenly looks as if it glitches before freezing in place.

"Huh? Why'd it stop attacking- Cyah!" A confused Derpy looked around before getting scared by Lizard. When she turned around, she found the Undead with its blade just about to reach her but to her surprise, the kaiju seemed to be frozen in place while glitching now and then. "What? What happened to him?"

Turner looks over the Undead a bit while Derpy moved away from the blade. "Hm... I haven't the slightest idea." (Maybe I could be of assistance, my lords.) Woz comes hopping out of nowhere, jumping onto Turner's shoulder. "You again. Do you know what's happening...Um...What was your name?"

(I am just your humble aid, Woz, my lords. And yes, I can explain if it is what you wish.) "D;Yes. That would be really helpful, Woz." (As you wish. What we're in now is the combination of both your magics.) "T; Both our magic?" (Yes. Your magic to slow down time and yours to speed up time. Both work by effecting an area to a certain range and on what you target within the zone. Though by combining the two, they strengthen each other to the extent that they'll either freeze time in the zone or accelerate it. Though from what I can see from you two, it seems to drain a large portion of your magic. The zone will probably only last for a few more moments.)

"So, that's how our magic works." He looks back to the Undead. "This is the best chance we have at finishing him."

"Should we really do that while he's frozen?" Derpy questioned sounding unsure. "What do you mean? He was literally beating using around from all sides. This would be the best way to defeat him." "I know. But doesn't this feel like something a villain would do?"

Turner crosses his arms. "Then what would you suggest we do?" He watched as she thought it over real hard, then claps her hands together after a moment.

"I have an idea."

End of Flashback

Lizard dives down towards them having finished charging its attack. The Undead reels back its blade, ready to end them. Becoming visible as it closed in on them, it suddenly feels something is wrong. Lizard takes notice its whole body is moving slowly.

"Now!" (Ju!) His weapon announced after picking up his sword and changing it to gun mode. Turner fires off a couple shots with each hitting their mark on Lizard, causing sparks to fly off the Undead as it slowly fell rolling towards the ground. Moving quickly, Derpy ran past him and up to Lizard, who she jabs her scepter into the kaiju's gut and sends it flying down the street.

"It's Zi-O time!" She called out before she and Turner rushed the Undead. (Ken!) Lizard stands with this earning a slash across the chest with Turner's weapon back in sword mode. Derpy holds her weapon's trigger for a moment before it announces, (Sword Hour!), and energy forms a sword's blade. She moves past Turner to land two slashes on Lizard. The Undead tries to counter but gets its blade stopped by Turner guarding it and Derpy using the chance to thrust her blade at the kaiju making sparks fly off from its gut.

Falling back a couple steps, Lizard launches missiles at towards the two. Derpy reacts quickly by pressing her weapon's trigger 5 times and holds the 6th. (Shield Hour!) She points her scepter forward to create a huge energy clockface that acts as a shield, protecting them from the missiles. Lizard growls about to take back off into the sky.

"Not so fast." Turner uses his magic to slow down the Undead. "Derpy." "On it." Being sped up by her magic, Turner was able to quickly get behind Lizard with his sword saying, (Time Charge: Go-Yon-San-Ni-Ichi-Zero Time!), after pressing the green watch button. (Giri Giri Giri!) He destroys the thrusters on the back and legs with powerful slashes. With Lizard stumbling towards her, Derpy holds her weapon's trigger on the third press. (Axe Hour!) and swats the Undead to the side with an energy axe blade. The kaiju beings turning invisible. Though as it did, the Millenia Cruser comes driving up behind the Undead, stopping a few feet to launch its front bumper that has a pincer claw unfold and grabs ahold of Lizard, keeping it in place.

"Now for the final hour." The Zi-Os declared. (Finish Time!) Their belts announced after pressing the button of their Ridewatches again and push the top of the belt causing it to unlock from place and plays a ticking sound.

Lizard gets surprised as the characters for 'kick' appeared around it. The two jumped up high while rotating the belts back into place. (Time Break!) The characters overlayed moving in a clock motion before shooting past the Undead and into both Riders right feet as they thrust down into a kick. Both kicks land, sending Lizard flipping through the air. The two land a few feet in front of their Ride Machine and watched as the kaiju exploded.

"Yeah!" The Zi-Os cheered high fiving each other with the Fullbottle landing a couple feet ahead of them.

At The Moment

"Decade, would you do something already."

Den-O was still being dragged along by the Nameless. Decade rode on top of Wizard following right next to him. He shot down at Whale along with Den-O shooting beams and Wizard breathing down fire at the liquid surface it created as it moved. But none of their attacks seemed to be hitting their target.

"I suppose you're right. This was getting old." Opening his belt, he takes a card out of the Booker, toss it into the belt and closes it. (Kamen Ride. Wizard! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!) He holds his hand to the side like his brother at the end as the spell circle transformed him into Wizard. "Let's go, little brother."

Wizard roars before diving down towards the ground, following the line. About to reach the ground, Decade tosses another card into the belt. (Form Ride. Wizard Water Style!) Making a huge splash, Wizard swims moving through what seems like a water realm. Spotting Whale down below them, Wizard roars going deeper down to meet the Nameless. Whale heard Wizard and swims up to intercept them. Both beasts ram their heads into each other, but Wizard is quicker in recovering, he spun around swatting the kaiju with his tail.

They chase after Whale with both beasts ramming each other from the side over and over. Decade had switched the Ride Booker to sword mode, slashing at the kaiju each time the two beasts rammed each other. "Watch it, Wizard!" Decade shouted when his brother goes for another tackle, only to come close to getting bitten down on. But he manages to twist, rolling over to Whale's other side. With a flap of his wings, Wizard hits the Nameless with a burst of wind and then swam up to bash the kaiju around with his claws.

"Let's take this back to the surface." Decade tosses another card into his belt. (Attack Ride. Big!) He has the spell circle appear behind them and go through Wizard's tail. The tail becomes huge, which Wizard then slams it over Whale's head and then spun around to send the kaiju flying back up and out of the ground with the two Riders following behind.

"Whoa!" Den-O quickly releases his line on Whale before he got dragged along with it. "A little heads up would be nice, guys."

Whale recovers flying back through the city and resumed firing its streams of water. "Here we go again." The Riders chased after the Nameless. "Alright, time to wrap this up." While Wizard shot fire at the Nameless, Decade brings out two cards. (Attack Ride. Bind!) Spell circles appear all around Whale with silver chains shooting out them that wrap around the Nameless, holding it in place as it struggled to break free. "I go high, and you go low."

"On it." While Decade rode Wizard high into the air, Den-O flew below Whale. 'Were going to need something powerful to send it flying to Decade.' "Hm... I think I have the perfect way." Den-O responded to Ressha with the pass at hand.

Dropping the pass, he kicks it into an empty slot in the bike's steering. (Rod Charge!) Energy from both the bike and belt is sent to the bike's tires as they spun faster and into the rod's tip. He then throws his rod up towards and into Whale's underbelly where it becomes a huge blue hexagonal symbol. Den-O then jumps to allow the hover bike to aim its underside towards the Nameless. Den-O is then launched towards Whale by the tires shooting out cyclones with blue energy. He struggles for a moment before thrusting both his feet into the kaiju, causing the symbol to shatter and sends the Nameless flying toward his friends.

"As my brother would say, 'The finale'." (Final Attack Ride. W-W-Wizard!) As Decade flip jumped off and got behind him, Wizard transformed into a huge dragon's foot. Decade thrusts his kick into the top of the foot and ignited in fire as he dragged it along with him towards Whale. The two collide with the Nameless for a moment and break through the kaiju. Whale exploded as Wizard changed back to normal and landed on the street alongside his brother.

"Decade, I'm going to get you back for that." Wizard said with annoyance turning to face him. "Do you have any idea how weird that felt?"

He just shrugs after a moment of silence. "Hey, it achieved results. What does it matter if the idea worked?" He walks off while dusting off his hands.

Back at the cafe, the three lights on the map of Equestria move to the Crystal Empire and change into Decade, Den-O, and Wizard's symbols. As Den-O changed back Sword Form, the three Riders get surprised when a portal opens above them and are changed into orbs of light that fly into the portal before it closes.

Back with OOO

The Rider skids to a stop panting and falling to one knee. The stinging feeling on his arm and legs had grown. He tries to ignore the feeling, managing to stand and looks ahead to see both kaiju charging towards him.

"I need to end this soon before my body gives out. But what can I do in this situation? Hm?" Hearing his phone get a notification, OOO first stops the two with his mane's blinding light and follows with slashing their sides with his claw blades as he ran by. Buying himself time, he takes out his phone to see it's a notification showing his sword's cleaning has been finished. "Alright! Now we can kick this up a notch." Entering a code, the Medajaribur materializes in front of him and takes ahold of it. He turns facing the two kaiju as they recovered. "Now, I shall judge your greed."

Being the first to recover, Shark dives into the ground with its fin then surfacing and heading towards OOO. The Rider dashes towards it while inserting the elephant medal into the sword. (Zou! Zou Stomp!) Running by the Nameless, OOO slashed his sword down onto the ground where an elephant's footprint crushes into the ground. Shark's head gets stomped on, stopping the Nameless in its tracks with the back end of it standing out of the ground.

(Cheetah! Cheetah Accel!) Inserting the extra medal, the standing Jaguar didn't get a chance to react before OOO attacks it with a combo of yellow fast slashes, each hit making sparks fly off it. "Next!" (Wani! Wani Bite!) The next three slashes hit the Undead with orange crocodile bites with the last being an upward slash that sends it flying backwards.

"And now" OOO looks back to find the Nameless already in the air, diving down on him. (Kani! Kani Pincer!) Thrusting his sword forward, a crab pincer arm catches Shark in its grip and then tossed into Jaguar. "I'll now show you the true strength of desire." OOO inserts three Cell Medals and then scans it over the belt. (Sync! Latorata Charge!) As Jaguar got free from underneath Shark, the Rider waited for the light that the sword radiated like the mane to build up into the blade before making a claw cross slash and thrusts it forward, moving faster than Jaguar could react. The attack slams the Undead against Shark before dragging the two down the street. OOO attaches the scanner to the sword and then chases after them.

"Reiji." Wallflower waited at the edge of the park. Feeling worried, she had kept her sight focused on the street that the Rider had ran down. "Ah?" She spots something coming into sight from the distance. Terror fills her body when she notices Shark. But she relaxes when she spots OOO run past them to reach his friend first and slides to a stop in front of her in a protective manner. "Reiji." (Lion! Tora! Cheetah! Full Set!)

Not saying a word, OOO sprints towards the kaiju while running the sword over his belt. (Latoratah Dual Scanning Charge!) While running, he makes a slash that moves a few feet in front of him with three yellow rings. OOO dashes through the rings with the Toraclaws unfolding, puts the claws into the slash for them to absorb it, then holds out to the sides as the mane's light transferred into the claws and formed a lion's head. "Seiya!" The Rider shouted as he cross slashed the kaiju with his claws.

The Millenia Cruser comes to a stop in front of OOO as he skids to a stop with the space around the kaiju seeming like they were sliced along with them but then slide back into place before the two kaiju exploded. OOO catches the three falling shark items before looking back to Wallflower, who smiles in relief to seeing her friend alright. He smiles under his helmet while giving her a thumbs up, which only lasts a moment as his vision becomes blurry.

"Reiji!/OOO!" Seeing his transformation come undone and he falls to the ground, they all rushed to his side. Seeing this, they all quickly run to his aid. "Reiji? Reiji!? What's the matter with him? Is he alright?" She panicked questioning Turner who does a quick look over.

"He's hurt, but I think he just passed out from having used up all his energy." He places Reiji's arm over his shoulder and helps him up. "Come on. We need to get him back to the cafe."

Derpy taps his back. "What about her?" She questioned looking to Wallflower.

Wallflower becomes surprised by this. She didn't think anyone besides Reiji would notice her existence. Not just Derpy, Turner could see her based on how he looked at her too and says, "Let her come along. Explanations can come later. Now, let's go."

"Come on. I'm sure you want to make sure he's alright." Being encouraged, she followed Derpy to the Millenia. "Hm?" Derpy stops to look around thinking she heard a click sound but finds no one or anything around. "Derpy. We need to go." "Sorry!"

After rushing into the Ride Machine, the Millenia drives off. Someone within the shadow of an ally had watched them leave.

At This Moment

Zero-One and Paladin's battle was still ongoing as the two brought their blades down on each other. Sparks flew off them as they stumbled back and began fighting some grunts. "Zero-One!" Paladin shouted dashing towards the Rider who brings out the wolf key.

"Enough." (Bullet! Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Werewolf's ability.) Swinging his sword sends two blue wolf heads at Paladin. They bit onto his wrists, dragging him towards a wall where they change into steaks that hold him in place.

"What?!" Zero-One runs up to him. (Shooting Kaban Strash!) Paladin gets swat to the side with a blue slash that Zero-One also uses to destroy some grunts as he spun around.

Landing next to her, Valkyrie cuts down a Humagear and Yummy before holding out a hand to Paladin. "You alright there, partner?"

The Guardian groaned in annoyance. "Nothing that can't be fixed." He said before taking ahold of her hand and begins fighting alongside her as the grunts try surrounding them.

"Zero-One." Striking down a couple grunts, said Rider looked over to Jurassic. "I just heard back from the others. All we have left are these grunts and Faust." He shove back a grunt before cutting it and a couple others around him.

Jumping back to avoid shots from the Humagears and Riotoozes, Zero-One brings out the scorpion key. "Then it's time to bring this to a close." (Posion! Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Scorpion's ability. Chargerise! Full charge!) After closing and opening his sword, a silver scorpion tail extends out the tip of the blade.

"Right behind ya." (Alpha Input!) The Primal Cell called out which he then re-enters the three Primal Core codes.

"Seems the Riders are ready to end things." IXA looks to her subordinates. "We better do the same."

Both Guardians respond saying, "Yes, ma'am!/Yes, ma'am!" and then proceed to activate their finishers. (Hunt!) (PALADIN! MAXIMUM DRIVE!) Valkyrie's belt and Paladin's sword called out with standby music playing.

IXA takes a black whistle with a silver molded in a similar shape as the knuckler from her right side and inserts it into the empty slot of the belt. An electronic noise plays until she presses the knuckle against its other half of the belt and takes it off the belt. (IXA Knuckle, Rise Up!) The robotic voice announced as the knuckle begins to build up energy.

(Sting Kaban Dynamic!) With poison coming off the tail, Zero-One swings his sword around, hitting a huge group of grunts around himself with the scorpion tail acting like a whip. With half being destroyed, he uses the tail to force the rest together and activates his belt's finisher. (Dynamaiting Impact!) Zero-One pounces into the grunts with his magenta armor glowing as energy built up and destroys all of them in an explosion the moment he made contact with them.

(Alpha Spino! Primal Stampede!) Two energy sansetukon formed on the side of both feet. One end attached to the feet and the other ends having a claw and saw blade. With a series of kicks, a huge amount of grunts were destroyed when the claw struck multiple at once while the saw blade cleanly sliced through others, each leaving streaks of water.

(Fighting Blast!) Valkyrie's gun announced after disconnecting it from the belt and activating the finisher. She moved around at high speed with energy building up into her scythe while she corralled the grunts by shooting at them, forcing them together and then cutting them all down at once with her scythe. Paladin stood behind IXA as he swiped sending a slash through a large group of grunts while his captain launches a red burst of energy from the knuckle at a large group of grunts in front of her.

All five had executed their finishers at once with all the grunts exploding. The whole street had been cleared of all the grunts, except for one Riotooze who looks around in a panic. When all the heroes' sights were set on it, the grunt runs, escaping into a shadow.

Both Riders relax for a second before looking to each other. "We need to go. I heard that OOO was hurt." "What!?" "We should rush back to see how he's doing." Zero-One just nodded. They were about rush off but are stopped by the Guardians stepping in front of them.

"You're not going anywhere, Riders." Paladin declared aiming his sword at them.

"You'd be smart to rethink that. We have a friend to check on." Both Riders readied themselves. "But if you want to get in our way..."

Paladin was ready to fight but to his surprise, his captain has him lower his weapon. "I'm sure you and the other Riders have your reasons behind why you're doing all this. But what you are all doing is really dangerous. Not just to yourselves, but to everyone else around you. That's the reason we can't have vigilantes running around doing as they please." She holds her hand out to the two. "I'll only ask this once, please surrender your powers and turn yourselves in before you cause something irreversible. If not, then the next time we meet, we'll have no but to take you down."

Both Riders look to each other for a few seconds before looking back to the Guardians. "I can't speak for the other Riders but I will say you're right. I have my own reasons on why I fight and have no intention of giving any of that up." Jurassic answered with Zero-One then saying, "We also know more about these kaiju than you do. We wouldn't mind helping you when you need our help, but we can't trust leaving them all to you. But right now, we have to go check on our friend. So, if you'll excuse us." They walk past the three as they called in their Ride Machines.

"I hope you know," IXA spoke out making the Riders stop. "this is your only chance. The next time we'll have more of a force that'll bring you in." She turned to face their back.

"Do what you have to, and we'll do the same. See you around, officers." Jurassic mounts his bike with Zero-One doing the same and the two then ride off.

IXA sighs a bit disappointed. "Have it your way, Riders. Alright, Guardians, search around for any wounded." "Yes, ma'am!/Yes, ma'am!" The two responded saluting as they began their search. IXA then smiles looking back to where the Riders had ridden off to. "I'm sure we'll work together at some point Riders."

The Construction Site


Build is sent sliding a few feet back. Falling to one knee for a moment, the Rider looks back in time to see Hammer coming at him. He pushes himself past and rolling away from behind the Eon that slams it hammer down, creating a small crater.

(Dragon! Lock! Best Match! Are you ready?) "Build up." (Fuin no fantasy star! KeyDragon! Yeah!)

Hammer turns to find the Rider in his KeyDragon form. Creating a ball of blue flames, Build throws it at the Eon who hits easily hit it aside. Frustrated, he runs up to throw punches and swing the key blade on his arm at Hammer. The Eon does well on parrying a few hits before hitting the key blade aside with its hammer and then thrusting it into Build's chest.

"Agh!" Sparks fly off his chest. Hammer continues its assault, pushing Build back with each hit making sparks fly off him. The Eon backhands the Rider with its hammer causing him to turn his back to it. "Ugh!" Sparks flew off his back from the kaiju having slammed its hammer onto him, forcing him down to his hands and knees.

"Seems my calculations were correct. An Eon modified to take in a Lost Bottle would result in a Smash that's more powerful than an ordinary one." Hammer continued bashing Build's back as she spoke. "Even your best matches don't seem to do you much good. A shame you had to toss aside such a great invention."

"Build!" Dread filled Build the moment he heard the two familiar female voices. Only getting a second, he looked towards the entrance to find Rainbow and Scootaloo.

"And now we have company." Clara spoke with venom. "Eon, dispose of the unwanted guests."

Ceased its attack on Build, Hammer turned its sight to the purple and rainbow haired girls. Rainbow gets in front of Scootaloo in a protective manner the second Hammer began to slowly approach them.

"Leave them out of this, Clara." Forcing himself to his feet, runs up to grab the Eon from behind. "Build, what can we do to help?" "Get out of here, Rainbow! This isn't someone-" He tried ordering her until Hammer broke free from the struggle and shoved him off. The kaiju turns swinging its hammer arm at him. Build ducked under the swing before thrusting flaming palm strikes to its chest three times. Though his attacks looked to do very little from how Hammer seemed to be unaffected by it.

Clara could be heard chuckling as the Eon held onto Build's shoulder while hitting him with a couple of jabs from its hammer before ending with an uppercut. "Why continue when you have no chance at winning? You could just easily escape on your own. So, why fight? These two don't seem worth risking your life for." While being sent rolling with sparks, the Rider shoots out chains that bind Hammer in place.

(Ready? Go!) Hammer breaks the chains with ease. Seeing Build activate his finisher, the Eon hammer glows red with energy as blue flames built up into the Rider's fist. (Vortex Finish! Yeah!) Both run at and thrust their attacks into each other.

"Build!" "Scootaloo, get down!" Rainbow tackles Scootaloo to the ground to shield her from the force of the two attacks trying to overpower the other. Both the red energy and blue flames kept building until causing an explosion. Rainbow braced herself as the explosion was heading towards them. Right then, the two are incased in a blue bubble that acts as a barrier, protecting them from the blast of the explosion. The two are bewildered by the sudden bubble rescue that saved their life.

"What the hell? Where'd this bubble come from?" Rainbow questioned while trying to pop the bubble. She stopped when Scootaloo gasps and shouts. "Look!" Rainbow looks back to the source of the explosion, where a small creator now lied with Build lying on his back in it and Hammer still standing. The Eon stood still for a few seconds before taking a few steps forward to place its foot on Build's chest and lifts its hammer overhead to finish off the Rider. "NO!!" Both girls screamed as Hammer brought down its arm. But with a crack appearing on the hammer and the weapon shatters the second it was about to make contact.

"Oh?" The two could hear Clara sound intrigued. "Now that was unexpected. Surprising even. This calls for another experiment. Eon, bring the two annoyances along with you."

Hammer removes its foot off the Rider to make its way over to the two girls. Build tries to move but his body refused to listen to him. Rainbow and Scootaloo readied themselves as if they were planning to fight. Though that is stopped when a pulse in the bubble seems to knock them out cold. The broken hammer changes into a regular hand that the Eon uses to push the bubble forward.

"I do hope you use this opportunity well, Connor. Because we both know Eon will just become more stronger from this."

The Lost Bottle lights up sending power to Hammer's left hand. The Eon turns making it into a fist that it slams into the ground. "Until next time, Connor." The whole building shakes with cracks appearing and spreading through it all. Hammer walks away from the collapsing building. It gets a few feet away from the now completely collapsed building before disappearing into the shadows along with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

Hours Later

With the night and stars now occupying the sky, Emerald sees the last of the customers out the door before flipping the cafe's sign to closed. While she locked up the doors, Derpy, Sunset, and Turner were cleaning the cafe's tables while Drago and Negi worked in the library to reshelve books that were left out at on tables and seats.

Rumble, Apple Bloom and Sweetie had gone home after their siblings arrived to take them home. When the Riders had returned to the cafe, they had wondered what happened to Decade and his team, but they relaxed a bit when they found the three's symbols on the map of Equestria. They knew their friends would return at some point.

Everyone was focused on their work until Derpy spoke up saying, "A lot sure did happen again today. But at least we were able to get back more of the Rider powers back."

"Even one of our own." Turner added looking over the OOO watch that layed on a table next to him. "Though I'm still really curious on the cause for its activation."

"I'm more interested in how that group is getting their hands on those belts." Negi spoke out his mind while reshelving some books. "They may not be a problem, but the source of where they're getting them from might be."

Drago leans against one of the shelves. "True. It could become trouble more later on down the road." He looks over to Derpy and Turner. "How's this friend of Reiji's doing?"

"She's okay." Derpy paused from wiping a table to answer. "She was tired and a little bruised from how she got hit against a car. But other than that, she was fine."

Turner picks up the OOO watch to hand it over to her before saying, "We gave her a ride home after she had calmed down. She sure was really worried about Reiji. She even promised not to tell anyone our secret."

"As for Reiji himself," Emerald walked up next to Derpy. "Along with the small injuries he got, his use of the combo set today drained a lot out of him. Then the cuts he got became worse from all the moving and running around he did. But I added an ointment to his bandages that should speed up the recovery of his injuries." Drago and the others smile at the news. "Though he is going to need to stay on the side lines in the meantime. His magic needs time to restore itself."

"That's good to know. Guess all that's left is just to wait for the guys to return from Equestria."

As if the world is answering Drago, a portal opens in front of the library's counter. Wizard, Decade, and Den-O come jumping out of it with the portal then closing a few seconds. Spike stretched as their transformations came undone.

"Never mind. There they are."

"You guys will not believe what we just went through." Everyone could just hear the excitement in Spike. "But boy was it tiring."

Getting a call, Sunset answered her phone as Drago says, "And I'm sure you're going to enjoy every second explaining the whole story."

Discord tosses two Ridewatches over to Turner and Derby before throwing himself onto one of the couches. "A present from two Riders called Gaim and Ghost that we met there." He answered before they could even ask about it. Aside from a surprised Negi, the two looked to each other confused like the rest of the others who don't know the two Rider names. They then look down at the two blank watches.

"What!?" All eyes turn to Sunset who yelled into the phone. "Who is this? And what do you mean our friend is hurt?"

On the Other End of the Line

A beaten Conner was sitting on a curve with his back a light pole. A bit of blood ran down his head. He was across the street from the now completely demolished building. Kneeling next to Connor, using his phone, is Astral.

"I found him on the street beaten pretty badly. Though I'm not sure what happened." He spoke to Sunset as he explained. "I was going to take him to the hospital, but he's refusing to go."

Conner kept his eyes glued towards the construction site. Remembering back to the Eon taking Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo not only fills him with anger, but also makes him hate himself for failing to protect them. "Don't worry. I'll find you and bring you two back safely. That I promise."


Within a darkroom, the president of the school's new, Summer was in the process of developing some photos. One of the photos that finishes developing is of Reiji, who's in the middle falling with his transformation coming undone.

She stares at the photo until she suddenly hears a ringing sound. She looks around the room until her eyes stop on a mirror. The dark figure of two creatures battling could be seen within the mirror. She could see they have serpent-like bodies, but one has yellow eyes and the other with red. Summer's attention is completely focused on the roaring of the two creatures that she doesn't notice the glowing coming off a blurred symbol on the back of her hand and a card, with 'ADVENT CARD' on one end and a wavey, mirror reflection of it on the other, appearing next to her feet.

To Be Continued