• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,015 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 1 part 2- The Magic of Friendship and Henshin

The Roof of Canterlot High

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!" Ressha shouted. The last thing he remembered was that they were about to be roasted by a lizard monster. Now he and the others were now standing on the roof. "Where'd that monster go? How'd we get up here? And what's this on my hand?" Ressha asked as he found a glowing blurry symbol on the back of his right hand.

"You aren't the only one." Reiji shows the back of his hand.

Ressha looks towards the others and sees a glowing symbol not just on Reiji, but also on Connor and Negi as well. Each glowing symbol was different. The blurry symbols on Connor, Negi and Reiji almost matched the ones on their outfits. Having heard them, Twilight who's standing next to Drago and Reiji looks and inspects their hands without asking.

"Interesting. Each one of them are different. Ressha's looks like a circle with lines in it. Connor's looks like two halves of a gear with a line going through between them. Negi's looks like a mask with...horns, I think? And Reiji's is a circle with something inside it." Twilight looks to them. "Are these the symbols that mean you've been chosen to be candidates to be Riders?" Discord walks over next to them.

"Yup. Another way to tell is if you have something like this." Discord makes a card appear like a magician.

"AH!" Connor and his 2 friends shouted as they went wide eyed. Connor points to the card. The card is grayed out, has the image of what looked like an armored hero with big round insect-like eyes and lines going down the face. "That's Decade's card. So...you're saying we should have something like that?" Discord nods to confirm.

The four begin searching their pockets and each end up finding something. Ressha had a grayed out pass of sorts. The Negi and his friends already knew what it is. As for them, the three pulled out items that are the same as the ones they arrived with but have images on them and are grayed out instead.

Connor has two bottles. one has the images of a rabbit and the other of a tank. Negi has a rectangle box with the image of a grasshopper and has 'RISING HOPPER' and 'ABILITY JUMP' on it. Reiji had...six coins? Three were grayed out with the images of a bird, tiger and grasshopper which are known as the taka, tora and batta medals. The other three were different. They each had different colors with gold yellow going around the rim. The first coin was a see-through lavender color with the image of a horse running to its left. The second is a see-through light purple with a pegasus facing forward. The third and final one was see-through magenta color with a unicorn facing to its right.

"Why are those different from the others?" Connor asked confused.

"I don't know. Ask Twilight." Reiji said surprising Twilight.

"Me? How would I know?" Twilight asked confused.

"What do you mean? They changed when-"

"Waitwaitwaitwait!" Everyone turns to Ressha. "Can someone please explain to me how we got up here?"

Everyone looked at each other and then back to him. "You don't remember?" Drago asked.

"Nope. I've got nothing. So, would you guys' mind filling me in?"

"Okay. Here's what happened."

A few minutes ago

A huge blast of fire was headed towards the whole group as Drago ran to Twilight and Spike, with a bokken in his right hand. He quickly pulls out the black crystal and slid it across the bokken making a red aura surrounding it. Drago stops, positioning himself in front of Twilight and Spike when he reached them.

"Stay close." Drago told Twilight while getting into a stance.

Twilight and Spike listened as they got behind him and wait scared but still curious to see what he was going to do. Right when the blast was inches from them, Drago raised the bokken over his head and then swings downward sending a transparent red aura slash. It drags itself forward along the ground till it collides with the blast. The slash holds back the blast in front of them keeping them safe for a bit, while the rest of it goes around them.

As the blast reached Discord, he snaps his fingers making a huge metal wall appear and plant itself in front of him, shielding him from the blast. Discord smirks at his work till he gets blinded for a second by a bright light. He turned to look behind himself to his left to look at its source. In his sights now was Negi and Reiji, seeing a glow come off them, with different glowing symbols form on the back of right hands. The second they appear, the expressions on the two's faces change as if they get possessed. Seeing this, Discord looked at the opposite side to his right and looked a little further back to see the same exact thing happening to Connor and Ressha.

Reiji crossed his arms together as the yellow on his sweater glowed creating three long yellow claw blades hovering over both his hands. As the blast is about to reach him and Negi, Reiji swings his arms open, with the claws copying his hands movement, creating two claw slashes that collide with the blast and holds it at bay.

When it came to Connor and Ressha, Connor slammed his right fist over his chest making blue looking particles appear and converge around his body. while Ressha held out his right hand, making red looking energy come out from it and shape itself into a sword. The blue particles formed into a tank themed armor around Connor with his right arm's armor being the tank's cannon. Ressha took a hold of the sword, which turned his hair spikey while also changing his eyes and the tips of his spikey hair red. Connor and Ressha then held back the blast by using a red slash and a cannon blast.

Connor repeated the process again, making red particles this time, which replaces the tank armor and form into a red rabbit themed armor with red rabbit ears covering his ears. On Negi's right arm, the words 'ABILITY JUMP' appeared as the bottom of his legs got covered in yellow data that forms into that of a grasshopper's. As for Reiji, the green of his pants and shoes glowed as the green light builds to the bottom of his feet.

Drago, mostly just barely being able see the lights, was wondering what was going on till a note appeared in front of him. He reads through it as fast as he could, then quickly turns to pick up Spike and then holds Twilight close to him, making her face go red.

Twilight looks at him. "What are you-"

"Hold on tight."

After having told her this, the flames got around or through everyone's guards and were about to get them. Before it could, Connor, Negi and Reiji used their magic to jump high up and land on the roof. While Discord used his magic to teleport himself along with everyone else by making a veil of silver appear and pass through them, which transports them above the roof, making them fall on to it. Flames of the blast consume the now empty spots, which build up before bursting out into three small explosions. Drago, Twilight and Spike ended up falling on Reiji, making his blank core metals fell out of his pocket, touching the ends to Twilight's fingers and creates a flash of magenta, lavender and purple light. Which quickly dies down and leaves behind the horse, pegasus and unicorn core metals.

]Flashback Ends[/i

Connor raises a brow, "Those blank metals turn into these?" he asked.

"Yup. I've still got no clue, why they changed." Reiji said looking at the three metals before Twilight takes them along with the grayed out ones. "Hey!"

Twilight examines the colored metals. "Amazing. Unicorn, pegasus, and...I think represents an earth pony. It's almost like these coins copied my species." She then looks over the grayed ones. "Though why do these not have color?"

"We can talk about that later. For now, let's head back inside the school before we draw attention to ourselves." Drago says.

"I'm pretty sure the extra crispy field is going to draw everyone's attention." Ressha points out. "I mean lo-" he goes speechless seeing the field back to normal.

Spike looks to Discord. "Did you do that?"

Discord smirks. "Yes. You may all bow to my greatness."

"Yeah. Yeah. Now come on. We got some planning to do. Discord, if you'd please do the honors." Drago said, which Discord gladly complied by making the same veil of silver appear. Drago and Discord walk through it with Connor, Negi and Reiji following behind. The others hesitated and looked at each other till they decided to follow. The other side leads them back to the library in between two shelves.

"This has really not been my day." Ressha said with a tired look.

"Tell me about it." Connor agrees.

Discord raised a brow. "Who is this guy anyways?"

This question barely registered in their heads as they turn to look at Ressha. Taking a closer look at him, they see his skin color is the same as Big Mac's with black messy hair wearing a white long sleeve shirt, light blue pants and white and black shoes.

"That's right. How did you get involved in the fight, Ressha?" Connor asks.

"Even I didn't know you were in the fight with us till that guy kept throwing you around." Drago said as he leaned against a shelf.

"Well to make a long story short, I barely transferred in today, been having a bad day as it was, left to the field to skip class for some fresh air, was blowing off some steam by talking to myself, and I ended up accidently hitting that giant gorilla on the head when I swung my arm around. You guys can easily guess the rest from there."

"You really have no luck." Discord said flatly.

"Which is what makes him fit as Den-o." Negi says.

Discord strokes his chin. "That's another Rider, right. Funny how so many of us are gathering here."

"Riders?" Ressha asked confused making Discord sigh.

"Here we go again. Come on. We'll explain this all again." Discord full of boredom said as they walked over to a table.

"YOUR ALIVE?!" The group heard making them turn to look to their left towards the entrance of the library and see Snips and Snails standing by the doors shaking full of shock and fright, probably thinking they're seeing ghosts.

"SSSSHHHHH!!" The librarian, Miss Cheerilee shushed them with a mad look.

As Cheerilee goes back to her work, the two barely pulled themselves out of their fear and are about to run for it. Unfortunately for them, the silver veil appears behind them as they turned to run, which makes them crash into the table the group were gonna sit at. Before they could try to run again, Discord used his magic again to have them tied to chairs, while being covered in yellow feathers wearing a red bib with a pacifier in their mouths that make it look like they have a beak, which Discord made it that Cheerilee couldn't see any of it on them and that the two couldn't spit it out the pacifiers. Seeing this the group look at Discord with confused looks.

"What? They've deserved it."

Drago sighs. "Okay. First, get rid of those ridicules looks off them. Second, I'm leaving it to you and Spike to explain everything to Ressha, while I see what these two know."

Discord slouches. "Of course. Come on, Thomas." Ressha brow raised confused. "Don't ask. Next stop, history review." He groans at the end as he leads Ressha to a different table with Spike following behind and changes the two chicks back.

Reiji raised his hand. "What about us?"

"You guys and Twilight try coming up with a plan for winning the crown."

Twilight nods. "I think that's a good idea. After what we saw, I think we'll need a plan more than ever now."

"Then let's get to work." Negi said as he and the others head to a table on the second floor. After seating themselves at a table, they took a second to relax before facing each other. "So, were you guys able to learn anything new or that we could use?"

Connor rests his hand on his head and taps a finger on the table using the other. "Well from the kaiju we saw today, the incidents and rumors I heard make sense now."

"What incidents and rumors?" Negi questioned.

"From what others had been hearing and spreading around, some students had said they saw weird creatures either walking around the school halls or chasing and tracking teachers down. If you ask me, sounds like they were covering their tracks on something."

Twilight ponders a bit hearing that. "If each creature was different, that'd probably mean there's more than just Molten as a kaiju. Did anyone ever look into it? Or see if the teachers that were chased were still around and found out anything?"

"No one has been able to find anything when they investigated it. The teachers chased were still around but none of them recall any of that. Everyone just assumes it was students playing pranks."

"What about those incidents you talked about?" Negi curious.

"For a while now, anyone who's tried running against Sunset in other events have either been hurt or resigned from the running. When asked about it, they just either said they didn't want to talk about it or that they wanted to focus on their studies. Though I'm pretty sure we can guess what actually happened."

Reiji coughs getting their attention. "Well from what I've heard around, everyone kept telling me how Sunset use to be nice during her first year here. Not nice' nice, but nice enough to not have everyone here either afraid or hate her. She actually tried to get along with others, joined clubs, even got herself a boyfriend. She kept changing a little for both good and bad bit by bit. That is until Molten showed up."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Supposably when Molten appeared at school, Sunset completely changed. She started showing more rage, jealousy of others, and started hurting to get what she wanted leading her to become the Sunny-ass everyone knows today. After what we've seen today, I wouldn't be surprised if he was controlling her."

"You'd be right on that guess."

Everyone turns to see Drago sitting at a seat behind Twilight.

"Ah! H-how long have you been there?" Twilight asked recovering from the scare.

Drago turned his seat to face them. "I actually sat down a few seconds ago. I didn't want to interrupt the topic you were on,"

"Find anything out." Negi asks crossing his arms.

Drago sighs. "Molten has a core metal."

"Really? Which one?" Reiji curious of the metal.

"The two couldn't make it out well. They said they saw Molten do something to Sunset by placing a black coin to her head, making her eyes go black for a second before going back to being the same. They also mentioned the metal having a second color."

Connor raises a brow. "Being the same? Does that mean she was acting different?"

Drago nods. "Snails said that she was crying. My guess is the real her was visible at that moment."

Negi's expression hardens. "Meaning she doesn't want to be doing this much at least. Molten is using the core metal to manipulate her."

"I get it. It's because the metals were made out of human desire." Reiji says leaning back in his chair. "But what metal is he using? No metal I know has two colors."

"Maybe the darkness corrupted it." The guys look to Twilight. "Wouldn't that explain why it'd have two colors. The black could be the metal being corrupted."

"If that's true, then it could mean the darkness has something planned for the crown or Sunset. Or maybe even-" Drago stops seeing Discord, Ressha and Spike reaching the top of the stairs and walk over to them. "How'd the talk go?"

Ressha and Spike deadpan. "Next time, don't leave us with the clown." Ressha answered. "But to really answer, yeah he did. So, I'm a candidate to become a Rider or whatever they're called. Just perfect." He said with a tired sigh.

"Pretty much." Discord says. "Also, I know what the Molten and the darkness want." Everyone gets surprised hearing this.

"Then what are they after?" Twilight asks.

"They want to charge and corrupt the crown." Twilight and Spike become horrified hearing this. Discord stops her from questioning so he can continue. "The way they're trying to accomplish this is by filling this whole school with negative emotions to fill the crown with it."

"How'd you figure it out?" Drago asked confused.

"I figured it out after all the phones of the students and staff members I was able to look into." Everyone stares at Discord with disapproving eyes. "Yes. Yes. I know, that's not nice. May karma strike me down. Look at least it got results. Anyways, from all that I learned, there are lots of lies going around among the shadows of the students. Someone or something is purposely trying to bring down everyone's emotions. Either by making them fear Sunset, hate or feel jealous of each others, or other negative emotions."

"What's so important about negative emotions?" Ressha questioned.

"It's a substitute." Drago says in realization. "I knew something felt off." He looks around the room. "The whole school must be filled with this negative aura. That would explain you two." Drago ends looking to Twilight and Spike.

The two look at each other confused before looking back to him. "Can you explain what you mean?" Twilight asks.

"As an alicorn, even in this world you should be able to use magic like us. But you can't. And then Spike here." Drago looks down at Spike. "He should've been human also. Instead, he came here as a dog. The only thing that could affect the portals like that is the area being filled with an opposite element."

"Wait! So, the negative aura made me into a dog?" Spike asked now annoyed at this news.

"Kinda. Every living thing has an aura. It's because of your guy's aura that you were able to pass through. The aura Twilight has as an alicorn mostly protected her when she entered. Your aura isn't as strong as hers though. So, you ended up taking the form of something that could fit you through with the negative field covering you."

Discord smirks. "Exactly. That was the first clue that started it all. The darkness knows it could never regain its dark magic with the portals staying active. Meaning it has to look for an alternative." Discord snaps his fingers and makes two different but similar images. "Dark magic and negative aura may be different but the energy between the two are similar enough to replaced one another. Which could only mean..." Discord looks to Twilight to continue.

Twilight seems to realize something. "If they're similar and can replace each other, it means it'd make it that much more important to a user of dark magic. Though there's still a problem with that."

"What's the problem?" Negi asks.

"Even with them being similar, the user would still need a way to synchronize the two for it to be of use to them. Hm...unless" Twilight goes pale coming to a realization. She looks to Discord for confirmation, who nods with sad grim look.

Connor switches looking between the two before speaking. "What's wrong? Did we overlook something?"

Twilight shakes her head slowly. "N-no."

Discord sighs. "They have everything they need to synchronize the negative aura. They just need enough negative emotion."

Spike was reluctant to ask being afraid. "W-what is it they already have?"

"The crown and Sunset." Drago answered.

"Yes. That's right." Discord admitted. "They're planning to use Sunset as a catalyst to sacrifice while she wears the crown to synchronize the energies."

"But wouldn't the Element of Magic reject it since they're opposites?" Spike asked.

Twilight shakes her head. "Normally yes. If the other elements were with it and it was full of its magic. But here..."

Drago continues. "It can't replenish its magic. The second its magic is used up; it'll be the perfect tool for them to use." Drago looks to everyone. "More than ever, we need to win. Cause if we don't stop this, Sunset will die being used as a sacrifice and the darkness will be awakened."

"Then let's come up with a plan." Reiji speaks up feeling more fired up and determined to win.

"What about the burning lizard that'll fry us?" Ressha brings up. "Cause I don't see how we're gonna deal with that."

Everyone ponders on that till they all shout "THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC!!". They go silent for a minute, after getting a shushed by Cheerilee.

Twilight resumes. "If we can get Sunset to see the error of her ways and change her mind while being connected to me while I'm wearing my crown. The two combined could reverse the negative aura, turning it into a pure positive power that could either weaken or get rid of Molten's powers."

Reiji stands up. "So, we just continue with the original goal and win the crown. We just need to figure out how."

"I know how." Everyone focuses on Discord again. "Another piece of information I came by was about a group of five friends who were tricked into blaming each other. A group that one of us kind of knows." Discord ends with a grin towards Twilight.

"So, the girls were made to hate each other." Spike seeing Discord's meaning.

"That's horrible. Making friends go against each other." Twilight said with a sad look.

"If they can help turn the tide on winning, then why don't we help bring them back together." Connor suggest.

As everyone aggressed, the bell rings signaling the end of school.

"Let's continues this at the cafe." Drago said as he stood up. "You guys are gonna love it."

The others decide to follow Drago and Discord as they left the library.

"I'm curious what Drago meant by us loving the cafe." Spike said to the others as he followed alongside Twilight.

Half an Hour Later

The group walked through some neighborhoods. Letting Twilight and Spike enjoy themselves by taking in the new sights as they walked by houses and parks. Their journey through comes to an end when they stop in front of a large sized two-story building with big windows at the front. It was made out of red bricks with most of the roof being flat and white, with a glass dome at the center. The front of the building had two revolving doors, different shaped bushes by the window that seemed odd to them and going along the top of the two revolving doors was a stain glass window with the image of dinosaurs.

"This is a cafe?" Ressha asked confused "Why's it so big?"

Drago and Discord grin. "You'll see." Drago says as he walks in.

Their jaws drop upon seeing the inside. The front half of the place has a couple of tables and chairs, along with two different counters. One was the counter for the cafe having a register along with being full of items, such as deserts, breads and snacks, with a menu board on the wall behind the counter. The second counter was one they didn't expect to see. This counter was meant for the rest of the building, which is a huge library, full of different rows and sections of shelfs full of books, with a bit of tables, chairs, couches and recliners spread around. The walls and ceilings of each section had pictures or images matching it. The glass dome of the building is what surprised Twilight and Spike the most. The outside of the dome looks normal, but on the inside it's a stain glass window. But not just any stain glass window. It a stain glass window with the image of the whole map of Equestria.

"I'll admit, I'm impressed." Connor admitted.

"What is this place?" Twilight asks amazed with her eyes glowing with so much life and excitement. "There's so many books here of all kinds from the looks of it. And how does it have a map of Equestria?"

"Hey, they even have a section for comics!" Spike shouted from across the room. "They even have Power Ponies here!"

Twilight goes confused. "How can that even be here?"

"Maybe because this is the home of an Equestrian Dragon!"

Everyone jumps being getting startled by suddenly hearing a loud muffled voice, except for Drago and Discord who are relaxing by the library counter. The group quickly look up towards where they heard the voice and see someone standing on the second floor ledge. There they see a person in a black suit and tie, wearing a red scarf, black dress shoes, a trench coat, shades, and a black and red fedora.

The person jumps down and as they landed on the floor, the clothes just land in a heap with no one in them. They were about to question this till the clothes get blasted away in an explosion of smoke, which quickly fades away to reveal tall, beautiful woman in black high heels, a long purple dress, a black belt strap going around her waist with emerald gem shaped buckle, and a short sleeved unbuttoned red shirt. Her skin is a magenta color, with long green, emerald hair that was braided, and green, emerald eyes that look like they glow under the sunlight.

Everyone being captivated by her beauty, stay silent for a while till Discord decides to make an air horn appear connected to megaphone. He nearly breaks everyone's ears doing this and is rewarded with a smack to his head by the lady with a glare. She then looks to the group and waits for them to recover before bowing in an elegant manner with a smile.

"Ta-da! It's a pleasure to meet you, Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Riders." She stands straight, spreads out and holds her arms out wide towards the ceiling. "Welcome to my cafe/library/home the Dragons Cavern." She straightens herself while smiling to them. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emerald Drake. The owner of this lovely cavern and old resident of Equestria."

""A d-dragon? W-well, h-how'd you w-wind-up here?" Connor asked being stammered by her beauty.

"I used to just spend my days living like any other dragon till I got depressed and needed to find something new to live for. When I found a portal leading me here a couple years ago, I decided to start a new life here. I traveled around this whole world for a long while. Then after getting some help from these two's parents" Emerald motioning towards Drago and Discord. "I decided to open this place after I finished traveling and decided to fill it with any book I could get, weather it was from here or Equestria."

"So, how do you three know each other?" Negi asks having noticed Drago and Discord having enjoyed their reactions.

"Well, besides our families helping her settle here, we live and work here." Discord counted with a smiling grin. "She also-"

"This place is amazing!" Twilight said interrupting with sparkling eyes. She gasps and dashes to a nearby section, "T-t-these tombs...These belonged to Clover the Clever. Everypony thought these we lost. How'd you find these?" She questioned turning back to Emerald.

"I found those during a trip in Ireland. They were sealed in a cavern lost to time or something along those lines. I'm guessing an other dragon ended up stuck here after stealing them and tried to start a new hoard here."

"Is it okay if I read these?"

Emerald makes a blank look before bursting into laughter. "My dear, I don't consider this my hoard, if that's why you're asking. Plus, it's a library. You may read as many books as you like." Twilight smiles as big as Pinkie Pie and is about to grab the books till they disappear.

They reappear at a table that Discord and Drago are seated at. "Sorry, Twinkle. First plan, then you can read." Discord said with a grin while wiggling a finger. Twilight pouts with a blush as she and the other take a seat.

"So, does anyone have an idea what we can do to bring the girls back together?" Reiji asked.

"I actually got an idea." Everyone deadpans at him. "I'm serious. I've thought of something that could work."

"Alright then, let's hear it." Drago says with an unamused look. Discord leans and begins describing his plan.

Emerald smiling "I'll go prepare the extra rooms for the rest of you before getting you all something to drink and snack on." she said before walking off.

"Would you like some help?" Spike asks as he ran up and walks next to her. Emerald stops to stare at him for a bit before chuckling.

"I'm not sure how much help you'd be as a dog?"

Spike looks down sadly. "Yeah...I guess you're right."

Emerald smiles. "Why don't we fix that, then?" She said as she continued walking.

Spike stopped as he was left speechless by what he heard, before shaking himself out of his stupor and dashing to catch up to her with a smile. 20 minutes had gone by, as the group were now resting in their seats.

"Okay. So...while Discord and Reiji helps Twilight and Spike reuniting the girls, while you and Negi go looking a bit more into Sunset, you all want me and Ressha to do all we can to distract Molten and his group?" Connor questioned with a frown. "Why not leave that to Discord?"

Drago deadpans "You'd really want him to be in charge of causing distractions?"

Connor attempts a comeback but loses his words just imagining the outcome and sighs in defeat. "Point taken."

"I'm not really sure I'm comfortable with Discord helping us." Twilight says looking uncertain.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I won't out stage you too much that the girls would rather trust me more." Discord said smirking. Twilight looks at him annoyed. "Plus, unlike you, I've already thought of an idea."

Twilight raised a brow. "You have? What did you have in mind?"

"Knowing Discord, it's bound to be something that'll fill him with joy and laughter." Spike said.

Everyone turned to see Emerald and Spike caring snacks, along with cups of tea, water and soda. Though something was new that surprised them. What surprised them was Spike, who instead of seeing him as a dog, was now standing in front of them as a human. He was now a boy appearing to be around the same age as Snips and Snails, with the same green eyes, light purple skin and green spikey hair. Wearing a red shirt with the image of a dragon head on it, white shorts, white sneakers with a fire design on them, and a white and blue sweater.

"S-Spike? Is that really you?" Twilight stands up and begins looking over Spike's new appearance. Spike simply just nodded and strikes some poses. "How did you change?"

"You can thank Miss Emerald for that." Spike smiling at her.

"Just call me Emerald. I may have lived long but I'm far from old." She said with a smile. "Plus, it was the least I could do for a fellow dragon."

"How'd you do this?" Twilight asked curiously.

Emerald waves it off nonchalantly "When you've been around as long as I have, you learn a thing or two on auras. I simply just used some of my own to help bring back some of his own. Though I wasn't able to help him regain all of it since adding too much of my own could be bad for him."

As she and Spike put down the snacks and drinks, Spike begins to glow, which leads to him reverting back into a dog.

"Ah. I get it. Since it's not fully restored, he can switch between the two." Discord surmised with an amused grin.

"Yes. Though he can't control it yet."

"When I get the hang of this, I'll definitely be able to help." Spike said as he began concentrating. After a second, he turns human again. "I think I can get the hang of it by tonight."

"We should get some practice in on our magic too." Negi adds in. "We weren't exactly in control when we used it. So, it'd be a good idea for us to at least be able to use it."

"What do you mean?" Reiji stood up and got into a stance as his pants and shoes glowed green as magic built up into them. "See. It's ea-" The magic cuts him off as it shoots up to the second floor and crashing into some bookshelves, making books fall onto him. "I take it back. When should we start?" As he finished, one last thick book was still shaking till it tilted over falling onto his head. "...Ow!"

Connor sighs as he stands. "Alight. I say we do that now while we've still got daylight."

"Before that," Twilight speaks up looking to Discord. "What was that plan you thought of?"

Discord smiles mischievously. "Let's just say it involves you, two stolen chicken's phones," he spins two cellphones on his fingers. "and helping Sunset bring you down." The end of that sentence raised everyone's eyebrows.

Hours Later

The sun had begun setting a while ago with night soon approaching. Before the guys left to practice, Discord had gotten Twilight to do things around the Dragons Cavern in a way that was natural to her. Which ended in her being embarrassed by Discord having Ressha help him record Twilight 'in Discords words' making a fool shine and posting it online.

The group then had separated from Twilight to work on their magic. They had taken to practicing at a field close by. At first, the guys had difficulty getting their magic under control, like Reiji either almost getting trees to crush him by accidently cutting them down with the claws or crashing into branches and trunks of trees with his jumping ability.

Connor and Ressha were mostly having trouble keeping their magic going. Every time Connor made the armor form it would mostly vanish after a second. As for Ressha, he was able to produce his red magic but was unable to turn into a sword. Negi had gotten better use to his magic than the others by recovering easily from his out-of-control jumps. He ended up getting Drago and Discord to spar with him and learned how use his magic in a fight.

Emerald had been keeping Twilight company by answering questions she asked her or helped her look for books, while also having helped Spike in control his switch transformation. By the time the guys got back, Spike was easily switching between the being a dog and human. Though he did wish he could turn into a dragon again at some points.

Three hours pass by fast as they spent the rest of their time eating dinner, hearing about each other. Like Ressha's reason for having transferred to Canterlot High being wanting to start somewhere new after someone who he thought was his best friend blamed him for an incident at school that almost led to him being expelled. But thanks to him easily being pushed into things, many classmates were able to prove his friend a liar and the guy got expelled instead. Ressha's friend told him he'd get him back for what he did.

Now they everyone was comfortably sleeping in bed. Or it would be everyone, if Twilight hadn't woken up from a nightmare and decided to use the restroom. She and Spike had been placed in the same room as Emerald and was give pajamas to use. On her way back, she found the door to one of the guy's rooms open but no one was inside. Twilight decided to look around a bit. Her search led her to the roof, where she found Drago laying outside looking up at the stars. She is reluctant to go over to him at first but decides to go forward to find out being curious about what he's up to.

"H-hi." Twilight barely got herself to say, making Drago look up a bit to see her. "Um...W-what are you doing up here?"

Drago smiled and looked back to the stars. "I was just thinking about an old friend. Would you like to watch the stars too?" he asked patting a spot next to him.

Twilight smiles and lays down next to him. "What about your friend are you thinking of?"

"Just something she use to tell me." Hearing him say 'her' and seeing him smiling made Twilight feel like pouting with a frown but kept herself from doing it. "She used to tell me how she never wanted to hear me promise her anything because she didn't believe in them much. So, I did just that and went with an alternative." Drago paused a bit to chuckle. "Instead of promising her anything, I made oaths to her."

"W-what kind of oaths?" Twilight with a hint of pink on her cheeks.

"Nothing that important. Just a lot of kid things. So, why are you still up?" Her staying silent answered it for him. "I'm guessing it was a nightmare about failing to get the crown, right?"

"H-how'd you know?" Twilight asked surprised.

"Well after today, you're pretty easy to read." Drago laughs seeing her blush with a sheepish smile while twiddling her fingers together. "Want to talk about it?"

Twilight stammers trying to think of what to say before sighing sadly. "In my nightmare, we had lost because...Discord betrayed us." Drago raised a brow hearing that. "I'm sorry. I know he's your brother and you trust him, but he just reminds me too much of the Discord I know who did evil things to me, my friends, and Ponyville. He just wouldn't listen and had to be turned to stone again. He might say he's good now, but I don't think I could trust him."

"Hm...well, from what you told us of your guy's Discord, I don't think he sounds so bad."

"WHAT?!" Twilight shock shoots to her feet. "What do you mean he doesn't sound so bad? He almost brought chaos to my home, hid the elements from us, and changed my friends to their opposites. What about him doesn't sound so bad?!"

Drago stands up sighing. "We'll from the fact he was used as a stone garden ornament for a thousand years, would make anyone grouchy in my opinion. But my point is, he's just like any other per... I mean any other pony or creature; he needs to be accepted and given a chance."

Twilight stares at the floor. "I'm...not sure I can." After saying that, Twilight felt Drago pat her head. She looks up to see him giving her a reassuring smile.

"With what you've accomplished and also dealt with today, I know you can. You've forgiven a rampaging number one assistant, an evil princess, a strange zebra, and probably more either before or somewhere down the line. An overpowered joker should be easy for you, that is if you two can learn to accept each other. Just like how your Fluttershy was able to"

"Do you really believe that much in me?"

Drago grins "I give you my very oath on it that you could." The two smiled at each other for a moment before he looked away. "Not to be rude, but I don't think you make a good princess." Twilight looks away from him sadly but looks back when he chuckled. "Don't get me wrong. You're great, but I just could never follow someone else's plan."

"But Princess-" Twilight pauses when Drago gets close up to her. "Princess Celestia knows what-" Drago puts a finger to her lips silencing her.

"I'm not saying she's wrong. I'm just saying I think you could be so much more if you followed your own path and be so much stronger making your own image of what you want to be. And not just follow one that was setup for you." Drago steps back and walks over to the door a bit before looking back to her. "I know I didn't want to follow someone's image of me. I'm sure you probably feel a tiny bit the same way if anything." Drago smiles. "If you did, I'm sure you'd shine so much brighter." As Twilight smiled and blushed hearing that, Drago then yawns. "I would love to keep watching the stars with a sparkling beauty, but I think we should get some rest." He said getting up

"B-b-b-beauty?" She quietly whispered to herself holding back from turning into a tomato. "You're right. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Twilight said quickly as she straightened herself and chuckling nervously when he almost heard her.

Drago walks Twilight back to her room and wishes her a goodnight before going back to his own room. Once resting in his bed, he looked at his crystal before letting himself drift to sleep. Twilight was having more trouble sleeping now having Drago's words echoing in her head. After a while of having a tired mind, she eventually was able to rest her eyes and fall asleep a with happy smile going across her face.

The Next Morning

Everyone had gotten ready for school after getting showered and having eaten breakfast that Emerald prepared for them, with Spike also having offered his help. Emerald handed an item over to Drago before left. After entering the school and standing at the entrance, the group split up into their separate groups, leaving to accomplish their goals. As Connor and Ressha turned around a corner, where they already came face to face with Molten and the twins. The two give Molten a sheepish smile as he has a dumbfound look that got replaced with one of anger and annoyance.

"How are you alive?" Molten asked in a low threatening voice.

"What were we supposed to do again?" Ressha whispered to Connor.

"Only one thing." Connor replied back quietly. The two then punched Molten straight in the face. "Run." He said as they ran back down the hall and out the school while Molten stammered from the hit.

"GET THEM!!" Molten shouted with anger as he chased after them with the twin big guys fallowing behind.

At the Sametime

Spike having decided to stay as a dog, to keep his ability hidden in case Twilight needed his help, was hiding in her backpack, as she, Discord and Reiji walked down the hall. They took notice of many students looking at Twilight while quietly holding or hiding their laughter. Discord walking down the hall with a huge devilish grin spreading across his face.

Reiji smirks "You seem to be pleased with your work."

Discord gasps dramatically "I would never. How could I get joy from making a fool of our friend?" He ends making puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, you wouldn't." Twilight sarcastically said rolling her eyes. Twilight was about to say something but was grabbed from behind and pulled into a classroom.

"Hm? Did you hear somethi-" Reiji is cut off as he and Discord got lassoed as they stopped and got pulled into the same room.

The next thing the guys knew, they see Twilight being looked over by a white skinned girl with long purple curled hair, while Applejack stood next to them. The girl continued till she gets an idea and somehow puts a new outfit over Twilight's in a second, along with a wig. She looks over her work before nodding in approval.

"There. Amazing work if I do say so myself." The girls said smiling and holding her head up high.

Applejack deadpan. "Rarity, she doesn't need to look amazing. We just need to be able to hide her from Sunset and Molten."

Rarity crosses her arms and scoffs. "Well, she can look great while being out of sight."

"I'm pretty sure both of those don't mix." Reiji said to himself.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie quickly enter the room and then sigh in relief seeing Twilight.

"It's good to see you're alright, Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"Same here." Pinkie said in agreement.

"Why wouldn't I be alright?" Twilight asked confused.

Pinkie places a pink laptop with a balloon on it on a desk and brings up a website, Discord walks up to a window. "Because of this." She selected a video saying this and being loading with Discord smirking looking outside. Twilight sighed in her head knowing she's about to see an embarrassing video of herself. Except as the video started playing, Twilight, Reiji and the girls all make confused looks. In the video is nothing but a white screen which goes on for 10 seconds before ending. Twilight and Reiji turn and look to Discord who is now chuckling looking outside while eating popcorn.

"What happened to the video?" Reiji asked confused.

Applejack raised a brow. "Why are ya asking him?"

Pinkie gasps "Ishetheonewhopostedthatvideosayingthatyouweregonnabehumiliatedinfrontofthewhoschool,justtogetusallhereinordertohelpyouguysbeatsomeevilmonstersandsavetheworld?" She says so quickly everyone looks at her, barely having been to tell what she said.

"Pinkie, stop speaking nonsense and be serious about the situation. And what do you mean humiliated? The video talked about a strange man stalking the poor dear who spreads photos of her changing and taking showers." Rarity said with a stern look with her hands against her waist.

"WHAT?!" Twilight screams blushing.

"No. I believe it was about someone wanting to do horrible things to Twilight." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Ah saw Molten on it say he was gonna hurt Twilight." Applejack added in.

"Discord, what did you do?!" Twilight demanded.

"I thought you were just going to send a embarrassing video of Twilight?" Reiji added confused.

Discord looks to them. "I did send that video to the other students. As for the girls, it was a blank video that had a spell set to make them see a video that'd make them worry about her. And not an artificial worry if that's what you're thinking, viewers." He ended looking out at the sky from their point of view.

Reiji confused at the last part chuckles after considering the idea. "You devil."

"What in tarnation is goin' on here?" Applejack demands.

"That's what I'd like to know." Twilight glares at Discord. "If you were going to send something different to the girls, why'd you need my help then for the other video?"

"It was a great way to lighten up the mood of the school. Along with getting them to open up to you more easily. Besides at least my plan worked. Everyone is here." Discord said pulling out a timer.

"No, it didn't!" Twilight shouted. "We're still missing Rainbow." The girls were about to question them till Discord raised a finger to silence everyone.

"That's because she got a different video." Discord smiles.

"What do you...mean?" Twilight paused upon seeing Discord raised a hand.

Discord grinned before he began counting down using his fingers. 5...4...3...2...1 Finishing Discord points to the door that gets slammed open at that second getting everyone attention. Standing at the door with a mad look, was a cyan skin colored girl with rainbow hair. Everyone recognized the girl as Rainbow Dash. Rainbow scans around the room till she sets her sights on Reiji.

"There you are!" Rainbow shouted as she marched over to him. "You really think I'd let what you said go? Not on your sorry ass." she grabs hold of his shirt as she began leading him out. "We're going to settle this on the field."

"Wait. What'd I do?" Reiji asked as he was dragged out. Twilight looks to Discord.

"What was that about?"

Discord shrugs "What'd you expect when you trash talk someone and pronounce yourself better than them."

Twilight gave him a disapproving look but before she could scold him, he leaves walking out following Reiji and Rainbow. Twilight slaps a hand over her head wondering why she'd even gone along with his plan. She was brought out of her thoughts as Applejack taps her shoulder.

"So, why'd your friend lie to us? What exactly is goin' on here?"

Twilight sighs "Please don't be mad. We really need all your help. If you'd let us, we can explain everything." She said with pleading eyes.

"We?" Rarity questioned.

Spike jumps out and stands on a desk. "Yes. We." He says with a smirk. The girls go wide eyed with different reactions. Applejack was left speechless, Rarity faints with Applejack catching her, Fluttershy had a happy grin with many questions going through her head, Pinkie had an excited growing grin and was about to speak till Applejack covered her mouth.

"Sorry Pinkie but ah'd rathernot deal with your yammerin' and just hear it from them."

Mean While

Drago and Negi peak into classroom and look around till they spot Sunset sitting at her desk in the middle of the class. She seemed to have a light yellow skinned guy with blue hair be seated next to her right trying to talk to her but Sunset was just looking away with a sad look in her eyes.

The two look and nod to each other before facing back and waited. After minutes pasted, the bell rang and the guy sighs as he stood up and left the classroom. The two stepped in front of his path in the hall and then dragged him into the boy's bathroom. The guy broke free of their hold and lowered his eyes into a glare at them.

"Look here, I don't care what Molten will do to me, I'm not gonna let him keep using Sunset as his personal toy." Flash stated as he got into a fighting position.

Negi holds up a finger. "First off, your mistaken. Second, we've got nothing to do with Molten, besides being a pain in his ass. Third, who are you to Sunset?" The guy raised a brow at him before relaxing himself.

"I'm...Flash Sentry. I used to be Sunset's boyfriend... at least till Molten showed up. I know he's threatening or done something to her. Sure she was becoming a bit...bad, but I was helping her through it." Flash said as he lowered his eyes to the floor while kicking at the floor. "She was getting better. But then out of nowhere, she became horrible and left me for him. Usually a guy would be hurt by that but not me. When Molten first showed up here, Sunset felt something from him that made her feel sick and become scared of him." Flash looked to them. "There's no way she'd want to be near him knowing how he affected her."

"You're right. He has done something to her." Drago admitted getting Flash's full attention. "If you want to know, you can ask Snips and Snails about it. Look we can't promise you anything. But I will tell you that, we'll do all we can to bring down Molten." He silences Flash before he could say anything. "Sorry but this is something we've got to do on our own. Just leave everything to us."

Flash lowered his eye lids while raising a brow. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"You can't. Nothing I say can do that. All I can do is make an oath to both of you and Sunset." Drago smiles at the end making Flash give a confused look. No one noticed but inside Drago's pocket a red light simmered through it for a second.

At the Dragons Cavern

Hours passed and school had ended, Twilight, the girls, and everyone else decided to head over to the cafe and talk things over there. They were all seated around a table in front of the store. They were chatting around while eating snacks waiting for Connor and Ressha to get back. They had been gone for the whole time and succeeded in their plan, but worried since they hadn't heard or even gotten a message from them.

"I still can't believe how fast you are. I was barely able to keep up with you on the field." Reiji said while eating some chips.

Rainbow rolls her eyes with smirk. "Yeah right, you say that and yet you made that final score before I could. You're pretty awesome. Not as awesome as me though." She said leaning back taking a sip of her Fizzy Apple Cider.

"So, you're a dragon back in your world?" Fluttershy asked with an excited look getting a nod from Spike in return. "What are like as a dragon? Is it nice being a dog? How do you change between the two?"

"I'm not sure how to explain changing into a dog. Though being a dog isn't that bad with being able to switch. Though I do prefer being a dragon. I'm strong, powerful, and from what other ponies say, I'm hoofsome." Spike said holding out his chest proudly.

Discord chuckled "Did they laugh before or after saying it to your face?" As Discord laughed at Spike who was glaring at him with a pink blush, he changed into a dog and bit Discord's leg. "Ow! Oh, you little-" Discord jumps at him, tackling the small dog as he slid and the two began wrestling around while calling each other names. Spike kept switching between being a dog and human to break out of Discord's hold.

Fluttershy, being startled at first, began laughing with a smile. "You two must be best friends to get along that well."

"We do not!" The two yelled as Fluttershy and Reiji laughed as the two continued fighting.

"Oh!" Pinkie squealed excitedly as she and Emerald walked up to the scene with a tray of sandwiches. "DOG PILE!!" She shouted as she jumped, body slamming on top of them. Getting 'Ow!' and wimper from the two and also two giggles from Fluttershy and Emerald as Pinkie wrestled the two who are now trying to escape her.

Rarity was looking over Negi's outfit while also taking measurements. Twilight, Applejack and Drago were seated down laughing and chuckling at the scenes around them. Drago stops and stares at the entrance.

"Where are those two?"

"Do you think Molten got them?" Twilight asked.

Applejack shakes her head. "Nah. That varmint would've let us known if he did. He likes makin' a show outta those he torments."

"Why don't we go look for them then?" Negi suggested as he and Rarity sat down with her sketching inside a sketch book.

"No. If we wait long enough, I'm sure they'll-" Drago is cut off as the sound of a loud slam is heard.

Everyone looks to the entrance and see a huge smudge of slime splattered on the window of the entrance. They were about to investigate till one of the revolving doors started spinning and Connor came falling out of it. As it spun once more, Ressha came walking out of it with his chest puffed out and a huge grin across his face. Ressha's hair was spikey and red again.

Ressha makes a satisfied sigh. "Now that's what I call a good time." He leaves Connor on the floor as he walks over to the group and takes a seat in between Rarity and Reiji. "Job done. What's next on the agenda?" Ressha asks leans back in his chair and puts his feet on the table. Emerald and Fluttershy go over to check on Connor.

"Where have you two been?" Twilight asked.

Ressha chuckles "You know, distracted dumb bastards, they caught up to us, there was a throw down with ooze things appearing. But it was nothing we couldn't handle. Right, Gear?" He said as Connor dragged himself over with Fluttershy and Emerald's help.

"I...hate you...so much, Momo." Connor said between his panting with a glare.

"Gear? Momo?" Twilight asked confused.

"That's my nickname for this Ressha, since he reminds me of Momotaros."

"And I told you, I hate it!" Momo shouted standing up. "That's why I gave him Gear. Since idiot's symbol looks like a gear."

"That is a poor reason and not a good nickname in my opinion." Connor said as he seated himself. "Well, like Momo said, we did our job. But I think Molten might throw his plan into action early." Hearing this makes everyone take a seat.

"What makes you think that?" Negi asks.

"After they caught up to us, they started to fight us themselves. It got even more difficult when they all transformed."

"They all transformed?" Twilight asked wide eyed.

"Yup. Besides Molten, both big guys changed into kaiju too." Momo answered. "One turned into a bull asshole with three horns. And the other into firey lizard bastard who liked to take cheap shots." Momo noticing their deadpan looks, scoffs angerly pulling out a smartphone and slides it to Connor. "You explain it to them!"

Connor sighs as he looks and sets up a video on the phone while explaining. "What he means is one turned into the Minotauros Phantom and the other into the Lizard Undead. But they were different from the original ones. The Phantom had a beetle looking horn on the top center of his head along with armor. And some of the Undead's armor was blue with flames matching the color covering its blade."

Connor set the phone on the table with said video showing exactly how they described it. Though a bit after the three turned into kaiju, the kaiju start holding their heads in pain and after it looks like it subsided, they retreated after summoning out riotoozes.

"That's strange." Reiji said.

"Exactly. Those bastards ran like cowards." Momo said slamming his fist onto the table.

"Maybe they ate too much ice-cream and got brainfreeze." Pinkie suggested.

Rarity sighs placing a hand to her head. "Pinkie no. Just...no."

"Maybe it was that darkness yall were talkin' about." Applejack guessed.

"If it was, then that could mean trouble." Drago said.

"So, I'm guessing everyone's part succeeded? Since all the girls are here." Connor said looking around the table. "How'd you do it."

"We'll after being scared half to death by both the video and...a dog," Rarity spoke looking at Discord and Spike with a frown before turning back. Twilight and Spike explained everything to us and helped us see what Molten had done to our friendship." Rarity stopped and had Applejack continue.

"After that, we were able to forgive and make up with each other. Ah can't believe we got tricked so easily by that no-good snake."

"Hearing about how Sunset is being used and going to be sacrificed by them sounds awful. And how he's controlling her to make her hurt and trick others is horrible." Fluttershy added.

"So, we're gonna help Twilight win her crown back and send big meanie Moldy packing." Pinkie shouted at the end as she went under the table and the emerged a second later covered in armor made from kitchen pots and tools.

Rainbow punched the palm of her hand. "I'm in. I really want to get back at Molten for what he did."

Emerald walks up and places two buckets on the table. "Before that, you boys need to clean up that mess." She points to the window of the entrance.

The guys groan. "I told you not to bring that Riotooze back with us, Momo." Connor said to Momo with his voice full of annoyance.

Momo just shrugs. "Hey, I needed the enjoyment." With that said Momo's red eyes and hair reverted back, changing him back into Ressha. "H-how...How'd we get back? Weren't we being attacked before?" Ressha asked confused. Reiji walked over to him and began leading him to the door.

"Come on, bud. We'll fill you in as we clean your mess." He said as they left the girls and Spike.

"I need to talk to you guys about something." Drago whispered to that as they were got outside.

The Next Day

After the guys had a secret talk and cleaned the window, they returned to the girls and Spike to think up a plan to raise up everyone's spirits tomorrow. It took a while and some pranks from Discord, along with fights between him and Spike, but they were able to come up with an idea. Which lead to the girls sleeping over at the cafe to practice for their plan.

Straight after they arrive at school, everyone splits up and got into different social groups to befriend and get to know them. Their whole morning of school had no problems with Molten nowhere in sight, which worried them a bit. As lunch started and everyone had gathered in the cafeteria, they set their plan into motion by having Ressha and Spike come bursting into the room with a mobile Dj booth.

As everyone's attentions focused in on them, they see Connor seated in the booth and started playing a beat that signaled for the girls to start. After the girls started and had sung part of song, Twilight had been signaled to enter the cafeteria to start her part of the song with rest of the guys joining in on the song, along with Drago playing a guitar. He ended up getting back up from Flash and his friends play along with him using their own instruments. At this point everyone in the cafeteria started joining together and dancing to the beat.

Just outside the room, Sunset was watching the whole thing happen by looking through the small windows of the doors along with Snips and Snails. As she watched everyone's spirits being raised a small smile formed on her lips. Her spirit lifted up more while watching Flash play his guitar. She had almost forgotten how alive he looked when he played. A small giggle escaped her as she watched him having so much fun. Her smile turned into sad smile when she thought of how much she's hurt him along with the other students.

Sunset was beginning to think of wanting to go in and apologize till someone grabbed her from behind and quickly covered her mouth, along with the same thing being done to Snips and Snails. Sunset looks from the corner of her eyes to see Molten staring into the room with an enraged look. He then turns his rage filled glare to her as she's being held by a Riotooze.

"I've worked too hard to just let things fall apart now and let the master stay in slumber." Molten said full of anger. Behind him, Sunset could see the two big guys strap a device onto Snips and Snails wrists and then a bottle-like objects being inserted into the devices. As he pulled out the black core metal, Snips and Snails transformed into mechanical looking kaiju. Molten then raised his hand in between him and Sunset as a malevolent aura surrounded it. Sunset's eyes filled with fear and tried screaming as a coin slot appeared on her chest but was muffled from her mouth being covered. "Let's see what is born when a core metal is used instead of a cell metal."

As the song wrapped up, the group noticed Drago and Negi suddenly go still and instantly look around. Twilight beginning to worry, walks up to them. "Drago? Negi? What's wrong?"

"Something's wrong." Negi said as he clenched his hands into fists. "The area just felt like it was drowned in a dark aura."

"Sunset." Everyone heard Drago say before he ran out the cafeteria with the others following a second after.

"Drago, what's wrong?" Connor asked shouting as they ran down the hall. "Where are you going?"

"Sunset's in trouble. I can feel it. She's at the principal's office." Is all Drago shouted back as he kept running towards the office. As it came into sight, Negi senses something and stops everyone.

"Drago, stop!" As Negi shouted the office suddenly explodes sending bits and pieces of the wall and door flying. Drago and the others shielded themselves up from the blast and smoke with either their arms or by ducking down.

The second they unshielded themselves, the whole school began to shake as if they were in the middle of an earthquake. Cracks began to appear on the walls and floor as if the school was falling apart. Before they knew it the hallway was ripped apart and they were now standing in the middle of the school with the whole building having looked like it was enlarged and combined with a rocky area. They looked around to not only see floating boulders, pillars and trees, but with parts of the school spread throughout place with students either panicking or freaking out. They look to the center where a dark spiraling void on the floor can be seen. Sunset was kneeling down in front of the void wearing the crown with her eyes completely black, as dark green magic pours out from the crown and into the void.

"What's going on?" Rarity asked staying close to everyone as they look around the area. "What is this dreadful place?"

"This is probably inside the realm of the seal." Everyone goes wide eyed hearing Discord said this and he sets his sights back on Sunset. "We need to..." Right then a small army of Riotoozes spawning from the ground ahead of them. "I mean...you girls and Spike are gonna have to stop the seal's destruction."

"What? And let you guys have all the fun?" Rainbow smirks cracking her knuckles. "Not a chance." Connor puts his arm in her way.

"This not up for debate, Rainbow. We're on a time limit. The only way to stop it is with you six."

"But we can't just leave you all." Applejack protested.

"You're not. We're just splitting up the work." Negi assured her.

"Now you go do your part and we'll do ours." Reiji said smiling.

Discord looks to Spike. "Think you can handle having their back?" Spike responds by changing into human form with a determined look.

Ressha's magic activates on its own making Momo mind take his place. "If that's all settled," Momo cracks his neck as he forms his red sword. "then let's kick some ass." He shouts as he charges forward along with the guys following. Twilight, Spike and the girls watch them begin fighting with worry in their eyes.

"Will...they really be alright?" Fluttershy asks.

"I'm not sure." Twilight admits sadly but then hardens her face into a determined look. "But we can't let them down. Let's go." Twilight says with the girls and Spike nodding in agreement as they ran towards Sunset. Twilight knees down in front of Sunset and reaches to touch her should but gets zapped by the magic. "Ow! I should've known that was bad. idea."

"What should we do then? Dump a bucket of water on her?" Rainbow asked sarcastically.

"Oh! I see a bucket. We just need water." Pinkie said pointing to a floating bucket.

"Pinkie. We're not going to pour water on her." Rarity scolds. Then looks to Twilight. "What can we do, Twilight?"

"We have to try to reach out and bring her back to stop this. I'm just not sure how." Twilight answered.

"Does anyone have any suggestions?" Spike asked.

"Maybe I can help with that."

Before they could all react, a dark green spell circle appears underneath them. They look in the direction the voice came from and see Molten and five other kaiju. Three they already know but the other three are new. Two of the monsters look both mechanical and organic. One having a needle face and the other being round with a flamethrower right arm. The last kaiju is a red flaming looking humanoid bat with black armor, wings on its back acting as a cape and wing looking blades on both its wrist.

Applejack quickly pushes Spike out of the circle before it fully activated, making all the girls fall to the ground unconscious. "Twilight!" Spike yelled. He was about to run to them but stops and avoids a paw that swung at him. Walking in front of him is a stone manticore with glowing red eyes. "Oh great." Spike runs as the manticore chases him. Molten chuckles darkly before looking towards the guys fighting and growls with anger.

"This time, they won't leave with their lives."

Momo runs through a crowd of Riotoozes, while doing both dodging and slashing some of them. "This sure is the life. Now if only- Hey!" Momo yelled the last part after avoiding a ball of blue fire. He looks forward and see the Lizard Undead emerging from the crowd of Riotoozes "Lizard bastard! You and your cheap shots again. I'm gonna have to beat some sense into you." The Undead stays silent as it gets into an attack stance holding the blade on its arm out towards Momo. "Alright then. LET'S GO!" Momo shouted as the two charged at each other.

Connor used his rabbit armor to jump above the Riotoozes and switches to his tank armor to blast them to bits with the cannon arm. As he lands, he remembers something. "Now I remember. They're the Oozemen from the power rangers movie. But why are they...hi." He says to the needle face kaiju before he quickly ducks avoiding needle quills having been shot at him. "Didn't think we'd also have to deal with a Needle Smash." Connor begins running and using the Riotoozes as shields as the Smash launched quills at him.

Reiji was now running and dodging a stream of flame being shot at him as the second monster was after him. "Come on! You can do better than that! Aren't you a Burn Smash for a reason?" He yelled at it as he continued running. As for Discord, he was using cotton candy to hide and move between as he attacked the Phantom and teleported to a different spot to repeat the process.

Negi was fighting a couple Riotoozes by blocking and then countering hits with punches or kicks. When they tried to attack him all at once, he uses his magic to jump up high to avoid their hits and then uses a pillar to launch himself back at them while doing a sweep kick that smashes through them from the power of the kick. He looks forward and sees more of them forming. "They just keep coming." Before they formed, two streams of fire blasts through them and goes straight for Negi. He quickly jumps up top of a floating bolder and looks down to see Molten.

"I'm gonna pay you back for what you did to my hand." Molten ends with a growl.

"To be fair, you asked for it." Negi said smiling.

Molten roared with anger as he shot flames at Negi, who kept dodging by jumping on to different objects till he uses a boulder to launch at Molten. Molten just blasts it to bits with his fires but as soon as he did that, Negi comes flying out of the smoke and kicks Molten square in the face.

After Drago splatters a Riotooze, he looks over to the girls and sees them lying on the floor, He's shocked and worries wondering what happened. When he sees that they're still breathing, he relaxes a bit but decides to run over to them. When he's half ways to them, he stops upon hearing a screech and looks up in time to roll out of the way of the bat kaiju swooping down to attack with its blades. Drago looks up at it to see what it'll do next till he notices a glow on it. He squints trying to see what it is and as it hovers in one spot for a second, he sees a sun mark on its chest that resembled the one on Sunset's shirt with the black core metal in the center of it.

"That can't be good." Drago told himself as it was coming in for another attack. He quickly pulls out one of his crystals with his left hand. "I really hope I'm wrong." He says as he gets his right arm into a chop, holding it across his chest as it becomes covered in a blue transparent aura. Drago dodges the kaiju's blades as it flies by him and swings his right arm across its chest, causing it to get a large cut on its chest.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" A pain filled scream is heard along with the bat kaiju's pained screech. Drago turns to the source and sees Sunset hold her chest in pain.

"They're connected." Drago looks back and forth between the two. "Unless the girls can free her, we can't destroy this kaiju or Sunset's body will die along with it."

Twilight, Sunset and the girls have been watching everything happening. They're floating up in the sky, looking like phantoms from them being transparent. They watch helplessly as the guys start losing ground in their fights. Momo getting hit after dodging fire, Connor and Discord beginning to be cornered, Spike was holding on for dear life on the back of the manticore along with avoiding its tail, Reiji being pinned behind a pillar by stream of fire, Negi getting burnt on his arm a bit and then getting kicked through a wall by Molten, and Drago as he only continues to dodge and block the bat kaiju's attacks.

"Come on guys! Don't let them push you around!" Rainbow yelled out.

"Things ain't looking too good for them." Applejack said clenching her fist as she can only watch her friends fighting and risking their lives.

"Can't we do something to help them?" Rarity asked worried and hopeful.

"Nope." Pinkie shouts as she passes through them. "I thought ghost could do a lot of fun things." She said annoyed

"We aren't ghosts." Twilight answered. "Our minds have just been separated from our bodies, so they can be used to sync the negative energy." She looks at Drago as he starts getting some cuts on him.

"This is my fault." All the girls look over to Sunset who's crawled herself into a balling with tears streaming down her face. "If I'd just gone back to Equestria, none of this would've happened."

"Why didn't you? Um...that is...if you don't mind tell us." Fluttershy asked. She doesn't respond. But they do see her staring down at someone. They follow her gaze and see it led to Flash who along with other students is helping keep some Riotoozes back.

Rarity an all-knowing smirk. "I knew you still liked him. I guess the rumors must've been true about Molten doing something to make you leave him."

Sunset sighs "Kinda. But I was mostly left him trying to keep Molten from hurting him. Though...I ended up just doing that myself. And then Molten took control of me that same day. I know both worlds would've stayed safe if I'd just left. B-but...I couldn't bring myself to...disappear without telling him anything. I...just didn't want him to hate me." As she cries into her knees, Sunset feels a hand pat her head. She raises her head to see Twilight giving her a sweet, understanding smile.

"He knows you had your reasons and were hurting the most. That's why he's been trying so hard to try reaching out to you." Twilight embraces her into a comforting hug. "No matter what you do, he'll never give up or hate you. Because just like your feeling for him, he loves you." Sunset buries herself into Twilight's embrace as she cries. The girls smile kindly at the sight and then float over and join in the hug to comfort Sunset.

Each of the guys are throw to the floor, each of them now at different parts of the school. They each either struggle to stand back up or just lay on the floor hurt. Except for Spike who's still fighting the manticore as Flash began helping him. As Molten walks up to Negi and chuckles at the sight before him, he radiates a dark aura and then sends it out as a wave across the whole area.

"This has been the most annoying, yet also greatest fun I've had." Molten's voice is heard to all the guys. "You've done well to be a thorn in my ass. But unfortunately for you, you've come to the ends of your ropes. You can now see your limit compared to us and now see your place." Drago clenches his fists along with grinding his teeth together. "You all never stood at chance at stopping the master. At least you'll get to take your failure with you to the hell." Molten and the other five kaiju prepare to finish them.

Each of the kaiju get surprised and much to Molten's annoyance, each of the guys now filled with more frustration and determination begin standing up giving the kaijus in front of each of them a glare.

"I might not know the guys that well considering I barely met them not that long ago." Drago says mostly to himself. "But I can say for certain, they'd never allow themselves to be beaten. Especially not me when I've made an oath."

Flash Back

"What's your full name? Or is it only Flash?" Drago asks.

""I'm Flash. Flash Sentry. Why?"

Drago smiles and holds his fist out to Flash. "I will rid this place of Molten and free Sunset from her pain no matter what costs me. This is my oath to you, Flash Sentry."

Flash looks back and forth between Drago and his fist a bit. He then looks to Negi who just gives him a nod. Being reluctant at first, Flash bumps his fist with Drago's and smiles after sighing. "Then I'll trust you. Please help her."

Flash Back Ends

"We may only have been chosen as candidates, and we may not be heroes like the Riders." As Drago spoke, he and the others stood back on their feet. "But just like the Riders, we won't ever let darkness toy and feed on the suffering of the innocent. Not while we're here. This is my oath to you." Glows of light start radiating from every one of the guy's pockets.

"THEN BE GONE!!" Molten shouts as he and the kaiju fire their attacks at them.

As the attacks were about to hit, the Rider items fly out and shielded them from the attacks. As they flew back, the items became energized and the known Rider items regaining their original colors along with the symbols on five's hands becoming clear images of the Riders symbols.

As for Drago's image, it cleared into the skull of a rex with the back of the skull being pointed. The crystal landed into his hand but had changed into a clear red color with the fang having been replaced with the image of a rex head asnd the top of it being silver. The symbols then appeared in front of their waists and the Riders drivers materialized around them.

The driver Drago had was mostly in an obsidian black color, a silver rex skull on the front right side along with a red hammer piece of a gun on the side of the belt. The left side had silver outlining the front edges of red transparent lens in the same shape as the rex crystal with the back of it being an empty slot. The middle has a clear crystal looking tube with silver coloring the top and bottom edges, along with a DNA strap inside the tube with one side of it being visible. The strap of the belt was red with silver running along the sides.

"We've...been accepted." Drago said to himself. He could just tell and feel the others were accepted as well. "Then let's not disappoint the riders." He said with a renewed determined look.

"Then let's get this started." Discord said with a grin. He inserts the Decade card into the driver. (Kamen Rider.) The belt announced with a standby noise being made and end then ended when he closed the driver as he shouted "Henshin!" (Decade!) Ten gray silhouettes surround and converge on him making him appear in a black armored suit after. Cards then came flying out of the belt and sunk themselves into the helmet becoming a part of it, which made colors appear on the armor making it mostly salmon pink with some white. The eyes flashed green which completed Discord's transformation to Decade.

"Decade!" Minotauros Phantom roared summoning out his Bull Axe.

"May the chaos begin." Decade said as he converged the card case attached to his side into sword mode and charged at the Phantom.

Momo tossed the pass up and caught it. "Looks like you'll the first to see my cool transformation." He pushed the top red button on his belt causing a jingle to play. "Henshin!" Momo shouted. As he swung the pass over the belt, the jingle stopped and said (Sword Form) Momo gets covered in light shards which leads to him being in a black and white armor with a silver track going from the back of his head to down his chest, two gadgets were on both sides of his belt. Armor then formed around him and attached to his chest and back, red replaced the silver color that was on the top part of his leg. A red peach appeared on the back of the head which then grinded to the front to split into red insect like eyes with the tips extending out towards the back into antenna and golden tracks covering the silver between the eyes, which completes Momo's transformation into Den-o.

"If I remember right." Den-o said as he points to himself. "Ore...Sanjou!" He shouted as he got into a pose. Den-o then connected the four gadget pieces together into a formation making a handle with a red blade extending out to complete it as a sword. "From start to finish, I'm at a climax." He the rushes at the Undead and Riotoozes.

Connor smiles to the now red rabbit and blue tank bottles. He then shakes the two bottles in his hands before twisting the tops and placing them into the Build Driver. (Rabbit! Tank! Best Match!) The belt rang out as it played its jingle. Connor turns the crank making the jingle stop and then manifests two plastic model kit looking constructs in front and behind him, with a red armor forming in the front construct and a blue one in the back. "Henshin!" Connor shouts after having gotten into a pose and then straightened himself at the constructs slammed together with the armor on him now. (Fullmetal Moonsault, Rabbit- Tank! Yeah!) The belt said completing Connor's transformation into Build as the suit has segments of it being red and blue with black in between, the bottom of the left leg had a white spring circling around it, with a rabbit foot print at the bottom of the left foot and tank treads on the right. The helmet's eyes were in the image of a rabbit on the left side and a tank on the right. "I'll solve theformula to this problem." Build said as he ran his hand along the rabbit side of the eye. The Needle Smash points to Build and the Riotoozes charge at him after roaring.

Reiji grinned as he flipped the taka, tora, and batta metals into the air and catching them before inserting them into the slots of the OOO driver and tilted the belt diagonal. He then grabs the scanner from the side and ran it over the metals making rings matching the metals colors over them and putting himself into a pose. "Henshin!" Reiji straightened out holding the scanner over his chest. (Taka! Tora! Batta!) The belt said three rows of coins hovered around his head, chest and legs before settling on the same three metals and converges them into one coin. (Ta-to-ba! Tatoba! Ta-to-ba!) The coin moves to Reiji's chest forming a mainly black armor on him, with the coin on the chest having the three animal images of the metals in it with hawk on top, tiger middle, and grasshopper bottom with a gold yellow ring circling around them. The helmet has the image of a red hawk with its wings spread out on it, the wrist and hands being yellow with three bladed claws folded up on the wrists along with yellow tracing up the arms and circling the shoulders leading to the chest, and the legs having green trailing from the bottom of the grasshopper image all the way down to green boots. This completed Reiji's transformation into OOO. "You've had your fun. Now it's our turn. I shall judge your greed.

Negi smiles. "Looks like round three has started. (Jump!) The hopper progrise key stated.

"NO!" Molten shouted as he charged at Negi.

(Authorize!) The Zero-One drive said as Negi pressed the key to the right side of the belt. Right when Molten got near, a giant transparent yellow mechanical grasshopper appears falling down from the sky and tackles Molten, sending him flying through a wall. The hopper started hopping around Negi with a jingle playing as a flat digital image of the suit formed in front of him. He poses as he flipped the front part of the key out. "Henshin!" He yelled as he inserted the key into the right side of the driver. (Progrize!) The belt said as the front of it slide to the left making a circle in the middle with the image of the hopper in the middle. (Leap to the rise! Rising Hopper!) The digital image passed through Negi having formed a black suit on him with a bit of silver and red lining it and the hopper jumped and separated into 8 pieces. (A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick.) The pieces turned into streams of yellow data onto the suit turning into yellow armor on the legs, chest, back and face, The face resembled the hopper with to pointed antenna in a 'V' shape with red insect eyes finishing Negi's transformation into Zero-One.

Molten bursts out of the rubble with flames spreading around him as he glares at Zero-One. Zero-One points a finger at Molten. "It's time you paid for the hurt and pain you've caused." He got into a fighting stance as Molten roared at charged towards him.

Drago stared at the crystal for a while in his right hand as writing for vowing oath in kanji can be seen on it. "Tyranno Alpha Core." He says to himself but is brought out of his thoughts by the bat kaiju screeching at him. Drago stared eye to eye with the kaiju as he held the red crystal out towards it.

"I won't fail on keeping my oath to them. Not now. Not ever." Drago pushed the silver top part of the crystal making it shout (Alpha Tyranno!) and making an adapter key shoot out the other end. He then inserts the key end into the top of the tube part of the belt. (Infusion!) The belt calls out as the other DNA strap turned red as a guitar sounding jingle plays and an obsidian wall with a tyranno skeleton on it comes out of the ground behind him. Drago then strikes a pose holding both his arms out crossed in front of him. "Henshin!" He yells out as he inserts the now known alpha core into a slot on the left side and then pushes it down causing the jingle to stop. The wall to breaks into pieces engulfing and circling Drago as red light coming out the creaks out from in between the pieces and as it said (Core Blaze! Stomp! Slam! Roar! Alpha Tyranno!!)

The pieces burst off at the end revealing an obsidian black colored armor with some parts having a knight armor looking theme on the wrists, shoulders, chest and bottom part of the legs. A silver skeleton ran along the side of the legs, the back, shoulders, wrist and back of the head. The back of the hand had rex skeleton claw and the foot had the skeletal foot of a rex. The inner parts of the armor, fingers and insect like eyes were red. A silver zig zag line ran along through the eyes making the shape of fanged teeth as it showed the silver tyranno skull bit down on the head and left the middle top part of the helmet covered in silver along with silver knight-like mouth guard forming. Flames seep out from the armor as Drago looks over himself and clenched his fist. The eyes glow for second as a vision of the armor enters his mind and then looks to the bat kaiju as the vision ended.

The bat kaiju's eyes turned black as it spoke in a possesed voice."Jurassic."

"That's right. I'm Jurassic." Jurassic gets into a pose holding his hands close to him in a claw position. "Kamen Rider Jurassic!" The bat kaiju screeched as the two charged and tackled into each other.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Sorry it took me so long to finish this. It turned out to take a bit longer because I actually changed the story a bit. There was originally only supposed to be 5 Riders at the berginning but I felt a sixth was needed to help the story out a bit. Sorry about that I hope you guys like this chapter.